mtmmmmmmmmmmm U- "" '. JUff f i MFJWOliD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1910. NOTED LECTURER AT NAT TONIGHT; "Sco Acmrlcn First" Will Do Given By Brilliant Snoakcr In Lnruo Au ditorium at Natatorluin This Ev onlnii. Tint people of Mi'ilfonl nro pro inlhi.'il a riuo trout In tho illustrated locturn of Adam Dixon Warner In Moilford (oulKlit imtl Friday ulcht lit tlio Nat audltorliiiii, jMr. Dixon HtamlH out an tlio preeminent loo turor of tlio Pacific coniit and among tlio inotit oOiirntod peoplo in tlio United HlatoH. It h a boost for tlio Hngitn Hlvor valley and tlio ontlro nortlwoMt that Mr. Warner ItiiK cIiohoii ho many views of thin dlHtrlct for IiIh now lecture "Boo Atuorlcn FlrBt", which ho delivers nndor tlto nusplroH of tint Coinnior clal cluli, Tlio lootnroiH collection contaliiH twont.y.flvo vIowh of Hip1 Rokiio Itlvor vnlloy. Monday nlr.lit 1500 peoplo, hoard Mr. Warner at tlio Chinitaupun nu dltorltnn In Ashland. Tlio iiowh pnporH ropoit tliu vIcwm hIiowii com posts tlio incut comploto and up-to-date collection of wooturn vIowh over presented In tlio town nnd that Mr. Warner ranked IiIkIi among tho ... wuii nil n. nu niHiiivn m mom, T,u forest raiii:ore aro cut Ashland. The manner of tho AhIi- l)K ()Ut (0 rond 0,B,t fLot , wdth laud commercial club ald of tho i pncl 8lo of 1() ,, trnc( whch ovuiilnKH entertainment: a r tB0f a nMl BllbBtnntlal ,m. "In IIIUHtratlon of IiIm lecture en- provomont." titled 'iSoo America FlrHt", ho hIiow- J . oil tlio fluent line of iconic vlown ever thrown upon tho Hereon In thin city. Tho lecture waH a Hplandld proHoutntlon of hln Kiilijccl and a inoiit dollithtful ontertaliimont iih well. Uulverslnl prtilNo Ih Hpoken for! Iilm and IiIh pIcttiri'K". TIckotH for the lecture aro on sale at the Nat and at HaHkliiH Drue ntoro, HAVE HARD TIME SECURING BEAR HIDE Ah anyone known who ban over tried It, KcttliiK tho pelt off a boar la about tho hardetit job In tho' akin nlinr lino that n hunter Ih up agalnat, ovoln with tho host of tools. Two Medford huntoni, Mack Adama and 'Doc Ryan, whllo huntlni; In tho Klk crook country last week, took unfair adva: tago of a lono bacholor boar and alow him outright. Bruin waa n laro ono for Ills Bpoclce, run ning clouo to H00 pounda In weight, and tho problem prosontod to tho two nlmrodc woh the removal of tho hide, an they didn't fancy tho meat. Ryan bad a amall pon knlfo, which hadn't aoon a whotatono for montha, and AdnniH had no cutting tools at all. It wnu ralnliiK nnd tho lilllsldo wnH Htoop and Hllppory. Aftor a atruyglo of aovorat bourn, during which tlioy plowod up a conaldora-, bio area of Unclo Sam's dirt, getting! quite a qurntlty of It upon thorn roIvob nnd qulto a bit on tho bear, they Hitrccodod In flopnratlng him from bis outHldo covering nnd ro turned to camp, wot, tired, but hap 1X. -i MEnroiti) MAiircirra. (Prices paid by Medford mercbauls.) Potntooa Now, J1.1G1.25 per ewt. Cabbage 2c. Squash 8Bc $1.00. Cantnloupoo 20tfM0o a dozon. Tomatooa lVdo. Carrota lio. Doota 1 Mi o. Onlona lc Pumpkins 8 012VjC. Apples 2o. Poai-B 1Mi2c. Prunoa Dried, 4o. Colory OOe a dozon. llutter, Kkra and Poultry. (Prlcoa paid by Medford morchanta.) Putter Froah ranch, 30o; cronnu ory, 3 Bo. Ebbs Freeh ranch, 40o. Poultry MIxod, 1014o; spring ohlckons, 14010o; turkoya, 17o. (Prlcoa paid producora.) Hay Timothy, $10; nlfalfa, ?ll; grass, $14; grain hay, $10, ' Grain Whoat, $1.15 bushel; oats, $30 ton; oiirloy, $32 ton. Boor Cows, 4 4 Vic; c'.coib, 5 Pork 9c. Mutton 5 06Mic; Jambs, Cc. Vonl Dro3fl()d, 8o. (Soiling pricoo,) Polled barley, $1.7C owt, $32 ton) bran, &1.7G; mlddllnga, $1.85 1.00; aborts, $1.801.85. FOR STATE SENATOR K. P. Noil, Demoeratio nominou for stale sena tor from Jnoksou county. Sliuulu for statement