Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 24, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
God's Message
of Comfort
To the Jews
"Comfort yc, comfort ye my twoplf. d
your Cod. Spek ye comfotlibly o Jrnii.
Urn, nd cry unto her, lh her wtfre ii c.
tomnlithed, th hef iniquity i rurdoned s fot
ihe hth receired of the Lord hand double
for all her tini." Iiaiah l, I, 2.
ooO' ' Q
London, October 5!3. I'nstor Kusm-Ii
of Brooklyn Tnhernude today mldrosM
d nn immense nudlcnco iu the world'n
trcntest Auditorium, the ltoynl Allien
IlnU. Mnny of his nudlcnco wow
Jowb, attracted by the liberal extract
from raptor Uussell's sermons w.d h
have been appearing In the Jewish i:
pers all over the world. The dtscmi" ,
was full of comforting assurances (ht
to Jew nnd Gentile) of the glorious out
come to the Divine IMnu. aa rwpct
our world nnd Its Inhabitants. We w
port the address only In part, as M
There can be no doubt that the won1'
of our text apply, not to Spiritual 1
xncl and the heavenly Jerusalem, bu'
to the Seed of Jacob, for many ee-i
turles travailing In paln-n nation
without a land, people possessing moM
wonderful promises, yet enjoying ""'"
of them-n people scattered ninonpst
all other peoples; yet. In harmony wit I
tle Divine promise made at the begin
nlng of tlielr organization, they have
been preserved separate ami illstln t
from all Other nations! The Jews nre
a miracle In themselves. They v.ltr.e
to the civilized world God's promises
and the power thereof In the humati
mind. As foretold In the Scriptures
tor long centuries they have had ti
rrophet. no Priest, no ephod, no vMc
trom God. no revelation. The people
to whom at one time belonged the Iu t
or of being the only people to wtu"
the Divine purposes were revealed have
for more than eighteen centuries bee.i
left destitute of any evidence of W
Tlne favor, except In this one fn t
that their Milidaritv an a people in
We are not of those who rail airlift
the Jew: who cry out. "Christ-killers,
the vengeance of God Is upon you, aci'
what you have suffered Is only a fore
taste of more awful sufferings for all
eternity!" Thank God. No! We have
so such evil sentiment In our heart.
Wc have nothing for the Jew but sym
pathy, even while In him. as In others
of Adam's children, wo may see much
to reprehend: nevertheless, wo also see
his commendable qualities. Among
others, we see the Quality which God
so greatly appreciated in Abraham:
namely, faith In.'nts God and In the
Divine promises. Such a faith has In
spired "God's Chosen People" to wait
for his promised Messianic Kingdom,
lo, these many centuries through all
kinds of discouragements, disappoint
ments and persecutions.
The long-promised time of Israel's
exaltation as the channel of Messianic
blessing to mankind Is near It hasteth
greatly. What though there shall be
another and great Bpasm of tribula
tion In conjunction with tbo birth of
the New Order of things! Beyond the
sighing nnd the crying, the morning
'dawns the glorious day In which the
Bun of righteousness shall chase from
the world all the shadows of death
and despair, which "Bin nnd Its penalty
have brought upon mankind! Whnt
though the Scriptures tell us that Is
rael is yet to have "The time of Ja
cob's trouble" In connection with the
world's great time of trouble Impend
ing. None of these things shall hinder
us from rejoicing In the New Ileavens
and the New Earth, which God de
clares he Is about to create and put
Into control of our world "Bo ye glad
and rejoice, forever in that which I
create" (Isaiah Ixv, 18),
The New Heavens and the New
Enrth are but symbolical terms for the
consideration of that New Era, In
which there will be a new social order,
as we'.l as a new ecclesiastical system,
eternal In the heavens.
The time has come when our text Is
having Its fulfillment The shining of
the lamp of Truth upon the prophetic
page shows us that tho great clock of
the Universe is marking the hour when
he v. ' m right It Is shall take to him
self his great power and reign. Ab,
yes! We remember that It Is written
that then the nations shall bo angry,
nnd God's wrat'i shall be manifest, nnd
then tho time shall come for the Judg
ment of tho dead and the reward of
all. both small and great. But we are
glad, nevertheless, that the "times of
the Gentiles" are nearly at an end and
the time of Messiah's theocratic gov
ernment Is at hand For he must reign
until ho shnll have put down all un
righteousness nnd Insubordination, un
til he shall havo caused every knee to
bow nnd every tongue to confess to
the glory of God tbo Father,
First In order of tho Kingdom work
will bo the binding of Satan tho work
of a heavenly, and not of an earthly
king. Gradually, In tbo Judgments,
decrees, rewards, punishments of man
kind nnd the banishing of sin and
death will the great King of Glory re
veal his own gracious character and
tho Father's righteousness to tho chil
dren of men. Gradually all will havo
the eyes of their understanding open
ed to see. not only tho Father of all
in his true character, but also tho Son
in his glorious majesty the Conquer
or, "who, for tho Joy that was set be
fore him, endured tho cross, despising
the shame," nnd hence Is at the right
hand of Divine majesty and entrusted
with tho tpou ring out of the Divine
Mousing upon ' Israel, and,, through Is-
AttcJUo Meet Kilhane.
