Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 27, 1910, Image 6

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' 53A. .--.ri t
TACOMA. Wash., Oct. 27. Tho
intl-ewcnr ordinnneo is not on .the
Hon nlong tho west olclo of trnld
street. 100 foot; thonco In n westerly
direction parallel with said Sixth
stroot 100 foet; thonco In n southerly
direction pnrnllol with tho snld coun
ty rond (o Sixth street 100 foot;
thonco In nu enatorly direction along
tho north lino of Sixth street 100 fool
to tho plnco of beginning, being 100
city btntutoB today because eovcrnl feet BQimroj frontage 100 foot on tho
rn&mbers of the municipal commis
sion iirKiicd Hint tho "cuasin' biH,1"
if pnBsed, would ourlnll their per
sonal riclits mid was therefore nat
according to the constitution whijh
deelnreH for "liberty in tho pursuit
of happiness."
Tho proposed ordintuicp was
drafted by n member of the coin
mission. 'The intent' of tho' ordinance
was to stop swearing on the street
and the commission nt once voted to
kill it.
City Attorney Baker got busy,
however, in spite of tho measure, and
the commission reconsidered its no
tion to tho extent that tho bill is
tabled for next meeting, with small
prospects of being adopted.
feet on tho Vest side of N, Ktrorsldo
and described In Volumo - , pago
, county recorder's records of Jnck
sou county, Oregon. BG.2G foot, Unto
per foot, f 5.38. Amount, $303.G3.
AssosBinont No. 13. L. F, Klrk
nxtrlck. N. part of lot 5, block 4, or
dinal townslto of tho city of Mudtord,
Orogon; frontago 48.JG feet on tho
weat ldo of lllvorsldo nvonuo and
described In volumo 5, page 349,
comity recorder's records of Jackson
count)', Oregon 4S.75 feet. Unto por
foot, IG.3S. Amount, $202.28.
Assessment No. 14. L. F. Klrk
pntrlck. Lot G, block 4., orlglnul
townslto of tho city- of Medford, Ore
gon. Frontage US feet on tho west
side of X. Riverside avenue, and de
scribed in volume 27, pago 349, coun
ty recordor'8 records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 28 feet. Rate por
foot, ?B.3S. Amount, JtRO.CI.
Assessment No. 1G 1. It. Phjppu.
Olnlui SO, In township 37. south of 2 west pud claim beginning
weRt side of North Riverside avenue,
nnd described In Volumo , pngo
, county rooordor's records of Jack
son county, Oregon; 100 feet. Rate
per foot, tS.38. Amount, f G3S.O0
Assessment No. 4 H. Humphrey
And S. L. Leonard. A parcel of land
commencing nt a point on tho wcat
boundnry of tho county road from
which the northeast corner of block
No. 3 in tho original .townslto of
Medford, Jackson county, Oregon,
bears south 28 dogrecs east 177.08
feet, thenco north 2S degrees west 50
feet: thenco south 60 decrees 30 min
utes west nnrallcl with tho line of '
Sixth street, 104 feet; thonco south i chains 7est nnd 18 chains
2S degrees east GO feet; thonco north j south of tho southeast corner of sec-
G4 uegreea 30 minutes east iuo rooiiwon , in iuwdbhip oi, huuui oi
to the placo of beginning, and being jraugo 2 west; thenco east 70.14
what is known as tho Phlpp's reserve, chains; thenco north 36.25 chains;
Frontage GO feot on the west sldo of 'thonco west 52 chains; thenco north
North Riverside, and described In j 36.25 chnlns; thenco west 18.14
volumo 75, pago 110; volumo 33, chains; 1 hence south 72.5 chains; to
naco 238. county recorder's records , the plnco of beginning, containing
of Jackson counjy, Oregon; GO feet. 1320 acres. .Frontngo 463 feet on tho
Rate per foot, 15.38. Amount, i oast sldo of N. Rlvorsldo avenue, and
$269.00. I described In volumo 5, pago 93, coun-
Assossmcnt No. 5 School district'' recorder's records of Jackson icoun-
,'vp. 49. A parcel of land comment- ty, Onwon; dOJO root, unio per
In at n vJ1 11G fcct nortu- 36 " tol. 3?. Anfoani. j,jai.
southwest corner o( the Phif'F'S re- cent. A pared of fnnO
servo in tho city of Mcdtord nnd oh s Wint 3.59 chnlns north "" nor
v- -------"------ - ---
- t
l5e Brush f A D
Runabout VTLlV.
