m MEDFORD APPLE QUEEN IS E Itlcllo, tlio First Clioson From Amonn Fnlrost Mnldcns of Nortltwost, Will Do Crowned on November M at Applo Show. SPOKANE. WhhIi,, Oct. 27. Idollc tlio I'itHt, chosen from unions (hu fifirtwl nmiiluiiH in tlio ifoilhwoM, will ho procluitued qucou (if tlm Ap ple Empire ul tlio lliinl iiliiiuul mi (innnl competitive exposition in Spokane the evening (if November J I, tlm coronation ceremonies taking place in tlio tliroiio room on tlm hIiil'ii t (lie state iinnory at 8 o'clock, Af terward Her Hoyiil .Majesty anil Hiiito will maku a tour of tlio ground, inspecting tlio displays of 'J.OIIO.OOII npplcH from iliHtrictk in Washington, Iilalio, Oregon, Montana, British & linnlilii anil otlior parlH of America, Queen Idello will ho attended by tlm prime minister, eouiieiloiH, ewir tioi'H anil ladies, panes, flowor gills, heralds and guards. Tlio coronation wilt takii on all tlio pomp ami coro niony of olden iluyH, anil a royal proclamation will lie issued, to bo read liy tlio prime ininiHtor, bidding tlio loyal subject from tlio liiglilnud, the valloVH aand distant parlH of tlio orchard domain to join in tlio third nnniial fvHlival in honor of King Ap ple. Following the playing of the in troduction to Meyerbeer's "Corona tiotF March" hy tlio National Applo Show hand of 50 piccch. under the direction of Professor A. 0. Reo mur, the arnval of ldolle the First and her retinue will ho heralded hy n fanfare of triunpots and the party will Drooped to the tlironoroom to the HtraiiiH of the "Coronation March." The coremony is open to the plilillc. Among the foatnroB will ho a stately minuet, tinned I v four ovn in court costume and powdorod wign nud four girlH in gowns of the period and patclioH. There will also ho music hv the military hand nud the Elks' diiartot will sing selections ar ranged for the occnMou. Queen 'Idello will also hold a reception for tlio school children tho afternoon of Novemhor 15. PHILIPPINE TRIBES MURDER COUPLE SEATTLE, WiihIi.. Oct. 27. Ac cortlintr to diHpntchoH received in So nttlo t()lny, the Philippino tribes have murdered Karl V. fleer and hi wife, both well known in thin city. Mr. Geer last Hummor married a So- .nttlo girl, MiHH Vauhil Crocker, and thoy Hailed December 22 for the Phil ippiuoH. 0. It. Ford. troiiHiir-M r f I'" 'Geer company, who Iiiik heen ir coin muuicatinn with Davno, Iiiih received no word of tho safety of tho couple. Geer came to Seattle from Oregon 'a year ago. He wuh a relative of former Governor Geer of Oregon. He was 2.1 yearn old. 'RANCHMAN KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE WRECK THE DALLES, Or.. Oct. 27. 'Henry. MoyerH, a wealthy ranchman, is dead and his brother, Julius Mm- ors, capitalist, is in a local hoHpilal today with a broken rib und several minor injuries ns a result of an au- tomnbiln hiuuhIiup on Ninth stroot last night. The brothers woro on their way to Henry Meyers' ranch when tho ma chine got hoyond tho control of Ju lius, who was driving it, and crashed into n rockpile. Both men woro crushed under the mnchino when it overturned. Honry diod soon nftor being taken from beneath the car. HaskitiH for Health Notice TO OUIt PATRONS: Owing to additions nnd I in pro vo nionts bolng mndo to our powor plant at Gold Kay It will ho necessary to shut down ' ho plant occasionally for tho noxt few days. Shutdowns wlion nocoasary will bo mado Sunday dur ing tlio day and nt noon hour on wook dayo. Wo trust that you will havo na tlonco with us for those unavoldablo Interruptions lu oloctrlo sorvlco. Respectfully, nOQUB RIVER ELECTRIC CO. i : r Residence Lots Locatod In tho oxcluslvo high class rofltdonco district