Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 14, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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, . t .
fiuoli an nlti riiiiiitc showing i'rotn
CO to (10 pur ouul of tlio Hiildiou of
(Mil foclllo lllllllh'd illHlitlllilMIH COIII-
Ing of dufuoted hurodlty, h it not
our tin t.V to dooluru in favor of thu
fllorili.alion of uriniiiinlH as oiiu of
lliu moHt iiiiimrtiuit mill offeclUu ol'
provoiitutivu uuMHiircsf"
Ilpoll tlliH IplUHlioil till) AllHtl'iullll
Prison association I'oiinii itself di
vided into two bitterly opposed
yiinipH, at ilH mooting liuru. Thu nil
Vouatos.of Htorilmition lor ifiluilH of
l(ifi(!iunt morality cited tliu oiiho of
tiiu ".luku family." "Kon tin.' noaut
available linungu traced in the coid
fautH of Htat(Htl(," roads tliu report
of tliu pro-sterilization oninp, "shown
that thu ili'HcoiidiintH of onu woman
which wore 1,200 t.troug, ('mined Ih"
litatu of Now York a Iomh in 75 yene
of tun ro than a million anil a quarter
ilollaiH in eriniiuul prosecution ami
maintunanoo in nddithui to infesting
tyioiuty"w(h a HVourgo of paiiporisin,
ilnln'c'ility mill immoralitv.
"HccaiiKo of thu offiraov of sturil
Jzation a h a uroventntivo of criminal
liy Iiiih recused belated recognition,
tho ncccsHity i all the moid for tliu
adoption of tho prnctico. 11 in diffi
cult to hod when a moral wrong can
In; committed if Hindi practice in re
sorted to in the easu'of hopcloHly in
sane of idiotic, lliu feelile minded ami
tjio avowed deguiiornloH. They arc
wards of the state, Huhjerts of its
mro, objeetH of expeiiHu to it, and
tliu propagation of their kimta nlioiild
ho prohibited at any co-q."
Thu miti-xtcrilixatioti camp, M'iz
iiiging upon a lalemei)t of thii on
poiiuiitH, declaring that "no wife
should become a mother unlcs Ii
Iiiih given senium thoughts to lio
duties of omtherhood'"declaied:
"Thin uould m'oiii to favor t!.
prevention of conception a gren(
nml evil of the time -ol'ier
than by wav of abstinence from nex
mil relationthip. Thin Htatemeul
should go back a nup further and
nay that, 'no woman xliouhl become
ii wife until hIiu Iiiih given serious
thought to the duties of motherhood,'
"When n woman marries she un
dertakes to beeomo a mother which
,itho cml of uinrriime. It is (hen to
late. elt is only by thu awakening of
thu male to a hoiiho of his responsibil
ity and to full reliratiou that
there in mieh n thing n'n ilnulilo'l
standard of morality of men and for
women that we will over be able, to
grapple with the social evil.
--- ...
Tho followng arc registered at the
NiihIi: O. W. Bigolnw, .San Frnnuis
co; L. Samuel, Portland; George
Land, Woodvlllo; Mux' Friodcnthal,
I'orlluiitl ; J. E. Gribble, 1'ovtland;
Ij. B. Downing, Orand Rapids, Mieh.:
N. I). Joseph!, Nuw York; It. (1.
llrown, oPrtland; L. C. Yanuuy, E. 11.
Hlako, Chicago; George Hazard, Den
ver; O. Wilson, Portland; F- II. Stil
ollff Suoramonlo; F. C. Spray, St.
Paul. Mian.; II. II. Caldwell, Weed,
Cal.; Dr. C. II. Woolnuy, Ran Fran-'
cisco; M. Af. Woodward, Alameda,
Cal.; Mr. and Mrn. X. It. Galiua,
San FraaciHCo; V. A. Wenlz, I'on
land; W. W. Allinlinui, Albany;
F. Johnson, city; F. II. GravcK, Port
land. Tho following are regiHlereil at the
Hotel Moere: J. W. McAllister, F.
