T-Knlr lonfglil. Tim Mrminiro of tho rlnuH, Wlilln Knp wtmlliM1. Mllll' lllllll (ip HIKMV whlto mill iilim l.nciil nUuvmrn lllnttlc trlitiiKUliir Alinvn while, wiirjmri linlnw wliltn, nnlilop, WllltlJ With lllll()( Hltllldl Colli WITTILY IS Alt. COMMITTEE NSANE ON NDUSTREAL FREEDOM Call Attention to Fact That Whole Power of Explosion Was Expended In Upward Direction, Whereas, l( Dynamite Had Been Used Walls Would Havo Been Blown Down Also Point Out Fact That Odor of Gas Had Been Noticeable and That Flames Enveloped Bullillnn Immediately SAN rTUN'CISCO. Oft. 'J8. -Tlmt Hit! Lns Angeles Times w'iik destroyed iih it rim ii It of' tlu i'.iiini(iii of gits ttnil not lv dynamite in tint finding Of till) CUItllllittci) Ill' till' I'Xl'l'llltVI! council of tho Ciiliforiiiu State Fed eration of Labor, which for four weeks hits been working on tlio iti viwligittinii of t!ic catastrophe. Tin ri'porl Iiiih iih been submitted to tho federation. COUNTRY CLUB ENTHUSIASTS GETTING BUSY Thirty Members of Proposed Golf Club Meet and Elect Officers- Committee Scourlnn Country In Order to Choose Location. At it meeting held in the Coinnior dial dul rooms Thursday afternoon HI) golf enthusiasts were present mid (temporary organization of it golf chili was effected. W. I. Vawtor wan elected chairman and T. I'-. Dan iels secretary. There wan n 1:0 no ml discussion iih to the desirability of the estublish ineut of 11 L'olf and count rv cluli and 118 to llic securing of suitable grounds. The concensus of opinion with iinauimouHly in favor of the first clause of tho ptoposition and that being nettled 11 cnmuiittoo of five, comixisod if T. K. Daniels, Howard Dudley, A. S, lloKonhniiui, ('. W. Wilmcroth and I. II. llanau'T went appointed to wrestle with this stage of tlic prohlem, which haw renllv resolved itself into the mat tar of scouring suitable anil aocos Nihlu grounds. The comiuilteii has heeli scouring the coiinlrv loday looking over va rious tracts, mid will ho in session again thiH afternoon. So fin' no definite locution for the links, which it is intended to con tain the full course of 18 hole, has lieen iiiade, hut there are 11 iiiuuhor of favoralile sites in contemplation, The full L'olf course leipiircs at least 100 acres of laud and tracts of that size desiihv located are nut numerous, A mooting will he held at the Com mercial (dull rooms at -I o'clock Sat urday afternoon at which time the committee is expected to make a full report. All lovers of outdoor sports even if not colters are invited. ME PRESIDENT? Prediction of Champ Clark Strikes lowan as Humorous Says Republi can Chances. Have Materially Improved Durinn the Past Two Weeks Talks N ot of Colonel Roosevelt. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. '28.- -Senator Albert H. Cummins of Iowa treated as a oko today tho predio tion of Cliaini) Clark, domooraliu leader of the lower house of con gress, that tho father of the. Iowa idea would ho (ho next nominee for tho presidency by tho republicans. "It is always pleasant," snhl Cuin miiiH, who was hero today, "to he mentioned in connection with the presidency, in jest or in earnest, hut I heliovti that the Missouri humorist is having fun with me. Seriously, ( luivo nothing Jo Hay about the possibility." MEDTORD SUBJECT OF Tim report In prefaced with it do tnili'il account of tliu committee's re ception liy Mayor Alexander of Lo Anci'li'H when it called iiK)ii him iinv' informed liiiu that it desired to co operate with tho eiti.ens' committee appointed by tho city council to in vestigate tin' disaster. Tho mayor refused to grant tho rerpiest. Tiu committee then determined on nil in (ftontliiiloiT on pngo 8l 60.000 GARMENT WORKERS STRIKE GO OUT TONIGHT Thousands of Strikers, Including Men. Women and Children, Swarm Throunh Manufacture ' Center Society Girls to Act as Pickets. CHICA(H). Oct, 'JS. Internation al officers of the United Garment Workers' union today took charge of their strike, and it -was predicted that (10,000 workers would he out before night. A statement wits issued by the strike committee declaring they were willitiir to arbitrate, and assorting that the Chicago teamsters would not he involved in the strike except as a last resort. Thousands of strikers, men, wo men and children, swarmed thro null the uinnufitcturiiig districts, but as a whole they were orderly and dis tuibauees were infreipient and of a minor nature. Tho Women's Trade Union league started a movement today to have society girls and settlement work ers join forces with the striker bv acting us pickets. A statement issued bv the strike committee denied that the unionists were implicated in or responsible for yesterday's disorder--. The employers were charged with hiring thugs to start trouble in order to turn public opinion against the strikers. NEW AUTOMOBILE REPAIR SHOP Tho Offut-Kornos Auto Co. have opened an automobile repair shop at the corner of Kighth and Central uNonuo. They will do nil kinds of repniV work on uutus guns, type writers, etc. They will employ none hut the best workmen and guarantee all work turned out. JOKE - CUMMINS Asked if his presidential aspira tions depended on the attitude The odore Koosovolt might tnko toward another term, Cummins replied em phatically: "1 have nothing to say on that score, "Two weeks ago 1 saw little en couvagoniont for tlm 'ropuhlieaiis," he said, "but recently 1 have changed my mind. 1 now t'iud myself unable aeeitratoly to prodiot tho result l' the election," Cummins has compaiguod in 11 number of states, but refused to dis cuss tho outcome in any of thorn. MEDFORD, SAYS GAS NOT Teams Chosen For the International Race j? j? J& J& J& Brookins, Hamilton, Armstrong For U.S.A." ess ctt. 4 i? &-. HKI.MONT I'AHK, .V. V., Ooct. 28. Walter ItrooklnB, Charles K. Hnm Iltou and J. Ariimtroiig Druxe! were today named ns tho American team In tho Coupo Intornatlonalo, with John II. MolsEnnt, Arclilo Hoxsoy and Mars as HiibstltutCH. ItrooklnB will drive the new Wright racer, 50-horso powor; Droxcl a 50-horno power Dlo rlot monoplane, and Hamilton his hw fSjffl'pTiffif'i'Li r r-1 !B V 1 ' nyFPjPPjMBPjWplPJPPPPPPPPPPPpB SENATOR BOURN DIRECT NOM HARTMAN TELLS OF BRIDGE WORK That the cracks In tho north con crete wall of tho eitRt approach to tho Central Point brldgo will not af fect the strength or solidity of tho structure Is the statement of Jnson llartman, who has hntl cbarge of Its construction. "Tho eracka were duo to tho snap ping of some of tho Iron rods strum; between tho two walls to strengthen them. They broke because of tho pressure canned by tho teams ami material being dumped between tho walla for roadway, whilo tho concreto was still 'Breon.' Tho brokon rods havo been replaced with heavier onos and the walla are Htronger than ever," claims Mr, Ilartmaii. "There Is no truth In tho stato erote. Only tho best of sand and (C'lintliuu'tl on I'UKe 6.) THE LAST CHANCE TO HELP YOUR Tomorrow is the last rinv Tomorrow night at 12 oVJook the polls will close in the MEDKOKD MALL TMHITNlfl'S OK13AT VOTING CONGEST. Then the doors of the contest of fice will he locked and no moro'will be admitted to the office. All those who are in before this hour will be waited on. But the last chance is always the best. One final, supremo effort on this day may land the prize for anyone of the fair candidates. The frionds who have re sponded with support boforo can hardly refuse at the last moment and a little help means victory. Candidates should got their subscriptions in as early as possible, for the big gest business of any day of tho contest is suro to be recorded. Get tho subscrip tions in early and you will .have time to spend in getting a few more. Nothing can be gained by holding them to the very last hour, for absolute secrecy will be main tained, regarding what is turned in by the various candidates. MAIL TRIBUNE OR BOON, FlUDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1910. 