Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 17, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Sermon by
Pajtor Brooklyn
Now York. October 0. Pastor Russell
of tho Brooklyn Tabernacle todny ad
dressed a Jewish Mass Meeting, In re
sponse to u request sent to him by a
Jewish Mass Meeting Invitation Com
mittee. The Invitation was signed by
many prominent Hebrews of New
York City. Tho Invitation and Pastor
Russell's response to tho same follew:
New Tork. September 30, 1910.
Tastor C. T. Russell, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Dear Blr Your sympathetic Interest In
the Jewish pcoplo for year patt has
not escaped our notice. Your denuncia
tions of tho atrocities perpetrated against
our race In the name ot Christianity has
added to our oonvlctlon that you are a
stneero filend. Your discourse on "Jeru
ralem and Jewish Hopes" has struck a re
sponsive cord In the hearts of many of our
people. Still we doubted for a time tt any
Christian minister could really be interest
ed In a Jew na a Jew and not merely from
a hope of proselyting him. It Is because ot
this feeling that some ot us request you
to make a public statement respecting tho
nature of your Interest in our pcoplo and
we desire you to know that the statement
you did mako was very satisfactory. In
It -you assured us that you are not urging
Jews to become Christians and Join any
ot the sects or parties of Protestants or
Catholics. That statement. Pastor Rus
sell,', has been widely published In the
Jewish journals. We feel, therefore, that
we have nothing to fear from you as a
race. On the contrary. In that statement
you ', mentioned that the foundation of
your Interest In our people Is built upon
your faith in the testimonies ot our Law
and the messages of our Prophets. You
may well understand how surprised we
are to find a Christian minister acknowl
edging that there are prophecies of the
Bible still unfulfilled, which belong to the
Jew and not to the Christian, and that
these prophecies, according to your
studies, are nearlng a fulfillment of mo
mentous Interest to our Jewljh race and,
through us as a people, to the nations ot
the world.
These things. Pastor Russell, have led
to the formation of a Jewish Mass Meet
ing Committee, which, by this letter, re
quests you to give a public discourse, es
pecially to our people. If you will kindly
' accept this Invitation, wlH'you permit us
to suggest a topic for your address, which.
wo believe, will bo very interesting to the
public aad especially to the Jews, namely,
"Zionism In Prophecy."
As for the meeting: Wo suggest Sunday
afternoon at three o'clock, October Bth,
We have secured an option on the Hip
podrome, New York's largest and finest
Auditorium, 'for that date, and we hope
that this date and the place will be.agrce
able to your convenience. We assure you
also of a large audience of deeply inter
ested Hebrews, Resides whoever may come
of the general public
Trusting to hear" from you soon, we sub
scribe ourselves.
Yours respectfully,
Brooklyn, N. Y Sept. a. 1910.
Jewish Mass Meeting Committee. New
York City.
Gentlemen: Your kind invitation to ad
dress the Jewish Mass Sleeting in the
New York Hippodrome Sunday. October
9th, at 3 P. M., came duly.
I thank you for the confidence which
this Invitation implies. The date you
have selected is not only appropriate in
its relationship to the Jewish New Year,
but it is very suitablo to my own ar
rangements, as I leave on October 12th for
appointments In London and elsewhere In
Great Britain.
Amongst the several prominent mem
bers of your race suggested for Chairman
of the Mass Meeting, I select Mr. John
Barrondess, because I have had the pleas
ure personally of conference- with him
and because 1 know him to be very loyal
to the interests of your people and be
cause I believe him to be very highly es
teemed as such in the counsels of your
Faithfully and respectfully yours.
The Hippodrome Is really an Im
mense and elegant Opera House with
a capacity of about flvo thousand. It
was crowded today and many failed
to gain access. The Jewish people of
this City, who number more than a
million, have become deeply Impressed
by various discourses which Pastor
Ruse)l hnH recently delivered and were
alert for today's meeting tp hear his
presentation of Zionism as foretold by
the prophets. The speaker held his
immense audience spellbound for near
ly two hours, all apparently as uncon
scious of the flight of time as was the
speaker himself. After the service the
Hebrews could be seen In little knots
and groups bi'ro and there In the corri
dors and lu tho streets discussing the
subject. The speaker's views were evi
dently shared by the majority. Alto
gether the meeting was something
unl.ju'e. Never before 'did Jows give
fcuVh attention to tho message of a
Clirlstlau minister. And never before
did n Christian minister give such a
message to the Jews.
What Pastor Russell 8ald.
The speaker read to his audience
many quotations from the prophecies
of the Bible relating to Zionism, the
first one of which was Psalm ell, 13-18
"Thou slialt arise and novo mercy
upou Zlen: for the time to favor her.
yen. the bet time. Is come. For thy
servants take pleasure In her stones,
and favor (he dust thereof. Then shall
the GentllcR fear tho name of Jehovah,
and all the kings of the earth thy
glory. When the Lord shall build up
Zlon, he shall appear In his glory."
