Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 16, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Full Lcnaotl Wire Ileport.
Tho only pnpor in the world
published In a city the alee at
Medford baring a leased wlr.
mwm year.
No. 179.
Colonel .limeph It. H .Incnhy, John
O. Pierce mill Henry (J. Phell of Hon t tin
Saturday purchased the .Irurt of Imul
known mm llio "IINU true I" situated be
tween dm Union, .McrrlcK mid "101"
orchard, fnim Colonel J. I" Mtindy,
W. I. Vnwtur ntut A. 12. Him men, tho
coiiHltlonitltm liulnit In llio vicinity of
Tint I it 11 1 1 cnunlMn of 1 1 SO iieren, II Mil
nearly nil will tin planted In orchard
Colonel Jiicnliy, liiifiirii leaving for Heat-
tic, Malic! Unit development work would
commence within CO days Mini (00 ncren
planted o apples mill pt'iti'M on tlio south
' MllplH tlllM winter.
Tim iiilJnlnliiK orchnrilN are mnoiiK the
fluent In the vnlliy. The hunt In ex
cellent pi'itr nml apple noil. It In ex
pected tlutt lint trim I will In- ovtntimlly
miliillvlilril mill noli! In small trnctn.
Colonel Jacob)' In one of the lending
rin I estate brokers of Seattle nnd In
prominent In IiiikIiu'k" anil serial circle
of Hi" Hound city Hit wan a colonel In
tint Hpnnlnh-Amorlcnu wnr run! ut the
recent niitlnniil reunion wan elected
commmidnr-lii-rhlef of tint Spanish
American Veterans, Ilo expects to spend
a great ili'iil of tlniit hero In tlu future
The mi lo ivnn ininln by Colonel Mun-
Champion of Crater Bill Here
J& J& JZ? J& j&
Will R. King Asks Re -Election
PENDLETON', Or. Oct 13 --Thin city
In (inlay wrought up to n IiIkIi Pilch of
xeltemrnt following n near-riot of liiMt
night between lioimi rulu mnl prohibi
tion forces. In which milliliters attempt
Iiik to deliver mi open ulr nddrenn were
bombarded with nilti'ii rggn.
Tho dlnlurhiiucn followed u meeting at
tint operu house under tint nunplccn of
tlio lloiui' Kulit nnnorlnlton, lit which
Cliireneo Harrow, tlm nttorni'y who de-
f ended I lay wood, Meyer mul Pvttlbomt
nt Itnlno, wiin tho speaker
When tin- audience wan leaving the
theater IIkv. W II. Frtulken mnl Rev.
Will In in Parson, two Portland millili
ter attending tlm Oregon nynod here,
lllti'llipleil ti refute nrgUlllontn of thn
honnt rule speaker, but were iml with
IiooIn mnl Jeers from some of tln roiiKh
element, who hail Imbibed too innrh
Pendleton near-boor.
Tint cff(irlM of tin ministers finally
wero iibuiuloiii'il when u rotlrn egg
thrown by u proiu'.iu'iit local capitalist,
hit Hitv Parsons In t ti eye
Toiluy cltUcnn nro generally liillu
mint over Hut illnturbnnce, nml lending
moinhorN of tho llnmc Utile niiNoclatloii
arn foriuniiMt In tint ili'iuiiicliitlou of
thonu who imrtlclpiitcil In tho ncar-rlot
Iti'HolutlnnH coiulcmnliii; tlu illnturh
mu'it In uiuiuitllfli'il torniN mul tirKlnx
an linincillatn proMccutlon of all offcinl.
it,n with ilrnwn up toilay muf nIkiumI by
Muyirr Murphy mnl mitnbur of li-iul-Iiik
BfTffrTWlMiji 'iflL,, wjfflWBH
fmy " " r ' ILvlMBMiifi 1 r f mmmiwMWSNBm
mm I
Garden Spot
I So Says Rose.
Cnniliiliitu for rc-ulertion, i. year tunn, wIioho plnco is HoiiKlit y Gcortv
11. llfiinult. h"(t'nl)lv nominee.
