PERSONAL ITEMS PicuwcH ok WTSTT I ; 11 PLANNING POST Oynlorii uftoniooiiM nt tho jn.n. Recorder It. T. Iliirnotl wim n Mod. ford vlwltor Wodutmdiiy, (Irovor Noll of Aiihliwid wwi In Moilford on htiiiliiotin Wodiumdiiy. Drop In at tlio I'litxii for an nftor ttoon lunch. Atlmi I.orottn Knlly of DovIIh I.iiIui N l) In vliilllnit .1. 0, ,W".l iiml ruin lly mid will llldily hihukI tho winter horo, Dr. (Jloiilionnon In a Kradiuilo ciptf clr.u. Ovur Alien & Itnnciin'n, lOfi (inr runt eliarcoa. Ovur Ilurlhiirt'n now iiloni, tf John' Clifford of Kliunr.tli Knllii witK In MiMlfoiil on htuilnnnii thin weolc, Try ono of thoNo homo cooltod uioiiIh lit 'l Boutli llurllotl at 2 Go. Didlclotui Handwli:liiH, ploii, otc, ut tbo 1'lnr.a. W. II. WhlHonniit iiikI noil return od from n t,rlp to llnttn I'iiIIh Thum iluy inornliiK. Thoy didn't Iiiik any hlg giuuo, lint had a ood tlmu at that. 0. W. llnrniim & Co., oontractom wnd hulhlurn. Country work a npoc lulty, OrdorH nollcltud. Inquire nt Vim ToKKory. lliiish MoUiln of .Marnhtluld, Ih In Medford on a IiiihIiivhh vlnlt. J. K. Watt rotiuiiod liiHt wook from a trip uaHt to attond tlio funoral of IiIh lirothnr. "Tlioro aro uconm of my frhinilH tlioro who aro nnxloim to coino to iiouthorn Oregon to locnto," ho tiayn, "mid many of thorn vlll ho horo iim noon an thoy cm ml Iooho from thotr holding tlioro." Klfty-throo acnm npoclal, 10 ncrou coming Into hearing orchard. Call on J. 11. Wood, Condor Water & I'owor Co.'h offlco. tf Client ur Woltorn of Talunt, non of Chnrloii W. Woltorn. forinctrly a Mod ford mcrchnnt, wan In Moilford Wod niiidny. In your I ouno wired? Ono cigar Uttrt a day would pay for a hundrod por rout Incroano In comfort. Start IIvIiik tho oloctrlc llfo. tf. J. A. Hucliannn of KoKohurg, re publican candidate for Joint roproson tatlvo, wa In thin city Wodnendny. Kvory light hut electricity glvci off nomoko and nmoko coutnliiH noot which iloponltH on your wall papor, curtaliiM, draporloB. Hloctrlc light Blown In an air tight hull). tf. Thw taction of tho Chrlntlan church will give a bqx nodal at tho church Friday nlRht, at 8 o'clock. Ico cream, enke and coffoo will nlno ho norvetl. Kvoryhody Invited to como and havo n nodal tlino. Dr. BtophonHon, Rradualo optician, fltH kImihch to correct any defect of tho oyo. Offlco ovor Allon & Itea Kan'n. Phono Main 1851. 212 E. S. Jankca of SnniH Valloy upont a fow dayn In Medford tuta week. H. Mltcholl of Aohlnnd wan In Medford looking "'tor hiiHlneH mat torH WfldnoHday. Tho funoral of David Cronomlllor In taking place thin afternoon undor tho auMplcoH of the I. O. It. M. A delegation of Medford Itodmon la In attendance. Mr. Cronomlllor wim por hapn tho oldest momhor of tho order In, tho Htato and wan ono of tho first groat nacheiiiH of the Oregon ronorvn tlon. Paul Kvann. Chnrlen Hennolmann arid W. P. Mealy left for Portland Tuiwd.iy night In Leonard Woodford'H Hovon-pHHongor Htudohnker car. Theodore Cainoron of Jacknonvlllo wim In Medford on a bucluoBH trip Thurmlay morning. W. W. Kliorl, proHldent of tho city. council, Ih roportod Improving today after a novoro lllnesH of tho pant fow clnyn, which confined him to IiIh homo. Mr. Klfort was taken 111 Monday. J. A. McCort of Cold i-.ll waa In Medford on u hualneaa visit Thurs day. Iloraco Q. Whltnoy, foroat rnngor of tho" upper Applegate, was In Med ford Thurnday on bunlnoMH. It was Mr. Whitney's cabin which waa rob bed by Milton Cartor, and part of tho paraphernalia tho latter was car rying when captured belonged to tho government. W. T. Ilovorldgo, locating onglncor for tho Pacific & Eaatorn, waB tak on Hovoroly 111 nt tho enmp on tho right of way Wednoadny and was hurried to Kaglo Point by train and from thonco