Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 30, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Fh)1 Iieaied Wire Ktfwfa
Tho only paper In the frt
published in a city the hm,9
Medford having a leawd irf.
That Mileage Question
. v
Employe of JiU'obncnnndi Computi);
lludcgroen tfiifiint KmtIciut
. l--f( llantl In Badly Burned, llul
Otlicnilho llt In Uninjured.
To grasp a llvo wire, hold It until
cnnticlmiKiHWi wnn lout, mill Dion bo
drugged uwny by bystanders, with
out inoro serious rontiltn thnu a biutly
burned hand, wan tho unlqtio though
painful experience of 1'orcy Parker,
nu umployo of tho Jucobnon-Bndo
company Saturday afternoon. To
dny friends nro woudorliiB how tho
young tiuiii escaped with lift life.
Young Parker was seated In tho
top of tho trencher of tho company
at Eighth mid Holly yoittordity af tor
noon whnn ho rcnchod up to clear
an electric wlro crossing tho road.
Mo grasped tho wlro and wax un
nhto to looaon his hold. Ilo lout con
sciousness and wnn then dragged
from tho wlrn by bin father.
In n fow inoitiontH tho young man
wnn tililo to walk to a doctor's of
ficii and recolvo medical attention.
It was found that bin luft baud was
ncrlously Injurod, bolng burned, but
furthor ho wnn uninjured.
CUwIi Hetwcen Ho-Cidlcd Reform
Klcntent and Present AdmliiUtrn
tlott Lend to Serious Trouble
Newmer Threatened.
SEATTLE, Oct. 29.A bitter
clash between tho no-called reform
L -i-" m LiL"lL'"lcnt" rniut M1M existing ndmlnta
5BWItrntl6"alJnTfio caused tho Seattle
1 Timed to aslc for pollco protoctlon to
night on 'account of threatening lot
torn received by tho pnpor.
A special squad of policemen was
detailed to protect tho bulldlnK and
tho employed.
Tho Times rlalniH that tho busl
noon of tho city la bolng damaged by
stories of tho crlmo. It will say
tomorrow that hundreds of tourists
linvo booh turned nwny. Tho other
olouient dlRclalinii reHpoiiKlblllty.
A recall petition ngannt Mayor
Gill Ih now assured. Somo sonsn
tlonnl developments nro expected.
MntliciiiatlilaiiM Figure That It Will
, Cost Ijll7,77l to Defray Etr Kv
xmimi of Counting (lie Inltlatlvu
POII'l'LAND, Or., Ool. 211 Politicians
vvrned lii nmllicnmtlcH hnvo figured that,
It will rOHt tint HliUe of Oregon nearly
twice ii H niuoli to'rnunt tlm 33 lulllallyu
nml referendum nitnmmH on Oregon'N
nix-foot ballot tlilH full n h tho combined
MiilurlcH of tho nenntorn ami representa
tives In tlio luKlitlatiiiu fur u tO-dny
According to hur system of reason
ing, It will com approximately $17,
770 to defray tho oxtui expuiiHo of count
ing tin iiu'iiHuri'H oxcIumIvu of tho tlmu
consumed In counting tho votes of tho
vitrloiiH ciinitldiitcH,
In OroKOii thcro aro 00 mutators ami
representatives. When tho legislature
Ih In Hussion ouoli member Ih paid t'i
per day, Kor 40 iluyH tholr' comlilueil
wftlitil'cH would amount to flQ.KOO,
lu reuchliiK a conolUHloii iih t,o tho
tiout of tho voiintltiK of tho Initiative
nml, reforuiulum iiK'nmiruM that nro to
lio Huuijilttud to 'tho pooplo tlilH fall,
thooii mathomutlciilly liicllnoil urtiuo
thui lu ovury precinct of tho ntulu In
whloh 1C0 or more tiallotn will bo cast,
It will tulio an extra day to inalco tho
count. AccoiiUiik to tho law, oven a
fiuutUm of u duy Ih vouutod iih an extra
day, und JiiiIkuh, olurkH and other ora
tion offluhilH uro allowed an extra 3
each. An there aro 0S7 preotnutH In
OroKOii ami In each there will bo lx
Judpeu and cleikH, the total coot for an
extra, day would bb 117,771.