Will It. KIiik. JiiNtlcit of thn mipn-mi)
court, who ciulciirpil hlmxi'lf to tho pro
plo of Nouthcrn Ort'Kou by' hU fumoim
illioti'iitlni; opinion In tho Crutr I.nk
lilKhwny ciiHf, In uhloh ho hcbl tho np
proprlNtlon vail. I. mnl nouthcrn Ori-Kon
cntllliil to tho nam n comlilirntlon fjvi-n
othor partN of Hut Muti Npr'nt Haturlay
In Moil ford and will vlnlt frlcmln Imro
today i
JuiIki) KIiik wnN hiomlmiti'il for r-
flection both by tint noiepiirtlmiii Juill-
clnry, by tho uitmocratH, whllo thou
mtiulN of ri'publlcaun nil over tho Mute
wroto IiIh iiiiiiio In tin ropubllann canill
Into Hit Iiiih lifun cnilnri'il uy tho
OrcKon Hur nxMOclntton An a comic
ItiiMico hn In IkiIiik vcnommiHly annallcd
by tin On-Konlan nml other iiHKimbly
papitrN, who hopo to Hcctiro Hut election
of ii nuprcmn court Jimtlct favorablo tn
Mho nunembly nml oppoiicil to popular
. Jtulk-e KIiik In tin nblent Juror on the
On-Kon bench. Ilo In known throiiKh
out tint Nlato n an Independent thlnk
or of profound power of aniilynlM. W
him tint reputation nmoiiK lnymen an
well hn nmoiiK the membem of thn bar
of applying o in-fttt Ucftl of common
Ni'iiuo an well an broad IntclllKoncn In
coiiNtrulntj tho lnw. JuiIko Klnic In op
PonoiI by Juilpn OeorKo II. Hurtiott. who
wan nominated by tlm nnnembly, who
accepted tho nomination from the nn
nembly mid who Htandn on tho platform
of tho iiMNombly
JuilK KlilR In 46 yearn of aw Ho
In tho only member of tho court from
riiNtern Ori'Kon, whero the people liavo
much In common with thonu of noutliern
ItiiHMi'll II Iliuiaiier In In receipt of
tho followlllK letter finiu I.. CI Monroe,
monitory of tint Canadian National Ap
ple Hhow, which In Holf-oxplmmtory:
Vancouver, II. l. Oct. 13. It. II. Han
liner, Medford, Or. Dear Hlr: AVe re
xrot very much to Inno Mr. TroiiHon'n
coilimd of Hpltx, but nro Indeed Kind to
- net ItH HiiliMtltute, a carload of Yellow
NowtowiiN Therel h but one other car
of Yellow Newtown entered for the blK
hIiow. Thin car In from North Yakima,
mul In my JmlKimmt you will have no
catimt to fear renultn In the carload
oIiihh nt leiiMl. We have nno car of
HplUcnbcrKM entiired from Wenatchoe,
mul three carloailH of llrlmen Oolden,
two riom the Yakima valley mul one
fiom llrltlnh Oolumhla.
.ItiHt received notice from tho AhIiIoihI
Commercial club to the effect that they
have deolded to enter their carload of
Yellow NewlowiiH at Hpokmie, ho flint
yourN will bo tho only carload from tho
famouH lloKUii lllver valley, Don't for
Kitt that the capacity of u cur Ih morn
than nix humlred boxen, henco If I were
you I would enter the box exhibit con
Unit with your Yellow Nowtownn, and
you iiHKht prevail on Mr. Tronnon to
enter the box mul pinto oxhlhltH with
IiIh HpltzenlierKH. Huppono you enter ii
boxcH of HpltzenlierKH mul 23 Iioxch of
Yellow NowIowiih nml could tnltu flrnt
ami Hecoml piIzch In thn ton-box exhibit
mul flrnt, hccuiiiI mul third In the hIiikIh
box exhibit you woulil be maklnK
klllltiK of 1300.00, or nearly 8.00 por
box. Don't you think It would pay to
Ket lit on Uicho two illHplayH ut leant?
I would HUKKent that ynti nuiko careful
nolo of offurliiKH lu the prize lint nml
Kovern youruolf accordliiKl'i
Very truly yourn,
U O, MONHO10, Hoorotary.
Tho reKlntrullon bookn for the corn
Injc election clono tomorrow, afternoon
nt C o'clock nml If you wlnli to illnchnrKo
your duty nn a citizen of ' th- commori
wealtli of OreKon you will have to rcB-
Inter tomorrow If you havit not donu no
nlrrndy. An yet tho rtBltnitlon In
Jncknon county In very low In comparl
non with two yeam no, In nolto of tho
fact that tho population of the county
him Increancd rapidly.
In ovcry precinct In llio county there
In a fallliiK off rnnjelnK from 20 per
cent In tho cities to SO pit cent and
over In tho outnldo prcclnctn.
Tho vct,o In tho territory now covered
by tho flvo Medford prcclnctn two yeurn
nho totaled u few over 1600 votcn. Thin
yenr, In nplto of tho growth In popu
lation, the reRlntrntlon In only 13S0.
In tho three Anhlnnd irrclnctn 1350
voted two yearn oko, and only 900 have
reentered no far.
In tho outnldo prcclnctn tho voters
hnvo been oven mora carctens In reln
terlnK, an the rccordn nhow a nhortaKe
of from SO per cent In mont canes to
To per cent In othcrn under tho vote of
two yenrn ago. I
Until S o'clock Monday (a voter may
roKlnter for tho genernl election In No
vember, At that time theTboolui will be
cloned and nn elector denlrlng to vote
munt nwear In bin vote.
I. II. Wlllett of the Medford Print
line company left Baturdiyy for ChlcaRO,
whero ho will purclmso additional print
Inn machinery. Including a complete
bindery, for Installation In tho new
Mall Tribune building. , '
Mr. Wlllett will examlre ncveral of
tho nw lnveittlonKTiwhiUthTcnten-to
rcvolflonlzo tho printing bnnlnea, nnd
will necure whatever In 'leceHBari' to
moke the plant the mont complete and
up-to-date In tho country
A full Hue of blank hookx, loose-leaf
ledger, card Indexen and offlco nuppllen
will iiIho be adued
TOUT DODOK, In., Oft. lo. Senator Jonatlian P. Dollivcr is 1piu1.
Tlm mul wan cntintly iiin-xpoeteil, acconlint; to stntcmuiitH jjivun nut
liy tho fttinily this uvvninpr. Uentlt was euiihcd by nettle imlition. lb
liml linen ill lint u hluirt time.
Willi him nt the lime of hNo (loinixu wore only the inlininte ineinliers
i)f IiIk l'ninily.
Senntoi- Dolliver wiih one of the lender in the tanks of the iiiMtrjront
veptihlienns nud his pnsHiiir will ho urently remotted. He was one of tlio
lending men in the present political Imttlo and was prominently mentioned
ns a prohahle Itepiihlican eniididato fr tho prvnidenuy in 1012.
Senator lollior was horn in We Virginia Kebrunry , 18"S. For
vents he represented Iowa in tho liouso of reprosentnlives nnd ho wits
oerviutl his third teim in the Tinted StatiM sennte. He was ehairmnn of
llie sennte eoinmittee on lore-lrv ami uurieulturi.
Bducator Dion.
I'ABADICNA, Ciil., Oct. 16. Unv.
Trunk O, llarnon, formor proHldent of
tho tlllnolH Wiinloyan unlvorHlty ut
llloomliiKton, died hero toilay of llrluht's
ill Hen ho.
Ilo wuu 41 yenrn of uge.
A well attended meeting of tho Itoguo
lllver Valley Unlvernlty club wan held
at the Medforil Cpuimerclnl oluli'H rooms
Hatuiilay evening. Tlm following offl
corn worn elected: K. Vllim Hockwlth,
prenlilenti Phil O. llammll, vIce-preHl-dentj
i:. W. Aiulornon, necretaryi i:rl
O, Huntley mul tho following board of
govcriiern: It. C. WuHhburn. chairman,
Leonard Carpenter, A. Conro Klero, It,
W Northrup mul II, Connor.
Coiintltutlou mul hylnwH were adopt
ed, and all of thonu prenent wero elected
an charter iiieinberH of the orKunUutlnii,
Tho next meeting will ho held at tho
new Commercial olub (unrtern, Satur
day, Nomeinber 11', ami It In expected
PAItlW, Oct 15 A minimum u.ige of
$1 a day to workers on tho Northern
railway who have Ix-en on strike slnco
TuoHd.iv wiin granted today and tho
Htrlke, which apparently wbh a losing
one for the ntrlkern, became a victory
The new scale will go Into effect Jan
uary 1 The Increase to tho Northern
railroad employes Is expected to be ex
tended to other roads In Franco that
have not already a minimum wage ncale
or $1
The minimum rate was tho chief bono
of contention. Other demands of tho
strikers, such as a ten-hour day nnd
belter pension regulations, wero not dis
cussed at the meeting of tlio directors
of the Northern line, at which the In
crease In wages was grunted.
HI'IUNOriKLD, Mo. Oct 13 Stan
ley Ketchel, middleweight champion of
the world, shot through the right lung
nt the ranch of H. P Dickinson early
today, died thin evening.. Ills assailant
In ntlll at large.
