.N MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1910. IV"--- i'i U Kfcfe &i ( It ; n -t Central Point Items Hnrry Lindsay, cashier of the Ccn "txal Point tSato bank, hns ro turned Srom a Bucconsful hunting trip on rapper Kogno rlvor, whoro ho wns nc vcompanlod by P. S. Torroy nnd D. F. Ilcldol of Mcdford. Mr. Lindsay tya ho wont on tho trip to sco Tor mny mnko good on some of his mild et hunting Btorlosj Torroy says ho want to give Llndsny a fair chnnco te kill n door, nnd Iloldlo probably -went to watch tho others that they 'Id not oxecod tho lawful limit. Thoy found tho hunting oxcoodingly good but tho finding was tarnation poor and It was not until all woro foot-.-sore nnd leg weary for fair that ono beautiful morning n flno, fat buck apapnred on t'to scono standing qulot 2y a few paces from whoor tho hunt ru wcor perched on a big log look ing for chipmunks, or something to -.shoot at. "See there!" shouted "Lindsay. "Ah there," warbled Ter xey. "Shoo thero," whispered Hel iJcl. Then Harry woko up and bang wont his trusty rltlc tho ball nipping n cono from tho top of a tail ptuu overhead. Kerplunk, wont Torroy, headfirst off tho log nnd losing his rifle In tho soft earth. Holdcl's re marks were not recorded, but uelng a human young man It Is believed ho returned thanks when tho deer disappeared. Mr. Lindsay explained yesterday that other hunters had killed nlno deer near whoro thoy woro encamped tho day bofo-o thoy arrived and that fact is sufficient rsaeon why they failed to got any meat. As Lindsay finished his explanation a dreamy look came into Isaacson's eyes ns ho remarked: "What a coincidence. Tho same thing hns happened with mo every timo I have gone deer hunting in Oregon. Next time I will go tho day before I staK and change my namo today to that of tho fellow whom I find out tho after tomorrow killed tho nine deer." The Fair Oaks Orchard Tracts CIobo to Medford. Good splendid soil. Sub-irrigated mid above frost lino 70 acres now planted to ponrs nnd ap ples. Pricos riRht nud tonus easy. Lot mo show you n good, real estnto investmout. Earl C. Sabin Room 202 FruitRrowors Bank Building. Table Rock Items Apple picking at the Washburn 'Orchard is in full blast. The colonel -expects to ship about fifteen cars and is loading as fast as he can get -ars. Thoro ha", boon a petition circu lated asking tho school board to call a meeting of the legal voters for -tho purposo of establishing grades Higher than the eighth In our school. Tho mcotlng will bo called noxt Sat--terday, tho 22nd, at 4 o'clock. This 'Js going some to havo two teachers .Tor 29 pupils. Mrs. Randall of oPrtland Is visit ing her mothor, Mrs. Snltmalsh. S. K. Adams and family have been spending a few days at Merlin vis iting Mrs. Adams' parents Mr. J. T. Balbee of Kansas gave za. lecture on the whiskey situation at tho school houso Sunday afternoon. There was not as large an attendance -as usual. Rev. Holmes of Medford, who has "been preaching here twice a month will be hero again next Sunday at 2:30 p. in. Judging from the at tendance Mr. Mid Mrs. Holmes are very much appreciated here. S. K. Adams and D. M. N'ealon at tended tho school directors' conven tion at Medford Monday. W. A. Skinner, manager of the Modock orchard has been in Chica go since the last of September and Is expected here soon. K. A. Wyckoff has teams hauling lumber to build a flume for several hundred feet so he will be able to mbfkovehro fterstan put about 40 acres more under irri gation next year. O. P. Hall, one of our local ora tors, gave a lecture last Sunday ev ening at the school house. The at tendance was good. Wo did not learn what the subject was. Mr. Thompson's sister, who has been visiting here for some time, left for the east Monday. Moor-EhniCo. 212 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG. Phone Main 601. m Offer for your consideration Ranch JLWTI-SALOON LEAGUE ADVERTISEMENT SYNOPSIS OF ADDRESS DY DR. WILSON The Mail Tribune of Monday jjave 3nyor Rose's anti-prohibition speech -in Medford. Today it presents & -synopsis of the address delivered Sunday evening by Dr. Clarence Treu Wilson at the Nntntoriuin as -follows : "Of all the enterprises I know,' we iavo three classifications. All will come under one of these categories i business, sharity or crime. "Busineess is so much service (or commodity) and so much profit. Charity is all service without profit ((except th( profit that comes from -a. higher source). Crime is all profit -ami no sen-ice. It is not difficult to -see under which category tho gamb ling business and the liquor trade be JlaitK. Neither is properly a business , atjull. They give no proper equiva- -lent for tho money expended. If you Ramble you either expect to get some thing for nothing or nothing for something. If you got something for nothing you are a thief. If you get nothing for something you are n fool. IBut you xire not engaged in busonedS in either case. Nor do you fare bet ter in buying liquor, you get no real equivalent over tho bar for the money you spend. "Deal with the butcher and you lava goo meat on your table. Pat--ronize the grocer and good food makes the glow of health show on Ahe faces of your children. Buy from tho drygoods inuu or the mil liner and your wife is a well dressed woman; employ the carriago painter and your buggy will shine in the streets; hire the carpenter and your Louse is larger and better. Every -dollar you spend in business will give you something in return to show tfor it. But you mny spend your znnney for fifty years over the bar v.nnd never get a thing better than .1 -painted nose to show for your ensh. That is not business or charity. It iis crime. "rriin. 