1 10 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDJFQRD, OREGON, SUNDAY, Q0TO1313U 10, .1010. We Make Everything in Wood v y-rw V i J Jl . , -W t5WffKmWHl!5fliJ iV Vt'!Fl?1BRfifflLyBWlVFii ? 't I Right Quality Right Workmanship Our Specialties Elm Veneer Panels Everything in Mahogany Right Deliveries Right Prices Medf ord Sash and Door Co. CITY NOTICES. OltMXAXCE XO. S87. An ordinance declaring tho cost of the Improvement of Robs Court from "West Main street to West Fourth street, and assessing the property benefitted thereby, and declaring such assessment, and directing the entry thereof in the docket of the city liens. Tho City of Medford doth ordain ns follews: Section 1. That no protests hav ing been filed against the improve ment of Ross Court, due no tice of the Intention of the coun cil to causo said Improvement to be made having been given and said Improvement having been ordered made, the council has considered the matter and herewith ascertains the probable cost of making such im provement to be the sum of $4780.40. And said council further finds that tho special and peculiar benefit accruing upon each lot or part thore- of adjacent to said improvement and in just proportion to benefits, to be the respective amounts hereinafter set opposite the number or descrip tion of each lot or part thereof, and such amounts respectively are here by declared to be tho proportionate share of each lot or part thereof, of tho cost of such Improvement, and Is hereby declared to bo assessed against said lot or parcels, respect ively, tho name appearing above each description being tho name of tho owner of such lot or parcel. ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAVING OF ROSS COURT FROM WEST MAIN TO WEST FOURTH STREET. Assessment No. 1 L. E. Wake- mnn. Lot 1, block 2, Wolverton ad dition to tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 140 feet on tho west -side of Ross court, and described in R-323; 140 feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount $452.20. Assessment No. 2 I. J. Phlpps. "Lot 4, block 2, Wolverton addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front--age CO feet on the west side of Ross court, and described In R-230; CO feet; rate per foot 3.23; amount I1C1.50. Assessment No. 3 I. J. Phlpps. Lot 5, block 2, Wolverton addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on tho west cldo of Ross court, and described in R-230; CO feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount $161.C0. Assessment No. 4 S. I. Wilson. .Lot G, block 2, Wolverton addition to tho city of-Medford, Oregon; front age CO feet on the west side of Ross court, and described in R-248; CO feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount $1C1.C0. Assessment No. C E. N. Camp bell. Lot 7, block 2, Wolverton ad ditlon to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on tho west side of Ross court, and described in R-247; 50 feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount $1C1.C0. Assessment No. C Jackson Loan Association. Lot 8, block 2, Wolver ton addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on tho west .sldo of Ross court, and described in R-1C3; 50 feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount flGl.DO. Assessment No. 7 0. D. Wolver ton. Lot 9, block 2, Wolvorton addi tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago oJ foot on the west side of Ross court, and described in R-380; CO feot; rate per foot $3.23; amount $101.50. Assessment No. 8 L. E. Wake man. Lot 10, block 2, Wolverton ad dition to the cKy of Medford, Oro gon; frontago CO feot on tho west sldo of Ross court, and described in R-337; 50 feot; rato per foot $3.23; amount $101,50. Assessment No. 9 E. M. Tuttle. Lot 11, block 2, Wolvorton addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 50 foot on the west side of Ross court, and described In R-354; 50 foot; rato per foot $3.23; amount $101.50. ABSossmoat No. 10 F. H, Cook. Lot 12, block 2, Wolvorton addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 50 feet on tho west nldo of Ross court, and descrlbod In R-379; 50 feot; vto per foot $3.23; amount $JC1.G0. ABsessmont No. 11 F. II. Cook. Ivot 13, block 2, Wolvorton addition to the city of Medford, Orogon; front ago 50 feot on tho west eldo of Rosa court, and described In R-379, 50 feot; rato per foot $3.23; amount $101.50. CITY NOTICES. Assessment No. 12 F. H. Cook. Lot 14, block 2, Wolverton addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on the west side of Ross court, and described in R-379; 50 feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount $161.50. Assessment No. 13 C. D. Wolver ton. Lot 15, block 2, Wolverton ad dition to tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on tho west side of Ross court, nnd described in i R-3S0; private drive $10.35; 50 feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount $101.50; total $171.85. Assessment No. 14 Walter A. Fol ger. Lot 1, block 1, Wolverton addi tion to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 140 feet on the east side of Ttoss court, and described in R-237; private drive $11.25; 140 feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount $452.20; to tal, $4G3.45. Assessment No. 15 C. D. Wol verton. Lot 4, block 1, Wolverton addition to tno city of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on the east sldo of Ross court, and described In Vol. 77, page 281, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot $3.23; amount $161.50. Assessment No. 16 C. D. Wolver ton. Lot 5, block 1, Wolverton addi tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on tho east side of Ross court, and described In R-380; 50 feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount $1G1.50. Assessment No. 17 Big Pines Lumber Co. Lot C, block 1, Wolver ton addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on tho east side of Ross court, and described In R-378; 50 feet; rato per foot $3.23; amount $161.50. Assessment No. 18 J. H. Hensel- men. Lot 7, block 1. Wolverton addi tion to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontago CO feet on tho east side of Ross court, and described In Vol. 81, page 426, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; GO feet; rate per foot $3.23; amount $1C1.C0. Assessment No. 19 C. D. Wolvor ton. Lot 8, block 1, Wolverton addi tion to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on the east sldo of Ross court, and described In R-385; 50 feet; rato per foot $3.23; amount $161.50. Assessment No. 20 C. D. Wolvor ton. Lot 9, block 1, Wolverton addi tion to tho cfty of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on the east sldo of Ross court, anu described In R-385; 50 feet; rato per foot $3.23; amount $161.50. Assessment No. 21 C. D. Wolver ton. Lot 10, block 1, Wolverton's ad dition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 feet on tho east side of Ross Court, and described in R-385; 50 feet; rato per foot $3.23; amount $161.50. Assessment No. 22 F. H, Cook. Lot 11, block 1, Wolvortcn addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on tho oast sldo of Ross court, and described In R-379; 50 feet; rato per foot $3.23; amount $101.50. Assessment No. 23 F. II. Cook. Lot 12, block 1, Wolvorton addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 feet on tho eaRt cldo of Ross court, and described In R-379; CO feet; rato per foot $3,23; amount $161.50. Assessment No. 24 C. D. Wolver ton. Lot 13, block 1. Wolverton ad dition to the city of Medford, Ore gon; frontago 50 feot on tho enBt sldo of Ross court, and described in R-380; 00 feet; rato por foot $3.23; amount $161.50. Assessment No. 25 C. D. Wol vorton. Lot 14, block 1, Wolvorton addition to the city of Medford, Oro gon; frontage 50 feot on the east sldo of Rosj court, and described In R-380; 50 feot; rato por foot $3.23; amount $161.50. Assessment No. 2G F, II. Cook. Lot 15, block 1, Wolvorton addition to the city of Medford, Orogon; front ago GO feot on tho east bUIq of Ross court, and descrlbod In R1379; CO foot; rato por foot $3.23; amount $101.50. Section 2. T!jo recorder of tho city of Medford Is hereby dlrectod to en ter a statement of tho assessments horoby mado In tho docket of city lions, and to glvo notlco by publica tion as roqulred by the chartor and ordlnanco No. 250 of said city, In the Dally Mall Tribune, a uowspapor pub lished and of gonoral circulation In said city. Tho foregoing ordinm",o was ppsp ed by tho city council cf ll o city of CITY NOTICES. Medford, Oregon, on the 20th day of September, 1910, by tho following vete: Welch aye, Merrick aye, Emorlck aye, Wortman aye, Elfert aye and Demmer aye. Approved Septombor 21st, 1910. . W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. NOTICE. To the oirnor, or reputed owner, of each p-.rcel of proporly described In the foregoing ordinance, as named therein, and In tho lien declared by said ordinance cs roco"dcd In Co docket of ciy liens: You are hcroby notified that tho assessment declared by t'. o forego ing ordlnanco has been zzzda and the lien therefor entered in tho city Hen docket, and th.t tho same is duo nnd you aro hereby required to p:.y tho sruno to tho c't rccorJcr with!: ton days from tl-o service of this notice, which service is mado b" publication of tho forog ing ordlnnnco and this tlco three times in tho Medforl Mall Tribune. ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. CITY NOTICES. ORDINANCE XO. 300. An ordinance declaring tho cost of the Improvement of North Bartlctt street from East Main street to East Sixth and assessing tho property ben efited thereby, and declaring such as sessment, and directing tho entry thereof In the docket of city liens. Tl'o city of Medford doth Qrdain as follews: " Section 1. That no protests having been filed against tho Improvement of North B-rtlott St. from East Main street to East Sixth street, duo notlco of the Intention of the council to causo said Improvement to bo mado having been given, and said improve ment having been ordered made, tho council has considered tho matter and herewith ascertains tho probable cost of making such Improvement to be tho sum of $2867.20. And said council further finds that tho special and peculiar benefit ac cruing upon each lot or part thereof adjfcont to said improvement and In Just proportion to bonoflts, to bo the respective amounts heroliu.tter set opposite tho number or description of each lot or psrt thereof, and such amounts respectively aro horobv de clared to bo tho proportionate share of each lot or part thoreof of tho cost of euch Improvement, nnd Is hereby declared to bo assessed against said lot or n-ircols resnec- tlvely, tho namo appearing abuvo each description being tho Damo of tho owner of such lot or pnrcol. ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAVING OF NORTH BARTLETT STREET FROM MAIN STREET TO SIXTH STREET. Assessment No. 1 Wm. P. Floyd. Tho north 11C feot of lot 1, block 13, original townsito of tho city of Med ford, Oregon; frontago 115 foot on the west side of North Bartlett street, and doscrlbed in Vol. 80, page 310, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon; 115 feet; rato por foot $5.02; amount $577.30. Assessment No. 2 Hutchison & Lumsdon. Tho south 25 feet of lot 1, block 13, original townsito of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 25 feet on the west Bldo of North Bart eott street, p.nd descrlbod In Vol. 50, page 439, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 25 feot; rato por foot $5.02; amount $125.50. Assessment No. 3 Joseph H. Stewart. Lot 18, block 13. original townsito of t?o city of Medford, Oro gon; frontago 140 feot on tho west sldo of North Bartlett street, and described In Vol. 30, pago 28, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 140 feot; rato por foot $5.02; amount $702.80. Assessment No. 4 Mrs, A. R. Phlpps. hot 10, block 3, original townsito of tho city of Medrord, Ore gon; frontage 140 foot on the oast sldo of North Bartlett Btreot, nnd doH crlbed In Vol. 72, pago 104, county roeordor'H records of Jackson county, Orogon; 140 foot; rato por foot $5.92; amount $702.80. Assessment No, 5 D. T. Lawton. South 75 feot lot 9, block 3, original rownslto of tho city of Medford, Ore gon' frontago 7G feet on tho ecst eld - of North Burtlett Btreot, and dOBcrlh d lu Vol 70. pago 449, county re corder's records of Jackson count), Oregon; 75 feet; rate por foot $5.42; amount $406.50. Assessment No. 6 Henry Hum phrey.. North 65 feot lot 9, block 3, original townsito of tho city of Med ford, Oregen: frontago 65 feet on tho east sldo of North Bartlett street, and described in Vol. 74, pago 518, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; G5 feot; rate per foot $5.42; amount $352.30. Section 2. Tho recorder of tho city of Medford is horoby dlrectod to ontor n statement of tho assessments hereby made In tho docket of city lions, nnd to elvo notlco by publi cation ns required by tho charter nnd ordlnanco No. 250 of said city, In tho Dally Mnll Tribune, a nowspapor pub lished and of general circulation In said city. Tho foregolug ordlnanco was pass ed by the city council of tho city of Medford, Oregcn, on tho 4th day of October, 1910, by tho following vote: Welch aye, Merrick aye, Emorlck absent, Wortman aye, Elfort ayo and Demmer aye. Approved October 5th, 1910. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. V. TELFER. City Recorder. NOTICE1. To tho owner, or reputed owner, of each parcol of property doscrlbed In tho foregoing ordlnanco, as named therein, anc In tho lion declared by B-Id ordlnrnce as recorded In the docket of city Hens: Ton aro horoby notified that tho assessment ilccfared by tho forego ing ordinance ias been mado and tho Hen therefor entered In tho city Hon docket, and that tho sane Is duo and you aro lieroby required to pay tho same to t!io city recorder wlthfr ten days from J-o cervlro of this notice, which scrvico le mado by iul Mention of tho foregoli g ordlnanco and this notice threo tlmca In the Medford Mall Trllmno, pursuant to an order of tho city council of said city. ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. Ex-Mayor David S. Rose of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, one of the greaest orators the country has produc ed in recent years, will speak in this city at the Opera House on Sunday Evening, October 16th, 1910. "The Fallacies of Prohibition" Mr. Rose was elected mayor of Milwaukee five .successive times, has been prominently mentioned in connection with the vice-presidency and is known the country over as one of its foremost speakers. He presents an argument that every prohibitionist and church member should hoar. Admission Free. tt--1tttt 1' t t tr MRS. ED ANDREWS, AT - -- VOICE CULTURE, NATATORIUM TUES- DAYS AND FRIDAYS. PHONE NO. 3952. A Special Buy tflA FEW WALNUT PARK LOTS UNSOLD, IF TAKEN AT ONCK $100 ON KASV TERMS. WESTMORELAND LOTS, $300, EASY TERMS. E. F. A. Bittner KOOM "00, TAYLOR & PIIIPI'S BUILDING FOR R.E.NT Only hotel in town of 1009 inhabitants on Southern Pacifio rnil road, Hoguo Rivor vnlloy. Nowly refurnished, papered, painted; t'Oiiipinoiit modern; buths, toilets, electric liuhtf., hot und cold run 'inc wntor. Now doilier business. CALb ON 'ALDENHAGEN ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY, ' 216 West Main St., Medford, Or. Winter Footwear A good winter shoer means a great deal to vou. Tt means HEATjTH and TTAPPrNESS. You can't be healthy with poor shoes. The wet veath6r soon causes them to give way and allow your feet to get damp, then your health is in danger. Buy good shoes (buy them here and you will be suro that they are good) and you will get full value. An ill-fitting shoe causes unhappincss. We nev er allow a misfit to go from this store. Complete lines, all new styles of "Walk-Overs" for Men "Ultra" for Women and the right styles to suit every fancy. See tho lines of children's shoes hero. Fisher & Whitmire iriGH GRADE INVESTMENTS Mining and Fruit Land Orchard and City Property Insurance) 32 South Central Ave. Medford HHHaHHMHaHBilJ HMMBM M Edward Charles Root TEACH Pit OP MANDOLIN, BANJO, GUITAR, VIOLIN AND CLARINET. RTIDIO AT HEhlDKNCF, U"J NORTH IVY BTREKT, Hie finest Sample 17ooms in the eitv. Single rooms or on suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Toluiil.omi in Krcry Itoom Ruti-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan