ffizffii?' 'T f ; "r - f ( ' .". i, V 6 MEDFORD -MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKEG ON, THURSDAY, OCTOIUOR 10, 1910, t i i itt 4 lit tit b j Lamer of the j avairy s NGREASE By Gen. Chns. King 8 I Antl.ru. nf "Tin ( lilnn.il'rt DiuiRhtcr," "Foca in Ambush,' ! etc. J By" this time, too, another weudlns was announced as near nt hand. Only two days did Mr. Arnold and Aunt Ag nes allow Miriam In which to prepare for tho homeward Journey, but It la safe to wy that in that brief tlnio their views of frontier life and people had undergone marked amendment, for they had found an old expounder of their faith In tho post chaplain for one thing and many surprising facts as to ofllccrs, men and Indians for anothor. ffbero came a bright wintry nfternoon at tho fag end of the year when the station platform held a lively little as Bcrably waiting for the eastbound ex press. The colonel and his wife were there, the former by no means the bloodthirsty warrior of the elder's imag ination. The Stnnnnnls had com In, and tho Sumters, Kate and Dad Ennls the chaplain, and both doctors, and all these surrounded tho brother and sister and held them In cheery converse, while Bob and Miriam sauntered, self cen tered, nway. Lanier's eyes were glowing as he drew her to his heart and gazed down Into the depths of those uplifted to his. . "J?hat .brute of a train has been late tot ft week," said fis "but today. It cjunM ott .$ jt H &lng o "be ft Tong, loUJMvaU for May. How 5oe papa seem to tal;e It now "Papa Is quick Jo mnke ameeds when ho has wronged any one, and now he Knows." "JV6M. so does Aunt Agnes, Miriam, yet she doesn't approve." "Well, Aunt Agnes, dou't you know she's different. She's n good deal like other women I know. 'When she's placed somebody else In a tnUc posi tion she thinks that person ought to be very sorry for her aud sympathize with her for having been deceived and misled. She thinks you ought to say how sorry you are." "How can I say I'm sorry when I'm so glad all glad?" "Well, then, there's Cousiu Watson, don't you know. He was always her pet. He was brought up by a weak mother and a doting nunt. and she knows you don't approve of him." "Doc3 she expect a man to approve of one who maligned him as Lowndes maligned me?" "You should see his earlier letters about you. Why. If I'd known any thing of them I would never have dared to meet such a paragon." "And yet, after all, he turned to and painted me black as an Imp of Satan. What had I done bnt good to him? I never took or won n penny of his." A moment of silence, then the fond eyes looked up. "You won something he wanted and thought was his. He never bad any sense. Won't you try to forgive him for my sake, Bob?" nis arms went round and folded her closely, his face bowed down to hers. There was n wordless moment, then the sound of a distant whistle, of near er shouts of "T-r-a-1-n!" The dark mus tache, the unslnged side, wa3 sweep ing very, very near the soft curve of those parted lips. "What ransom will you pay?" ho murmured. "I've not yet felt these arms about my neck. I've klsbed you. heaven be praised, but, Miriam, have you ever kissed me?" "T-r-n-i-nJ Train, train! You'll be left!" again came the shrill feminine appeals and, with them, approaching, unwelcome, unheeded footfalls. With sudden, Impulsive movement she threw her arms about his neck and upraised her lips to his. One moment of silence, two seconds of bliss, then Dad Ennls' voice, barely a dozen yards nway, "Come forth Into tho light, you wanderers!" There was barely time for Bob's fervent words; "If I couldn't forglvo him after that I'd deBc-rve a dozen weeks' arrest." THE ETD. COASTARTILLERY Brigadier General Muray Rccam- Mcnils That More Guns Be Placed On Pacific Coast to Insure Effi cient Handling. NOTICE. Notice, Is hereby given that th,e un dersigned will apply to the city coun cil of tho city of Medford, Oregon, at tho next regular mauling thereof, to bo held on October 18, 1910, for a li cense to sell eplrltous, vinous and ninlt llquura for a period of six months at his plnco of business, at No. 22 Front