"1 MED1T0RD MAIL T33IBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1910, 13 i NEW GOODS No Shop Worn Pianos Our goods aro not Hliop worn in the large cities and then shipped out to the smaller towns to be EASY TERMS A Small Payment , Then a Little at a Time All of our instruments can be bought on the easy payment plan. We tunepianos, wo rent pianos,-wo buy pianos, we sell pianos, in. fact we do the piano business of Southern Oregon. i 5 diunped off on (o the inexperienced buying public. I itth,'i XJ? X & ! . X I I HflSHiflniRtfi M "' i Laffargue Pianos Arc today the latest and most up to date achievement in piano construction. This piano since its presenta tion in Southern Oregon lias appealed to the most crit ical buyers and has appealed to three-fourths of the piano buyers so strongly that they have compelled mo to re-order the fourth carload of goods to supply the rap id demand for such a popular instrument. X wo- 5 iff m i kxi H cS5w! THE APOLLO STANDS FAR ABOVE ALL COMPE TITION Pianos on Sale The following pianos have been traded in on our cele brated Players and are for sale at reduced prices. Pianes: Ludwig,R. Walnut, good as new, others ask $400.00, our price, $286. Schubert, in good condition, retails for $400.00, our price, $196. Kingsbury Inner Player, Mah., others ask $665.00, our price, $418.00. Huntington, Oak, regular price, $350, special reduction from our low price, $318.00. Wellington, H. Mali., oth ers ask $290, our price, $196.00. All of the above pianos can be had on the easy payment plan. With bnsin.mm'oi' wonmn.' ""rt l""1 " " ld-,lo0(k'(1 PPosltlon will, every contemplating piano buyer in Southern Oregon. As a rule a saving of dollars and eents will appeal to any Unly Direct Factory to Home Distributor in Southern Oregon least possible expense to the buyer in Southern Oregon. uie ouyer ana on rop or tins we aosoiuteiy guarantee to save you $100 T.lUfiktt t ma Altft i ,a ,,lu,,H" iua-uiiiyuiret'iini'ioryioiionic distributors of Uie word's best pianos and player pianos at the We pay no rents, we lure no men to sell our roods, wo Imvn nnr mm ,ini,w; , Ln . t "" i"J O P" ..:. S5 '"SKJS ?u b! fro! Won when you consider ? piano fr rattot , :"..: :"i ' L.1" Vs Wliy wu na m lUG 1"V lour montlis shipped in to Medford and sold more pianos than all other imwiw iuiuul iu I'MLinaLiiiir ijiii" nroMo.miimi vnii i nr tmi tn w einn ....,. t i- . i. -n - dealers combined in the last twplvp mnnfliq. "W.vpw fimo vmi Tnv o - - . . - v-.vuwv m w w. W1IU T V V ftC T W. rieties here to select from; account, jvery piano on our noor is clean cut from the castors up and you will at all times find the largest va- pfi ioSi IvTf Pod. the Goigeous Chickering Bros., the old reliable McPhailthe world wide known Laffargue piano, the finest 10 viva in To Inidc 1 Lo to? aiid the o ,h -nlf ? fn;,?i oif801111 and1otheVf- 0ur line of Playera consist of the world wide renowned Appollo Player Piano, the only Player Piano that has nit uncle toau3 , and the onlj plaer that touches down on the keys the same as the fa-mous musician, which gives the exact time and expression to the most critical ear. JUST RECEIVED A CAR OF FINE PIANOS. Visit Our Big Warehouse Oakdale and 10th Hale We Can Save You $100 on Most Any Piano. THE LOT OF THE HOMESTEADER (Coiitimit'il from I'niro 0.) iniloa away, to which lie only made oc canional trips and his l'amily wuh thoro hut a low nudes in tho Htiiniuur On tho other hand, tho