i .i.- - - - MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1010. K . u 4 .i. & i : H CITY NOTICES. OIIDIKANCK NO. JHMI. An onllnnnco dcclnrltiR tho cost of Improvement of North Hlvereldo nve nuo from tJnat Main street to Jncitson etreot, and asseftBiiiK the proporty benefitted thorouy, nnrt ieclnrlng such Assessment, nnd directing tho entry thereof In the docket of tho city lions. "Tho City of Medford doth ordain an follows; Section 1. That no protests hav ing been fllod ngnlnst tho Improve ment of North Riverside avenue from East Mnln St. to Jackson St.. d.io no tice of tho Intention ot tho coun cil to causo Bald Improvement to bo mado having been given and said Improvement having been ordered made, the council has considered tho matter and herewith ascertains tho probablo cost of making such Im provement to bo tho sum of I13.81S.53, And said council further finds that tho special and peculiar benefit accruing upon each lot or part there of adjacent to said Improvement and In Just proportion to boneflts, to bo the respectlvo amounts hereinafter sot opposlto tho number or descrip tion of each lot or part thereof, nnd such amounts respectively aro horo by declared to bo tho proportionate sharo of each lot or part thoreof, of tho cost of such Improvement, nnd Is hereby declared to do assessed against said lot or parcels, respect ively, tho name appearing above each description being tho name of tho owner of such lot or parcel. ASSESSMENT FOR PAVING OF RIVERSIDE AVENUE NORTH FROM MAIN STREET TO JACKSON aTREET. Assessment No. 1 Hubbard 3ros. Lot 17, block 3, original townslte or. tho city of Medford, Oregen: frontage 141 feet on the west side of North Riverside avenue, and describ es! In T-nliinn nnpn .. rnuntv re corder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 141 feet. Rato per foot, ?5.3S Amount, $75S.5S. Aseftssmnnt. 'n. ? J. E. Envart. Lot 1. block 3, original townslte of tho city of MeoTora, Oregon; mint age 141 feet on tho west side of north Riverside avenue and described In volume 22, page 178, county record er's records of Jackson county. Ore gon; 141 feet. Rato per foot, $5.38. Amount. $758.58. Assessment No. 3 J. 0. Gohle. A parcel of land commencing at tho southeast corner of the I. J. Phlpps reservation In the city of Medford, Jackson county, Oregon, whero 6th street Intersects tho county road; thence running In a northerly direc tion along the west side of said street 100 feet; thence In a westerly direction parallel with said Sixth street 100 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel with the said coun ty, road to Sixth street 100 feet; thence In an easterly direction along the north line of Sixth street 100 feet to the place of beginning, being 100 feet square; frontage 100 feet on the west side of North Riverside avenue, and described in Volume , page , county "recorder's records of Jack son county. Oregon; 100 feet. Rate per foot, $5.38. Amount. $538.00 Assessment No. 4 H. Humphrey and S. L. Leonard. A parcel of land commencing at a point on the west boundary of the county road from which the northeast corner of block No. 3 in the original townslte of Medford, Jackson county, Oregon, bears south 28 degrees east 177.08 feet, thence north 28 degrees west GO feet; thence south 50 degrees 30 min utes west parallel with the line of Sixth 6treet, 104 feet; thence south 28 degrees east 60 feet; thence north 54 degrees 30 minutes east 100 feet tcthe place of beginning, and being what Is known as the Phlpp's reserve. Frontage 50 feet on the west side of North Riverside, and described in volume 75, page 110; volume 33, page 238, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet. Rate per foot, $5.38. Amount, $269.00. Assessment No. 5 School district No. 49. A parcel of land commenc ing at a point 116 feet north, 35 de grees 30 minutes west from the southwest corner of the Phlpp's re serve in the city of Medford and on the east lino B street, and running thence north 35 degrees 35 minutes west along the east lino of said street 184.4 feet; thenco easterly parallel with 6th street 320 feet, more or less, to the west lino of Rlvorslde avenue; thence southerly along tho west lino of said avenue 193 feet, mora or less, to the southeast corner ot those cer tain premises deeded by the grantors herein on the 5th day of June, 1906, to one