lit" UilATIIIllt I'nlr tonight. Tlio MoMAtfo of tlio ringi, Wlilli" Cnlr wctillmr 1 11 lift- KmIii or miiow Wlilln Mini IiIiim I.ucmI mIkiwitw IIImoIc lilumrtiliir Aliiivn wlilln, wiirniAi'i Iwlow wlilln, (oldiir, Wliltti with tilnok enntiir Cold MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE Full Leased Wiro Itcpori. Tho only papor in tho worl4 ntlbllflhnil In n rltv thn bIia nl Mcdford having a loaned wlr. ! MKDFORD, ORIWON, TUESDAY, OCTOOI3R 25, 1910. jottii year. No. 16. CRIPPENS Jim m Kin HER LIBERTY Only Out Three Minutes Trial Is Short and Verdict Came Promptly With First Ballot Crlppen Must Hatin on November 8 for Murder. Verdict a Surprise. LONDON. Oct. 2fi. With n sud denness an HiirpriHiiiir as tho ver dict itself, Miss Mtliol Cluru Loiiove, companion of Dr. II. H. Clipped in his flight to escape arrest for wife murder, was acquitted of tho murder of Mth. Hollo HI m Crippun today in Old UuiloY court. Tito jury wan out tliroo minutes. Miss Leneve wan charged with murder nflur tho fact, tho crown ac cusing lair of having boon an uoeeH hoiv of Or. Cripiten, who already has been sentenced to hang on November 8 for Mrs. Crippcn's murder. Tho acquittal of tho frail dofend nnt occasioned general comment, as it wan expected that she would no to prison for a lout; term. Tho. courtroom whh filled with or hoiih promiuout in London society, and their bright atliro whs in sharp contrast with the Bomber Iiiicb of tho dingy courtroom. MiHH l.euovo was dressed in a gown of pale blue, which nccontuut ed tho pallor of her face. She wore a motor cap, yellow gloves and tun shoot". She wiii accompanied hy Wy wardresses anil a phyKicinu ws in attendance because of the probubil ity of the defendant's collapse. Dur ing the argument of Prosecutor Muir Min l.eneve sat Mullens and be trayed no sign that she understood its puriKirt. Miss Loncvo was not called to the Maud. This led to the belief that the crown wan not doing its uIiimmI to convict the woman. Several for tho crown were examined briefly, but no effort wnH made to brim; out any diiuing int! eviileiiee. Lord Alvorstono's sumuiary and charge to the jury clearly indicated liiH HYiupalliv with Miss Leneve. Tho jurv retired at 11:5;! thin aft ernoon and returned at 3:57 o'clock. When the verdict whk read Miss l.eneve was overcome. Sho wept and laughed alternately and was com forted by her parents, who woro very much moved. BELIEVE TRUCE OF BALLOON FOUND Hiiiio Airship Is Seen by Ancnt of Canadian Railroad Guns Are Fired and n Diligent Search Is Being Made. TORONTO, Out., OH. 'J.r. A bal loon kcoii panning over Chaploiiu, Out., Thursday night, and which af terward was heard to ci'iihIi into tho foroHtH near Rumpsoy lake, !12 miles north of HiHcolusing, is believed to have been tho America II by officials of the Aero club, conducting tho Hoarcli for tho crow of the missing balloon. Tho balloon whh kcoii by tho agent of the Canadian Pacific railway at Chap'loait and sovoral others head iutr t'UHtwiTnl. Guidon wore within a hIioitI ilistiiiicd of the spot whoro it whh believed it landed. They fired guns and Koarelied diligently for ""' balloon or its occupants, but wore unable to find trace of either. Leav ing provisions on lle shofo of the lake, I hoy abaudonod the Hearch and returned, to C'haplean, whero they re ported the oeeiirroneo, Tho balloon is almost, certain to have been tho America IT, as all the other' ballooiiH entered in tho race had landed before Thursday. A. D, MIUb of Klamath Falla was la MQdford Monday on a business trip. MEDFORD IN ! LEAD WITH 831 VOTES Rcfilstrntlon In County Gives Mcd ford 837 Votes More Than Any Other City or Precinct The Total Rc(lstratlon In County Is 300 Less Than It Was Two Years Ano. The legist ration of voters for lie November election is completed and Mcdford leads all precincts in tho number of voters by a largo num ber. Ashland, the only place which approaches this city, is 837 voters shy. The total registration of the county ih -18 IB. Of this numtiur, .Mcdford has 1801 and Ashland iluT. The registration of tho entire county has fallen off from two years ro by about 300 voters, although tho population of the county has in creased. The total registration by precincts follews: Aulioeh 'Jl. Fast Ashland IMti. West Ashland 3111, South Ashlnnd 317. Appli'jrnto 78, Harron (JO, Pig Hutto 177. Climax 11, Central Point 'JHfl. Hagle Point 103. Flounce Rock It. Foot.. Creek 7K, fiold 1 1 ill 107, North Jacksonville 120, South Jncic houville 113. Lake Creek 12. Mead ows 'JO, Northeast