t MfilDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE,. AUSDJFORD, ORISON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1010. Bedford Mail Tribune . . vvnunuifntimi wWHnAVfitt ruar.iBHr.u daily except Satur day BY THE MUDrOKD rxinxiflu uu A consolidation of the Mcdronl Mall, mUiDIInIioiI 1R89; tho Southern Onuron Inn, cnlnbllsliori 1902: tho Doomcmtlc Times, established 1872; tho Ashland Tribune, established 1900. nnd tho Mod ferd Tribune, established 0fl. KOn(lK I'UTNAM, Editor and MiuiiTgor Ktitercd as second-class matter No ember J, 1009, at tho post ofrtco at ledford, OreRon, undor tho act of latch 3, 18J0. 'fflclnTTgrior oT"tho City of Mcdtord 0tim,nvffTnw vtf.vCI Jno year by moll .... 15.00 One month uj mall . .60 permonth delivered by carrier In Mrdford, .lshlnnd. Jackson vlllo and Central Point .60 Sunday only, by mall, per year... 2.00 Wekly. per year 1.50 rail leased Wire United Z'ress uitpiucum. Tho -Mall Trlbuno Is on salo nt tho Kerry News Stand. San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland, Ore, W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. Hotel jSjgkano News Stand. Spokane. "l'oitngV Kates. I to 12-rago paper Jc 12 to 24-paRO paper Jc 14 to 36-piRo paper 30 1,700 1.S42 2,123 2,301 2,301 2.4 SO 3,602 2,624 2,527 2535 2575 2576 2575 2575 2575 2575 2650 2650 2675 2700 2710 2710 SWORN OIKOULATIOrr. Aaotoko dally for November, 1803 December, 1909 January, 1910 March. 1910 April. 1910 Itav. 1910 June, 1910 .. July. 1910 . An runt. 1910 Bepiemuar vunawuiuk ...... . ........ ............ 2475 2476 2S25 2475 2475 2475 2475 2475 2500 2475 475 16. 18. 19 20. ..... mi . . . . . 23 SO 1. 2. 4... O S 11... 12... 13... 14 24S0 15 2525 Total M.245 Avernpa dally J'651 STATE OF OHEQON, Countr of Jack son, ss: On- tho 1st day of October. 1S10, pr sona'ly appvared before me, George Put nam, manager of the Medford Mall Tri bune, who upon oath, acknowledges that the abovo figures are true and correct. It N. YOCKET, (Seal) Notary Publlo for Oregon. 27. 38. 29, 30. MTDrOBD, OEEOON. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and tho fastest crowing city In Oregon. Population. 1910. 9.000. Bank deposits $2,750,000. Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Vater System completed In July, 1910, tlvlnu finest supply pure mountain rater. . . Sixteen lutlea of street belne paved ,t a cost exceeding $1,000,000. making a .ml of twenty miles of pavement. Postoffice receipts for year ending Juno 30, 1910, show a gain of 36 per cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogue River apples won sweepstakes prize and title of "Apple JCLnz of tbs World" at the National Apple Show. Spokane. 1909. Roguo River pears brought high est prices In all markets of tho world during the past five years. Writs Commercial Club, enclosing 6 cents for postage of the finest commu nlty pamphlet ever written. "Wanted" Apple Pickers. Ranch hands. - Carpenters. Womnn cook. ' ' -" Girl for general houjj work. Laborers. "BOB j omii n ROBERT 0. SMITH of Josephine county, democratic nominee for con gress in tho first district, is n nativo son oC Jucktftm county, and has behind him a legislative record in the state logislnlmo oC which his Josephine county constituency nnd tho state may well bo proud. Mr. Smith's career bognn in a most humble and inauspicious way in incksonvillo when in his immatuio years and with tho hnndicap oC a deli cate constitution, tho support of his mother and a family of children foil largely upon his shoulders. Ny ft marvelous genius for learning and l untiring ouerjry nnd application, nt tho ago of sixteen ho had fitted himself in tho field of pedagogy and began his public career as a teacher in the fechools of Klamath. Later he took Up tho study of law, in which ho showed n rcmnrkablo proficiency, nnd after being admitted to tho bar soon rose to a lending position iu the bar of Southern Oregon. Removing to Joscphino CJimly, ho was elected a member of the Oregon legislature at nn ago whon most young nyjn are coming out of tho pre paratory school, here his genius for debate and his aggressive champion chip of tho peoplo's interests