OTcflofl HIsMlTflk! SotTeW City Hall Clip The Big Coupon In Tonight's Mail Tribune Good Only On Saturday '-'i;.vTIII,'U I'VIr tonight. Tho Mteanifc of the rlif, Wlillo I'nlr wtnlliiT . Ulii" - HmIii in1 miow. U'lilif ntnl iiliit l.iioiil wliotvrrH IlllU'lC ll'lllllWllllll'- A lid v.; Willi)', Mirmr: In-low while, cohh-r Will to Willi blncK I'uiilKi- Cold Medford Mail Tribune Full U'lmi'il Wire Ueport. Tho only paper In tho woflu publlshoa In a city tho Uo of Medford having a loasod wlr. i TOTI.I Y IS Alt. MEDFOR-D, OKKOON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, J010. No. 177. FRENCH REVOLUTION MAY BE REENACTED I i V I GOVERNMENT MAY BE OVERTHROWN BY RAILWAY STRIKERS PARIS, Oct. l.'l.Tho rnilroiiil strike bus developed into a revolu tionury struggle for tho purpose or overthrowing tliu government. Bloodshed .nnd rioting iiro immt-iii-nt. Scenes npproximiitimi the French revolution am expected when the troops, half loyal In the republic ami hnlf t'nvorahlo In tli "syndicate,' nru ordered to Hiipproas unti-forcigii demonstrations. Itloiul Mow. Wood Flowed ia tho ntfi'Olrt of I'.iris today whwi the rirwt mil light between Miikeiv. mill xnldiery .wan waged for more titan two hour. At least f-ix men ami two woiaon were turiotitdy hint. One soldier waft re ported killed. Tho hattlo began .wltl-n !IOO Milii"' discovered a meeting of siriko lend ers in progross in tho ofliec of tho La Hainaiiile. a socialistic newspa per, and demanded that they submit to nrrcst. Tho leaders refused and liarrioadcd tho doors of tho uewspn- Ptr l-'lmt Wood. I'mlcr Pi-'itiU'i' llilnnd' i'sHiic- TEDDY ROASTS MOTORMAN WHO BOTHERED Hi Shakes His f Inner and with Savauoj Declares Himself In Favor of a Tar shnw nf Tenth Savs Some Pconlo Iff Commission and Says That Haven't any Sense as oMtorman Drives His Car Through Crowd Denounces Corrupt Politics. DAXVILLK, III., Out. i:i. Whlit speaking to a crowd of more than .10110 losidents of tHi city Colonel Roosevelt took oeciinion to vent hisi spleen against a htreet car mofor man who inlorrnptcd Iho proceedings when ho allowed his cur to piith thronch tho middle of tho crowd. Roohovelt stopped short in hi speech. Directing a finuer at Ilia motormmi, and with a savauo show of teeth, the colonel said: "Some nooplo haven't any seiiHO,-' even in Danville." Tho molorniun, whelhor ho heard tho colonel's remark or not, (piiekly pnt on the power and was nut nf siojit in short ordor. Colonel Roosevelt speech was ono round of denunciation for corrupt politicians and brenkors of tho pnb lio faitl). ReforiiiK to the bribery senndnh in connection with tliu eleetion of William Lorimor to the United States M'nntO) Roofiovolt said: (ConlliuiortonTnKP Ri EIGHTEEN BODJESARE RECOVERED Work of Brlniilnn Them Out of Starkvlllo Death Hole Is Rcvoltlnp. as All ,, Bodies Are Horribly Mutilated Necessary to Carry Tlicm for Miles Throunh Unilcrfiraunil i .. STARKVIIJ.K, Col., Out 13. Eighteen bodies hnvo bo for been re covered niul four others located.Tut . ns yet not brought to the nurfnee In tbo Ktnrkvlllo mine, which was wreok oil by an explosion Saturday night. It Is now bollovcd certain that a scoro of victims at least wore not killed by tho force of the explosion, but died tioiiH thai they witc enemies of the republic and plottinir against it tho police ordorod thuin lo surrender, thrcnlcniiig to fire tlirousli tho wm iIowh if Iho ordor was not obeyed. M. Jitiirutf loador of tho men in tho building, nppoan-d at a window mid shouted defiance. "We will surrender onlv wln-u yon coino and tnko u." yelled Juures. Ah he'stepped back into tho build ing a bullet eniwhcd through tho win dow