A. Harris, C. K. Mailey, N. Hogge
iViati, CharloH M. Savace, George W.
Selberg, Mr. nd Mrs. Onrachan, Sai
Francisco; C. Kich, .Cincinnati, O.;
GeorKo Armstrong, A. N. Holuiau,
George Iteid and wife, A. C. Albert
and wife, II. It. Allen and wife. Port
land; W. II. ltichardson, C. W. Mi
Koan, Sau Francinco; H. F. Mulkoy,
Jauksoaville; TIioiiiiih Irvine, llu
gono, Oro.j S. Siuday, Nuw York; J.
P. Ryino, San Francisco. ,
Tho Club quartet of Sonttlo will bo
at tho I'Louyro Cnfo" ovory night
from 0 to 8 p. in. nnd from 10 p. m.
to 2 a. m.
Vocnl nnd Instrumental selections
that nro Hiiro to plonso. tf
(Continued from Pngo Three)
tiABsossmo'it No. 22 Plolcol, Klum
& Murphy, tot, 9,' block 1. Summit
addition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontngo CO foot on tho onst
sldo-of Summit nvenuo, and dosorlb
td In Vol, on, pago 321, county ro
cprdor'u rocords of JackBon county,
Orogon; GO foot; rato por foot $3.D1;
amount $176,50,
Assessment No. 2!I-Pickul. Klum
& Miirphy. Lot 10, block 1, Summit
addition to I'm) utty of Modfonl, Oro
Koui rroiilniie 50 fool on thu oust
Hide of Hiuumlt, ami denerlb:
oil In Vol, (I r, paKo H-l. county re
cordur'ii nicorilH of .fackHon :oiinly
OroKeu: HO fent: por toot f .1.51 j
AtiKDUMinent No, 'ii 1'lckol, Kliim
fc .Murphy. I,ot II, hhiek 1, Diimmlt
lulilltlou to tho city of Modfonl, Oro
icon; frontage 00 feci on tho omit
Hide of Biimmlt avenue, and doHcrlli
oi! In Vol. flO. tj(fin'Sl21, county rui
coriler'n records of .lacltr.oa county,
Oregon; t0 foot; rato por foot $!J.rl;
niuoiiut 1 1 75,50.
AtiKOHHitiont No. 25- -IMckul, Khun
Murphy, hot 12, block I, Biimmlt
addition to tho city of Modfonl, Oro
Kon; fronwiuo no fcot on tho oiuit
Hide of Htimmlt avenue, and ('eBcrlb
ml In Vol, on, pupo ;i21, county ro
corder'H recordii of JiiclcKon county,
OroKonj 50 foot; rnto pur foot $3.51;
amount 17n.n0.
AHHCKHinout No. 'id- I'lckol, Klum
& Murphy. Lot in, block 1, Biimmlt
addition to tho city of Modfonl, Oro
gou; frontage HO feet on tho cant
Hide of Summit nvenuo, nnd doncrlb
od In Vol. (115, pnno 321, county ro
eoriler's rccordn of Jackson county,
Oregon; MO feet; rato por foot
?:t.rl; nmoiint ItiH.lO,
Hectloa 2. The recorder of llio
city of MiMlford Is hereby directed
to citer a Htutomont of lliu nHHOHH
nientH liernby inado In tho docket of
city lloiik ind to glvo notlco by pub
lication an required Ii; tho charter
nnd ordluunco No. 2r0 of nrld city,
In tho Dally Mall Tribune, a news
paper pulilbrhnd and of Kunernl clrnu
Intlon In onld city.
Tho foregoing onllnanco wns pawn
ed by the city council of tho city of
Medfonl, Oregon, on the 20tL day of
September, 11)10, by tho following
Welch ayo, Morrlck aye, Hmorlck
aye, Wortman nyo Rlrert aye, and
Oemmor ayo. v
Approved Hoptemner 21st, 1910.
W. II. CANON. Mayor.
. i noinv W. TBI,FKIt,
City Hccordor.
