. i Bedford Mail Tribune AW ItrSSMQVMMT irwrA nanus bax&y moiiwiifBi- nmm 60. A consolidation oft ho MeIforl' Mall, MUbllithpd 1889! tlio Southern Orufion ln. , enUbIIJil 190 i the Dooincratlc Time. cutAbllfthea 1872! tho Aahlftlul Tribune, catftbllBhcrt 1908. nml tho Mcd Tord, Tribune, oauhllnlied 1808. nJtmOB PUTNAM. Btlitor nml Manitger tutored nn second-clan matter No- ember 1, 1809, nt tho post ofrlco At ledfonl, OreRon, under tho act of larch 3, 1879. ifflclal Vapor of tho Clt? of Mil ford UBSCRXXTXOIT RATES Inn vonr bt mall One month by mall .15.00 ,ov Permonth delivered Uy carrier in and Central Point .60 flunday only, by mall, per year... 5.00 Weekly, per yctr . i.o roll X,taad Wlra United Pr Dtmatohea. The Mall Tribune la on nalo nt tho Terry News Stand. San Francisco. Portland Hotel Nows Stand. Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland, Ore. WiO. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. Hotel Spokane News Stand. Spokane. TPnatlcr RAtttfl. t to 12-pajro paper.... Jo IS to 24-pnKo paper ........... Jo H' to 36-pago paper. e f5 BWOBK OXSOTTIkATXOK. Averauo dally for November, 190S J.jOO Dooember, isu ?;; January. 1910 ??? January. 1910 Marcn, iviu April, 1910 May, 1910 . June. 1910 July, 1910 August. 1910 . September Circulation. 1.... . ..... Z4IS 2. ....... 3475 4 2625 6. 2475 2476 7: 2475 8'. 2476 2476 11 2500 12 2475 IS.......... 24i5 14.. 2450 15 2525 2.23 2.301 2,450 2,502 2.624 2,527 cc in. . . . w 18 2675 19 3576 30 2576 31. ... .... 3575 22 2675 23... ....... 2576 25 2850 2 2650 37 2S 28 3700 3710 30. . -ti" Total 1 ....68.245 EXPERT ELDRIDGE ON JACKSON COUNTY ROADS JOSHUA PATTERSON", in his proclamation to voters, gives as the real reason why ho still seeks a third term as comity commissioner after having been defeated in the primaries, as the true cause of his struggle to keep at tho county crib another four years, his "wish to'continuo tho work of building good roads in Jackson county." In order, then, to holp tho county out, patriotic Mr. Patterson is making a strenuous campaign to sacrifice four more years of his time at tho scanty compensation allow ed, so that we can have some more of those fine old. patent ed Roman elevated highways of his with their corrugated washboard surfaces. Mr. Patterson's desire to save us from o'wsrlves would be funny were the results not so serious. .Tackson county highways are a business proposition, the most serious one before the voters of this section and materially affect our future welfare. jUx. Patteron, no doubt, honestly thinks that he knows all there is to know about highways, that he is a veritable Christopher Columbus of good roads, that unless he is given another term the road movement will collapse, and that the material progress of the county demands his re tention in office as a sort of perpetual guardian and pa ternal overseer. That is the pathetic part of it. Mr. Patterson does not realize his own shortcomings in methods and system. No matter how faithfully and conscientiously he may have served the couutv. or thought he served the county, his un scientific, slipshod construction methods have been out grown and will not answer longer. The county has out grown them. The October number of "Good Roads," a magazine de voted to good highways, has an article on "The Road Sit uation in Oregon," written by Maurice 0. Eldridge, ex pert of the good roads section of the department of agri culture, who visited and lectured here early last summer. Commenting upon Jackson county roads, Mr. Eldridge says: "While Jackson count' lies almost wholly in the Rogue River valley, one of the richest and most picturesque val leys in the state, and has an abundance of good road mate rial, so far very little progress has been made in road build