ppwwn 'WWMiHl e mWHrtWM ' tmW i EWtfl iwifwmnii)wn rmniitiwMi iijwp&flwiifliiyi V- MISDITOIID MAIL TIITBUNK. MEDFORD, pRISClON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 3010. ENSE VBIE POLLED SATURDAY w IMM Noiiiliinllim Olnnks and Coiiniiiis' Clliii!d From tho Paper Arc Void After Twolvo o'clock Noon, Monday-Contest Closes Next Saturday, Octo lier 20-Aro You Golnn to Win the Quick Aiilomobllo? Only Six More Days to Hustle. The Prizes CAPITAL PRIZE ONE FIVE-l'AHHENOEIl TOUIlINO AUTOMOBILE ON DJf IMiAY IN FRONT OF Til 10 MAIL TRIBUNE OFFICIO GRAND PRIZES TWO HNH PIANOS TWO .flUO DIAMOND KINOB. TWO IJUHINKSS SUIIOIiAKHIIIl'S. TWO IIKAUTIFUh LADIKS' (JOLD WATCHES. All llni u'diIiI will help u IiiihIIui', Ami vim Know 'lis trim; Mn l a imiHu like a hustle Ami tho woild will help yo.i. From lin IVrii'H of Hie CqiiIohI Editor. Monday and Tuesday ECONOMY DAYS At Weeks & McGowan Go's. Store Monday nnd TuoHday aro truly "Economy Dayo" at thin storo. For a number of weeks wo have offered a special sale of somo kind. Not onco liavo wo repeated. Wo will contlnuo those sales, but don't expect to find ua repeating. If you want theso goods wo urge you to como on Monday or Tuesday, for you will probably novor havo tho opportunity to buy such good values again at tho prices now offered. Largo Voto Cnit. Tim t'liiiiitftd ulinwn In tun xtunillni: of ClUllllllHluH Vpllllllll'll HIIUll II lieatillfiil loVl'l of KHHtl lltlVtlllCU tllllt It loOl IIH tlioiiuli lliu titiiiiiiMlitntii liiul Imlil a uinMH iik'hIIiik unit riiiicliiitcil liy reHoliitlmi tliut I hit dilute in tin n to voto over) IIiIiik llioy liavo. Ami tlmy orrtnlnly huo Ijoi'h voting aoiiio lliu lant few tlllVM. Mninlny itt U o'clmlt tin. v(itM of the illfftTi'iil cuiiti'MtHhU will lie cuuiiiuil fur inn IiihI time iiiilll dm rimil count, wliloli (ul(it iiliuin aruir tim runliNi I'lliMiH Thin In ilium Hfi nil nun Mill liiivn iiny Idoii lioiv mitoli rcmirvi) Hie MImm K, Peeler, initio KiiMh ilorri'ii-iit i'IiiiIiihIiiiiIn lutve. inn! nlmi .Mitvlinllii I'urMiniN. Anlilnnil . neon ii h tint iMinU'Mt ilcjiiu uncut nninl Iron" WIIhoii, Central I'olnt, ,, f. J , n r, i ituvoin nil Hull llimi in wiiIIIiik on tiie . Kiholyn llenvito. (JnmtH I'litm... r," if, i DH.I1U tt,.'i.y r.2, 1 tm 49, SCO :i,;mi 43,710 43.180 I'lnrlco Wilcox, Won.lvlllo S?.k0 34,370 32. I'll! 2,N9 3I.3S0 I II. UK) c.iliillilutcM Mini oIIutm ilonlrlliK to i i:urii tinn, I'unillilotoH who nut IhiMIhk liuok nl NorliHlifUH Nlioultl IhIiik tlmiii In now Without full HllllHCTlllllllllH Will IHIVKr count foi' ho iniioli attain. lHirlnf lint next fow titty It will tie IxiihI litrK'ily tiiion Urn offurtu or wtrh oiinillilitiii mi to who will win ninl who will not win, llon't Int IIiIh dilution Hllp ny. inur tioiniiuiiioiN win not, you limy rum. iiHmmd. uml unleitK you