James H. Toft, tho deed there for being of record In volume 59 of the ded records of Jackson county, Oregon, at page 671 thereof; thence westerly parallel with Sixth street 20S feet; more or less, to tho place of boglnnlng. excepting and reserving from tho foregoing tho said premises abpvo' referred to deed by the grant ors; horcln to said James H. Toft, tho deed therefor being of record in vol ume 59, at page 571 thereof; front age. 145 feet on tho west side of N. Riverside avonue, and described In Volume 65. pago 352, county record er'srecords of Jackson county, Ore gon; 145' feet.' Rato per foot, $5.38. Amount, $780.10. Assessment No. 6 James Kent. A parcel of land commencing at tho NB. Intersection ot Fifth street nnd Apple Street In tho city ot Medford, JackBon county, Oregon, and running ..., i- n nnrMinrlv iHrnrtlnn nloni! tho east lino of said Apple street 85 I feet; thence at right angles to the i Bald east lino ot Apple streot to the west lino of Riverside nvouvo; thence In a southerly direction along tne tald west lino of Riverside avonue to the, northwest Intersection of Itivor slde avonue and Fifth street; thence along tho north line of Fifth streot G9- feet to tho place of boglnnlng; frontage 88.38 feet on tho woBt Bldo of North Riverside avenue, and de scribed In volume 74. pago 30, coun ty 'recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 88.38 foot.. Rato per foot, $5.38. Amount, $475.48. ''Assessment No. 7 Wm. M. Smith. A parcel or land boglnnlng at a point Id the east lino ot Apple street 85 foot north from tho northeast Inter section of said Apple street and Fifth street in the city of Medford, Jackson county, Oregon, and running thenco at right angles with tho Bald east lino of Apple streot to tho west lino of sajd rtlveraldo avonue; thenco in a .northerly- direction along the west lino .of said Rlvorfllde avenue T.r O lant llinnon In n WAatorlV dlrGC- tlon to a point on tho east lino of Apple street' Gfifeet north of 'tho be ginning poln;. thenco In a southerly dlreotlon along tho said east lino of Apple gtreet'-tothe beginning point; CITY NOTICES. frontage, 57.2 feet on tho west side of North Riverside, and described In volume 74, page 37, county record er's records of Jackson county, Ore gon. 57.2 feet. Rato per Toot, $5.3S. Amount, $307.74. Assessment No. S II. L. Hnsklns, A parcel of land commencing at n point altunted south 35 degrees 30. imtnutes cast 110 feet from the south corner ot block 4 In Medford, nnd from said point running thence south 35 degrees 30 minutes east 110 feet; thence north 54 degrees 30 minutes east 100 feet to tho west lino of said county raid; thenco north 19 de grees 10 minutes west nlong said west lino of snld county road 113.7 feet; thence south 45 degrees 30 minutes -vest 132 1-2 feet to the place of commencement; frontage 113.7 feet on tho west Bldo of North Riverside avenuo nnd described in volume S2, pngo 424, county record- Igon; 113.7 feot. Rato per foot, $5.3S. Amount, $611.71. Assessment No. 9 J. C. Jones. A parcel of land beginning at a point ! from which the south corner ot block 4, Medford, Jnckson county, Oregon, bears north 35 degrees 30 minutes west 60 feet; thence south 35 de grees 30 minutes east 50 feet; thenco 'north 54 degrees 30 minutes east 132.7 feet to the state road; thenco north 19 degrees 10 minutes west nlong tho lino of said road 51 feot S Inches; thenco south 54 degrees 30 minutes west nlong the lino of 4th street 147 feet 4 Inches to the place of beginning. Frontago 51. S feet on the west side of North Riverside ave nue nnd described in volumo 17, page SS, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 51. S reet. Rato per foot, $5.3S. Amount, $27S.6S. Assessment No. 10. S. S. Stlno. Lot 1 and 2, block 4, original town site of the city of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 105.5 feet on tho west side of N. Riverside avenue and described In volume 74, pago 512, county re corder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 105.5 feet. Rato per foot, $5.3S. Amount $567.59. Assessment No. 11. Palmer and Root. Lot 3. block 4, original town site of the city of Medrord, Oregon; frontage, 50.5 feet on tho west side of North Riverside avenue, nnd de scribed in volume , pago , coun ty recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregen: 50.5 feet. Rato per foot, $5.3S. Amount, $271.69. Assessment No. 12. Mrs. O. W. Henderson. Lot 4, S. part of lot 5, block 4, original townslte of tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontage 56.25 feet on the west side of N. Riverside and described In Volumo , pago , county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon. 56.25 feet. Rate per foot, $5.38. Amount, $302.63. Assessment No. 13. L. F. Klrk pitrlck. N. part of lot 5, block 4, or iginal townsito of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 48.75 feet on the west side of Riverside avenue and described In volume 25, pago 349, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 48.75 feet. Rate per foot, $5.38. Amount, $262.28. Assessment No. 14. L. F. Klrk patrlck. Lot 6, block 4, original townsito of tho city of Medford, Ore gon. Frontago 28 feet on tho west side of N. Riverside avenue, and de scribed In volume 27, pago 349, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 26 feet. Rato per foot. $5.38. Amount, $150.64. Assessment No. 15 I. P.. Phlpps. Claim 89, In township 37, south of range 2 we3t and claim beginning 16.74 chains west and 18 chains south of tho southeast corner of sec tion 24, In township 37, south of range 2 west; thenco east 70.14 chains; thence north 36.25 chains; thence west 52 chains; thenco north 36.25 halns; thenco west 18.14 chains; thence soctu 72.5 chains; to the place o'f beginning, containing 320 acres. Frontage 463 feet on tho east side of N. Riverside avenue, ana described in volumo 5, page 93, coun ty recorder's records ot Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 463 6 feet. Rato per foot, $5.38. Amount, $2,494.17. Assessment No. 16. Elmlra Vin cent. A parcel of land beginning at a point 3.59 chains north and 1.28 chains west of tho northeast corner of block 3, in tie city of Medford, nnd rnnninc: thence north 22 degrees west 5.34 chains; thence north 77 degrees 30 minutes east 5.25 ciiains; thenco south 27 'cgrees 30 minutes cast 6,06 chains; thenco south 68 de grees west 5,56 chains to tho plnco of beginning, containing 3.05 acres, sub ject, however, to the right of way of the Medford city 6ower, all of the said described premises, savo and ex cept a certain portion thereof, here tofore deeded by tho grantors here in hereto C. E. Gaddls, tho deed whereof !b dated tho 20th day of March, 1903, and recorder on tho 25t'i day of March, 1J03, in no ueeu records of Jackson county, Oregon, volume 47, at pngo 185 tho'eof, which said last mentioned proporty la here by expressly excepted and excluded from this conveyance. Frontago 326.6 feet on tho east Bldo of N. Rlv-e-slde, and described In volumo 47, page 505, county rocordor's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 326.6 feet. Rato per foot, $5.28. Amount, $1,757.11. Assessment No. 17. C. E. Gaddls. A parcel of land commencing at B. F. Adhlns' northwest corner on tho east boundary og tho county road from which tho northeast co-ncr of Block 3 In tho town of Medford, Jackson coury, Oregon, bears south 13 degrees east 243.5 feot; thenco north 19 degrees 10 "llniHes west 50 feet: thenco uo'th 67 degicea 45 minutes cist 130 feet; thonco 19 de grees 10 minutes east 56 feot t B. F. Adklns north lino; thence 29.6 feet; thence soutl- 66 degrees west 103 feet to tho plnco of beginning, togeth er with tho igbt and privilo '0 to lay a sewerage rlpo from tho oast sldo of tho above described promises to the contor of oBar Creek. Frontage 50 feet on t'io oast Bide of N. Rlvor slde, .ind dcs:rlbed In volume 47, pago 185, county recorder's records of Jjcksou county, Oregon; 50 feot. Rato por foot, $5.38. Amount, $269.00. Assessment No. 18. Nntnlorlum & Amusement Co. A parcel of land boglnnlng nt n point 118.2 feet north of tho northeast intersection of Main street and Riverside avonuo, and said beginning point bolng sttuntod on tho oast lino of North Riverside avonuo, from said beginning point running nor;h along tho enat lino of 6ald Rlv orsldo avenuo, 433 feet, moro or less; thenco south 66 dogrces west 103 feet; thence east 250 feet, rao-o or less; thence soi;th 14 degrees 30 min utes east to a point of Intersection CITY NOTICES. with a lino running north 60 dogroos 23 minutes enst 272 feet, moro or i less, from tho beginning polut; thenco In an easterly direction 272 feet,; moro or less, to tho plnco of begin ning. Frontago 433 feet on thu east ddo of N. Riverside avenuo nnd do erlbcd In volume , pngo , county ccorder's rcords ot Jnckson county, Orojon. 