:Pastor lUmcll declared that while
opPij lie' liml been Inclined to discard
' the .Bible in unreliable along tho lines
op Higher Criticism, he bad subse
quently given It very earnest study,
.entirely npiu't from all creeds and theo
ries of men This study had greatly
enlightened I to mind and had given
htn very different view of tho sacred
Hook. He now has absolute confi
dence In It Up now realizes, not only
rtmt there U u great Creator, but that
lie is definite, orderly, la his dealings
with humanity. In his shaping of
earth's affair. For lustanco, tho first
Psalm quoted mentions tho time, yen,
the set time, for the return of Dlvluo
fayor to Zlon So ho finds matters nil
through tin- Scriptures. In duo tlrao
David, Solou.uj) uud others represent
ed JehoVuh f: the Klugdom of Israel
uud "wit Uf tho throne of tho King
SlgJP 9X Sll l "'. Later the King-
A Jcnvish Mass Meeting The
Hippodrome Jammed
OOQ ' ! ! 9 9 9 1 liQ
Uoni was taken from Zedekiah," We
Inst of the line of David to sit upon
! the throne of God's typical Kingdom.
hca the dominion was taken from
him the Gentile governments were rec
ognized, but not In the same manner
as was Israel. Nono of them was des
ignated the Kingdom of God. None
of them was given perpetuity of rule.
But Gentile governments were prom
ised n lease of power during the pe
riod when Israel would be cast off
from God's favor. Then at the end
of tho appointed time the Gcntllo lease
of earthly power In turn, and God's
origlnnl provision for Israel to repre
sent his Kingdom In the world, would
return. These are tho set times re
ferred to by tho Psalmist. God's
promise to David "Tho sure mercies
of David" were that of tho fruit of
his loins one should sit on the throne
of the Lord forever. Tho real purport
of this promise was that Messiah, the
long-promised King of Israel, would
bo the root and off-shoot of the David
lc line and blessed of tho Lerd: his
Kingdom should be an everlasting one
and fully competent to fulfill all of the
Divine promises made to Abraham
"In thy Seed shall all the families of
tbe earth be blbssed."
Zedekiah Rejected Nebuchadnezzar
So long as God acknowledged tbe na
tion of Israel as bis Kingdom their
kings were his representatives; but
when Zedekiah was rejected It was not
inconsistent on the Lord's part to rec
ognize the Gentile governments? aa
above suggested. Of King Zedekiah
we read, "O thou profane and wicked
Prince, whose time has come that in
iquity should have an end. Remove
the diadem.. Take off the crown. This
shall not be the same. I will overturn,
overturn, overturn It until ho como
whose right It Is (Messiah), and I will
give It unto him" (Ezeklel xxl, 20, 27).
It was at this very time that God gave
tho lease of earthly power to Nebu
chadnezzar and his successors, as Is re
lated in Daniel's prophecy. Nebuchad
nezzar dreamed, but dlsremembered
his vision. Daniel the Prophet, made
prisoner at an earlier date. was. by
Divine providence. Introduced to the
king as the one person in all the world
able to rehearse the King's dream and
to give its Interpretation, and his pow
er so to do is declared to have been
of the Lord.
Nebuchadnezzar's Vision of Gentile
The vision was of a stupendous Im
age. Its neau or gom representee. re-
buchadnezzar's Enjplre Babylon
breast and arms of sllvsr represented
the Medo-Persinn Empire. Its belly and
thighs of brass represented the Grecian
Empire. Its strong legs of iron repre
sented the Roman Empire, East and
West. Its feet of Iron and clay repre
sented Papal Rome. The Iron contin
ues to represent civil governments, and
the miry clay, making them appear
like stone, represented eccleslastlclsm
as it is now mixed up with the poll
tics of the teu kingdoms of Europe.
The whole period of time In which
these various Gentile governments
would dominate the world would, last
until Messiah's promised Kingdom.
And this period Is symbolically stated
to have been "seven times"; that Is,
seven years evidently not literal
years, but symbolical.
At their end the lease of eaiyiily
power of Gentile governments will ter
minate in the great tlmo of trouble
foretold by Daniel (sil, 1. Then Mes
siah shall stand up In the seiise of as
suming control of earth's affairs and
Gentile governments will cease, for all
nations shall serve and obey Messiah
And then God's Chosen People. Is
rael, will come to the front In the
world's affairs, because they will be
come the representatives and Instru
ments amongst men of Messiah's King
dom, which will be spiritual and In
visible, as is that of the Prince of thN
world, tho Prince of darkness, whom
Messiah will bind or restrain during
tb'e thousand years of his reign of
righteousness and destroy at the ten
elusion, when he shall deliver over
the Klcgdom of earth to the Father
Mankind will then be perfect, because
all wilful sinners will be destroyed lu
the Second Death, Meantime. Mes
slab's reign will not only bless and
uplift Israel, but through Israel the
blessing will extend to every nntlon.
people, kindred and tongue In full ac
cord with the Dlvlno promise apd oath
made to Abraham more than thirty
centuries ago.