ki-1 ntir uiilliilili MiiliHcrltitlini ilurlnit the reitlltlliltiK ilipn or Hi" coiiti'Mt. you inuy li ili rnt.'il by it very miiiiiII nuiicln. Ono Woe it Left. Ilrur lii tiiiml I mil tlm content Imx not rliwril. nor will it t'lonu until (lie hour ninl tlw minute uml the M't-ontl Nt'hi-iliil i'il. When tlm hour of 13, on Hittur ill y nlKllli Orlolmr 3V, In IiooiiumI OVit n nli-iii worhl your rlimifo of uuikliiK i.p it luttU of miIiin will I hi liroiiKhl to ,t lirmlimtlipii, hut tin iimt iinn rviry Jouii" (inly him mi -iintl opp'irtnnlly 'I'll" fouipillHtlon UN to wlm I would liHiipt-u U iuti hniIuk from nmny view piiliiln KlrM, It mIkiuh tliut prnrll citlly vrry llttli' Inin li.fii iiorm liy (nunc or tin' onnillilHlix unit otu of I linn Iuih it Kufflt'linit niimlirr of votcn mo tlmy chii r.'Ht iiimiii tlu-ir limrt'lit with imrfoct roniioiiu, A llllln cii-opiriilliill, it llt tli. i-ffort. n fiw liinitn Mpi'iit In iii'lii.il (iinvnanlim' for voIun. will nufflro to rhttiiK" Hi" wliiilo HKptct of tlic uontt'Ml I'ur i'nliipl". Iiuil llir I'Diilrnt alimnl Hat in ilit v. tin. Iltitt'k nulouinlilli' uoulil lilt' itoim lo llir li-nillnK rniiilliliitn III ituy illHtilrt for ImH limn tvn In pny UltOllM Oil MtlllfO'l IpllolIM, uml It In pio- poNliroiiN for mi omiillilxlt. to fiuully Imp.' tliul Nllcll it liouuty will fit 1 1 to tin tut of it. li Hit. niiiNt lut'ky lllillMiluitl In tlm wliiilo linmil litml. for hoiuimiuh will .h luyliiK it plmi of itutlou, ami tlin firm IIiIiik mik'Ii oiimlliliiirH know tliflr lal win tm ovi'ttniiii', thlr frlnttilH umrriii u..il Into miothtir oh nip um) tlmy will ln xtniinlwl. TIiIn In iIip limn for nctlon, for lliiaikiit uml for tinili'itvor of ni'in klmlN Tlm pupiitiir votlm; contit of lli'ilfnril In not u "lucky iiouttNt," nor inn. In which iiny cmnlldittn ian win without vnti'i. Tiii inoHt pippnlitr con toHtunt In tint wholo coulmt woiitil lie 't'lnirt' In tut Inhcriint tfiuli'iicy In oviry limn mul woman lo tiinkn it ntreiu: fin IhIi No nut I lor what In martiM, cv ih.ft" tttl If no ntlKiitloii with kIvcii to tlu uiatliT of NctMirlnt; voto. iryiiii" iliMri'N to mitki. a mioil ouiIIuk unit tlo more flourish Hint can Int lent to any couti'Ht. Im It a ruoi', n ram patK'n for imhllc offico or a niiint for n (iplriiillil prUc. Illic iIiohk offi-roil to the youim' Imlli'it of llilft tiirrltory by tin' Nlitll TiIIiiiiim votlm; cinit. mi. It mitk no iliffcrt'iice- -nil who aro tnkliiK pari wan I to fjnlNti NlroiiK An ituiilyNlN of the votlm; ami the io nIIIoiin of Hut t'ltmllihtlcH oh nIiowii Id the iiuIiIIhIiiiiI Ntiuullim liclniv, hIiow tliitt noiiio halr-raiNlm; f IiiIhIu-m may In 'Xpirtril Time ami time HK'iln li.ivi tlioNt' who were NcciiilnKly illittiiiicc fni'Kfil to the front, mul la not a few oiihi'N liitMt laki'ii a ili'i'lili'il Icatl. Open Evouinir. I'or tho hmiofit of HioNo who aro not nhlo lo Ktt to t 111 h offico iltirliift IiuhI iii'nn Mourn tho conlcNt i1itnrttimut will ho open every ovcnlnu until 0 o'clock. DIHTRICT NO. 1. Ii;oludoi All tti Territory In tti Olty of Mcdford. ,MInn Craw'fonl, pliinlHt, KiihIi drill ...! 