of Mod ford, closo In and commanding a boautlful view of tlio city, In Conroy and Clancy's aubdlvl lon, lying b'otwoon and ad , Joining Ecot Main atroot and Roddy uvonuo, If you ar6 con- tomplatlng tho building of a homo It will pay yon to Invos tlgato this proposition. A. F. Barnett JACKSON CO. DANK BLDG. CHOSEN ON Pure White Flour .For u long thno wo have f)00ii exploiting and urg ing our ouBtomers to try this brand of Hour. Ev ery person who has been induced to try Pure White has remained a steady user. How is that for a recommend? Think what it means. Not only have we been able to in troduce this fine flour into a great number of Mcdford homes, b u t when a woman becomes acquainted with this flour she is sure to tell her friends, "and in this way wc have added a great many customers. If you don't use this flour, now is a good time to try it. Wc will guar antee that you will be glad that you did. We know that it is good for all domestic uses. You can bake bread or make pastry and always be Biire of good results. Allen & Reagan Phone Main 2711 Main and Central BRIDGE SCORE;! CAIJDu NKW STYLUS DIKKCT FROM rNHW YORK' BOOK STORE AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY 1010 Ghalmors Dotroits. Phone 1801, Valley Auto Company, Medford, Or. Quick Service Easy Riding Pricos Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PnONK MAIN 3141. Agonoy for tho Parry' Cars. Rogue River Auto Co.. Frank n. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. NOTICE. Notioo is horoby given that on tho 15th day of October, 1010, supple mentary articlos of incorporation of Canitol Hill, Incorporated, woro duly filed and rocordod in tho offico of the secretary of tho state of Oregon, amending tho original articles ot in corporation thoreof by changing thu niiiiio of said corporation from Cap itol Hill, Incorporated, to Highoroft, Incorporated, and that nil foos re quired by law woro duly paid. (Signod.) ALFRED T. WILLIAMS. A. CONRO FIERO. A, C. ABRAMS. C. W, WILMEROTII. JOHN D, OLWELL, Dirootora. Medford, Or., Ootobor 25, 102 Tho advent of now stookH in a looal storo is always a nows ovout of real intorcst to all peoulo to whom that particular storo is at all important. -J AND 500 MEDFORD VwfV HOOP HYKfl AUK H8BKNTIAI1 J flood oyoB moan good oyo nlfslit ni:d U'b vory essential Hint your oyoB rocolvo tho bent of care. If you talco my advlco you'll liavo your oycu oxnmlnod hy mo froquontly. (jilt may ho thnt you nood glasnoB If so, I am compo tont to fit you scientifically and accuratoly. DR. RICKERT ' OVER KENTNER'S Hunting for an invcHtmciit IcikIk to ad rending- -ho hunting for ran in ventor flhoiild load to ad writing. - -f- -f 4 4- f 4 f f f f 4 4 4- 4 4 4- 4-4-4 4 4 WANT AD ANSWERS. follow. 4- 4- , 4- 4- 4- 4 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4- Box 25 (4). Box 15. Box 141. A2. C. D. II. M. J. O. S. B4 (2). C. E. W. (2). E. C12. I. Box 201. Box 20. Box 80. Owner. , W. C. M. f- 4 4- 4-4-4 4- -f 4 FRATERNAL ORDERS. b. v. m. a. Medford Lodge No. Ill Meets Thursdara In K. P Hall. W. W. Elfort, B. R.: Hobert Telfr. Secretary, John WIlldM. Tntmxnw LOST. LOST Taken from tho alloy by the j postoffice, a Ramblor" bicyclo with : Hteel rims, mud gunrds and solid rubber grips. Howard if returned to tho postoffice. 188 LOST Largo topaz hatpin. Return to Mail Tribune offico or Keeno & Barber's dental effice: reward. LOST Astray horse; a sorrel mave, about 10 or 12 years old. Finder please take hor to West Side livery and rccoivo libcrnl rownrd. 