Med ford 170. Northwest Mcdford 333. Southeast Mcdford 1(11. Southwest Medfoid fi0-l. Central .Mcdford .rj07, Mound 50. Phoenix l.i8. Ko'ck Point 3.".. Sam's Valley 100. Stcrlinjr 'JO. Talent 217. Trail 31. Union fiO, Watkins 31, Wil low Sprint's 32. Winter 3(1, Woodullo 11 'J: total. -1818. WEBB TO HANG ON DECEMBER II Expected Death Penalty and Shows Little Anitatlon Motion Filed for New Trial Mrs. Kersch Is Now on Trial. PORTLAND, Or.. Oct. Jo.Jcsbo P. Webb, convicted murderer of William A. Johnson, whose body was found stuffed in a trunk at the Un ion station in June, was sentenced to bo haimed December 17 by Judue Morrow in the circuit court this aft ernoon. Webb expected tho donth penalty and had braced himself ( i listen to tho fatal words. Immediately after sentence wan pronounced he was returned to his cell, lie probably will bo taken to Snlem, Or., within tho next few days where he will bo confined until hi-, execution. Wcbb'H nttorneys have filed a mo tion for an appeal. Immediately after, sentence had been passed on Webb, Mrs. Kersch, who was eharued jointly with Webb, was broutrht into the crowded court room and tho atlnrucvt) resumed their efforts to secure a jury to try her for complicity in Johnson's, mur der. It wan expected that tho selection of the jury would bo completed thi afternoon, Much trouble was experienced in ch.iosini.' jurymen, as most of the talesmen examined indicated that they did not favor tho idea of cap ital punishment where u woman win concerned. Prosecutor Fitrucruld reiterated bin point made yesterday that the jurymen will not only bo compelled to find evidence of Mrs. ICorseh's al leged uuilt before thoy can vole on it conviction, but. in so doim; must iiImi pass on the guilt or innocence of Webb a second time. This will bo nooosfiurv, so Fitzgerald assorted, owing to tho close connection be tween the two cases, TO WRESTLE FOR SUPREME H0N0RS0F THE WORLD MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Oct. 23. Henry Ordonmn and Kid Cutlor will wrestlo hero tonight for tho world's championship. Frank Qotch, rotir or holder of tho title, will roforoo. COMPANION New Wright J& Makes Mile HE flUPflpkfRH HOfl n tnrB! wfiflMy-K. f "MfiMg&fc'w"J xa'AJ i .,aijsnaMV5,gg'jia:i:.j'l, :,nnwaiimiT.iiiiiniiM wvt:mHfimamwmmmaminnamumiMmvxMammmmmmmmmmamHmxa BIRDSEYE VIEW OF BELMONT PARK, LONG ISLAND, N, NATIONAL AVIATION HLLMONT PAKK. N. Y, Oct. 2'. -The new Wright racer, on which in M.t America's hopes in the inter national race for speed next Satur day, was the sensation of tho nvin tion meet on Helmont field today. Al t iioiitrli little larger than a whitehead torpedo, it bore Orville Wright around the course twice at better than a mile a minute, and at that was held under restraint. $15,400.23 IS P. & E. DEFICIT : FOR PAST YEAR; Report on FInanccs-tff Road Filed With Railroad Commission Pas - senger Receipts Are Heavier Than Those Received From Freight. SALF.M. Or.. Oct. 25. Tho Pa cific & Kasteru suffered a deficit for tho fiscal year closing Juno 30, 1010. of .$l."i,-I00.23, according to the annual report of the company, which was filed according to tho law of thN state, with tho railroad commission yestorday. Tho operating revenues of tho road eiuialed but .fll),r57..00. Of this hum tho revenue from freight busi ness was ;?0,337.D3 and the revenue from tho passenger business was $10,UI.V12, which is an unusual con dition, for usually tho freight earn ings are tho greatest source of rev enue to a railroad. The operating expenses for the year were .$3-1,057.23, exceeding the earnings by .flnVlOOJ!!. However, much monev was expended for main tenance of way and structures, the total expended for this item alone equaling .$23,082.85. The directors of the road are given as John F. Stovons, Portland, who is president; William florig, Mcdford; L. P. Liuthieuin and O. K, S. Wood of Portland, and John It. Allen of Now York. You can make your ad so import ant thnt von will double tho number of peoplo to whom, for tho day, your store is important. Aeroplane Proves Speedy jZ? in Less Than a Minute A FOREIGN FLYER TOUKNAWENT..WILL,TAKE FLACE, OCf. 22TO,30. Flung high aboc the head- of the spectator, the tinv machine .