All this Is briefly and beautifully rep
resented In Nebuchadnezzar's dream,
u s explained by Daniel. He saw a
stone takeii from the mountain with
out human aid. He watched and saw
the stone smite the Image on Its feet
and beheld, ns tbe result, complete de
mollshraent of tne Gentile systems.
This smiting of the Image In the feet
symbolically represents that It will be
by Divine power that present Institu
tions will all como to naught prepara
tory to the establishment of the King
dom of God In their stead.
Messiah's Kingdom In the Vision,
Then Messiah's Kingdom, symbolized
by tho stone, will not only till the
place where tho Image stood, but
gradually increasing, will fill the whole
earth. From this standpoint, said the
tpenker, It Is m-t t'.lulcult fur iim to be
Hove tho words of tho Psalmist that
there li u time for God's regntherlng
Zlon. yen, a set time fixed nud unal
terable. The Hpeaker would nut pre
tend to say the day or muiitb or year
In which the things would beat-coin-plfsligd
!u lvjikh tli.2 GontUo leai' of
earth's dominion would oxpTre and Mes
siah's Kingdom assume control, lie did
however, offer a suggestien: So fnr as he
could discern, the time for theso stupon
dous oventh Is very much closer than
many of us had supposed. Tho seven
times, or years, ot Clentllo domination,
reckoned on the basis suggested In tho
Scriptures thomsolvos, should bo Inter
preted a day for a year, lunar time. Sov
en years In lunar tlmo would represent
25M days and these, symbolically Inter
preted, would mean KM ycars-from tho
time NebuchadncsMr, tho head ot tho Im
age, was recognlxed down to tho tlmo of
the expiration of the lenso ot Gentile pow
er, when tho stono shall smlto tho image
in tho feet. So far as Pastor Russell has
been ablo to dclcrmlno, tho year ot iSouo
klah's dethronement was G0 11. C Thus
calculated tho ESS) years of QeiUllo lease
of power will expire In October, 1814.
There are some who claim that Zcde
kiah's dethronement should bo dated U. C.
tSS. If this bo true it could make a differ
ence ot but eighteen years and glvo tho
dato lJCi Pastor Russell's convictions,
however, favor the J9H date.
An ordinance declaring tho cost of
tho Improvement of Ross Court from
West Main street to West Fourth
street, and assossmg the property
benefitted thereby, and declaring
such assessment, and directing tho
entry thereof In tho docket ot tho
city Hens.
Tho City of Medford doth ordain
aa follews:
Section 1. That no protests hav
ing been filed against the Improve
ment of Rosa Court, duo no
tice of the intention of tho coun
cil to causo said Improvement to bo
-mado having been given and said
Improvement having been ordered
mnde, the council has considered tho
matter and herowlth ascertains tho
probablo cost of making such Im
provement to bo tho sum of
And said council further finds
that tho special and peculiar benefit
accruing upon each lot or part there
of adjacent to said Improvement ana
In Just proportion to benefits, to bo
the respective amounts hereinafter
set opposite tho number or descrip
tion of each lot or part thereof, and
such amounts respectively are here
by declared to bo tho proportionate
share of each lot or part thereof, ot
tho cost of such improvement, and
Is hereby declared to no assessed
against said lot or parcels, respect
ively, tho name appearing above each
description being tho name ot tho
owner of such lot or parcel.
Assessment No. 1 L. E. Wake
man. Lo 1, block 2. Wolvorton ad
dition to tho city of Medford. Ore
gon; frontage 140 feet on tho west
side ot Ross court, and described in
R-323; 140 feet; rate per foot $3.23;
amount $452.20.
Assessment No. 2 I. J. Phipps.
Lot 4, block 2, Wolvorton addition
to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feet on the west side of Ross
court, and described In R-230; 50
feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount
Assessment No. 3 I. J. Phipps.
Lot 5, block 2, Wolvorton addition
to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feot on tho west cido of Ross
court, and described In R-230; 50
I Jii.B1 ?3'23: amUDt
Assessment No. 4 S. I. Wilson.
Lot 6, block 2, Wolvorton addition
to the city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feet on the west sldo of Ross
court, and described in R-24S; 50
feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount
Assessment No. 5 E. N. Camp
bell. Lot 7, block 2, Wolverton ad
dition to the city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 50 feet on tho west sldo of
Ross court, and described In R-247;
50 feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount
Assessment No. C Jackson Loan
Association. Lot 8, block 2, Wolver
ton addition to the city of Medford,
Oregon; frontage 50 feet on tho west
sldo ot Rocs court, and described In
R-1C3; 50 feet; rate per foot $3.23;
amount $161.50.
Assessment No. 7 C. D. Wolver
ton. Lot 9, block 2, Wolvortori addi
tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage .j feet on the vest Bldo of
Ross court, and described In R-380;
50 feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount
Assessment No. 8 L. E. Wake
man, Lot 10, block 2, Wolverton ad
dition to tbe clo of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on tho west
sldo of Ross court, and described in
R-337; 50 feet; rato per foot $3.23;
amount $161.50.
