. . V4&i-xfCiRh W i APPLE TRADE DUEL WITH SALES SLOW 'Northwostorn Fruit Exchnnno Re ports It Difficult to Interest Buy ers In Northwostorn Apples Just Now. Tho Norlhwtmtorn Fruit Exchange . reports tliu npplo situation to tho Journal mi fnllnwn: Tho imirliiiL Ik dull mul fonturnliwH. Wo uro flnilliiK It vary difficult to In tort'Ht tho t ratio In Jonathans and similar mft vurlolltm, an tint dutiiaiitl minniH to ho altogether for hard win tor varlotltm nncli an WlnomipH, On- noM, etc. Mont or tho trado hooiiih to hiivo I'ovorvtl their loqulrtiuiontH for JonathniiM and eoneomilonH In prlco will havo to ho uiado to tllttpuno of llio HiirpttiH promptly. Wo think It InadvlHnhlo to put JounthaiiH In cold HtoraKo, iindor the inarltol roudltloiiH which now prevail. Wo aro tooling out tho nltiiatlon nuitloimly and workliiK tho trado In all dlrectlona vury vigorously, In ortlor to ho vury .curtain to obtain full vnluo. Wo huvoHold car 0. N. ItlOOt from Wouatchoo 'Jlind to a hiiyor In Ohio. Tho car contnltiH 108 lllack Twlge, 171 Arlnto lllackH, 111 Uomo lloau tlOH, two KountorH, 101 lllack lions and (InnoH, at a Hlrnlght prlco of tl.f0 for all oxtra fancy, t.3d for all nfney grade. TIiIh Ir an ox tromoly good Halo. UP. UP. UP. EIB UP. SOARS BACON r Latest Hoist Comes In the Face of n Steady Decline In the Price of Hoijs anil of Fel for Porkers Retailers Now Sclllnq at 40 Cents CHICAGO, Oct. !C To nil np penrnnci'M tho high prlco of milt iiiontH, tho highest In ton yonrB, In lmro to Htny for Home tlmo, prohn lily ovornl moutliH. Following tho general olovntlou of pork and pork produrtn to a point which Ih tho hlKhi'Ht ovor reached In times of pence, tho parkora today IiihIhI that thoy ennnot securo enough Iiokh to Hiipply tho" demand : that thoy aro lotting money hocatiHo porkers aro not being roclvid fast onoiiKh In tho Htochynriln. Fancy hacou coBt Chi cngonnB -10 contH por pound today. Tho usual high grade hacon rotnlls for 35 cents nor pound Hllcod. Tho lonHt that tho hotmowlfo can purchaHo thla grndo for Ik at 33 1-3 cents por pound, provided alio will allco It hor twlf. Tho odd thing nhout thlH latent linlkt at tho Helling ond of tho puck lnj, ouconiH Im that tho rnlso wan inndo In tho fnco of a Htontly decline 1 ntho prlco of Iiokh and of corn on which tho porkers aro fattened. A roHiuno of tho market report at the tlmo of prlcoH skyrocketing showed that tho demand for live Iiokh wiih weak and that they aro loft etnntlliiK In tho poiiH dally with comparatively no taken), tl Hhowed iiIho that the prlco paid for llvo Iiokh wbh lower hy nearly 12.0 por hundred weight than It wan hIx montliH uko when no rotnllor would havo considered nsk Iiik 3G and 10 centH n pound for lmcon. Tho corn fed Iiokh last year oot 51 1-8 contH. Yesterday tho markot cloned at IG C-8 contH. Tho history or lincon'H upward fllKht Hlnco 1900 folloWH! Your. l'or Io""l. 1U00 n 1D012 . 1901 . 100G . 1008 . Today .10 .18 ,'JG ,20 .35 ' f f f f f- t f -f f f f f f f f f f f f f 4 4- ti NEW THEORY PROPOUNDED BY CORNELL PROFESSOR ITHACA, N. Y Oct. 20. Stu .denlH nnd professors ait Cornell uni versity urn today involved in a dis mission of tho Hlnrtling Hliilement credited to Professor Walter F. Wil cox of Cornell, (o tho ofl'oel that tho uvorngo human lifo lengthoiiH two yours in every ton. NOTICE. Notice is horeby given tlint (on I ho 15th day of October, 1010, supple mentary nrtinloH of incorporation of Capitol Hill, Incorporated, wore duly filed and recorded in tho office of tho Huorotury of tho Hlnlo of Oregon, nmondliig tho original nrtioles of in corporation thereof by changing tho iiumo of Haiti corporation from Cap , itol Hill, Incorporated, to Highoroft, 'Tii&tatM, nnd'tlmt rill fodsroi -nulrod by