101 FOR EXCHANGE. FOB RENT $50; don't pay room rent; buy a furnished tent com plete for housekeeping; gas nnd wood stovos, rug 0x12. tnblos, bed, cltnirs, bedding and dishes; tent 12x Ifi. Phono Main 2012. tf FOR EXCHANGE Tho finest nnd best paying orchard in the Rogue Rivor Valley at Ashland, within city Hints; a lovely homo; pays 20 per cont. net on prico asked; will take a nice homo in Medford in part payment; bnliuico ensv. E. T. L 571 Chestnut street, Ashland, Ore. 195. FOR EXCHANGE Mcdford and suburban proporty, ranchos, timber Intids, for othor proporty. Address Box 100. care Mail Tribune. tf liualiictts lroicrty. FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ing for gonornl merchandise sto'-e in now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 milos from Medford. Gold Bay Realty Co, 200 W Main. tf. TO LOAN. TO LOAN $2000 nt 10 per cont, $1000 to $5000' nt 8 per cent, on first mortgiigo city or country. Ap ply F. G. Andrews. C S. Fir. 180 TO LOAN $2000 to $5000 to loan on first mortgage, city or .country. tpply F. G. Andrews, (i S. Fir, Med- ford. 180 FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Fishing, hunting, boating and bnthing resort, 1V square miles body of wntor, on railroad, within 12 milos of Med ford. Address Box 201, care Mail Tribune. tf FOR RENT. Faiabe4 Rooms. TO RENT Two now slooping rooms with buth in connection; prico $2 por wook. 020 S. Newtown. 188 LOST Bioyolp, Savage mnko, baok rim had small split nt end of spoko, black frnmo, front rim blnok, baok rim narrow rod stripo; liberal reward for rotun. Phono 371. 180 At Mnl! Tribune for f ing: Box 500. Box 1011 (0). Box 300 (2). Hox 011 (7). Uox 12. Hox 12. Hox 7 (2). Hox 10. ; Hox 20.- Hox 200. Hox 00 (3). v! Box Ml (8). Box -10. Box 50 (5). FOR RENT. VuraUkeA Room. I''OH RENT Two adjoining niceh furnish noma. 817 West Tenth h t. . 1 02- hedroom. Hamilton. Phono 240ft. 221 WchI 188. KOll ItHNT Furnlflliea rooms for tranolonta, No. 10 North Orapo atroot, noxt to Farmnra and Fruit grower' bank. tf FOIl IlENT At tho Cottage, pleas ant, furniBhcd rooms, with hot and cold running walor; hatha, largo Htmny porches. 004 W. 10th St. ir 124 Kinir St. ' tf. KOIt KENT Furnished rooms tit 44 S. Grano St. 208. litiMlncMi nonw FOR RENT Business room on W. Main St., 24x1-40, suitable for res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Kay Kcnltv Co.. 216 W. Main Bt. tf FOK RENT Offico rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, steam heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot und cold water. Gold Kay Realty Co., 210 W. Main st. tf Farm. ' FOK KENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fmit ranches, garden lands, general farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 West Main, tf FOR RENT Ranch cood buildings; close to school; pumping plant. In ouirc 11 North Central avc. 188. Heatee. FOB RENT Furnished rooms. Riverside avc. ' 325 FOR RENT Furnished, .7 room house. Coll. at 400 North Riverside avenue. 188 FOR RENT 8 room house, 706 S. Oakdale avc, being re-decorated, ready in two weeks; will sell if dc Hired. Hay U. Tuttle, Park ave., immediately nt rear of above. tf.' FOR RENT Only hotel in railroad town of 1000 inhabitants; Rogue River valley. Bor 300, care of Mail Tribune. tf. IlouHukecplng Ilooins. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms at 125 South Oakdale avc. . 180' FOR SALE. Houm. FOK bALL-Uheap, m Central Point, ( -. . ...Wn..n 'A lntfrn R 7.A 1-- i if'lUUUi i,uuwKVf ! . w . T. city water and ulsb good well, barn i i.- :..n..nvnil: Anniv in' .1 iiiiiri iiiiuiu i Liiikiiiui ''r " ..ii-in.1. rr .T. . Stevens. Tolo.' Or. 203 FOR SALE An artistic bungalow, (i rooms and bath, complete with shades and screens, reduced frum $4200 to $3800; scats, bookcase.