No, 1. CRATER ROAD IS III GOOD SHAPE D. L. Lawton Flnis Road Tlirouijli tlio Forest in Fine Shnno After Rain Arant Camps Aiiandonod and Season Has Been Closed. ' D, T. and J, W, Lawton lolurnod Wednesday night from a trip to Fort Klamath, whoro tlioy had boon on business. "I havo crossed tho mountain many times,' fiuld D. T.,."ifnd 1 novor saw tlio road from Prospect on. In Hiicli kooiI condition, Tlio mlns had boon Juiit Hiifflulont to Holldlfy tho pum Ico dunt nnd not enough to soften tlio roadhod. Coming back wo woro compollod io Hi n Ito n 'dry enmp' at tho Arant illation, iih botweon tho tlmo of koIiik ovor and our roturn tlio camp had boon uhaudonod un known to tin. Thoro was neither foor nor nboltor for ninn or boast available, and tho next morning wo drove the whole way 2C mllcM to Prospect for breakfast. Wo enjoyed It wbon wo did got It, howovor. Tho party which makes tho trip from now on in lint follow tho oxnmplo advlHod for tho crow after Shorldnn hnil fin ished wljb tho valley of tho Shon andoab carry tholr provlnloun with m FOR SEATS BREAKS AIL RECORDS! PIIIUVDKLPIUA, Oct. 13. That tho demand for HoatH for tho world's ehniuploiiHlilp banobnll games lias broken nil records nnd that at loo's t $70,000 baa been returnod to appll cauta for tlckota, whcso ordora could not be filled, Is tho announcement of the national conunlnfllon having chnrgo of tho distribution of scats for the first two games of tho serlen, to bo played l.oro. , In Hplto of official annonr cement that no applications for scats mailed Inter than lust Saturday will bo con-Hlden-d, hundrcdu havo slnco boon straggling In. CARUSO SUFFERS SEVERE INJURY MUNICH, Oct. 13. Enrico Caru so, tho tenor, must "lay low" for some tlmo, It ho follows tho instruc tloua of bin physicians. During a por.farinunco of "La Bohomo" hero last night Caruso was Htruck, on tho forehead" by an Iron rod used In Hblftlug scouory nnd rondored uu rouHctous, His physician says tho In Jury Is so cerlouB that Cam bo must abandon IiIh ongngomontH for a time. AIRSHIPS ARE COMMON IN FRANCE SAYS MAN-BIRD NEW YOKIC, Oct. 13. That tlio approaching Bolmnnt aviation moot will give tremendous stimulus to the interest in nir navigation in Amcr-J ion, is the opinion of John Moissnnt, who made tho famous Paris to Lon don flight recently. "In Ainirioa flying is rare," said MoisHunt, "and when an aviator leaves the ground it is uu event. In Friiiie? aviators aro flying for hours nt a tinio and it is getting so that ono can hardly look aloft without hoeing a anin-bird." FOR RENT. FOR RENT In private homo, largo nontly furnished front bo(. room, with elosot and bath; oloso m; phono 2155. 521 West Hamilton. FOR RENT Well furnishod modem romm8, woll ventilated nnd sunny; with lights, wntor and hath. Ono block from now S. P. depot; gou lloinen only. 245 N. Grapo St, 179 FOR RENT Throe nice sunny up stairs rooms; no children. J. J, Ilauri, cornor Washington and Stark StB. East side. 177. FOR RENT At tho Cottngo. plon- nnt, furnishod rooms, witli hot and cold running wntor; baths, largo sunny porohos. 004 W. 10th St. "i- 124 King St. j FOR RENT A largo furnishod front room; modom. Inquiro nt 227 S, Central nvo. 180. Km RENT Furnishod rooms for transients, No. 10 North Qrnpo Btreot, noxt to Farmors and Fruit growers' bank, tf pen rem. KuhiIhIumJ iUHtmn. FOR JtBNT Nicely furnished now sleeping rooms; hot und cold wutti", hath; nil modern. 203 Dlcson hL, corner WobI Ilnmllloii iiml Olooti stroetH, 2 blocks fiom end N, Oak dulejmving, Call Main 4-17-1. tf. FURNISHED room Io rent in private family; gentleman only. 205 Boutty street not til. J82. FOR RENT "Nicely furnished slooping rooms, Inquire 'nt 345 N. Ilnrllott Hlreet. tf. FOR KENT Two nicely furnished rooms; bath hi connection. 