Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 20, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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i .I'm
An ordinance declaring tho cost of
tho Improvement ot North ilnrtlott
Vstrect from Hast Mnln streot to East
Sixth nnd assessing tho property ben
reflted thereby, nnd dcclnrlng such as
sessment, nnd directing tho entry
ft thereof In tho docket of city lions.
Tlo city ot Medford doth ordain
as follews:
Section 1. That no protests having
ibeon filed against tho Impiovcmont
'of North Btlott St. from East Mnln
street to Enst Sixth street, duo notice
fof tho Intention ot tho council to
causo said Improvement to bo mndo
ishnvlng been given, nnd said lmprovc
,' ment having been ordered mndc, the
council has considered tho mntter
and herewith ascertains tho probablo
.cost of making such Improvement to
be tho sum of $2079.20.
A:td 6nld council furthor finds that
tho special nnd peculiar bonoflt ac
cruing upon each lot or part thereof
adjacent to said Improvement nnd In
JUBt proportion to benefits, to bo tho
respective smnunts hereinafter set
opposite tho number or description of
each lot or part thereof, and such
amounts respectively are horobv de
clared to be tho proportionate sharo
of each lot or part thereof ot tho
cost of euch Improvement, and Is
hereby declared to bo assessed
against said let or pircols respec
tively, tho nanio appearing abovo each
..'description being tho namo ot tho
owner of such lot or parcel.
Assessment No. 1 Wm. P. Floyd.
The north 115 feet ot lot 1, block 18,
original townslto of tho city of Med-
!ford, Oregon; frontage 115 feet on
the west side of North Bartlett street,
and described In Vol. SO, pago 310,
county recorder's records of Jackson
25 foot on tho north sldo ot said ft tttitnl 1 nttil ilndnfllinil 111
INO OF THE ALLEYS IN BLOCK ,; ,', " , " " "mty Vccot;d.
THREE AND THIRTEEN, OR1- er. rcCords ot Jnckson county. Oro-
GINAL TOWNSITE OF THE CITY gon; 25 foot. Rnto per foot, $8, IB.
OF MEDFORD, OREGON. Amount, $53.75.
Assessment No. 1. J. E. Enynrt. Assessment No. 21. Hutchinson ft
Lot 1, block 3, original townslto ot Lumsden. Lot 4, block U. original
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front- , townslto of the city ot Medford, Ore-
nge 2S feet on tho north sldo ot said t?on; frontage 25 foot on tho north
nlley In block 3, and described In
Vol. 22, page 17S, county recorder's
records ot Jackson county, Oregon;
2S foot; rate per foot $2.15; amount
Assessment No. 2. J. E. Enynrt.
Lot 3, block 3 original townslto ot
tho city ot Medford, Oregon; front
age 25 foot on tho north sldo ot tho
said alley In block 3, nnd described
in Vol 22. pago 17S, county record
er's records ot Jackson county, Ore
gon; 25 foot; rnto per toot $2.15;
amount $53.75
Assessment No. 3. J. E. Enynrt.
Lot 3, block 3, original townslto of
tho city of Medford. Oregon; front
ago 25 feet on the north sldo of said
alley in block 3, and described In Vol.
22, pago 17S, county, recorder's ro
of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 foot;
rate per foot. $2.15. Amount, $53.75.
Assessment No. 4. J. E. Enynrt.
Lot 4, block 3, original towntlto of
the city of Medford, Oregon; front-
i!l' WL UU IUU UUIlll 91UU Ul tNUU
nlley In block 3, nnd described in
Vol. 31, page 36S, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Orocon;
25 f et; rato per foot, $2.15. Amount,
Assessment No. 5. D. T. Lawton.
