Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 10, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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For Sale
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Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
- iQOO
Brooklyn, N. Y October 2.-rnstor
Russell of tho Drooklyu Tabernacle
Addressed a large and very attentivo
audience today at the Academy of Mu
bIc from the above text- Ho said:
Ours Is a day In which, more than
ever before, the statement of our text
Is disputed disbelieved by Jews, Gen
tiles and Christians. Tho great Chris
tian author, St Paul, agrees exactly
with the words of Moses In our text,
saying. "Without tho shedding of
blood there Is no remission of sins"
(Hebrews lx, 22i. The orthodox Jew
and the orthodox Christian, therefore,
jire In substantial agreement as to the
"foundation of things and the unortho
dox nru In agreement of opposition.
The latter agree that there Is no neces
sity for Sin Atonement that the later
thought of all the wise men of the
earth, the greatest ministers and rab
bis. Is that there Is no such thing as
Original Sin; hence could be no such
thing as necessity for cancelling It of
ranking an atonement or satisfaction
to Justice on behalf of it Two things
lave contributed to these unorthodox,
unscrlptural views.
(1) The agnostic Jew not only dis
putes tho Bible as on authority on the
subject, but. In addition, admits to
himself that if tho shedding of blood,
if the sacrifices commanded by the
Levltlcal code for Sin Atonement be
admitted to be right and rjecessary. It
would involve the thought that the
Jewish people have had ho Sin Atone
ment In Jjny senso of the word for
more than eighteen centuries, because
Sin Atonement must be made accord
ing to certain specified conditions or
else It could not be made at alL The
loss of the Ark of the Covenant con
taining the Law, and covered by the
mercy-seat, was one of these disasters.
The destruction of Jerusalem, the City
of the great King, was another, and.
above ail, the Law required that the
sacrifices should be killed,, and the
presentations oacrlflclally made to God.
only by a priest who could show his
lineage as a son of Aaron.
(2 1 Since the destruction of Jerusalem
A. D. 70. the Jewish nation has been
scattered and devastated by their foes
some of these, alas, claiming to be
Christians and dishonoring the name
of Jesus! As a result all official rec
ords and genealogies of tho Jewish
people are broken, vitiated, destroyed.
Undoubtedly there are numerous de
scendants from Aaron living today; but
since they cannot prove their descent
they are absolutely forbidden to at
tempt to make a Sin Atonement on the
Atonement Day. Viewing the matter
from this standpoint the unorthodox
Jew feels all the more inclined to re
pudiate the necessity for any Sin
Atonement. Alas, indeed, many of
them seem not only to have lost con
fidence in the Mosaic arrangement, but
to have lost faith entirely in a personal
God. We hope and believe tr- T.ny
of these are sincere and will b -sed
and assisted Uick to faith shortly and
to a better understanding of tho holy
Scrip tureH and of God'H dealings with
their nation.
Jewish Atonement m Farce.
In view of what we have said, all
must see that it would be Impossible
for the Jews properly to observe the
Atonement Day. having no priest nor
other facility necessary to the require
ments of the Law. Nevertheless, an out
ward show of ceremony Is kept up. On
the proper AtonementDay of their year,
tho Tenth .Day of the Seventh Month,
tho Jew figuratively acknowledges that
the merit of the previous sucrlflco has
expired. Do fasts. He prays, accord
ing to the original program. But he
has no priest No bullock Is slain for
the sins of the tribe of Levi. No goat
Is slain for the sins of the other tribes.
And no blood Is taken into the Most
Holy to make an Atonement Not
only have they no priest to ofDclate,
hut they have no mercy-seat Some
of them wring tho neck of a rooster,
swinging it over tho head three times.
But this was not tho sacrifice of the
Day of Atonement and could not take
its place.
Wo should not bo misunderstood as
holding up the Jew to ridicule. Quite
to the contrary, we sympathize with
him. We appreciate his reverence for
tho Divlno ,Lnw and his desire for fel
lowship with God In tho cleansing or
his sins. We would, however, suggest
to them that nothing Is to be gained
by deceiving themselves and each otli
er Into tho supposition that their
Atonement Day brings them any relief
or harmonizes them in any sense of
tho word with the Almighty. What
they do is a mere farce. Tho sooner
this be acknowledged the sooner will
their honesty in the matter bring them
Into tho proper condition of heart to
recognize that the sins of more than
eighteen centuries rest upon them un
cancelled and that this Is the cxplana
tlou of the calamities that huv be
fqllen (thPin.