113 Laurel st. I'lionon !M32 or J05J2 If ItllMllCNH ItoOtllH KOIt RENT Business room on W. Main Ht., 24x1-10, suitnblo for res taurant or billiard room or other buHiuoHB, ntoarn heat. Qold Kay Koiilty Co.. 210 W. Main st. tf FOR KENT Office rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipmciit, steam heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Kay Kwtlty Co., 210 W. Milin Bt. tf . Farms. FOR KENT Sale or trade, 40 ficrcH of hill land and timber, partly cleared, 7 miles from Med ford. 2 miles from Talent. Address A. P. Harrow, Mad ford. Or. FOK KENT Fanim from 40 uores to 400 aeroH, alfalfa laud, fruit ranches, irnrdeu IuihIh, Kcnoral fnrmiuir rnnchcH. Gold It ay Realty Co.". 210 West Main. tf Mousca. KOK KENT Small house nt 53(1 Hamilton street West. 178. KOK KENT 8 room Iioubo, 700 S. Oakdale ave., beiiiK ro-dccoratcl, "renjly in' two weeks; will sell if de sired. , Hay II. Tattle, Park ave., 1nmcdiatolv at reur of above. tf. FOK KES'T Only iiotel in railroad town of 1000 iuhtibitantH: Komio Sv lto 300' '"' LOST LOST A wedding ring; initials "W. N. A." curved inside; return to Tribune office add receive reward. LOST Black' silk umbrella with gold pearl handle; upper part in driven driven void; lino uiuno of Mrs. M. IV Fcrrcl on handle. Finder leave at Mndford'Tribiuie office nnd re ceive reward. 179. i LOST. LOST Scotch collio doc with white neck, breast. and feet. Liberal re ward for return. - D. T. Lawton. tf LOST Small Moroco vot :o-ket memorandum, witii titrates only in it. el.ave at this office. 177 FOR EXCHANGE. FOK EXCHANGE Medford nud suburban property, ranches, timber lands, for other property. Address Box 100. care Mail Tribune. tf FOR EXCHANGE Forty acres ir rigated land near Lakeview; per potuol wator right; want Rogue stairs rooms; no children River vnlloy property. J. J. Ilaun, Box 292. 177. FOR LEASE FOR LEASE--Fishing, hunting, boating nni bathing resort, lVs square miles body of wator, on railroad, within 12 miles of Med ford. Address Box 201, care Mail Tribune. tf FOR SALE XjOtfl. FOR SALE At n bargain, for quiek sale, two sof the best lots on Ross Court; pavement, sower nnd city water. See owner, 43(1 So. Evor greon stroot. 182 FOR SALE I own ami will soil n lot one-third larger than the ordi nary, closo to school and pavement for 050; terms. Add' ess "Qunn tity," enro Mail Tribune. 182. FOR TRADE Will trade vacant city lots, sowor and water, for houso and lot; or' will bo willing to contract with respouBllio enrpenter to build mi a houso and take somo splendid loto In payment. Address P. O, Box 172. 178 FOR SALE Hero is an opportunity for tho man with a small incomo to buy a building lot choap, nnd torms to suit your incomo. No bettor lots in West Medford for tho mouov; east front, noar wntor, pnvomont, gas and light; must go quick to so ouro torms. Addross E cure aMil Tribune office t Farms or Orchards. FOR BALE 130 acres, Evans Crook fruit; improvoraonts; buy of owner, Write S. F. Potter, R. F D., Wood vlllo, Or. tf FOR SALE A trnot of finest npplo laud; almost 12 noros. All smooth, $2,400. Address 0. S. Gilson, Mc- niiiiiivillo. Oregon, 180 Acre-age. FOR SALE 10 nines oftimbor on Anderson crook, 5 miles from Tal ent, Or,, nt $." un nore, The timber on tho laud uloiio is worth that, Call on L. N, Judd, Talent, Or. 477 XUfiJALt- Acreage. FOR SAIL Lost, ant- nnd five nci'e tracts; orchard truck and hoi.o,( 8 years -ild, weight 1350; good worker. And i'r m Owner, Box M7. 1' 177. FOR SALE 8 ncrcs, jearin orch nrd, 1 mile from Medford. This is a Ijnrti.iin; 'fimall hou-o und barn; finest truit land to .omty; $3500, White A 'frobridge. tr FOK .'