law woro duly paid. (Signod.) ALFRED T, WILLIAMS. A. CONRO FIERO. A. O. ABRAMS. O. W. WILMEROTH. JOHN D. OLWELL, Dirootors. Medford, Or., October 25, 102 Pure White Flour Fov a long iirno wo have bcon exploiting and urg ing our customers to try Uh'h brand of flour. Ev ery person who JiaH been induced to try lJure White has remained a steady UBcr. liow is that for a recommend? Think what it means. Not only havo we been able to in troduce this fine flour into a great number of Medford homes, b u t when ft woman becomes acquainted with this flour she is sure to toll her friends, and in this way we have added a great many customers. Kyou don't use this flour, now is a good time to try it. AVc will guar antee that you will be glad that you did. We know that it is good for all domestic uses. You can bake bread or make pastry and always be sure of good results. Allen & Reagan Phone Main 2711 Main and Central E NIJW STY LICS DIHKCT FHOM NICW VOItlv BOOK STORE Troops After Outlaws. MANILA, Oct. 2(1. -A detachment of troops and constabulary aro eti roulo todn.V to tho west coasl of the Gulf of Duvao, whore outlaws aro reported tti havo attacked Filipino planters and foreigners, It is re ported that hoveral planters wore slain by tho brigands. 4 WANT AD ANSWERS. . At Mail Tribune for follow fellow follew ing: Box ,r00. Box BID (II). Box 300 (2). Box 1)11 (7). Box 12. Box 12. Box 7 (2). Box 10. Box 20. Box 200. . , " Box (10 (3). ' . Box 444 (8). Box 40. Box 50 (5). Rnx 25 (4). ' Box 15. Box 441. A2. C. I). II. .. . M. J. G. v. . S. B4 (2). C, E. W. (2). ;E. ' '" C12. r. . Box 201. Box 20. Box 80. Owner. , W. C. M. tX. 4 4-H-44-4-44-4-4-4-4- 4 G i 500 SCO CARDS MEDFORD MEDITORD MAIL TllIBTJNE, AUTOMOBILES 0. W, Murphy. (). M. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY. 1010 Clmlmorn DotroltB. , I'hoiin 1801, Vnlloy Auto Company, i , Medford, Or.' Quick Horvioo. Easy ItirlinK Tricon IUKht. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN .1141. Agency for tho Parry Cars. Rogut Hivor Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop., Mnrlfonl. Or. LOST. LOST Tnkaii from tho alloy by tho poHtofl'ico, n Humbler bicycle with steel rims, mud guards and Holid rubber grips. Howard if returned to tho postoffieo. 188 LOST -Largo topaz hatpin. Hotuni lo Mail Tribune offico or Kcono & Harbor's ilontnl office; reward. LOST- AHtray horse; Jt hoitu! marc, about 10 or 12 yearH old. Finder plonso tnko her to Went Side livery and receivo liberal reward. 101 FOR RENT. Farolfthcd Itoomx. FURNISHED room to rent in private family; gentleman only. 205 Betitty street north. FOR RENT Nicoly furnished new slcopiug rooms; hot and cold wato-, bath; all modem. 203 Olcson fit,, corner West Hamilton nnd Olcson streets, 2 blocks from end N. Onk dalo paving. Cull Main 4474. tf FOR RENT Clean, comfortable bedroom. Phone 2455. 221 WcBt I Inmilton. 188. m FOIt ItfcJNT Furnished rooms for trnnnlonta. No. 10 North Qrapo street, noxt to Farraors and Frult- prnu'nm' hnnlr tt n.-w.. WIH ., FOR RENT At the Cottngo, plcns- nnt, furnished rooms, with hot nnd cold niuuing water; baths, largo sunny porches. 004 W. 10th St. or 124 King St. tf. FOR KENT Furnished rooms ut -JAJL Ornpo st. 208. HuAlitwM Itoonw FOR RENT Business room on W. Main st., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billiard room or other business, stonm heat. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 21G W. Main st. tf FOR EXCHANGE. FOR RENT $50; don't pay room rent; buy a furnished tent com plete for housekeeping; gas nnd wood stoves, rug 0x12. tables, bed, chairs, bedding and dishes; tent 12x 1(1. Phono Main 2012. tf FOR EXCHANGE Tho finest and best paying orchard in tho IAigue River Valley nt Ashland, within city Hints; n lovely home; pnvs 20 per cent, net on prico asked ; will take a nico home in Medford in part payment; balance casv. E. T. L., 571 Chestnut street, Ashlnud, Ore 105. FOR EXCHANGE Medford nnd suburban property, ranches, timbor lauds, for othor property. Address Hox 100. enro Mail Tribuno. tf UiiHlncHS Property. FOR SALE OR RENT-Good open ing for general merchandise stoo in new town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 20(5 W Mnin. tf. TO LOAN. TO LOAN $2000 nt 10 per cent, $1000 lo $5000 nt 8 per cent, on first mortgage city or country. Ap plv F. O. Andrews. (5 S. Fir. 180 TO LOAN-$2000 to $5000 to lo.ui on first mortgage, city or, country. Apply F. G. Andrews, (1 S. Fir, Med ford. 180 FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Fishing. hunting, boating and bnthing resort, lVs square inilos body of water, on railroad, within. 12 milos of Med ford. Addrcaa Box 201, care Mnil Tribune. . , tf FOR 'RENT. FOR RENT Off iqo rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, steam heat, eloatrio light, Laths. toilot, hot and cold water. Gold Ray Roaltv Co.. 210 W. Mnin st. tf FOR RENT Farms. FOR RENT Farms from 40 aoros to 400 aoros, alfalfa laud, fruit ranches, garden lands, gouornl farming ranches, Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 Wont Main. tl FOR RENT Ranch; good buildings; close to school; pumping plant, In quiro 11 North Central nvo. 188. IIotiBo, FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 325 Riverside nvo. FOR RENT Furnishod, 7 room houso. Call nt 400 North Riverside nvonuo. 188 FOR RENT 8 room houso, 700 S. Onkdalo nvo., boing ro-deooratod, rondy in two wooks; will soil if do Hired, Hay H. Tuttlo, Park nve., immediately nt rear of above. tf. FOR RENT Only hotol in railroad town of 1000 inhabitants; Regno River vnlloy. Box 300, caro of Mail Tribuno. tf. MEDFOltD, OREOON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2G, FOR RENT. FOR KENT Large, pleasant room for one or two mun, with or without hoard. Phono '107-1. 313 North Lvj. , 187., FOR 8ALE. JIOUJIO. FOR SALE An artistic bungalow, (I rooms mid hath, cornplelo witli hIiikIoh and HcrccriH, reduced from $4200 to $3800; seals, bookcnHOB, buITot, two i'iroplnccn. beam ceil ing, otc; woll built. C has. D. Colby, 01(1 W. 10th fit. tf roll SALE Ono of the best paying biiHincHH proportions in town; clearing $500 per month. Address Box 80, caro Mnil Tribuno office. 104. FOR BALE Choico business prop orty at a bargain, on long tirno; cany torms. Addrens Condor Wa tor Pownr Co. FOR SALE Half interest in one of finest small businesses in Medford, and use proceeds of sale of sale to increase stock. Address liox 441, care of Mail Triliiiiio. tf FOR SALE I am prepared to furn ish winter supplies of fire wood in ouk, fir nnd pine; stovewood and four-foot lengths. V. Osenbrugge, phone 1041. 401 Riverside uvenuo South. FOR SALE Large modern house with south and cast front, 113 feet front on paved street, by 181 feet long, nicely improved crounds; ev erything strictly modern. Reason for selling, Indy of house needs :i chnngo of climate. This place is suitnble for nice home or firot class rooming house. Easy terms to right party. Sec the Jackson Coun ty Realty Co., 004 West Tnnth St. 105. FOR SALE 5-room modern bunga low, furnished complete at $3,000; $1,200 handles this. Address Boy 70. care Mail Tribuno office. 