1l' 'XJTJBkimi WfRV ' ZS JL'is&fr - - rz. w - jr tnm mrj v rt z i ' m.tL k.4ijif ' 0 1 j 1 - srr x ,; ". al. ib1 ..-t -i .jTirv- m r t - r- w . - - - . 2?"- 4t. WQi Jfi, AfEr- tf-a....'' si r. - '- ii& .ff . sLmmqL-. r - -irf. new 110-liorso power Hamlltonlan. . The substitutes will drive Dlorlot, Wright and Curl Irs modela, respect ively. i According to the rules of the race, the teams must be announced tho day before the nice, and a largo crowd enRerly awaited the action of tho rac ing committee today. For Franco, Latlam, Autrun and Lo Dlnnc, with WORKING OUT NATION FOR PRIMARY LAW FOR THE NATION WASHINGTON', Oct. 28.-A .plan for the Humiliation of presidential and vieo-pre-identinl candidates by direct vote of the people w being worked out by Senator Jonathan Hotiruo of Oregon. It is likely that when the full do tails of the plan are completed ho will endeavor to have laws .enacted to put it in force. According to the outline of the plans as now formed, the peoplo would he asked to vote for their candidates at tho regular pri mary elections. At tho Mime time, they would elect delegates to the na tional convention pledged to support the candidates cIiommi by the people. "This is the only right principle for the selection of candidates to tho highest, offices said Honrne, ex- (Continued on Pane . of balloting. BELMONT .' PARK Simon and U.irros as substitutes, will bo tho team, and England will bo represented by Grahame-'White, RaiJ loy and Oellvle, with McArdlo as sub stitute. The Coupo Internationale will bo .equal to 20 circuits of the course, to taling 61.1 miles. It will bo run to j morrow and Is the principal event of the Uelntont meet. PUN THE IF FRUIT 1ST ROT To the Ednter: Though not yet a voter in this county, 1 am a taxpayer and as such teel that I am entitled to express my opinion on a matter of itnl and im mediate interest to me and to in . vestment in the liogtto River valley. Tho Central Point bridge noros Hear creek has been in process of construction certainly since the mid dle of the summer. The road across this bridge is my only means vt ac cess to Central Point. Twice daily for the past three months 1 have lorded the creek. I have about tlOOO boxes of iniit to haul from my orchardr to Central Point. One-third of them 1 !i iui already hauled through the creek ami nn the very steen irrade on tho other iCiiiulaueit on 1'n no . ) CANDIDATE. NY RAN COMES DYNAMITE iDETECTIVES , WITH UNION IN LIGHT ON Ascertained Today That for Two Weeks Detectives Have Been Watching Members of Typographical Union in Spokane Seeking Expression Which Would Connect Them With Los Anncles Times Case Look for Information Which Would Show Orqanized Labor Concocted the Plat SPOKANE. Wash., Oct. '28. It was ascertained today for nearly two weeks past a certain detective agency has had men at work in this city watching members of the local Typographical union, fraternizing with them and attempting to obtain from them some expression of opin ion which would tend to connect Ihe International Typographical union with the blowing up ot the Los An- DOUGLAS FOR WEST BV 200 ' OR MORE VOTES Gets Back to the Farm and Meets With Hearty Reception Many Re publicans Call on Him and Pledqe Their Support at Polls. KOSEBURG, Or., Oct. 2S. Doug las county will give Oswald West, anti-assembly ; nd Statement No. 1 candidate for governor, a plurality of 200 votes or more on November S. There are many Douglas county men who place the estimate at a higher figure, but an average of the conservative eotimates, furnished for the most part by republicans who are familiar with county politics and who have studied the situation closely, places It at 20 v at least. West made a flying trip through tho couaty Wednesday. He started at Drain in tho early morning and drove from there to Yoncalla. finally catching the train at Oakland and ending his day's work at Roseburg In the evening. Popular Man at Hosctmrg. A big rally was held at