street, North, in said city. ' 81 JOHN HARRINGTON. ' Dated October 7, 1910. WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. In tho f opinion of Brigadier General Arthur Murray, chief of coast artillery, Unit ed States army, there should bo nn Increnso ot coast artillery. In his nnnunl report to tho war department ho makes such a recommendation. "It is obtallshcd beyond a doubt," says the report, "that In order to In- suro efficient handling of oilr const defenses In timo of war It is neces sary that wo aim In tlmo of ponco nt strengthening our coast artillery." NOTICE TO UKMKXT CONTRAC TORS. Tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, will recelvo sealed proposals for tho construction of cor taln pletes cf cement sidewalk to be constructed In various pots of said city, nt its next regular meeting, to bo held October ISth, 1910; bids to be pn tho follewing: (a) BId$ for. cement sidewalks on grado. . (bj Bids for excavating. All bids to be filed with tho city recorder on cr before 5 o'clock p. m. October ISth, 1910, and to bo ac companied by a check equal to five per cent of the amount bid, said check to bo mado payablo to L. L. Jacobs, city treasurer of the city of Medford. For further Information regard ing the amount of work proposed, etc., call or rite to tho city engineer. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 12th day of October, 1910. ROBT. W. TELFER, City Rocordor. 4 . .. MRS. ED ANDREWS, VOICE CULTURE, AT NATAT0RIUM TUES DAYS AND FRIDAYS. PHONE NO. 3952. I I j Prizes to be Awarded for Best Display of Apples VERY FEW EYES ARE PERFECT! Most eyes are more or less imperfect. You may not be aware of it, but some day the trouble will develop Into some thing serious. Don't tako any chances. A pair of glasses properly fitted and worn In tlmo may prevent further com plications. Come and, see me for advice. I am well qualified to serve you best. DR. RICKERT, Eyesight Specialist. Over Kentner's. Medford. Try Us Out Give us a trial. Order aud we will guarantee that you will remain a steady customer. Try a sack of PURE WHITE Flour or a pound of GOLDEN GATE COFEEE Groceries The most complete stock in Southern Ore gon. All new and fresh. Bakery Products That are pleasing hun dreds and will please you. Feed Headquarters for feed of all kinds. T5c3$!!z23r p v Allen & Reagan Cor. Main and Central. Phone Main 2711 Cash prizes will bo pntd of ton dollars for tho best two-box display of Spltsonborg apples; ton dollars for tho host two-box display of tho Yellow Newtown Pippins. Ton dollars for best two-box dis play of nny other variety ot npplos. Flvo dollars for tho beat flvo-plato display consisting of four npploa to tho plato of nny variety of apples ' will bo pntd In cash, All apples mtiRt I tin nil ,11.1!. In,. n Mwt.lt. I 1ti.ll.tlni. !. Monday, Octobor 10th, nt 12 o'clock, nnd remain for ono wools. Competent Judgoa will bo Boloctml to pass on tho samo. JOHN D. OTAVELIj, Uxhlblt llulldkiit, Medford, Oregon. V ASHLAND m emimb'aai Ashland, Orogon -," r-v ' Wtwfaze' rsS Swoetonburg Block For Sale 6-ROOM HOUSE; two screened iu poarches; elect ric lights; bath room, has hot and cold water, both city and ell water: nice lawn; large barn for six head of horses and two largo sheds; lot 75x220 feet; 5 bearing apple trees;. water and sower in street; this is a very desirable location overlooking Medford. Prices right, with terms, for a quick sale. 1 LOT, 75x220 feet; city water and sewer; 13 bear ing apple trees; 10 3-year-old apple trees; good well and pumping plant; yon can have a bargain in this lot if you act quickly. 5-ROOM HOUSE (NEW); well finished; lot liOx 126; high and dry; good location; city water; elec tric light; this is a sua) for investment. 10 ACRES HEAVY PINE AND SAW TIMBER; 7 miles from Medford; No. 1 fruit land, apple and pear; $1000 buys' this for next 10 days, For fur ther information, call on the owner, ' N. L. TOWNSEND t'li BENNETT AVE. PHONE 4232. This is tho school that will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and Help ' you to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND ' AND ENGLISH Seeuro your Business Education at home at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, we will secure you a position in any of tho largo commercial contors. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. lUTNER.'A. M President. 1 A Special Buy (JA FEW WALNUT PAIIK LOTS UNSOLD, IP TAKEN AT ONCE $400 ON EASY TERMS. $$ WESTMORELAND LOTS, 9300, EASY TERMS. E. F. A. Bittner ROOM 200, TAYLOR & PHIPI'S DUILDING ATTEND COLLEGE. Arrange to attend tho Eugene Bus iness College, and let ub get you a good position -when you graduate. En ter bow. Send for our new cata logue, 14 West Sevonth street, iSugouo, OroLou. tf Campbell & Baumbach REAL ESTATE, LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved farms and city property. PHONE 3231 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG. SPLENDID LOT Ea& t Front in Walnut Park, 60x125 under price for quick sale Bittner H THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN ' is booking-orders now for oarlyfall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your order, all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street ! I J. E. ENYART. I'rcwiuent J A. rEHUY. Vici-PruHiitoul I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables and will conduct a general food and boarding cMnbliMuncrit. Homcii boarded by the day, week or month. I guarantee u square deal 0 to all. R. GUANYAW ' UNION LIVEKV BARN RIVERSIDE AVENUE. JOIIN S. ORTII. Cimhior. W H. JACKSON. ,Wt Ciiliir. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERALBANKING j BUSINESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. mmcxxr- , r m CEJRrCTCJJSUJSJET PLUMBING i d I LAM AIWI1UI VYAILK IRAMNb All Work Guaranteed Prices Renponablo COFFEEN . PRICE Che finest Sample Rooms , in the city. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Tulcpl.oiH' lii Every I too in Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan c 11 Nun) DFi,.Mdi ! Ore Phon.' ;: I FOF R.ENT Onh hotel in town of 1000 inhabitants on Southern Pacifies mil rond, Rogue Rivo" valley. Newly rofunnshed, pnperod, painted: fi(iuipmciit modem; baths, ttilets, electric ligbtfi, hot nnd .cold run mi ir water .Now doing businafls. CALL ON ! ALDENHAGEN ROGUE RIVEI ELECTRIC COMPANY, 216 West Main St.. Medferd. Or. MMJnVY4savJWM faitfwiWMWMiwMWigBi wjiMjfWAm9mmvmmmmjimtfr9m NUDE BODY OF WHITE GIRL FOUND IN CREEK 4 COLGATE, Okln., Oct, 14. The nuuVboi of u whito girl was found i a, crek npav liero today. The liend had been deenpitated nnd one fool was pnvered. Tho head wa cu off (h nontlv ns though as with a nword. No identification wns made 'when tho body wus found. Haaklns for H"ealtu. T e Best Sub-Division Proposition In the Eogue River Valley 170 ACIlISfi, HALF MILK FItOM ItAILltOAl) STATION 115 acres in grain; 10 licres In 2-ycar-old pears; 45 acres In brush and Umber, easily cleared; no waste; good house, two barns, all fenced" with woven wlro; telephone; R. P. D.; part Irrigated. Price, $155 per acre; total, $26,350. Terms: $7500 cash; $4000 one year, C per cent; $14,850 flvo years, C por cent. HUNTLEY - KREMER COMPANY S14 FKUITGHOWEItS' DANK. Mciford Iron Worhs E. O. Trowbridge, Prop. j FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All Iritis of EiitfineH. Spraying Outfitn, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & 00, For Sale Pine homo ranch in Orchard Home, half mile from two paved streets of Medford, consisting of 81. acres in mostly full hearing commercial fruit, first class; nearly all new buildings; 200 head of i poultry. p Team and tools go with the placo if desired. If into'- ' ested come out and see my big turkeys, nnd prW winner, Spitzenburga growing on the trcea. No cot ' mission to agent. ROBT. BUTTON, MEDFORD, ORIS. UmKSTvasmimtmmammammmmmmtKmmmmammmmaammmmmmmtsaL: Fisher & Whitmire man orade investments Mining and Fruit Land Orchard and City Property Insurance 32 South Central Ave. Medford j Edward Charles Root TBAGnKR OF MANDOLIN, BANJO, GUITAR, VIOLIN AND CLARINET. STUDIO AT RESIDENCE, 142 N0RTIT IVY STREET. tfwiiWnwMnf'iinitii T"'rWfflmmlrtftlfcllll'" " " '-uStywwiiijIHi ' tV" " "