3IS.70O Kiln (Inunyaw. 107 N Central. .314.8(10 .Mario I'.lfurt, N. I'ront 311.170 .May llu.,auau. Sort II. Taylor. ..313,370 Ma(el Hay. 1101 W. .Main 3I3,mi .May llalley, N. Front SlS.ir.o .Mrn W M l'onl, I'ortliintl iivii. .340,180 lone I'lyuu, Ullf. N, Tenth. ...1. 330,750 llaxelle Tlce. 'JOS N tVntrnl. . ..339,310 .Myrtle I'alhoun, 8 H. (Viilral. . . .aSS.tUO I'liiuciH Inirhain, 113 H. Holly. .337.1811 llerillua llencomo, Ti'iilh Nt .13fi,fii.o AniiH McMahon. 107 H Ivy 331.780 Jeiinlo Undue, OKI K. Onkiliilo. ...3:13.100 llernlce Canler, :iin W. .liitikMou 320,1(0 Kittle Hiii'Mcnn, .If. OraiiKO 33S.JI0 Mainlo N. OalneH, H, (Int p. 3'.'ri,70ii Mayhello .loneN, lliWNey'ii Htore.3Sri.3l0 Nellie Hlorm. 3I H. tlonlrnl. . . .31 1.7S Mary H IIiihwi-II. S O. I'linluce. ,30K,.11h Anna ttmltli, 30 M. Ivy .IllS.IUii Mfila lllHh, 28 N. Court 3ll7,IS0 i:it .lane OhIiuiii, 613 t)akilale. ..IHS.lrlO lii'illut lially. I0S S Ivy aoo.iiso .Minnie l.lnir. KuMt Main 2'J8,il Anna IVIiihoii. H. Holly 'JS'J.IUi' Mary dote. 130 H, Ccnlial 350,710 Cilia .IiicoIih, 113 H Ceulral 21ft,7lii I til I It Vail Dyke. ! W. 1311 311.180 Alouit Hiio.Ikiuhm, III I H. Central.. 310,170 Nellie llMiliM, I'aclflo Tel. Co. .3111,150 .Mil IV I'ayne, I3n N llillllolt. . . I !MI, ISO Muy'helle Kliicitlil. SOS Aplihi 17T..I70 llnri'lett I'alll. 82ri W. Ninth ...1(12,010 llaxelle ItllKHiillle, H, HIvcinIiIo ..137.100 Ituliv llurke. ,1il ami N. Unrtlutt..l33.l70 (liiico Offul, 110 N. (Irnpi 120,(1:10 Maty KlttllilKC 201 H. (Irapo. ... 112.050 Mrn, II, Oietroi-y. 232 I J. Until, .. 08. ICO Klniliu WIImoii. Hplrella l'urlorH 82.7(10 VI, In 'I'lini'iiliiii't; H. 1 toll V S2.7l'i .li'HHle Cole, 70f! N. Central 77,100 llatllo Allen. 313 W Ton tit 18,(2'i (lince McCov, .110 N. Central.... 01,780 .Inllii C. PMeliler. 710 K. Main... fi.700 l.uella Camphell, 711 W. HIkIiIIi . -19.200 Nina Itakeiinan. 21 W. Tenth... 40.180 Chirn HpliiKatle, 204 Central.... 43,070 Miiliel Allekey. 33 H. Fir. 12,710 MIhh AmlroW'H, east end 13. Main 41,070 (lladyn Hoard, earn end 10. Main 41,2(10 Nut tin Hartley. R Third 3.1,820 KHlhiT Murphy, Kit N. Fir 34.730 Klhlyn HeWiH. 301 W. Ilth.... 20.180 .IchhIii I'linily, H Holly 10, 1 so Mlllcent I'olfer. I IB N. Onltiliiln, . 12.820 Cliace llrown, 1221 W. Main .... 7,780 Itehecca Clinton. 101 H. Nowtown 1'30 Mary 1'lnHter, Moiitoiiiury Co.. 310 Hlvn IlaycH. olty 200 DIBTniOT NO. 3. Include All Torrltory Oittslrto Olty of Mertforrt. Dlllln Hall, IIiowiihIioio 328,100 l.eonu I'lrlell, .lackHonvlllo 327,800 Mayhello I'eait. Central I'olnt. .320,1(10 Ida IIccih. Woodvlllo 326.7H0 (llndyH .Miller, Woodvlllo asi. o I'llcanor I'oworH, Talent. ...... ..12.1. 