South one-half of lot 5, block 3, ori
ginal townslte of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 25 feet on the north side of
said nlley In block 3, nnd described
In Vol 76, pngo 449, county record
er's records of Jnckson county. Ore
gon; 25 feet; rato per foot $2.15;
amount $53.75
Assessment No. 6. D: T. Lawton.
loot ?5,-U, amount $263.30. ginnl townslte of the city of Medford,
v" Assessment No. 2 Hutchison & Orptren: frontaco 25 feet on the north
Lumsden. The south 25 feet of lot
'1, block 13, original townslte of tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 25
feet on the west side of North Bart
,lett street, and described In Vol. 50,
page 439, county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet;
rato per foot $5.42; amount $35.50.
Assessment No. 3 Joseph H.
Stewart. Lot IS, block 13, original
townslte of t'cc city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 140 feet on tbo west
side of North Bartlett streot, and
described In Vol. 36, pago 28, coun
ty recorder's rccords of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon; 140 feet; rate per foot
$5.42; amount $758.80.
Assessment No. 4 Mrs. A. R.
Phipps. Lot 10, block 3, original
townslte of the city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 140 feet on the east
side of North Bartlett street, and des
cribed In Vol. 72, page 104, county,
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 140 feet: rate per foot
$5.42; amount $758.80.
Assessment No. 5 D. T. Lawton.
South 75 feet lot 9, block 3, original
townslte of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 75 feet on the. east side
of North Bartlett street, and describ
ed in Vol. 76, page 449, county re
corder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 75 feet; rate per foot $5.02;
amount $376.50.
Assessment No. 6 Henry Hum
phrey. North 65 feet lot 9, block 3,
original townslte of the city of Med
ford, Oregon; frontage 65 feet on tho
east side of North Bartlett street, and
described in Vol. 74, page 518, coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon; 65 feet; rato per foot
$5.02; amount $326.30.
Section 2. The recorder of the
city of Medford is hereby directed to
. enter a statement of tho assessments
hereby made in the docket of city
liens, and to elvo notlco by publi
cation as required by tLe charter and
ordinance No. 250 of said city, in the
Dally Mall Tribune, a newepaper pub
lished and of general circulation in
said city.
'The foregoing ordinanco was pass
ed by the city council of tho city of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 4th day of
October, 1910, by the following vete:
Welch aye, Merrick ayo, Emerlck
absent, Wortmnn aye, Elfert ayo and
Demmer aye.
Approved October 5th, 1910.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
To the owner, or reputed owner,
of each parcel of property described
in tho foregolug ordinance as named
therein, anc In tho lion declared by
-Id nrdlnrn'"? ns recorded In the
docket of city liens:
You nro ievfoy notified that the
assessment lec'arod by 'lio forego
ing ordinance !as been m-ido nnd the
lien therefor entered In th city lien
docket, nnd that tho same It duo nnd
you are hereby required to pny the
same to tho city recorder withir ten
days from iro service of this notice,
which servico lc mndo by pulilcatlon
of tbo forcgolLg ordinanco and tills
notice threo times in tho Medford
Mall Tribune, pursuant to an order
of tbo city council of said city.
City Recorder.
Oregen: frontago 25 feet on the north
side of said r.lley in block 3 and de
scribed in volume 76, pago 449,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 25 feet; ra.o per
foot, $2.15; amount, $53.75.
.Assessment No. 7. D. T. Lawton.
South one-half of lot 7, block 3, orl
glnnl townslto of t'ie city of Medford,
Oregon; frontago 25 feet on tho
north sldo of said nlley in block 3,
and described In Vol. 76, pago 449,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 25 feet; rato per
foot, $2.15; ccount, $53.75.
Assessment No. S. D. T. Lawton.
South one-bait of lot 8, block 3 ori
ginal townslte of the city of Mdford,
Oregon; frontage 25 feet on the
north side of said alley of block 3,
and described In Vol. 76, pago 449,
county reecorder's records, of Jack
sou county, Oregon; 25 feet; rato per
foot $2.15; amount $52.75
Assessment No. 9. D. T. Lawton.