Assessment No. 9 E. M. Tuttle.
Lot 11, block 2, Wolverton addition
to the city of Medford, Oregou; front
age 50 feet on tho west sldo of Ross
court, and described In R-354; 50
feet: rato per foot $3.23; amount
Assessment No. 10 F. H. Cook.
Lot 12, block 2, Wolverton addition
to the city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feet on tho west sldo of Ross
court, and described In R-379; 50
feet; rate per foot $3,23; amount
Assessment No. 11 F, II. Cook..
Lot 13, block 2, Wolvorton addition
to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 50 feet on tho west sldo of Ross
court, and deEcrlbed In R-379; 50
feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount
Assessment No. 12 F. II. Cook.
Lot 14, block 2, Wolvorton addition
to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 50 feet on tho west sldo of Ross
court, and described In R-379; 50
feot; rate per foot $3.23; amount
Assessment No. 13 C. D, Wolvor
inn l.nt IT. hlnnlc Wnlunrtnn ml.
dltlon to th'o city of Medford, Ore-j
gon; frontage 50 feet on tho west
sldo of Rosa court, and described In
R-380; private drlvo $10,35; 50 feet;-
rato por foot $3,23; amount $161.50;
total $171.85.
Assessmont No, 14 Walter A. Fol
ger. Lot 1, block 1, Wolverton addi
tion to the city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 140 feet on tho east sldo of
Ross court, and described In R-237;
private drlvo $11.25; 140 feot; rato
por foot $3.23; amount $452,20; to
tal, $403.45,
Assessmont No. 15 C, D. Wol
vorton. Lot 4, block 1, Wolverton
addition to tno city of Medford, Ore
gon; froxtago 50 feot on tho east
sldo of Ross court, and described In
Vol, 77, page 281, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
Assessment No. 10 C. D. Wolvor
ton. Lot G, block 1, Wolvorton addi
tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
50 feet; rnto per foot $3.23; amount
froutngo GO feot on tho east Bldo ot
Ross court, ami described In R-380;
GO feot; rnto pot foot $3.23; nmount
Assessment No. 17 Ulg Pines
Lumbar Co. Lot C, block 1, Wolvor
ton ifddttlon to tho city of Medford,
Oregon; frontage GO feet on tho cast
side of Ross court, and described In
R-378; GO foot; rato por foot $3.23;
amount $161, GO.
Assessment No. IS J. II. Honsol-
mcn. Lot 7, block 1. wolverton addi
tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontngo GO feot on tho east sldo of
Ross court, and described In Vol. 81,
lingo 126, county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon; GO feot;
rato' por foot $3.23; amount $161. GO.
Assessment No. 19 C. D. Wolvor
ton. Lot 8, block 1, Wolverton nddl
tlon to tho city of Medford, Oregen:
frontngo 50 foot on tho oast sldo of
Ross court, and described In R-38G;
50 feot; rnto per foot $3.23; amount
Assessment No. 20 C. D. Wolvor
ton. Lot 9, block 1, Wolverton addi
tion to tho aty of Medford, Oregon;
frontngo GO feet on the east sldo of
Ross court, nud described In R-3S5;
50 feet; rnto per foot $3.23; nmount
Assessment No. 21 C. D. Wolver
ton. Lot 10, block 1, Wolvorton's ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontngo 50 feet on tho east sldo of
Ross Court, and described in R-38G;
50 feet; rnto per foot $3.23; nmount
Assessment No. 22 F. H. Cook.
Lot 11, block 1, Wolvortcn addition
to tho city ot Medford, Oregon; front
ngo 50 feet on tho oast sldo, of Ross
court, and described In R-379; 50
feet: rnto por foot $3.23; nmount
Assessmont No. 23 F. H. Cook.
Lot 12, block 1, Wolvorton addition
to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feet on tho east side of Rosa
court, and described In R-379; 50
foot; rata per foot $3.23; amount
Assessment No. 24 C. D. Wolvor
ton. Lot 13, block 1, Wolvorton ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; froutngo GO feet on tho cast sldo
ot Ross court, and described In
R-380; 50 feet: rato por foot $3.23;
amount 1161.50.
Assessment No. 25 C. D. tVol
vorton. Lot 14, block 1, Wolvorton
addition to the city of Mudford, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on tho east
sldo of RoSw court, nnd described in
R-380; 50 feet: rato per foot $3.23;
amount $161.50.
Assessment No. 26 F. H. Cook.
Lot 15, block 1, Wolverton addition
to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 50 feet on the cast sldo of Ross
court, and described In R1379; 50
feet: rato per foot $3.23; amount
Section 2. T'io recorder of tho city
of Medford Is hereby directed to en
ter a statement of the naccssments
hereby mado In tho docket of city
lions, and to glvo notlco by publica
tion as required by the cbcrtor nnd
ordlnanco No. 250 ot said city, In the
Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper pub
lished nnd of general circulation In
said city.