180 Itholta llohhlliH. Wooilvlllo 322.700 draco Colby, flrnwiiHlioro .122,1110 IOiUki Nell. AhIiIiiiuI 321,710 Mm W H. WhlloHld... Cent. l't..13I.IIO (lIVil Hcoll. WOO.IVIII............320 00 MIhh llt-iiirli'it Moore, AhIiIiiiuI.. 2 ,100 (imilola Cnriilhan, Talent 3!R'7JS Alurv I'eter, JatdtHonvlllo ...... ..II 0,2.i0 Haiah Mobli. Central I'olnt '?,''; Wliiiilfreil OuvIm, AhIiIiuiiI , . , . , ,.1011,800 Iivii Noi'ci'ohh. Central Point ,,, .207,8 ill Mm o (liiKe, neiiKio ;'"'"" Mauule Daly, KhkIo I'olnt . . .213,010 Hiifel r'rowHiiii, AhIiIiiiuI .. 221,010 Myrit Ankow, lleitulo .2ll,78. Mil Hi it Moore, drmilH I'nn 180 270 Ituhy I'lilmor, AnIiIuihI 1H2.10O l.lloy llitrmou, drnnlM I'iihh 10.' I7n rrmiccH Hniiilllon, AhIiIiiiiiI ... 101,320 Nettle lliirtley, Welleil 160,710 dronnrl JiicliHon, CukIii I'olnt.. . It'j.KSo IMuit Hit ye n, Oohl Hill IM!M Clnni IthodoN, AhIiIuikI 123,330 Mollla Ituy, Ittlch 1 1. I on Amy DiivIm, liuiicom 112,2(10 llerllia Kinfth. liuiicom , KO.oin Amy DmvIn. llutit'Otll 90. 160 llcrnlro Kdmonnou, Iluttu 1'itlln .. tifl,71o .MInn Holly, ANhlmid HS.5I0 MImm K. l'eelir. Illitto ImiIIh VS.non .tiayiiellit rurMOUN, AHlilmul 72.CZ0 Olllo IIOKlle. (lolil HIM .MilliUle joiieN, Mcaitlt , , Viola Kmllli. Hull.. I'iiIIm Minn llowmiin, Aahtmul ,., I, en .Mldilli'biiNher, Trail Leila Morelock, Oohl Hill iinru riKyrinim, Iran See Price Cards in the Window Don't Miss This Opportunity rfr SALE OF BED SETS Como nnd liavo a look In tho window thon como Into the store. You will see tlio boat values In bod sota ovor offered In this city. You will notlco at a glance tlia t tho grades aro all that wa claim and that overy piece would bo a bar gain at tho regular price. Don't wait, but como Monday and reap tho advantage of an early solcctlon. 'rait Klorn Hlinfer. Klltniilnrvlllu Fay llurcholl, Woodvlllit . Kiln WIMInitiN, Central I'olnt Kinitin. Wnmlt, Jacktionvlllo Delia Miller. Tiull ... Mnrlo Cnrnlhau, Trail 19,41,0 , Vera Hkeuu, Aahhtui H.fiUi. I May IIiinIi, AhIiUiiiI 10,340 i May Howe. Trail 12.780 inn WlllntH, I'rrHlltl 3,l Ullit Htoli'M. Woodvllln JI0 CliitoiiNit McCredlr, Central Point 3 dortrtulu NluholH. Iluttu KnllN... 20 ' s r :nmimrn j . ,U. fill I 111: t m&& -J 'StJJI Regular Prlco Enamel IJed $10.00 Good 8prlngo 3.50 Good Mattreui C.00 Neat Drcasor ' 13.50 Feather I'lllowa 2.50 Total ?35.50 8eo window. SALE PRICE $28,00 Prince Dead. LONDON'. Oft. '22. 