wnB brought to Medford by nuto, arriving lato Wodnoaday ov'cnlng. Mr. Ilovorldgo waB roatlng easily Thursday aftornoon. Mr. nnd Mra. Frank Forester ro turnod thla wook from a camping trip on tho uppor Roguo. J. 10. Ilnrkdull roturnod Wodnoa day night from tho Fort Klamath country. Ho didn't oxcood tho limit for ducks, so ho says, but you should hoar him toll of thoao big honkora that "would fly away with moro shot than a man could carry around with him, and aoomod to onjoy It." Otto SolRhy, W. M. Konnody, Jamos Jones nnd JoBoph Cuakoy woro among thoao who nttondod tho funoral of tho lato David Cronomlllor at Jack sonville Thursday aftornoon. WodnoBday night was social night at tho Eostorn Star. An oxcollont mimical nnd lltorary program was prosontod, nnd tho uaunl good things to oat which BO with such occasions woro also thoro. NOTICE. A mooting of subsorlbors to tho Medford dolf and Country club will bo hold at tho Commorclal club roomB In tlio Natntorium building on Thurs day, Octobor 27, at 4:30 p. m. for tho purpoBo of organization. A full attendance la oarnontly roquoatod. 187 SEASON Fielder Jones Will Load Atmrcnntlon of All Stars Afinlnst tlio Beavers Novcinhcr 13, Provltlctl tho Weath er Is Good Final tor Season. PORTLAND, Or,, Oct. U7. It was uuiioiiiii'uil toilny (lint Fielder Joiiuh, the roriiiur fanioiiH loadci' of tlio Ch cau'i) Wlillo Hox, would lend tltu All Star uuKicKitlloii iiKiijiiHt the Ueiiv et'H. Tlio uanio will ho played on Suuiliiy, Novemlior l'l, provided tlio wuntliur n fiivoruhln. Tlio procumlH nt' tlio'contoHt in to lie divided niniHiir tlio I'ortlniid tuiuii, "Speck" KnrldluKH, ono of tho star Iwirlorri of tliu lleiivei'H IiihI heiiKou, will don Ilia uniform and pitch foil the All-Slam and Hill v Sullivan or ClilT HlnnlceiiHlii will catch for them. Fielder Joiich ih in tlio onat at pri'Hont mid may iioi'miiikIo noiiiii of the hit: loatruo plnyora who Intend lo Hiiond the winter mi the eoimt to eomo to Portland and pluv in the came, .lotion will hold down renter field. Althoimh it is not definitolv known, MnniiKer MeCreilln limy de eide In iiko liiK three Htur twirlorH in the traine, or inav only iiho Venn (Irou'ir thrniiuliniit the HCHsion. The Henvers will nrrivc here on NTov(inihr 0 mid will Html irncli" for the final mime of Hit year. WW REVOLT IN EGYPT SOON Forclfin Office Mnklnfi Preparations for Mectinn Widespread Revolution All Officers Aro Required to Remain on Duty. LONDON, Oct. 27.--Propnmtlons for mooting a wldoaprond rovolt la Kgypt nro bolng raado by tho forolgn offlco, tho officials of which do not conroal their foara that an uprising of tho African dopondoncy will como soon. All lenvoo of nhHunco of offlcors In tho Drltlah Egyptian forces woro can celled a A'ook ago and tbo oftlcera aro Hcurrytng to rejoin tholr com mands and bring thorn up to a war footing. It la holloved that a "holy war" will bo preached by tho Mohamme dans anil that this propaganda will bo the algual for a fierce outbreak which will roqulro tho utmost exer tion to put down. , Tho dlaturbanco In Egyptian cir cles la said to foroahadow tho recall of Sir Eldon Gorot, IlrltlBh ngont In Egypt, nnd tho appointment of Sir Reginald Wlngato, Bldar of tho Egyp tian nrmy, to succcod him. WALLA WALLA FRUIT SHIPPED TO COLORADO WALLA WALLA, Wash., Oct. 27. -Fnncy Wall Walla apples aro bo lng shipped to Colorado, reputod to produce more npplos than any two of tho northwestern states. Only recently havo local dealers attempted to Invade this markot, but tholr success waa Instantaneous. Slnco Monday a local firm has shlppod to Donvor three carloads of fancy ap ples. Colorado buyora call for nothing hut high grndo fruit, stntlng In tholr orders