Tho forogolng ordinance was pass
Medford, Oregon, on tho 20th day ot
September, 1910, ,by the following
Welch aye, Merrick aye, Emorlck
aye, Wortman aye, Elfert aye and
Demmor aye.
Approved September 21st, 1910.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recordor.
To tho ornor, or reputed owner,
of each p'.rcel of property described
In tho foregoing ordinance, as named
therein, and In tho lien declarod by
said ordlnanco r.fl reco-ded in t' o
dockot of clfy Hene:
You aro l.croby notified that tho
assessmont declared by ti o forogo
lng ordlnanco lino been mado nnd tlio
Hen thorofor entered In tho city Hon
docket, nnd th ,t tho same Is duo nnd
you aro hereby required to p:y tho
saaio to the o't rcrordor wlthlr ton
days from tlo sorvlco of this notlco,
which service Is mado b" publication
of tho forog lag ordlnanco nnd this
tlco three times In tho Modforl
Mall Tribune.
City Recorder.
An ordlnanco providing for tho
construction of a 12-Inch storm sowor
along Grapo street from Sixth streot
to tho north line of alley between
Seventh and Eighth streot, and for
tho assessment of tho cost thereof on
tho proporty directly benefited thore
by and adjacent thoroto, and provid
ing a meeting ot tho council to con
sider protests against said construc
tion and assessmont and tho serving
of tho ownors of such proporty with
notlco thereof.
Tho city of Medford doth ordain as
Section 1. It Is tho Intention of tho
council to cause n 12-lnch storm sow
or to bo constructed nlong Grnpo
street from Sixth streot to tho north
lino of alloy betweon Sovonth and
Eighth streets, and to assoss tho cost
thoreof unon tho property directly
benefited thereby nnd ndjacent there
to. Section 2, Tho council will hoar
and consider any protests against
said construction and tho assessing
of said proporty for tho cost thereof,
at a mooting of tho council to bo hold
October 4, 1910, at 7:30 o'clock p.
m.. In tho council chambers In said
city, and all proporty owners of prop
'ry ndiacentto said s.ewer nnd bon
efltod thereby aro hereby called upon
10 Minear bOforO Said COUnCU at BttlU
. - . j
tlmo and place, and show cause, If
" moy nave, wuy sara uuc
tlon should not bo mado and tho cost
thoreof so assessed,
Section 3. Tho city recordor Is
hereby directed to uorvo notlco thore
of upon tho proporty owners nfore
sald, by causing threo coplOB of this
ordlnanco to bo posted In throo pub
He places In said city, and sold ordl
nanco to bo published onco In a dally
newspaper published nnd of general
circulation In tho city, at least ton
days boforo the dato of said meeting,
Tho forogolng ordlnanco was pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 20th dny of
Soptombor, 1910, by tho following
Welch ayo, Merrick nyo, Emorlck
nyo, Wortman ayo, Eifort nyo, Dem
mor aye,
Approved September aint, 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder,
An ordinance) dccltmui; tho cost ot'
the improvement of Summit nvenuo
from W. Mnin St. to W. -Itli St.,
nnd nssossitic the urouortv bonofit
tud tlioroliv. nud doelimiit: mich as
sessment, nnd directing tho entry
thoreof in tho dockot of city lions. '
Thn oitv of Medford doth ortlniu
no follews:
Soction 1. 'flint no nrotoHts lmv
tiiL been filed ucnhiHt tho itmirovu-
tucut of Summit nveiuiu due notioo
of tho intention of thu council to
cnuso.Bnid hnurovomont to bo mmlo
hiwinc boon civon. nnd said im
orovQiuont hnviuir boon ordorod mndu
tho council hns considered tho mat
tor, and horowith aaoortaiim thu
urobnblo cost of tanking suoh im
provement to ho tho Hum of
$.- 1114.80.
And (mid council further findH
that thn suociul nnd uouuliai' bono
fit ncoruintr upon onoh lot or pint
thereof mlincont to snid imurovo-
ment nnd in iunt proportion to Hitid
benefits. to( bo tho resnectivo
amounts horohmfter got oddohIIo tho
number or description of each lot
or onrt thoreof. nud suoh amounts
resuectivclv nro hercbv declared to
ha tho nronortiounto sliaru of each
lot or tmrcol thereof, of tho cost of
such Improvement, nnd is hereby
declared to bo assessed ncniust said
lot or unreels rosiK'ctivolv. tho nnnio
ntmenrlnt: above oach description
bcimr tho namo of tho owner of biioIi
Assessment No. 1 PIckol, Klutn
& Murphy. Lot 1, block 2. Summit
addition to tho c.ty of Medford. Oro
gon; frontigo CO foot on tho west
sldo of Summit nvonue, nnd describ
ed In Vol. 72, pngo 121, county re
corder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; GO feot; rnto por foot $3,G1:
nmount $175. GO.