1'rmce I-'nin-(Ih of 'IVek. brollior of Queen Mitrv, ilieil (oiliiy of pIciiriHy. Hoceiitly tlic priiii'o underwent two surgical operations. Residence Lots (.orated In tlio exclusive high cIitHii resilience district of Mud ford, dose In and commanding a beautiful view of tlm city, In Conroy and Clancy's subdivi sion, lying botweeu and ad joining ICr.Ht Main streot and Koddy ..vonuc. If you nro con templating tho building of n homo ll will pay you to lnves tlgnto this proposition. A. F. Barnett .1ACKSO.V CO. IIAXIC llLDO. FOUR FIREMEN HURT IN LOS ANGELES EIRE Regular $14.50 Chiffoniers to Match Above Set $10.75 18.00 Enamelled Bed 1C50 Oak Dresner JG.fiO Extra Mattro3S $3. .50 Extra Springs . J- ' ' ' $3.60 Extra Pillows f " $ 17.50 Hogulnr low prlco of act SALE PRICE $39.90 $20.00 Brass Bed $20.00 Birds Eyo Maple Dresser $10.00 Silk Floss Mattress $5.50 Coll Springs (Leggltt) guaranteed for 15 years. $4.00 FIno Pillows $59.50 Regular, lowir prlco of set. SALE PRICE $48.00 Regular $22.50 Chlffonlor to mntch abovo set $10.00 Regular $22.50 Bird's Eyo Chiffonier to match abovo set $10.00 Weeks & McGowan 114 to 124 West Main Street. Co. I.OS AXGELKS, Cal., Oct. 'J'J. Four firemen tiro Kufferiiig from in linen ioilnv HiiHtitiiieil while fighting a fife tliut tliretiteneil to tU'Mroy the N'ouiiuirk building on South Rroirl wiiy. It in belioveil nil will recover. Tlio fire Hlarteil oil tlio hixth lloor of the building, occupied by the salesroom of tlio I'lirmlco Maiiufnc tutiiig comimny, nnd K)ircad throiigh the hixth, fifth and fourth floors iu foro it wiih clieeked. The loss will he less limn .flOU.OOO. CATARRH SUFFEREUS Good Thing to Know. We Feature ITnmiltoii "Watches. ITownrd Watches. Libby Cut Glass. Waterman Fountain Pens and nerfect dia nionds ud to 'I carats. Prices ahvavs the lowest. J. W. DIAMOND 115 East Main Street. 4 t X - I T I If you now own a Ilyomel hard ( rubber Inhalor, CIiiih. Strang wants (you tp ltnow that ho will soil you n hottlo of IIYOMEI for only 00 coins. Remombor this, all who suffor with catarrh a bottlo of IIYOMEI (pro- 'lounco it Illgn'o-mo) Is put up In a aopnraio pneungo nnti mini iur ou cents, to nccoihmodnto tho vnst army or pooplo who nlready own a llyomol inhnlur. CIiiih. Strang will soil it to you nt that prlco nnd glvo you tho opportu nity to bogln nt onco to rid yoursolf of vllo catarrh nnd tlio snuffling, hawking nnd spitting thnt go with it. Many pooplo through yoars of nog loot havo lot catarrh got a strong hold upon thorn. Sonio of theso poo plo unreasonably think that ono bot tlo of IIYOMEI ought to euro thoin. No ninttor how chronlo your cn tarrhnl troublos, IIYOMEI Is guaran teed by Clms. Strang to euro thorn If you glvo It hnlf n chanco. Just broatho It, that's nil, nnd Us hoallng, joothlng, nnttiioptlo properties will umko you fool bottor In n day. If you own nn Inhaler got n 50 cont bottlo of IIYOMEI today. It you do not own a llyomol Inhnlor, ask for a $1.00 outfit, which Includes Inhalor. j ;; i.jr- kvW" ', .VPn WE HAE PLENTY OF CASH to meet all checks on this bank without delay. The Farmors' and