KANSAS OITY, Oct. 24. Abo At
toll und Tommy Kilbano will meet In
a 10,-round contest before the Grand
Athletio club hero tonhjut. While
tho match carries with It tho title
to (ho efnthonvelght championship,
it is attracting only ordinary Inter
est, ns the reports regard it as an
other hit of soft money for Attoll.
Tho men weigh in at 122 pounds,
racl, extending that blessing to every
One King, but Two Kingdoms.
It has escaped Christendom In gen
eral until now that tho Divine promise
to Abraham Is to be fulfilled through
two Seeds one n heavenly class, the
other an earthly class, with Messiah
the Head over all. For eighteen cen
turies God favored tho Seed of Abra
ham, the nation of Israel. Chastise
ments they had, reproofs In righteous
ness; yet In all that time they had also
Divine favor, ns represented in tlielr
Law nnd In tho rrophecles and in tho
privileges which came to them under
the Law Covenant, In that they had an
annual Atonement Day, which contin
ued to them Divine favor. That period
of favor, explain it how we may, be
gan to wane about the tlmo of Jesus'
death. It was completely removed
from them In the desolation of their
land by the Roman army A. D. 70.
Now a parallel time has been reached,
ns stated In'our text Hence it is time
for the return of God's favor, as here
in mentioned. The favor already Is
The Jew has not been so comfort
able, nor so favorably fixed as he Is
today, in more than eighteen cen
turies. But his blessing is only begin
ning. Shortly Divine favor. In God's
due time, will accomplish for his
Chosen People all the precious prom
ises of the Law and of the Prophets.
Already the Jew Is awakening to a re
alization of this great Truth. Zionism,
which started as a political movement
Is about to bud and blossom Into a re
ligious movement and the blessing of
Divine Providence will so order their
affairs. The words of the Bonk, tho
words of Divine promise, so long read
ignorantly nnd blindly, are about to
become luminous nnd constitute tbo
light which will direct them In the
ways of the Lord leading on to tho
rehabilitation of Jerusalem and to the
attainment of loftier ideals amongst
the Jewish people. A voice is sound
ing from the wilderness, and-tho Jews
everywhere are hearkening to it It
does not call them to becomo Chris
tians, but to remain Jews and to real
ize, as Jews, the ideals set before
them by the Lord in the Law and by
the Prophets. To all those exercised
thereby a great blessing Is near, which
will more than compensate for the sor
rows of the past Neither by sword,
nor guns, nor dreadnaughts, neither by
flying nlr-ships, nor torpedoes will Is
rael's great victory be won, neither by
money power and worshipping of the
golden calf of finance, nor by trusting
in the arm of flesh, but by looking to
the Lord, from whom will como their
Messiah's Spiritual Empire, about to
be established, will bind Satan, re
strain every evil and lift up a stand
ard for the people, blessing Israel and
establishing with them the New (Law)
Covennnt instead of the Old Law Cov
enantunder the better Mediator, still
more capable than the great Meses:
under the greater King, still more wise
than Solomon and still more beloved
of God than David. This great Celes
tial Empire will be established with
great authority In the world by a time
of trouble, a time of earthly distress,
which the prophecies picture as terri
blea short reign of anarchy. Jews
and Gentiles will be responsible, rich
and poor, for the bringing to pass of
this awful trouble, by reason of the
selfishness which at present Is govern
ing the world and which will be used
of the Lord to wreck our present grand
civilization grand at least on Its ur
face and in its aspirations and preten
sions. A Socialistic artillery of words
and ecclesiastical bonds of similar na
ture will only aggravate the strife.