-ALE Ac!ioicr. unit farm of 34 ocres, 1' mile i'r rr. Talent, Or,, can bu irrigated, pu,i.,nc apparat--uh, machinery, etc.; jouiib fruit of all kinds, inclmlinc 10 ncrea of Newtown npploB und other Iio; olrfo pcarKfprir", plutns, up ricols, ehorricfl, fete; a good dwell ing iiouso, 12 acres in alfalfa; near Uc-ur creek; price 12,500, cauli down 5500, the bnjunce on time; como to Talent on cars and I will show yoa the property. L. N. Judd, Roberts Mdjr., Taent, Or. ' - ' 100 FOK .SALEOncrc of best gar land in 'Jackson county, Io- den I cnted in Bear creek bottom; will tako house and lot as part pay ment. For full particulars address P. O. Box '747. 177 FOIL SALE Fine homo place of U5 acres, best free sod; sixteen acres young commcroinl orchard. Nine acres alfalfa. Family orchard Building spol contains forty-iivo giant oaks.'covcring about an acre. Good six room house, two barns and outhouses." Two wells fine water. Stock, poultry, Vehicles, machinery, etc., to go with place; 3 1-2 miles from Medford, nnd near good4 school. Inquire owner. 022 South Central. . 178 Uusfucss Property. FOK SALE. OIMtECT Good open ing for general merchandise sto-e in new town Vith 15,000 monthly payroll, on rnHroml, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Kay Realty Co, 200 W Mhin. I tf. FOK SALE Choice business prop erty at a bargain, on long ' time; oasy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co' " FOR SALE Half interest in ontf of finest small businesses in Medford, and use proceeds of sale of sale to inorease "slock. Address Box 441, e.ire of Mail Tribune. tf , FOR SALE Furniture of 10-rooom house, centrally located; first-class for rooming and, bonrding house. Address P. O. Bor 751. 182 FOR SALE I am prepared to furn ish winter supplies "of fire wood tit onk, fir and pinq; stovewood nnd four-foot lengths. F. Oseubrugge, phono 1041. 401 Riverside avenue South. Hoascs. FOR SALE Large', modern house with south and "cast front, 113 feat front on paved street,, by 181 feet long, nicely improved" grounds; ev erything strictly modem. Reason for selling, lady of house needs .i chnugo of climate. This place is suitable for nice home or firt class rooming house. Easy torms io right party. See the Jackson Coun ty Realty Co,, ,004 West Tenth Sr. 195. FOR SALE $1400 buys modem buugnldw; reuted for 22 per mo.; closo in; address, C. E. W., Mail Tribune 184. FOR SALE Soveral bousos and lots also fine fnrm. D; T. Lawton, Owner. - tf FOR SALE I havo throe modern bungalows on east front lots; they are conveniently planned, well built, nrtistially designed; havo com plete plumbing;, including laundry trays, screen, shades, fireplaces, both wood and electric; built-in buffets nud bookcases. Call on owner, Chns.' DitColby, 910 W. 10th streot. tf FOR SALE East front bungalow, modom; well situated; trees; owner livos out of city and can't meet payment duo in about 30 days. Prico is cut for quick salo. Call nt 910 N. 10th st. tf FOR SALE Two-stor house nnd lot 50x250, East front, 10 minutes out $1200; Torms. John Rotor, 6 S, Central Avo. FOR SALE New 5-rqom bungalow and two lots, one corner; south nnd oast front; finov neighborhood, near uaviug; host buy in Medford; ensh or torms. Address "Owner," earo Mail Tribune. tf FOR SALE -Snd-lO-norn traots just within and adjoining city lim its, at h burguin, on 5 annunl pay monts. Addross Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE 8-room Iiouso with bath and 90 foot of scroonod porch, $3500. qoo 9th st. West., w. n. Eyorhard. ff . Miscellaneous, FOR SALE Ono horso, weight, 1350. 8 years old, cheap; orchard truck, $30; lots nnd acre nnd five nore tract. Address Ownor, Box 047. 