Assessmont No. 2 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy. Lot 2, block 2, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford. Ore
gon; front.' go GO foot oa tho west
sldo of Summit nvontio, nnd describ
ed In Vol. 72, p.-.go 121, county recor
der's records of Jackson county, Ore
gon; 50 feot; rato per foot $3.G1;
nmount $175.50.
Assessment No. 3 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy, lot 3. block -. Summit ad
dition to tho tlty of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 50 feot on tho west
sldo ot Summit nvotuio, and describ
ed in Vol. 7U, page Til. rounfy re
corder's rciorda of Jnknon county,
Oregon; 50 feet; rnto por foot $3.51;
amount $175.50.
Ansessmoit No. 4 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy. Let I, blocic 2, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontngo 50 feot on tho west
sldo of Summit avenue, nnd describ
ed In Vol. 72, pngo 121, county re
corder's records of Jncktou county,
Oregon; 50 feet: rnto por foot $3,51;
rmount $175,50.
Assessment No. 5 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy. Lo' G, block 2, Summit
addition to tho city of Mo'.ford, Ore Ore
eon: frontngo GO feot on tho woJt
sldo of Summit nvontio, nnd describ
ed In Vol. 72, pngo 121, county ro
cordor'B records of JackBon rounty,
Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot $3.51;
amount $175.50.
Assessmont No. 6 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy. Lot b, block 2, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontaso 50 feet on tho wost
sldo of Summit nvontio, nnd describ
ed In Vol. 72, pago 121, county re
corder's records of Jackson county,
Orogon; 50 feot; rnto por foot $3.51;
nmount $175.50.
Assessment No. 7 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy. Lot 7, block 2, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 50 feot on tho wost
sldo of Summit nvontio. nnd describ
ed In Vol. 72, pngo 121, county re
corder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 50 feet; rnto per foot $3.51;
nmount $175.50.
Assessment No. 8 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy. Lot 8, block 2, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontngo 50 feot on tho wot
sldo of Summit nvenuo, and describ
ed II Vol. 72, pngo 121, county re
corder's records of Jackson county,
Orogon; 50 feot; rnto por foot $3.61;
amount. $175.50.
Assessment No. 9 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy. Lot 9, block 2, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Oro Ore Oro
eon: frontngo GO feet on tho west
sldo of Summit nvontio, nnd doscrlb
ed In Vol. 72, pngo 121, county ro
cordor'o records of Jnckson county,
Orogon; 50 foot; rnto por foot $3.51;
nmount 175.50.
AHscssmont No. 10 PIckol, Klum
& Murnhy. i.ot 10, block 2, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontngo 50 foot on tho west
Bldo of Summit avonuo, and describ
ed In Vol. 72, pago 121, county re
corder's records of Jnckson county,
Orogon; 50 feot; 'nto por J"oot $3.51;
amount $175.50.
A8BC8smort rso. li riCKOi, mum
& Murphy. Lot 11, block 2, Summit tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontngo 50 foot on tho west
Bldo of Summit nvontio, nnd dcticrlb
od In Vol. 72, pngo 121, county re
corder's records of Jncl.aon county,
Orogon; GO foot; rnto por foot $3.51;
nmount $175.50,
Assessment No. 12 Plcr.o;, Klum
& Murphy. Lot 12, block 2, Sui.mlt
addition to tbo city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo GO feet o,i tho west
sldo of Summit nvonuo, nnd doccrlb
ed'ln Vol, 72, pngo 121, coirity ro
cordor'B roconle of Jackson county,
Oregon; GO foot; vto por fpot $3.51;
amount $17o.G0,
ABSOBsmont No, 13 C. W. 8nydor.
A pnrcol of land commonclng nt tho
northwest Intoruoctlon of Summit nvo
nuo nnd West Moln ntreot, city of
Medford, Jnckcon county, Orogon,
nnd running thonco north along tho
weet lino of Summit nvonuo 140 foot;
thonco wost at right nngloa 113 feot;
thonco south at right nnglon 140 foot
to tho north Hno of West Mnln
streot; thonco cast along north lino
of West Mnln strnot to point of bo
ginning nnd mnrkod AW on tho map
of tho city of Medford; frontngo 140
foot on tho wost Bldo of Summit nvo
nuo, and described in Vol. 05, pngo
321, county rocordor's rocordn of
Jackson county, Orogon; 140 feot;
rato por fool $3.51; amount $491,40.
AsBossmont No, 14 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy, Lot 1, block 1, Summit J
addition to tho city of Medford, Oro-
kuiii frontngo GO toot on tho oust ' coiiBlrtor tho nnnio uropor nnd an i not
sldo ot Summit uvonuo, and doscrl... rffStilS In'iH
ed Im Vol. 05. niuto 321. county re- mi i.v Mm ..iiv niitmtl nt Mm idtv of
eordor's ' rocordn ot Jniiksou county,
Oregon; GO foot; rnto por foot $3,51:
nmount $175,50,
AHttwHiiioiit No. 15 PIckol. Klum
& Murphy, Lot 2, block 1, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo GO feot on the oast
sldo of Summit nvonuo, and dcHcrlb
ed In Vol. 65, pago 321, county to
eordor's records of Juokmm county,
Oregon; 50 foet: rnto por foot $3,51;
amount $175,50.