that thoy havo plonty of ap ploB of Inforlor quality. NEARLY DEAD, MAN TAKEN FROM SRIP GALVESTON, Tox., Oct. 27. Al most (load from huugor and thirst, Captain 13, W. Walls of tho schoonor Holllsworfth has boon rescued in a dollrtoiis condition, nttor drltttug 84 hours on his ship, which had boon nbandouod by nil of tho crow oxcopt hlinsolf. Tl.o Ilolllsworth sprang a Ionic two wookB ago and tho crolc took to tho boata, taking a supply of wa ter with thorn. Captain Walls rofiiB od to loavo tho ship, remaining on hoard -until ho was ptckod up by tho stoamflhlp Parkwood on Octobor 20. Captain WaHu Is bolng ncclalmod "tho gamost skipper of thorn nil." New Census Tacoma. WASIIINQTok Qet. 27. Follow ing u sooond conforonee with tho Ta oomn oommittoo, Dirootor of tlio Coiisuh Durnnd nnnounood n com plete new census of Tueoiha will ho tukei). Muko ovory "Hpoeiul salo" really Htrongthon your sloro by tnkinpr oaro that your nd renders ioiirn tho truth about eneh fialo. UK SPOKAHE SHOW BOOSTER FOR FJR ! Perfumes I , ' ' j - I .. t , Do you recognlzo tho namo? Every user of perfumo would "ft Three Hundred Boxes Have Been Packed nnd Work Is Bclnn Douo Carefully Splendid Ncwtowns for National Show From Valley. Tlireo hundred boxes of Nuwtown nppk'K woro packed up to yesterday fur the HWouiiHtukeu cuiilestinu oar tit the National Apple show ut Spo kane. N'oveiuher 1-i. Tho Ad Holin.i oreliiird hoiiIIi of Ahlilanil is the coil toHtunt mid tho piiokini; is lieiuu douo hv tlio hOHt of pucker in tho valley, hointr under the foroiuiuiHhip of Wal ter Viersoii, who tuickrd the CIiim. I'npi) car last year, Tho IfelniM ear lenvcH on the fith of next mouth for tho hcciio of tho context nnd ttlory. STOCK MARKET STRONG NKW YOltiC, Oct. 27. -Tho stock inurkut today opened strong with sharp advances in several Hpucula tivo favorites. Tho voltituo of Ijiik ini'Brf, hnwovor. was not lurcc1. Snnth ern I'acifie, St. I'uiil, Xorthoni I'u oilie. Koek IhIiiimI and CheKiipoiike & Ohio rose lurjio fractions. Tho re tention of tho 5 per cunt Bank of KiiKlund into had n roiiKHiiriiiK ef fect nil speculative sentiment. There was liu vitiir in Union Pacific on the expectation that tho atiuunl report lo ho iHven out durinir the day would muko a favorable Hliowimr. The mhr hot closed stronir. Hnuds wore irrecuhir. AT THE HOTELS. -f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f At tho Nash G. W. Furroy, Now York; II. A. Sublott, Los Angolcs; A. Morrison, It. C. McMillan, Port Pert land: W. J. Alexander, Scattlo; P. E. Ilnrnoa, San Francisco; S. D. Gor butt, Charles Splogol, Portland; O. II.- Adler, Portland; J. A. McCort, Gold Hill: O. J. Flnselte. William Gundenow, Portland; J. C. Altkon, Woodvlllo; W. It. Wallace Elmor Skiimpl, Portland; M, S. Shrock, Hub bard; Don Stoffa, J. H. McGregor, Pertland: F. O. NoIIl, San Francisco; W. Hnhon, Portland; L. Allehoff, F. It. Hnnko, E. W. Cousin, W. II. Ad nuia, Portland; J. Frond, San Fran Fran ciseo: F. W. Hall, Chicago. At tho Mooro W. K. Goodalo, R. M. Chadbourno and wife, It. G. Sco Ileld, Portland; Mrs. Kohrlor, Mlas Kohrlor, Mlas Kohrlor, Granger; Hugh McLalu, Marshtlcld; Mr. and Mrs. Gadsden, T. G. llurdlck, Port land; W. hi. Davis, California; J. C. Digger, Eugene; 13. C. PIplo, II. D. Wngnon. G. Tllllnghnat, Portland; C. Smith, C. IC. Nowhall, Kanaas City; lllaln Hovey, Eugene; George Gntoa, O. Matchmar, Portland; E. S Jaules, Sams Valloy; G. W. Parker, Eugene; W. Dunn, Yrckn: D. E. Meredith, Portland; A. E, Ilarr. Ford and wife, Portland; Thomns Irwlne, Eugene; II. Mitchell, 0. Purvlnco. Ashland; A. Schneider, Portland; J. Grando, Sacramento; C. C. Crates, Jud Ecko, Dunsmulr. CHINA PLANS ARMY OF MILLION MEN PEKING, Oct. 27. Tho