South one-half of lot 9, block 3, ori
ginal townslte of the city ot Medford,
Oregon; frontage 25 feet on tho
north side of alley in said block 3,
and described in Vol. 76, page 449,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon; 25 feet;' rato per
foot $2.15; amount $53.75
Assessment No. 10. Warner,
Wortman & Gore. Lot 10, block 3
original townslte of the city of Med
ford, Oregon; frontage 25 feet on
the south side of said alloy in block
3, and described in Vol. 65. page 388,
Vol. 72, pages 104, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
25 feet; rato per foot, $2.15; amount,
Assessment No. 11. Warner
' ..I.! ... ...II )!. I )! t 1 1 it !
Ainu tu twin uiivt in uiutiv ii
described In volume 50, page 439,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 25 foot. Unto per
foot, $2.15. Amount, $53.75.
Assessment No. 22. Ills Bend Mill
ing company. Lot 5, block 13, ori
ginal townslte of the city of Med
ford. Oregon; frontage 20 foot on tho
north side ot said alloy In block 13,
nnd described In olumo 34, pngo
135, county recorder's records of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 20 foot.
Rnto per foot, $2.15. Amount,
Assessment No. 23. Big Ben Mill
ing compnny. Lot 6, block 13, ori
ginal townslte of the city of Med
ford, Oregon, frontage 25 feet on tho
north sldo of said nlley In block 13,
and described In volume 34, pago
136, county recorder's records ot
Jackson count v. Oregen: '-'."i foot.
Rate per foot. $2.15. Amount $53.75.
Assessment No. 24. Big Gcnd Mill
ing company. Lot i, oiook u, origi
nal towusito of tho oitv of Medford.
Oregon'; frontage 25 feet on tho
north side of sMd alley In block 13,
nnd described in volume 34, im:e Utt.
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 25 feet. nRto per
foot, $2.15. Amount $53.75.
Assessment No. 25. Big Bend Mill
ing company. Lot 7, Block 14, origi
nal townslto of tho city of Medford,
Oregen: frontago 25 feet north side
of said alley In block 13, nnd de
scribed In volumo 34, pago 135, coun
ty recorders records of Jnckson
count v, Orecon; 23 feet. Kate oer
foot, "$2.15. Amount. $53.75.
Assessment No. 25. Big Bend Mill
ing company. Lot S, block 13, origi
nal townslte of tho city of Medford,
Oregon; frontago 25 feet north side
of said alley In block 13, and de
scribed in volume 34. page 13.", coun
ty recorder's records of Jnckson
countv. Oregon; 'Jo feet. Kate per
foot, $2.15. Amount, $53.75.
Assessment No. 26. Big Bend Mill
ing company., Lot 9, block 13, origi
nal townslte jot the city of Medford,
Oregen: frontage 25 feet on tho
north side of said alley In block 13,
described in volumo 34, pago 135,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 25 feet. Rato per
foot, $2.15. Amount, $53.75.
Assessment No. 27. Big Bend Mill
ing company. North 74 feet of lot
10, block 13, original townslto of the
city ot Medford, Oregon; frontage,
25 feet-on the south sldo of said nl
ley In block 13, described In volumo
34, page 136, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 25
feet. Rate per foot, $2.15. Amount,
Assessment No. 28. Big Bend Mill
ing comtmny.. north part lot 11
block 13,' originnl townitc of the
city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 25
feet on the couth side of said alley
in block 13, described In volume 34,
page 135, county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feet.
Rate per foot, $2.15. Amount,
Assessment No. 29. Big Bend Mill
ing company. Lot 12, block 13,
original townslte of tho city of Med
ford, Oregon; frontage 25 feet on the
south side of said alley in block 13,
desccrlbed In volume 37, pago 59,
Wortman & Gore. Lot 11, block 3, . county recorder's records of Jnckson
original townslte of the city of Med-' county, Oregon; 25 feet. Rato per
ford, Oregon; forntage 25 feet on the j foot, $2.15. Amount, $53.75.