To llio owner, or reputed ownor, of
each pnrcel of property described In
tho foregoing ordinance, an named
therein, nnd In the Hon declarod by
said onllnanco n recorded In tho
docket of city liens:
You nro hurohy notified that tho
aBHcusmont declarod by tho forego
ing ordlnanro linn been made and tho
lien thcrofor entered In tho city Hon
docket, nml that the nnmo Is duo and
you aro hereby rcqulron" to pay tho
sanio to tho city recorder within ton
ilnya from tho ncrvlco of this notice,
which sorvlco Is mado by publication
of tho foregoing onllnanco and this
notice threo tlmen In tho Mcdford
Mall Trlhuno, pursuant to an order
of tho city council or Bald city.
, City Itccordor.
OUDIN'AXri: NO. :77.
An ordinance rcgiilntlug tho con
structlon of all buildings erected
within the fire limits, and amending
section 3, ordinance No. 133.
Tho city of Medfonl doth ordain as
Section 1. That section 3 of or
dlunnco No. 133 bo nnd tho samo Is
hereby amended to road aa follews:
All buildings erected within tho
flro limits shall hnvo their ontsido
walls and party walls mado of brick
or stone, or other non-combustlblo
matorlnla; provided, howovor. tho
council may grant permits for tho
erection within tho flro limits of
frame buildings designed only 'for
rcsldenco purposes, to ho -o locntod
Mint no part of tho snmo shall bo
nearor than ton feet to any othor
building, In caso tho council shall
consider tho snmo propor end ns not
unduly Increasing tho rink of flro.
Tho forogolug ordlnnnco wnn pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Modfonl, Orogon, on tho 9th day of
September, 1010, by the lollnwh'g
Klfort ayo, Kmorlck nyo, Wortman
aye, and Donunor ayo.
Approved Soptomber 10th, 1910.
W. 11. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Arrnngo to attend tho Eugene Bus
iness Collego, and lot us got you a
good' position whon you graduate En
ter now. Sond for our now cata
logue. I4Vj W'cut Sovonth street,
WiiR-ono, OroLon. tf
(Prlcoa paid by Medford morchnnts.)
I'otntoos Now, $1.15 ft 1.25 por
Cabunb'o 2 c.
Squnah 85c(0 11.00.
Cantaloupes 20 040a n dozen.'
Tomntoos lc.
Carroto lMic. - .
Boots lMiO.
Onions XWic. h
Pumpkins 8(S''12MiC.
Apples 2o.
Poars ltt02o.
Prunoa Drlod, 4o.
Colory 90c n dozon.
llutter, Kggs and Poultry.
(Prlcos paid by Medford morchnnts.)
Buttor Froah ranch, 30c; croam
cry, 3 Go.
Eggs Freeh much, 40c.
Poultry Mixed, 10H14c; spring
ohlokonH, 14lfio; turkeys, 17c.
(Prlcos paid producors.)
Hny Timothy, f 10; nJfftVfa, $14;
groBa, $14; grain hay, $16. v
drnln Whont, $1.15 bushel; onts,
$30 ton; uurloy, $32 ton,
Boof Cows, 44Vjo; stoots, 5fp
Pork 9o.
Mutton 6 B Wo; lambs, Oc.
Voal Drossod, Sc.
(Suiting prlcoo,)
Itollcd barloy, 1.7C cwt, $32 ton;
bran, 11.75; middlings, $1,85 3 1.00;
shortn, $1.80 1.85,
FOB nEH'l.
Kiirnb)liMl Hooiioi,
FOK UI5NT In privato home, largo
nually i'uriiishuil front hod room,
with closet mid hath; close in;
phone SMfifJ. fi2t NVcst Hamilton.
FOR HKNT Well furaiHliciftnoiIuni
roiimiH, wall vuiililntud ami sunny;
with lights, water nnd bath. Onu
block from now S. P. dopot; gen
tlemen only. 'lh N. Grape St. J7t
FOU IHONT Furniflhcd rooms. .325
1 1 iversido avoniie, S. 170
FOU HKNT At tho Cottage, pleas
ant, furnished rooms, with hot mid
cold running wator; baths, largo
Hiinny porches. 004 W. 10th St. m'
121 King St. tf.
FOU KBNT A large furnished front
room; modern. Inquire at 227 .
