jt".-wmwjp w '' , CKK "k 'f!L t erf- 1 'W ' o 0 D s LUMBER i COMPANY - - Medford's Oldest, Largest and Best Yard ?. Central Point Items Harry Sclby returned from Call fomia Monday after spending sov cral -weeks visitinj friends and siz intr up conditions in many sections of the Golden state, Mr. Selby says he enjoyed the trip hugely but no part of California will begin to compare with the Rogue River valley in the runny things that go to make life worth living. Mrs. J. W. Merritt spent the day in Medford Tuesdnj. A treat is promised to local play goers next Saturday evening when that most laughable farce, "Ici on Parle Francnis," will be given in the opera house by n clever company of Mcdford artists. The musical num bers will be furnished by local talent under the direction of Prof. Willinm Fields of Grants Pass. The enter tainment is being given under the auspices of the local Y. M. C. A., and the proceeds will be devoted to the needs of that most worthy aud popu lar organization. If the music loving public of Cen tral Point nre ever to be favored with the opportunity .of hearing J. O. Isnneson and W. A. Cowley sing a duet it will probably bo at the en tertainment to be given at the opera house next Saturday evening under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Don't miss this entertainment. The num ber above alluded to will, if given, be worth many times the price of admission. Mr. and Mrs. M. It. England vis ited Medford Monday afternoon. The new bungalow being built for J. M. McJimsey is nearing comple-i tiou. ed Friday from a successful deer hunt in the Evans creek couutry. Mr. Jones bagged a fine, fat specimen and so peculiar were the circumstan ces of the buck's taking off that it took Mr. Jones sometime to determ ine whether his shot hnd took effect or the deer had died from heart fail ure. J. E. Day of Woodville, who is engaged in the fruit business, is here this week looking after the wants of the orchardists of this section. He reports business good. John Turrill who hns been spend ing the summer at Yoncalla, has re turned to Central Point and will spend the winter here. Mr. Turrill and J. H. Gardner went to Yoncolln several months ago and together bought a 120 acre farm which they later divided, Mr. Turrill taking 47 acres aud the buildings and Mr. Gardner retaining the remaining 73 acres. Mr. Turrill has just sold his tract at a good advance- over the price paid and is finite well satisfied with his summer's speculation. Mrs. Fannie Bnrtlett, of Oregon City, was here last Friday on busi ness connected with the estate of the lato Gladys Brown, who died in this city last summer. Miss Brown was left an orphan some two years ago when her stepfather killed himself, his wife and children by exploding dynamite in the family dwelling. Mi33 Brown was the only one of the family who escaped aud her health failed soon after the tragedy. Mrs. Bnrt lett was appointed her gunrdian and after her death was made adminis- Moor-EhniCo. 213 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDCJ. Offer for jour consideration Ranch 35 acres, 24 planted, now 6-room houso, bn":j, sheds, torn, tools; $8000, terms. 17 acres granito free soil, all plant ed apples and pears, bulldhgs; ?S600, terms. 10 aero wood lr.t near Medford; $500, terms. 20 acres with vater rlght3, 10 bear ing, nil planted; $12,500. 320 acres nillside orchard lr.nd near Medford; $50 per acre. 40 acres ner Central Point, 12 In fruit, 10 alfalfa; $300 per acre. ASHLAND ampe&feztz$ ?$ga& City Hi Jones and Mr. Painter return- trator of the dead girl's estate. NEW FLAN HIT UPON FOR CITY FINANCING WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. A deci sion which may establish a prece dent in municipal financial arrange ments was handed down by the treas ury department officials in a contro . erby over a provision in the Aldrich Vieolund curency law, upon which ei ports differed. The law provides that emergency currency be issued by nationul banks on the hecurity of bond of a munici pality or district "whose I'liuied In debtedness does not ox-cud 10 por cent of the valuation of It taxable property, to bo ascertained by the h.st proc'd)!,; valuatio : or' property for taxation. The problem