433 feot. Rnto poi foot, $5.3S. Amount. $2,329.54. Assessment No. 19 Medford llldg. Co. A paicel of land beginning at tho northeast Intersection of Mnln streot and Rlvor-tdo avonue, running thonco in a northerly direction along tho enst lino of N. Riverside .venue, US. 2 feet; thonco In an easterly di rection 5$. 5 feet: thenco la n souther ly direction 95.5 feet; thenco In n westerly direction 70 feot to the point of beginning. Frontago 11S.2 feot on iho enst sldo of N. Ulvouldo avo nuo and described In volumo R-473. 118.2 feot. Rnto per foot, $5.38. Ar"Mi"t. J6C5 ?2. i Section 2. Tho recorder of tho city of Medford Is horeby dlrecto.1 to en ter a statement of tho assessments hereby made In tho docket of city liens, and to g'vo notfeo by publica tion as required by tho chartor and ordlnanco Np. 250 ot said city, lirnho D lly Mall Tribune, a newspaper pub lished and ot gonoral circulation In said city. Tho foregoing ordlnanco was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 4th day of October, 1910, by tho following vete: Welch aye, Merrick nyo, Emorlck aye, Wortman nyo, Elrert r.yo and Dommcr aye. Approved October 5th, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recordor. NOTICE. To tho owner, or reputed owner, of each parcel of proporty described In the foregoing ordlnanco, as nnmod therein, am. In tho lien declared by sr.ld ordinance ns recorded In the docket ot city liens: You aro hereby notified that tho assessment declared by tho forego ing ordinance !as been mado and tho lien therefor entered In tho city lien docket, and that tho sane Is duo and you aro heroby required to pay tho same to the city recorder wlthlr ten days from vto sorvloo of this notlco, which service lc mado by putllcatton of the foregolLg ordlnanco nnd this notice three times In tho Medford Mall Tribune, pursuant to nn order of tho city council of said city. ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. Mcintosh Wants Fighters. MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Oct. 20. IIukIi Mcintosh, the Australian fight promoter, thnmli hi- American rep resentative, 11. K. Me-ier, today tel egraphed nn offer to Frank Klnus Al Kaufman. Pocky McFnrlmul ami Ail Wbleast for n tour of England ami possibly Australiu, with the pros pects of meeting many British fight ers. It is said that Mcintosh hopes to bring about n match between Knuf mnn nnd Jack Johnson in Englnml. ORDINANCE NO. 307 An ordinance declaring the cost ot improvement of South Laurel streot from West Main street to West 11th street and assessing the property be nefited thereby, nnd declaring such assessment, rnd directing tho entry thereof In the docket of city Hens. THE CITY OF MEDFORD DOTH ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That no protest having been filed against tho Impiovomont of South Laurel street from West Main street to West 11th street, duo notice of the intention of the council to causo such improvement to bo made, having been given, and said Improvements having been ordered made, the council has considered the matter and herewith ascertains tho 'probable cost of making such Im provement to tho sum of $9437.75 And said council further finds that tho special and peculiar bene fit accurlng upon each lot or part thereof adjacent to said Improve ment and Is Just proportion to ben efits, to be tho respectlvo amounts hereinafter set opposlto tho number or description of such lot or part thereof, and such amounts respec tively are heroby declared to bo tho proportionate share of each lot or part thoreof, and tho cost of such Improvement, nnd Is horoby declared to be asBecscd against said lot or parcel respectively, tho namo appear ing above each description, bolng tho namo of tho owner of such lot or parcel. ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAVING OF LAUREL STREET FROM MAIN TO ELEVENTH STREET: Assessment No. 1. S. A. White estate. North one-half of all of block 2, of Galloway's addition to Medford excepting (tract described In BY & BZ); frontago 83 feet on the west sldo of Laurel streot, and described In Vol. 40, page 379, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 83 feot; rato per foot $4.27; amount $354.41. ABseasmont No. 2. Wm. M. Col vlg. A parcel of land boglnnlng nt a point In tho city of Medford, Oro gon, 83 feet south of tho northeast corner of block 2 in Galloway's ad dition to said city of Medford, and running thonco south o; tho west line of Lnurol streot 117 feet, thonco west 100 feet; thonco north 117 feot; thonco east iOO feet to tho place of boglnnlng nnd marked B5i on tho ( map or mo nam cuy; uuuwb feot on tho west sldo of Laurel street, and described In Vol 01, pago 308, county recordor'B records of Jnckson county, Orogon; 70 feot; rato por foot $4.27; amount $298.90. Assessment No. 3. C. L. Reames. A parcol of land beginning nt a point In tho city of Medford, Jack son county, Orogon, 153 foot south of tho northeast corner of block 2, In Galloway's addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon, and running thonco south on tho lino of Laurel street 47 feet, thonco 100 foot west, thenco north 47 feet, thenco east 100 foot to tho placo of beginning, nnd marked BY on tho imp of tho said city; front ago 47 feot on tho west Bldo of Laurel street, and doscrlbcd In Vol 81, pago 202, county recordor'B records of Jackson coupty, Orogon; 47 foot; rato por foot $4.27; amount $200,69 Assessment No. 4. Oris Crawford. A parcel qf land commencing at a point on the west lino of North Laurel Btroot, In tlo city of Medford, 100 CITY NOTICES. foot north of tho southeast corner of block 2 of Gnliowny'B addition to the snld city, oald po'ut running thenco west 100 feet, thonco north 100 foot, thenco east 100 feet, thonco Houth 100 feot to the plrco of beginning, nnd marked UN on the map of tho snld city; frontage 75 feet on tho west aide ot Lnurol street, and des cribed In Vol 56, pago 120 county ro cordor's records of Jnckeon county, Oregon; 75 feot; rato per foot $4.27; amount $320.35 ABBossmont No. 5. 11. 11. Unr graves. A parcel of land beginning on tno west line or uiuroi street in tho city of Medford. Jnckson county, Oregon, nt a point 100 foot north of tho southeast corner ot block 2 of Galloway's addition to snld city, and from snld point running thonco wont 100 feet; tu nco north 25 feet thonco onBt 100 feot; thence south 25 feet to the plnco ot beginning; frontage 25 feet on the north side of Laurel street, ami described In Vol 56, pago 4 61, county recorder's records ot Jnckson county, Oregon; 25 foot; rnto per foot $1.27; amount $106.75 Assessment No. 6. II. P. and Maud HargrnveB. A parcel of land be ginning nt the southeast coiner of lot 2, Galloway's addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon, running nlong tho north lino of West Eighth street In a westerly direc tion 100 feet; thonco at right angles In a easterly direction 100 feot to tl'o enst side of said block 2; thence nt right angles' lit n southerly direction 100 feet to tho plnco of beginning, and marked II W on tho mnp of tho said city; frontage 100 feet on tho west side ot Laurel street, nnd described In Vol 53, page 15, county recorder's recordB of Jnck son county, Oregon; 100 feot; rnto per foot $4.27; amount $427.00 "A's'WUiUMit No 7 F. W Week ot al. A i).ii cc i ot laud commencing with tho northeast corner of block 3 In Galloway's addition to tho city ot Medford, Oregon, nnd running thenco west 200 feet along West 8th streot; to tho northwest corner of snld lot 33, thenco south 100 feot, thenco oast 20 foot; thenco north 100 feot to tho placo of beginning, nnd marked A on tho map of said city; frontago 100 feet on tho west sldo of Laurel streot, and dcscrlbod In Vol. 3S, png-. 71, county record er's records of Jnckson county. Oro gon; 100 feet; rnto por foot $4.27; amount $427.00 Assessment No. 8. Margaret E. Gray. A parcel of land commencing 100 feet south of tho northwest cor ner of block 3 in tho Galloway's ad dition to the city of Medford, Ore gon, thenco east 200 feet; thence south 112 feet; thenco west 200 feet; thence north 112 feet to tho placo of beginning; rrontago 112 feet on tho west sldo of Laurel street, and "des cribed in Vol. 40, pago 616, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregen: 112 feet: rnto per foot $4.27; amount $478.24 Assessment No. 9 J. H. Daley. A parcol ot lr.nd commonclnr 212 feet south of tho northeast cornor of block 3, Galloway's additllon to tho city ot Medford, Oregon, running thonco west 200 feet; thonco south 