-, buffet, two fireplaces, .beam coil ing, etc.; well built. Chas. D. Colby. 010 W. 10th st. tf FOR SALE One of tho best paying business propositions in town; clearing $500 jr month. Address Box 80, care Mail Tribune office. 104. FOR SALE Choice business prop erty at a bargain, on long time; oasy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. FOR SALE Half interest in one of finest small businesses in Medford. and use proceeds of sale of sale I increase stock. Address Box 44 1. nnri of Mail Tribune. tf FOR SALE I am prepared to turn - ish winter supplies of fire wood in onk, fir and pine; stovewood and four-foot lengths. F. Osenbrug;;'. phone 1041. 401 Riverside avenue South. . 1 trl CAT.W T.nvn mndnrii limine with south nnd cast front, 113 fwi r.... .. ..,.j crnf l.v i R1 (v.-f HUIll llll llf " M "J - - -" long, nicely improved grounds; o erything strictly modern. Rons-", for selling, lady of houso needs . change of climate. This place i suitable for nice homo ov firt olnss rooming houso. Easy torms v right party. See the Jackson Coun ty Realty' Co., 004 West Tenth St. ' 105. FOR SALE 5-rooiu modern bunga low, furnished complete nt $3,000; $1,200 handles this. Address Bo 70. care Mail Tribuno offico. 504. Ranches.- FOR SALE 234 acres on tho Apple gate river, 40 acres in cultivation, 550 inches of wator, houso and barn: a fine tract for fruit or al falfa; prico $10 por aero; tonus. Write owner. II. L. Ilorzingor, Grants Pass. Or. 180 FOR SALE I havo for salo farm lands, fertile, fruit and alfalfa and timber land in quantities of 10, 20, 40, 00, 100 nnd 240 nores; housos and outbuildings and fnmilios rosi 1- iug on tho farms, young orchards, boaring orchards and small fruit; also fino houses and lots covorcd with fruit, in tho now and just in corporated village of Talent, Or. If you are at Medford or Ashland, take tho oars to Talent (only cost you 25 cents) nnd"ecfmo and look 'at proporty. If at othor plaoos, writo, inclosing stamps, and I will .-!... hIIim nnvlirtiilnvL. flpfmn olosod on Lord's day. L. N. Judd, Talent. Or.. Rohorts bldg. 107 Acreage. FOR SALE 5 and, 10-noro tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on annnal pay ments. Address Condor Water Powsr Co. FURNISHED room to rent in private. "'. running water; will take some family: gentleman only. 205 Bonttv' improved city property in cx Htrnol north. ,,I,nnK for "irt' X rml frorn 8loro rait' KBNT-Cloon, comfoHnliS "'."i "!"!'a 8C ' T CTr' FOR SALE. Acroaito. "Oil SALE 80-flcro fnnn and orch ard land. 03 acres tillahlo land, ha! nnro orchard and timber nnd pas- FOR. SALE Smull tract of land, ouo(tmrtcr mile west of Eaglo I'oint, on county road, 2 acres. Isaac Harvey. Eaglo Point, Or. 108 FOR SALE 230 ncres ton milcd from Central I'oint, all fenced, with 17 wire fence, rnbbit-tight, two story house, a large barn, school house near by, one good spring, one drill well. Price $75 an ncrec, or would take part near Los Angeles and rest cash. Box 203-? Address Owner, Central Point. 103. FOR BALE 8 acres, bearing orch ard, 1 mile from Medford. This is a bargain; small house and barn; finest fruit land in county, $3500. White & Trobridgc. tr FOR SALE Six beautiful acres in Ashland, Oregon. Address, Owner, today. R. D. Sanford, Ashland, Oregon. 188. IOM. FOR SALE One lot 00x120, under price for quick sale, in Walnut Park. Billner. Mlacell&ncOTU. FOR SALE At 75c per 100, our fa mous strawberry sets. Apply to J. H. Stevens, Tolo, Juckson county. Or. 203 FOR SALE Springs, mattress, couch, stand, rocking chair, gaso line stove. 20 S. Newtown st. 138 FOR SALE Dry. fir nnd laurel wood for cooking and heating, in any quantity, at Fnirvicw orchards, 7 miles south of Jacksonville. 