Ketchel wan nhot by a man named
Htirtz following u rlolent fiuarrcl DI
palches from Conway say that Hurt
ban fled to the hills and that a posse
o ffarmern Is now necking him
Ketchel bun been Dlckernon's guest
for several weeks. Ilo recently assumed
tho presidency of a lumber company
financed by Dickenson. Ho has beep at
the ranch for tho last week on a hunting
and fishing trip.
Ketchel lapnod Into unconsciousness
late thin nfternoon while being carried
hero In a npeclal train. He did not
rally nnd punned nway thin evening.
Ketchel was runhed to a hospital with
all speed (and an operation to remove
tho bullet wan performed.
Walter Hurtz Is nald to have shot
Ketchel In the back with his rifle after
quarreling over an Implement used on
tho ranch.
The bullet entered Kotchcl's left shoul
der, ranging downward Into the lung.
A witness to the shooting declared
that during the quarrel over tho Im
plement Ketchel turned his back and
In that Instant ho wan shot down.
Keeling Is Intense throughout this section.
If there Is a quail In the Roguo River
valley alive this morning that Is unac
quainted with the sound of shot whist
ling through the ulr, that same bird
must have crawled In a Iiolo Saturday
and "pulled the hole after him."
Long before daylight tho hum of au
tos and the clatter of horse' hoofs on
the pavement could be heard, as the
early"' hunters" headed lii tho direction
of their particular hunting grounds, and
"tho early bird" waa doubtless disturb
ed In his searcn for tho proverbial worm
by a fusillade of small shot.
Tho birds ore reported as very plen
tiful this year, and the limit should
bo easily reached on tho opening day.
There have been 1850 hunting licenses
Issued by County Clerk Coleman this
vear, most of them coming In during
tho past few weeks, owing to the open
ing of the hunting season proper.
Local dealers In sporting goods hove
been burled In orders for guns and am
munition during the past few days. "I
haven't a shotgun of any description,
nnd mighty few shells left," Is what the,
majority of them say.
I Plfcfl
tHIII'iiHH i
iou nave certainly one or the
earth's garden spots here In tho Itogue
River valley," slates ex-Mayor David
H. Hose of Milwaukee, who arrived In
this city yesterday and will deliver an
address to the voters of Medford at
the Medford opera house this evening,
"and I could think of no greater delight
than of passing tho declining years of
a man's life in such a favored spot.
'ong before I reached Oregon I
heard of the wonderful Rogue River val
ley. When I hod reached Iregon I
heard moro of It. And, although the ac
counts I had received were most laud
atory, I have found that they are true.
I shall henceforth bo a consistent boost
er for your valley "
Mr. Rose addrcEses the voters of
southern Oregon this evening at the
opera house under tho auspices of the
Oregon Home Rule association.
Conductor SIlHby of tlio Pacific
Kantern railway, was arrested on a
clmrgo of manslaughter Saturday night
In connection with tho death of Walter
Oardner, tho engineer on tho road whoso
death occurred in a Portland hospital
last week. Tho Information wus filed
by tho wife of tho deceased engineer
and tho warrant was served by Consta
ble Hlnglor, when tho fi o'clock P. & 12.
train came In.
Moth District Attorney Mulkoy nnd
Justice of tlio Peace Canon wuro ubnent
at tho time, mul for several hours tho
telephone wires wero kept warm trying
that the Initial membership nt thn lime ! ' ' !', ,hT . W?r,l,.!Py,.nB
will consist of not less than 100 mem- ",' "''.. ' "lcl ' w" ' ""thorlty
HHATTt.M. Wash., Oct. 1 5. Kneeling
besldtt a bed lu a hotel with hn empty
chloroform phial nearby, tho body of
William 1C. Jackson, a wealthy visitor
from San Diego, wiih found today, Tho
police flrnt thought that Jackson had
committed suicide, but mi examination
showed that ho died of uHthmntla henrt
failure. Ho hud evidently tried tho
chloroform In an attempt to rullovu tho
to fix ball for the offend nlm,-,-.,!
Justice Canon wan out of reach, Justice
Dox of Jacksonville hud gone home, but
finally Justice Jones of Central Point
came to tho rescue and accepted $5000
Itl h reported that tho conductor or
dered tho engineer to take the train out
when ho"domurred, tho accident following,
SANDUSKi, O., Oct. IB. Tho bodies
of flvo man wero found today under
SaudUHky liny bridge. The men wero
moorors working on tho bridge. They
worn employed on tho night shift nnd
aru believed to hnvo. been lilllml u.ii.i..
