PERSONAL ITEMS L, It. Curdwull or (lold lllll wan lii Medford Thiirmlny mi n ImihIiiohh VlHlt. Dr. Hlnplioiinou In u jtrodunto optl clr.n. Ovnr Allim & KuiiKiui'n. IDG R, W. McCIoikIciii wuh In .Medford from otlltl lllll TlMirHility. Medford Collodion ARuiioy, 10 lior rout chnryud. Ovor Ilurlburt'n now iitnru, tf l 10. Lnktf mill family or Holmlli Dntiolu nro lioro with tlio Intention of locating, Do you know Hint you can buy any amount, from n half aoro mi, In Oak dnto Park addition on ouny tornm? Onlidnlo Land Invonttnont Co., 214 FrultKroworn' Dntik bldj;. tf Jim ItaftH, tlio Orouk, wlio wan victimized to tlio extent of $150 by IiIh almcendlni: countryman, Oconto ItttzoH, off urn u reward of $fi0 for IiIh urroiit, In which ho Ih Joined by tlio othnr Clrcokii on tlio job. U. W. Parnum & Co,, contractor mid builder. Country work u npoc laity. Ordurn nolloltod. Inquire at The ToKgory. M, Bldloy of Lnko Crook, who for yftnrH hold thu offlcco of puiitiiiaiiffr I Intro In nnlto of chain;"-!! of iuIiuIiiIh t ration," boll and IiIkIi water," wiih In Medford Wodiimtdny. Tlio high watur proportion hint lacked coniild orablo of buliiK a joko on numoroiiH occnHlotiH "whin tho byes had to climb tho hlllHldon and itwltu tho cronkn to bring tho mull from llrowiiHboro." Fifty-three ncrou special, 10 acres coming Into bearing orchard. Call on J. II. Wood, Condor Wntor & Powor Co.'h office. tf Mr. and Mm. IC. H. Van Camp of Yrokn, Cnl nro vltdtlng In Mod ford, V. J. Lowry will Iny flooring or tlio work In exchange for a bicycle. tf It. A. McDonald of ICnglo Point wah In Modfonl Vodnendny on a biiHlnoMN vlnlt. For In urn n co, phono 3-191. Ilunt-loy-lCromor Co. 19 1 IMHHim Mlnnlo and Hnzol Wllllntfia of (Irantn Pahh woro Medford vlsl- torH Wed n end ay. I John II. Cnrkln, nttorr.oy-nt-law, ovor Jncknon County Unnl:. W. C. Daloy of I.nko Creek wnH In Medford on bUHlnowi Wodnoitdny. Tho Presbyterian ladles will give tt Hoclnblo I tho church pnrlorH Krl dnyovonlng. All nro Invited. 183 oOorgo 10. Learn of Willows,' CaL, lit In Medford looking over tho vnl ley with u view to locating. ThomiiH Shaw of St. al'til, Minn., and W. T. Hhnw of I'ullmnn, WiihIi., nro hero InveHtlgntlng wouthorn Ore gon possibilities. Mr. and Mrs. W. .11. Cook of So dnlln, Mo., nro In Medford nocking a location. Mr. and Mrs.' P. J. Mlt. of Bono bun: are hero on a visit. John A r noil of Seattle, on of tho blK operntorn In mines and grow er h of plnntu In that city, Ik horo, looking after koiiio InvoHtiuontH ho Iiuh In southern Oregon. Mr. Arnoll Ih considering noveral mining prop ositions in UiIh nectlon. II. 1 Mulkoy, dlHtrlct nltornoy, wnu nt AHhlnnd on IiiibIiivhh Thurs day. Claude IC. Jonoii of SaniB Vnlloy, wnH In Medford ThurHilay on a Iiuh Iuuhh. trip, Murk Applogntu of tho ApploKato mine In tho oParl mining dlHtrlct on ICIk Crook Ih In Medford on a busl iiohh trip of Hovoral dayH duration, MDjOrtD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDiTORD, OREGON, THURSDAY. OOTOl3ljlR 20. 1910, Weeks & McGowan Co. oo. UNDJORTAICISRS DAY PHONE 2271 Nihi 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT NOTHING BUT AN M R OR Hi ANCIENT YUCATAN. Iti Mystsrloua Hulnn Ones the Scan of Human Sacrifices, It wnn Clilohmi-Clrfchun Itzu the tnnifiillliM'iit. I lie TuJ Mnliul of Cuulrnl Aiiiuilcu-iind the building wo were gazing on wim the iiinxt wonderful of tho ruined group. An we looked upon li In thu moon, light we could not help feeling how mwo Innnlrliig ihU coIomhiiI temple. rearing llsolf 1J0 feet Into the air, iiiiihi have been to the iiiicIciHh. On the top of the pyramid Htlll