above his hoad. It was nnswer oiV front within tho building and n battle which lasted r early two hours wan on. People I tn it Down. Immense throngs surrounded the building on tho outside and tho jm liec chnniod and countercharged Utai in on effort to keep the space around Iho building clear. Men and women wero ran down and one wo man wan reported killed. . Reinforcements were rallied to liq uid of tho sorely tried oolico and af ter a sharp conflict the mob dis persed. The police then turned their ntloiitio" to those in tho '-'Mysnancr irnnllnm'il in t'nvf COLONEL COMES TO SUPPORT OF Senator Beverldne Should Bo Rc Elcctcd As He Is a Supporter of Good Government. VEKDKItSnUftO, lnd., Oct. 13. DeclnrlnK lilnmelf la fnvor of a tar iff cnmmlKslon and nrglnp tbo re election of Sonator Albert J. Dovor lilKO to the United States senate, Col onel Roosoovlt addressed a crowd of 1000 norsoiiH lioro today. ItooBOVolt snld that tho people fn vor a tariff which equalizes tho cost of production In thla country nnd abroad, and ia order to bring about this condition, bo said, n commission Is nocoHsnry. "Tho dlfforoneo botiwecn tbo cost of production horo nnd abroad," snld Uoosovelt, "cannot bo ascertained by dlckorlnK nnd loR-rolllng nmong tho special Intorests whom tho tariff dl roctly affects. Tho commission ex ports must dotormlno thla nftor ex amining ench Bchodulo Boporntoly. "If you defeat Sonntor IlovorldBO yon will bo dofontluB a man who Is supporting a doceat govornmont. I enmo horo to Bpenlc for him because ho ombodles all tho west has boon doing In Its atrugglo for honesty," Pnssnjies of Bin Mine. from napliyxlatlon caused by after damp. Tho work of romovng tho corpses, all horrbly lnutlntqd, h rovoltnlg. It Is necessary to curry tho bodies for miles through tho dungoon-ltko tun nels before they can bo brought up tho main abaft to tho surface of tho pit, It will bo days boforo tho bodies of all the victims can bo recovered. N BEVERIDGE EX-GOVERNOR STANLEY OF KANSAS IS DEAD WICHITA, Kan., Oct. 13.. Former Governor W. E. .Stan ley, one of the most widely known men in ICansns, died at his home hero today. He wns prominent in Kansas uf fnirs for twenty years, but retired from public life nv years afro after sorvin a term ns governor. He de clined an appointment to the supreme rnurt in 100-1. Stanley's election as uovernor siunnlired the death of pop ulism in Kansas. 'J 4- i .L 4 4 THOMPSON TO FACE TRIAL FOR SWAN MURDER Judye Dunne Refuses to Set Aside Indictment Although Attorneys Claim that Three of the Jurors Were Incllfllble to Serve as'Such Must Face Trial. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 13. Th effort of his nttornojv today to have tbo indictment ngnniat Dr., Robeit Thompson, charged with the murder of Eva Swan, set aside, failed in Judge Dunne's court. A further hearing of the motion, however, will be heard Saturday. Attoinev Greelev called Frank Mn rou, a searcher of records, to the ft mid. Mnnni testified coiicerniuc the position of Orand Jurors E. J Laughrey, O. J. Olivu and J. T. Ln veuthal on the nssessment roll in an effort to prove that none of the jurors were eligible to serve when in dictment wns brought against Thomp son. Assistant District Attorney Cotton contradicted Maron's testimony bv showing all three jurors name ap peared upon the assessment roll for either personal or real property. Phillies Whipped. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 13. THE SCORE: R. H. E. All Stars 0 11 0 Athletics 2 11 2 Batteries White and Street; Hea der. Coombs, Kraue and Thomas, Loon. PORTLAND WARS ON MILK TRUST: Investigation to Be Mado by Officials In Portland of the High Prices Asked For Milk In the City of Roses Gathering Evidence Lonq. PORTLAND, Oio Oct. 13. In vestigation, of the present high -price of milk, with i view of determining whether it s duo to u combine o-i the part of the dealers, is to bo enr rieil on by the health and police an thoritios of tho city council, us-isfed by members f the oily board ' health. Tn a report filed with the council yesterday mid referred to tho com mittee which will invostignto tho milk prices, City Attorney Grunt MimicMed that a comiuittoo lie nppoiutod lo iu vestigato conditions as his effoitx to determine the existence of n miU (Continued "on Tnge 5 ONE QUESTION IS PARAMOUNT IN i j j i POLICE ME i CLOSING ON i DYNAMITERS Detectives Today Are Searching for Mysterious Woman Who Is Said to Be Friend' o fBrce and Morris In Times Case. Officers Believe They Are Close to Arrest of Men Who Committed Outrage. SAN 'FRANC JSCO, Oct. 13. Seek liif; a mysterious wompn, believed to have been the mutunl friend of the so-called J. B. Brj'co nnd the "sqnlnt eyed man" called Morris, suspected of the destruction of the Los Angelea Times plhnt by dynamite, detectives today began a systematic search of San Francisco. They believe they are close to the possession of facts that will lead to the arrest of tho dynamiters wlthlna few hours. Information was furnished by Mrs. E. R. IiiKersolI, who told the police thnt "nryco" was broufiht to her homo nt 3C5C Twentieth street two weejts 'before tho 'Times explosion by n woman acquaintance, Bryce en Raged a room andsliortIy wns Joined by tho "Bqulntyimnn." Ono dny sho overheard them tnlk Iiib of dynamite, of possible police Interference and of ' Los Angeles. Shortly before the night of tho Times explosion Bryce left this city, but Morris remnlned. Mrs. Ingersoll declared thnt she fenred for her llfo nnd did not sum mon up courage to tell the police until last night. She denied today thnt sho had told tho police nnythlng, nnd said thnt the talo had been concocted hy newspa permen. Detective William J. Burns admit ted this afternoon that the womnn's story of tho plot wns true nnd thnt she had been Instructed to deny It until the detectives could tako ad vantage of her Information without being hampered hy nmnteur sleuths. The woman who brought Bryce to the Inftersoll homo Is being sought. She undoubtedly will lead to tho men wnnted, provided Mrs. Ingor soll'a suspicions aro correct. It wns learned today thnt J. B. Bryco occupied n rooh at Mrs. Ingor soll's from September 4 until Sep temher 22. TOWN DIVIDED ON BALE TEAMS Burning' Questions of tho Day Like "Who's Loony Now?" Are Lost Sight of In One reat Scramble to Dope Out Strongest Team. ! THE SCORE: R. H. IE. N, Y, .Americans - . v. 1 S X. V. N'aiionaN ...&ft 10 1 4 NBW YORK. Oct4U3. Tho wlu-iv-ubouts of T. It., ' whuthur "Gaby loos Manuel," "Whq's Loony Now."1 and other burning ()u&tiniis faded in to insignificance tday beside tho one, prime, palpitating, particular proposton of whothur Ford's "spi lor" more olfectyu. than Mathew son's "fadeaway" hull, The iiuentou of "vhat poron m.i in- intbcti-d with thjM form of incut il .iiiciuilio . u-iuicd liumov" luiuhi I" ,,iiro(riittt'. fnrGulhuui is an t-wnh ,1'iiiiilnin .1 mm I'rtX. i --- ------- TEDDY STARTS N. Y. CAMPAIGN TOMORROW. CHAWFOKDSVILLE. Ind., "" Oct. 13. Arrnjij-'ements were " " finally completed today for "" T" r.1fiif1 Tf'wiuni-ntf'w fMimmiifrtl "" -f . ....... i.,.. :.. v... V...