-onred and dipped, tilted recklessly at an angle of !." degrees, rounding the curves righted itself and fnirlv ran riiiL'- around the other machines la the air. The crowd went frantic when Wright let out his motor for an instant on the back strrctcli, pasMiig ihe other racers as if thev were standing still. OSWALDWESTAS VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTER GOOD .Reaches WooilvWo Just in Time to 1 Assist Fight Against Flames Which Threaten Building En- thusiastically Greeted. Oswald Weat, anti-assembly can didate for govornor, lias boon ac corded nn enthusiastic reception In all tho towns of tho Hoguo River valley. Upon his arrival Monday, escorted by a largo delegation of the chlzons of the valley, In auto mobiles, ho visited Central' Point, Gold III II. Woodvllle and "Jackson ville, nnd In all of them wob warm ly greeted. A crowd of sovoral hundred , por Bons greeted him with cheers at Gold Hill, Ladles and girls of tho town woro lint bands with "Oswald West for governor" printed thereon and he was literally showered with flnwors, carrying away four hugo bouquets of roses. Ho reached Woodvlllo Just In tlmo to holp extinguish tho flames which woro destroying tho resldonco of J. 13. KBtoll, just north of tho city, and whllo tho volunteer flro department woro busy with water and axes Mr. Went holped mova tho piano, Tho flro was causod by a defoctlva flue, and as a result tho roar oiui of tho building will liavo to bo recon structed. Coming back to Woodvlllo, Mr. West addressed a crowd of a hun dred or m 010 cltlzons on tho cam paign Issues of tho day, and was " (ContTJuieiT on peo8T5 " " 8 j& RTLANDTF.BJSHOP " A . ." Y WHERE THE.INTER3, When Wright nhghted ho was ac corded the greatest owition of the meet. At 1:30 i. in. Johnson and Hox - v acended for the first hourly nl titudo contest. De Le-seps joined Hoxsoy and John-on soon after thev ascended. Johnson disappeared when appar ently ."j000 feet in the air. STAND-PATTERS OFFER CUMMINS They Declare Iowa Senator Is Again One of Them Because of His Speech in Which He Declares He Will Support the Tariff. CHICAGO. Oct. 25. Standpat ters are extending tho olive branch today to Senator Cummins of Iowa, whom they declare once again is "one of us," because of bis speech last night in which he declared his intention to support tho tariff. Cum mins' speech is considered signifi cant, 11 that it shows (hut tho pro gressives me realizing the danger to the cause of republicanism if fac tional strife is allowed. Now that Cummins has uuwnlifi cdlv indorsed tho Payno law, tho standpatters beliove that no repub lican can be justified in opposing it. "With all its inequalities and mis takes, I would rather have tho Payno act for a thousand years," said Cummins, "than to suffer the disas ter of an application of tho demo cratic tariff theory for a single mouth." AN OLIVE BRANCH Aviator Killed. HK11L1N, Oct. 25. Lieutenant Monthor of tho Gorman army was killed by falling from a Wright aoro plano at Magdborg. Mentho was a mombor of tho army aviation corps and was maneuvering when the ac cident occurred. Good tenants nro to bo hnd for tho advertising. ACQUITTED w Ell FRIEND OE ES Gets Rouslnri Reception in Ashland and Makes Stronn Speech Ex plains His Stand in Regard to the Recent Cuttinn of Railroad Rates in Oregon. "I am In favor of normal schools. I am myself a product of the public school system. All the schooling I ever had was In the public schools of Oregon. I believe in strengthen ing and building up and Improving tho public schools. Tho normals aro needed to improve tho school sys tem, as they produce the teachers. If elected governor I shall use the power and prestige of the office to holp the normal schools; if the peo ple vote for three normal schools I will do what I can to maintain them. Whatever the peoplo decide will bo carried out," said Oswald West at Ashland Monday evening. "I am familiar with tho history of the normal schools and while my opponent, Mr. Bowerman, was slaughtering them In the legislature, I was assisting tho . normal school delegation ell that I could. Again In the special session when Mr. Bow erman refused to grant the normals money enough to finish out the year, I did what I could to assist the ABh- land delegation in their efforts for tho normal." Mr. Vest spoke to a good sized aud'enco at the Chautauqua build- (Continued on page 8 ) ALFONSO READY FOR REVOLUTION Spanish King Takes Steps to Insure Loyalty of Royal Troops Repuo licans in Spain Planned Outbreak Simultaneously With Portugal. MADRID (jia Hendaye), Oct. 23. Rumors, of a secret gathering of revolutionary spirits 111 bpam today arc causing tho Spanish throne much uneasiness and predictions Spain is soon to undergo such a crisis as recently was enacted with disastrous results to King Jlanuel in Portugal aro rife. Preparations to moot such an emergency arc