hiuiiiI the criiin blliig ruliiN of it temple. It l reached by n Htalrwny on each Hide of ltn four HldeN, Inivlng 110 Htep uplece, mid couliiliiH three ronnm, the doorpostH of which nro curved with the llguren of (irleNtH, exeetit the one facing entu ward, which ban large plllarH enrved Into tho foriiiH of Herjieiitii. The head of thcHu are turned ho that they lie (lilt upon the top of tho pyramid, their eyo HocketN Htlll bearing tracer) of the rich green Jade thai once Idled them. Ah we nut we pictured to ourMclve thu Htrnngo and barbaric Kcene that had hcru been eimcled. for If legend are to be believed It wiim on tlicno flat tened nurponu' henilH that the tyrant prleHtH of the Hwih. iiiiiJcaIIc In their beJeweliMl and befeathered robeu, tore out the palpitating lieartH of their hiic rlllclnl vIctlniH after Hllclng open the brenHtH with a Hllex knife. Thcwe wicrlllceH were probnbly per formed In view of thotiNatids of wor Hlilpem of the huh deity congregated on the plnlim below, tho heart after It wnn torn from the membrniiCH being burnc"l iik an olTerlng In tho Inner holy of IioIIch. while the body of the victim rolled down the Htone atepi to bo sacra. meutnlly enten by the people. World Wide Magazine. Dr. Porter Gets Case From Dun3 mulr, as Victim of Accident Has Faith Only In Ono of Undo Sam's Army Physicians. THE HURRY HABIT. .Showing tlio iuteiiHu legard held by tlio rank mill i'ilo of Undo Hum h Holdior boyfl Tor nrmy pliyHieiuua, J. S. Miller oil lJuiiHiutiir (IiIh punt week put up with the pain from n i'rnoturocl arm until lie could runc'i this city and liuvcUr. K. II. Porter 'Mix it up." In tlio meantime ho HCOrileil tllO UHHiHtllllOO of doctoiH 111 lii own town, Hinting Hint "nil nrmy man or none" would treat tho injury. Afr. Miller !h nil ex-Holdier nod had neon uolivo Hcrvicu on the pluiiiM during the ludiitn war.. On hi body he liour the hciiih of cloven bulletH, all of which were received at the battle of Wounded Knee. .Since his diHchurgo he Iiuh been engaged in mining in northern California. Hoeoiitly ho learned that Dr. I'or- ler, after "twelve yearn' service in the army, had opened offices in Med ford. ,So when ho recently HtiHtnined a fracture of the arm he refused medical ithHifttunco until he could reach thin city. Dr. I'orler fixed him tip. Dr. Porter came to Medford nbout ix months ago ami Iiuh jiihI Hticceed ed in getting into his offices in St. Murk's block. Ho entered the nrmy at the outbreak of the Spnuish Aineriean war and served in Cub.i, Porto Hieo hud the Philippines. XOTICK. All thoBO holding reaorvod neat tlcketH for the Dobn lecturo may havo unmo checked at tho Natatorlum. 183 taufjiis ix)Uhtkk.v nouns he. I-XIHE STOI'PIXO. ' Mres. A. IC. Thoughtwoll, an old lady 0C yeara old, living In Kaat Med- I ford, nearly laughed herHolf to death VOL'lt (MAHHEH MUHT KIT If you valuo your oyi'night, boHiiro that your kIuhhcs fit. Poor fitting gland tii do an lm ineiiHo lot of harm In n very Hliort time. When I fit a pair of oyoH with glanH03 It lo dono ac curately and In a way that will provo beneficial to your oycn, I have mado a life otudy of oyo troubles. DR. RICKERT OVER KENTNER'S COME 2 'A PlneH end got of tho ri:d SOIL which given tho rich color 2 FRUIT fi, 10 and 20-acro tracts from $nn to $125 per aero. It you wish omploytnont whllo tho trees and vegetables aro grow ing, you can get It noarby, at 3 PlneH, tho now lumber city. IIOWLANI) Huom .'I, 12a E. Main St. i . , .... . ..... SATISFY TBE WOMEN WHO i i It It Charged With Doing a Breeder of Oad Manner. My attention was recently cnllcd to i last night. Hot for tho tlmoly nisslBt nn nrtlcle," obierved tho retired pro- j nnco of Dr. PIcaBuro might havo ro- ressnr. "in wineii tne writer reuuueu .ultvl aor ouslr. Mrs. TlimiDhi.wnit says "alio had hoard a great deal about tho Nat Thoator, rnd thought . I . I lil . 