ing. A road is now being built between Medford and Jack sonville, the county scat, the material consisting of crushed This material contains a large quantity or soil PIONEER WOMAN VISITING VALLEY Mrs. S. M. Wnlto, Whoso Husband Built Phoenix Fluiirlnn Mill In 1054, Is Lookliifi for Evidence to Substantiate Claim. Average dally .... z.ooi. STATE OP OUECJON, County o Jack- On 'tho' 1st day of October, 1910. per ona'ly apparod before me. Qeorffo Put nam, manager of the Medford Mail Tri bune, who upon oath, acknowledges that the above figures are true andeprrect H. N. 1UC1JX Saal) ' .Notary Public for Oregon. MEDTOBD, OXSaOH. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the fastest growing city In Oreepn. Population, 1910, 9,000. Bank deposits $8,760,000. in.?.. tit.nrirAri thntiKAnd dollar oravit v.- c...Am MmnUtiul In JulV. 1910. t riving finest supply pure mountain j mvel raier. , i -i t t i j. i p a.ii.1 i i. sixteen wnes 01 '' '"s,ff'i ana saim. wiiicii is seuarau'u. iioiii tiie ouier imm.'uiuuu I 1 ,1 ' ..... 1 1,.- !.. 1 .1 i- Ji.l. C i.1 ana men spread upon rue iiinsneu roau 10 ;i ui-piu ol iiiruu or fpur inches. The crusher is not provided with suitable screens, and the tailings, which contain rocks three or four inches in diameter, are used for a foundation. The fine material, which is placed on the surface, soon disappears, and the larger materials work to the surface. "The need of skilled supervision is very apparent in Jackson county. If Jackson county would devote a portion of its large annual appropriation to the employment of a skilled highway engineer, much better results would be obtained without increasing the present outlay." But there are none so blind as those who will not see, and Mr. Patterson cannot'and will not see the need of eih- ,tj. cost exceeding 11,000,000. making a tal of twenty miles of pavement. Postoffice receipts for year ending June SO, 1810, show a gain of 36 per Banner fruit city in Oregon Kogue River apples won sweepstakes prize and title of . , ,. -Apple jnng- oi uo ww atftthe National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909. nogue River pears brought nign est priceB in all market of the world during the past five years. Write Commercial Club, enclosing cents f or postage of the finest commu nlty pamphlet ever written. Wanted Ranch hands. Carpenters. Woman cook. Girl forgencral hou3J work. Laborers. V FOR SALE. - 10 to 100 acres, cleared, close in, fine pear land, $150 to $200 per acre, good terms. "3G acres, 1 mile out. all in orchard. buildinss, $350 aero quick sale. $2000 will handle bearing orchard. National cash register. Stock and 10-year lease, close in. Business -with long lease; average sales, $90 daily; $4,000. Business, 6 months' lease, $050. 4-chair barber shop in good town. FRUIT LAND. 5 and 10-acro tracts, full bearing. .35 acre3, 1-2 in orchard, 9 acres al falfa, easy terms. :133 acres, 12 acres orchard, alfalfa, fine water right, $15,000 terms. "120 acres, 10 in orchard, 25 alfalfa, nnder ditch, tools, stock. $13,500. 18 acres 2 1-2 miles station; good buildings; 15 acres bearing and young orchard, $6500. 100 acres, 7,000 cords wood; 50 acres fruit land, 5 miles out; $2,000. 90 acres cleared, rich soil, close to Eagle Point, sub-divide, $125 per acre. IGO-acre dairy ranch, well situated, cheap for quick sale 160 acres fine hog and truck ranch, , $1200 will handle. CITY PROPERTY. '$500 down takes 6 room house, close in. balance monthly. Fine modern bungalow, close to busi ness, $3000 for quick sale. 131x550, close in, $2,050 '.7 Westmoreland lots for quick sale, $2000 cash. Turnished modem bungalow, close in, $2250; $1000 will handle. . Lots 00x112, $275, easy terms. 