MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY. OOTOOER 2.3, 1910. PERSONAL ITEMS OyntniM aflornooiiii at tlio IMaii. Ituy Htuiiy or Aiilloeh linn onloiod tho normal itt Anhliuid "ov t ho mihool yuHP. Dion lit ill the I'la.u for itn aftor ' noon lunch. Mr), Mvu Uncoil, a practical droits nialtor, Into of WitHliliifttiHi, ), t, linn routed tho TIioh. Torpid iohIiIouco on North Control uvoiiiio, Dr. Htophotiiton Ih a uiadliiitti optl cIimi, Ovor Alton & Uahkiui'ii. 10D .lonoph Cui.hoy, Hi" pioneer blank iiinlth, north of ollalty utroot, re turned todry from li In minimi hunt John II. Cnrlcln, attor:.oy-at-law, per rout ulinrcod. Ovor Ilurlliiiri'n oow HtOrO, tf Mm. W. IJ. Wlllilto, wlfo of tho woll known fruit grower of Antlooh, arrived In Medford Thursday, trad Iiik iiihI enjoying a fow dnyn of ho- clal ploiiniiro and recreation niiiont; I or ninny friends lu thin city. Do you know that you can liny any amount, from n half aero up, In Oak dalo Park addition on onny tortus? Fruitgrowers' Hank bldit. tf Mrs. Clara Orr and haliy of North Cotitral paid rolatlvoH and friends In .laoltHOiivlllo a nodal vImII iiHtiirdny and .Sunday. Try ono of tlioiio homo cooked inoalH at 42 South Hartlott nt Stic. Mm. Captain Carroll of North Cou tral loft Monday for an Indoflnlto vImI: with luir dntiKlitor and family at Portland. Delicious HiiudwIchoH, pies, etc,, nt tho Plain. Mr. Cody, iiiaiiaKor of tho North Itlvoiitldo grocery, linn routed thu F. M. Ptownrt residence on North Cn trat nwmiio. 0. W. Ilarnum & Co., contractor und bulldors. Country work a spec ialty. OrUurs solicited. Inqulro at Tho ToKKory. MrM. Caldwoll of North Central Ih paying an Indoflnlto Hoclal visit to hor son, William C. Caldwoll of Gold Hill. Flfty-threo acron Hpccial, 10 acres coming Into boarlng orchard. Call on J. II. Wood, Condor Water & Power Co.'h officii. II. II. Mote, tho (J. A. It. votoran, and family, havo moved from tho Smith residence on Noilh Orapo street to North ollntty, where Mr. Mots will build two modurn icmI ' donees for occupancy and rout. Don't pay house rout. Buy a fur i nlahod houso tent. Prlco, ICO. Phono Main 2012. tf' I. J. Stacoy of North JackHon, had tho iiilHfortunn of getting protly se verely klckod by" a frhctloiiH homo whllo being employed In tho Vlncont Food ntalilvb on North itlvomldo on WodncHday. Ih your Iioiiho wired? ? Ono cigar loss a day would pay for a hundred . por cent IncrwiHO In comfort. Start living tho olectrlc llfo. tf. Much complaint In heard by tho traveling public tho rough condition tho ItodH nto loft in by tho county In tho antloch Hoctlon & a general protect Ih heard of tho county do ing ho much In tho Improvement Trail Creek County & not flushing tho ommor rond. Kvery light but electricity gives off i -noko and Hinoko contnliiH Hoot :.l deposits on your wnll papor, curtaliiH, draperies. Nlectrlc light glowH lu an nlr tight bulb. tf. Otto SolHby loft TuoHday morning to Hponil a fow days at his ranch 'in tho Yankee Creek section. Whoro Ih tho Plaza? Ovor tho Kmporlum, II. D. Iteod, democratic acndldiito for Joint roprosMintntlvo for DouglaH and Jacknon countleH, Hpont Monday night lu Medford. Only n few of thoHo flno S. C. Rhode lnlnml Hod rooHtom aro loft. They aro hard to heat. Dullvorod at Medford or JackHonvlllo for $1.50 each. AddroHH Fnlrvlow Orchards, JackHonvlllo. 