180 FOR SALE OR TRADE Large Hall safe. Sec Gray & Moe, Van Dyke's old stand. " FOR SALE Or will exchange for property m Medford or in central west, fivc-passengcr automobile. Address Box 407, Medford, Or. 10G FOR SALE 40 ton3 stock hay and 200 acres range feed, $400. Ad dress W. E. Mooncy, Prospect, Or., Red Blanket ranch, or call nt 207 Phipps bldg., Mcdford. ' 102 FOR SALE 780 sheep, 500 mutton an dbalancc lambs; sell entire flock or any portion. Address A. M. Helms. Talent. Or. 102 SAE-Becs reas enable. Cor- 100 '"" V"' " """"" (FOR SALE Automobile bargains; an maKes. J?aau 10 i,iuu. m trade for rcnl estate. Some fine i bargains. Call and see. C. H. Sny , der Motor Car Co. tf. FOR SALE 80 tons first class corn; also juu tons wen curco. lou der. Enquire of Dr. R. W. Clancy, Mford. Oregom tf. FO.t SALE OR EXCHANGE Five pastenger 4-cylinder touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune office. . tf VUiC -5ALE Legal Dlaniu ol ill kinds trespass and other notices, at Mall Tribune office. " FOR SALE I am offering to the buyer a limited number of lots, 1 nnd 5 acre tracts, a large horse and farm truck. Address P. O. Box 047 or 008 Newtown st. 207. FOR SALE Fino seed wheat for fall sowing. Western Oregon Or chards Co. Phone 3371. 103 i TOR SALE A nair 1200-pound , iorscSt C00(i workors or drivers; .also a McCormick mower and horse rake, lumber wagon, work harness. Inquire 1021 W. 10th st. 100 HELP WANTED. , WANTED-Te.i teams to haul rock i and grading work. Seo street com- -" missionor. 188 Help Wonted Male, WANTED Ten men, $2.50, 0 hours. Seo street commissioner. 188 WANTED Salesmen In eyery local ity of tho nprthwost; monoy ad vanced weekly; many make over $1000 month; cholco of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penlah, Wash. Ilolp Wanted Female. WANTED Woman cook at tho Dia mond. " WANTED Good, cnpablo women to help in kitchen . work during tho day, can sleop at home, 310 North Bnrtlett. tf WANTED Good cnpablo woman to clean houso and sweop twice a week. AppIv 310 N. Bartlett. tf WANTED Call or phono Main 32 for all kinds of dressmaking. Mrs. J. S. Carroll, 329 N. Riverside nvo nue. 10P WANTED Competont womnn for general housework, two in family, wagos $30. Address Box 00, care Mail Tribune office. tf WANTED Girl for general house work. 1017 W. Main st., E. B. Wa torman. 186 Situations 'Wanted. SITUATION WANTED By expert accountant ns bookkeeper; also ca pablo of superintendent construc tion lino. Address P 18, care Mail Tribune. 101 WANTED Bv Al carpenter and builder, foremanship; best of ref erences; eftii furnish first-class plans, blueprints and specifica tions. Address Al, caro Mail Trib une office. W IM' Junnuiu uvu. WANTED. Situations Wanted. WANTED-A position on a farm or orchard with a small family. In riuire W. A. Martin, Mddford, Or1. 101 JAPANESE IIOUSECLEANINO CO. supplies all kinds helpers for do mestic work nnd offico cleaning boy. Phono Main 031. 321 Alico street. 101 MinccIlAncoRfL. WANTED One or two dozen Rhode Island red pullets or year old hens, thoroughbreds. P. O. Box 88, Med ford. Tel. 3902. 322. WANTED T rent a 0 or 7 room modern houc. rloe in bv Nov. 1 : no children. Address P. O. Box 00. Mcdford. 100. WANTED Horses to feed for win ter. Address M. M. Welch, Wat kins. Or. 230 WANTED Dressmaking. Mrs. Flow er, address 231 W. 5th et. S06 WANTED Some good family to take 0 months old boy to board; will pay good wages to right parties. Ad dress B 10. care Mail Tribune. 