Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 25, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' r i n tr
Medford Mail Tribune
A oonnolldatlon or tiio Aledford Mall,
MtabllBhcd 1889; llio Southern OroRon
lun. established 1902! thu Dcomcratlo
Tlmoit, clabllhcd 1872: tho Ashland
Tribune established 1806. and tho Mcd-
ford Tribune, established 1908.
" BOnOn"l,UTNAMr Editor and'Manatrer
Kntorod os second-clns matter No
ember l. 10, at tho post offlep at
fedford, Oregon, under the act or
larch 3. 1879.
ftrlelnl Paper of'tho City of Mdrord
)no year by mall ....... b.oo
One month by ronlt :: ,5
.Pernionth delivered by carrier In
Mcdford, .tshland, Jacksonville
and Contral Point .
Sunday only, by mall, per year... 2.00
Weekly, por year '60
mil ioniod Wire Uniwa rress
The Mall Tribune Is on salo at the
Ferry Nowa Stand. San Francisco.
Portfaad Hotel News Stand. Portland.
Bowman News Co., Portland. Otp.
Hotel Spokane News Stand, Spokane.
Postoff Bates.
I to 11-tiairo Dawer lo
12 to 24-pn&e paper jc
24 to 36-pago paper 3c
Averago dally for
November, 190S i'Vii
December, 1909 J.jjj
January. 1910 3,122
March, i 910 2.203
April, 1910 J'??;
May, 1910 J'JSS
June, 1910 ..,....,........... ;5
July, 1910 i'SJJ
august, 1910 .-....;., s-"7
. 2I7G 16... 2515
2476 18 2575
2625 19 2576
2475 20 2S75
2475 21 2576
2475 22 2675
2476 23 3676
2476 25 2160
2500 26 2160
247S 27 2C76
2475 28 2700
2450 29 2710
2525 30 3710
8 s
Total 8C.246
Average dally 3651
-STATS OF OREGON. County of Jack
aon, as:
Pn tho lat day of October, 1910. per
ona'ly appeared before me, Oeorge Put
nam, manager of the Medford Mall Tri
bune, who upon oath, acknowledges that
the above figures are true and correct.
(Seal) Notary Public for Oregon.
Metropolis of Southern Oregon and
Northern California, and the faatest
rrowlng city in Oregon.
Population, 1910. 9.000.
nanlr 1annltK IJ. 750.000.
Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Vater System completed In July, 1910,
PO pure mouniuui
riving finest auppl
oiTtMTi tntln of street belntr caved
;t a cost exceeding 31,000,000, making a
tal of twenty miles of pavement.
Postofflce receipts for year ending
June 30, 1910, show a gain of 36 per
Banner fruit city In Oregon Hogue
River apples won sweepstakes prize and
title of . . ...
"Apple JOn of the World"
t the National Apple Show. Spokane,
1909. Rogue River pears brought high
est prices In all morketa of the world
during the past f Ive yeare.
Write Commercial Club, enclosing 6
oents for postage of the rinest commu
nlty pamphlet ever written.
-Apple 'Pickers.
Ranch hands.
";Woman cook.
""Girl for general hotuj work.
1LE best possible answer to the Oregonian's attayk
A upon Oswald West, tuui-nssemuiy oanuuuue im
governor, is (he following tribute, under tho caption,
"How One Young Man Made Good In Publie Lite." taken
from the Oreiroiiian's editorial columns before the earn-
For Sale
National cash register.
Stock and 10-year lease, close in.
Business with lone lease; average
sales, 90 daily; $4,000.
5 and 10-acre tracts, full bearing.
35 acres, 1-2 in orchard, 9 acres al
falfa, easy terms.
J.33 acres, 12 acres orchard, alfalfa,
fine water right, $15,000 terms.
T.20 acres, 10 in orchard, 25 alfalfa,
under ditch, tools, stock, $13,500.
.28 acres 2 1-2 miles station; good
buildings; 15 acres bearing and
young orchard, $6500.