south sldo of said alley of block 3, - Assessment No. 30. Hutchison &
and described In Vol. 16, pago 492, Lumsden. Lot 13, block 13, original
county recorder's records of Jackson j townslte of tho city of Medford, Ore
county, Oregon; 25 feet; rato per gon; frontage 25 feet on the south
foot, $2.15; .-mount, $53.75. ' side of said nlley In block 13, de-
Assessment No. 12. Wnrner i scribed In volume 50, page 439, coun-
Wortman tc Gore. Lot 12, diock j, ty recorder's records of Jackson
original townslte of the city of Med
ford, Oregon; frontago 25 feet on the
south side of said alley in block 3,
and described in Vol 16. pago 492,
county recorder'- records of Jack
son county, Oregon; 25 feet; rato per
fdot $2.15; amount $53.75
Assessment No. 13. Thomas Mc
Andrews. Lot 13, block 3, original
townslto of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, frontage 25 feet on tho south
side of said alley In block 3, and des
cribed In Vol 10, page 492, county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 25 feet; rnto per foot $2.15
amount $53.75
Assessment No. 14. Bertha S.
Barnum. Lot 1 i. Block 3, original
townslte of tho city of Medford,
Oregon, frontago 25 feet on tho south
side of said alley In block 3, and de
scribed in Vol. 45, pago 345, county
recorder's records of JackEon county,
Oregon; 25 feet. Rato per foot,
$2.15. Amount, $53.75.
Assessment No. 15. Bertha S.
county. Oregon; 25 feet. Rate per
foot, $2.15. Amount, $53. o.
Assessment No. 31. Edward Wil
kinson. Lot 14, block 13, original
townslte of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 20 feet on tho south
side of said alley In block 13, de
scribed In volumo IS, page 282, vol
umo 22, pago 437, county recorder's
records of Jackson-county, Oregon;
20 feet. Rato per foot, $2.15.
Amount, $43.00.
Assessment No. 32. Albert C. Tay
loi. Lot 15, block 13, original town
site of tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 25 feet on tho south side
of said alley In block 13, described
In volumo 28, pago 370, county re
corder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 25 feet. Rato per foot,
$2.15. Amount, $53.75.
Assessment No. 33. I. J. Phipps..
Lot 15, block 13, original townslto
of the city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 25 feet on tho south sldo of said
alley in block 13, described In vol
fkinr To Buy c,ose
VsllUllV'V In Rimnpss
Property, at Such Tremendously Low Figures
25x100 foct.
25x100 ftMt.
w - -.
0 S i
fe 4
O O O , O
o o o
o o m m
n ci pi ei
Hero la a quarter block, located on tho corner of
North Grnpo nnd Went Sixth streets, that will bo on
tho market for a few days only at tho wonderfully low
figure of
Thin Is Just $5000 lean than tho adjoining property can
bo bought tor nt present. If you want tho beat ronlty
buy In tho city of Medford you should go and look nt
this nnd act quick.
There In an 8-room Iioubu on tho corner that In rout
ing for $50.00 a month. Tho houso, together with tho
barn and other buildings, nre oiiHlly worth $3,000. Tho
wntor nnd sowor nro In and paid for. Tho Home Tele
phone building 1h near nnd tho Odd Fellows' building l
In tho next block. Underground wires ot both phono
systems run In tho streot. Both nt roots nro to bo pnvod
next summer.
Will soli all but tho lot facing Sixth streot and locat
ed on tho alloy, If you wish, for $10,500.
This property will mnko six bUHlnens lota each 26 by
100 feet, as you will noto by tho pint.
Dry Your Clothes on a Wet Washday
With a New Perfection Oil Heater
When clothes can't be bung
outside, and must be dried in a
room or cellar, the New Perfection
Oil Heater quickly docs the work
of sun and air. You can hang up
the wet clothes, light your Perfec
tion Oil Heater, open the damper
top, and the heat rises and quickly
dries the clothes.
Do not put off washing to
await a sunny day in order to avoid
mildew. Dry your washing any
day with hot air from a
ArS -BEa
i -JJ
Smokeless r
Absolutely smokeless and odorless
It gives fust as much heat as you desire. It is safe, odorless
and smokeless.