Have you examined tho RrushT It not you should do so, as It has many i
strong distinctive features. Absolutely tho easiest riding car manufac
tured on account of Its spring construction. Order now for spring, deliv
ery. P. O. box 37. T11KO. W. MARSH, Medford, 112 S. King Stroot
--- -
The finest
Sample Rooms
in tho city.
Single rooms or on suito
also rooms with bath
Hotel Moore
Telephone In Kvory Room
Rati -Mohr Company
European Plan
vxaTfSKvatvxsvssKyitx uh;:: Tmrn
All Work Uuiirunttiod PriooH llounonablo
J 11 North !D St.. Medford Ore. , Phono HOU
Shennan Clay & Co. are to be
concratulated in the selection of J.
II. Roehr as manager for, their local
The house ct Sherman Clay & Co.
have, a very nice location nnd tho
room is tastily finished and decorat
ed.1' They carry a first-class stock
of 'high-crude pianos, .including the
celebrated Steinwny.
r. Roehr c6mcs to Medford well
reooniniendcd nnd it is predicted that
he will manage the affairs of the
company in the very best possible
manner. He is of a pleasing dispo
sition, magnetic to ft mtirked degree,
courteous td evfertf dno nt all times
and on all odcWlOns nnd has already
made a hosf of friends during his
incumbency as assistant to Mr. Holt.
Mr. Roehr is n thorough piano man
and knows nil the ins and outs of
thq business,
Again we stale that Sherman Clay
& Co. are to be concratulated in se
curing n man who will uso udgment
and common sense' nt nil times one
who will play thfi part of a gentle
man on nl loccasions?. one who will
give others credit for knowing a lit
tle something, one who will seek at
nil times to deserve nil the business
a generous and appreciative public
can give to n worthy house and one
that will not allow his head to grow
out of all proportions to his brains.
Sherman, Clay & Co. hnvo the
ha CJst llnd D 6treot MA fUnUlug
thenco north 35 dearer 35 minutes
lest along tho east jlno of said street
184.4 foot; iaeftco easterly pnnuim
with 6th street S20 feet, more or less,
to the west lino of Riverside avenue;
thenco southerly along tho west lino
of said avonuo 193 feot, moro or less,
to the southeast corner of those cer
tain Dremlses deeded by the grantors
herein on tho 5th day of June, 1006, J
to ono James H. Toft, tno aeco. mofe
for being of. record ffi volumo 53 of
tug "deed records of Jackson county,
Oregon, at pago G71 thereof; thenco
westorly parallel with Sixth street
268 feet; more or less, to the placo of
beginning, excepting and reserving
from tho foregoing the said premises
abovo referred to deed by tho grant
ors herein to said James H. Toft, tho
deed therefor being of record in vol-
here, it is predicted that they will do
a fine business.
I ' Morrison Fails Again.
PARIS. Oct. 27 Aviator Morri
son nenin attempted a flight to
London today, but was unsuccessful.
After n few miles' travel he was
forced to return to Issy owing to
engine trouble. Morrison announced
that he would attempt the flight this
An ordlnanco declaring the cost of
Improvement of North Riverside ave
nue from East Main street to Jacuson
etreet, nnd assessing the property
benefitted thereuy, ana declaring
5USb assessment, and directing the
entry thereof in tho docket of the
city. Hens.
The City of Medford doth ordain
as follews:
Section 1. That no protests hav
ing been filed against tho Improve
ment of North Rlvernlde avenue from
East Main St. to Jackson St.. duo no
tice of the Intention of tho coun
cil to cause said Improvement to be
Improvement having been ordered
made, tho council has considered the
matter and herewith ascertains the
probable cost of making such Im
prpvement to be the sum. of
'And said council further finds
that the special and peculiar benefit
accruing upon each lot or part thereof-
adjacent to said improvement and
In Just proportion to benefits, to be
the respective amounts hereinafter
pet opposite tho number or descrip
tion of ench lot or part thereof, and
such amouu'B respectively are here
by, declared to bo tho proportionate
6hjre of each lot or part thereof, of
the cost of such improvement, and
is hereby declared to Do assessed
against said lot or parcels, respect
ively, the name appearing abovo each
description being the name of the
owner of such lot or parcel.
Assessment No. 1 Hubbard 3ros.