roal houiu Kteadcr iiiahuH n honiu thoro and oiiltivatos tliu laud. Ho is onu of the nation'ri houul'autorri, for it id throuija liirt arduous lahor that tlto nconiKU of produutiou in enlarged and tliu am oaiticH of oivilization hiouht to Kroalor fioldn. Tliu man who sul duos thu wild and makes an orchard pow wlioru hcoforo thoro wiih hut n l'oix'st or IiiuhIi, hau oaruod thu thank of thu world. Mtit thu women who accoupany their hunlmnds to those out-oL'-tlio ,wuy plncoB aro huroinuri. Thoy know iimly duny IIiuiiihuIvcs of uvcrylliiiiK dear to tho fciiiiuiuu heart. There aro ninny of thcHo unsung hrave wo inuii in Oregon. Ol'ton it if, nauugh ary for hor hiisliaud to cock employ ment far away and she must remain alone, With those kind of honiesteadors it is astonishing how much improve ment can ho accomplished. Take thu case of II. L Voiiiik' as nu example Ho has had his home stead for about two yearn. It is far up In tho mountains and hard lo reach. Yut in ashort time he has put five acres into orchard, and all tho trccH aro thrifty and well cared for. IIu has five acres planted in other crops which will he planted to trees this winter. Mosaics this ho !:' four more acres slashed and hunied and thu stumps will bo removed this winter. He has his entire place fenced and Iiiih a beautiful five-room bungalow and two barns on itt. Von may nay: Well, thift is easy for a man with inonoy." Hut Mr. Yoimir has douu all of this in two years by hard labor and by apply ing hi, earniugh to thu laud. It only shows what can he done if efforts are applied and good faith exist-. There is nothing of limgitt in this, Anyone can duplicate it. There aro a few homesteads worth while left in Oregon. Somo good laud, heimly timbered, is in the for est lesorves, but this is not open fir entry, except under the act of June 1 1,11)0(1 which applies chiotly to land not nlunblo for agriciiltiiic. However, tho homesteader has sonic compensations for the hard lif' ho leads. Ho does not have to leae his placo if ho wishes to hunt deer or boar. A stray cougar is apt t venture on his domain a,ud afford a shot. Then there am grouse and (liiail. When it comos to fishing if he i. a disciplo of Isaac Walton ho is in l'aradise, for ho lives way hoyond the places of the city fisherman conies to. All thu joys of nature aro his, thi deep solemn woods all about, the clear pure invigorating air of the mountains, scouleed with pino and balsam. To the man who loves na ure it is ideal lil'o in mailv wavs. IN THE FRUIT GROWING WORLD (Conlinpod from Page D.) of(,()iir groworn nro bolng supplied onoh day. Wo have a car tlilB morn lug(nnd tho lioHt authority on shook HnyH .thoro will ho another car Mon day, thin, of course, depending upon wrecks, which delayed our car today, Whoa you nro ready to start to town for a load of shook telephone tills ' office, x I Wo havo Hold 10 to GO euro of up ploH and we do not think It wlso at this tlmo to publish tho prlcoa broadcast In tho nowsinpoifl, Any monihor of tho awioclatloii Interested , may call and loara thqso prlcou. It , nmy sooni BtrniHo that wo do not publish this Information In tho pa pers, but many times wo wart to put our prlcoB up, which will bo hard to j do If our salon nro published In tho , Orogonlftii mid tho ABsoclnted Pros Ilnalclna for health. pnpora and In llino got Into tho fruit trade papors In tho enBt, nnd wo filnlc work to a disadvantage. Tho passing on prices on B.ilos of