180. Judge W. K. CroweH linn returned from a biiHlnoHH vlfllt to northorn polntH. C. I. HutchlBoii and 11. N. I.miis ilon left Monday on a hunting trip In tho Kvuiis Creek region. They ox poct to return with venleon galore. W. W. Humpltroy and II. 13. lloy don and Charles Hoyden aro on a hunting trip In tho high IiIIIh In tho Ilutto Creek aoctlon. Dr. StephoiiHon. graduato optician, flta gliiHHOH to cor root any dofoct of tho oyo. Office ovor Allqn & Hoa gan'H. Phono Main 18G1. Hev. W. h. Hall, formorly pastor or tho IlaptlBt church In Medford, who luifi boon hero on a short vlHlt, loft Sunday morning for Coob liny, wheor ho In now locnted. W. A. Dunlaii, of Talent, was In Medford on a IiubIhobh trip Tuosduy. County Clork Coloman was at Ashland on bualncHH Tuesday. Chas. Nlckoll of Storllng, was In Medford on bualneBH TueHday. Paaa Ing tho old "Nlckol Plato" addition woHt of town on tho wny from Jack sonville ho remarked: "Juat to think that I trlod to soil that land a number of years ago for $85 an aero and couldn't do It, and tho present ownors aro gottlng $200 a lot, makes mo tlrod ovory. tlmo I pubs tho tract. I look tho other wny," Wi T. SlnVlii of Salem was In Medford on business Tuoadny. D. O. Dutchor of Seattle Is rog latorod nt tho NnBli. B. J. Kollolior of La Qrnndo la among tho rocont Medford arrivals. V. Williams of Roseburg is horo on n buslnoBB vialt. PERSIA IS SOON TO BE DIVIDED Eiiliiit(l mill Russia Each to Tako r(alf, AIIIioiiiiIi Czar Is Known to' Do Workliifi for tho Major Part of tho Territory. 9 LONDON, Oct. 25.- -The iIIvIhIoii of 1'orsln between (treat Hrltalu and ItiiHHla In oxpoctod to bo announced Hlnlly. It wan toporlod today that tho npy' of tho I'orsli.u mini otur tho reply of tho Pomlati mlnlHtor to tho Hrltliili foreign offlcom express lug thfl nltltiido toward Pcraln had boon n-colvod. It Ih uiiderfltood that (lormiiny Is Hiipoprtlng Pomln. That ItiiHiia has amhltloiiH nlnlHtor to the continued predominance of Kiigllsh rule In India Ih bollovod to ho ono of tho clreuiiiiitniicoij behind thojalost movo In tho hear onHt. HtiHHlaii pro-omlnouco In Pomlnn councils Ih woll known mid tho fact that ItiiHHla Ih financing and policing a railroad from Toheran to tho Per hIiiii gulf, giving Ituiwla a rival Heli port to Orert Ilrltaln on tho Indian ocean, leadn to the belief that Husnla HeokH the llon'H Hharo lu tho fore Hhadowed dlHHolutlon of tho shnh'H domain, -Beautiful Prizes -9 ... , ""-"--- Given Away by The Mail Tribune, Saturday, SKIPPER REFUSES TO LEAVE WRECKED SHIP NHW YORK, Oct. 2G. IlocauBo HtendfaHtly refiiBod to kiivo lilt Hhli and Ih now drifting iiomowhoro to ward the Uulf of Mexico, waiting for a tow. Captain K. K. W:i11h of Hal lowell, Maine, Ih being called tho "isamoHt" flklppor on tho Atlantic to day. Although he known thnt bin boat, tho HolllHfwood, Ih water logged and that It In a mlrnclo that alio ban kept together for flvo dayH after a buf feting by tho moHt Hovero Btorm tho gulf region has experienced In years, Captain uWIIb told IiIb crow, who wore taken off the ship ltiHt Monday, by tho Htoamer Herald, that ho would atay with IiIb vetwol until It went down or waH towed nahoro. The hiHt ceon of nCptnln Walls by IiIh departing crew bo waH cllnclng to thu capntan waving farewell. WELL KNOWN GRANTS PASS WOMAN DEAD Mm. A. K. Voorliios, wife of the niiMlitihur of the Daily and Weekly Courier at Urnnts I'ass. died at the family residence at 10::i0 on Sunday evening, October '2l, of Hnglit'n th oiiHo. She had been n irreat huffercr for many montli, hut her couraue kept her about, and it wa not until two weeks ago that she allowed lior M'lf to remain in bed, hut even then lio made an effort to overcome ev ery weaknchS and appear cheerful before her "family and friends, and up lo the very Inst moment n!ie here up. never lor a moment irivunr way u w 1 1 n't her hiinhaud and others knew uiik the inevitable. Wlieu the last hour came she sooniiimlv enioyed a peaeeful slumber, which lasted an hour or moie, when she bileutlv past ed to the other side. In her life and deiith she illustrated Christina ehar aeter of the liichott order, alwa cheerful, always lovinjr mid tender of the feeliiiL's of olhem. Her funeral will take place from tho family residence, '201 II street, Tuesday afternoon at 'JjIlO o'clock, Hev, Hoborl Mol.oan offieiatinir. The interment will be in the Mnouie cemetery. rfflbvi. Work and Win JNo doubt can exist that the nine prizes which the Mail Tribune offer as rewards to, the young ladies entered