180 RUSINESS DIRECTORY. Aicaycr. ASSAYER Earl V. Ingcls, B. S. Best ecquipped assay office in 'Ore gon. Established five years. Ac curate results . guaranteed. Grants Pass, Ore. 205 Cement Sidewalk. CEMENT SIDEWALKS, brickmuson, stone mason, plastering and all kinds of stucco work. Export work manship at reasonable charges by the day or contract. Address Ma sons, 511 E. Main st. Medford, Or. PrlnterH and Pabllafecn. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Portland pricer. 37 Sonth Central avenue. Billiard Parlor. S. T. BROWN & CO. BilUards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hnll building. A ni;e, cool place to spend the hot after noons. NHroerles. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Onr stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. Wo are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office removed to-116 E. Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., incl Growers of nigh grade, nursery stock. Offico 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. 5000 YELLOW NEWTOWN apple trees for sale, also other varieties of trees, by Wagner Creek Nursery & Orchard Co., Beeson & Lester, Talent. Or. Tin Shops. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and sheot iron ware on hand and mado to order. 128 North G st. Read Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smoreks' supplies. Exclusive agent -of Lewis Single Binder. 'El Merili and El Palencia. 212 West Mam street. Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAI 1840 Meets at Smith's hall, 12i North Grape street, every Thnrs day evening promptly at 8 o'clock All journeymen carpenters, as wel, as local members, urged to be pres ent. Business of vital interest to all carpenters transacted at these meetings. J. J. Seal, business agt. Attorneys. WnTHINTON & KELLY Yuwycrs, Palm building. A. E. REAMS office. -Lawyer, over post- PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attomeys-at-law. No. 0 D street, ground floor. COLVIG vie, C. & REAMES W. M. Col L. Rcames. Lawyers. Of fico Mcdford National Bank build ing, socond floor. NOTARY PUBLIC Room 207, Phipps bldg. . NOTARY PUBLIC Mail Tribune office. , O nuil to Vorks. GOLD RAY GRANITE CCs, 216 W. Main st., manufacturers and deal ers in gmonumental and buildin granite, orusbed granite common brick and pressed briok, coarse and fine washed rivor sand. PAUL & WOL'FF soil sand aud foun dation gravel; all ordors promptly delivered. Phone 4721 and 1213 Main. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nnglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of briok; dealors in pressed briok nnd lime. Office in Postofflco block, room 5. Phono No. 3181. Faiatera ad Paportuuagvr. H. G DEAN, O. P. M'MUT.LEN Phono 3732. Dean A MeMnllee contracting paintors, paintinr, p per hanging and tinting. 'Etlmat on all kinds of paintint vorV Medford, Or. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mnckey and die with jey," Over Allen & Reagan's store; eatranc on jSeveath street BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 1H1I Pouters. VERNE T. CANON BUI potiraHfl Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 20, Jaokrnm CeHtity Bonk building, Medford, Or. MteHogrnptattn. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Blouk. Stenograph work dons qalakly and woll. ArcMiott. FLEMING & HALE Builders, and contractors; ostimates furnished; work guaranteed. Phono 3851. Givo us a trrial. 20.1 NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and builder Soe ma about your new home. I can save yon money hy planning to your own ideas and figuring with, yoa right. Write Box 37, P. O., Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Arckiteota and Builders. Office 7-8, 826 Main. Phono Main 3471. Residence phone 744. ftcal Estate. THE MOOR-EHNI CO. Fino ranch properties. City lots and dwellings. Firo insurance. 