concerned the defini tion of "not funded indebtedness" and "vuluation of its taxable prop erty," The treasury decision is: "The phrase, 'not funded indebt edness trensurer holds toi mean the ontire bonded debt 'of a municipal ity, less any bonds not yot scld, or any bonds purchased and not can celled, us for sinking fund nccounl. "The phrase 'valuation of its tax able property' is construed to mean the valuation of taxable properly as estimated by the assessor. Where the law prescribes that the assessors shall estimato the value of all prop erty subject to taxation at its ac tual value and that tho taxes shall bo assessed at a fraction of such value, tho valuation of taxable prop erty is understood to menu tho ac tual valuation estimated by tho as sessors. Where, howovor, tho law makes no distillation between actual) and tnxablo value of property, tho 'valuation of Inxnblo property' is construed to menu tho taxable valuo upon whiclf tho actual taxes nro levied," WELL KNOWN SMITH TO QUIT HIS SHOP SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 15. W. F. Robertson, a master blacksmith and farrier in Spokane, who has put shoes on all kinds of horses, from Indian cayuse to trained racers and accumulated a fortune from his work iu the last eleven years, expects to retire at tho end of the yeur, though, he says, he is unable to find any physical reason for quitting his work, ne is fifty years of age and rides in a high power automobile to his shop where ho labors nine hours n day at his trade. He has re ceived an offer of $25,000 for his business, which cost him $1,800 when he enm.e to Spokane in 1808. He is a native of Canada, born in On tario in 1800. He owns an orchard near Spokane, and if ho retires as a smithy he expects to devote tho rest of his years to horticulture. He has made a study of peur growing. Robertson has five men in his em ploy, and to prove that owning an automobile does not untit u man for hard work ho does nine hours six ( nays n weeK ai tlio lorge. His shop is equipped with electrically driven hammers and shoo fitting machines and labor saving devices n;d is mod-' era in every respect. j Into Tx.mnm hnneo hnrn thrpft blocks from Main street; $3000. New modern houso, G rooms, double sides and floors, stono foundation; $2700. Now modern house, 7 rooms, 2 sleep ing porches, bath up and down stairs; $4500; a tino place. FIno residence lots on Main street, Mistletoe, Laurel, Newtown, Rose avenue, Quince, Peach, King street. 9 fino city lots; $250 each. These are only a few of the many Ranch and City properties wo have. Call and septus. The Fair Oaks Orchard Tracts Close to Medford. Good splendid soil. Sub-irrigated and above frost line 70 acres now planted to pears and ap ples. Prices right and terms easy. Let me abow you a good real estate investment. Earl G. Sabin Room 202 Fruitgrowers Bank Building. Ashland, Oregon Swedenburg Block This is the school that will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and Help you to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH " Secure your Business Education at homo at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, we will secure you a position in any of tho large commercial centers. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. RITNER. A. M., President. Farm Land and Orchards Cf 296 ACRES near Brownsboro, subject to Pish Lake Ditch, $30,000. Cf 240 ACRES, all bottom land, good water right, 12 miles from Medford, 3V miles from railroad sta tion; $80.00 per acre. Cf 625 ACRES, 3y2 miles from Medford,' 125 acres in 1 and 3-year-old trees, all fine soil; a first class set of buildings, teams and tools go in; the best value in Jackson county for the price; $181 per acre. CJ 53 ACRES Bear creek bottom, subject to irrigation; well located; $250.00 per acre. Cf 10 ACRES in full bearing orchard, 1 3-4 milos from Medford; seven-room house, fine team and tools go in; $14,000. We have other propositions as good. Come and see us. CITY LOTS AND RESIDENCES CJ 1 ACRE, with two 5-room cottages and barn; West Side; $3500.00. Cf 4 LOTS 50x106, with five-room cottage, almost new; West Side; $2500. CJ 6-ROOM cottage, lot 60x100, close in and a beauty, for $4500.00. CJ 1 CORNER LOT, 50x118, on West Main, north and cast front, sidewalk in and paid for; $1000. TERMS ON ALL ABOVE LISTED. CJ Por particulars, call at office or phone 2722. D. H. Jackson & Comp'y 118i2 WEST MAIN STREET RARE BARGAINS BY OWNER 1. Modern 6-room house and 2 sleeping porches, cor ner lot 50 by 160, content walks, paved street, close in. See this placo for a convenient home in a nice neighbor hood. Prices and terms very reasonable 2. Pive-room house on corner lot 53 by 100, on street to be paved next year; water on lot; sower in front; rents for $14.00 per month. Price $1000. Noto tho in terest this investment offers. 