If- Eagle Point Eaglets Bjr A. O. llowlett. Last Surnluy Mcsdames Jess "Spencer, Ilnrvoy Spencer, Hoed nnd Nnlloy, nil of Dudley, who nre work top in tho Washburn orclutrd, came over on tho P. & E. enr to visit Mrs. Ifowlott and attend to n little busi- lcn and ono tor A. J. Daley and done soino cement work for Otis Nichols. In fact, everybody is busy and seem to he prospering Last Tuesday A. Taekstrom of Meedford came out and hired youv ness. Thoy said that they expected! correspondent to take him up to Ins) to ho through in nbout two weeks and thnl then thoy wanted me to meet them with a bier hayrack instead of n carriage. Last Sunday I was called on to take Irvin Daley and wife and n young man by the name of Stewart, whose father has chnrgc of tho Natntorium. up about a milo above llrowtisboro. Mrs. Daley was going to visit hor mother and Irvin and Mr. Steward were going hunting f jr benr. When I reached home 1 found E. D. Briegs, G. S. Butler, E. Piel and A. E. Kenny, all of Ashland; They had been up to Brownsboro to see some property that belongs to Mr. Bricgs and had phoned to the Sunnyside for dinner. The young folks in this neighbor hood and duito n number from up -tho creek met at the dance hall last Saturday night, and judging from the crowd of young folks that greeted me Sunday morning when I camo down stairs there must have been a good-sized crowd, and they express ed themselves as well pleased with the party. Work is progressing with the P. & E. depot here, and there is con siderable inquiry for houses and lots on which to build, and from present appearances there will be much more building here next season than there has been this, although there arc several buildings in the course of construction now, There is a force of carpenters at work on Frank Nichols house, an other on Mr. Steward's, another on Kincaid & Ashpolc's, another on A. ranch, the Jack Anderson olace. on tho head of Lake- crock, that he ro-' ccntly purchased, llo remained with us over Wednesday, looking around' with n view of locating among us, as he fell greatly in love with oar town and its surroundings. ' Benj. Kinney and wife came out from Medford Tuesday eve and tho next day went up to Carl Von dec Hellon's. Thev were also guests at the Sunnyside hotel. I understand , 5 that he is going to out a lot of wood I and have it sawed up for the Mod ford market. A man by thu name of Pepper came in Tuesday and is stopping here, lie has a 'JO-acre tract of land on the Stoddard place and wtuils to improve it this fall. Miss Hazel Dean of Medford came a out Wednesday to visit Mrs. Clyde Plytniro, who is rooming with us. A. II. Thomson of Lake creek is engaged painting George Von dor Hellen's new house. Joe Moomaw has men fixing up his old house that he formerly lived in for a woodshed and carriage house. James Ringer, who was hurt some time ngo bv having a roof of a pondi fall on him. has gone to Medford to try to get medical aid, as he is still j suffering from the effects of the ac-! cident. Mrs. Wilson of Dudley came in Wednesday eve on the P. & E. car on her way home. She has been no in Washington visiting her daughter, MMMMMMMMMMMMMWHIIIIM The first of the Popular Entertainment series at tjio NATATORIUM U3Q Passmore Trio 1 .assisted uy Mrs. Ed Andrews I Ppopular Program. Popular Prices. Admission, 25 cents. 2sTo extra charge for rc- served seats. Sunday evening, October 30th, concert begins at 8:45. Call or telephone Nata 3 torium for reserved seats. jfilllllUllllllillMIHI 10 acre Orchard Tracts IN PERRY'S SUBDIVISION JUST OUTSIDE OF TOWN who lives in Spokane, and while there visitiug hurt her hand in some WAV illlfl Yllnml nlicnninr. cn( ... rt...1 B. Zimmerman's, another on GeonreUho wns in n vm rtf;f .i::.. on der Hellens, another putting jp for several weeks, but we are "lad a water tower and tank for the Suu- to be able to say that now he i nysido hotel, besides several small considered out of danger. - jous in tue line ot repairing, etc. C. W. 'Austin of Dudley also came uuuie ija.ey nave just limsbed i in Wednesday, also Jess Spencer . I MISS FLORA GRAY, PIANO INSTRUCTION. STUDIO, 144 S. CENTRAL. PHONE MAIN 991. a cement walk for Mrs. Howlelt, They have also ust finished a neat stone wall for William Von der Hel- n.i.I TI. TTr.-i.-l-- il. ' , .. u" uuuu iiijiHiooiHaiu. uesiues a large number of strangers nre here looking for homes, etc. Butte Falls Items BRYAN TO SPEAK AGAINST BOY MAYOR As it is about definitely settled, according to railroad reports, that the Pacific & Eastern railway' will reach Bute Falls about the Cth of November of the present year, it ap pears to your correspondent that some suitable expression of this im portant event should be made, and it is suggested that Medford and Butte Falls unite in a fitting celebra tion of this occasion. We have a few enterprising citizeus classed among the progressives who are willing and ready to lend their ef forts and do what they can toward making this a memorable affair, and especially should tho Medford citi zens act in this matter, ns it means so much to them and their city. We hope that when the first train leaves Medford for Butte Falls it will be crowded with people, and their in terest shown in appreciating the completion of the irtitinl step in nn enterprise. that will be the raakine- of (Rogue River valley. Medford boost ers will find an ample field for their efforts nnd ns they develop and im prove tho section along nnd contigu ous to the railway so they will pro mote and advance their own local interests. The town is rapidly growing and with tho development of tho enterprises around there Is nothing to prevent Butte Falls from becoming uu important center of trade annd a profitable feeder to Medford. Wo have waited so long and patiently for tho completion of this road, and now thnt it is ready for freight and passenger traffic, let' us display our push and enterprise. Wo have two hotels hero and it might bo arranged that a banquet Tjo given to tho rnilrond officials and a jolly good time enjoyed during their stnj If Medford will take hold of this move the citizens of Butte Falls will aid them in every way. , We should not let this op portunity Dass without some open expression of our manifest interest. Let us hear from Medford. ns the time is short, and what is to be doi.e must he done quickly. John B. Edsall and wife have leased their large ranch to William Perry, who will crop it the eomimr year. Mr. Edsall and fainilv will re move to Phoenix or some other point m the valley. Dr. Stewart lias opened dental parlors in the bank building and is now prepared to attend to nil dental work. J. Wharton, who has been visiting in California, has returned and is now located in Butte Falls. U. S. Morris has gone to Medfoid to engage with Eads Bros., and will be gone nil tho winter. Mr. Downs of Willow creek see- tion is visisting with his mother.who is residing in Butte Falls. Mr. Brainhard has moved into hi new home, which he has lately com pleted. Mr. Spencer of the unsurveyed lands linn been in town trading with our merchants. Gits Edmonson nnd a party of friends, who have been hunting, have returned and had excellent luck in securing several deer. It is rumored that a contract will soon he let for lumber for the depo.t and other railroad buildings near this point. Messrs. Ford & Wright contem plate opening a hnrdwaro store in tho building which thoy will soon erect on their newly purchased lot on tho oast side of tho park. LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 27. -William J. Bryan will sfleak hero Monday night against Mayor Dahlnian of Oma ha, the democrat gubernatorial can didate. At the outset of the cam palgnu Bryan offered to speak In fa vor of all the democratic nominees with tho exception of Dahlman. Tho state committee declined tho offer. Bryan rented tho Auditorium this afternoon for Monday night and It Is believed ho intends to flay Dahlman. Bryan personally is paying the bills. Tho democratic leaders hastily con ferred to frame, a plan to counteract tho effect of the Bryan