5S.feet; thenco cast 200 feot; thenco north 58 feet to tl o place ot begin ning; frontage 58 feet on tho west side of Laurel street, and described In Vol.., page ... county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 68 feet; rato per foot $4.27; amount $247.66 Assessment No. 10. J. II. Daloy. A parcel of land bcglnnl z nt tho southeast corner of block 3, Gallowny addition to tho city of Medford, Oro gon, nnd Tinning thenco north ;ong tho west lino of Laurel street, 92 feet; thouco west at right angles 66 feet; thenco cout.. at right angles 92 feet to tho north lino of West Tonth stroot; thenco eaBt along tho north lino of West Tenth street 66 feet to tho placo ot beginning frontago 92 feet on tho west sido of Laurel street, .nnd described In Vol. .., pago.., county recordor'a records of Jack son county, Oregon; 92 feot; rnto $4.27; amount $392.84 Assessment No. 11. T. B. Alli son. North 94 feet of lot 1, block 8 Park addition to O'io city of Medford, Orogon; frontago 94 feet, i,n tho west side of Laurel street, and described In Vol. 56, pago 327, county recor der's recordB of Jnckson county, Ore gon; 94 feet; rnto per foot $4.27; amount $401.38 Assessment No. 12. S. L. Bonnott A parcel of h.nd beginning at a point 94 feot Bout'i of the northeast corner of kt 1, block 8, Park addi tion to tho city of Medford, Orogon, nnd thenco running south along tho east lino of snld lot 50 feot; thonco west at right angles 100 feot; thonco north 50 feet; thenco east 100 feet to the placo of bcglnn. ng; frontago 50 feot on tho vost Bldo of Laurel street, and described In Vol. 82, pago 311, county rocordor's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet: rato per foot $4.27; amount $213.50 Assessment No. 13. C. A. Hamlin. South 50 feet of tho north 194 feot of lot 1, block 8, Park addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front neo 50 feot on tho west sldo of Lnu rol street, ind described in Vol 78. pago 131, county recorder records of Jnckson county, Orogon; 50 feet; rato per foot $4.27; amount $213.50 Assessment No. 14. John F. White. South 106 feot cf lot 1, block 8 Park addition to tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontago 166 foot on tho west sldo of Laurel stroot, nnd described In Vol. 40, pago 2-07, coun ty rocordor's recordB of Jackson county, Orogon; 166 foot ; rato per foot $4.27; amount $708.82 ABsessmoDt No.15. Almira Wil son. A parcol ot land fronting 109 feot on the oast flldo of Laurel streot and 245.5 on tho north sldo of West 11 street, In i) o southwest cornor of block 6, Gat.owny's addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 169 feet on tho east Bldo of Laurel street, and doscrlbod In Vol.. 70, pngo 631, county rocordor's records of JnckBon county, Orogon; 169 feot; rato por fopt $4.27; amount $721.03. Asaossmont No. 16. Wm, Lucas. A parcol of land on tho northwoHt comer of block 0, Galloway's nddl tlon to tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontago of 100 foot on tho boiUU sldo of Wo3t 10th Btreot, and 109 feot on tho east olde of Laurel streot, fronting 109 foot on tho east sldo of Laurel stroot, and described In Vol. 75, pago 405, county recordor'B rec ords of Jackson county, Orogon j 100 foet; rato por foot $4.27; amount $721.63 Assessment No. 17. -W. T. York. A parcol of land commencing at tho southwest cornor of block 4, Gallo way's nddltlon to tho city i Medford, firnt'on. on.i rnnnlnir thonco east along the north lino of Wo?t 10th J CITY NOTICES. utroot 113.9 feet; thenco norlh 121 root;, tnonco worn ua.u root 10 inn east lino ot L..urol streot; thonco sout'i 121 feot to tho placo tf begin ning; frontago 121 feot on tho east sldo of Laurel st-oot, and described In Vol. 06, pngo 70, county rocordor's iiririlu nf .lnrltmn. omuiH'. Oroimii! 