1G0 acres, 7,000 cords wood; 50
acres fruit land, 5 miles out; $2,000.
90 acres cleared, rich soil, close to
Eagle Point, sub-divide, $125 per
1C0 acres fine hog and truck ranch,
..$4,000; good terms.
"$500 down takes 6 room house, close
in, balance monthly.
Fine modern bungalow, close to busi
ness, $3000 for quick sale.
131x550, close in, $2,050.
7 Westmoreland lots for quick sale,
$2000 cash.
3-room house, 2 lots, $100 down,
balance monthly.
Lots on South Orange, 50x128, $325,
easy terms.
Quarter-acre tracts on Orange and
Peach, $350, easy terms.
5 acres, close to limits, for platting
ideal situation, $000 acre.
2 lots 50x215 will make 4 fine lots,
$325 each.
2 Bouth front lots, 50x150, $725.
2 close-in lots, east side, $750.
Lots in West Walnut Park, $350,
$25 down, 10 monthly.
"3,000 acres fine timber on new Hill
raijroad; well situated,
100 acres railroad, on land, 20 acres
will pay for entire tract.
Rwm-2'68 Taylor k Phlppt Bids.
Phon 4141
naiirn began:
'"Oswald West, formerly state .land agent and now a
member of tho railroad commission by virtue of appoint
ment by the governor, is recognized all over the state as a
voting man who has "made good" in public service. This
recognition he has attained by the aggressive spirit he
displays in taking up any work that may be assigned to
him. Where maiiv others in official position would have
been content to let things drift along in well-worn ruts
and in accordance with out of date customs, he has been
prompt and persistent in efforts to establish a better order
of things. Because he found practices in force was not
the slightest reason why he should continue them. It
thev were good, very well; but if not good, they must make
way for the better. Whether the desirable thing can be
done he seldom, if ever, stops to inquire, lie proceeds
upon the theorv that a thing can't be done without trying,
and he makes the effort. Everybody told him he couldn t
secure convictions in the state land grant cases, and he
didn't but he made n try at it and at least brought to light
the facts as to the manner in which the state lands had
been purchased. The only reason he didn't secure convic
tions was that the criminal laws did not cover the viola
tions of the land laws. His aggressiveness disclosed the
laxity of the criminal laws.
"West is an aggressive member of the railroad com
mission. He does not worry himself over the question
whether the commission has the power to take proposed
action for the benefit of patrons of a railroad. If it is
something that ought to be done, he believes in doing it,
and letting the other fellow do the worrying. Legal ob
structions have no terrors for him. If shippers make a
complaint he believes in trying it on the merits first, leav
ing the railroads to raise the question of law if it be tound
that a cause for complaint existed. There are scores ot
young men in official positions in Oregon city, county
and state offices who could win recognition as w est has
if thev were willing to undertake reforms which they ad
mit should be inaugurated, but which they hesitate to
attempt because they doubt whether anything can be
EVERYBODY'S Magazine for November contains an
article that every voter should read, under the cap
tion, "Choose Your Congressman' A portion of it is as
follews: , ,
"We used to think that the remedy was to put some
body in jail, to levy a twenty-nine million dollar fine, or
to change some charter or amend some law. Now we sec
that, as Mr. Roosevelt says, we must abolish Privilege; we
must repeal all the privileges that are created by law.
That is a long process, and necessarily a slow one, but we
can begin it now.
-Rr crmno- to tho. noils on November 8 and voting for
men who will represent us; or, if theer are no candidates
that represent us, then we must defeat those representa
tives, regardless of party, who have shown by their rec
ords that they represent not ns, but Privilege.
"This is setting up a new standard in American poli
tic; it is applying the test, not of personal character, but
of representative character, to a man; it is asking, not
whether he is honest, but whether he is true to the people.
And by way of example the records of representatives in
the last congress have been studied, and lists made or
them In these lists of men condemned upon their records
will be found together good men and bad, Honest ana pos
sibly dishonest. There has been no inquiry as 10 uu.
