MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFQED, OREGON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1910. WANTED r One First Class Bench Man WILL PAY GOOD SALARY FOR A GOOD MAN l . i We also Want Teams for Hauling Lumber Advertised letter List. . The following letters remain un called for at tlie postoffice at Med ford, Or., Wednesday, October 19: Mrs. Austin, John Astbury, Clif ford Adkins, Charles Bachman, Win. E. Burdett, Edward Bend, Carl Blank, SYed W. Berjr, C. S. Beebe, II. A. Cnrtwrijjnt, J. J. Campbell, Mrs. Flor ence H. Cooper, Sam Cole, R. E. Chapmnn. Evelvn Christmnn. Rov C Clark, Jim Conley, E. W. Countiss, Mrs. Craton, Fred Crystal, E. F. Crews, J. II. Culey, Charlie Davids, Wm. Q. Davis, W. E. De Roboum, C. A. Dixon, Fred H. Downing, Margaret BInckie Fitch, Mrs. G. Fleming, Geo. Getley, 0. II. Goodell, Mrs. D. Good ale. Henry E. Gokej, Kenneth Hnzlett, Will Horton. E. R. Horswill, Henry II. Hopkins. H. Huenergaxt, Joscph ene Huston. D. J. Hvlnnd. B. F. Johnson, J. J. Jncqbs, Mrs. Mollie Jacobs, Murray R. King, Mrs. Marie Kline, Harry Kobas, Jas. T. Little, J. B. Lindsay, Bert Love, F. J. Lucid Chnrlcs Moe, Mrs. 0. M. Moore, J. L. McFarlin, George Mayer, C. 0. W. Marsh, Roy McOrew, Mark McKcu, Guy 11. MeLcod, J. E. McKerd, John Morgan, II. II. Miller, C. 0. Metcalf, R. K. Pratt. II. U. Perry, Mr. Pntnter- on. E A. Peek. W. L. Pike. E. A. Retiisou. Blanche Reed, G. JV. Rich ard, John Knmposns, Maria M. Rob ert:?, Moto Rohovic. Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Kersten Russell, Mrs. Katie So uuin, C. B. Scars. C. T. Slover, Chns. A. Snoff, S. C. Stiiuson, D. F. Swcn son, George Schiller, George Stuart, Henry Silly, Mr. Claud ThompsoM. Al Titus. Jesse A. Smith, C. Smith, John Smith. Arthur Stobblefiehi. Alick Stout. Mrs. Jack True. Rodncv II. Thompson, Hen Thurtle, Thom son Bros.. Clifford Vaughn, Jessie Watson, Frank J. Whalcn, Catherine M. Walcum, Harvo Walton. W. 0. Wells. Mrs. May Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, Arthur Wilson, Geo. Wilson, MVs. Eva Wolf. Mrs. W. W. Woodward, Ada Wooley, N. Wood ward, J. II. Young, A. B. Zimmer man. Parties calling for tin nlimo let ters will please say "advertised." A chargi) of 1 cent will bu Hindu upon delivedy. . A. SI. WOODFORD. 1. F. PHOENIX, Ariz., Oct. 22. If n propoHltlon which will bo presented Moudny to the constitutional conven tion Ib Incorporated In tho constitu tion for ttio now state, pnrnonn wIhIi lug to mnrry lit Arizona will bo com- pulled to prvuent n cortlflcntu of health boforo n license may bo no curod. Tho proponltlon Is modolod on tho law now existing In Washington. Tho riirllricnto must, according to ttu UirniH, bo nlgned by n llconnod phy alclnn and uiuut bo riled with tho clerk Issuing tho mnrrlnco license. Hniklna for health. BIG FALL ECONOMY SALE At the Big Department Store KENTNER'S Medford's Big Department Store This is your OPPORTUNI TY TO SAVE MONEY on first-class merchandise Just One Week Left of the Wonderful Sale The great Economy Sale will just lost one more week. You will find hundreds of bargains hero this week that wore not on sale on tho opening days. Wo aro mak ing extra efforts to make this sale one of the greatest this stoVo ovc-r held. Come In this week and go through tho many dopnrtcmntH and sou If you don't find n lot of exceptionally good bargains. We are sure that we are offering highest grade merchandise nt tho lowest prices over waned la UiIb city. MANY SPECIALS NOT MENTIONED horo may be seen at the store t 1 , v L-M .1 P ti $LS) KftVS' ... "-X 5A v& umines KV yiiX r Vf f . S Si 't-V - , . . i m s s :t m n. i nr nr nnvs' Knon mi4, is 4Kvs i&r ;3S it Pants Suits: $2.50 val- ifcy VD" iSW Vw J0 ni "He BV t1 L i I US.lS'f ' X-J VS mrP- r AV S200 Su,ts. woo, 3-00 hbbri VrATTulL, .o CA . , WWVhI fo.uv, ui . ., lii'-' ' ifi 150 Su,t8' W001, 4,t)0 I'k Sl m . . V M 'VV at ... .93.18 "tf,W an I v.v ire o..i i ,i C il HO k)UllO, tUUi, fU.VV to $7.50, at ....$5.00 "Ravr fvrfia nnrl K-a Long Pants Suits nil go -r-s asm a bu .-:v n ... .i-..""n , lH 1 1 Hi -ut 1J 'kvl t-XtiCV , i"2&Z6 Ifies''&L?-ALiM -..aiilL 'w - r m aou ' - -i-i i cAirov',.'