MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1010, 8 iiW i'i i, ii RUTS TABOOED: GIRLS SHORN tfrl Students o( Queen Anne Hlqli School In Scattlo No Loiincr Ap- pear With Fako Frills and Un necessary Headgear. SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 20. The pirl students ia Queen Anno MrIi school threw nway nil false hair adornments today,' or nt least they put them wny down in tho comer of the dresser, to bo used on Sundays only. This raerniuj: it is decreed thnt no Rirl shall nppoar on tho campus with any fnko frills or unnecessary liend cctvr. . Nothing except her own looks nro to bo allowed. Whoever ignores this compact subjects herself to the loss of n rat, alihouch the uirls de dnro they will employ only peace able means to brine about simple dress in the school. The boys of the school appreciate the coed decree and yesterday they .sounded many lusty cheers and " 'rah. 'rails'' when n lassie passed in -the halls with her head in nature's Earb. Tomorrow the cirls promise added surprises in the mnnnef of fix ing the hair. JAPAN TO WORK OUT A TARIFF flestton of Trade Relations Is Growing Acste In Nippon Jap Ship of State Approaches Shoal ' Waters Rapidly. TOKIO,. Oct. 26. Tariff revision -will be ono of tho principal questions before tho approaching Japanese fliet, according to Premier Katsura. The question of trade relations with -foreign countries, particularly the United tSates and England, is one of growing gravity with Japan. Tho possibilities of retaliation by the United tSates and England are Ereat and Japanese statesmen real ire that tho ship of state is approach ing shoal waters. Medford Local Views We are showing about 40 different -snows of the eity including Onkdnle Avenue, West Seventh. Rust Main, North Central. Thev are. all local photograph cards. Sale price, FIVE CENTS EACH. Jut In New line of Oregon View Cards. lc Each Over 10,000 comic, Hot Shot and Birthday cards to select from here at, your choice lc Each Fancy China We are showing the largest and finest line of odd pieces (over 2,000 to select from) in Fancy China over shown iu Southern Oregon. If you arp a lover of fine China come in and look around. You will enjoy look ing; we will take pleasure in showing. HUSSEY'S FRIDAY DON'T FORGET to see our cast window. A 75c article for 25 cents. One you use in the kitchen every day. UNIVERSITY TO SELL WASHINGTON LANDS SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. 2C The faculty, students and alumni of the University of Washington are arous ed OTer the possibility of tho sale of -the University of Washington lands In Douglas county. The sale will be -taken up by the board of regents this week and those Interested In the conserrlRSttOf the university lands will endeavor to prevail on the re gents to retain the lands. The pur pose has been to open the 34,000 acres to settlers, but this has been deemed Impracticable, aa supervision "by the regents is almost Impossible. JV1I the lands of the university In the easter part of tho state are now worth approximately $3,000,000. i JURY YET TO TRY MRS. KERSCO PORTLAND. Or.. Out. 20. The "jury thnt in to try Mrs. Carrie Tvcrsch for complicity in tho murder 'of William A. Johnson was not com pleted this morning when court re convened. When the court adjourned yester day there were 12 men in the jury box who had been examined and passed, hut neithor tho stato nor defense had exercised any of its per emptory challenges. When tho examination of prospec tive jurors was taken up today it -was predicted thnt the jury would not be reiidy to hear evidence in tlio until this afternoon. HEINZE SURRENDERS AND BEGINS SHORT SENTENCE NEW YORK. Oct. 26. Arthur P. Ilelnzo today surrendered to United Statea Marshal Henkel following tho decision of the supremo court of tho United States upholding a ruling of , the United States circuit court at Xew York that ho was In contempt because Iio paid a fedoral grand Jury vintcsH to Je.ive tho country. Ilelnze waB taken to tho Tombs and began serving his brief sentence. Henkel refused to allow his prisoner to ride in a taxlcab and made him -walk to tlio forbidden iprt& of the prison. ' " . As he entered tho Tombs Helnie ' xebarked; "Well, thore's one satisfaction 311 be out in tlmo to vote." "Nat" Theatre TONIGHT 3 Reels New Pictures 3 1 TANGLED LIVES. 