Lot 1,7, block 3, original townsite
ofjtho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 111 feet on tho west side of
North Riverside avenue, and describ
ed; In volume - , pago , county re
corder's records of Jackeon county,
Oregon; 141,feot, Rate per foot,
SGtsS Amount; J758.58.
'Assessment Nd. 2 J. E. Enyart.
'Lfltnl. block 3, original townsita of
tho cty of Medford, Oregon; front
age 141 feot on tho west sldo of north
Rlversldo avenuo and described In
-volumq 22, page 178, county record
er's rqcords of Jackson county. Ore
gon; 141 feot. Rato por foot, 95,38.
.Amount, 7758.58.
Assessment No. 3 J; O. Goble.
A pju-cql 'of land cnmraonclng at the
southeast corner of, ttie I, J. I?hlppa
reservation In tho city of Medford,
Jackson county, Oregon, where- 6th
street Intersect tho county road;
'tueuce running in a northerly dlrec-
ftbnlns west of tho northeast co
of block 3, In tie city of Medford,
and running thenco north 22 degrees
west 5.34 chains; thenco north 77
degrees 30 minutes east 5.25 chains;
thenco south 27 'cgrees 30 rilnutcs
cast 6.06 chains; tnenco tjOUltt
grees west 5.G6 chalaa ,uof
beginning, c.ontal".7n- a.nK nprpB .,,.
Ject, U0vor to tho right of way of
the Medford city sower, all of tho
snld described premises, savo and ex
cept a certain portion' thc-rrof, here
tofore deeded by the grantors hero
in hereto C. E. Gaddls, tho deed
whereof Is tated tho 20th day of
March, 1903, and recorded on the
25ft day of March, 1903, in Uo deod
records of Jackson county, Oregon,
volume 47, at pago 1S5 theeof, which
said last mentioned property Is here
by expressly excepted and excluded
from this conveyance. Frontago
326.6 feet on tho caBt side of N. Rlv
f .... ,.t I ,,. 1 1 1 , , , , , o- j
Only hotel in town of 1000 inhnbitniitH on Southern Pnoifio rail
rond. Rogiia llivor vulloy. Newly rofurnlHliod, papered, painted;
pnuipmont modern; Imthn, tolloln, alcotrin llchtH, hot and cold run
ning water. Now doing ImihIiiohh.
218 West Main St., Medford, Or.
J. E. ENTAIty, Tft-CBldcut.
JOHN S. 0RT1T, Cabhior.
J A. PERRY. Vico-Prosidont.
W. B. JACKSON, AH't Cashlor.
nme 59. at Dace 571 thereef: front
niri 145 foot on the west sldo of N.
Riverside avenue, and described In erslde, and described In volumo 47,
Volume 65. page 352j sounty record-1 page 505, county recorder's records
er's records of JaclHon c6Uhty, Ore
gon; 145 foet. Hate per foot, $5.38.
Amount, $780.10.
Assessment No. $ James Kent.
A parcel of laud commencing at the
NE. Intersection of Fifth street and
Apple Street In the dty of Medford,
Jackson county, Oregon, and running
thence In a northerly direction along
the east lino of said Apple street 85
feet; thence at right angles to tho
said east lino of Apple street to the
west lino of Rlversldo aveuve; thence
In a southerly direction along the
said west lino of Rlversldo avonuo to
the northwest Intersection of River
side avenue nnd Fifth street; thenco
along the north line of Fifth street
59 feet to the placo of beginning;
frontage 88.38 feet on tno west sme
pianos that are snre to give yon snt- of North Riverside avenue, ana ae
. ,. r -3 ,, . ,. , -"scribed In volume 74, pago 36, coun-
isfaction nud now that they have a "Vworder's recordV of Jackson
first-clnss man representins them eoUntv OreKen: 88.38 feet.'Rato per
fnnt. SR.3S. Amount. $475.48.
Assessment No. 7 Wm. M, Smith.
A parcel of land beginning, at a point
in the eaBt line of Apple street 85
feet north from the northeast Inter
section of said Apple street and
Fifth street In tho city of Medford,
Jackson county, Oregon, and running
thence at -right angles with tho said
east line of Apple street to the west
line of said Riverside avenue; thence
in a northerly dlrectio'n along the
west line of said Riverside avenuo
57.2 feet; thence in a westerly direc
tion to a point on tho east lino of
Apple street 55 feet north of tho be
ginning poin;. thence in a southerly
direction along the said east lino of
Apple street to the beginning point;
frontage, 57.2 feet on tho west side
of North Riverside, and described In
volumo 74, page 37, county record
er's records of Jackson county, Ore
gon. 57.2 feet. Rate per foot, $5.38.