our apples Is lu t':o bauds of tho hoard of directors or a cominlttoolippolntod'by tlioni. Wo havo rejected nn offor on tlO.OOO boxes of Nowtowna and hnvo turned down somo IiiibIhobb on ono other variety of apples. You niUBt roniombur wo aro not Infallible and lit rojoctliu? I'touo offers hnvo In mind tho wolfaro or all growors, and If take hnd boon inndo wo must not find fault, but imiBt bo govorcod by tho actions of tho hoard of dlroctora whom you oloctod, and at this tlmo It may ho well to state Hint It la in porfoct unity on sales nmdo up to tho prosout tlmo. o. w. wiMianoTii. j Us 1U ' tLADr, IYE CALLED TO TaIkVtj-T WEtLl YOUvEOor OVfC ?5tAM NO. 1 -BUT UOX) y "f TO YOU ABOUT THE hERVE TOCAUMEAWAyI FOR LITTLE I&ROLD! Vv-rT AOANTAQE5 OF ClECTPlCl iTROH MY WASHIfta I DONT) IT'S ME FOR. THE OVC5v V. LIGHT- (WWMeCTWCliOHTAy hvASKTUB DEPARTMENT -V rr 1 1 A i yifAT savf vSil a. , "V Ma V"11 sou D0 ,s ruT THE CLOTHES ) TTLAHOcnTPnnPorpT) k Wokl 'NTO THE WAS KER., PRESS THE BOTTOM j4 THAT LABOR AND DRUDOCRt r. l ,''viu and EiPfTPic itv nnp: tuc okt 1 q By a Simple application 1 2 f-v ' L. 2j. A OP ELECTRICITV. WANT P' ' ) I s 7W& TO HEAR ABOUT IT? J J x I V . . . ry UP T7 7 7 L J 1Siv -- r err . - . 7 ' ' ' '" p 'irr c3 " . I i , - --" . . i rvi lMik. ..i.. ah . ... 1 '' ) I ' ' ' -I.1 i yn, sunn, nulHW YOUVt LOMEI V I VVEMU5T HAVE ELECTRIC LIGHTS PUT) t, d!) " -.a IN RIGHT AWAY- ANDAN ELECTRIC ' Jft s' vs? TV ( I WASHER. ITVCSALLwl"Wto I &l K 6?ZK X rTN UVU El EClAfit " 'ELECTRIC AT V fis AVykiur FLAT CHAFING DISH ELECTRIC I ail J& iters' Imm V ) T7 Wvti. -S-Hf i hiuii viiAtuuMtT:Jiu3JirsrcwAi L-Hii mi Lighting Rates in Some American Cities We are Indebted to the Pacific Gas nnd Electric Magazine for the fol lowing table of electric lighting rates In some of the chief American cities: Cents per kw. hr. 9 10 10.4 11 12 9 11.8 12 10 12.5 8 FOR SALE BY THE Rogue River Eleckric Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Population. Atlanta, Ga 1,50.000 Baltimore, Md 650,000 Birmingham, Ala 60,000 Boston, Mass '. 630,000 Brooklyn, X. Y 1,600,000 Buffalo, X. Y '. 415,000 Butte, Mont ' 65,000 Chicago, 111 ." . i ......... .i ... . 2,600,000 Cincinnati, OMo '. .' 460,000 Cleveland, Ohio !'...,.". 550,000 Denvor, Colo '. . .. 230,000 k Des Moines, Iowa 100,000 12 Detroit, Mich 450,000 12 . 6 Grand Rapids, Mich 110,000 8 Guthrie, Okla 23,000 15 Hartford, Conn . 100,000 11 Houston, Texas .'." .- 100,000 13 Indianapolis, Ind 250,000 10 Knnsas City, Mo 375,000 10 Llttlo Rock, Ark 60,000 13 . 5 Los Angeles, Cal 350,000 7 Louisville, Ky .....'. 290,000 8.4 Madison, Wl3 , 26,000 14 . 5 Memphis, Tonn 200,000 10 Milwaukee, Wis 375,000 12 Minneapolis. Minn 310,000 10 Natchez, Miss X . . . 18,000 13.5 Nowark, X. J ' 350,000 10 Now Orleans, La 375,000 17.1 Now York, X. Y 3,000,000 10 Oakland, Cil 200,000 9 Omaha, Neb 150,000 14 Philadelphia, Pa. .' 1,500,000 13.5 PlttEburgh. Pa . n 600,000 10 Portland, Mo 65,000 9 Portland, Ore 275,000 15 Providence, R. 1 215,000 12 Richmond, Va 116,000 10 Rochester, X. Y 200,000 8 St. Louis, Mo 750,000 12 St. Paul, Minn . .". . 235,000 13.5 Snernmonto, Cal. 55,000 9 San Antonio, Texts .' 125,000 14.5 San Francisco, Cal 500,000 9 Salt Lake, Utah 100,000 10 Seattle, Wash 200,000 9 Topoka, Kan 50,000 9 Washington, D. C. .. 350,000 10 Medford, Ore 10,000 4 to 10 Tho lowest electric light and powor rates lu tho United States In Medford, Orogon, i Have You Bute red the Csateit? i