1 1 mill h . .!( M ' ll, llllll luilllli mill no ii iiiuiuii, i.ji our lack of maniiern due to the hurry habit, Hi claused this habll among the bad, hciiicIchm, Inexcusable habits, nnil I fully agree with him. Watch n ernwd anywhere, pitching off train und Isiats or surging on to them, light lug for tlrst places going up stairs r down, sulrmlng and elbowing to gel through a gateway or an open dour mid If you were to liKjuIro not one man Jack or woman Marie could tell iho would nttond tho performance Inst ovonlng. 8ho got to laughing .or a plcturo ontltlod "Tho Fool's lend In tho Lions' Cngo." and be aino hystor'cal. Dr. Plcasuro was 'ailed In and had Mrs. Thoughtwoll -emovod to hor homo, and succeeded 'ii getting tho laughing cpoll broken I 11 n m Inilnv Whll liirh n1. you why he or she was on tho dead i , , , ,V , , , ... jum)i I ''onl In tho Lions' Cago" Is proba- Tlio average mnlel)elng wlirconsull f0,y ono of tho cronteat pictures ovor his watch. ImiiithI acroii the lawn, run j -aown In Medford, tho Nat Thoator like mad for u ear. hire n cab to break i ,VH1 not bo rcsponliblo for any nccl the Hpoetl law driving to n ferry, dash lenta thnt occur In laughing ovor It. Into his olllee as If he had done 100 Tonlcht nnd tomorrow nlcht. Ad- ?.( Itewiml. Tho undersigned will pay n rownrd of $50 for tho arrest and return of oClorgo Kezos, who Is licensed of tho crime of Inrceny by bailee In cashing checkH belonging to vnrloim persona enti listed to him by them, Ho Ih nbout 2.1 yearn old, looks younger, about C fot, hIx Inchou In height; weight about KIT. pounds. Dark complexion, DIstlngulQhlng marks: Uppor Up rolls up when ho talks or lnught, knlfo mark on loft tsldo of face, nbovo upior lip. Drown hair and eyes. JIM HAFTS. 184 yards In ten seconds, remove tils hut and oveivout. open his desk, pull out u slide, cock his feet on It. light n cigar mid wonder what he's going to do next. "The average female being will bore through ii fringe of shoppers nine deep to forge to a bargain counter. "I d after she's arrived she'll calmly pu down her purse und parasol, linger l be goods for tyftccu minutes, ask pi' "lions concerning the prices past, pi "nt and future and move off lel "itii'ly without buying so much as a Hpool of Ihrciu!." Providence Journal LosMolinosGo, Plat m Tract California Andrews, thu resident ngont of the Loh MoIIiioh Laud com pany, ban Just returned from an eight dayH trip and reports having mado Hovoral good sales. The com pany Ih now platting another subdi vision of nbout 11,000 acres, tho first subdivision of 11,500 acres having practically nil boon sold, Among other Improvements thu -company nro now nfrmulatlng u plan whoroby pooitlo of moderate menus will bo iiBslstod to purchase cows, On tho payment of about one-fifth of tho purchase prlcu tho company proposoH to furnish cowo und talco tho balance out of a portion of tho cranm chocks each month, A strong argument In favor of dairying Is that It forms n moat ant Isfncotry basis for diversified farm ing. With tho monthly cronm chocks as n foundation nnd tho chlokeiiH nnd hogs to conuumo tho by-produotu, ovorythlne la turnod to bout account, Th Father of Tobacco Smoking. Ii Is quite hopeless to trnco out the fnt hers of smoking In general and to bacco smoking In particular. Who tlrst drew lu smoke of any kind through n pipe lu Kiighiud