Financial weights and levers will have
much to do with the great crash of
the forces of civilization in this near
approaching cataclysm of trouble, in
which the reign of sin. inequity, in
justice, selfishness, shall forever fall,
to rise no more; and tho present re
ligious systems also shall be found
wanting and pass nway. For these
old systems, symbolically the heavens
and earth of tho present time, will bo
substituted the New Heavens nnd tho
New Earth the Church glorified be
yqnd the vail as the Ilrlde of tho
great Messiah, and, Society on earth
reorganized, will constitute tho New
Earth, wherein will dwell righteous
ness. The transition will bo but a
momentary ordeal, as compared with
the glorious eternity of blesslug under
Messiah's righteous supervision. "Ho
maketh wars to cease unto the end of
tho earth." .
rangements are being made at the lo
cal quarantlno station to recelvo
what Is said to ho tho ifrst case of
yollow fever that has ever entered
San Francisco harbor. Tho victim is
the chief engineer of tho tramp
steamer Henley, which was ordered
out of San Pedro, for this port yes
terday because thor,e arc no quaran
tlno facilities at San Pedro.
The Henley (is a British ship sail
ing from Salln'a Cruz to Victoria, It
is believed that tho engineer con
tracted tho diseaso in Mexico.
PORTLAND, Ore,, Oct. 24. Word
roachod horo this forenoon that tho
steamer Ooorgo Elder, plying be
tween Portland and San Francisco,
Do You Know
That during only a few weeks' circulation, 40,000 of your fellow-citizens signed
a written protest against statewide prohibition? ,
That had it been necessary to go further, fully four-fifths of the voters would
have signed it?
That this list of signers includes farmers, ministers, physicians, ranchers, lawyers,
workingmen, and almost without exception, the leading bankers and business men
of the State? . t , . , . :.,rO
That it includes the names of many men who vote "dry" m their own community f
Why? Because
Statewide prohibition absolutely kills local option, and the people of Oregon
want local option. They want a voice in the settlement of this question in their
own community. It is their right.
Statewide prohibition robs you of that right.
It robs you of the right to have cider, beer, or liquor, in your own home! It
makes it a crime to give your friend or neighbor a glass of cider.
It permits any officer, special or regular, to break open your door at midnight
and search your wife's or mother's room for liquor! Do you want that kind of law
in Oregon? j
Maine, on September 12, 1910, repudiated its prohibition law of 57 years stand
ing by electing, for the first time in 30 years, a Democratic governor upon his pledge
to re-submit the constitutional prohibition law. It was not political insurgency that
turned the tide, but insurgency against statewide, obnoxious, ineffective prohibi
tion, so-called. Will Oregon profit by Maine's error of threescore years r"
Nothing is settled until it is settled right.
Let us settle it now and settle it right.
The Home Rule, bill (No. 328 on the ballot) permits cities to vote on prohibition
within their own limits. It permits any precinct or number of precincts within a
city, or any precinct or number of precincts or the whole county outside the cities,
to vote for or against prohibition, as they choose. Under this bill every city m
every county, and every county in the State, may vote "dry" if they so desire.
If you want to preserve your rights ;
If you want local option which means Home Rule ;
If you want your glass of beer, cider or liquor at homeeven tho' you are
opposed to the saloon
You MUST vote these numbers (cut them out and put them in your pocket
as a reminder):
328 X Yes. For Home Rule.
343 X No. Against Prohibition Amendment.
345 X No. Against Prohibition Search Law.
Think it over !
Prohibition attempt! o override an
individual and inherent rUht. Thai'
why failure Invariably follow enact
ment of Iho law. It takea the liquor
radio from licenced dculeri who are
subject to regulation and tflvci it to
lawbreaker! who are willlnf to tell lo
minora, drunkards anybody for in.
P. S. Ask your Prohibitionist friend
to answer this questien: If, on they
claim, 38 million people arc now living
in "dry" territory, why is it that the
U. S. Internal Revenue Department
shows that more whiskey and mdre
beer is consumed thon ever before?
Located in tho oxclusivo high
class rcBldenco district of Med
ford, closo -in nnd commanding
a beautiful vlow of tho city, In
Conroy nnd Clancy's subdivi
sion, lying botweon and ad
joining Ecst Main street and
Iteddy voniio. If you are con
templating tho building of a
homo It will pay you to Inves
tigate this proposition.
A. F. Barnett
went nshoro on tho Oregon side of
tho Columbia river directly opposite
Fort StovenB last night. Llfo savors
wore notified and wont direct to tho
scone. Tlielr assistance was not
needed, however.
Rogue River Fish Co.
Fresh Salted and Smoked Fish; Imported Cliecso mid Macaroni;
Fresh Oysters, Poultry and Kgg.
117 NORTH Flit ST.
Walter Slayter & Co.
The P. & E. R. R. will soon be at
Butte Falls, Oregon
We can then handle your orders. Place them now.
Write or Phonn no for rrices.
Butte Falls Lumber Co.
Campbell & Baumbach
Money on hand at all times to loan on improved farms
and city property.
Fisher & Whitmire
man grade investments
Mining and Fruit Land
Orchard and City Property
32 South Oontral Ave.