Fruitgrowers' bank carries a larger cash resorvo than tho banking laws call for. It w therefore always in a condition to mnko prompt cash loans to depositors on nccoptnblo secur ity. If you have no account then tlus fact may mnko it worth your while- to open ono. ii :; n rar i nparrp iH il ' ' H H I AMi XKW IM(rUUKS THIS AlKIlNOOX AX!) KVKXIXG. I 'It I SONG BY ALtSS DAVIS . I B B B Changes Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. fl B Matinee evory Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 p. m. B :; Dr. L. M. Gordon niROXIC, SPl.VAL AXI) NERVOUS DISEASES. Offico ovor Medford Hard waro company, 21 C E. Main street, Medford, Orogon. OFFICE HOURS: 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m. 7 to S p. in. Sunday and other hours by appolntmont. TO SET DEFINITE DATE FOR NEW RATES - F. Guerin & Co. 4 Medford National Bank Building have Two thousand dollars to loan at ten per cent. Ten thousand dollars to loan at eight per cent and other amounts at similar rates. First mortgage real estate security only. If you novor "loso any tlmo" ox- copt thnt spout In fruitlessly answer- lirht l'.'nil ltoHH. feniriil I'olnt DHL', HID ,... , .,.,,. ,,, im,i Mary OlHOii, Central I'olnt 201,800 'B wmit, ' . ' " GREAT CROWDS HEAR T. F 0'CONNER SPEAK SKATTliK, WiibIi., Oct, 122. An iniinciiKo nudienco filled AUmnibra 'tlienter liihl night to greet T. V. O'Connor, tlio ilistiiiKtiUliod Ivisli publicist, who delivered a leoturo, in J irolnnd's long nnd bittor strugglo for tlm right of homo rulo is almost fin ished. "Wo havo now ovory other point eontendod for," said Mr. O'Connor, "and tho horizon is rapidly. oloaring tor tho dawn of a bottor day, a day tho eoureo of which ho declared that that will rosult in our froodom." WASHINGTON, Oct. 22. Tho in torstato commorco commission today has under consideration tho quostiou of sotting a definite date when tho ratos ou tho so-called mountain anil oast oarriero will go into offeot. Attorney Soth Mann, for tho traf fic bureau of tho San Francisco Mer chants' Exohango, nmdo tho argu ment boforo tho commission for tho reduction. Mann was opposed by Judge llarlino of tho Nevada com mission, plaintiffs in tho oast and wost-bound rnto caso. A storo bhould bo ndvorilsod ns regularly as It la oponed for business. SALE Flno lot on W. 2nd St $525 Two largo lots ou W. 11th St $750 High lots on Columbus Avo. $300 Now 5 room houso, city water $1,400 C room Ueatty st resldonco, $2,550 Modorn bungalow, Grapo St. iiiiitttiti(iiiiYUMOU G room Modern bungalow, King street $2,400 Modorn, G rooms, Nowtown street $2,025 Now, modorn, 7 rooms, on Peach streot $2,300 Now, modorn, 7 rooms, closo in $4,500 Also bargans n ranches, McArthur & Alexander Poatofflco Block. BRIDGE Hi ,li SCORE GIRDS NEW STYLES DIRECT TROM NEW YORK MEDFDRB BOOK STOn E I 5