and who tlrst of our countrymen took to tobacco will -always remain disputable. It Is equally uncertain which western tribe made the sublime discovery. There Is even dispute ns to whether tobacco takes Its unmo from iho Island of Tobago, from the Vucatau province of Tobncco, from Tabasco In Florida or from u y-shuped pipe which the people of Ulspanloln smoked with their noses. Only one unmo Is deliultely associated with tho great Institution, that of Jean Nlcot, the French nmbassador to Portugal, who spread the fame of the herb through Kurope. Ami of all who are familiar with nicotine today how miiiiy associate It with Nlcot or havo even heard of him! Loudon Chronicle. A Misplaced Title. Among obvious misnomers one Lon don theater Is to bo found Drur. I. sue theater Is not In Drury lane, and no reason can be assigned for giving It the mi nit' of that thoroughfare'. The tlrst theater luillt on the present site una nt one lime frequently referred to as the theater lu C'oveut (iimlcu. On Feb, l). Kltia. Pepys netes: "1 walked up and down und looked upon the out side of the new (heater building lu Lovenl fiurdcii, which will be very Hue." In those days no iheater ex isted lu Covent Oniden, the predeces sor of the picscnt opera house having been opened lu 17:i'-, London Chron icle. A Femlnlno Impulse. To straighten llielr hats Is the llrst Impulse of feminine Immunity uftor an accident, If n woman could bo raised from the dead she vould straighten her lint before doing any thing else. Murlon Crawford, mission 10c. 'THHKB ISSUES NOTICE OF SALE OK ft! I,. 100 IM- PIIOVE.MK.Vr HOXDS OK THE C1TV OK MKIIKOHI), OHEGOX. Tho ICty council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, will recolvo seal ed proposals for $31,500.60 six por cent, ten year, Improvement bonds, nt a mooting to bo hold on tho 2Gth day of October, 1910. illds to bo filed with tho city recorder of snld city on or boforo 4:30 o'clock p. m October 25, 1910, nnd to bo accom panied by n certified check equal to five por cent of tho amount bid, Bald check to bo mado paynblo to tho city tronsuror of aald city. Council reserves tho right to re ject any nnd all bids. KODT. W. TELFEH, City Rocordor. aDted this 20th day of Octobor, 1910. MISS FLORA GRAY, PIANO INSTRUCTION. STUDIO, 144 S. CENTRAL PHONE MAIN 991. AUDIENCE FADES AWAYATROE So Well Made So Stylish COATS La Vogue SUITS WEAR THEN They're perfectly tailored, keep their shapely lines and stylish look until worn out. Material, linings and making are all so good that they wear- longer than most garments at higher prices. Then you may know with absolute cer tainty when you wear a LA VOGUE that your suit and coat is correct. We keep in personal touch with the style centers all' the time, at a great cost in money. LA VOGiUE models are made in numerous designs for women's, ladies' and misses' wear. They're practical, wearable, economical garments, strictly man tailored, fitted on models and personally inspected. We offer them to our trade with confidence. Remember You Are Welcome Whether You Come to Look or Buy. I MANN'S Hotel Arrivals. At tho Moore Jnck I'ralg, Brown, F. A. Harrlo, Portland; Mr. and Mrs', Wllllnms, city; Ellon H. Ynw, Sfow York; M. Hnmhart, Portland; ST. W. Allen, Chicago; II. Harnhnrt, J. t S. Wlntor, Portland; J. A. Sulgor ' nnd wlfo, Poorla; F. Wl Cunning ham, Portland; Sorby M.llor, city; I C. C, llxkor, Los Angolos; II. H Esson, Portlajd; F. Ooodoll, Call-for- In; O. P. Chinch nnd wlfo, Port Inm'; Mr. Jones, wlfo and son, Gold ondr.lo; W. E. Hnwloy, Salem; M. Q, Wcr.thorby, Portland; William Sol Bowcrman and