in the Great Popular Contest are not happily chosen. These prizes will give immcnse.satisfaction to the winners, and the Mail Tribune would not consider offering such prizes if this satisfaction were not already assured. JThe lady receiving the highest number of votes in each district will be awarded one of these beautiful instruments. The district having the highest number of votes will have the choice of the two pianos. October 29, 1910. vS " '' - r Two Fine Gold Watches CJGold Watches The lady in each district that receives the fourth largest number of votes after the capital prize is disposed of will receive a fifteen-jewel movement ladies' gold watch. The case is guaranteed for 20 years. The watches arc on display at Diamond's Jewelry Store,, op posite Nash Hotel, and at Lawrence's Jewelry Store, oppo site Mail Tribune office. 5-Passenger Buick Two $100 Diamond Rings Diamond Rings The lady having second highest votes. '" v-ciuii uiOtJ-lUI 1UL UV UWiUUCU il UUUUL11U1 !pXJJ XJllllllUlUX$ King. Everyone knows the value of a diamond, and the stones given by the Mail Tribune are beautiful and fully,, worth $100 each. The rinn-s nan hn snmi nnv time at. "Red- dy's Jewelry Store and Van De Car's Jewelry Store. OncI diamond being on display at each store. BIvv9IPPKSB'ft'&tMt2H4BllrilHlB3r L! Vw flThe five-passenger Buick M,odel 10 Toy Tonneau tj-pe Automobile which will be given by the Mail Tribune as capital prize can be seen any day at the garage on River side avenue. The lady having the highest number of votes over all will be the winner of this valuable prize. CJThc word "Buick" means service in the automobile world. The color is blue body with ivory white gear, wheel base 92 inches, full elliptic springs in rear and semi elliptic in front, four cylinders, water cooling and shaft drive. Price, $1150 f. o. b. factory, including oil lamps, tail lamp, generator, gas headlights, horn and repair out fit. This is a valuable prize and the lady winning may well be proud of it. Two Fine Pianos The two pianos goven away by the Mail Tribune are now on display. The Kimball $560 Piano purchased from Eilers' Music house can be seen any day in the window of "Weeks & McGowan Co.'s furniture store on West Main street. The $400 Style 3? Cable & Nelson piano purchased from Hale's Mu- Itrm sic house is on display at Hale's store rooms at corner of Tenth and Oakdale. Two Business Scholarships Business Scholarships One lady in each district will be awarded a six months' business scholarship in the Ashland Commercial College. Students graduating from the Ash land Commercial College are always sure of a position. A business education is desired by nearly all young peo ple. They know that such an education makes them self reliant, resourceful and independent wherever they may be mmmaamimmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmimiKmmm mnttn Investments WOMAN'S DOGS GO WITH HER TO MARRIAGE ALTAR NKW YOHtCOet, 'J.-,, The widely heralded mnrriiiuo. iiV Mr.. . Schley lioweii of San Francisco and I'erry Kviiiis of Seattle, instead of lieiu a NH'otuolo today, became u fizzle. When word went forth that the dnsliinir San Fnineiseo widow wiin attain lo become a bride society spec ulated on how (lie fair lady could lio.isihly ho Hoptirated from three spaniols to which she was devoted. The lady rolved I ho problem by se leetiim the dos to not as bridc muids. When the Hev. 10. h, Copofiold sol emnly lii'unu the mnrriiiKo service tho canine hridcHiunidR houau howling, Tho flood of dotfjry p;riof disconcerted the minister, who forgot his lines mid was compelled to hurriedly seek the place in tho prayer book whoro ho had been interrupted, The dojTHinnidH, or hridosdotfs, re fused to bo consoled. Tlioy wore strum: together on u silkon leash held by tho bride, and when oaled upon to doriiat, soiiglil rofugo by cow oriiiK in tlio folds of the bride's ROWII, Incoming flustered by tho contin ued delay, V. II. Hurdqlroy, the prroomfiinau, seized tlio spaniolH by tho floats of thoir Japunoso frocks and hoisted them Into a deserted corner, whoro mi uuhor nttomptod to silouoo their wltinos, Moor-EhniCo. 