Juckson wns lien with tho Intention time before daylight,
Otto Knlin, t-enlor member of Kuhn.
I.oeb & Company of New York, one of
the biggest financial concerns In the
country, will arrive In Medford this
morning In In his special train, In which
he Is touring the west, and will bo taken
fo ran automobile rldo with members
of his party throughout tho orchard dis
trict of the vnlley. A number of promi
nent business men of tho olty will bo
on 'hand to greet the financier and no
qunlut him with the varied resources of
the vnlley,
Mr. Kuhn Is one of tho best known
financiers taking an active part In busi
ness affairs of the country today, and
to get him interested in tlio Roguo Itlver
valley will be the endeavor of tho local
when when they met him and his purty
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15 Although It
Sh ImpoHslblo to obtain an official con
firmation of the report, It believed that
the tiensury department has deolded to
select a block near the depot as tho site
of tho new federal building in Portland.
Assistant Secretary Mlllls Is absent
fiom the ctly and none therefore can
speak officially In regard to thu mat
ter. It Is understood that tho recommen
dation of Senator Ronnie and 'of Mer
rick and Uennott of the city improve
ment plan boro great weight with tho
The three days' celebration of the
dedication of tho new Elks' Templo In
Ashland came to an end last evening
In a blazo of glory I21ks from all sec
tions of tho state attended, and the
Ashland herd proved themselves the
very best of entertainers.
Tho celebration, which opened Thurs
day, reached Its climax in tlio great ball
given lust evening. All day yesterday
121kH paraded the streets In Ashland and
I took part lu one stunt after another.
No less than 100 I21ks from this city
attended and wended their weary way
' homeward early this, morning. A largo
1 number have not yet retarded.
The dedication of tho temple in Ash
laud marks an epoch In 12lkilom of
I southern Oregon, Ashland now boasts
I of tho finest Klks' club in tlio state
south of Portland
Ti A. Hicks of tho Oregon Granite
company has a large force of men at
work In the new Southern Pacific depot
rushing the Installation of the marble
base about the foot of the panels in the
waiting rooms so that the building will
be In readiness for the dedication on
next Tuesday, wheri all of he chief offi
cers of the Oregon lines will be present.
It was due to delay In the arrival of
this marble, which was especially or
dered direct from quarries In Tennes
see, that the building was not complet
ed during this past week. Mr. Hicks
lias placed a night and day shift on
tho work and will keep a crew busy
today In order that It may bo complet
ed by Tuesday. Practically every other
detail has been completed within tho
building and a liberal amount of decom
posed granite has been placed In the
yard surrounding the building, which
will be later supplanted with concrete,
which cannot be laid until the earth has
had a chanco to settle.
When the dedication exercises are
completed on Tuesday afternoon at I
o'clock all passenger, bnggago and sleep
er busless will be handled at the new
depot, and passenger trains will stop
there, and there only In telephoning
the depot be sure and sak for tho de
pot wanted freight or passenger.
The freight office will close prompt
ly ovory day at 5 o'clock and freight for
shipment must be on tho platform mark
ed and billing furnished by this time or
It must wait until the following day.
This Is a rule In force at every freight
house in the United States and will bo
strictly enforced here. The only ex
ception will be for carload shipments of
Tuesday will be a great day In Med
ford. us It will mark the opening of tho
new passenger depot and the dedica
tion of the new Commercial club rooms
In the Nntutorltim
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Oct. 13.'
Tho dirigible balloon "America," con-,
structcd through American Ingenplty,
and manned mainly by American scien
tists and explorers, today started on aj
flight ncrosi tho turbulent Atlantic
bound for Europe.
Should Waltor Wcllman, explorer,!
writer and aeronaut, who In piloting!
tho buoyant craft, bo successful In hlsl
veniure, man will lmvo for tho flriitf
tlrno In history linked tho old and newf
worlds by an aenai route.
"Headed northwest; all well abeard:
machinery worklngflne. Oood-byc,"
Thin wan tho brief message flashed
from tho "America's" wireless some tlrno
after tho airship had disappeared from
tho ken of thousands on Atlantic City's
tructed through American Ingenuity
The airship wass Ightcd thin evening
100 miles from shore. All was well!
Wellman Is accompanied by Melvln
Vanlman, engineer; Jack Erwln, wireless
operator; F. Murray Simon, chief navi
gator of the balloon "Oceanic," who Is
acting as Wollman's chief navigator;
George Rlffftird. chief mechanician; Al
bert Loud and John Aubcrt, assistant
engineers. (
The weather for tho start was almost
perfect, the sea like, glasc nnd hardly
an air current stirring.
