J! HANDS HUSBAND OVERALL WILL SAVjHILLIES Out Fans Aro Not So Confident Now Tlmt Their Team Will Win World Championship All Stars Playlnu Splendid Ball. , , $200 AND LEAVES PITCH MONDAY r 'ai 'j is Woman Offers Reward of $200 to Man Who Will Marry Her Then , Sho Gets on Steamer and Leaves to Got Fortune. Manancr Chance Chooses Bin Coast 10 11 i- 1 ' ? '?i i Twlrlcr to Open Scries for Clilcafio aere -Brown Will Pitch the Second Game for Cubs. '"A Av1- NOT TRYING lMMLADIOLl'HIA, Oct. 1C. Tho oluiniplou Athletics Htlll IiihIiiL that tlwy n ro not, 'trying' In tliolr ;iiiiiok with tho AU-Star JiKltroKr.tloti or American I on cuo jiliiyoni Unit Ih con- illtlonliiK tho l'lillii((ilihl:i tenm for tho comtiiK world'H hoiIom with tho Chicago Ui.hn. Tlio At'ilotlcn liavo not won a rjnmo from' tho All-Mars, who liavo Inlion four HtrnlKht from tho Amorlcnn loilKUO cllUtlllloilS, MnmiKor Jimmy McAloor of tho All-Stars milt! todny that tho All Htiim Ih tho liout tonm llvlni; and of fered to hot $10,000 that tlioy could lii'iit tho Ctihu In n iiurlcH of flvo Kntnoii. Tho poor iOiowIiik of tho Athlotlcn with tho All-Htnru hnn hud Its effect on tho Philadelphia fnmi, mid they aro not ho confident Hint tho world'H championship will rest with tho American league team uii they woro n week nRO. Tho wonknomi of tho Athlotlcn Ih canning tho fnnn tho Kroatont worry, Mnck'n men hr.vo nhown up woo ful ly poor nKiiliiHt tho All-Star pltchorM, and tho faun aro wondorltiK If Coomlis, Plunk and Uender can hold tho CutiH down to as poor a showing, Tho baseball htiKH hero fenr the Culm will piny a btintliiK gnmo, tit which they tiro innHterH, Tho advance Bale of iioatn for tho four KntneH up to hint night Is tho largest over recorded for correspond ing games In ;i world'H series. Tho I'hllndelpnh. team will leavo tonight for tho country, returning Monday. ADMIRAL COMING. TOKIO, Oct. IB. AilmSrul Kiimi nori left hero today for San r'riui- oIhi'O. WASHINGTON, Out. 10. MIks Kiigonlii AduniH, wlio ulvurlinol n re ward of 200 fur (ho mini who would marry lier within n week ho tlmt hIio could obey tho leriiiH of her kiiiikI fatlior'H will mid claim Iuh entitle in Germany, wiih miirriud today lo Hor ace I1'. Iliown, a linililim; wrecker. When Hie ceremony wiih concluded the hriile dtiK down in line purse mid took out two criH) $100 noteH. "1 am much obliged lo .you," who Hiiid to lier iii8biind, "Good-bye." And without itiiolher word h!i' walked out of the court room. "Good-bye mid good luck to you" replied Hrown. Drown glanced from bin disappear- iug bride to the ImIIh in bin hand. "Darned nice girl; kinda hate to hoo her go," he muttered laconical ly. "Mut it wiih a bargain and I'll Htiek to it. If hIio ever wants to come back, darn it, I'll take her, too. If hIio don't, I won't bother her." Tho bride left at once for Phila delphia, where hIio will nail on the firnt boat for Germany to claim her oMtntu. Brown went back to Iuh job. NOTED JAPANESE DEAD. TOKIO, Oct. in.TnkcuoHiiko Sa uiejima, one of the bent known tighten; in the JnpaucHo navy, died here today, aged 07. Sainojimn was once a member of thu Iioiiho of poor iuul later chief Heerelary to the cabi net anil auditor of the hank of Japan. "HtifllcnH Opportunity" adH usunlly live up to their nnmo mid that mnkos thorn worth cnroful watching, will bo vrorth cash to you. Ilftaklns for Health. CHICAdO, Oct. 15. Orvul Over all, tho CIiIcuco'h giant pitcher, to day wub HCloctod by Manager