Central avo. 180.
KOll HUNT KurnJuhed loom for
trnnslentti, No. 10 North Grapo
street, noxt to Farmers and Fruit
growers' bank. tf
FOU HKNT Two furnished rooms
for light housekeeping; no children.
:i27 So. Oakdale.
FOU HKNT Nicely furnished new
sleeping rooms; hot and cold wate-,
bath; all modern. 203 Olcson st.,
comer Went Hamilton and Olcson
streets, 2 blocks from end N, Onk
.m l paving. Call Main '1474. tf
FUUNISHKI) room to rent in private
family; gentleman only. -205 Ileatly
streot north. 182.
Nicely furnished
Inquire at 315 N.
sleeping rooms.
Ilartlott street.
FOR HKNT Two nicely furnished
rooms; bath m connection. 113
Laurel st. Phonci M32 or 2(iJ2 f
ItuslnesH ItooiiM
FOR RENT Iiusincss room on W.
Mniu st., 21x110, suitable for rcs
taurunt or billiard room or other
business, steam heat. Gold Ray
Healtv Co.. 210 W. Main st. tf
FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec
tric building, modern equipment,
steam heat, clcctrio light, baths,
toilet, hot and cold wutcr. Gold
Ray Renlty Co., 21G W. Main st. tf
FOR RENT Salo or trade, 40
acres of hill land nnd timber,
partly cleared, 7 miles from Mod
ford, 2 miles from Talent. Address
A. P. Rnrruw. Mcdford. Or.
FOR RENT Farms from 4(1 acres
to -100, acres, alfalfa laud, fruit
ranches, uardon lauds, general
farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty
Co.. 210 Went Mnin. tf
FOR RENT Small house at 53(1
Hamilton street West. 178.
FOR RENT 8 room houso, 700 S.
Onkdalo nvc., boing ro-decoratod,
ready in two weeks; will sell if de
sired, liny II. Tuttlo, Park avo.,
immediately at rear of above. tf.
FOR RENT Only hotel in railroad
town of 1000 inhabitants; Rogue
River valloy. Box 300, care of
Mail Tribune. tf.
LOST Black silk umbrella with gold
pearl handle; upper pnrt in driven
driven gold; has nanio of Mrs. M.
B. Ferrel on handle. Finder leave
at Medford Tribune offico and re
coivo reward. .179.
LOST Scotch collio dot with white
neck, breast mid feet. Liborul re
ward for roturn. D. T. Lawton.
FOR EXCHANGE Medford and
suburban property, ranches, timbor
lauds, for othor property. Address
Box 190. caro Mail Tribune. tf
FOR LEASE Fishing, hunting,
bonting mid bathing reaort, lVs
BQUuro miles body of water, on
railroad, within 12 miles of Med
ford. Addrcso Box 201, cure Mail
Tribune. tf
FOR SALE At a bargain, for quiuk
snlo,.tvo of thu best lots on Ross
Court; pavomont, sowor mid city
wator, Sco ownor, 430 So. Evov
iroon streot. ' 182
FOR SALE I own .mil will soil a
lot ono-third larger tlun ihu ordi
nary, closo to sohool and pavement
for $050; tonus. Add'oss "Quau
tity," caro Mail Tribune. 192.
POR TRAD"E Will trado vacrjit city
lots, sowor nnd wator, for houso and
lot; or will bo willing to contract
with rospoiisltlo enrpontor to build
nn a houso and take some splondld
lota In payment. Address P, O.
Box 172. 178
FOR SALE Horo is an opportunity
for the man with a small incomo to
buy u building lot choap, mid tonus
to Hiiit your incomo. No bottor lots
in West Medford for tho money;
east front, ;ionr wator, pavomont,
gas and light; must go quick to oe
curo tonus. Address R euro
nMH Tribuno office. t
J'OU HAM-; 0 fiuo citv lots .$2,200;
imiuire of ownor, I'M) -i J Jtli St.,
between 12 and 1 : J78.
tVirniH or Orchard.