Tho nmlhcmatlehiiiH flcuro that many
preoliiotH will count lu one day, but thoy
aHHort thai tno larKor prffoluotn probably
will tuku two or tnroo dayH to complete
tho count,
HAIililMi Or,, Oot. 21). 11. It. Hyan,
oolallst1 candldato for JuhUqo of the
Hiiproiuircoiif t of Ori'Kon, ran down John
Nelno, a Oroide lahoror. with his auto
mobile on a wtroet of Hajoin tlilH after
noon. The aroolc wa worUIng on street
Improvement for tho "Varron Construc
tion' company, HIh InJurloH aro painful,
but not BorlouH. Hyan imyn ho wan not
runnlnu at "tho pace that kllU."
For Next Day or Two Property-Owners
Art Urged to Ilo Careful In
Usage of Vt'r, iih Hopply Now
Coini From Iti'ftt'nolr.
Tho plpo line In tho elty'n Bntvlty
water Hyiitem lAirnt Saturday nftor
iiotiii nt tht) point on vhlch it croiixes
Mttlo Huttu oreeh, and tlio city today
In drnwItiK on Itn rexorvo 'supply In
tlui clly rcBorvolr. Kor Hint renHon
peoiilo nhould exercliio dlHcrotlon to
day In tho iiku of water. .Although
tho niipply h nmplu for domestic iiho
ii flro would draw heavily upon It.
It In tboiiKht that tho lino will bo
repaired within tho next two dayn,
nml then there will bo wntor enoiiph
for all.
WK8T I'OINT, N. Y., Oct. J0-Tfc
play In tho flrot half In the Havard
Went Point umn today wn nil In tho
Arrny'H territory. FrothlnKlmtn and
Corbfttt for Harvard niad Jonjf runii
mid Htrndy unlnn. When tho ball hnd
been forced to tho Army 25-yn.rd line.
Lew In, for Hnrvnrd, trl for ft field
Konl. ' Tho kick wnn niralnnt tho wind
nml tho bull fulled to crows tho bar. Tho
hnl funded with tho ball on tho Army's
20-ynrd line,
The crlrnnon playern outclnencd the
ncndpiny tenm mid nt tho end of the
flmt half It ,viw conceded Hint Har
vard wnn much Ilia better ttatn.-
In the flmt perlo. of tho aecond half
tho crlrnnon wnrrlorn went nt tho attack
with renewed determination nnd forced
the hall over -for a touolnjpwn. Goal
wun kicked, lenvlni; the ncoro t tho
end of tho period. Harvard t, Weit
rolnt 0.
Tho Kamo ended without further acore
llnrvnrd retorted to a puntlne gamo
In the flrnt period of the necond hnlf.
nnd with n fayorlnir wind forced the ball
to tlm Army' 3&-ynrd line. Tha Army
Nccurnd tho bnll nnd attempted an on
nlde kick. Tho pluy wan blocked nnd
WlthliiKton nccured tho ball, flcorlnu a
touchdown, f-'lnher kicked jfoal.j fVi?
nritANii mat Vbt take ,f
. ar j r -v. nllT
ai$tSKr L.
wHiirNOTO.N, Oct, a9roirector nu-
rand of the"cennuji today rnfuf?d to en
dome a ntntement mndn by ono of hta
MtlbordlnateN that tlio btirenu had de
cided to do nothing further an to the
I'nrtlnnd reiiNUH IIIm Hlntcmcnt Indl
eiiten thnt he nt III debiiti-H the ndvlnn
blllty of nxkiiiK the Km mi Jury to tnko
up thu cnHt-u. It In Impoimlblo to lenrn
nRntimt whjun hucIi proccodliiK will be
Tho AvIiUoi-h Injured, WorldV Hec
omI llraken nnd All Meet HeconN
HiiuuibiMl In Coupe Internationale,
.Supremo Tlest of Aviation.
I113LMONT PAIUC, N. Y., Oct. 20.
Two aviators wore Injured, a
world'a record wan broken nnd all
meet records exceeded In tho Coupe
Iutornatloiiulo, thu Bupreino tent of
iivlntlou, which wns tho feature of
tho meet nt Tlolmont I'nrlc todny,
which was won by Claude Grnlmm
Whlte, the HukIIhIi aviator. White
wiiB doclarod the victor after llndloy
and Hamilton' had boon dlsqimllflcd
for not KottlnK Htartod within the
tlmo limit fixed by tho rules.
Two Injured.
W-.ltor llroohlna of tlio Amorl
rnn tonm nnd Alfrod Lo Hlnnc, tho
Kronchiunu, nro nt Ilolmout hoHpltnl,
badly Injured, iih tho result of fnllB
rocolved dtirliiK tho race. Lo Tllnnc
tumbled Just after ho hnd Hped
alound tho .1 1-lO-mllo courao three
tlmcB lu 8 mluutoa nnd 17 bocoihIb
n now world's rooord.
Iloth llrooltlna and Lo IUano wero
thouitht to bo Injurod Internally nnd
It wnB aniiouncoil thnt their InJurlcH
nilKbt provo futnl,
Iloforo tho lnrKOHt ciwd that ovor
vltroBsoil ftn ,nlr rnco In Atneiica,
nnd probably nnywhoro In' tho world,
Clyrto arnlmmo-Whlto, tho Engllflb
iivlntor, BprniiK Into tho ulr, tho first
to nnrt, nt ?!42:39 n. m, -
I.o Illnne, of tho Fronch tonm, roso
at 9 o'clock. OkIIvIo, Orabnmo
Whlto'B team mnto; wna n fow soc
ondB behind ; then followod nrboltlna
In tho WrlRht rncor, tho favorlto of
tho American team.
Ta) Illnne a Whirlwind.
Onco Lo Hlnnc not roIiik Orn-lmmo-Vhlto',H
povformanco faded
Into Inalmilflcnnco, TearliiK around
tho cqui'bo nt n 70-inllo-aii-liournlt
and cuttliiK tbp pylons nt tho cornors
ny t iroo. rour ami nvo root, no soon
overhnuled tho EiiKllBhmnu nnd piiBR-
ed him iih thoiiRh ho worn anchored.
Lo llInno'B tlnlo for tho first lnp was
2HD, for tho first 'threo 8:17, which
lattoi wnsoffIclally nnnouncod, nit n
world's rocoril,
'(Contlnuod on pago 2.)
Onvnl(! Weal,, turnn Ills mllcnj;e
Troopr Held In ItcndlitchK for luty
roller nnd 3Iob Come to llltmi
i:preKS Wukoiin Stopitvd and
Troubk Knsues Many Injured.
CAMDKN, N. J., Oct. 29. This
evening Govomor Fort ordered-, tho
troons which had been held under
nrtna for strike duty dismissed 'sub-
Ject to recall nt short notice Ad-1
vices which tho governor hnd receiv
ed convinced him thnt tho troops
would not bo needed todny.
Two poraonB woro fatally hurt
durliiK tho rioting this afternoon nndj
scores wero tnltou to hospitals. Hun
dreds received minor Injuries. Stonos
und Iron bolts wero thrown nnd .
Hpectnton ns well as those who took '
part lu tho rlota wero Injured. A
number of pollco woro severely '
It 1b aliened by spectntors thnt the
Kiinrds nnd tho mob fired on each
other at tho saint moment.
Troublo In New York.
Whllo this riot wbb In progress In
Jersey City tho Now York police hnd
n pitched battle with strikers nnd
tholr ayinpnthizerH In Fifth nnd
Sixth nvenues, In the heart of tho
BhoppIiiK district. Tho strikers at
tacked the wnRona which had been
sent out during the nftornoon. ,A
number of shop wIikIowh woro bro
ken nnd tho pollco reserves were
called out,
Wild rumors that a number jf
persona had been killed woro circu
lated today after tho most sovore
rioting that has occurred bIuco tho
atrlko cf tho oxpress wagon drivers
bogun. Tho report of fatalities in
tho rioting has not been confirmed,
but the, rumor aroused to n high
pitch tho oxcltomoiit over tho strikes, i
Hlotlng .starts.
Klotlug begnn when tho Jorsoy
City offltea of tho express compan
ies Involved manned tholr wagonB
with gonitis sonted bealdo tho driv
ers. Eight wngonB ero stopped by
tho slrlkoiB nnd tholr symputhlzora.
Tho gunrda fired ovor tho bends of
tho crowd thnt had nssombled nnd
tho mob returned tho fire. No ono
was Injurod In tho oponlng fiisllndb.
but tho sound of tho ringing Bhota
stlrrod tho nngor of tho crowd, and
tboro wns n wild chnrgo on tho ng
ona. Drivers nnd gunrda woro pulled
from tho sonts, horsoa unhitched
from tho wagons nnd turned loose
nnd In n fow minutes tho tight, be
tween tho guards nnd drivers nnd
tho police that woro rushed to tholr
noslstnnco nnd tho angry crowd of
Btrlko sympathizers boenmo genornl.
Stones woro hurlod by tho mob nnd
tho kifflcore culled into ubo tholr
clubs, Tho dlsordora contlnuud for
sovornl mluutoa, Ambulances woro
kept busy taking away tho Injured,
Tho rioting occurred nonr the wntor
front and whllo It wns nt Us height
It wns. reported thnt a numbor uf
porsous l.nd boon killed nnd tholr
bodloa thrown Into tho rlvor. Tho
roport IncojiBod tho mpb nnd nctlv
Hles woro again resumod,
back to Uie State, wMIe Jay llowennan
Lnndhrnpc Artlht Arrives and J
Formulating l'lnns for Beautifying
(rounds Shmblxry und Squirrels
Art to (Jo Soon.
That tho Southern Pacific intends
nnrkine tho right of way nlong the
tracks Immediately seems to bo as
sured, ns Landscape Architect cnnBe
spent Friday In Medford going over
tho' grounds preparatory to starting
work. The Inclosuro In the- rear of
tho Exhibit building has been ordor
ed cleared at once nnd tho shrubbery
nnd squirrels nre to go, so thnt the
ground enn all be leveled nnd gotten
in shape.
Tho trnck enst of tho main track
Is to be torn up, so a gravelled walk
2i" feet wide can bo made from Main
street on past the now dopot. Tho
park'ng will extond from tho wnlk
to the curb on Front street, nbput GO
feet In width, nnd from tho Exhibit
building to the drivewny south of the
now depot. A rov ot shndo trees
will bo planted nlong tho curblnk on
Front street nnd tho remnlndor of
the ground will be put Into lnwn,
with wnlks, nnd in tho spring sev
eral flower beds will bo put In.
Along tho gravel wnlk between
Main stroot and the dopot tboro will
bo six cluster lights which, with tho
arc light nlfeady In. will nijjko tho
grounds very light, Sovoral old tel
ephone polos will temo down, only
tho necessary ones bolng left, nnd
those will bo. painted dnrk groon.
Architect Chase Is vory enthusiastic-
over tho parking of the grounds
nnd thinks thoy can be mndo most at
tractive. Ho expects to, return very
soon, and tho benutifjing of tho
grounds will bo mr to under his per
sonal suporvlBlon.
When General Manager O'llrlen
wns In Medford nt the opening of tho
dopot he stated to n comtnltteo of the
Greater Medford club that It would
be impossible to da anything with
tho freight dopot nt presont, ns tho
nppropiintlon for Medford hnd been
exhausted, but tho contrnctor In
chnrgo of moving tho old dopot to Its
qunrtors, tw blocks Bouth of the
present site, has arrlvod aud states
thnt tho work ot removal will begin
right away, so tho grounds adjoining
tho tracks can bo cloarod up and got
ten Into shape before tho wlntor
rains start.
It ia to bo hopod tho railroad com
imuy will pnrlc the light of way
south of Main streot, aB It would
then hnvo Bovornl blocks of park
ing, nnd with tho now dopot Medford
would then mnko tho best appear
ance of any city on tho Southern Pa
cific. Gonornl Manager O'Brlon agrood
to furnish gravel to tho Greater Mod
ford club (at tho, samo tlmo it waa
bolng hauled for tho depot) for tho
walks in tho now park on Mnin
stroot, froo of any chnrgo, oxcopt tho
oxpouBQ of loading tho cars, Tho
samo generous offer wns mndo to tho
Indies when thoy first laid out tho
pockets his raid rldca on a Harriman
OF mill .FOR
Samples of Official Itnllot Publlfehcd
Longest Ever Printed In Jack
son County Count "Will He Slow
Only Ono Board.
Samples of the official ballot to
be voted upon Tuesday, November 8,
havo arrived and are being distrib
uted; The ballot is tho longest ever
prluted for ackson county, and it will
rcquiro more than tho usual hours
to make tho count. It Is over, six
feet long.
The election boards ' throughout
tho county are composed of only a
single board, while, with a heavy reg
istration in a number of precincts,
notably those of Medford and two
of tho Ashland precincts, double
boards will bo necessary nt these
places, as, owing to tho length of tho
ballot tho count will be 6low. The
county court will be in session Wed
nesday and will likely take up the
matter of appointing additional
judres and clerks.
Permanent Organlwitlon Is Effected
I. Vawter Elected President
Una t Ion for IXnks
Tho Medford Golf and Country
inh wnn dnlv organized Saturday i
afternoon by tho election of W. I.
Vnwter nu ores dent. S. V. UCCKWIUI
vice-president, T. C. Daniels secre
tary and A. S. Rosonbaum treasurer.
Tho roport ot tho commlttoo ap
pointed to solect a oultnblo grounds
reeomniondlng tho A. A. Davis tract,
ono and ono-hnlf miles enst of tho
city, of 100 acres, which could bo
purchased for $22,000, was nc
ceptod. Tho following board of governors
wns elected, In addition to tho offi
cers nbovo nnmed: Hovard Dudloy,
II. R. Hanauor, R. F. C. Astbury,
A. Conro Floro, R. H. Parsons.
Following Is tho list of members
signed up:
S. M, Mears, Jr J. F, Roddy, G.
II. Daggett, A. E. Rcamos, C. M.
Kidd, E. B. Dnvis. Ira J Dodge, J. F.
Mundy, Leonard Carpenter, Alfred 3.
Cnrpontor, W. I Va'"tor, A. Randall.
G. C. Sooysmlth, F. 11. Cowlcs. Ed
mund Burko. Henry "II, Dodgik Frank
11. Madden, J. H. Barkdull C. W.
Wllmoroth. A. s. Rosonbaum, Emu
Mohv, T. E. Dnniols, J. R. Wright,
E. G, Burgess, Jr.. C. H. Glnlz, L. E.
Wnkemnu. Win. Gorlg. R. H. .Hiu
auor, A. C. Abrams, Earl W. II tint
ley, P. S, Steonstrup, 11. A. Bubb. J
A. Wostorlund, II. II. Miller.
Sprnguo Rlogol, John D. Olwell, A,
Conro Floro, Roglnald W. Parsona,
S, V. Beckwlth, G, Putnam, E. B.
Applegnte Working for Ha 1 1 road
Representatives of Rogue River
Valley Road Present and Agree
ment Is Reached.
A meeting of the citizens of Apple
gate was held at Ruch Saturday af
ternoon, which was attended by near
ly every resident of tho section.
. The object of tho meeting was to
induce the construction of a railroad
into that section. Representatives ot
the Rogue River Valley railway were
present aud an ngreement was reach
ed whereby CO acres would be given
nt Ruch on tho completion of the
road from ncksonville to that point.
Just when construction will com
mence la not given out, but it 's
well known thnt Mr. Barnus & Sons,
who nre tho R. R. V. "R. per so, have
contemplated Invading the Applegate
valley for somo tlmo, nnd havo had
surveys mado establishing tho grad
ients and havo secured tho right of
way ovor most of the route,
and Many Members Sign Roll W.
Committee Gets Busy Getting
To Be Great Attraction. "
Waterman, R. C. F. Astbury, F L.
Ton Velio, George A. Butz. P. W
Hninlll. Fred R Champlln, Chns. P.
Chnniplln, E. F. Guthrie, J. 13. En
yart. R. T. Van do Car, Frank D.
Frazler, John II. Merrill. Dr. Plckol.
Tho committee r.ny havo missed
somo of those who inlp-M b into'
ostod in tho proposition, but wish It
to bo underutood that la tho limited
tlmo they had thoy were not able to
seo over; ono. Until Tuesday the
charter membership will be open,
and all who lovo outdoor sports and
country club life will bo welcomod.
Green beana not tho hulf-rlpo loRiimes
thnt hnvo a-ild farewell to their ndolls
cence. but beans oh green na tho grass
than nullities tho hU of Ireland have
gladdened several CJold Hill tables the
past week, nays tho News, Of course
wo will hnvo fresh tomatoes until al
most Christmas, but groen bcanu tho
first of November uro something thnt
tho blizzard-bitten, eat gots only In cans
Ogden Snyder has n nlco little patch of
them in his garden, nnd will havo plenty
for Ida own uso for several weeks yet.