121 feet; rnto por foot $1.27; amount $516.67. Assessment No. 18, Otto It. Rolchmau. A parcol of land conni one lug nt n polut on tho eaht lino of Laurel stroot, 121 feot north ot tho southwest cornor ot block 1, Gallo way's addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon nnd running thonco oaat 113.0 feot; thonco north 60 feot; thonco west 113.9 feot; thonco south 00 feot to tho placo of beginning; front age 60 foet on tho ennt side of Laurel street, and described In Vol. 75, pago 493, county recorder'n rocordu ot Jnokson county, Oregen: 60 foot; rate per toot $4.27; amount $256.20. ssn,iu,n' X'i 19 ron-y Orllf fltli. A parcol of land commencing nt a point on Enst Laurel Btreot, 116 feot south of tho northwest corner of block 4, Galloway's nddltlon to tho city of Medford, Oregon, and runn ing thonco south nlong tho east lino of Laurel street 75 feot; thonco enst 113.9 feot; thonco north 75 feot; thenco west 113.0 foot to tho placo of, beginning; frontago 75 feot on the on3t sldo of Laurel street, nnd des cribed In Vol. 50, page MS, county recorder's records of Jnckson county Oregon; 76 foet: rato por foot $4.27: amount $320.25 Assessmont No. 20. I.ovontlne Redden. North 110 feet of block 4. Galloway's addition to the city of Medford, Orogon, savo nnd except therefrom thnt vortlon deocrlbod un der J on tho mnp of aald city; nlso, all rights to a Btrlp 10 feot wide along tho north aldi of tho nbovr ,lnunrltir1 nrntnlenx. frontnitO 116 foot on the ui3i bldo ot Lnurol htrcoi and doRcrlbcd In Vol pago .., county rocordor'B records of Jackson county. Oregen: 116 feet: rnto per foot $4.27; amount $496.32 Assessment No. 21. School Dis trict No. 49. A parcel of land be ginning at lo southwest cornor of school lot l' district No. 49: thonco south nlong Lnur-1 street to tho south west cornor of block 1. Galloway's addition to tho city of Medford, Ore gon; thonco oast 150 feot nlong Sth streot; thonco nlong tho Rogue River Vnlloy rnllroad company north 106 feet: thonco west 200 foot nlong the present school district lot of above district to tho plnco of boglnnlng. be ing in block No. i ot Galloways addition to tho city of Medford, tho offlclnl plat thereof, nov ot rec ord; frontngo o. 134 foot on tho enst sido of Laurel streot, and described In Vol. 40. pago 159. county record er's recorls of Jackson county. Ore Ore eon: 134 feet: rato por fuot $4.2 ij nmount $572.18. ! Assessmont No. 22. School Dis trict No. 45. A parcel of land commencing at r. point I ai.,tn.i 1.1-I foot noith of tho southwest corner of block 1, Gnlloway ruldltlnn to tho city of Med V....1 nmirnn nini from cnld nolnt Tunning thonco enst 322 foot; thenco north 24 degrees nnd 30 minutes west 299.71 foot; tnenco wcsi i '. ti,i.n HMiitii 244 feet to tho tilnco of beginning; frontago 244 feet .. itiT mbhI mt pnnf n Till on tno east sine oi i.i " .t..iiw,i in Vol 14. naco 63 county .recorder's records of Jackson county Oregon; 244 reet; rato per mm .- nmount $1041. S8 Section 2. Tho recorder of tho city of Medford Is horoby directed to onter a statomont of t' o assess ments hereby mndo In tho docket of city Hens, and to glvo not:o by pub lication as r?nulrod by the charter and ordlnanco No. 250 of said city. In tho Dally Mall Tribune, a nowBpn ,.nr nnhliMlioil and ot goncrnl circula tion In tho s' Id city. ThoJorogoIng ordinance wim punn ed by tho city council of tho city of ir.in.. nwwri.. on tho 4th dny of Octobor.'lOlO, by tho following vote: Welch aye, MorncK nyo, r.mm.iv nyo. Wortman aye, kiio.-i nyu, Dcmmer aye. Approved Octobor 5th, 1910. W. II. CANON Mayor Atttest: ROUT. W. TELFER City Recorder. NOTICE. To the owner, or roputod owner, of each parcol of proporty described in tho foregoing ordlrpimo, as named thoioln, and in tho Hon declared by said ordinal co ns recorded In tno docket of city llenn: You nre horoby notified that tho nssoHsmont declared by tho forocolug onllnnnco, line boon mndo nnd two lien thotefor ontorcd In tho city lion dock et, and that tho samol u duo and you aro heroby dooulred to pay tho camo to tho city recordor within ton days from tho eorvlco of this notlco, which sorvlco Is m: do by publication of tho foregoing ordlnanco and -blB rotlco three times In Iho Medford Mall Trl- ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recordor. ORDINANCE NO. 100. "An ordlnanco vncating tho north erly sovonty-flvo (75) foot of tho al lay extending from Seventh streot to Eighth street, through block twenty (20) of tho town (now city) or Medford, Orogon. .... . , Tho city of Medford doth ordain as follewH: Section 1. Whereas, thoro was horotoforo on Soptombor 10, lJio, presented to and filed with tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oro gon, a petition signed by tho Mrflt National bank of Medford, Orogon, a corporation, nflklng' that tho north erly sovonty-flvo (75) foe .of tho alloy extending from Sovonth Btreot to Eighth streot through blocl twen ty (20) of tho town (now city) or Medford, Orogon, bo vacated, and Whereas, duo notlco of ho pen oncy or sain iiuiiiiui. ,...