3-room house, 2 lots, $100 down, balanco monthly. Lots on South Orange, 50x128, $325, easy terms. Quarter-acre tracts on Orange and Peach, $350, easy terms. 5 acres, close to limits, for platting ideal situation, $600 acre. Lots in West Walnut Park, $350, $25 down, 10 monthly. TIMBER. 3,000 acres fine timber on new Hill railroad; well situated. 160 acres railroad, on land, 20 acres will pay for entire traot. ploying any other expert than himself, or of building high ways according to specifications and surveys, or by any other method than the helter-skelter ones now used, of day labor, guesswork and wrong materials, and he pater nally insists upon forcing the county to employ none other than the Pattei-son svstem for another four years. COURT? , -- - - - mn .cues EW 3Inrrlago Licenses. To Harry C. Youag and Eva M. Goode, both of Medford. New Cases In Circuit Court, W. T. O'Brien vs. Gold Hill Rail way company; to recover money, wm. A. Munley for plaintiff. Medford Builder's Supply Co. vs. H. G. Ctrlckman and J. D. Rickart; to foreclose Hen. Gus Newbury for plaintiff; summons issued October 26. W. B. Zimmerman vs. Medford Butte Falls Telephone Co.; to re cover money. Gus Newbury for plain tiff; summons writ of attachment October 22. J. H. Buckhee vs. Roger S. Ben nett; to recover money. B. F. Mul key and George W. Cherry for plain tiff: summons issued October 20. GRLPPEH APPEALS WANTS NEW TRIAL LONDON', Oct. 27. Attorneys for Dr. II. II. Crippen today filed with the court of appeals u petition for a rehearing of their client's case. The netition declares that the crown failed to prove that Mrs. Belle El more Crippen is dead and nlso fail ed to establish the identity of the body found in the cellar of the Crip pen home in North Loudon. No 'Mananer for St. Louis. E. F. A. ItMn 208 Taylw & Pfcjppt Phone 4141 Main B1TTNER lldf. You "pay" far neglecting to real classified advertisements aad aome tlmea you pay a big price. Mayba it's la tr fc-ulM of too Much -eat or ot tee aaaall wagea. Iaerltibly, you Real Estate Transfers. Mary E. O'Neil to J. E. Rob erts, 88.16 acres In D L C 61, township 36, range 2 W 1 Charles E. Nlnlnger to A. M. HelmeB, land In township 37, range IE 1 J. R. Williams to Annie M. Owens, lot 6, block 7, Da ley & Emery addition to Ea gle Point 1000 C. N. Mockee to M. C. Leslie, G370 square feet of land, in Highland Park addition to Ashland Festus Butts to Mrs. Annise McCIanahan, lot 20, Ashland Homestead association . . . H. Watklns to Jamea Bowl ing, lot 6, block 2, Narre gan's addition to Medford Mary E. Bowling to James Bowling, lot 9, block 9, Park addition to Medford. William Ulrich to Mrs. R. A. Smith, lot 17, Ulrich addi tion to Eaglo Point, and cer tain water rights , Jos, D, Cuthbert to George D. Cooper, lot 16 to 20 inclu sive, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, Ashland Homestead associa tion tract 10 800 10 10 170 ST. LOUIS. Oct. 27. Tho man agerial vacancy on the St. Louis Browns will not bo filled until next year, according to Owner Robert M. Iledires. The latest candidate for the position is Jimmy Cnllnhnn, for mer umnntrer of the White Sox. Hedges said todny the innnnper probably would be chosen soon nflcr January 1. Where Are You Going to Winter? WILLOWS, CAL., county seat of Glen county, on main lino of 8. P. railroad. In heart of Sacramento valley; 150 miles north of San Francisco. Tho Sacramento valley is tho largest stock and wheat coun try on the Pacific coast. A largo ir rigation project Is now In operation, covering at present 60,000 acres, and will cover 200,000 acres, which makes it possible, with our flno cli mate, sunshine and fortllo soli, to raise anything that grows, from oranges to alfalfa. Land sells at $25 to 200 per acre. Call on WIDE, KENDRICK LEAR & AVERY at Willows, California, for booklet and complote information. 