212 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG. ,, Phono Main 601. for See these before biryina:., CITY PHOI'EHTV: .f-I.GOO for property rented over .fSOO por year. !?3,000 for properly that will rout for $; or .f-10 per mouth. .f 1,700 for proporty tnnt will lent for about $00 per 111011111" with room 011 the lot for another Iioikc or npait meiit hiiildiin;. i'-'.lOO for pmperty rented for $10 per mouth. All close in. I-'HUIT LANDS:' 2S0 acres for development and sub divsiou. ' 00 acres ranch, 11 acres bonriue; Spitz and Nowtowns; 13 aoros in pears, 13 acres alfalfa. Puniieo noil, irrigation plant, seven room modern stono buiiKnlow, keopors' lodgo, barn, equipments, stock, etc. complete. One of tho. finest properties in tho val ley. WE ALSO HAVE A LARGE LIST OP THE FINEST CITY LOTS AND HOMES; ALSO FRUIT LANDS DE VELOPED AND UNDEVELOPED. Call nhuSseo (is. We Feature Hamilton "Watches. Howard Watches. Libby Cut Glass. "Waterman Fountain Pens and . vjerfect dia monds ui) to 4 carats. Prices always the lowest. J. W. DIAMOND 115 East Main Street. ''DubIous Opportunity'' ada usually ilvo up to thoir namo and thnt inakos thorn worth caroful watching, will bo worth cash to you. No Thlnl Leaflue , CHICAGO, Oct. '-'."). The cancel- lation of all plans for a third big! baseball league, proposed by D. A.' Fletcher of Cincinnati, was formally announced today. Tho news was not unexpected, and followed the return of l'ive.i? 100 chocks advanced to Cobb, Mullin, Prow 11, Hoffmai., Evers nr.d othors. Fletcher said he would-make no further attempts to) organize an "outlaw" league. ' MISS FLORA GRAY, PIANO INSTRUCTION. STUDIO, 144 S. CENTRAL. PHONE MAIN 991. Packinn Cases Continued. CHICAGO. Oct. 2r.-Judgo K. M. Landis in tho federal court today1 continued until November 4 tho con-' tempt eases against officials of the packing eompnuies under indictment. 1 The eases resulted from failuro by1 tho pnokors to produce hooks of tho companies at a rocont investigation by tho federal grand jury. Buckley Doing Time. TACOMA, Wash., Oct 25. Thos. Huokloy, tho man who entered n plea of guilty before tho United States oourt when nccusod of stealing sov oral gold ingots vnluod nt $2-1,000 from registered mail on board tho Alaskan steamer City of Sonttlo, to day began u two yours' term in tho state prison at Walla Walla. Haskino tor health. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: P. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT OREGON. THE LAST CALL OF THE WEST. By Walter V. Woohlkq. Poantifully illustrated in four oojors in Novembor Sunset Magazine. Now on sale, all nowsstnnds, 15 cts. The Best Sub-Division Proposition In the Rogue River Valley 170 ACRES, HALF MILE FROM RAILROAD STATIOX $ 115 acres In grain; 10 acres In 2-year-old pears; 45 acres In bruBh and timber, easily cleared; no waste; good house, two barns, all fenced with woven wire; telephone; R. F. D.; part irrigated. Price, $155 per acre; total, $26,350. Terms: $7500 cash; $4000 ono year, 6 per cent; $14,850 Hvo years, 6 per cont. HUNTLEY - KREMER COMPANY 214 FRUITGROWERS' BAJJK. F. N. CUMMINGS T. W, OSGOOD OSGOOD &CUMMINGS THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. The One Right Way is the Hand-Tailored Way. IJYour clothes will fit perfect ly, wear longer, look better and bo absolutory satisfac tory It furnished by W- EIFERT-Thc-Progressive Tailor. SPECIAL Tho Club quartet of Soattlo will be at the "Louvro Cafo" ovory night from 6 to 8 p. m. and from 20 p. tn. to 2 a. m. Vocal nnd Instrumental selections that aro suro to pleaso. tf Medford Collection Agonoy, over Jackoon County Dank. '!! Gold Mine with good ore body aa4 par tially equipped, for !. CU on tho owner, noon 8, 198 Mate ftt. J