No inquiry whether a man has been conscientious. Un
doubtedly some of those that should be defeated are
thoughtful, studious, well meaning men. And the ques
tion of personal integrity in a man is by no means to be
belittled. But the time has come to ask of our representa
tives another, equally essential question, viz.:
"What do they represent1?
"And so the congressman named below have been list
ed according to the answers they gave, themselves by
their votes on roll calls in the house of representatives
to the questien: ., ,, . ,.
ww rin rliov vftnresent? Privilege or the people i
"IT" OR US? ... , , ,:
"The following republicans supported auuuu aim
Cannonism. Through the organization of the house, and
the preservation of the rules, they are responsible ior the
Payne-Aldrich tariff bill. We do not attempt to pass on
the honesty or integrity of these men, nor do we know the
motives which prompted them in BupnoiHjng ConnoiiiBm
but the roll call finds them on the side ot Privilege. lo
the voters of a district familiar with the declarations,
pledges, or character of these men (some ot whom have
been deefated at the primaries since this was written)
this record is furnished to aid them to a choice which
should be influenced by some consideration ior the Amer
ican neonle as a nation."
And in the list of system republicans appears the name
of Willis C. Hawley of the First Congressional District.
LOS ANC1KMJS, Cal , Oct, 'Jo.
KrniiK C. 13mor, 40, Is ilonil, ntul
Mrs. ninury is booked at tho city
Jail toilay on n charRO ot uuinlor, tho
result ot a struggle between the cou
ple for possession of a ,93 caliber re
volver, which wn dlschniKeil with
fata, results. According to the state
ment of Emery's mother, tho young
er woman, durltiK a dispute- with her
husband, seized the revolver and ran
Into another room, ller husband,
evidently thinking that she Intended
to shoot horse) f. grappled with her
and ihirliiK the stniBslo tho weapon
wns discharged, Emery beliiK ln
Instautly killed.
Mrs. Emory denied hysterically
having Intended to harm her hus
band. Emory's mother accompanied
her to Jail and continued her statement.
Bill 3281
What the Home Rule
Really Is
11 gives cities and towns tho right to have saloons or no saloons. IX gives tho
people who live in cities the right to vote on and decide this question them
selves. Itputs the control or tho liquor trallie into uie nanus 01 uw vuivio
each precinct, so that cverv residential district in a city or town is protected.
It means real local option. 'All state criminal laws are maintained. Under it
the tanner litis the same protection he now enjoys. II, is a law fitted to local
nmuliiimiH n Hinr nvirtt in nvoi'V Rimtimi of tllO state. Jt irlVOH absolute C011-
trol of the liquor 'traffic, particularly in towns and cities, where it. is most need
ed. It will prevent the county from wiping out the city vote on city measures.
It is a law which makes prohibition possible whore wanted, and impossible
where not wanted. It means regulation which regulates.
LONDON, Oct. 25. A plain state
ment ot the conditions In tho Grip
pen homo at tho time Dr. Crlppen
alleged his wife was friendly with
nruco Miller of Chicago, was given
the United Press today by Mlllor,
"1 first met Mrs. Crlppen at a din
ner In London," said Mlllor. "Our
relations woro always proper. 1
kissed hor only onco and that was In
Jest. I know that, although Jolly
and fun loving, sho stood on high
moral ground, trusting hor husband
"I visited her at Crlppen's homo
when ho was thoro and ho know our
plntonic friendship.
"I camo to England to vludicnto
tho character ot ono who Is not hero
to speak for herself. I boar no grudgo
ngnlnst Crlppen for using my name.
It was like a drowning man catching
at a straw."
Jacksonulle, Or., Oct. 2
To the Editer:
Durimr the past week my attention
lias repentedlv been called to a cer
tain line of nrKimient that i- beini:
advanced to the voter-, of the coun
ty to the of feet that, hbouhl I be re
elected to the office of sheriff that
I would nt once appoint William Ul-
nch uh dtputy hbent't.