-1. iiiin "f nfi;i;v ins ill ..;!. ... r d.' fl.tl. ,...ll mntrn n( Oilfibirlf " "" niiliuvii. .... -.. "" tomorrow nt noon. Before " renchinf; New York City Snt- urdaj' moniiii).', the Colonel " will speak nt Jamestown, "" 4- Ul,nn U'.tlfilln n,fl " Elmirn. He will spenk fifty "" minutes nt Wellsville nnd his 4" V.tmirri nflrlrnca will lln ilnllV "" crcd in the evening. (--f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f -f-f-f-f-f-f-t TRIAL OF WEBB FOR MURDER IS Shocking Hotel Tragedy In Portland Being Threshed Out In Court Witness Says She Was Offered $250 to Change Her Testimony In the Case. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 13. In the trial of W. P. Webb for the alleg ed murder of William Johnson in the Grand Central hotel several months ago, Irene Trumbull, to whom it i alleged Webb confessed ho killed Johnson to secure money for Mrs. Carrie Kercb, today testified that she was offered a bribe of .f'230 to change her testimony in fnvor of Mr-. Kersch, who is charged jointlv with Webb. Miss Trumbull said this proposition wns followed by another to the effect that she would be giv en .2(I0 cash nnd a ticket to any city in the United States if she would leave Portland. Miss Trumbull as serted the alleged offer wns mude ii. the presence of nnother woman nnd that .ha refused it. This afternoon the prosecution expected to bring out testimony i prove thnt Johnson was strangk'd into unconsciousness before "his bodv wns thrust into the trunk in which U wns found a tho Union depot, and hiht hoJnson that Johu-on suffocated in tho trunk. You'll occasionally find something nJvrtlsed In tho -'For S.lo" column for which you would cheerfully pay twtco tho pilro osked If you i ad to. GOTHAM TODAY ENGLAND FEARS LABOR TROUBLE Trainmen In British Isles Are Show ing Increased Unrest at Reports From France Serious National Calamity Recently Averted. LONDON, Oct. 13. With tho up iironchinu crisis in railway nfl'uiva in France, railway trainmen in Kng land nre showing increased unrest. Not long ago tho countrv with a be: tie-up of transportation lines ami in many part.-- of Kngland the men lot'' their posts, a serious national ca lamity w.-js nvtrtod at that time by ei mpi'oiiiiMi meaiuvs. The trainnien. however, are not satisfied with either the wages or hours and the altitude of the French ruiluuv men is retleelcd liei-. Whether I he diseontenl will becon-c iiKiiulcst will depend grunt l on the success ur failure ' the French strike. NOW UNDER WAY MARTIALLAWTODAY PREVAILS IN SPAIN; KINGREADYTOFLEE 3rADRID (Via Hcndayc), Oct. 13. The anniversary of the Execution of Francisco Ferrier is passing in Spain today with every manifestation of martial law. The entire army is under arms. The reserves hnve been mobilized nnd the cities are thronged with troops. At Barcelona martial law already has been declared and Premier Can alejus announces thnt in the event of an uprising the king is coutid-n; of the support of the army. It is reported that Alfonso personnllv will command his forces. All leaves of nbsence hnve been suspended. Reports from Barcelona indicate that the great stone prison, Spain's bnstile, is guarded carefully bj n heavy garrison for fear that an at tempt will be made to dynamite the noted jail, in which hundreds of rc pnblicnn prisoners hnve been shot to death nnd in which Premier Ferret was executed after a farcical trial. Within the walls of the great edi fice hundreds of political prisoners nre buried nlive in rat-infested, disease-filled cells. When the revolu tion comes in Spain, the great Bar celonn prison will be ou of the oh- PUTSANENDTQ FOREST FIRES "Thank God for Rain" Wires Mayor of Beaudettc Every Home In Rapid River Section Is Destroyed Martial Law Still Prevails In Burned District. WINNIPEG, Maiu, Oct. 13. "Tli'nnli God for the rain" wns