" When Israelites corao properly to un
derstand the situation, they will see
that nil (heir hopes center in Mes
siah's Kingdom Messlub 1b not only
the gmil King typified by David and
Solomon, but he is also the mt
Priest typified by Anron and more par
ticularly by Melrhlsedoc. who was a
Blood Atonement
For Sin
Is a Necessity
"The lifeol the fleih it in the bloed: nd I
bare given il to ) ou upon the slur, to make
an atonement lor youi khjIi j for it it the
blood that tnakrlh an atonement (or the tout"
(LevUKUl xvii, 1 1).
OCO "''" '''
priest upon his klugly throne. So Mes
slah will not only bo the great King
over Israel and the world, but he will
bo the great Priest whoso application
of his own merit will effect the can
ccllation of sins forever. He will not
re-Introduce to them sacrifices of bulls
and goats, but will make known to
them that those sacrifices were mere
forcshadowlngs of better sacrifices
so much better that they will not need
repeating yearly, but work a perpet
ual cancellation of the sins of Israel
and of all the children of Adam.
Higher Critics Repudiate the Blood.
All the worldly-wise of Christendom
have reached the point of repudiating
the testimony of the Old Testament
and the New respecting the need of a
sacrificial death for the satisfaction of
Divine Justice, the cancellation of sin
and the restitution of the sinner to Di
vine favor. The claim of the so-called
New Theologtsts repudiates the fall,
repudiates the ransom and repudiates
a restitution to all that was lost-
claiming that nothing was lost and
that all we have is gain. Thus the
world and Its wisdom know not God
and appreciate not his arrangement
that, as death came upon mankind
through the sin of one man (Adam),
even so a restitution to life should
come to all men through Christ-rthnt,
"as all In Adam die. even so all In
Christ shall be made alive.
These worldly-wise cannot deny the
fact that there Is sin In the world and
that there Is death In the world and
that the tendency of all sin Is towards
death. Tbey cannot deny that death is
gaining a greater hold than ever be
fore upon our race. Insane asylums,
prisons and reform schools show that
notwithstanding our educational facil
ities and wonderful achievements under
the enlightening Influences of tho New
Dispensation now dawning neverthe
less, the insanity statistics and the
prison statistics and the physical sta
tistics show that, in spite of every
thing, our race Is becoming mentally,
morally and physiqally weaker day by
day. It is for them to explain bow
these facts fit to their theory of Evolu
tion. The Christian's View of Sin Atonement
By the term Christian we refer to
those who Intelligently believe the explanation-
of the Bible respecting sin.
that It Is a violation of the Divine
Law and carries with it a penalty
that Father Adam was created as sin
less as are the angels and as perfect
as they, only on a little lower plane
of being. Obedience was required of
blm as the price of Divine favor and
everlasting life. Disobedience thrust
him from Paradise Into tho unpre
pared earth to wrestle with tho thorns
and thistles, where tho decree, "Dying
thou sbalt die." accomplished his exe
cution. His race was In his loins and
naturally shared by heredity his
weaknesses and death penalty, so that
the entire race is a dying race. But
the Creator was unwilling that Adam
and his children should die as brutes.
God did not revoke bis decree of
death nor give any intlmationthat he
bad done unjustly In condemning his
creature. He did, however, provide
a way for their relief. He provided
that as the first man alone bad sin
ned actually, so one Redeemer alone
would bo necessary for the race. And
to him he offered a great reward, so
that his sacrifice for sins would work
out to his own advantage, as well as
to the sinner's. A part of the reward
was the high exaltation to the heaven
ly nature far above angels, and the
gift of the Kingdom of earth neces
sary for the overruling and subduing
of tho spirit of rebellion in tho world
and for the exaltation and uplifting
from sin and death conditions of all
the willing and obedient of Adam's
entire race.
"The Better Sacrifices."