being quietly made b King Alfonso, who has gathered his advisers about him and any moment the revolution is liable to break, ac cording to those who have watched the impending struggle from a disin terested point of view. That tho movement in Spain was originally planned to bo simultaneius with that in Portugal is admitted by King Alfonso and his cabinot. Onlv the more rapid development of the reoublican idea in Portugal snvod Spain, they beliove, and ovory effort will bo made to thwart tho (dans ot tho Spanish revolutionists, who aro encouraged by Portuguese success. Spain's first step to fight tho rev olution has been to raise tho pay of the army officers. This step was tnado to offset tho overtures to tho military made by the revolutionists. The irder particularly affected non commissioned officers, as it is this class whoso loyalty is most unstable. General Aznar, minister of war, i--taking steps to erndicato tho influ ence of the public inns. Tho sol diers frcQueut theso placos of tunusoniont more than any other place and tho innkeepers aro admit ted to have a large influence oyer tho men. In omo of theso plnoos rova lution is preached oponly and some places aro boing closed by tho war minister. Attell-Conley Mill. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 2o.Abc At toll and Frankio Conley, Qhampion fenthorweight and bantamweight pu gilists of tho world, respectively, woro mntcho dhero today to fight MA HUNDREDS PERISH IN TIDALWAVE Provinces of Naples and Salerno, in Italy, Present Scenes of Desola tion and Suffering Authorities Appalled by Destruction Wrought by Disturbance of Nature. NAPLES, Oct. 25. Ravaged br earthquake, by volcanic flro and by flood, tho provinces of Naples and Salerno today present scones of deso lation and suffering. The authori ties apparently appalled by tho de structive combination of tho olo mente, practically are Inactive, while admitting that the fatalities of yes terday aro enormous. In tho beautiful bay og Naples,. In tho star-reflecting gulf of Salerno, scores of fishing vessels were wreck ed and many bodies havo been borno olnshoro by tuo tides. Tho dead on the island of Ischta,. off Naple3, exceed 200 as a result of the tidal -wave. On the slopes of Mount Vesuvius ney lava streams havo burst from. tho crater and mud rivers aro flow ing seaward, engulfing or burning everything In their paths. Tho roads in the provinces in tho vicinity of tho ancient mountain aro covered with thirty feet of mud. In Naples a dozen houses collapsed duo to subsistence ot tho earth fol- lowing the'Tenewed' aclivIfyo'fi-Ve suvius. Peoplo fled from their homes in terror as tho volcanic earthquakes shook tho city. Many refused today to return to their homes, despite the assurances of tho Neopolltan authorities, based on tho statements of scientists of tho ob servatory on Mount Vesuvius, that the outbursts havo attained their ful lest force and will subside. At Salerno, Cetera and Amalfl, floods wrought great havoc and tho damage done Is estalmated at soveral: millions. Minister of Public Works Sacchl and Admiral Leonardl aro surveylng tho devastated district with a view to recommending gov ernment aid. Tho mayor of Casa Mlsslola today appealed for aid. Ho reported that tho hlthorto oxtlnct volcano ofEpo- meo again has becomo active This volcano destroyed Casa Mlc cjola In 1SS3 and killed 1,700 per sons. NEWLINE-UPNEXT YEARJOR CUBS Result of World's Series Disastrous" to Veterans Pitchers Are All on . the Down Grade Kling May Go Also. CHICAGO. Oct. 2C. That an en tirely now Uno-up will represent Chl- caco In tho National loaguo noxU year was predicted today as a ro Biilt of tho miserable showing ot tho onco doughty Cubs In tho world'B sorlos just ended. Manngor Chrjuce Is said to havo dotormlned to Infuso some youngor blood Into tho team and with this ob ject in vlow, will probably swing tho axo on tho nocks of at loast half n dozen whoso names aro part ot base ball history. It Is more than llkoly thnt olthpr Shockard or Schulto, or parhapu both will go. Stolnfoldt, who has. grown old at third bao, undoubted ly will bo bonclied In favor of some youngor pl?.yor, probably JCMnmor man. It is doubtful whethor Johnny evors will oyer recover, from tho In jury ho rocolvod throo weoka ago at Cincinnati, and still mpro doubtful If ho will bo tho samo Kyora should ho rogaln tho uso of his ankle, Pltchors Brown, Roulbach, Overall aro going down grado ind Colo, Fox on, Wchlo, Mclntyro and Pfolffer probably will be tho backbone of, the pitching staff noxt year.