177. FOR SALE. MlMcollanrnu. HOME Seekers' Exchange, ponaal general Investment , iintar pub lie. 107 E. Main. Koom U. FOK SALE Good team, weight about 1200, will drive single or double; good snddlo horses, not afraid of anything; also now buck and harness; will sell outfit com plete or in part; cheap. C, A. Luu, corner North "Oakdale and Ham ilton, tf. FOK SALE Good substantial buggy and double harness, used about two weeks. Reasonable. Call 519 S. IIollv. 179 FOK SALE Good team. heavy marcs. II. F. Mcadcr, phone Main 84. 179 FOR SALE Ono first grade Jersey cow, fresh first part of Nevcmbei: 200 White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, White Orpingtons, etc., chick ens; 1 green bone cutter; one team of horses; 3 sets of hnrness;l lum ber wagon; 1 rubber tire buggy; 1 Mowing machine, plows, harrows und other farming tools; some new household furniture. Address An drew Miithcson, care of this office. Above may be seen at second houso from Sheriff Jones' home. 181. HOME Seekers' Exchange; general investments; notary public. 10 E. Mnin. room 9. 1S2. FOR SALE Two ?ood nuirc 520 W. 10th St. rug; m tf FOR SALE At a bargain, one six cylinder Winton touring car,', run less than 4,000 miles, in good con dition, fully equopped with Claxton horn, Wurner speedometer, extra casings and inner 'tubes, rugs, tool kit, top, wind shield, search lights, etc. Can be inspected at Valley Auto Co. 178. FOR SALE One 10-ounco duck tent, 12x14, 36-Inch walls, new; also corn, 90 cents per bush'l (Grif fin Creo'k). E. E." Morrison. 177 FOR SALE One registered Angora Buck, clipped 14 3-4 pounds mo hair last season. Address Chns. Gilchrist. Sams Yallev. 180 FOR SALE Apples, Spitzenberg, Newtowns, Baldin, 35 cents 'a box, delivered; Main Phone 2012. 177 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-cylinder touring auto mobile. Addross Box 200. care Mail Tribune office. tf FOR SALE Grapes, fresh from the vines. No. 507 Clark sfc 180 FOR SALE Furniture for n 4-rootn cottage, close in; cheap rent for the house. Address 911, care Mail Trib une office. , 178 FOR SATE" Legal oianTca ot all kinds trespass and other notices, at Mail Tribune office. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply at G18 West Main street nt once. 178 WANTED Girt for general house work; good swages to tho right party. Address Box 29. care Mail Tribune office. WANTED Nurse wanted at tho Ashland hospital for training. tf WANTED Call or phone Main 32 for all kiirtls of dressmaking. Mrs. J. S. Carroll. 329 N. Riverside ave nue. 190 WANTED Competent woman for general housework, two. in family, wages $30. Address Box GO, care Mail Tribune office. tf WANTED Salesmen in every local ity of the northwest; money ad-, vanced weekly; many make over 11000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valloy Nursery Co., Top penish, Wash. llelp Wantec? Male. WANTED 12 Men, general streot work, $2.25, 9 hours. Apply stioot commissioners. 177 Situations Wanted. EXPERIENCED building foromnn nnd superintendent wants position; references furnished. Address Box S43. 178. WANTED Lathers. Apply to Med ford Brick Co. at tho Davis bldg., Monday morning; will pay 3 per 1000. 177 WANTED Position by man nnd wife 011 fruit farm. Call or addross C. L. Lotmnn, 200 Sixth st., Ash land. 179 WANTED A position on orchard; had soveral years oxporienco; a man with small family; am capablo to act ns foreman; can furnish rof oronces if required. Addross Box 2, Tolo. Ore. 180 Miscellaneous. WANTED Information in regard to a stlen hioyclo, Crusader, light grey, rear undorgunrd broken. Reward offered. R. G. Beach, Postoffice. . 177. WANTED To buy household funu turo. 325 South Ivy street. 177 WANTED Good clean cotton rags. Good prices paid nt Mail Tribuno offico. WANTED To rout, a cottngo, fivo or six rooms unfurnished; address "0." caro Medford Mail Tribune. WANTED. Allflcrllnncons. WANTED To borrow 500 for one year; good security ; will pay 10 per cent. Address W. C. M., oaro of Tribune office. 