rocent In tlmatlon convoyed to tho Chlncso Im perial commissioners that Japan Is strengthening hor position In Man churia with tho view of reducing Chl ncso to subjection led today to re newed activity In army circles. Prlnco Chlng, head of tho Imporlal army, Is Bald to havo boon socrotly notified that ho must bring tho armod strength of China up to 1,000,000 men within tho noxt two yonrs and It Is holloved that similar orders havo boon given to naval offlcors. Tho recent visit of Socrotnry of War Dickinson to Poking gnvo nddod impetus to tho military propaganda In China. DIckluBon, In a speech do llvorod at a bnnquot In tho Forbld don City, attonded by tho highest Chl neiio statesmen nnd leading diplomats of tho orient, urged upon China tho necosslty of bolng In n position to check nny nggr'eeslon on tho part of her poworful lslnnd nolghbor. Vessels Aro Watched. SAN FKANCISCO, Oot. 27. Knots that cumo to light today indi cate that tho,stemuship Snn Junn oi tho Pneifio Mnil lino is not tho only ono which officers who nro engaged in tho ehaso of suspects in the Los Angeles Timed, dynamiting ease wore watching, nnd it also appeared that Chief of Polieo Qallowny of Los rui goles did not let out nny vnlunblo in formation Tuosdny night. While it s truo that throo of tho supposed principals in tlio dynamiting chho did take passage for South Atuorion and nro now nt son, thoy are now far boyond tho reach of tlio Mexican authorities and nro on a boat which touched ut Acapuleo on Ootohqr lh Tho store ndti aro good rending just now for nny man or woman who takes nn interest in life. Look nt nny storo nd in this issuo nnd ver ify this statement. Three Hundred Boxes Have Been Never Ate Such Delicious Variables i HudnUtS T, l'Tirr:?.rrrr, "11" T."le I :.jA Nor Saw Them GOW So Fast as' : r lt I moat porfoct odors. If you want tho host, call hore. Your I . .. ,.... .. i ' vOlQdlCS A cholco Is horo, and you will be ploaaod I jm In the Roflue River Valley, the I i 5 JL I ' .... niX.f flli U AMi night ijione hkuvick 1 J Gem of the Universe. KO&re&lldllet Y ' I ;-.i W. II. NudiiiK of Uio KukIo Park much, near Enulo I'onit, was in Med ford Wednesday on a business trip, ookiiitr after his apple shipments. Mr. NudiiiK purchased the ranch, com prism i: some 204 acres, Inst year, nnd topic possession March J this year. "I havo n small family orchard on tlio place, he said, "with many vari eties of the old-fashioned npplcs. Koine of my Twenty-ounce Pippins were commandeered for exhibition at the northern apple showa, and also the committee purchased a number of boxes of my Ortleys for the sumo purpose. When wo took jwsscBsion wife nod I set out.u garden, and the wuy those vegetables crew was not only a pleasure, hut a revelation to us. In Ohio, where we enmc from, Irrigation is not so uecessnry, or isn't considered ho, hut from now on I nm mi enthusiastic believer in ir rigation. My Innd lies under the Fish Lake ditch, and from the time I turned the water on the gnrden you could fairly fee thofe vegetables grow. And I nover tnstcd more ten der, sweet and palatable garden truck in mv life than here. I had com that would stack up with tho best of the Missouri valley product, and pumpkins, squash, cabbage and other things the old residents tlioro would not believe could be grown. I nm nn Oregoninn, and a Southern Orcgoninn, from this time on. It' good enough for me." SNOW AND ZERO WEATHER IN EAST CHICAGO. Oct. 27. Freezing weather and snow held sway in tho Mississippi valley today. For the first time this fall tiie air was filled il!i leathery fhtke.. Ir two hours "nv fell nnd the ground wns well n crcd. The storm extended ovor Minnesota. Wisconsin, a part of N. ' ' 'kit and Colorado. The tempera- iv wns below freezing for seven! 