meeting, fear ing trouble, although Dahlman is a favorite here In splto of Bryan's opposition. IWc havo a few ton-acre tracts and ono 'J0-acro tract vet unseld: 10-acro tract has Beautiful Oak grove for building sites, good house, barn, windmill, Kasolino en gine and everything convenient; there is no better land in tho Roguo River Valloy; no better location for an ideal home. If you want a good pieco of 1 and or boautiful home, see our one-acre tracts in the big Oak grove. Prices are lower than anything in the valley, considering location and quality of soil. Call on J. A. Perry, owner, or have your agent show you these tracts. J. A. PERRY, 604 W. Main Street, Medford, Ore. Phoenix and Vicinity (This columr. Is conducted nnd ed ited by T. F. Rawlins In the Interest of tho peoplo o; Phoenix and vicinity and is intended to take tho placo of tho Intelligencer, of which ho was tho editor. Any communication for this dopartraoit should bo addressed to T. F. Rawlins, Phoenix.) This is an aco of combinations nnd combines as well as of specialists. Few papers wo published now that tiro strictly socular and fow that aro wholly religious. This la especially truo of tho more advanced and up-to-tho-mluuto pub lications. Tho editor of this column doeg not propose to conduct a "re l'glous department" in tho Mail Tri bune, but In representing tho inter est . his community he will endeav or to put first things first rathor than last or not at all, Hence, church and stato columns will deal with both tho roliglous aid secular intorest of tho community. Noxt to tho church stands our school Interests, and we aro glad to be t bio to report good work and good TMults In the school at Phoenix. We ors' Institute at Grants Pass and rc havo ono of tho handsomest and best school buildings for tho size of tho town In Oregoa. Wo havo a conse crated force of teachers and as stu dious and noisy a band of chidlren as Is generally found. Thoro wore C3 pupils nolthor absent nor tardy last month. Enrollment last month, 620. Tests were given In all tho grades of tho school last Thursday and Fri day, it boing tho close of tho month, and all seomod to bo doing good work. Tho school has recently add ed to Its library a Thesawrus Diction ary of tho English language This is a now work. Mrs. Stanard lias recently purchas ed an organ for hor room, which tho chlldron enjoy vory much and which is vory helpful In hor musical de partment In song and In tho march, Professor and Mrs. Stanard and Miss Magness and Miss Fish, all Phoenix toachoro, attended tho teach port a splendid timo and work. Thoy enter upon their work with renew ed Intorest and zeal. , Tho union service (Presbyterian and Christian) at tho Presbyterian church last Sunday evening proved to be a very enjoyablo service. Tho house was well filled and Dr. Balleo delivered a ve.y Interesting address and report of tho work of tho synod recently in session at Pendleton. We are glad to note tho fraternal and Christian feeling between tho churches at Phoenix. Following laBt Sunday's union service at tho Presby terian church will bo a like sorvico at the Christian church. For next Sunday evening tho pas tor, T. F. Rawlins, has announced special music for the evening and a sermon on "IIoll's Commerce." Phoenix' now commercial firm, Phoenix Commercial companr, scorns to bo doing quite a rushing business. Mr. Coleman, tho now partner In tho firm, takes bold of tho work like nn old hand at tho wheel. Phoenix haB purchased lots for wa ter works and vill soon sink wells on , tho property to test tho water supply. If this Is sat.ofactory, I am Informed that tho town will soon bo asked to ' voto bonds to put In tho plant. So i wo advance. Pearl and Earlo Hover and Mlse Fay Carver, Pl.oenlx young folks, at tending tho high school at Ashland, were at homo and attended tho Chris tian church last Sunday. Mr, Fisher, who has served tho peoplo of Phoenix bo long and 'so faithfully as merchant, postmaster and general business man, Is now a gentleman of leisure, having sold his interest in the