The backers of the expedition were no
tified at A o'clock this morning that an
attempt at fjlght would bo made. Vanl
man and Simon pronounced tho airship
In perfect trim for tho voyage..
The craft In which tho seven aero
nauts trust their lives Is 228 feet long
and at (ts greatest diameter la 52 feet
in width. Tho America has a lifting ca
pacity of 12 tons. Tho car, which Is
made of steel, weighs two and one-quarter
tons. The balloon is equipped with
three motors, on.e of 70 to 30 horse-power,
drives the balloon at a 20-mlle-an-hour
KEY WEST. Flo., Oct 15. In one of
the fiercest tropical hurricanes that ever
swept tho Islands, it Is estimated that
between 75 nnd 100 persons mot death
and great damage was done.
Parts of tho Florida Keys and Cuba
are reported devastated. Tho Islands
are strewn with wreckage.
According to reports coming In today.
construction camps at Key West have
suffered great damage. Tlio Havana
railroad has been partially torn up by
tho force of the hurricane.
A wireless message from Cuba says
that the fatalities on tho island wero
confined to the provlnco of Santa Clara.
R. V, Heldel, highway engineer, of
fice of public roads, department of ag
riculture, who is In charge of the work
being done on the Crater Lake road, ar
rived In Medford last evening with the
report that tho contratcor who is build
ing that sectl n of the road about
Flounce Rock, which will do away with
what is known as the Pumice. Hill, is
making good progress and Is fast get
ting his organization perfected. Ho al
ready has a half mile of light of way
cleared and earth will be moved short-,
Mr HoUlel iloes not o.pect any diffi
culty on account of severe weather, but
believed tlutt tho work will bo carried
on successfully until tho road Is com
pleted about Flounce Rock.
kaln lu Oallfornln,
11AKI2RSFIELD, Cal., Oct. 15. Cat
tlemen nnd rnnchers nro Jubilant over
tho generous rainfall of tho last 21
hours, Heavy snowfall In tho mountains
I was recordod,
WASHINGTON, Oct 15 Tho census
bureau officially announced this aft
ernoon that the late census loturns of
Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, llolso and
several other central western cities. In
cluding Minneapolis, had been padded
and that a recount would bo necessary
A rigid investigation has been ordered
by the authorities.
Tacoma's population Is found to be
only S2.S72. although it was padded to
112,000. Other cities are said to be tiH
bad. President Tuft has sent a letter
to tho census bureau demanding a fed
eral grand Jury Investigation of the matter.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 15. The trail
of the three men suspected of being
responsible for the dynamiting of tho
Los Angeles Times building today Is
being scorched by PInkerton detectlyes,
employed hv General Harrison Gray
Otis The search ls bused on Informa
tion given by Mrs, D. H. Ingersoll and
Mrs. J. n. Lavins. At the homo of tho
former a man said to bo Bryco and
another known aa Morris, alias Perry,
alras "Smithy." boarded.
Increased efforts to conceal tho move
ments of the detectives working on tho
case are being made. Detectlvo Hums
did not appear at police headquarters
yesterday until after the day's work
had been completed, and then, after a
brief conference with Chief of Poltco
Seymour, nomlng was given out for
named Qets Divorce.
RENO, Nov., Oct. 15 Virginia Hur
ned, the actress, was granted a decree
of ubsoluto divorce from her actor hus
band, E. H. Sothern, this afternoon by
Judge Pike.
CHICAGO, Oot. 15. Ty Cobb of tho
Detroit Tigers will got tho American
league butting record automobile.
Tho issue of school bonds voted somo
ttme ago by this district for tlio pur
pose, of building tho Queen Anna school
on the EiiHt Side huvo been sold to
E. If Rollins & Sons of Ronton. The
company paid a premium of $400 on
tho Issue, of $50,000 mid will pay nil
expenses In connection with tho print
ing of tho bonds, attorney fees and tho
like The deal was mndo with Frank
W. Kent, lepresentlng the firm.
The sale of these bonds assures tho
erection of tho Queen Anne school.
Whllo tho plans of tho school board tn
this respect nro not ful'y matured, It
Is believed that woik will start oarly lu
the spring In ordar that tho building
will be rend yfor occupancy ut tho flrnt
of the school year 1011.
The Washington school will probably
bo sold next week, as bids are to he
opened nt that time.
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