This statement is not true, nnd 1
respectfully uk space in your col
umns to contradict it. I have not
promised to appoint Mr. Ulricb as
deputy sheriff, und I will not ap
iwint him u such deputy should I
be re-elected nt the cominu ueneral
Diirint; a portion of my first term
of office Mr. Ulricb served as a spe
cial deputy in the office, performinc
special duty at such times ns the
work in the office required extra
I desire to make it plain and co on
record at this time as statunr
squarely that in the event Hint I am
re-elected, sheriff that Mr. Ulricb will
not be a deputy sheriff durum m
term of office. Yours very truly,
W. A. JONRS. Sheriff, tf
A Good oyes moan good oyo
sight aed It's very ossontlal
thnt your oyes receive tho
best of caro. If you tako my
ndvlco you'll have your oyes
examined by mo fieiiuoutly.
(Jit may bo that you need
glasses If so, I am compe
tent to fit you scientifically
and accurately.
Medford Iron Works
E. 0. Trowbridge, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
toilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Orogon for
For the Ambitious
S3 Hntoerrftp
by mll (or tlioM who ewnot rtton.1 In
KSnlnrtloniL I riir.K,. For Untluri.
tuJ.mU pro parinjt ' '"W" ur nnlfef
It, howm ciui, 6rBg" -
bom mkr. No prrilmlnuy iml
Uon Is rwiulnJ. TtiU niU ouurw mmm
opportunity ior jou . ,. . ,.
So4 lor micnpurw -
CormPontlrnr Mmlr Ipr1m
Unlrarsltjr ol urtton
Knsaue - - - Oft
wl 1
m )
has plajetl havoc with the trmc ot tho
fair aix, Hint driiKjcists everywhere com
ment on the fact that they are selling
large quantities of Mfo for making the
old-f.iliIouid "naise tea," such nt wan
UMd by our grandmothers for promoting
the growth of their hair and rentorlng Its
natural color. The demand for this well
known herb for this purpose ha been so
great that one manufacturer has taken
advantage ot tho fact, and has placed ou
tho market an ideal "sago tea," contain
ing milphur, a valuable remedy for dan
druff and scalp rashes and Irritations.
This preparation, which U called Wyeth'a
Sago and Sulphur, Is sold by all leadline
druggists for BO cents and ?1 a bottle, or
will be sent direct by the Wyeth Chemical
Company, 71 Cortlandt St., New York
Citr. upon receipt ot price,
,--. ----- MIMMMMM
Uhe Brush PAD
Huvo you examined tho Ilrunh? If not you Bhotild do ho, ni It ban mtiny
Btrong dlHtlnctivo fonturon. Absolutely tho onBloat rldliiK car manufac
tured on nccount of Hh sprint; coiiHtructlon. Order now for spring deliv
ery. P. O. llox 37. TIIKO. W. MAItSU, Medford, 112 H. KIuk Street
Ashland, Oregon Swedenburg Block
This is the school that will make you Suc
cessful, Train you for Business and Help
you t a Position.
Secure your Business Education at home
at a very moderate expense and, if you wish,
we will secure you a position in any of the
large commercial contors.
P. RITNER. A. M., President.
"From Wagner Cr4e&, a largo black
'horso, with 'crooked right fore leg.
Notify Box 13, Jacksonville and re
celve reward. 188
It t (unUriMd ma ai "leqka
rua aroaai t tae address
airea aad take a leek at K.
9r, . -
Wrestlers to Meet.
v.lnlmriitfl nluns for the wrestlinfii
tournament to decide tho champion
ships of the Pacific coast on No
vember 22 are being made by tho
Olympic club, and the latest move
of' the clubmen is to secure the ball
room of the St. Francis hotel as tho
CommissioneB M. G. Pfnff, who :H
bandlimr the ineet, will bring the best
wrestlers on the coast together, hav
ing invited the champions of both tho
Pucifio northwest and of Southern
California to compete.
There will be contests in ov6ry
class of weights,
Occasionally yre meet a maa' whose
train of thought reminds us ot a row
ot flat cars.