Krank Chance iih tho twlrler who will work In theo polling game of tho world'H HorloB with tho Philadelphia AthlotlcH at Philadelphia Monday. Mordccal Drown will pitch tho nccond and Iloul- buch or PfolHter tho third. Itlchlo will act an relief pitcher. The Culm wero iicliodulod lo play tho final game with Bt. Lou In hero thin afternoon. Accompanied by htin ilrcdH of fntiH, tho team will leavo for Philadelphia on a Hpeclul train nt 7:30 tonight. Chunce'n announcement of his pltcheni Ih couulderod Hlgnlflcant, In that It hIiowh ho Intendn taking no chttnccH with his youugnterH. During tho world'H HorloH, Chnnco mild today, Melntyre, Cole, Foxen and Pfelffcr will warm tho bench. Jim O'Lcary, a Chicago Hportlng man, Ih offering odds of 7 to 10 to Cub ImckorH and 0 to G to Athletic bottom. The largest bet yet recorded Is $1200 on the Cubs'. JAPAN LAUNCHES GREAT WARSHIP TOKIO, Oct. f. The Kawatht. 120,800 toiiK, Jitpan'ri largest battlc nhip wiih HiicceKHfully launched to day at Yokoseka in Kpiiu of a heavy Ktorni that prevailed. The mikado mid a largo number of prominent of ficials attended the launching. The Kawathi wan built along the lincH dcKigned to eliminate fault discovered in tho Imtlcfcliips engaged in the ItuHso-.Tapancse war. If you novor "Iobo any tlmo" ox ccpt that Bpont In fruitlessly answer ing want ncB, yju'll got nlongl HEAR. Dr. Clarence True Wilson THE GREAT Prohibition Advocate AT THE Nat" Auditorium TONIGHT J Orchard Tracts IN PERRY'S SUBDIVISION JUST OUTSIDE OP TOWN V? f " lWo have a few ten-acre tracts and one 40-acro tract yet unsold; 40-acre tract has Beautiful Oak grove for building sites, good house, barn, wmdmill, gasoline en gine and every thing convenient; there is no better land in the Rogue River Valley; no better location for an ideal home. If you want a good piece of land or beautiful home, see our oneracre tracts in the big Oak grove. Prices are lower than anything in the valley, considering location and quality of soil. Call on J. A. Perry, owner, or have your agent show you these tracts. SJfc I'?'' J. A. PERRY, 604 W. Main Street, Medford, Ore. , M w 91 V ?n?,r?'m "Libby" Cut Glass and Sterling Tableware in latest designs. PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST J. W. Diamond 115 E. Main St. The P. & E. R. R. will soon be at Butte Falls, Oregon We can then handle your orders. Place them now. Write or Phone us 'for Drices. Butte Falls Lumber Co. P. N. CUMMINGS - T. W. OSGOOD OSGOOD & CUMMINGS THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Gentlemen: l-x Hero is you ohaiK'c. .loin the Fantorium Pressing Club. ; -.,.. .,, . ,f-wwyi v..iM '', t ''"'. We call for, sponge, press and deliver one suit of your clothing each week, sew' on buttons, sew up rips, for $2.00 per month. This is your opportunity to keep your clothes well pressed at a very low cost. Your clothes will always look like new and will wear much longer. i Our Cleaning Department is Complete 1 I ;' "- 1 A "( ", iv Wo handle everything in the cleaning line. Our aim is to give you the best that first-class people can produce. OURGUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY ARTICLE WE HANDLE. IE WE CANNOT PLEASE YOU, WE' DON'T WANT YOUR MONEY. Iv i ' . f Not tho cheapest, but the best. vffi' '.-.&-. '' f" W-- ,. '' .wiuuwiiu, --t-i.t, vyiu- wagua )iii gmi, "f' i- t-r V 'iT J' ' "" Sw ' "I S-' . tM0? i& NO. 5 NORTH FIR STREET. i jam l-TkMUttWitl MV 44fc4 44 M44, 4IVH -MaBitew. -Wi m