business firm of Fish er, Hearno & Co. to Mr. Coloman. Ho seems like tho proverbial "fish out of wntor," or rathor ho Is now a flshor without a fishery. Ralph Cox and wifo lo.ivo us this week for their now homo near Junc tion City. Tho removal of this class of peoplo Is a vory great loss both to church and community. Wo re gret very much to havo thorn leave us, but as they must go, wish thorn a pleasant homo and success In their now field. To tho readers and subscribers of tho Intelligencer wo wish to say that tho world is going too fast, and Phoo nlx is too much of a hustling, rustling town for a monthly to moot our noods, so wo havo arranged with tho Mall Tribune to edit this column of Phoo nlx Items, which will roach you weokly or oftonor. Wo rogrot vory much to discontinue tho IntolHgoncor, but the financial burdon was moro than wo fool able to carry Just now. Wo hope to mako this department In teresting and helpful to our peoplo. We will rocolvo your subscription If you wish to take tho papor. A Busy Youngster This Is a young grocery store, but tho busiest "youngster" you over saw. Wo keep only FIRST-CLASS goods, sell on small margin and novor disap point our patrons. If you want bargains, be euro to como soon to our t Sale of Dishes The assortments aro largo, tho values exceptionally good and tho prices very low. Allin & Allin 1SJ WEST MA IX STREET Gold Mine with good oro body 'and par tially equipped, for sale. Call on tho ownor. Room 3, 123 Mala St. BULBS Exclusive Agency for Cortland Seed Go. Medford Greenhouse Phons 3741 jvKy iJbSs&t Your children can cat Cottoltnt made cookies and Mf HjaKjr tufffMr ot'lcr pastry because it never makes food creasy as KT" "TjfcTijIf SHMu&fffllA docs lard, and thu toinach can easily assimilate W-jjKM3' J! '' .' Lard is an animal product just plain hoc fat. Jb?,& :'jvfj Cottoltnt is a vegetable pro- -v kj . , ,.r. J, Jk $T ,r Jj duct-made from pure, refined J Nature 8 Ultt Sfa i t'.- jt cotton od and every bit as digest- Wl -iroiTl the Ptfffr- Zg& ...f g ible and nourishing as olive oil. I llV I Sunny South" lk? & n Cottolene makes food which any i ' vl J jfif&g stomach can digest, and builds up l T gfegeit&5s. P 'wetir t'ie t'ssucs of t,,u l,oJ'' Vl. JC fflSr Let your children cat all they f" fMy I ' rfVv JrYj want of food cooked with Cottoltnt. I N iTw WM 1 mf THEN.K.FAIRHANKCOMI'ANV fijf ky " wlllillmmlF --"" Cookies are $ood for him if made with Cottolene HOW TO STOP DRINKING. It was formorly customary for tho habitual drlnkor to tako tho plodgo rogularly, somotlmos onco a year, and somotimea In ovory fit ot romorso that followod his dobauchos, and thon break It. Dlut now it la gradually dawning on tho world that plodgos do not stop drunkenness. Tho nervous sys tem ot tho habitual drinker is dls- Chase (& Sanborn Coffee Tf you are a lover of good coffeo and know when you have found something extra i'ine, we would like to have you call and take home a pound of "Chase and Sanborn's" seal brand coffeo. Every person who comes from tho far eastern part of tho United States is almost sure to ask for Chase and Sanborn coffee. We are exclusive agents for this famous and justly, celebrated brand of cof feo and know that we can give you a bettor grade for the money than you can get anywhere unless you buy the same brand. Next time you buy coffeo ask about Chase and Sanborn and let us send you a pound. Onco you try it you will use no other. Warner, Wortman (Si Gore GROCERY PHONE 286 MARKET PHONE 281 that will euro this condition, Orrlno Wrlto for froo booklot ca tho Ouro oasod and ho must havo treatment of Alcolhollsm to tho Orrlno Co,, 032 is sold undor a positlvo gunruiitoii to Orrlno building, Washington, D, O. euro tho drink habit or tho nionoy Mallod soalod. Orrlno costa but fl will be rofunded. Can bo given so- por box. Sold In UiIb city by Loon crotly. . 0. Haoklns, 214 3, Main at. Good tonnnta are to be had for tho advertising. Ah to that usod artlolo you want to Hollj mako tho prico nttraotlvo and make tho ad explicit. That1 h all I f