AHHOHHiuont No. Ifl PIckol, Klum
& Murphy, Lot 3, block 1, biimmlt
addition to tho city of Medford, Oro
fon; frontage GO foot on tho onut
sldo of Summit nvonuo, nud describ
ed lit Vol. 6G, pngo 321, county re
corder's rucorda of Jackson county,
Oregon; 50 foot; rnto por foot $3.51;
nmount $175.50.
Awu'BHmont No, 17 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy. Lot 4, block 1, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Oro Ore Oro
eon: froutngo 50 feot on tho oaHt
sldo of Summit nvonuo, and doHcrlh
ed In Vol, 65, pago 321, county re
corder's records of Jucknou county,
Oregen: 50 foot; rnto por foot $3.51;
amount $175,50.
Assessment No. IS -PIckol, Klum
& Murphy. Lot 5, block 1, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage GO foot on tho oast
sldo of Summit nvonuo, nnd describ
ed In Vol. 65, pngo 321, county re
corder's records of Jacknon county,
Orogon; 50 feot; rnto per foot $3.51:
amount $175.50.
AnscKifinoiit No. 19 PIckol. Klum
& Murphy. Lot 6, block 1, Summit
addition to thu city ot Medford, Oro
gon; frontrgo 50 feot on tho onst
sldo of Summit nvenuo, nnd describ
ed In Vol.'OG, pngo 321, rounty ro
cordor's records of Jnckoon county,
Oregon; 50 foot; rnto por foot $3.51;
amount $175.50.
Assessment No. 20 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy. Lot 7, block 1, Summit
nddltlnn to thu city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 50 feot on th oast
sldo of Summit nvonuo, nud describ
ed In Vol. 65, pngo 321, county re
corder's records of Jnckson county,
Oregon; GO toot; rato por foot $3.51;
nmount $176.50.
Assessment No. 21 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy. Lot 8, block 1, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; froutngo GO feot on tho onst
sldu of Summit nvonuo. nnd describ
ed In VoL 66, pngo 321, county re
corder's rocordb of Jnckson county,
Oregen: GO feot; ratu per foot $3.61;
nmount $175.50.
Assessment No. 22 PIckol. Klum
& Murphy, Lot 9, block 1, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontngo 50 feot on thu enst
sldo of Summit nvonuo, nnd describ
ed lu Vol, 65, pago 321, county re
corder's records of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 50 feot; rato por foot $3.51;
nmount $175.50,
AKseHfiinont No. UIl Pickol. Klum
& Murphy. Lot 10, block 1, Summit
addition to t'-o city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 50 foot on tho enst
sldo of Summit uvo.itiu, and describ
ed hi Vol. 05, pngo 321, county ro
cordor's records of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 50 feot; rnto por foot $3.51;
nmount $17o.50.
Assessment No. 24 PIckol, Klutn
& Murphy. Lot 11, block 1, Summit
nddltlon to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 50 foot on the east
sldo of Summit nvonuo, nnd describ
ed In Vol. 65, pnEO 321, county ro
cordor's records of Jnckson county,
Orogon; 50 feot; rnto por foot $3.61;
amount $175.50.
Assessmont No. 25 PIckol, Klum
& Murphy. Lot 12, block 1, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 50 feet on tho onst
sldo of Summit nvonuo, and describ
ed In Vol. 65, jingo 321, county re
corder's recordB of Jnckt:on county,
Oregon; 50 foot; rnto por foot $3.51;
nmount $175.50.
Assessmont No. 26 PIckol. Klum
& Murphy. Lot 13, block 1, Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontngo 140 foot on tho east
sldo of Summit nvonuo, and doscrlb
od In Vol. 65, pago 321, county ro
cordor's records ot Jnckson county,
Orogon; 140 foot; rato por foot
$3.51: amount $491.40.
Soction 2, Tho recorder of tho
city of Medford 1b horoby directed
to o'ltor n statomont of tho assess
ments horoby made In tho dockot of
city Hem. tud to glvo notlco by pub
lication as roqulrud by tho charter
nnd ordlnanco No. 250 of srld city,
In tho D.tlly Mnll Tribune, n novs
papar published nnd of gonornl circu
lation In said city.
Tlio rorogoing ordlnanco was pass-
od by tho city council ot tho city of I ,
t.l . J"l. ...... - f.A OA.l .In,, tf l. '
Medford, Orogon, on tho 20tL day ot
Soptombor, 1910, by
tho following
Welch nyo, Morrlck nyo, Emorlck
nyo, Wortman nyo. Eirort ayo, and
Dommor nyo.
Approved Hoptomtior 2lBt, 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mnyor.
City Rocordor,
To tho owner, or roputod ownor, of
each parcol of property doscrlbod In
tho forogolng ordlnanco, as named
thoroln, nnd In tho Hon declared by
said ordlnnnco ns rocordod In tho
dockot of city liens:
You nro horoby notified that tho
asscBBmont declarod by tho forogo
lng ordlnanco has boon mndo nnd thol
Hon thorofor ontorod in tho city Hon
docket, and that tho samo Is duo nnd
you nro horoby required to pny tho
aamo to tho city recordor within ton
days from tho oorvlco of this notlco,
which sorvlco la mndo by publication
of tho forogolng ordlnanco and this
notlco throo tlniou in tho Medford
Mnll Tribune, pursuant to an ordor
of tho city council of said city,
City Rocordor.
An ordlnnnco rogulntlng tho con
struction of nil buildings erected
within tho fire llmlto, and amending
section 3, ordlnanco No. 133,
Tho city of Medford doth ordain as
Soction 1, That soction 3 of or
dlnnnco No, 133 bo nnd -tho samo Is
horoby amended to rond ns follews:
All buildings oroctod within tho
firo limits shall hnvo tholr outsldo
wnlls nnd party walls mndo of brick
or stono, or othor non-combtiBtlblo
mntorlnlBj provided, howovor, tho
council mny grant pormlts for tho
oroctlon within tho tiro limits nt
frnmo buildings designed only for
rosldonco purposes, to bo vo located
that no part ot tho samo shall bo
nonror than ton foot to any othor I
building, In enso tho council shall
Medford, Orogon, on tho 9th day of
! Hoptomhor, 111 10, by Iho followilijf
lfllfort nyo, Eiwirlok nyo, Wortnuui
ayo, nud llommor nyo.
Approved Soptombor 10th, 1910.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Ilocordor.
Tho city council of tho city of Mod
ford, Oregon, will roeolvo sonlod pro
posnls for tho $0250 hIx por coot, too
your Improvement bonds nt Its tmxt
rogulnr mooting, to bo hold October
18th, 1010, nt 7:30 o'clock p, in.
All bids must bo nccotnpnntod by
n corttflod chock equal to five per
cent of tho amount hid for, said chock
to ho mado payablo to L. L. Jacobs,
city treasurer of unld city; bids to
bo filed with tho city recorder on or
boforo 4!30 o'clock p, in. October
18th, 1910.
Dntod October 11th, 1910.
City Rocordor.
TORS. Tho city council or tho city of
Medford, Oregon, will roculvo nonlod
propoHnls for tho coiiBtructloi. of cor
tnln plecon of comOnt sldownllc to ho
constructed In various p.-tii of said
city, at Its next regular mooting, to
ho hold October 18th, 1010; bids to
bo on tho follewing:
(n) Bids for cement sidewalks on
(b) Bids for oxcavntl'J.
All bids to bo filed with tho city
rocordor on or boforo 5 o'clock p. in.
Octobor 18th, 1910, and to bo ac
companied by a check oqunl to flvo
por cent ot thu amount bid, said
check to bo mndo payable to L. L.
Jacobs, city treasurer ot tho city of
For further Information regard
ing tho amount of work proposed,
etc., call or t rlto to thu city ODgluoor.
Dttod at Medford, Oregou, this
12th day of Octobor, 1910.
City Rocordor.
Notlco la horoby glvon that tho un
dorslgnod will apply to tho city coun
cil of tho city of Medford, Orogon, nt
tho noxt regular mooting thoreof, to
bo hold on Octobor 18, 1910, for a 11
conso to soil eplrltoun, vinous nnd
malt llquora for n porlod of six
months at his plnco of buslnoas, nt
No. 23 Front streot, North, In said
Datod October 7, 1910.
Arrnngo to ntlond tho Eugene Bus
Inoss Collogo. nnd let us got you a
good position when you graduate. En
tor now, Sond for our now cata
logue, 14 West Bovonth strict.
Eugene, OroLon. tf
Usunlly n boarding iiouso Hint's
good onough to bo advertised Is good
enough to board at.
oni itioai PAnnc 4-
l , i v.i .writ, unuuu,
For County Recorder.
I am tho republican nominee for
thq offion of county rocordor for
Jackson county. Election Noveiub"
B. 1010. FRI3D L. COLVIO
For Sheriff '
CnndlJtto for ro-olootloa.
For State Senator
Democratic Nomlnoo for Stato Sena
tor from Jackson County,
Stnnds for Stntomont No. 1.
UJMlNt Gray
Vlllow Green
fNnpolcon Huff
(Jflllultlque liltio
(I)ovo Gruy
J Daybreak Pink
ffl Aro tho fashlonablo sliados
In Crane's Llnon Lnwn Writ
ing Papers, 8ho most ollto
enrronpandonco mndo lu
Amorlca or Europo.
flWo hnvo a complete assort
mont to ooloct from,
Medford Book Store