504. FOR SALE Two-stor house and lot 50x250, East front, 10 minutes out $1200; Terms. John Reter, 0 S. Central Ave. FOR SALE Modem six-room bun galow, nearly new, just redecorated, close in, 3 blocks from West Mnin street, on North Oakdalc; also two other lots in connection; unob structed view; will sell all or cot tagc on one lot separate; priced considerably below adjoining prop erty quick sale; immediatco posses sion given. Phone 1222 or call cor ner North Onkdalo nnd Hamilton C. A. Lux, owner. tf. FOR SALE Two 4-room houses, comfortable homes, Inrge lots. In quire 410 Bonrdmnn st. 187. Ranches. FOR SALE 2154 acres on the Apple gate river, 40 acres in cujtivation, 550 inche of water, house and burn; a tine tract for fruit or al falfa; price $40 ier acre; term-. "Write owner. II. L. Herzinger, O rants Pass. Or. 180 FOR SALE I have for sale farm lauds, fertile, fruit nnd alfalfa and timber liiud in quantities of 10, 20, 40, 00, 100 and 240 acres; house and outbuildings mid families resil ing on the farms, young orchards, bearing orchards and small fruit; also fino houses and lots covered with fruit, in the new and just in corporated village of Talent, Or. If .Von nro at Medford or Ashlnud, tnko the cars to Talent (only cost you 25 cents) nnd come nnd look at property. If at other places, write, invloMiig stumps and I will give further particular. Offico closed on Lord' day. L. X. Judd, Talent. Or.. Roberts bldg 107 Acreage. FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-acre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 5 annual pay. monts. Address Condor Wnter Power Co. FOR SALE S0-ncra farm and orch ard laud. 03 acres tillablo land, bnl anco orchard and timber and pas ture; running wnter; will take some improved city property in ex change for part; 1 mile from store and postoffieo. See L. T. Conser, 014 Bonnott nvo. FOR SALE Los Mollnos irrigated lands; a 20 aero tract ot this rich land, with nbundnnt wntor sup ply will mako you independent; consular theso essentals: A charm iiK Cnlfornn vnlloy, "Just over tho mountnns from Medford;" an abun dant wntor supply, novor falling; dark, loamy soli, 15 to 30 foot In depth; perfect dralnago, climatic conditions Ideal; cheap transporta tion by wtaor, rail and oloctrlc lino; cash markets and hlghost prices for ovory thing produced; good schools; dlvorslty of crops; overy kind of fruits you can moutlon; citrus na woll n8 doclduoun; two crops ot moat all klnda ot garden truck and borrloB can bo grown horo; and alfalfa, this Is Its natural homo, cut six times por year and ylolds from 10 to 13 tons por ncro. It Is Imposatblo to find a region whoro tho returns aro moro goner 0118. Theso lands sell, with por potual water rights Included, for $150 to $200 por aero, 1-5 cash and balance In four equal annual pay ments, Call at tho offico and let mo explain tho projoct In detail, or wrlto for froo booklet and litera ture Samples of cotton, tobacco, and potngranatoB grown on theqe lands on oxhtbltlon at, tho office. Frank Q. Andrews, No, 6 South FJr stroot, Medford, Ore,, Resldont agent, Los Mollnos aLnd Co., Toha nm Co., California, 178 FOR 8ALE. Acreage. FOR SALE 230 ncrca ten rnilcrf from Central Point, nil fenced, with 17 wire fence, rabbit-tight, two Blory Iiouhc, n largo bnrn, Hchool houHc near by, one good spiing, one drill well. I'rico $75 an acrcc, or would take part near Loa AngelcH nnd rest cash. Box 203. Address Owner, Central Point. 103. FOR SALE 030 acres, 2 1-2 miles from railroad, 80 acres fenced, house, barn and other out-buildings, fino for sab-division, at $50 por acre; 230 acres of this for tjuick sale nt $35 per acre, including buildings. Will consider Los An geles for part, uomo cash, balance time at 0 per cent. Address Owner, Mox 272, Central Point. Ore. 187. FOR SALE 8 acres, bearing orch ard, 1 mile from Medford. This is n bnrgain; small houso and barn; finest fruit land in county, $3500. White & Trohridgo. tr FOR SALE Six beautiful acres in Ashland, Oregon. Address, Owner, today. It. D. Sanford, Ashland, Oregon. 188. Iom. FOR SALE An inside lot with sower, light nnd water and side walk, $425. Address owner, Cen tral Point, Or. Box 30. It. F. D. No. 1. 187 MUceU&ncou. FOR SALE Dry fir nnd laurel wood for cooking and heating, in nny quantity, ut Fairview orchards, 7 miles south of Jacksonville. 189 FOR SALE Kitnbnll piano, in good condition, $125, or will rent. Room 33, Jncktion County Bank bldg. 187 FOR SALE OR TRADE Large Hnll safe. Sec Gray & Moe, Vnn Dyke's, old stand. FOIt SALE Or will exchange for property in Medford or in central west, five-passenger nutomobile. Address Box 407, Medford, Or. 100 FOR SALE 10 ton.? stock hay and 200 acres rnngc feed, $400. Ad dress W. jE. Moonoy, Prospect, Or., Red Blanket ranch, or call at 207 Philips bldg.. Medford. 102 FOR SALE 780 hheep, 500 mutton nn dbnhiuce lambs; sell entite flock or any jiortion. Address A. M. Helms. Tnlent. Or. 102 FOR SALE A good ranch, bed couch and good linoleum. Address McAndrew Mntheson, care Mail Tribune. . 187 FOR SALE Bees, reasonable. Cor norOtli nnd Hamilton. 190 FOR SALE Automobile bargains; nil makes, $350 to $2,200. Will trnde for real estate. Some fine bargains. Call nnd see. C. H. Sny der Motor Car Co. tf. FOR SALE 80 tons first class corn; also 200 tons well cured fod der. Enquire of Dr. R. W. Clanc-, MWford. Oregon. tf. FOR SALE Two good quire 526 W. 10th St. rugs; in tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five-p.i-Miger 4-cylinder touring nuto moLue. Address Box 200, care Mnil Tribune offico. tf FOK SALE Legal DlankB ot ill kinds trespass and other notices, - at Mall Tribune offico. FOR SALE Real Jorsoy cows' milk nt 90S Newtown st. 187 FOR SALE I nm offering to the buyer n limited number of lots, 1 nnd 5 acre tracts, n largo horse and farm truck. Address P. O. Box 647 or 908 Newtown st. 207. FOR SALE Fine seed wheat for fall sowing. Western Oregon Or chnrds Co. Phone 3371. 193 FOR SALE A pnir 1200-pound horses, good workers or drivers; also a MeCormiek mower nnd horse rake, lumber wagon, work harness. Inquire 1021 W. 10th st. 100 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Good, capable women lo help in kitchen , work during tho day. can sleep at home. 310 North Bartlett. tf WANTED Good capable woman to clenn house and sweep twice a weok. Apply 310 X. Bartlett. tf WANTED Girl for genoral house work; good wages to the right party. Address Box 20, care Mail Tribuno offico. WANTED Call or phono Main 32 for all lands of dressmaking. Mrs. J. S. Carroll, 320 N. Riverside nvo nuo. 100 WANTED Competent woman for genoral housework, two in family, wngos $30. Address Box 60, caro Mail Tribune offico. tf WANTED Salesmen In oyory local ity of the northwost; monny ad vanced woekly; many make over 11000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valley ' Nursory Co., Top ponlah, Wash. WANTED Girl for genoral houso work. 1017 W. Main st., E. B. Wa tormnn. 186 Situations Wanted. WANTED By Al carpontor and builder, foromanship; host of rof oroncos; can furnish first-olnsa plans, blueprints and specifica tions. 106 SITUATION WANTED By oxport accountant ns bookkeeper; also cai pablo of Huporintondont construc tion lino. Address P 18, caro Mail Tribuno. 101 1910. WANTED. Situations Wanted. WANTED A position on n farm or orchard with n small family. In- nuirc W, A. Martin, Medford, Or, 101 JAPANESE HOUSECLEANINO CO. supplies nil kinds helpers for do mestic work and offico donning boy. Phone Mnin 031. 321 Alico street. 191 MlMcTlAncoBB. WANTED One or two dozen Rhode Island red pullets or year old hens. thoroughbreds. P. O. liox 88, Mcd- ford. Tel. 3002. 322. WANTED T rent a 0 or 7 room modem house, close in by Nov. 1; no children. Address P. O. Box 00, Medford. 