From the Divine standpoint "the
man Christ Jesus gave himself a ran
som for all." for Adam's entire race,
to be testified In due time. He antl
typed the bullock of Israel's Atone
ment Day, as well as antltyped the
priest who slew the bullock because
he offered up himself. Rowarded by
the Almighty, he was raised from
death to the spirit plane, higher than
the angels. Applying his merit to the
antltypical Levitcs, "the household of
faith." "the Church of the First
borns," he then began a work little
understood by cither Jews or Chris
tians, but nevertheless clearly outlined
In the Word of God. His work
throughout this age has been the gath
ering of the elect class which Is cbo
sen because of faithfulness to him
and obedience in walking In hi
steps In tho narrow way. These
composed both of Jews and of
Gentiles, have for centuries beeu
In course of development their sacri
fices being typified by that of the
Lord's goat on the Atonement Day
Their sacrifices arc small and lean like
that of the goat, in comparison to the
bullock. But they are accepted by the
Great nigh Priest, and the offering
of their sacrifice Is counted as bis sac
rifice. Thus eventually the nigh
Priest will complete his work of sin
atonement (we believe very sooni and
then bis second application of the
blood upon the Mercy-Beat will be
made, Just as It was written In the
Law. "On behalf of nil the peopl," only
that "all the people" on tho larger
scale will not mean merely the Is
raelites outside of tho Levitcs. but
will moan the whole world of mankind
outside of the household of fulth. the
antltypical l.evltes. Forthwith the
whole world will be turned over to
Messiah, the antltypical Prophets
Priest. King, Mediator, Judge. Then
for n thousand years the world will
receive the blessed, uplifting Influences.
Lainer of the
t Gen. Chas. King
Author of "The Colonel's
I Danghtcr," "Foes in Ambush,"
"IVs The representative or three
newspapers In Chicago and tho cast.
They were anxious to have an Indian
campaign and the life of an enlisted
man described as It really was. I
Joined a squad of recruits for this
regiment right after the news of the
Crazy Horse battle on Powder river."
"Do you still hold that Job?"
"No, sir." And there was a twitch of
the muscles about the corners of the
mouth suggestive of amusement
"I, failed to give satisfaction. Only
scraps of my letters were published."
"What did they wantr
"Criticism principally and confirma
tion or the stories of abuse and 111
treatment of soldiers by their officers."
"Were your letters never published?"
"Three of them eventually, after the
campaign. In the New York Morning
Whereupon Kiggs spun In his chair
and rejolcefully surveyed Button, who
sat like a man In a daze, staring open
eyed at the- witness.
"Then, as I understand It, you were
favorably Impressed with the life and
"In spite of hardship and privation,
yes, sir, and because I found completo
refutation of the stories about the offi
cers, both, as regarded their dealing
with the Indians and with their own
"Were there any persons with the
command who knew you and your
"Two, sir, as It turned out Trooper
Cary, who enlisted at the same time
I did, and a civilian, Mr. Lowndes,
who recognized us at Fort Frayne.
We were at college together. Ho and
Cary became very intimate toward the
last, and yet I think they kept my
secret in spite of our falling out"
"Do you care to tell us why you fell
"I prefer that Mr. Lowndes should
do that. He and Cary had been chums
In college days, and, though wo wcro
In the same society, I did not know
them then as I do now."
"You had trouble with Sergeant
Fltzroy at first. We have heard his
version. What Is yours?"
Rawdon's eyes never flinched.
"It was partly on account of tho
lady who Is now ray wife and partly
on account of money. Fltzroy la an
out and out usurer and has a dozen
sergeants in the regiment In his debt
and under bis thumb, Captain Snaffle's
first sergeant among them."
"It's a He!" said Snaffle.
"It's tho truth," said Riggs, "and I
have other proofs. You will curb your
tongue and your temper, Captain Snaf
fle, If you please. Go on, Rawdon."
"I bad reason to believe ho was
squeezing Dr. Mayhow. I had learned
to love Mnyhew's daughter. I made
Dr. Mayhew take enough to free him
self and won Fltzroy's bato on both
"You aro accused of assaulting blm
the night of tho 10th. What of that?"
"I did not even see him or speak tp
blm. I had beu In town In the after
noon arranging for our marriage. Dr.
Mayhew would not hear of It until
I bad got my discharge, but we had
decided to bo married Saturday morn
ing and to go cast that afternoon, as
Important business called me. Mr.
Lowndes will tell you that ho owed me
much money. I had lost my position
ns correspondent, needed the cash and
pressed him for It. lie had promised
faithfully to havo It ready, but ready
"Did you try to earn any money?"
"Yes, sir, writing about tho cam
paign. Ruwdoii lost his position be
cause ho didn't send what they want
ed, so I thought I might. The editor
didn't know mo and asked for refer
ences, so I sent my stories to to Mr.
Arnold and my aunt. Sho often wrote
for the papers."