KOItSALB 120acre, Evans Crook
fruit; Improvomontn; buy of owner.
Wlto ft, V. Potter, II. F D Wood
vlllo, Or. tf
FOU HA LB Cheap, 10 acre choice
fruit laud; alslnrg' nty lot. Ad
(Inwv. :U7 W. fdcoiul-t. 183.
FOU SALE Attract of finest npplc
land; almost lacrt. All smooth,
$2,400. Address C. S. Gilson, Me-
mpiinillc, PreKon.T l&Q
FOR SALE 10 acre of timber on
Andcnon creek, -A '"'l(' from Tal
ent, Or., at $5 an acre. The timber
on the land alone it worth that.
Call oi. L. N. Judd, Talent, Or.
FOU SALE 8 acres, bearing orch
ard. 1 mile from Mcdford. This is
a bin-train: small houso nnd bam;
finest Iruit land in county, $3500.
White & Trobridu'C. tr
FOU SALE Fitio fiomc place of Uj
acres, best free soil; sixteen acres
young commercial, orchard. Nine
ncrcs alfalfa. Family orchard
Building spot contains forty-fiv,;
giant oaks, covering nhout an aero.
Good six room house, two barns and
outhouses. Two wells fine wntcjj,
Stock, poultry, vehicles, machinery,
etc., to go with place; 3 1-2 milq
from Mcdford, 'dnd nenr good
bchool. Inquire 'oAwer. 022 Soiith
Central. 178
UtislnesH Property.
ing for general merchandise sto'e
in now town with $15,000 monthly
payroll, on railron?, 12 miles from
Mcdford. Gold Hav Realty Co,
200 W Main. - tf
FOR SALE Choice business prop
erty at ft bargain, on long time;
easy terms. Address Condor Wa
ter Power Co. .
FOR SALE naif iuterest in one of
finest small businesses in Mcdford,
nnd use nroceeds of sale of sale to
increase stock. Address Box 441,
care of Mail Tribune. tf
POR SALE Furniture of 10-rooom
house, centrally located; first-class
for rooming and boarding house.
Address P. O. Box 751. 182
FOR SALE I nm prepared to furn
ish winter supplies of fire wood in
oak, fir and pine; stovewood nnd
four-foot lengths. F, Osenbrugge,
phone 1941. 401 Riverside avenue
FOR SALE Furniture of four room
houso; house for re.n(. 435 N. Bart
lett. " ' 182
FOR SALE Large modern house
with South and east front, 113 feat
front on paved streot, by 181 feel
long, nicely improved grounds; ov
erythini; strictlv modern. Reason
for selling, lady of house needs
chaugo of ciimato. This place is
suitable for nice homo or first
class rooming honso. Easy terms io
right party. See the Jackson Coun
ty Realty Co., 004 West Tcnjh St.
"" 195.
FOR- SALE $1,500 buys modern
bungalow; rented for $22 per mo.;
closo in; address, C. E. W., Mail
Tribune. J . 184.
FOR SALE I have three modern
bungalows on east front lots; they
aro conveniently planned, well built,
urtistienlly designed; have com
plete plumbing, including laundry
trnvs, screen, shades, fireplaces,
both wood and electric; built-in
buffets and bookcases. Call on
ownor, Chns. D. Colby, 910 W. 10th
streot. . tf
FOR SALE East front bungalow,
modern; well situated; trees; owner
lives ou of city and can't mod
payment due in about 30 dnys.
Price is cut for quiok sain. Call nt
910 N. 10th st. tf
FOR SALE Two-ator house and lot
50x250, East front, 10 minutes out
$1200; Terms. John Roter, 0 S.
Central Avo.
FOR SALE Now 5-room bungalow
and two lots, one corner; south and
east front; fiuo neighborhood, near
onving; best buy in Medford; cash
or terms. Address "Ownor," caro
Mail Tribune. " tf
FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-noro tracts
just within and adjoining city lim
its, nt a bargain1, fan' 'tf annual pay
ments. Address Condor Water
Power Co. .
FOR SALE 8-room house with
bath and 90 foot pf screouod poroh,
$3500. 900 0th st. West., W. H.
Evcrhnrd. tf
A FEW nro loft Anybody wishing
n fiuo young rooster of tho famous
S. C, Rhode Island Red strain
should ordor at onco; only $1,50
oaoh, dolivorod nt Medford or Jack
sonville. Address Fnirview Or
chards, Jacksonville, 24
FOU SALrJ -Valuable diamond ring,
$120; will secure stone with consid
erable more. Address Ii2 care Mail
Tribune office, ' ' 178.
FOU SALE Now two seatod, stylish
substantial carriage, finest leather
upholstering, extension top, wide
track, solid break steel tires; not
used to soil; nothing finer or bettor
made. Sost $240. Will sell cheap,
Humphrey, 815 East Main. 179.
FOU SALE Two good tents; on
f urnishod ; price $25 and $50. Phon
2012. 178
HOME Seekers' Exchnngc; gcnc.-il
general Investments, notary pub
lic. 107 E. Main. Room U.
FOU SALE Good team, weight
about 1200, will drive single or
double; good saddle horses, not
nfrnid of anything; also new hack
nnd harness: will sell outfit com
plete or in part; cheap. C. A. Luj;,
corner North Oakdule and Ham
ilton, tf.
FOR SALE Good substantial buggy
nnd double harness, used about two
weeks. Reasonable. Call 510 S.
Holly- . 179
FOR SALE Good team. heavy
mnres. II. F. Mender, phone Main
84. 179
FOR SALE One first grade Jersey
cow, fresh first part of Nevembe: ;
200 White Leghorns, Rhode Island
Reds, White Orpingtons, etc., chick
ens; 1 green bono cutter; one team
4 of horses; 3 sets of harness; 1 lum
ber wagon; 1 rubber tire buggy; J
Mowing machine, plows, hnrrp'-s
and othor farming tools; some new
household furniture. Address An
drew Matheson, care of this office.
Above may be seen nt second houj
from Sheriff Jones' home. 181.
HOME Seekers' Exchange; general
investments; notary public. 10T
E. Main, room 9. . 1S2.
FOR SALE Two mod ' rug; in
quire 520 W. 10th St. tf
FOR SALE At a bnrgain, one six
cylinder Winton touring car, run
less 'than 4,000 miles, in good con
dition, fully equopped with Claxton
horn, Warner speedometer, extra
casings and inner tubes, rugs, tool
kit, top, wiiid shield, search lights,
etc. Can be inspected at Valley
Auto Co. 178.
FOR SALE One registered Angora
Buck, clipped 14 3-4 pounds mo
hair last season. Address Chas.
Gilchrist. Sams Vallov. 180
passenger 4-oylindor touring auto
mobile. Address tfox juu, care
Mail Tribuno office. tf
FOR SALE Grapes, fresh from the
vines. No. 507 Clark st. 180
FOR SALE Furniture for a 4-room
cottage, close in; cheap rent for the
house. Address 911, caro Mail Trib
une office. 178
KOIt "3aEE Legai "bTanitt ot "Hi"
kinds trespass and other notices,
at Mall Tribuno offico.
llclpt Wanted Male.
WANTED Boy to do chores nftor
school. Apply 310 N. Bartlett.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Apply at 018 West Main
street nt once.
WANTED Girl for general houso
work; good wnges to the right
party. Address Box 29. care Mail
Tribune office.
WANTED Nurse wanted at tho
Ashland hospital for training. tf
WANTED Call or phono Main 32
for all kinds of dressmaking. Mrs.
J. S. Carroll, 329 N. Riverside ave
nue. 190
WANTED Competent worunn for
general housework, two iu family,
wages $30. Address Box GO, care
MnilTrihune office. tf
WANTED Salesmen In oyery local
ity ot tho northwest; money ad
vanced weekly; many make over
$1000 month; choice ot territory.
Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top
penish, Wash.
Situations Wasted.
EXPERIENCED building foremnn
nnd superintendent wants position;
roforences furnished. Address Box
JM3; 178.