Amount, $307.74.
Assessment No. 8 H. L. Hasklns.
A parcel of land commencing at a
point situated south 35 degrees 30
minutes east 110 feet from tho south
corner of block 4 in Medford, and
from said point running thonco south
35 degrees 30 minutes east 110 feet;
thenco north 54 degrees 30 minutes
east 100 feet to tho west line of said
county road; thenco north 19 do
grees 10 minutes west along said
west llnb of said county road 113.7
feet; thence soutn 4t uegreea 3TT
minutes -vest 132 1-2 feet to tho
place of commencement; frontage
113.7 feot on tho west side of North
Riverside avenuo and described In
volume 82, pago 424, county record
er's records of Jackson county, Ore
gon; 113.7 feet. Rato por foot,
$5.38. Amount, $611.71.
Assessment No. 9 J. C. Jones. A
parcel of land beginning at a point
from which tho south corner of block
4, Medford, Jackson county, Oregon,
bears north 35 degrees 30 minutes
west 60 feet; thence south 35 do
grecs 30 minutes east 50 feet; thenco
north 54 degrees 30 minutes east
132.7 feet to the state road; thenco
north 19 degrees 10 minutes west
along tho lino of said road 51 feet 8
inches; thence south 54 degrees 30
minutes west along tho lino of 4th
street 147 feet 4 inches to the place
of beginning, Frontago 51.8 feet on
tho wost sldo of North Riverside ave
nuo and described in volume 17,
page 88, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon. 51,8 feet.
Rato per foot, $5.38. Amount,
Assessment No. 10. S. S. Sttne,
Lot 1 and 2, block 4, original townr
site of the city of Medford, Oregon.
Frontago 105.5 foot on tho vest sldo!
of N, Rlversldo avenuo and described
in volume' 74, pago 512, county re
corder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 105,5 feet. Rato per foot,
$5.38. 'Amount $.507.69.
Assessment No, 11.-Palmer and
Root. Lot 3. block 4, original town
slto of tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage, 50,5 feot on tho west sldo
of North Rlversldo avenue, and de
scribed In volumo , pago coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Orogon; .50.5 feet. Rate -per foot,
$5.38. Amount, $271.09.
Assessment No, 12. Mrs. O. W,
Henderson, Lot 4, S. part of lot 5,
block 4, original townslto of the city
of Medford, Orogon; frontage 56,25
of Jackeon counb. Oregen: 326.6
feet. Rate per foot, $5.28. Amount,
AssossnV&ut No. 17. C. E. Gaddls.
A parcel of la iu commencing nt D.
F. Adklns' northwest corner on tho
east bouudary og the county road
from which tho northehst co ncr of
Block 3 In tho town of Medford,
Jackson coui ;, Oregon, bears south
13 deerees cast 243.5 feot; thenco
north 19 elegices 10 -llnrtes weU 50
feet; thenco uo-th 67 degrees 45
minutes east 130 feet; thenco 19 de
grees 10 minutes e:.t 56 fcct U E. F.
Adklns north lino; theme 29.6 feet;
thence south 60 degrees west 103
foet to the plnce of beginning,, togeth
er with the 'igbt nnd privilege to lay
a se'erago rlP from tho oast sldo
of the above described promises to
the center of oBar Creek. Froutago
50 feet on fie enst side of N. River
side, .tnd des-iribed In volumo 47,
pago 185, county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feot.
Rato jjer foot, $5.38. Amount,
Assessment No. 18. Natnlorium
& Amusement Co. A parcel of land
beginning nt a point 118.2 feot north
of tho northeast intersection of Main
street and Rlversldo nVCnue, and said
beginning point being situated on the
oast line of North Rlversldo avonuo,
from said beginning point running
nor;h along the east lino of eald Riv
erside avenue, 433 feet, moro or less;
thenco soutl- 66 degrees west 103
feet; thence east 250 feet, no;o or
loss; thence south 14 degrees '30 min
utes cast to a point of Intersection
with a lino running north 63 degrees
23 minutes east 272 feet, more or
less, from the beginning point; thenco
in an easterly direction 272 feet,
moro or less, to tho placo of begin
ning. Frontago 433 feet on tho oast
side of N. R'vorsldo avonuo and de
scribed in volume , pago , county
recorder's records of Jackeon county,
Orojon. 433 feot. Rato poi foot,
$5.38. Amount, $2,329.54.