177 WANTED To put up insido finish by contract; references furnished. Address' O. R, Mail Tribune office, or 208 N. Central street. 181. WANTED Shingling and roof re pairing done by Fred Jorry. Phono No. 2851. Work done promptly and neatly. All work guaranteed. 378 WANTED To rent or buy sh to eight room modem houso; prefer Oakdale avenue, West Tenth or West Mnin streets. Apply or ad dress W. R. Baumbach, 208 Fruit growere' Bank building, city. 178 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Jimnddrics SING LEE has sold bis laundry to Wah Leo Co., and. hereafter it will be conducted by Wah Lee. He is an experienced man in the busi ness. Cement Sidewalks. CEMENT SIDEWALKS, brickma&on, stone mason, plastering and all kinds of stneco work. Export work manship at reasonable charges by the day or contract. Address Ma Bons. 511 E. Main st.. MedfoTd. Or. IMntcra and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. v37 South Central avenue. Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place to spend the hot after noons. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st., Medford, Or. E. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hos pita! P. & E. R. R. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Oar sto-ik is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. Wo nre notm the trust. H. B. Paftorson. office removed to 116 E. Main st. ROGUE RrVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growers of high, grade nursery stock. Office 25 W. Mnin. Tel. 1201. 5000 YELLOW NEWTOWN apple trees for sale, also other varieties of trees, by Wagner Creek Nurery & Orchard Co., Beeson & Lester, Talent. Or. Tin Shops. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G st. Read Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smoreks' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Meritt nnd El Palencia. 212 West Main street. Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Meets at Smith's hall, 128 N6rth Grape street, every Thurs day evening promptly nt 8 o'clock. All journeymen carpenters, as well as local members, urged to bo pres ent. Business of vital interest to all enrponters transacted at these meetings. J. J. Seal, business agt. Attorneys. WHTHINTON & KELLY Yawyers, Palm building. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over post office. , PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attomoys-nt-Iaw. No 9 D street, ground floor. ' COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reara'es. Lnwyors. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing. bccond floor. NOTARY PUBLIC Room Phipps bldg. iv,', NOTARY office. PUBLIC Mail Tribune Stenographers. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Block Stenographic work dono quiekl.v and woll. Granite Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Mnin st., manufacturers and doal ers in gmonumontnl and buildin granite, crushed grnnito, common brick nnd pressed brick, coarse nnd fino washed rivor sand. PAUL & WOLFF soil sand and foun dation gravel; all ordors promptly delivored. Phono 4721 and 1213 Mnin. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo, W. Priddy, O. D. Nnglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick;' dealers in pressed brick and lime. Offico in Postoffioo block, room 5, Phono No. 3181. Painters aud Paprrbanrow. ' H. O, DEAN. O. P, M'MTTLLEN Phone 3732. Dean & MnMnll contracting painters, paintin. pt pr hnwrinir and Holms' pettoiU on all kinds of pnin'incr 'rn Medford, Or. BUSINESS DIRECTinY. IIIH roster. t VERNE T, CANON Bill poster nud Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 20, Jackson County Bank building. Medford. Or. Photoornplicr3. MACKEY'S 8TUDIO "PM with Mntkoy and die with joy." Over Alien & Reagan's storo; entrance ,on. Seventh Btreot. Architect. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and builder See me about your new homo. I can save you money by planning to your own ideas and figuring with you right. Write Box 37, P. O., Med ford. JOHNS k TURNER, ArchiteotR and Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Mnin. Phono Main 3471. Rcsideaco phono 744. Ileal Estate. THE MOOR-EHNI CO. Fino rauch properties. City lots and dwellings. Fire insurajice. 213 Fraitgroweru Bank hldg. Phono 2502. Physicians and Stargemw. DR. W. W. WICK Homeopathic physician. Residence 203 Oleson st. Phono Mnin 4474. Will open offices in St. Marks block about October 10. DR. AKTEMAS W. DEANB in Rialto hldg., 123 E. Main. ' Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phone 4432. . DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Farmera' & Fruitgrowers' bank btriidjna;, west of the tracks. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office 216 E. Main st., over Medford Hard ware Co. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms' 218-211-212. Office phono 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Mission bloek. Phone 292, Medford. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI- CINES Will cure rbaumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These readles may be procured at house. No. 241 S. Front and 10th sts, Medford, Or., where thoy will be sold by the pro prietor, Chow Young. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral severe cases with bio remedies since coming to Ashland, and has for references some of the best known and most intelligeat citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him. This is to certify that Dr. Chow Young, the bearer, attended me, my trouble being lung tromblo and asthma. I am better than I have been for twelve years. I saw the lottor written by Judga Eanna and as he recommended the doctor so well, thought I would try him also. Mrs. St. Louis, Ashland, Or. "I was afflicted with heart and stomach trouble for maay years, and at last ending in a stroke of paralysis, from which one ex pected my recovery, ami no one knows how I suffered, bwt at last I got n little better and I heard of one Dr. Chow Young. I took treat ment nud am well now aad can rec ommend him to any one who may be sick or nfflicted with aay of these complaints. I assure yoa H am well pleased and thankful that I am alivo at this timo. Mrs. Mary Ni day, Grants Pass. Or. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jaokson County bank. Kujtht calls promptly answered. Office aid residence phone Main 3432. 1 . , .. - ,.,l.WMii.,,ii.i,iiiimw.iiiwii DR. STEPHENSON fits glasses to correct any dofoct of the eye. Of fice over Allen & Reagma's. Phone Main 1851. Furniture. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS James A. McKonzio, doaler ia new and second-hand furniture, hurdware, clothing, boots and shoes. Highest cash prices paid for good cast-off clothing. Call aad see me whon you havo somethiag to seU. 103 South Central. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers ia new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents fsr House hold stoves nnd ranges. 16 South Fir street. Phono Maia 3161. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cornor 8th and Holly streets., eMi ford. Mission furniture made te ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order soliictod. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstovs and ranges. New and seeond-haad furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W F st., South. Phone 01, Medford, Pro. Undertaken, MEDFORD FURNITUiW CO. Ua dortakers. Day phone ML MfM phones, C. W. Conkjia MU. J. H. Butler 3571. John A. Feei 4111, ' $?,