It has an automatic-locking flame spreader, which
frevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and
s easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly
cleaned. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, (be
cause of a new device in construction, and can always be easily
unscrewed for rewicking.
An indicator shows the amount of oil in tho font. Filler-cap docs not need
to be screwed down, but is put In like a cork In a bottle, and Is attached to the
font byachain. Finished injapan or nickel, strong and durable, well-made, built
for service and yet light and ornamental. It has a cool handle and a damper top.
Dealers Everywhere. If not at ycurs, unte for descrfytivt circular
to it ntarttt Ofency of thi
Standard Oil Company
- .' .
Ttnriium. Lot 15. block 3, oriemal umo 11, pago 321, county recorder b
townslte of the city of Medford, Ore
gon, frontago zb reel on mo souin
side of said alley In block 3, and de
scribed In volume 45, pago 345,
county recorder's records of Jack
son county. Oregon; 25 feet. Rato
per foot, $2.15. Amount, $53.75.
Assessment No. 1C. A. II. Sym
cox. Lot 10, block 3, original town
slto of the city of Medford, Oregon,
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
25 feet. Rnto per foot, $2.15.
Amount, $53.75.
Abheshineut No. 'M. Clin. Strniir.
Lot 17, block 13, original townslto
of tho city of Medford, Oregon; .
frontnge 25 feet on tho south sldo of '
said alley In block 13, described In,
volumo 54, pago 314, county record-.
er's records of Jackson county, Oro-
The P. & E. R. R. will soon be at
Butte Falls, Oregon
Wc can then handle your orders. Place them now.
Writo nr Phono u for nriccs.
Butte Falls Lumber Co.
The popular COLONIST FARES will again be in ef
fect between September 15th and October loth during
which period tickets to Grants Pass will bo on sale
daily from
CHICAGO at '. $33.00
ST. LOUIS $32.00
OMAHA $25.00
ST. PAUL $25.00
and from other cities correspondingly low. Thcso are
Westbound, one-way fares only, but anyone here can
PREPAY for relatives or friends in the East, if desired.
Consult your local railroad agent.
to let the world know of our vast resources and splen
did opportunities for HOME BUILDING. Write to
everyone you know in tho East. Send them good in
structive printed matter, and tell them that the cost of
getting hero is but little more than half tho uausl cost,
and to call on a representative of the
for all desired information, or address
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
frontago 25 feet on tho south sldo gon; 25 feet. Rato per foot, $2.15
All ordinanco declaring tho cost of
improvement of alleya in block 3
nnd 13 of tho original townslto and Oresron ; 25 feet.
mo property nenomeu
of said alley In block 3, and described
in volume 72, pngo 287. county re
corder's records of Jackson county,
msEe8" "g
thereby, and declaring such assess
ment. and directing the entry there
of in tho docket of the city Hens.
Section 1. That -no protest having
been filed against tho improvement
of allovfl in block 3 and 13 duo no
tice of the Intention of tho council
to. n "e said Improvement to bo
mndo laving been given and said
improvement having boon ordered
made, the council considered tho mat
ter mi'' herewith ascertains tho cost
of making such improvement to bo
tho sun of $1919.95. And said coun
cil furt 'er finds that tho special
nnd peculiar benefit accruing upon
each ht or pnrt thereof adja
cent to said Improvement, and in
Just proportion to benefits, to bo
tho roepectlvo amounts hereinafter
set1 oppnolto tho number or descrip
tion ot eacii ioi or part mereor, nnu
such afounta respectively aro hereby
declared proportionate share of each
lot or fart thereof, of tho coBt of
such Improvement, and is hereby de
clared to be assessed ngnlnst said lot
or parcels respectively, tho name ap
piring nbove each description bolng
tho nnmo of tho owner of said lot or
Rato per foot,
$2.15. Amount, $53.75.