192 W, J. Gregory to J, F, Hop kins, 40 acres In section 35, township 36, range 2 W . . . J. B, Barnott to J, F, Hopkins, 40 acres in section 35,, town .ship 36, range 2 W ....... M. J. Moon-to A. N, Hurlburt, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, block 29, lot 7, block 30, Gold Hill.. 1050 .Mrs. S. M. Wnito of Dayton, Wuh is spoiulhiK a few uh.vh in tho vllty visiting iiiuoiik old iliunoor f riouds' and looking up ovidoiu'o that will i.'tmhlo her to substantiate ulnims whii'h shu has against tho fudumt o eminent for properly loss iu thu early Indian wars of thu Hoguo Uivur valloy. Mrs. Wuilo's hiisbmul built tho Phoenix flouring mills in lSol, the first grist mill iu this section of Or wwi. Tho mills did not begin to grind tho golden grain until ISfiTi and one of tho first export shipments comprised three wagon loads to Yroka. Tho train was in charge of three drivers, the Into D. 1 Hrittnin, the lato Harry Oatnian and a man named Fields, each iu command of n wngon drawn by four oxen. Near tha summit of the Siskiyous ns tho train was moving slowly along it mot mi Indian ntnbush. Fields whs shut dead, the othur two drivers escaping. Tho Indians had not learned the use of flour up to that times and were content to cut open tho sacks ami thereby destroy it for tho white man's use. il.' nr.ii.. . - ... u u tines removed irom l' locni.v to tho present site of this eil.v whore they resided for a few years, whence wont northward, and Mr. Wnito built mills and business properties in Wnitesburg (which was mimed for him). Dayton and Klborton. For mnn years he was quite prosperous but misfortune in a business way overlook him in the '90s and when he died HUIo of his fortune was loft. Now his widow has been prompted ti. take measures to secure compensu tion from the sovcnimcut for the property destroyed by the Indians, and for other claims incident to those troublous early times in this region. MWWWWMMWWWWWWWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlMWIIIIIHIIIHIlHIIIllHiniHIIIiniui ---- 4-4-- -- - .-...--.- tm ---- I DYNAMITERS ATTEMPT TO DESTROY FOUNDRY PASADENA. Cal., Oct. 27. -The police were asked today to investi gate a mysterious explosion that partiallv Wrecked tho Pasadena Foundry company's plant, cnusiug damngo that will cause the foundry to close down for sevcrnl days. The explosion occurred in the cu pola, the force of the explosive ap parently working upward. Ilnd the nirent used been placed lower in the structure it is believed the entire foundry would have been destroyed. According to Manager T. V. Wish art, the plant has maintained an open shop, its employes refusing to join with the striking iron workers in Los Angeles and Long Heach. SIXTEEN OEEERS OF MARRAGEMADELENEKE LONDON, Oct. 27. Slxtcon offers of marriage, hundreds of offers from theatrical booking ngonclcs and scores of other lottors havo boon re ceived by Ethol Claro Leneve since her acquittal on tho charco of bo Ing an accessory to tho murder of Belle Elnioro Crippen. MIbs Leneve has been living in se clusion In tho country slnco lior trial. She Is under tho protecting wing of Arthur Newton, her attorney. One ot tho many letters to MIbb Leneve contained an offer of $1000 for a statement of her life with Crip pen. It was from a London newspaper. Announcement The Pacific Motor Supply Company St. Mark's Building : : Medford, Oregon Beg to Announce that They Are Now Open I 9 For Business 6 They Have a Full Line of Motor Accessories and Supplies. 