soon won him tho title of "The Thunderer of Southern Oregon.'' During tho two tonus ho served in the legislature he was a leader in eery movomont for the people, nnd many of tho bene ficial measures that adorn the Oregon statutes bear tho impress of hit constructive genius. Of nil tho nativo sons of Oregon, there are none more eloquent or brilliant in debate. He is a, veritable encyclopedia of law and knowlodgos n fountain of rhetoric nnd an encino of forco and itnpressivencss, but yet. better than all these attributes of genius is his kind and loving personality. Throughout tho leneth and breadth of Jackson county ho is known as plain "Dob," and no grentor tribute could bo paid, to his democratic chnr. ncter and the goodness of his heart. In all his career nt bar he has never deserted tho poor or friendless and the cases are without number where ho has espoused the causo of tho penniless, giving tho In end of his genius ns freely to Larnrus as to Dives. If tho voters of this district send him to congress, Oregon Avill again be on tho national congressional map and our "Hob." like Wisconsin's "Little Bob," will bo found in the forefront of every battle whew spectr, privilege seeks encroachment on the people's rights, his keen analytical tnind searching ouC the colored gentleman in the woodpile of every corpo lato measure introduced rand his voice thundering in the causo of the people. Jnykson county is justly proud of her native son, Bob Smith, and, irre spective of party, every voter in the county should subscribo nt tho polls to. the laudnble pride that old Jackson fcels..in her lovnblo nnd distin guished son. SOCIALISM iiiniiiitiiiimtimmimiimiiiiimimimuim.o ISLS THEATRE THE HOME OF VAUDEVILLE TO-NIGHT . "Nevor a Dull Momont" CRAWFORD (& MEEKER COMEDIANS r 3-REELvS-3 LATEST MOTION PICTURES 1. 2. 51 4. 5. cow ruNcniiQR.'s swnjiqtiikakt. Til 10 10STR ANGlilMiaNT. ACROSS KUSSLAN POLAND. TKOU MjES 01? A POLICEMAN. SCJCNKS LN NORWAY. vSONG "LOVE'S OLD SWISIflT SONG." By HARRY BLANOJIARD Doors Open at 7 p. m. CHILDREN, 10 CENTS ADULTS 20 CENTS S MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 2:30 P. M. minim iiiiiMMi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii wimiiwi For Sale National cash register. Stock and 10-year lease, close in. 4 chair barber shop in live town. Business with long lease; average sales, $90 daily; $4,000. FRUIT LAND. 35 acres, 1-2 in orchard, 9 acres al falfa, easy terms. 133 acros, 12 acres orchard, alfalfa, fine water right, $15,000 terms. 120 acres, 10 in orchard. 25 alfalfa, nnder ditch, tools, stock, $13,500. 18 acres 2 1-2 miles station; good buildings; 15 acres bearing and young orchard, $0500. 1C0 acres, 7,000 cords wood; 50 acres fruit land, 5 miles out; $2,000. 90 acres cleared, rich soil, close to Eagle Point, sub-divide, $125 v acre. 1G0 acres fine hog and truck ranch, $4,000; good terms. CITY PROPERTY. $500 down takes G room house, close in, balance monthly. Fine modern bungalow, close to busi ness, $3000 for quick sale. 131x550, close in, $2,050. So. Onkdale, snap, $1,900. 7 Westmoreland lots for quick sale, $2000 cash. 5 1-2 acres for platting, near Daco tah avenue, price and terms right. Fine Bungalow near West Slain, mod ern, basement, east front, $3,200. 5 acres, close to limits, for platting ideal situation, $000 acre. 2 lots 50x215 will make 4 fine lots, $325 each. 2 south front lots, 50x150, $725. 3 close-in lots for $1500, terms, 2 closo-in lots, east sido, $750. Lots in West Walnut Park,' $350, $25 down, 10 monthly. TIMBER. 3,000 ncros fine timber on new Hill railroad; well situated. 100' acres railroad, on laud, 20 acres will pay for entire tract. E. F. A.1 BITTNER Room 206 Taylor & Phlpps Bitty. Phnn 4141 Mmn . Strayed From Wagner Creek, a largo black horso, with crooked right foro log. Notify Hox 13, Jacksonville and re colVQ reward. 188 '. W1IEN the federal government threw Eugene V. Debs into prison nnd made him a martyr for the causo of labor, it gavo to socialism :-;, ".ni ;.n,ufiii! ; Anwn'nn. Tn this lihnrtv-lavint land 113 AllOl, it.lt IUI(Ji;iiicj ... - ...... - - -- r, persecution is always resented nnd vitalizes those popular movements it is intended to slaughter. Socialism is a dream of the equality of man the old vision of tho snns oulottism of tho French revolution liberty, frntprnity, equality, in now form. It seeks by peaceable legislation to accomplish what suns-culot-tism sought by bloodshed aud violence the betterment of the conditions of humnnity, the overthrow of ennt, hypocricy, formulas and conventie: s based upon injustice and falsehood. , To this extent, if wo are honest, most of us arc theoretical socialists, for this is also the theory of real democracy. It is in tho ways and means nnd methods whereby tho ends are to bo obtained thnt tho difference fol lowsand there is difference in theories oven among tUe various scnoois cf socialism. Socialism offers a positive cure for socinl ill.'.. It purposes to sup plant private monopoly with government monopoly to create a huge pa ternalism and make all humanity a fraternity, and to do all this by legis lation. Its weakness lies in tho fact that human nature cannot be changed in a day by tho changing of a law, thnt all human progress i painfully slow, and that the mismanagement of tho present limited func tions of state auger ill for the management of the great paternnlism. There can be no gaining the fact that any system of society which tolerates poverty, misery and want, that creates tho billionaire nnd the pauper, any system that plucks industry of its just rewnrd, is wrong, fundamentally, cruelly wrong, and in its groping efforts to remedy, hu mnniiv mnv enmn flnv ncnorimont bv ntterantiue to follow tho theories of socialism but humanity is not ready for them now and naught but failuro would greet the attempt. c:i:om wn,ii,l TOfnrm Immnnitv hv more laws, while the milleniuin will como only when laws .are unnecessary in the government of mankind, when men need no law but tho golden rule. Restrictive laws losier mo growiu of socialism, real liberty deters it, hence socinusm nns una more rapm -i, ;,, Finrnnn Minn in America, where more freedom from law exists. t..i .i.iicm ; n frr.nl tlnmr Tt i insnircd bv the Inchest ideals. 11 nnnl,nc hmnnmtv to think, to reason. It attacks real wrongs. If preaches I the brotherhood of man and therefore betters tho world. It comes from the bottom 'ranks of society, aud has the vitality tliat ail great movements of the people have, and they who cry out against it are actuaieu ny ignor nnce and nrejudice. BUNC0MB FAILS TO AROUSE T T NABLE to find any real flaws in Oswald West, tho Portland Oregon I I inn and other assembly organs are devoting themselves to long tirades against Senators Bourne and Chamborlain. Neither of the senators nre running for governor. Neither are issues in the campaign. Both were elected by tho people oVer the opposition of the Doliticians. Both represent the principle of popular government, nnd as both stand for priuciplo.rnthcr than partisanship, both support West, because his election is necessary to defeat assemblyisra. It is campaign time, and tho usual amount of abuse is being heaped upon candidates. And yet it does not interest tho peoplo much. General npathy continues to command. The frenzied appeals fall upon donf ears, and accomplish naught. The mountain of assemblyism is laboring and bringing forth a mouse. Vain are tho calls to partisanship, vain tho summons for harmony. In vain oro political wnrhorscs prancing townrd the pie counter. Tho clnp tmn and the buncombe full unheeded on tho multitude. For the minds of tu mnnv are made up. They are going to crush assemblyism once and lor all at the November election, to rebuko chicanery and attempted defeat of populur government, -and to reject a wcathervano candidate without con victions save lust for office. DESERVING OF RE-ELECTION. ONE candidate who has "mndo good" -luring his term of office is Wilbur Mr. Jones hns made one of tho best sheriffs any county over A. Jones, sheriff of Jackson county. had. Quiet, unostentatious, impartial, ho bus performed tho duties of his had. Quiet, unostentatious, impartially ho lias performed the duties of his office without fear or favor. Not only in law enforcement hns Mr. Jones made nn excellent official, but also in his capacity of tnx collector. There haH been no friction with the public, no muddle in accounts nnd no scnnilul connected with tho office during his regime. Mr. Jones deserves another torm nnd there is little doubt but that he will bo civen it by an appreciative public as reward for duty faithfully performed. It the furnished room nd "looks good", run .