-uwinn'vywcaAx- Ladies' Suit Department Largest stock of Ready-to-Wears to bo found In Southern Oregon. SILK SKIRTS, SILK AND WOOL DRESSES, LAT EST IN CLOAKS AND CAPES. IUIj assortments; prises from Ot IU plUU Sale of Ladies' Goats 20 long black Cloaks; regular $10.00 values; aa wk now on sale at $"!" 25 long black Coats; 8.00 values; y M Af LADIES' HOUSES DRESSES AND WRAPPERS WINTER KIMONAS COc TO $3.00 FLANNELETTE GOWNS, 5I5c TO $2.50 Ladies' Belt Sale 12 dozen Dolts, all styles, 25c to 50c values; ealo . . .lie 5 dozen IndleB' Dolts, 50c and 65c values, at "7c 10 dozon Indies' Belts, 75o to 1.00 values, at 30c Notions 1 lei fine Neckwear, 25c to 35c lie 1 lot fine Neckwear, 50c to 75c . . .' 20c 1 lot ladies' largo size Bags, $1.25, spochl 00c 1 lot Indies' largo slzo Ergs, $2.00, special $1.25 Simple lino of B;uk Combs, 33 per cent discount; val ues 50c to $2.00. So many small articles to mention, you will bo obliged f to como to our store and seo 'or yo'TEelf. Sweaters Ladled and children's Sweaters, tho most complete Huo over shown; ill Aiill be cut In pi Ice during this sale. Towels Hemncd Cotton Towels, size 14 by 25; Cc; at..8c Hemmed Huck, rogular 20c, bought as a leader for 15c, slzo 20 by 42; for sale 0c Blea. Both, 17 by 35, 15c; at 10c Hart Schaffner 6c Marx Clothes All H. S. & M, Suits and Overcoats reduced at least 15 per cont for this groat Emonomy Snle. During this sale we offer Men's Suits $7.50 to $30 Men's Shoes Men's $3.00 Shoes reduced for this salo to, fy ai pair $JLtf e) BoyB Shoes, ages 3 to 5, regular $2.50 t. aa values; this salo . , VUw Boys' Shoes, sizes S'i to 13; regular $1.50 A a A values, for ipl All Seo our special values In other lots of shoes for boys and mon. 9 Specials for Men Men's Flannol Shirts, $2.00 values 91.11 Men's Flan-iol Colored Shirts, $2.00 vnluo $1.38 Men's Soft Shirts, $1.25 value OHc Men's Outing Flannel Shirts, 75c valuo 03c Men's Fleeced Underwear at '. -lc Men's Wool Underwear, 76c to $1.50 valuca 03c Men's Work Suaponrlors, 50c values 31c 1 lot of Evonlug Vests, $1.50 to $3.00 values VI. 10 1 lot of henvy Work Hhlrts, $1.00 values 87o 1 lot Outing Flannel Work Shirts, COc valuo at... 30c Blanket Sale Cotton Sheet Blankets, rogular C5c, at 18c Cotton gray, tan, whlto, 11-4, $1.35 valuo $1.10 12-4 gray Blankets, hoavy, $2.50 valuo $1.08 12-4 tan Blrnkets, $2 valuo, special nt tjtl,5H Best heavy wool Blankotw, rogular $4,50, special ,.$3.30 100 plain and plaid Blnnkots, 11-4, regular $2.50, spo- clal $1.08 WOOL BLANKETS, PAIR $0.00 TO $12.50 Comfort Sale Benutlful Comforts, floral design, figured on both sides, woll stitched; logulnr $1.50; at $1.10 Sllkallno, covered ?nd tied with wool yam; samo both sldos; regular $1.90, at $1.10 Domestics Bleached Cotton Toweling, 5c, at 3JJ lC-lncl. brown Toweling, 8 l-3c, at OJjJc 19-inch brown Toweling, 10c, at 7!5c 19-Inch glnHB Tjwollng, 15c, r.t 10c Dark Porcnlo, full standard mil fast color; our lend ers at 12jc; special.. Oc Full ctandnrd Porcalo; reg ular 7c; at 5c Outing Flannels; light and dark colors; regular 8 l-3c; at .5c Apron Ginghams 0c Llgh. color Flnnnolotto; 28 Inch; 10c; nff 0Ji! Blenched Munlln, oxtrn; reg ular I'iViC (juallty ... .Oo t 0-Inch Curtain Mull; regu lar 25c; at 10c 3G-lnch Arabian Curtain Not; regular quality 20c; nt 12)ic 30-lnch Burlap; nil colors; 20c; at 15c Cotton Eldordown, sultablo for klmonas; 27 Inches wdo; rogular 20c, nt 12&o Light and dark Flannolottes, sult'.blo for wrappers; regular 12'jc and 15u qunlltloH; special ....Oc Oonulno Lonsdnlo Cambric; lC'jc; nt 12jSu m Ladies' and Childrens for Winter Brown Durroll fleeced; 00c valuo, at 15c SPECIAL VALUES IN LADIES' AND MISSES' UNION SUITS. 1 lot gray wool Union Suits, $1.00 to $2.00 values; all Ko t 7,,. 1 lot ladles' Union Suits aoe 1 lot ladloH' Union Suits, 75c to $1,00 values OOc Boys' henvy floeccd, 35o vnluo n,. Groceries for Less (lot full valuo for both of tluim by getting your tablo supplies from our Pure Food department. Cheap, "off brand" goods luivo no placo horo. Why not got the bettor kind? ExcIuhIvo Soiling of "Vakliun llopt" Flour. Makes bottor bread with less trouble than any othor flour on tho market, $1.75 por snek, $0.50 per barrol, Applegnto butter positively unoqiialed in freshnoss and flavor, Many othor oxcluslvo linos, nil tho vory best in tholr particular field, OltOClBItY PHONE MAIN 3272 jil iira jjj .Wfcrfc