1 1 Lamps, Tools, Horns, Oils, Greases, Batteries, Speedometers, Vacumn Bottles Polishes, Coats, Gaps and Wayne Underground Gasoline Storage Systems This is the Only Exclusive Motor Supply House Between Portland and San Francisco; is a Home Industry and Deservs Your Patronage. I SB pTlilllllllllllllllllllllll :iiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiii OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt STRAYED OR STOLEN FROM TRAIL. V 8 Two brown mares, ono hnd n bell on; weight, 10G0 pounds, branded P S on left shouldor; 2 yearling colts, col or brown; branded combina tion of O and E on loft shoul der; 1 sorrol 2 yenra old, branded with combination ot O and E. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Investments Moor-EhniCo. 212 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG. Phone Main 601. GAGE TECHINALLY LOSES HIS POSITION WASHINGTON, Oct. 27. Although Honry T, Gage of California tech nically lost Ms job as minister to Portugal when King Emanuol was de posed, It is generally bollovod horo that ho will bo retained as tho rep resentative of tho United Statos gov ernment Jo tlio now republic. In official circles todaty it was stated that no appolntmont would be made until tho stability of tho now regime In Portugal is established, If tho Portuguese elections result fa vorably to the regime now in control and tho republic Is recognized offi cially by the powers, Gago will be In stalled all over again as minister. NOTICE. A banquet will bo glvoa for tho mombers of tho Juvenile Dancing club following tho danco on next Monday 'evening, ;Octob6r 31st. COMMITTEE. J3eo these before buying. CITY PROPERTY: $4,500 for property tented over $800 per yeur. for $3,000 for proporty that will rent for $35 or $40 per month. $4,700 for proporty tnat will real for about $00 per month with room on tho lot for another houso or apait mcut building. $y,400 for property rented for $10 per mouth. All close in. FRUIT LANDS: 'J80 ncrcs for development and hiiIi divsion. 00 Heron ranch, 11 acres bearing Spitz and Nowtowns; 13 iicros iu pours, 13 acres ulfalfa. Pumice soil, irrigation plant, seven room modom Htono bungalow, koopors' lodgo, barn, onuipmuntH, stock, etc. complete. Ono of the finest properties in lite val ley. WE ALSO HAVE A LAIKIF, LIST OP THE FINEST CITY LOTS AND HOMES; ALSO FRUIT LANDS DH VELOPED AND UNDEVELOPHD. Call and hco us. y WM.fVJLf' -r ASHLAND Commzkceat Ashland, Oregon Swedenburg Block This is tho school that will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and Help you to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH Secure your Business Education at homo at a very moderate oxponsc and, if you wish, we will secure you a position in any of the large commercial centers. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. RITNER. A. M., President. THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street T OREGON. THE LAST CALL OF THE WEST. By Wultor V. Woohlko. Bountifully illustrated in four colors iu Novom'bor Sunset Magazine Now on salo, all newsstands, 15 ots. ATTEND COLLKGK. Arrange, to attend the Rugene Bus iness College, and let us got you a good position when you graduate. En r now. Send for our now cata . uMq, 14 West Sovonth trrot, ''.mono, OroLon, tf If you never "lose .any timo" ox. cept.that spent In frultlealy.-aMwor-lag want arts, yju'H got along! As soon ns you advortiBo tho fnet that you havo proporty- to rout or sell becomes au ex-sooret. Notice Notlco Is horoby glvon that tho un dorslgnod will apply at tho noxt reg ular mooting of tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon for a Ilcenso to soil malt, sphitous and vinous llquora In loss quantities than a gallon, at tholr placo of business located at lots 0 and 10, bloolc 21, original townslto In Bald city for a poriod of six months, M. AND H. J. ADAMS. Dated at Medford, Orogon, Octo ber 20th, 1010. 102. A storo that ranks high as an nd vortisor ranks high as a storo al ways, Look for an oxcoptlon to this ruloand look in vain I JI I r i i , t M ' ' y - ' wafrNiii- . - VI