WANT.ED Position by mnn nnd
wife on fruit farm. Cnll or nddroas
C. L. Lotmnn, 200 Sixth st., Ash
lnnd. 179
WANTED A position on orchard;
had sovoral yoars oxporionco; n
man with small family nm cnpablo
to act us foreman; chn furuish rof
oronccs if required. Address Box 2.
Tolo. Ore. 180
WANTED Good clonn cotton rags.
Good prieps paid at Mail Tribuno
WANTED To rent, a cottage fivo
or six rooms unf urnishod; nddress
'G," euro Medford Mail Tribuno.
NVANTED To rout n 0 or 7 room
jijodom house, close in by Nov. 1;
NoTluldtpn. Address P. O. Box 91),
WANTED To put up insido finish
by contract; references furnished.
Address G. B., Mail Tribune office,
or 208 N. Central street. 181.
WANTED Shingling and roof re
pairing dono by Fred Jerry. Phono
No. 2851. Work done promptly and
neatly. All work guaranteed. 178
WANTED To rent or buy six io
eight room modem hoitfeo; prefer
Oakdale avenue, West Tenth or
West Main streots. Apply or ad
dress W, II. Bnumbach, 208 Fniit
growcrs Bunk building, city. 178
SING LEE has sold bis laundry to
Wah Leo Co., and hereafter it will
bo conducted by Wah Lee. He is
nn experienced man in the busi
ness. '
Cement Sidewalks.
stone mason, plastering and all
kinds of stucco work. Export work
manship at reasonable charges by
the day or contract. Address Ma
sons. 511 E. Main st.. Medford, Or.
Printers and Publishers.
best equipped job office in South
ern Oregon; Portland prices. 57
South Central avenue.
Ullliurd Parlors.
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci
gars aud Soft Drinks. Up stairs,
Young & Hall bniiding. A nice,
cool place to spend the hot after
noons. Hospitals.
344 South C st.. Medford, Or. E.
W. Hiscv, Matron. Official hos
nital P. & E. R. R.
are budded, not grafted. Oar sto:k
is not irrigated. We guarantee ev
erything put out. Wo are not in
the trust. H. B. Patterson, office
removed to 116 E. Main st.
SERY CO., inc. Growers of
high grade nursery stock. Office
25 W. Main. Tel. 1201.
trees for salp, also other varieties
. of trees, by Wagner Creek Nursery
& Orchard Co., Beeson & Lester,
Talent. Or.
Tin Shops.
J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and!
sheet iron ware on hand and made1
to order.
128 North G st.
Cigars and Tobacco.
IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse
Dealers in tobacco, cigars and
smoreks' supplies. Exclusive agents
of Lewis Single Binder, El Moritt
and El Palencia. 212 West Mam
1840 Meets at Smith's hall, 128
North Grape streot. every Thurs
day evening promptly at 8 o'clock.
All journeymen carpenters, as well
as local members, urged to bo pres
ent. Business of vital interest to
all carpenters transacted at these
meetings. J. J. Seal, business agt.
Palm building.
offico. -Lawyer, over post-
LEY Attornoys-nt-law. No. 9 D
street, ground floor.
vis:, C. L. Rcames. Lawyers. Of
fico Medford National Bank bnild
intr, second floor.
Phippg bldg.
HOME Seekors' Exchnngo Gonoral
investments; notary public. 107 E.
Main. Room 9.
Stenographic work done quick;
and woll.
Grnnlto Works.
Main st., manufacturers nnd denl
ers in gmonumontnl nnd buildin
grnnito, crushed granito, common
brick and prossed brick, oonrso nnd
fino wnshod river sand.
PAUL & WOLFF soil sand aud foun
dation gravol; all ordors promptly
delivered. Phone 4721 and 1213
Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Goo. T.
O'Brien Contractors and' mnnu
fncturors of briok; dealers in
pressed briok nnd limo. Office in
Postoffico block, room 5. Phono
No. 3181.