3. Apples, pears, peaches, prunes, grapes, loganber ries, raspberries and other fruit and shade trees on 201 by 207 feet; barn and chicken park; four-room house; city water; two wells; wind pump; paved street; sewer; rich soil; enough for eight large lots, and all for $1000; terms. I. A good lot 50 by .100, in a nice neighborhood; ce ment walk, sewer mid water; alley in rear; ono block from pavement; 3y2 blocks from city park; a lovely place for your home at a right price. 5. A bargain lot, 50 by 108; alley in rear; half block from sewer and water on a street that will be paved next year; about 15 bearing fruit trees; $375. 6. A good business location, 50 by 100; on Front street between the new depot and Sixth street. This is sure to advance in value soon and fast. Remember, IN B UYINCI ANY OP THESE DIRECT PROM ME I PAY NO AGENT'S COMMISSION, HENCE YOU GET THE BENEFIT. M. A. RADER 60 N. ORANGE STREET MEDFORD AUTOMOBILES ALL CHURCHES MAY MEET IN CONFERENCE. 4t CINCINNATI. Oct. IS. Tho no tlon taken by tho houso pf deputies of tlio Protestant Episcopal conven tion may result In tho calling of a groat world's conference of all tho chruches of tho Christian faith at fiomo time in tho near future. If the furnished room ad "looks good", run Around to tho address given and. take a look at It. O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY 1010 Chulmors Dotroits. Phone 1801, Valley Auto Company, Medford, Or. Quick Service. Easy Ridinj?. PriceB Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Ac;onoy for tho Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank H. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. A DKl'OSTlTOIt AT THE FAIIMKIIS & FIIUITGIIOWEIIS DANK has many advantages beuldo tho safe ty of his money. Ho can put notes aifd drafts In for collection, borrow monoy on nccoptablo socurlty, call on tho hank for any advlco of a fi nancial nature You will ho ontltlod to theso courtoslos If you havo an account thero, whether It bo largo or small. For Sale C-ROOM HOUSE; two screened in poarches; elect ric lights; bath room, has hot and cold water, both city and well water: nice lawn; large barn for six head of horses and two large sheds; lot 75x220 feet; 5 bearing apple trees; water and sower in street; this is a very desirable location overlooking Medford. Prices right, with terras, for a quick sale. 1 LOT, 75x220 feet; city water and sewer; 13 boar hag apple trees; 10 3-year-old apple trees; good well and pumping plant; you can havo a bargain in this lot if you act quickly. 5-ROOM HOUSE (NEW); well finished; lot 50x 126; high and dry; good location; city water; elec tric light; this is a snap for investment. 40 ACRES HEAVY PINE AND SAW TIMBER; 7 miles from Medford; No. 1 fruit land, apple and pear; $1000 buys this for next 10 days. Por fur ther information, call on tho owner, N. L. TOWNSEND ' 721 BENNETT AVE. PHONE 4232. SPECIAL Tho Club quartet of Soattlo wlfiTo at tho "Louvro Cafo" ovory night from C to 8 p. m. and from 10 p. m, to 2 n. m. Vocal and Instrumental selections that aro suro to ploaso. tf BULBS Exclusive Agency for Cortland 0 Hoed Co, Medford Greenhouse Phone 3741 For Sale Fine homo ranch in Orckard Home, half milo from two pavod streets of Medford, consisting of Sy2 acres in mostly full bearing commercial fruit, first class; nearly all now "buildings; 200 head of poultry. rn,.., n-nA 4-i-.rt1a rtn iritli V10 -nlnno if rlnniiwl. Tf inrnr- J.UUUt UUU IUUW $V IMliU j.timw.v -- .-.w. -.v.. u csted come opt and see my big turkeys, and prize- J winner, Spitzonburgs growing on tho trees, No com- J mission to agont. ROBT. DTJTTON, MEDFORD, ORE.