-.rt und to tho address given and tnko a look at It, ENGLISH BOXING SEASON IS ON IN FULL BLAST LONDON, Oct. 22. Tho British boxing season is In full swing. In a dozen London halls and ttoatora tho "fancy" aro earning tholr bacon, matlneos and evenings. Thoro Is no public sontlment In England against prize fighting. It is considered a "manly sport" and ea sontluUy 'English," In view of tho popular oncouragoment It receives it occurs to visiting Americans who fol low tho gamo at homo to wonder why a bettor typo of British fighter is not turned out. To got his question answored for him tho visiting American has only, however, to pay a slnglo visit to any ono of London's many fight re sorts, Dick Burgo onco woltor weight champion of England and now man agor of "Tho Ring," a popular priced hall, has a list of moro than 1,000 professional pugilists living in tho metropolis upon whom ho may call In making up his bl-wcokly pro grams, and thero is not a really first- 1 class man In tho ontlro 1,000, Yet "Tho Ring's" shows aro as good ns any in London. Here's n TJJDE PALACE 101 West Main street, to buy NTJRSERY stock of the best grade at right prices. And NOV is tho time to place vour orders. Every indication points to a shortage of trees, especially pear trees. .Remember the place. 101 West Main Street s L. W. ' Zimmer. Outlaw Deitz, In Jail, Will Fight For His Rights. Photos by American Press Association. The exciting history of the experiences of John Delta of Cameron Duin, -Wis., promises to bo continued because of tho Interest his frlcndx will take In defending him before tho courts of Justice, The Deitz log cabin, now marked with hundreds of bullet holes, stands on Tlmrnupplo creek, In tho northern part of Wisconsin, Delta's llrst clush with (ho law was over IiIh clulm to tho ownership of Cameron dam. Ono of tho big lumber companies tried to send lumber down Tliornnpplo creek, and Delta promptly objected. Tho fight wont to the courts, while tho lumber stayed at tho dam, hold up by vlrtuo of Delta's rllle, A preliminary order of tho court In favor of tho lum ber company was openly defied by Delta ,1111(1 no ofllcers could get to him to servo him with tho necessary papers, In tho end Delta won his court light, and his ownership of Cameron dam was established. Hut iu tho meanwhile Delta and his family were Jn a moro or less continuous stuto of slego for one reason or another. Delta and his son Lcsllo wounded several deputy sheriffs In tho course of tho siege, and warrants for their arrest have boon nliiiostx'oimtantly nwultlng execution, A scoro and moro of deputies have surrounded tho cabin on Thornapplo creek at various times, but without success until Ilolen Delta, tho tourteen-yenr-old daughter, came out of tho beleaguered houso bearing a ting of truco and tho great feud reached Its end. Hecently thero was much Indignation over tho shooting of Delta's two small children by deputies. Tho pleasant yarn thut tha father could drive nails In a board with n rlllo at 100 yards apparently put such terror Into tjio hearts of the besiegers that they took no chances when thoy caught two of tho children driving Iu tho neigh borhood. They shot the girl, Myrn Delta, through the hip aud tin boy In tho arm, althougli tho children wero unarmed and offered no defense. Afterward tho girl was carried off on a train for greater security, although dangerous ly wounded and suffering greatly. BI'OKANE. Wash., Oct. 22. Kine AnmVs dominion is fully estab lished whj'j ho can upset railroad schedules and order rocord runs ovor transcontinental lines to suit his im perial convenience That is what tho northwestern poteiitnto hus accom plished with regard to tho transpor tation facilities placed at his