- ;-,, mpHl pill H V wv- .. y- , b moro man ihiij ',,,,., her 11. ll10 which said dnto was fixed by Bald notlco ns tho time when the council would moot to consider W P""on4.f"" mi .U.1 meet at tho tlmo and placo fixed by said np- co and did thereupon adjourn Ba d mooting and tho consideration of said All At. I.. 1rttk fltlfl mat or unu. ..n -v. .. - wnoroaa, wm ,uu..w. .. - - date considered said matter and las dotormlnod that said petition should K rant1' 1? .. i,nn fllod with this council tho conBont In writ InK of tho persons owning Bald prop Sty immediately adjoining ald por tion of said alloy bo sought to bo v?OT,J8xnrri"iViiA:j:tuiii:'.U'vr PLUMBING STEAM AND HOI WATER HEATING All Work (huirnnlmtd PriooB Hoiifloimblo j 11 North J) St.. Mod fold HURVII FOR Only hotel in town of 1000 Inhabitants on Southern Pnotfio rail road, lloguo Ilivor vulloy. Newly refurnished, papered, jmintiul; eiiuipmunt modem; hatha, toilets, electric lightf, hot nnd oold run ning water. Now doing buslnoa. CALIj ON ALDENHAGEN ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY, 210 West Main St., Motif ortl, Or. TO FRUIT GROWERS and Shippers to English Markets (J Consign your fruit to "MKSHH8. ItlDlilCY Ai HOULMNO, Onent Harden, luiilon. fllloBt market prices. Canh romltted dny nftor sale, cabled If required. 5Solo agunta In London for South Auiitrnllun government consign "ments. (JOur chnrgos for soiling, C per cent nnd U conts por box. Agont in Now York, W. N. WHITE & CO., 70 Park Place. Forwnrd lug charges, 2 cents por box. Those aro tho moIo charges. Compnri with other nccountn. Campbell & Baumbach REAL ESTATE, LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS, Money on hand at all times to loan on improved farms and city proporty. I PHONE 3231 208 FRUITGROWERS E Fisher & Whitmire HIGH GRADE INVESTMENTS Mining and Fruit Land Orchard and City Property Insurance 32 South Central Ave. Rogue River Fish Co. DEAL llltS IN Kronh Salted and Smoked Fifth; Imported Clieoso and Macaroni; Fresh Oysters, l'onltry nnd Egg. 117 NOUT1I Fill ST. Walter Slayter & Co. Tho P. & E. R. R. will soon be at Butte Falls, Oregon We can then handle your orders. Place thorn now. Write ov Phonn uh for nriccs. Butte Falls Lumber Co. vacatod, that tho same bo vacated iih prayed by said petition. Now thoroforo, It Is ordained as Aforesaid that tho northerly sovonty flvo (75) feot of tho alloy oxtondlng from Sovonth to Klghth street, through block twenty (20) ot tho town (now city) of Medford, In Jauk son county, Orogon, ho, and tho Bamo u liA.nhv viirnlnil ll nil Mint, till) HU1IIO shnll attach to tho lots bordering on said portion or snni auoy, nun nu right and tltlo tlioroto shall vest In tho porfloiiB owning tho proporty, In equal proportions , nnd tho mayor and recordor aro authorized to oxo outo a deed therefor on behalf of tho city. Tho foregoing onllnnnco wnn pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Orogon, on tho 10th day of Octobor, 1010, by tho following vote: Welch nbHont, Merrick nyo, Knior Ick abHcnt, Elfort nyo, Wortman ayo, and Dommor nyo. Approved Octobor 20th, 1010. W. H. CANON, Mnyor. Attest' rionrairr w. trlpku. City Hecorder. FANS MAY SEE A iiATnU NELS0N-ATTELL MATCH KANSAS (MTV, Oet, 2. Nt'KOli iitioiiH nre on foot to match Abo At toll and UuttlinK Nelson hero noxt month, it was iiuiiouncoil today. An attempt will !o mndo to brinif tlio ...nn imrMlmr fnr Inn rounds nt the lightwuittlit limit. Attoll already Iiiih nracticallv consented, but Nuihoii ih yot to bo hoard from. Haaklns for realtb, Oru. Phono 30H RENT BLDG. Medford l'HONi: 1M12I Residence Lots Located In tho exclusive high clnBs roHldonco district of Med ford, cIoho In and commanding a beautiful view of tho city, In Conroy and Clancy's subdivi sion, lying between nnd ad Joining Kr.st Main streot and lloddy ..vonuo. If you aro con templating tho building ot n homo it will pay you to Invcfl tlgato this proposition. A. F. Barnett JACKSON CO. HANK ULDG. 4--f-f--- ' -r MRS. ED ANDREWS, VOICE CULTURE, 4- AT NATATORIUM TUES- DAYS AND FRIDAYS. PHONE NO. 3952. n-f v 3 If you novor "Iobo any tlmo" ox copt that spent In fruitlessly answer ing want nCB, you'll got nloiigl