Hawley Not Only' Lose Votes, but Half of Audience j as Well, and That at a Rapid i Rate. J i I HOSEUUKG, Ore., Oct. 20. Jay Hnwermun, Ubscmhly enndfilnte for governor, und Congressman JInwIey addressed tin audience that dwindled rapidly in size ns the speaking went on nt the court house in this city Tuesday night. The spenkers woro introduced by Senator Albert Abra ham, who pretended to be aii uncom promising foe of the assembly enn didntes when he ran for governor in the recent primuries. The candidates delivered them selves of a stereeotyped attack on Scnntor Bourne, which might have' been prepared for them in advance in the editorial rooms of the Ore- I HAVE SECURED REHIRING iSlfil&iEsm MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler Near Postoffice. the sen-ices of Sir. A. G. Knapp, who is an expert watcn- ur ! of Clocks Insludea almost any kind that you could wish for from tho cunning little boudoir clocks up to tho stern and stately hall clocks yes, and alarm clocks, too; tho kind that real ly keep good time and are faithful to their duty. find our prices they're really ag. varied as the clocks themselves. Come and seo. maker, engraver and diamond setter, having had 20 years' experience in the jewelry busi ness. refused to contribute more than S200 goninii. ilint paper lust ism to the fund, while the First National reeks with falsco representation ilhnl contributed $400 and tho Med to tlio impression made by tho enn- ford Nntionnl $300. Thee commit didntes here. The articlo contains tee recommended thnt the $200 be such campaign buncombe as "Made refused ns nn inndeequato contribu StroiiR Impression." "Only Cnndidnte ti,m ad unfair discrimination to tlio for oGvernor in Minds of Voters." j other banks and the report was "Assured Two to One Vote,' eje. . nnunimously adopted by the club. Fully oO per cent, of tlnf origiinl A resolution of thanks to Mrs. midiciiee left before the meeting I Charles Hnzlerigg, Mrs. George An- (,'H0" drews and other musicians, the la- ATTEVD COLLEGE. f tfS f th aater Medford Club, t, Arrange to attend the Eugene Bus-, hl 'nft of the Nntntonum in rnii -j ! ... . ' "'" i me mum nun emer: - "- - " ! Ju u ..... ,.. .,,1 ; ...-I.!., - irc-.k in tliillkltl good position when you graduate. En-1 tor now. Send for our now cata loguo. 14 Mi "West Soventh street, Eugene, OroLon. tf si the depot nnd club openings n success was unanimously pushed, i The following now members were 1 admitted to membership! Dr. J. D. 1 Kiekort; Lauquist, Johnson & Lilitis, mm runtnnat mtuarnuNtS. real estate; W. C Amlei-Min, altor- ney; u. H. I arpenter, orchardist; J. 1). MeArdle, A. P. Allen, Dr. I. M. Well Spiced fOtnttntipct from Pic M pi-oiding tho eugo apple duiwt., owner consonteit, -. Send Spokane Car. , J. 1). Olwell innde an offer on bohulf of S. V. lleekwith to send a hverhnrd, J. K. Kueln.-. G. E. Por ter, V. X. Alexander and G. F. Klmi. The request of the Ashland Com- mercinl Club thnt a bnnnor bo strung tho man, Woodvlllo; W. W. Dill, Port- 'arlimdol' tuney Xewtowns from the1 "l'ross, Ma,.u tr?e' J0.,M,ors".l t,M lnnd; C. C. Woldman, Portland; S. 1 1'kwith orehurd (fot.neriy thei Nnnn school iiiitwtion bill was W. Coos, Loh Angeles; D. H. awnn,,NoreroB Spokane, pruvidjn the ' ow"""1 ('0'u'lluul w"'- Tnconin; It. Dnlo, Portlau-lj M. Mc-! 0,"l woull "rt' to ''' tljoxtra i . M-t Donald, Seattle; T. Mansoy, Ashland; PU""0 i opouune, estimated -u A. C. Johncon. Pertland: J. Homes. ! "ot to uxceed U0O. Mr. llookwitli ' Just tho Oppoolto, "Whenever you lie to your wife does hIio llnd you out'"" "Just the opposite. Whenever hIio llndrt me out I lie lo her-when I come llJ."