'i mrs. SUIT CUTTERS MIX WITH CHICAGO POLICE CHICAGO. Oct. '27. When 300 union suit cutters, dressed in frock coats and silk lints, attempted to partido in the chopping district the police interfered today nnd n riot resulted. Three garment-workers were nrrested. CONNIE MACK TAKES A BRIDE; A SURPRISE PHILADHLIMIIA, Oct. 27. Cor nelius MeGillicuddy. whose bnsebiui iinino is Connie Maek. and tho lend ers of tho world's champion Athle, ics, was married today to M: -ICathorino Ilallohan of PitUbni. Tho ceremony was performed in A Souls' Catholic church nt Tin. Tho wedding was intended as n s" - prise. Mnck's fnrcilv firf K-inwina of it when ho introduced his bride. Mr. and Mrs. Mack will co to Italv on their honoymoon. They will leave at onoo and Mack will not be pres ent at tlio parade nnd banquet to the Athletics horo on November f. NEW DIRECTORY IN FRISCO IS BULKY SAX FRANCISCO, Oct. 27. Ono of tho six beat sellers, atf G por sell, was Issued horo today In tho form of San Francisco's now city directory. Tho dlroqtory of 1910 contains 180,148 nnmos against 175,214 for 1909, and 167.7GG for 1908. Tho compllors of tho directory Bay that about 7000 names aro of por sons engaged In buslnoss occupations In San Francisco, but live outsldo. Eliminating those nnmos, and basing tho totnl population on tho flguros established on tho enstorn basis of two and ono-half porsons to each namo in tho directory, tho population of Snn Francisco is estimated at 450, 000. Tho directory pooplo say, how ooi that In San Franclaco two nnd turoo-olghths would probably bo tho proper multiple This would Indicate that San Francisco's population Is about 430,000, or an Increaso of close to 100,000 slnco the federal census of 19000 wus taken. And that, con sidering tho trials of a groat city re duced tp ashea only four years ago, Is showing remarkablo growth. HasklnB for health. 1 nluDrc I JYUSDJbOKD IPHAKMACY I A pmiiiimiimiifiiiiiiiiimmimHttmttp-mMNi "HAD BULLY TRIP" SAY AERONAUTS Hawley. and Post Found in Quebec, Canada, After Travelinn. 1355 Miles In Balloon America II At No Time Were They Alarmed. CHICOUTIMI, Que., Oct. 27.- Armed with affidavits to show they really broko all records by landing 1.TG5 miles from St. Louis, Alan Haw ley and Augustus Post, pilot and aide of tho balloon America II, left hero today for Quebec, whence they will mako their way back to St. Louis. Doforo leaving, Hawley and Post commissioned trappers to locate and recover the cas bag of tho America II from tho slope near Lake Tsh lsh tlgnma, whoro tho balloon land ed. Almost tho entire population of Chlcoutiml witnessed tho departure of the aeronauts, giving them a rous ing send-off. Hawley and Post declared they had had a "bully" trip. At no stage of tho racq were thoy alarmed, they said, In spite of tho fact that when they landed they were practically out of provisions. They fought their way through the wilderness for four days before they reached the camp Of Jack Matthias at St. Ambrose. From thero they were brought to Chlcou timl in a canoe. They said they had suffered none, but lived on short ra tions until they reached the camp of tho hunters. Until they encountered a snow storm late Wednesday, 48 hours aft er leaving St. Louis, Hawley and Po3t were confident of being able to reach the extreme coast of Labrador. Tho storm was too much for them, however, and, (selecting an unnamed peak, they descended. The landing wm fsy, thoy said. That night they spent in the balloon basket. Next day they deflated tho gos bag and sot-out on the return Journey. NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Most of the $12,000 raised as a