Assessment No. 17. Mrs. A. R.
Phipps. Lot 17, block 3, original
townslto of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, frontage 50 feet, on tho south
side of said alley in block 3 and do
scdlbed In volumo 5G, pngo 15, coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
Amount. $53.75.
Assessment No. 35. Joseph II. '
Stewart. Lot 18, block 13, original .
townslto of tho city of Medford Ore
gon; frontage 25 feet on tho south
side of said alloy In block 13, do-,
scribed In volumo 3C, pago 28, conn-
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 25 feet. Rato por
foot, $2.15. Amount, $53.75.
Section 2. Tho recorder of tho
city of Medfo"d Is hereby directed
to enter a statement of the nssess-
.. ... r- n. r. t nn )U linn
fnot J2 IE imoiint II 07 50 I "ts heroby mado ln V10 dockot of
foot, $.io. Amount, iu.tju. i . .. . . , iHpn ,. ..,.
ii- C. '.. " ' """ "."j i" ,V" "..'.."-
licatioii us ruijuuvu uy mu unui ivi
and ordinance No. 250 of said slty,
in the Daily Mail Tribune, a news
Assessment No. 18. Hutchinson
Lumsden. South 25 feet of lot 1,
block 13, original townslte of tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontago
25 feet on tho north sldo of said al
ley In block 13, and described In vol
umo 50, pago 439, county recorder's
recordB of Jackson county, Oregon;
25 feet. Rato per foot, $2.15.
Amount, $53.75.
Assessment No. 19. Hutchlnsln &
Lumsden. South 25 feet of lot 2,
block 13, original townslto of tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontago
25 feet on tho north Bldo of said al
loy in block 13, and described in vol
umo 50, pago 439, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;;
25 feet. Rato por foot, $2.15.
Amount, $53.75.
Assessment No. 20. Hutchinson &
Lumsden. South 25 feet of lot 3,
block 13, original townslto of tho
papor published and of cenoral cir
culation ln snld city.
Tho foregoing ordinanco wa3 pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 4th day of
October, 1910, by the following vete:
Welch aye, Merrick ayo, Emerlck
iiye, Wortman aye, Kifurt aye mi
Dommor aye.
Approved October 5th, 1910.
Attest: Robert W. Tolfor, city re
corder. NOTICE.
To tho owner, or reputed owner,
of oach parcel of proporty described
in tho foregoing ordinance, as nnmea
city of Medford, Oregon; frontago therein, and ln tho lien declared by
Medford Iron WorRs
E. G. Trowbridge, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pump
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon foi
Afe if -
The One Right .Way
is the HandrTailor
ed Way.
Your clothes will fit porfoct
ly, wear longor, look bottor
and bo abaolutoly satisfac
tory If furnished by
) W. W. EIFERT--The
Progressive Tailor.
said ordinanco as recorded In the
docket of city liens:
You aro hereby notified that tho
assessment declare? by tho foregoing
ordinanco has been made and tho
Hen thorofor er.torod In tho city lion
docket, and tlm4 tho same Is duo and
you aro hereby required to pay tho You'll occasionally find something
same to tho city recorder within ton advrtJ8ed , tho For s.ilo" column
lays from tho service of this notice, , ,. . vnn .. ,,. '
wnicn service Is made by puunca- " - ..,..... -.. ,, 4.,
Hon of tho foregoing ordinanco and
this notlco threo times In tl o Med
ford Mall Trlbuno, pursuant to an
ordor of tho city council of mild
nOIJT. W. TKM'Klf,
City Rocordor.
For Sale
Fine homo ranch in Orchard
Ilome, half milo from two pavod
streets of Medford, consisting of
8y2 acres in mostly full bearing commercial fruit,
first class: nearly all new buildings; 200 head ol
Team and tools go with tho placo if desirod. If into?
osted t-oino out and sue my big turlcoyy, and priz
winner, Spitzonb wg8 frmwinnr 01 the trur No ov
mifjsiou to agent.