-IIOUHtOII Post, Fortune has often been blamed for MludnosH, but foriuiii' U not so. blind as men nre.-Samuel Smiles. S ,u Francisco. At tho Nnoh E. G. Ford, L. II. F. Allnfing, Settlo; C. II. Turrott, Eu eoeo; E, M. Lnmb, llovllng Oreon; J. D. Giilss, Portland; Qoorgo Dlok oy, Snn FmnclBco; Charles Hood, Grants Pass; G. W, Whltaon, Chlcn go; J, it, Harvey, C. C, Gulss, Grants IV.os; It. J. nakor.Ohlcjtgo; Charles Ileniilngton, Nqw York; Elinor Hnl bln, Chicago; P. U. Martin, San Fran cisco; 1), J, Summors, Olcrkston; Mrs. S. M. Walt, Dayton; W. W. Al Ihigl'niu, A. P. Donahuo, Portlnnd; George MoKeo, Puyallui); George Ad dison, Taeonm; C. E. Undo, Portlnnd; It. J, Hoborts, Grants Pnsa; It, Ches 8oo, Portlnnd; M, S. Shook, Hubbard; W. Howard, Hoth; E. E. Potor b: tigh and wlfo, Crater Lalto. offered to divide with the club nnv moiioy received fro mtlie sttlu of tho apples above 1.30 a box. Tho offer was accepted, so that tho Bedford dihtriot will be repret.ented by two carloads of fancy fruit at Spokano and Chicago, and by one carload at Vancouver, E. B. Watormau reported arvango ments under way for u di&triot dis plny to bo made nt SpokuSio and Chicago, and requett. all growers having any fancy fruit to inform tho club ut onoe. It wus reported that J. A. Pery liith prepared an ndoqiuUo fruit display for tho National Land' at t lucngo, given uudor how tho ...uklns for health. niibpieo.s of the Chicago Tribiuioe, contribution Refused. Tho report of Chairman J, A. Wo&torlund of the bolioitiug commit - tee rnibtng puhlieit funds stnted that the Jnoksott County Bank hiu Fine Printing Wa mnSko n specialty of fiuo printing, carry tho necessary Jtoek to enable us to fill all ordors promptly, nnd guaran tee satisfaction. Best equipped job off-ioo in Oregon south of Portland; host expert printers, Befoio sending your orders out of town, cnll and figure with us if wo onn sorvo you for tho snmo prioo ns nn out-of-town coneorn you will wish to patronize homo industry. Medford PrintingCo. FREE This 50c Jar of Palmolive Cream f-JERE'S o way to get a Jar oi PnlmolK o Cream which wo ordinarily sell (or 50c ab solutely free. Look for a "Palmolivo Adver tisement" nbout Palmolivo Soap Ann r nlmnln Piwam !- L M . r?"!0!?1" 9T Housckc el,in. Pific Monthly! f fVf7Woman s Home Companion, Ladies' World, Uncle Remus' Maeaiine. Dec. issuo of People's Home Journal, Delineator. De signer. New Idea. Dluo Book. Green Boole. Nov. 10th Collier's Weekly. Nov.SthSalur day E ening Post. Nov, Olli Illustrated Sunday Magazine and Associated Sunday Magazine. You'H seo a coupon in tho od. Cut It out and bring it lo this store as directed. We'll gladly givojoulho free jar of cream. It's tho lines! cream (hat's nude. There's nothing else liko it. You ought to get this freo jar. Look for tho coupon in tho magazines. rm E. R. SQUIBB & SONS have in response to the re quests of Physicians for some years past supplied a lino o ABSOLUTELY PURE, HIGH EST QUALITY powdered spices, which nre commended to all who desire condiments of distinctive quality and free of sophistication of uny kind. We entry nio.t everything in spices nnd guarouteee them to bo absolutely pure and of ox- . ceptional strength, thoroforo not only the best, but most economical. MEDFORD PHARMACY Main lOl, Near Postoffice A good school none bettor. Has a well established reputation. Successful graduates. Skillful, painstaking touchers. living ex penses low. Many other advantages. Lot us toll you about tbwt. A oataloguo for the asking. W. I. STALEY, Principal. SALEM, 0HE6QW, V I (