PalMtero asd PaperhaMpr, '
H DEAN, O P M'MTtttfv
Phone 3732. Dean & MoMnllun
contracting painters, painting, r
vr hanging and tintintr, Estimate
on all kiuds of painting work
Medford, Or,
Hill rosters.
VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and
Distributor. All onlors promptly
filled. Room 29, Jackuon County
Bnnk building. Medford. Or.
Mnckoy mid dio with joy." Over
Allon & Rongan's store; eutrnuca
on. 'Seventh street.,
NORMAN WINDER, architectural
draftsman and buildor See ma
about your new home. I can save
you monoy by planning to your
own ideas nnd figuring with you
right. Write Box 37, P. O., Med
ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects nnd
Builders. Offico 7-8, 825 Main.
Phono Main 3471. Residence phone
Ileal Ktnt.
TnE MOOR-EHNI CO. Fine much
properties. City lots end dwellings.
Fire insuranco. 213 Fraltgrowera
Bank bldg. Phono 2592.
Physicians and SHrgwi.
DR. W. W. WICK Homeopathic
physician. Residence 203 Oleson
st. Phone Main 4474. Will open
offices in St. Marks bloek about
October 10.
in Riatto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas
administered for extraction of
teeth. Telephono Main 681. Night
phone 4432.
DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist
Office in rooms 203-30 Farmers'
& Fruitgrowers' bank building,
west of tho tracks.
tice limited to diseases af the eye,
ear, nose and throat. Office 216
E. Main st., over Medford Hard
ware Co.
cians and Surgeons, . Taylor and
Phipps bldg., rooni 210-211-212.
Offico phono 501, resideace phone
612. Offico hours 0 a. in. to R p. m.
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic
physicians. Mission bloek. Phone
292, Medford.
CDJES Will cure Aenmntism,
asthma, paralysis, sores and pri
vate diseases. These reswdies may
be Procured at house. No. 241 G.
"ont and 10th 8ts Medford. Or,,
where tbey will be sold by tho pro
prietor, Chow Young.
Dr. Chow Young has treated sev
eral severe cases with hi remedies
since coming to Ashland, and has
for references some of the best
known and most intelligent citizens
in Southern Oregon. Call on him.
This is to certify that Dr. Chow
Young, the bearer, attended me, my
trouble being lung troable and
asthma. I am better than I have
been for twelve years. I saw the
lotter written by Judgo Hanna and
as ho recommondod the doctor so
well, thought I would try him also.
Mrs. St. Louis, Ashland, Or.
"I was afflicted with keart and
stomach trouble for icaay years,
and at last ending in a itroke of
paralysis, from which a one ex
pected my recovery, oai no one
knows how I suffered, bat at last
I got a little bettor and I heard of
ono Dr. Chow Young. I tok treat
ment and nm well now aai can rec
ommend him to any one who may be
sick or afflicted with nay of these
complnints. I nssuro you II am well
pleased and thankful that I am
alive at this timo. Mrs. Mary Ni
day. Grants Pass. Or.
R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite
Jackson County bank. Miht calls
promptly answered. Office a
roBidonco phone Mnin 3X32.
DR. STEPHENSON fits glasses to
correct nny defeat of the oye. Of
fico over Allen & Reagaa's. Phoue
Main 1851.
James A. McKenzio, dealor in
now und socond-hand furniture,
hardware, clothing, boots and shoes.
Highest cash prices paid for Reed
cast-off clothing. Call aad Bee me
when you have somethiafj to sell,
103 South Control.
H. F. WILSON & CO- dealers ia
now and second-hand farniturs
and hardware Agents fsr House
hold stoves and ranges. 16 South
Fir streot. Phono Main 3161.
Corner 8th and Holly streets., elfd
ford. Mission furniture made te
ordor. Cnbinot work of all kinds.
A trial ordor soliioted.
MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstoves
and rangos. Now und seeoad-kaad
furniture. Ends' old stead. IS Wf
F st., South. Phone 01, Medford,
dertakers. Day phone ML Mgbl
phones, C, W, Conklk tffl. J. H.
Butler 3571. Johu A. Feet 4111.