Assessment No. 19 Medford Bldg.
Co. A parcel of land beginning nt
tho northeast intersection of Main
street and RIvor"fdo avenue, running
thenco in a ndrtherly direction along
tho eaBt lino of N. Rlversldo .vonuo,
118.2 feet; thenco in an easterly di
rection 58.C feot; thenco In a southor
1 dilution P"iC,''fpoti thoici In n
westerly direction 70 feot to tho point
of beginning. Frontago 118.2 feet
on the east sldo of N. Rlvorjido ave
nuo and described in volumo R-473.
118.2 feet. Rato per foot,, $5.38.
Amount, $036.92.
Section 2. The recordor of tho city
of Medford is hereby dlrecto:! to on
ter a statement of tho asoesmonts
hereby mndo In tho docket of city
liqns, nud to g've notice by publica
tion aB requ.rfcd by tho charter and
ordinance No. 250 of said city, in tho
D-;ily Mall Tribune, a nowspaper pub
lished and of general circulation In
said city.
Tho foregoing ordinance was pass
ed by tho city council of tho cjty of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 4th day of
October, 1910, by tho following
Welch aye, 'Morrlck aye, Emorlck
aye, Wortrann ayo, Eifert ayo and
Dommernyc. ,
Approved October 5th, 1910.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder,
Capital. $106,006.00
Surplus, $20,000.00
t4-t;;ttii. -t"-w--r
Third annual
National Apple Show
November 14 to 19, 1910
$20,400 in Premiums
The greatest variety of prizes, cups, and trophies
ever offered. Prizes for single apples, W-es and
everything up to full carloads will be aw ..
$1000 Championship Carload Prize
For the best carload of 630 boxes or bushels. A floor
space of three and one-half acres required to house
this great show. Besides tho exhibit of apples, pack
ers and cookers will learn and gain valuable infor
mation. Ample hotel Accommodation without rise in prices
will be provided.
Southern Pacific Lines in Oregon
Will have in effect !ov round-trip fares from all
points on its lines, fror further information apply
to any Southern Pacific agent or to
WM. IKcMUIflRAY, General Passenger Agent.
Medford Iron W&rks
E. G. Trowbridge, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
" AtfJMI U ig
To tho owner, or reputed owner,
of each parcel of property described
In tliu foregclug ordlnanco, as named
therein, nni. In the lion declared hy
Br.Iil ordlnnnco as recorded Jn tho
'docftet of city liens:
You aro hereby notified that tho
aso3smont declared by tho forego
ing ordlnanco ciB been made nnd tho
lion therefor ontored In tho city lien
docket, and that tho same 1b duo and
you ao horoby required to pay tho
Bftino to tho city recorder wlthlr ton
days from vho sorvlco of this hotlco,
which servlco Ic mndo by putllcatlon
of tho foregoltg ordlnanco and this
notice threo tlmeo In the Medford
Mall Tribune, pursuant to an ordor
of tho city council of Bald city,
City Recorder,
An ordlnanco vacating tho north
erly Bovonty-ilvo (7C) feet of tho al
lay extending from Soventh street to
Eighth Htreet, through block twenty
(20) of tho town (now city) of
Medford, Oregon.
Tho city of Medford doth ordain
as follews:
Section 1. Whereas, thero was
horotoforo on September 10, 1910,
presented to and filed with tho city
council of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, a petition Blgned by tho FIrBt
National bank of Medford, Oregon,
a corporation, asking that tho north
erly Boveniy-nvo ii iuui ui tu
nlloy extending from Sovonth street
to Eighth strcot through block twon
ty (20) of thq town (now city) of
Medford, Orogon, bo vacated, and
Whereas, duo notice of tho pond
oncy of said petition has been given
by posting the aamo in threo of tho
most public places In said city for
moro than thirty days prior to Octo
ber 11, 1910, which eald dato wns
fixed by said notice as tho time when
tho council would meet to, .consider
said petition, and. . .