100. WANTED Horses to feed for win ter. Address U. M. Welch. Wnt- kins. Or. 230 WANTED Dressmaking. Mrs. Field or, address 231 W. 5th trt. 206 WANTED Some good family to take 0 months old boy to board; will pay good wages to right parties. Ad dress B 10. care Mail Tribune. 180 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Astaytr. ASSAYER Earl V. Ingels, B. Sj Best eequipped assay office in Ore gon. Established five years. Ac curate results guaranteed. Grants Pass. Ore. 205 Cement Sidewalks. CEMENT SIDEWALKS, brickmason, stone mason, plastering and ,all kinds of stucco work. Export work manship at reasonable charges by the day or contract. Address Ma sons. 511 E. Main el.. Medford, Or. Printers and Pabllahen. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job office in South era Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central avenue. Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place to spend the hot after noons. NHrseri.es. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. Wo aro not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office removed to 116 E. Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growers of nigh grade nursery stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. 5000 YELLOW NEWTOWN apple trees for sale, also other varieties of trees, by Wagner Creek Nursery & Orchard Co., Beeson & Lester, Talent, Or. Tin Shops. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand nnd made to order. 128 North G st. Read Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smoreks' supplies. Exclusive ageuts of Lewis Single Binder. El Meritt and El Palencia. 212 West Main street. Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840. Moots at Smith's hall, 128 North Grape street, every Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'clock. All journeymen carpenters, as well as local members, urged to be pres ent. Business of vital interest to nil carpenters transacted at these meetings. J. J. Seal, business net. Attorneys. WIITHINTON & KELLY Yawyors, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over post office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornoys-nt-law. No. 0 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Renraes. Lawyers. Of fico Medford National Bnnk build ing, second floor. NOTARY PUBLIC Phipps bldg. -Room 207, NOTARY offico. PUBLIC Mail Tribuno Granite Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Main st., manufacturers and deal ers in gmonumentnl and buildin rrnmto, crushed granite common briok and prossod briok, coarse and fine washed rivor sand. PAUL & WTOLFF soil sniid and foun dation gravel; all orders promptly delivered. Phone 4721 nnd 1213 Main. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Prftldy, O. D. Nnglo, Geo. T. Q'Brion'-CQntractors nnd manu facturers of brisk; dealers in pressed brick and lime. Offico in Postoffieo blook, room 5. Phone No. 3181. Painters and lporkmr. H. G. DEAN, O. P. M'MTTLTRN Phone 3732, Dean & MoMqIIm contracting painters, painting, P per hanging nnd tintln. Estimate on nil kinds of pain tin vorV Medford. Or. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mnckey nnd dio with joy," Oyot Allen & Reagan's store; entranc on Sevonth street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UIU Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All ordora promptly filled. Room 20, Jnckaon County Bank building, Medford. Or. HtenoKmpnen. ELLA M. GUANYAW Pahn Blook. Stenographic work done qnlokly and wall. Architect. FLEMINO & HALFrBuildora and contractors; estimates furnished; work guaranteed. Phono 3851. Qivo us a trrial. 205. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and builder See me about your new home. I can save you money by planning to your own ideas and figuring with you right. Write Box 37, P. 0., Mod ford. JOHNS & TURNER, ArckiteotB and Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Residence phono 744. flcul Estate, THE MOOR-EHNI CO. Vine ranch properties. City lets and dwellings. Fire insurance. 213 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. Phono 2592. I'iiynlclnns and Stageou. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Practice limited to diseases of wo men. Offico Hnskins bldg. Phono Main 1001. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD, Office Hns , kina bldg. Phone Mnin 1001. DR. W. W. WICK Homeopathic physician; residence 203 Olson St., phone Main 4474; office, rooms 3 and 4, St. Marks block. 'phono Main 1871. DR, ARTEMAS W. DEANli in Jtialto bldg., 123 R Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phone 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-304, Formers' & Fruitgrowers" bank bulldinir, west of the tracks. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat Office 218 E. Main st., oyerr Medford Hard ware Co. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phono 501, residence phone 612. Offico hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DB. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Mission block. Phone. 292. Medford. DR. E. H. PORTER Diseases of women a specialty. Rooms 5, 6, 7, 8 St. Mark's bldg., Medford, Or. Phenes: Office 4961, residence 4951. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These remedies may be procured at house. No. 241 S. Front and 10th sts, Medford, Or., where thoy will be sold by the pro prietor, Chow Young. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral severe cases with his remedies since coming to Ashland, and has for references some of the best known nnd most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him. This is to cortify that Dr. Chow Young, the bearer, attended me, my trouble being lung trouble and asthma. I am better than I have been for twelve years. I saw the lotter written by Judgo Hanna and ns ho recommended the doctor so well, thought I would try him also. Mrs. St. Louis, Ashland, Or. "I was afflicted with heart and stomach trouble for many years, and at last ending in a stroke of paralysis, from which mo one ex poctod my recovery,, asd no one knows how I suffered, but at last I got a littlo hotter and I heard of ono Dr. Chow Young. I took treat ment and am well now and can rec ommend him to any one who may be sick or afflicted with any of these complnints. I assuro you II am well pleased and thankful that I am ulivo nt this time. Mrs. Vary Ni day, Grants Pass. Or. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposh Jackson County bank. NUht oallt promptly answered. Office and residence phone Mam 3433. DR. STEPHENSON fits glasses to correct any defect of the eye. Of fico ovor Allen & Reagan's. Phone Mnin 1851. I'Hirnlture. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS James A. MoKenzie, dealer in now and socond-hand furniture, hardware, clothing, boots and shoes. Highest cash prices paid for good cast-off clothing. Call sad see me when you have something to sell. 103 South Central. H. F. WILSON & CO- dealers la now nnd socond-hand furniture nnd hardware Agents for House hold stoves nnd ranges. 16 South Fir street. Phono Main 3161. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th nnd Holly streets., eMd ford. Mission furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order aoliioted. MQRDOFF & WOLFF CookstovM and rangos. New and seeond-kaad furniture. Ends' old stand, IB W F st.. South. Phone 91. Medfoyd. Undertaken ' MEDFORD FURNITtlW. CO. Urn dertakers. DaypJUHNL MUM phones, C. W, Coakfck Mtt J. ft Butlor 3571. John A. Pert 4111,