213 Fruitgrowers Bonk bldg. Phono 2592. I'hyslclnn add Satgeea. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Practice limited to diseases of wo men. Office Haakins bldg. Phono Main 1001. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD, Office Has kins bldg. Phono Main 1001. DR. W. W. WICK Homeopathic physician; residence 203 Olson St., phono Main 4474; office, rooms 3 ' and 4, St. Marks block, phono Main 1871. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEJLNlr in Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phone 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentiit Office in rooms 203-294, Farmer' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of the tracks.- DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office 216 E. Main St., over Medford Hard- wara C. . DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Pkysi cians and Surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phono 501, residence phone 612. Offico hours 9 a. a. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Oateepathio physicians. Mission block. Phone 292. Medford. DR. E. H. PORTER Diseases ,of women a specialty. Rooms 5, 6, 7, 8 St. Mark's bldg., Medford, Or. Phenes: Office 4961, residence 4951. . CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will core rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These remedies may be procured at houso. No. 241 S. Front und 10th sts, Medford, Or., where they will bo sold by the pro prietor, Chow Young. Dr. Chow Young ban treated sev eral severe cuses wnn hi remedies Mtice coming to Ashland, and has for references some of the best known and most intelligent citizena in Southern Oregon. Call on him. This is to cortify that Dr. Chow Young, the bearer, attended me, my tronble being lung troable and asthma. I am better than I have been for twelve years. . I saw the letter written by Judgo Hanna and as he recommonded the doctor so well, thought I would try him also. Mrs. St. Louis, Ashland, Or. "I wa3 afflicted with heart and stomach trouble for many years, and at last ending in a stroke of paralysis, from which bo one ex pected my recovery, and no one knows how I suffered, bat at last I got a littlo better and I heard of on,e Dr. Chow Young. I took treat ment aud am well now and can rec ommend him to any one wio may be sick or afflicted tyith any of these complaints. I assure yea II am wel! ploased and thankful that I am alive at this time. Mrs. Mary" Ni day. Grants Pass. Or. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. oiu Jaokson County bank. NUjtht eallt promptly answered. Office aaa residonce phono Main 3432. DR. STEPHENSON fits glasses to correot nny defect of the eye. Of fice oor Allen & Reagan's. Phoue Main 1851. Furniture. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS James A. McKenrio, dealer is new and second-hand furniture, hardware, clothing, boots and shoes. Highest cash prices paid for K9d cast-off clothing. Call and see e when you have something to sell. 103 South Central. H. F. WTLSON & CO., dealers la new and second-hand furnitare and hardware. Agents fer House hold stoves nnd raages, 16 Seat Fir street. Phono Main 3161. MISSION FURNrrURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly streets., eMd ford. Mission furnitare made Ut order, Cabinet work ef all loads. A trial order sellictsd. MORDOFF & Y?0hTT--Coo)mUii9 and ranges. New and seeoad-haai furniture, Eads' old staad, It Wf F St.. Snath. Phone 1. Wedfard. MEDFORD ITTRNITfla 00. Dm- deztakers. Day 1wm Ml, Phones, C. W. CeahUs MM, J. M, Bntler 3571. John A. Pt4 ttlL