Whorons, the council did meet at
tho tlmo and place' fixed by said no
tice and did thereupon adjourn Bald
meeting and the consideration of said
matter until this date, and
Whereas, tho counpll ha on this
dato considered said mattor and has
determined that eald petition should
bo granted, and
Whorons, thoro has been Mod
with this council tho consent In writ
ing of tho persons owning Bald prop
erty Immediately adjoining ald por
tion of said alloy so sought to be
vacated, that tho same ho vncntod
n prayed by Bald petition.
Now thoroforo, It 1b ordained ns
nforesald that tho northerly sovonty
flvo (75) foot of tho alloy extending
from Sovonth to Eighth Btroot,
through block twonty (20) of tho
town (now city) of Modfard, In Jack
Hon county, Oregon, bo, and tho samo
Is horoby vacated, and that tho Bitmo
nhall attach to tho lots bordorlng on
said portion of anld nlloy, and till
right nnd tltlo thoroto shall vest In
tho persons owning tho proporty, In
equal proportions , and tho mayor
and recordor nro authorized to oxo
cuto a dood thorofor on hohalf of the
Tho forogolng ordlnanco wnn pbbs
od by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Orogon, on tho 19th day of
October, 1910, by tho following
Wolch abBont, Morrlck ayo, Emor
lck abBont, Effort aye, Wortman ayo,
and Dommor ayo.
Approved October 20th, 191P.
11 . W, H, CANON,
(. Mayor.
City Rocordor.
Schafcr Challenrjes Jack.
CHICAGO, Oot. 27. Ouliiolflor
HeJiiifur of tlio WjiHliiiiKlon Amorium
tourn today challenged Champion
Jnok Johnson to an nutomnhllo vuoo.(
Boluifor 8aid ho would mako n Hido.
hot with tho colored mnn and Waul
ed fiomo club or firm to offer n imp
for tho winner.
and Shippers to EngH&h Markets
(I Conslijii your fruit to
"MICS.SRH. R1DLKV & MOULDING, Covont Harden, London.
(gUest market prlcoa, Cnnh remitted day nftor nnlo, cabled If required.
glq agonta In London for South Auntrnllt.n government consign
ments, -
IflOur charge for eolllnc. 6 per cent nnd 2 conts por box,
Agent in Now York, W, N. WHITE A CO,, 7(1 lnrk Wnc. Ffcrwrtrd.
tng charges, 2 oontn per box. Those nro llin nolo cunrgoii, tionlpar
with other accounts
Campbell & Baumbach
Money on hand at all times to loan on improved farms
and city proporty.
Fisher & Whitmire
Mining and Fruit Land
Orchard and City Property
32 South Central Ave.
Rogue River Fish Co-
VVcflh Soiled ali'd 'h'ir.okcd Fish; Imported Chccoo nnd MiKflronlj
FrrMh Oystens Poultry nnd KRH.
Walter Slajter & Co.
The P. & E. R. R. will soon be at
Butte Falls, Oregon
Vv'e uau then handle your orders. Place them now.
Write ov Phono hh for m'iecs.
Butte Falls Lumber Co.
8 - Big Snaps for Friday Only - 8
G0Q yards Kood heavy col
ored outing flannel, cheap
nt 10c; Hpeclal, yd. ....... ,
Uetit quality droHii and
Hhlrtlnjj calico, Hpeclal Krl- lf
day, ft yard (10-yd, limit) . ,
Host qiiullly tablo oil
cloth Hi vhlto only; hjio
clal Frltlny, yard
5 CO yarda good quality s
npron Bingham, fant col- Wf
orB, (10-yd limit) up'l, yil.vV
Largo hIzo buck nnd lath
towolfl, vorth 12 l-2c; Bpo-
ctal, each, .
BO Warnor'n and W, 11. cor
Hota, ro, p Ico ?l,t0 and
$; npoclal, n pnlr
Womon'u flunnulolto night gowns
In plain white, worth
$1.25j u p o o I n 1
each , i
MImjch' and children!) "Last Ifor
ovor" Hebo, In light and jf'Tv
heavy reto'it; ro-nln" I ff
prlco 2Ro; apodal, a pair SKs
Minnesota vs. Chlcano.
CHICAGO, Oct. 27. MlnnoBotn
will meet tlio UnivorHity of Chioao
lu.f. Rnhmliiv nnd it in predicted tho
MinneHotuiiH will overwhelm" tho Ma-, cousin ( MihIIhoii
Othor Knnios scliodulcd uroV llli
noiH vb, l'orduo at Lufiiyolto, and
Northwestern UnivorHity. , vh, Win-
-f -r.rtWri ..!