reward tor tho discovery of Allan Hawley and Augustus Post, pilot and aide of tho balloon America II, for 7hom a continent-wide search was started, will be spent in the entertainment of tho two daring sky pilots when they reach New York early tomorrow, ac cording to plans being formulated to day. Hawley and Post will be feted and banqueted by at least half a dozen I organizations Interested in aerial nav igation and tholr friends are plan I nlng a series of entertainments. WOULD'ST DIE? YOU HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE , CHICAGO, Oct. 27. Tho high cost of living as Justification for nn at tempt nt sulcldo was upheld by the fhienco mtintclnal court today when ,i released Mrs. Katherlne Elson, wlfo of Jacob Elson, a cabman, and tho mother of eight children, who wns charged with attempted solf-dos-trrctlon. Elson, pleading for his wlfo's, dis missal, said he earned $13 weekly. "Tho children wanted feathers on tholr hats like other children." said Elson. "and $13 a wook would'nt buy food. I sank deeper and deopor Into debt I know my wlfo contemplated euiclde, but couldn t blame hor, and never said a word when I saw hor brltitf homo a bottle of poison." Mrs. Elson drank poison, but was paved by prompt medical assistance. Hasklns for health. : TOO LATE TU CLASSIFY. WANTED Plymouth Rock roostor, about 1 yonr old. Addross P. O. Vlr.v nr.1 100 FOR SALTS New fi-room bungalow, under construction, completed, $1680, house 24x12, lot 44x116; good location. Inquiro 811 North Riverside 12 FOR SALE 1 to 5-noro tracts, un dor ditch, lVa "ilos out, good loon tlnn for homo, soloudid borry nnd vogotnhle laud, fine for ohiokon ranch; prico if 350 per noro. bee, owner, 20 S. Poach st, 180 FOR SALE 12 fino lots near pav ing, $3000, quick sale. Rittnor, 188 I " ui W1U y bliunil J, 1IUJ DbiLiiiA All 1UJ UUOb ' ' - lllunL IIIDhlilki fM -Ju. .mm I'lIO.VK MAI.V 101 NEAll POST OFFIOU I - tt mmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimm ISIS THEATRE THE HOME OF VAUDEVILLE TO-NIGHT "Never a Dull Moment" v 'Bik k-iHrr 3-REELS-3 LATEST MOTION PICTURES 1 OLIVER TWIST 2 THE atAN WHO 3 WHO IS WHO. 4 YOU STOLE MY SONG "WHEN THE SNOWBIRDS CROSS THE VALLEY." By HARRY BLANCHARD Doors Open at 7 p. m. CHILDREN, 10 CENTS ADULTS 20 CENTS MATINEE SATURDAY and SUNDAY, 2:30 P. M. Visit the NAT Tonight Opening of the SkatingRink 7:30 NAT Orchestra Plays Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: P. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT Cardinal Calls on Pope. ROME. Oot. 27. Pone Pius today received Cardinal Vannutell), who re ported surprising and favorable pro, cress of tho Roman Catholio church in Amorioa. tSalas (2b BrocK GREAT CHINESE BLPERfeONATOR JENNIE, the only lady Chinese monologist and impersonator using the dialect and fully sus taining the character. BEN, the only licensed guide of the .Great Chi nese Town of San Pran cisco, in vaudeville Master of the dialect. LEARNED. PURSE. WHBaHMMHfHIli) The first of the Popular Entertainment I series at the NATAT0RIUM I Passmore 1 Trio I I 1 Assisted by 1 Mrs. Ed Andrews mm fm Ppopular Program. Popular Prices. Admission, 25 cents, No extra charge for re- served seats. Sunday evening, October 30th, concert begins at 8:45. Call or telephone Nata- toriuin for reserved seats. TlIIIIIUIIIlIilHIIIlflllll MISS FLORA GRAY, PIANO INSTRUCTION. STUDIO, 144 S. CENTRAL. PHONE MAIN 991. BOSTON. Oct. 27. Iver Lawaon, tho "Terrible Swede," nnd Frank Kramer will moot here Saturday inght in n bioyolo race for the title of V'orJd's champion bioyoliat. Law son holds tho indoor championship nnd Kramer has long been acknowl edged aB the. chapJoa bleyel sprinter of the world. &ibl?k-. . ... u1a4H Mi