disposal by tho Hill linos, over which tho prizowinning displays from tho third national upplo show in Spokane, tho weok of Novombor 14, will bo moved to Chicugo for exhibition Debs Meeting Program SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 3:30 P. M., OCTOBER 23 3:30 ESCORT EUGENE V. DEBS PROM SOUTHERN PACJIFia DEPOT TO NATATORIUM HALL Ohnirnmn of meeting 0. A. Strickland, Ashland 10. I j. Canon, Rosebnrg Address of Welcome Goo. D. Browor, Girard, Kansas, i ntrodnetory Address Eugene V. Debs, Olrard, Kansas, Lecture "Soiontifio So cialism," and remarks on tho Timos Wisastor at Los Angolos. Reserved seats at Nat, box office, Saturday a. m. s3 & THE VISITOR who la woloomod by ft flood of IlKht onn not fnll to fool Konulnoly wolcomo. Tho ono who nrrlvoa In tho dark half doubts tho wurmth of lilt) lUWUMHWi.. - ff- - llRht aclda choor no woll as oomfort to tho homo. It wivoBpoBOlbloacoldontsn Inw for tho door boll. It mnkou tho homo boforo which It ahlnoB a BSRtlnd on Sb n7oBroBBlonriovo "F homo nncl olvfa prldo. Bend for tho uaUiiuUo man today. Do not put It off. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. WXTUmitoi The "Welcome Sign" The poivli light is the ' welcome sign" of the home. That is, it is the welcome sign for the friend, but for the intruder it is quite the contrary. There is no woman who relishes being left alone in the house after dark. But it frequently happens that the man of tho houso must be out for an hour or two on business or otherwise, aud such hours are sometimes the most troublesome in a woman's life. All she has to db is switch on the light from the inside and she is just as safe as if she had ten strong men in the house. Should a gentleman of the rustic highway come along he will not think of stopping. A porch light has a greater terror for him than a watch do,, for sometimes he can make friends with tho dog. Another thing with a porch light at your service, if you tire indoors, you may get a good look at any evening caller before opening the door. Turn on the light and use your pleasure as to admitting them. Every neighborhood is occasionally annoyed by tramps, beggars, or other undesirable visitors. Tbe electric porch light, generally adopted in a neigh borhood, is tho most efficient moans that can be used for keeping this class of people entirely away. You know,' don't you, that there is only one kind of porch light that amounts to anything, and that's an electric porch light? No other light is of any account at all for this purpose, because a high wind will blow out any other kind of light except electric light. Then again, tin eloctrioiporch light can bo switched on from inside the house, which is a splendid advantage when one wishes tojjeo who is seoking admittance. On the other hand, when tho friends of the housewife arrive for an evening call and ring the bell, her heart does not jump out of its place aud palpitate for an hour. NEW ENGINEERING FIRM IN LOCAL FIELD Alfiod S. Leo and U. C, V. Atdbiiw luivo formed a :o)urliioi'8lii in tho engineering btiHinoBH in Med lord and will luivo all preparatioiiH made for llio conducting of tho work by the fii'rit of the your. Mr. Leo has bean for roiiio time city engineer nt Astoria, but finding a bottor field in Soiitiihorn Orogon, Iiiih rcHolved to ronigii bin poHilion .und enter into the independent field in Southern Oregon. Mr. AtUbury iH iiIbo an engiueor, und bcHide that, a HticccBHful agriculturist, ho that tho firm should mako good frdm tho start. 200 STUDENTS RAID SEATTLE OPERA HOUSE SKATTLH, Oct. '22.- A mob of U00 HtudonlH of thu University of Washington, part of the onlim male student body that paraded the down town streets iu an uuiiuul nightshirt carnival, last night raided tho Ma jestic theater, a local vaudeville ( House, aud smashed thu doors. Tho llWlll ,ll',tWflll Mm .I.....1 1 l . ...... w.ut.uu in u iiiuuiur una jingling cow nous, Plowing Horns and shout ing like madmen. Thu audience was in a panic for a fow minutes and a hurry call for police reserves brought a squad of fit) bluocoals to tho place. Twontv sovon of tho rio.lorn wero nrresled and carted off to jail.