the message fent by Mayor William's of Henudette in his report that tho for est fire crisis-in northern Minnesota hnd passed. A soaking ruin fell throughout tbo night nnd tho smouldering fires in the Rapid river country were quench ed. Twenty-one men nnd boys who walked 2.i miles from luteruatioml Falls declare that every homo in the Rapid' River section was destroyed by the U'Jniues that raged for three dnys ovor a great area. They Kind, however, that they saw no human bodies. Governor Kberhnrdt stilted that he would return to St. 1'aul this .t'Uv noon, leaving militin officers in charge. Martial lnw is still prevalent in a portion of the bruned district. Ono wint r.d mny bring obtv In ono day a ir'ont change for the bet tor In your prospects n renewal of "personal good times" tor you. SOAKING N SPANSH CONSUL Representatives of Spain In New York City Receives Letter Threaten ing Him With Death and Destruction of Consulate Says Ho Does Not Expect a Revolution to Be Successful There. N12W YOltK, Ocr. 13. Kiulllo Perlera, consul general nf Spain, , , , , , ., ..,.. turned horo. received a lot tor today throatenliitf tbo consulate with dos-; tructton. 1 fear I ouble." snld Perlcia, who has been through tho Oarllst troub w. nit iho French frontier, "and tho jects of attack, and the secrets that its shot torn wall, "will disclose will shock and thrill the world. Tho execution squnds of n tyrnn nicnl government have been nt worl three years shooting men for politico, offenses. Should, Barcelona fnll ink the hands of the republicans oi Spnin the infamous prison will bo torn stoinTfrom atone. A great industrial strike on tho railroads of France nnd the unrest in Spain today threaten to pre'eipi-' tatw the Fail of tho already tottering throne of Alfonso XIII. Preparations nre being made se cretly for the removnl of members of the royal family to a point near the French frontier, presumably San Sebastian, the summer capital. Of ficials of the government deny nny preparations for untoward events, but it is known here and admitted officinlly that the English fleet nt Gibraltar is prepared to aid in pro tecting the royhl fnmily. Should tho revolution overthrow the dynasty it is believed the Spanish princes will bo placed on, bonrd n warship to rejoin the king and queen in England. (Continued on Pnse 4.) JOHN- W, GATES TO WAGE WAR ON STANDARD OIL Uew York Rnanciers Predict One of the Bitterest Financial Struggles in Years Thirty-Three Dljftrlbut ing Points Already Established. One for Brooklyn. ' NEW YORK, Oct. 13. Financlorff predict one of tho bitterest financial struggles In years whon tho Toxas oil Interests, headed by John W. Gates, begin operations netalnst tho Standard Oil company. Announce ment has been mndo that Gates has just completed nrrangemonti? for a fight against tho octopus amlfls now wnltlng to make the Initial ro'bvo. "With a view to uuderselllnefetand ard, Gates and his associates have established 33 stations In tiio east and will shortly open a distributing station In Brooklyn, from which the lower priced oil will bo Boldj Gates has opened up extensive of fices in tho financial district and will direct operations there It a. dozen "holp wanted", adver tisers havo been trying to get ac quainted with you lately, and you haven't found It out, porhnpa you could guesa what a good habit for you to form. IS t 0 man who touches me todnwin he ta-j8,ot down." t ,'i i Tho consul carries,-ft revolver and I by , ,i ., (,mj,t thnk theru wl bo n roy. 'oiiitton In Spain." ho continued. "Tho army nnd ravy are loyal. Spain has , iiud vMiorlonro as,a ropubllcfabd iM not Ilka ti." i - ;i j - isn. . !