Roseburg and West was given a warm and en thusiastic greeting. Ho had an au dience at the courthouse larger than that given to Dowerman on tho occa sion ot the assembly candidate's visit to tho qlty, and his auditors cheered him as he spoko aid staid until after the close to shake hands with him and pledged h'm their support. Drain is a republican stronghold of tho county, yet West was given tho glad hand on every side by tho residents ttiere. "Wo romomber Uowerman up here," they said, "and we do not want him or his assembly. He fought us In 1003 and 1905, and wo aro remembering him." l'ariners Against Assembly. All aloag tho ride from Drain to Oakland West supporters aro as-thick J (Continued on 1'ago FOURTH ML CARRIER FOR CITY District Covered by Carriers Now Comprises Greater Portion of the City. Many Additional Streets Will Be Covered New Service. Starts on November I P. Wood Appointed.. A fourth mailearrior for the eitv has been authorized bv the postot Jieo department, according to itd vicos received bv Assistant Postmas ter Halph Woodford Kriday. Tho now earlier will start wor.k on Tues day, November 1. Much ndditional territory will ho added to that now covered by car riers. After tho now route i in op eration there will bo but very tow streots in tho city whioh are not reached, Porcv Wood has been nam ed as the fourth carrior, The new territory to bo covered embraces Almond, Tripp, CottitRO Pull Leaned Wire Report. Tho only papor In tho worM published In ft city tho alio rtf Mod ford having a loaned vrlr. No. 189. FRATERNIZE SEE DYNAMITING fgelcs Times building. Detectives hnve also been staying in lodging houses patronized by tho union men in the endeavor, it is al leged, to obtain information which would go to show that tho Times horror was the result of n plot of or ganized labor. There are n number of union men here who recently arrived from Los Angeles. PINCHOT sons UP PLATFORM FOR WHOLE PEOPLE After Visiting All Sections of Coun try, Ex-Forester States That He Has Outlined Policies He Believes Insurgents of Parties Endorse. DETROIT; Mich., Oct. 128. In speech delivered at a luncheon Riven by the board of commerce here to day, Qifford Pinchot, former ehiof forester of the United States and. leader of tho progressives, outlined what ho believes is the progressive' platform of the people of tho whole. United States. Pinchot. who has visited innny sections of the. country during tho past few months, nnd who hns taken a leading part in the insurgent cam paigns in California and other states, has outlined tho policies ho believes the insurgents of all parties indorse. Pinchot said: What the People Want. if we could hear tho voice of nil the people upon somo current issnw it would, I think, declare itself in substance as follews: " l beliove the people should di rectly nominate, elect, control nnd recall their own legislative ropro- sentntives. "I believe in publicity of earn- paiiiti contributions and expenses.. Lobbyists. "I beliove it should bo unlawful for any lobbyist or other representa tive of iiiu' interest to advoento or oppose any measure to any legislator or legislative committee without fir.U publicly registering his name, tho nature of his compensation and the namo of his employers. "I bolievo thnt tho most pressing patriotic duty of today is to rovwo popular government by driving tho sneoial interests out of .polities. (Continued" on Page I.) and West Main streot to tho top oS' Nob Hill on tho east side In South west Medford, King streot to Dakota avonuo, Laurel streot south, on Klov onth, Ornngo to Poach, West Main to tho city limits, West Fourth to tho city limits, West Second to tho oily limits, West Jackson to the oity IJ't: its nnd also including Peach, Quince. Ross court. Summit avenuo unit Knight streot. Work-seokors read every Ua'. wanted nd, Your nd will get you ap plications' from the best of tho "cl-giblcs." 1 ! I , M P g !l ) M ft Jt' & i "i -n :W ; nil ,!' . t 'i M