Hailed with a piece of bacon provided
a fellow can afford a luxury llko that
thoy mnko a dish that Is mighty satisfying
.Mail Tribune's Great Contest at w
End Itnllot llov, Sonleil, I lu tfa
Keeplng of John 8. Orth, Caaklcjr
of FIrxt National flunk.
Oh, you Monday nftornoon I
The offices of tho Mall Trtlmw
look as if they had gone throngfe tfe
war. Last evening scores of vtsr
sons called nnd deposited 'bnllotic fee
their favorlto candidates. LlteraUr
mlllldns of votes were cast, and? jxmr
tho girls aro on tho qui vivo. iraK
ing until the Judges meet Moraday
afternoon In tho opera house l
count the ballots and determine tfear
TJio ballot box Is sealed. TIs aow
too late to help her. The box? wax;
turned over to John S. Orth, rnwrfi
ler of the Medford National
when the balloting closed last eve
ning, and It will remain with Warn
until tomorrow afternoon at ,3.
o'clock, when the judges will break
the seal and start counting the va-tar.
The contest which closed laot i
nlng was the most successful error
conducted in Southorn Oregon. Tber
girls worked hard and faithfully; mtX
it Is to be regretted that each aa
every one of them cannot bo wla
ners. Hut if there had been s pr-tasr
for each there would not have been
the incentive for hard work.
The Judges who will count the
ballots Monday afternoon are Jeeara
S. Orth, W. H, McGowan and W. 3T
Isaacs. The standing: of these mhb
in the community Insures a H"
deal for all.
Kogera HoMrrairttge
SeyniOHr In San Fraaclsco Groat
Secrecy Covers Up- Details of tim
Meeting Men Spirited Away.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 29. Newr
and startling developments ia the
Times dynamiting Investigation axe
expected as the result ot a secret
conference between Chief of Police
Seymour, Captain Fields, head of tbe
Plnkerton agency, and Attorn.Ty
Earl Rogers, of tha dynamite inves
tigating committee, which waa held,
lato today.
JuJst what the latest news Is or
whom It affects la a mystery, and
none of tho three parties to tho con
ference will tell.
Rogers refused point blank to talk.
of the matter when seen shortly af
ter the meeting was concluded. Chief
Seymour denied that anything of to
portanco was discussed, but was aa
able to explain the motive tor tm
crecy. Flolds refused to rnlk at atL
The Investigation hnd como to aa
absolute standstill.
"Wo havo been unable to locale
the men wo wanted," ho said. "H
tll we find them wo are at a lew
as to how to continue."
Rogers declnred he believed! K
posslblo that Bryce, Perry and the
others most sought after in connec
tion with tho purchase of tho dyea
mite at Giant. Cnl., might havo been
dnn away with.
"It la a matter of record thrt mnr
dors and mysterious dls.tppoarancos
wore common in connection with tlio
Colorado labor troubles, und why
shouldn't such a thing occur lu thlw
case??" ho nikod. "Then the men or
wi'om wc 1 nvo perfect, descriptions
sooni to havo dropped out of sight
Rogers said he bolievod tho man
known aa Cnplan, wanted in connec
tion with the uploading ot tho dynn
mlto In South San Francisco, had
been spirited away. Lottors pur
porting to como from Caplan to la
bor leaders in Oakland, Rogera suid,
probably wore the work of n crank.
ntJTTK, Mont-, Oct 20. Mru. J!mi
J. Coutw, a prominent woman of tWe
tits mnt with n ntfi-Imni If not fiitul lie-
clilenr In n-remarkable manner while- rifl
ing on a street car tonight, wiuia ittn
car wna running nlong at a modem
rate of upend a gas plpo whloh hnd roll
ed from the gutter Into the ntreot Into a
Hlreqt enr truck went under tho wheel.
A piece of pipe was Inn led with great
force through tho floor of tho car ana
through the neut near whore Mrs,"Coot
wan sitting, Btrlklng hor with rt
force on the right Mdo of the head, nenr
ly scalping her,
CLEVELANdTo"., Oct.' 20. T
nnllro of this and other Northcrar
Ohio cities have been notified l
Keep a lookout for Dewey Johnson.,
15 yonrs old, son of K. V. Jonas.,
president of an Oberlln, O., bank,
trustee ot Oberlln college and oh ot'
tho town's wealthiest cUIzshb, wh
; disappeared yesterday afUrnwin.
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