4lin fiiiuitinci mnn nf 41. tnto lmvo found by bitter experience that tho liquor truffic is nn unfair competitor to every legitimate busi ness, detrimental to their patrons as well as ruinous to tho homes. If the $3,400,000 now spent in tho 430 saloons of Portland were turned into the regular channels of trndo every Lusiness in tho city would inorease. 'Plin cnlnnti linn 41m ftwt t... at ovory drinker's pocket, because it 'demands trade on a cash basis, while tho grocer, drygoods man nnd shoe denlor must give credit; nine-tenths of tho bad debts aro uncolloctnblo liocauso of the drink. No manly 'businoss man is objecting to fair -competition, which is tho lifo of trado, Even tho minister, the physt- jinn nnd tho attorney do better bo- cauBo thoro aro others in tho town. But I protest against puting tho hou- -at morehnut, dealing in tho necessi- iie of life, up against the unfair competition with a legalized crime, the pockets of the dealer before he invests in the necessities of life. 'Twenty-four counties in this state have voted the saloons out in the last five years, four others have ouiy missed it by a trifling majority, and eighty-five additional precincts 'in the remaining wet counties hav voted dry. "It is the culmination of causes that run back into the years, nufl must run on forever. I shall name some of the causes that contribute to the effects we have seen. Twenty years ago the public school system began the systematic instruction of our children upon the nature of al coholic liquors, and their effects upon the human system. They learned from scientific text books that alcohol is never a food, but al ways a poison; never to be put into the healthy body, and though useful as a medicine, always as a beverage, stimulating, not ns a strengthener. but as an irritant. Curiosity and hope became rife. Barmun and Bailey's circus never produced such high expectancy, as when it was announced that the wholesale liquor dealers' association was going to introduce certain .re forms in the liquor business. No more salpons were going to be thrust into residence sections. Women were not to be permitted to frequent any of them. Observance of the Sundav law was to be strict. They were to close promptly within legal hours. But this wus all just before ejection. When election wus over, all thebe pre-election promises, like some New Year's resolutions, folded their tents like the Arabs and silently stole away. "Once tho great American show man remarked, "The American peo ple like to be humbugged." To il lustrate how eusily the thing is done, he secured the biiht of u young lady fro mtlie morgue, nnd the tail of a codfish in Massachusetts bay, prop erly adjusted them mid exhibited tho combination at 2o cents a head, in the ono genuine mermaid of the whole world. Preserved in ulcohol for ninny years, ho made a hundred thousand dollars on it. When con stant jolting finally bcimnitod the two bodies, he put tho price up to fifty cents per heud and showed tho thing that had fooled so many peo ple, ranking more monoy than he did before. "Tho enso with which our liquor friends fool many good citizens by their pre-election promises somehow remind me of this experience of Bar, mini, and nlso of unntlier philoso pher's comment on human iiutiuv, that, 'There is n new sucker born "The liquor trado will never bo e forined so long ns alcohol dwelN in whiskey. It is not the reputation ol tho man boliind the bur nor the color of the saloon whether it is gilded or whitewashed; nor the uinount paid for license, nor tho resolutions of tho liquor league that decides the char acter of tho saloon. It is tho nnturo of tho beverage' it deals over tho bnr that goes to a man's head and de thrones his reason, saps the iutog- 35 acres, 24 planted, new 6 -room houso, bpt-.'i, sheds, tern, tools; 18000, terms. 17 acres granlto free soli, all plant ed apples and pears, bulldligs; ?S500, terms. 10 aero wood let near Medford; $500, terms. 20 acres with vnter rights, 10 bear ing, 11 planted; $12,500. 320 acres hillside orchard land near Medford; $50 per acre. 40 acres neur Central Point, 12 In fruit, 10 alfalfa; J300 per acre. City 2 lots, G-room house, barn, three blocks from Main street; $3000. Xow modern house, 6 rooms, double sides and floors, stone foundation; $2700. Xow modern house, 7 rooms, 2 sleep ing porches, bath up and down stairs; $4500; a fino place. Fine residence lots on Main street. Mistletoe, Laurel, Newtown, Rose avenue. Quince, Peach, King street. 9 fine city lots; $250 each. These aro only a fow of tho many Rauch and City properties wo havo. Call and seo us. Wanted! MEN TO CHOP WOOD ROGUE RIVER VAL LEY RAILROAD CO. Gold Mine with good oro body and par tially equipped, for salo. Call on tho owner. Room 3, 123 Main St. California Lands Excellent climate; land is first class in quality, ideal for alfalfa and fruit of all kinds. Centrally located between Sacramento and San Francisco on main lino S. P. R. It. Write us for list of Medford people who havo bought lund here, then you can get infor mation direct from your old neighbor. DIXON ALFALFA LAND CO., Dixon, California. 'furnishing no neoogsity and picking rity from his conscionco and strength from his character and leaves him in unbridled boast, nnd leaves us to take tho consequences and pay the damnges. Tho only way to reform tho trado is to turn ovory saloon into a grocery, drygoods, millinory or hhoo More, ovory browory into a manufacturing establishment nnd make mills out of stills," Paid advertisement by tho Anti-Saloon League, Hasklns for health. 10 acre Orchard Tracts IN PERRY'S SUBDIVISION JUST OUTSIDE OP TOWN w. 4ff ?We have a few tcn-nere tracts and one 40-acro tract vet unsold; 40-acro tract has Beautiful Oak grove for building sites, good house, barn, windmill, gasoline on gme and everything convenient; there is no bettor land in tho Roguo Rivor Valley; no bettor location for an ideal home. If you want a good pioco of land or bountiful home, see our one-acre tracts in the big Oak grove. Prices aro lower than anything in the valley, considering location and quality of Boil. Call on J. A. Perry, ownor, or have your agent show you these tracts. J. A. PERRY, 604 W. Main Street, Medford, Ore. Say Itl If yomr doctor $ty thlt U all right, thai My U ootr and oeer again. J.O.ATrCo.. ITll. H Hetdacbes. Biliousness. Constipation. Ayer's Pill. Sugar-coated. Easy to take. Don't forget. Headaches. Biliousness. Constipation. Ayer's Pills. Sugar-coated. Easy to take. Don't forget. HeadschM. Blllousnaw. Constipation. Ayer's Pills. Sugar-coated. Easy to take. Dontforget. Medford Theatre SATURDAY, OCT .22 AUGUSTAS THOMAs A RI ZONA America's Greatest Play AN "elaborate scenic producton Prices 50c, $1.00, $1.50 Seats on Sale Wednesday, October 19th Fisher & Whitmire HIGH GRADE INVESTMENTS Mining and Fruit Land Orchard and City Property Insurance 32 South Central Ave. Medford Campbell & Baumbach REAL ESTATE, LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved farms and city property. PHONE 3231 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG. RARE BARGAINS BY OWNER 1. Modern 6-room house and 2 sleeping porches, cor ner lot 5ObylG0j cement walks, paved street, close in. See this place for a convenient home in a nice neighbor hood. Prices and terms very reasonable. 2. JTive-rbom house on corner lot 53 by 100, on street to be paved next year; water on lot; sower in front; rents for $14.00 per month. Price $1000. Note tho in terest this investment offers. 3. Apples, pears, peaches, prunes, grapes, loganber ries, raspberries and other fruit and shade trees on 201 by 207 feet; barn and chicken park; four-room house; city water; two wells; wind pump; paved street; sewer; rich soil; enough for eight large lots, and all for. $4000; terms. 4. A good lot 50 by 100, in a nice neighborhood; ce ment walk, sewer and water; alley in rear; ono block from pavement; 3 blocks from city park; a lovely place for your home at a right price. 5. A bargain lot, 50 by 108; alley in rear; half block from sewer and water on a street that will bo paved next year; about .15 bearing fruit trees; $375. G. A good business location, 50 by 100; on Front street between the new depot and Sixth street. This is sure to advance in value soon and fast. Remembor, N B U YING ANY OF THESE DIRECT FROM ME I PAY NO AGENT'S COMMISSION HENCE YOU GET THE BENEFIT. M. A. RADER 60 N. ORANGE STREET MEDFORD js? EVERYMAN'S jSfte Brush rAD Runabout VrllX. ASHLAND Cemmtfaeatf, M&!Z& T Have you examined the Druah? If not you should do bo, nu It has many strong distinctive features, Absolutely tho easiest riding car nmniirnc- turod on account of its spring construction. Ordor now for spring deliv ery. P. 0. Box 37. THEO. W. MARSH, Medford, 112 8. King Street - Ashland, Oregon Swedenburg Block This is the school that will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and Help you to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH Secure your Business Education at homo at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, we will sopure you a position in any of the largo commercial centers. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. RITNER, A. M., President.