,"Js that tho way tho Booton and
other papers came to publish those
"Sho made It worao than I de
scribed." "Ur let roe expluln, gentlemen," In-,
terpoflcd Mr. Arnold. "My Bister Is of
a very sympathetic naturo, and her
heart has loug been wrung by the In
Justice to tho Indian. When tills un
happy boy wrote those letters sho hud
no reason to doubt their entire truth,"
"I will usk you what wus his final
oxplunatlou of his need for money?"
"He begged mo to Bend him $200,
saying ho would be disgraced If he
could not pay Lieutenant Lanier, who
had won it from him at curds."
"Mr. Lowndes," Bald Riggs, "did
Lieutenant Lanier ever win a dollar
(To Be CoiitlnnerYj
6-ROOM ITOUSE; two seroonod in ponrches; elect
ric lights; bath room, has hot and cold water, both
city and well water: nice lawn; lprgo barn for six
head of horses and two largo sheds; lot 75x220
foot; 5 bearing applo trees; water and sower in
strcot; this is a very desirable location overlooking
Medford. Prices right, with tonus, for a quick
1 LOT, 75x220 foot; city water and sowor; 13 bear
ing applo trees; 10 3-yoar-old applo trees; good
well and pumping plant; you can havo a bargain
in this lot if vou act quickly.
5-ROOM HOUSE (NEW); woll finishod; lot 50x
126; high and dry; good location; city water; oloc
tric light; this is a snap for investment.
miles from Medford; No. 1 fruit land, apple and
pear; $1000 buys this for next .10 days. For fur
ther information, call on the owner,
Ea& t Front in Walnut
Park, 60x125 under
price for quick sale
Bittner TIT
Ashland, Orogon Swedonburg Block
This is the school that will malco you Suc
cessful, Train you for Business and Help
you to a Position.
Soouro your Business Education at homo
at a vory moderate oxpenso and, if you wish,
we will secure you a position in any of tho
large commercial coutors..
P. RITNER, A. M,, President.
I ? !
Tho best resolution for
you t
to mnko is to come to us for
your next suit, if you want
something out of tho ordinary.
Wo do tho best work and
clmrco tho lowest prices.
All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable
I U North DSt..Medfor(l,Oro. Phone 3(8
Only hotel in town of 1000 inhabitants on Southern Pacific rail
road, Rogue River valley. Nowly refurnished, papered, painted;
equipment modern; baths, toilets, olectrio lighta, Lot aud cold run
nine water. Now doing business.
216 West Main St., Medferd, Or.
Medford Iron Works
E. G. Trowbridge, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
Prizes to be Awarded for
Best Display of Apples
Cash prizes will ho paid of ton
dollars for tho boBt two-box display
of Spitzenberg apples; ton dollars
for tho boat two-box display of tho
Yollow Newtown PJpplnH.
Ton dollars for best two-box dis
play of any other variety of npploa,
Five dollars for tho best flvo-plato
display consisting of four apples to
tno plato of any varloty of apples
will bo paid In cash, All apples must
bo on display at Exhibit Building by
Monday, Octobor 10th, at 12 o'clock,
and romaln for ono wook,
Compotont Judges will bo selootod
to pass on tho samo.
Exhibit Building, Medford, Oregon,
is booking ordors now for early fall plant
ing. Don't delay in placing your order,
all stock guaranteed.
Office 116 Main Street
J. E. ENYART. President. J A. PERRY. Vice-President.
JOHH B. ORTH, Cushion W. II. JACKSON. AshH Cnablor.
Capital, $100,000.00
Surplus, $20,000.00
The finest
Sample Rooms
in the city.
Single rooms or en suite
also rooms with bath
Hotel Moore
Tolcphono In Kvery 1 too in
Rau-Mohr Company
European Plan
For Sale
Pine home ranch in Orchard
Home, half mile from two paved
streets of Medford, consisting of
8y2 acres in mostly full bearing commercial fruit,
first class; nearly all now buildings j 200 head of
Team'and tools go with the placo if desired. If inter- (?
ested come out and seo my big turkeys, and prizq- fc;
winnor, Spitzenburgs growing on tho trees. No com- h
mission to agent. f'
I III It II II1MII Mi ! I Ill I I ! '
JFisher & Whitmire
man orade investments
Mining and Fruit Land
Orchard and City Property
32 South Central Ave.
Edward Charles Root