2 A WILD GOOSE CHASE. 3TROTTBLES OF A SNORER. Song by Miss Davis, entitled, "I Couldn't Make a Hit With Molly." Matinee every Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 p. m. School children under 12 years admitted for 5 cents at Saturday's matinee. Entire change of program every Sunday, Tues day and Friday. WEST MAKES STRONG SPEECH.; (Continued from Page 1.) Haekius for Ho<k shippers to save their shipping re ceipts, as the courts would undoubt edly sustain the reductions ordered. He explained the financial opera tions whereby the Southern Pacific was enabled to appeur ns a losing venture instead of the most profit able railroad in the country. "I ask you to compare my record with that of my opponent," he said. "On everything Medford and South ern Oregon has asked I have gone down the line for you. T helped your delegations in the legislature on your Crnter Lake road, your NormnI school, your Rogue river fish bills. I have improved your train service nnd given you lower express and freight rates, and if elcctcM gover nor I shall continue to do whnt I enn for Southern Oregon, for yon are nil good friends of mine. But whnt has Mr. Bowerman done for you, except to kill your Nonnnl school1?" Mr. West mnilo a brief speech at Jacksonville nt 3 o'clock nnd was given a hearty welcome. He left for Grants Pass on the Ink) motor, fcpenkinc their Tuesdny evening and Boseburg Wednesday. Frisco Gets Men-Birds. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 20. A big aviation meet for San Francisco Is assured. The committee of retail merchants behind tho project today received a message from tho Nation al Aero association sanctioning a meet from November to December 3. Accompanying tho telegram was tho announcement that Count Do Lesseps, John II, Molssant, tho hero of the ParlB to London flight; Hu bert Latham, who mado tho first at tempt to fly across tho English chan nel; Archie Hoxey, Charles K. Ham ilton, Walter Brooklns and Wlllard have given their pledges that they will compete. Converted 50,000. SEATTLE. Wnsh., Oct. 20. De claring tlmt during his long evange listic career he has converted 50,000 people to Christianity, Dr. Albert P Graves, the veteran prencher, now 81 years old, will start todny for his old home in Los Angeles'. Hasklns for health. t- i r -f -f i 4- 4- POLITICAL CARDS. ' 4 4444 4 4 44' Against tixseinblv. For Stntement L H. D. REED Gold Hill, Democratic primary nom inee for Joint Representative Jackson and Douglas, R0BT. L. TAYLOR Democratic Nominee for County Recorder. -A-ALA-AJL.tA A A A 1 i . . T-r-rTTT-rTTTT-rTT4----t-t 4- TOO J.ATE TU CLASSIFY. 4 4- 44 . .in, TO RENT Two new sleeping rooms with bath in connection; price .: per week. 02(1 S. Newtown. 88 WANTED Ten teams to haul rock and grading work. See street corn missioner. 388 W.,1 "GOLDEN RULE" St. Mark's Building On The West Side Will Announce Their Introductory Sale In Tomorrow's Issue of This Paper Watch This Space Tomorrow Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents hi So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. ------ " XvL'&s,: m& nrt V&u l. r UA ht J n.jj r 17 B.-KV Vi J JrL fll ' r f'ti' xy . ' i MEDF Smart Suits Might now i the very best limo to select that suit. We are well Mtpplicd with tho very latest and t-innrtcrit styles that will liu shown this season. The materials are worMcd. eheviotn, tweeds, ziboliues and thoie swell French serges and wniinbo broadcloths, in King bm and English mustard. Ask to sec the hand-tailored suits, lined with Skinner satin, .earns nil hand turned, coats tlio right length, Il'i-incli, priced from .?!." to f0. Other suits from .fl.'i to .0(). Correct Coats Wo are showing n very com plete line of correct stylo coats. Every single garment is new this fall and you are sure to be pleas ed with the values. Come iu and let us show you tho new garments. Special values iu coats from $7,0 and up to $-15. We show a vory complete lino of evening, street and reception dresses; anything in kimonas, sill: petticoats, waists, separate skirts, etc. OltlVS BTLYE STORE. J. E. ENYAKT. President. J A. I'EItHY. Yico-President I JUliX b. OK'UI. Urmou NT. It. J.U'KMLS. Axs t I'lialiiur. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK j Capital, $100,000.00 I Surplus. $20,000.00 I SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING j BUSINESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. J ?.,.. t . t ------- ---- .--- Emporium O. E. TACKSTROM, PROPRIEt6r. THE QUALITY SHOP. THIRD ANNUAL National Apple Show SPOKANE, WASHINGTON WILL BE HELD. - November 14 to 19, 1910 $20,000 in Premiums The greuU'Bt ariely 01, i-ups, and u'opliuo over offered. Prizes' for single tipples, boxes and everything up to full carloads will be awarded. pOO Championship Carload Prize For the best carload of OHO boxes or bushels. A floor space of three and one-half acres required to house this great show. Besides the exhibit of apples, pack ers and cookers will learn and gain valuable infor mation. . . Ample hotel accommodation without rise in prices will be provided. Southern Pacific Lines in Oregon Will have in effect, low round-trip fares from all points on its lines. For further information apply to any Southern Pacific agent or to WM. McMTJRRAY, General Passenger Agent. iiUHHHiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiia ISLS THEATRE! THE HOME OF VAUDEVILLE TO-NIGHT "Never a Dull Moment" WANTED Ten men, $2.50, 0 Jiourn. Sco fttroct cornrniHsionor. 188 WANTED Woman cook nt tho Dia. inond. 1 1 LOST Bins-flip, SnvnRo mnko, back rim had hrnaU split at end of spoko, black frame, front rim blacl., back rim narrow rcd'Htripo; liberal reward for retiin. Phono 371. 18!) FOR BENT Two adjoining niT-elv furnished rooms. 817 West Tenth st. 192 ' WHY BE BAIjD When TarlBlnln Sngo Ih Guaranteed to Stop FalllnB Hair, or Money Hack? Parisian Sago U the most delight ful hair dressing In the -world; It Is pleasant, Invigorating and rerrosh Ing. It makes tho hair soft, beau tiful nnd luxuriant, Wherever Paris Ian Sago is known, it Is tho ladles' favorlto hair dressing. If, after UBlng ono bottle, you do not say It Is tho most dollghttul hair dressing you ovor used, you can have your monoy hack. Tho prlco Is only , - o Inrcrn imttlo at Chas. Strang'fl. " Is guaranteed to euro dandruff and falling nair, or wunu, back. Tho girl with tho Auburn hair Is on every bottlo, Iluntinir for an investment lendx to ad Toadine so huntinu for ran in vortor fihould lead to ad writliiK. NO MORE GRAY" HAIR It la canlcr to pri'scrvo tlio color of tho hair than to r tuiu It, altlioiu;h It In possllilu to do both. 'Our grandmother undi'Mtood tlio secret. They mado nud liked a "men tea," nnd their dark, Koiy hair long after middle life wa duo to tliii fact. Our mothers have gray halm lw foro they nro fiftj, but they r bcKln nlng to appreciate tho wUdoin of our priindiiiolhur In uslnt; "bako tea" fur , their linlr, and nro fast following nuit. Tho preheat generation ban tho nduin tngo o( tho p.iHt In thnt it can get a ready to uso prt-pntallou culled Wyeth'i Bago iiml .Siilplnii-. As a calp tonic and color restorer, this preparation Ih vastly ! superior to tlio ordinary "m.-iijo tea" mnilo by our grnmlmotherH, and It can ho I bought for r0 centtf and $1 a bottlo at ( any iirma-iaxs ru-r iuru, ir win bo xent direct by tho WyotU Chemical fVimpnnv. 71 Corllunilt St., Now York City, upon receipt of price, THE PARKERS MUSICAL ACT Introducing the latest nnd most up to date music. Homothing out of tho ordinary. 3-REEL5-3 LATEST MOTlbN PICTURES 1 OLIVER TWIST 2 THE MAN WHO LEARNED. 3 WHO IS WHO. 4 YOU STOLE MY PURSE. -SONG- E "WHEN THE SNOWBIRDS GROSS THE 5 VALLEY." By HARRY BLAN01JARD 5 Doors Open at 7 p. m, 5 CHILDREN, 10 CENTS 3 ADULT8 20 CENTS I MATINEE SATURDAY and SUNDAY, 2:30 P. M. iTMIIIliUlllllllIlllllllllllIMIIIIiUniUMMUWiMWMiM"Wiii""" Ad rcadors lileo to know faclH about proporly - and .your nd will sell your houso nioro (iiiickly if you rcinctuhar this, New Lake Found. WINNIPKO, fun., Oct. 2(1. D'w- pntcliCH received here from Kdmoii- ton, Alberta, brine; infonnation thnt n ureal lake ban boon diBcovored in tho fanudian northwcHt. Williuin P. Druilnrd, who wiih told of tho diHoovery by IndiniiH who oiuno out of tho torritory to trade. You'd hiivo to bo "burunin-prouf" to read uio tiioru ikih ihiwikiiivh wiiu- i ranudian noriuwoHi. i "" "" ""!" The Hewn whk mado publif bv "it nnv deirn to -o and buy