Hasklns for health,
COLFAX. Wash., Oct. 25. George
Bafus, a well-known and wealthy
fanner, who has been bold hero on a
charge of murder in the fir&t degree
for killing bis brother-in-law, George
Lust, was allowed to plead to a
charge of assault und was fined $300
and costs.
Collins, to Wed.
iinimnnment of the engagement of
Eddio Collins, second basemun of tho
champion Athjotics and tho bright
particular star ot the worlds series
ju,st ended, was inudo hero today. Tho
bride-to-be is Miss Mabe) Donne of
Clifford IToigbts. The wedding will
take place November 3,
PHOENIX. Ariz., Oct. 25.- Alleg
ing that his wife appeared to him in
a dream and told him that Eusterling
& Whiting, undertakers, bad substi
tuted a wooden box for the metal
lined enskot in which she wns sup
posed to have been buried, E. 11.
Hridgemnii today is plaintiff in .t
suit ngainot the firm for 50,000
damages. Ilridgemaii declined that
his wifo came to. him in n vision
three successive nights, causing him
to investigate the story bo snid sho
(old. Ho tfion filed tho suit.
The undertaker declared that the
box wiih substituted with Hridgo
innii's knowledgo nnd that iillowtui'-'u
was for the difference in price mado
in the bill for their services, which
they hay be paid without protest.
Sfjerman Passes Taft Up.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25. James
Schoolcraft Sherman, passing
through Washington today en route
to North Carolina, called ut tho war
and navy departments, but failed to
pay official respects to President
Taft, and gossip at tlmt suspected
slight started immediately.
Many believed that the vice-president
purposely avoided tho portly
presence at tho White House beciuibo
of his "bawl put" by Taft rocently at
the time of tho figbt for tho tempo
rary chairmanship of tho republican
state convention at Saratoga, N. Y.
Taft, at that titno, pruotically
charged Sherman with misrepresen
tation nnd since the publication of
tho crittieism Taft und Sherman
have not conununicatod, so far as id
generally known,
HasklnB for health.
These light lunches, well
cooked and nicely prepared,
are a joy and a satisfaction.
The improvements in the
service at the
iSpot Cafe
now meet the long felt want
of fastidious people.
Clean cut and up to date.
Popular prices.
i-'iiniv stomach.
Food J'Yrinoiitlng In Stomach Causes
a Itiink Condition.
When yr,t. have indigestion your
food Hours; ;nany times It actually
rots and for;ro gases that poison tho
Tako MI-O-NA stomach tablots if
you want to ciuugo your bml Btom
aeh into a hoalthy, clean ono. A
Chita. Strang.
MI-O-NA In tf-o best proscription
for upset stomach and Indigestion
ovor wrlttou No mutter hew miser
able you otomcch fools, MI-O-NA
s'.oinach tiblota glvo Immoillnto ro
llof. Tnko MI-O-NA Htomach tablots,
which aro guaranteed to euro Indi
gestion, and rid yoursolf of dlzzlnosa,
hlllousncsH, r.orvoiiH or sick head
", or monoy back,
Tako MI-O-NA tnblota if you wint
to make your stomach so strong that
It will dlgont tho honrtlost meal with.,
out distress, and furnish good, clean,
nutritious blood making elomonta to
tho body. '
Tnko MI-O-NA tablota, ono or two
with or atto- each moal, if you want
to got rid oi that drowsy, tlrod out
Fifty conta is all Chiwicc Strang
asks for a largo box of MI-O-NA tab
lets. You can got a froo trial treat
ment by writing Dootli'a MI-O-NA
Co., Buffalo, N. Y,
For Sale
Good team work horses,
wagon, harness 6c surrey,
also good horse and bug
gy. Must be sold within
2 days. A bargain. See
Geo. Cornitius
Siskiyou Heights Co. 116 E. Main
is booking orders now for early fall plant
ing. Don't delay in placing your order.
all stock guaranteed.
Office 116 Main Street