"' . ,- .f -T Medford Mail Tribune SEOOND SECTION PAGES 9 TO 10 Full leaned Wlro Report. Tho only paper ia the worW publlohoa In a city the site ol Medford having a leased wire. MFllI YEAR. MEDEOKD, OREGON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1910. No. 173. Ipwqat: ,, ooac ! Ub oitte ol Bi JEBamEarrcaeajrKraBrn1 r,v if V EMSM 1" 1 -4 AJ iyra'!5J 'YrrPOLn PEA(7 TXE& WfCff yXIOUJCD TMJ. tost I iaxar. 'ttI1I2 quoHtlnn ni to Just howl m mucii ounuiii ih iu uu uurivou (rum tlto (ruUrnlHliif; Industry of aoiitliorn Oregon Inn docldcdly live Ibbuu In tliu Hocuo Hlvor vtlloy. Thoro nro many im'rrlKiitod orchnrda In tho district which produco hlgh-grndo np ploH and ,)oa;o year aftor your. The Illllcroflt anC. Iturroll orohnrdu are hoavy-produclnc hlockH of troou which grow InrRo rropu each year without IrrlKatlon. Tho Ilurroll orchnrd has dlHpntcliod 47 carlondB of poara to onatorn urIcota this eoason. Tho IlillcrcBt tr.-ct of 8-yoar-old IIowolls 'has hoon a tromondoua pro.lucor for young trees during tho last two years. "Last fall tholr not production por Aero wan ovor $400, and thin jonr tho rop Is a third larger. On tho o'.liot hand, soiuo of tho most notol crcJiHtilo In tho valloy nro Irrlgatod orchards. Tho orchard or Tro.iHon & Quthilo, near Eaglo Point, woa tho grand nwocpBtihcn prlzo nt tho Spohnno National Applo show. ThlK splendid victory haa without qr.tbtlon had a atrong Influonco In favor of Irrigation Other well hnown Irrljfitod orchnrda cre: Tho sovon noro orcharl of A. D. Ilolma near ABhland, tho Pollott orchard, tho Snowy Butto orchard, tho 0. 13. Mar ahull orchard, tho J. ID. Ooro orchard boiiUi of Medford, tho 8. L. Donnott orchnrd, tho orchard of A. Conro Ploro and tho orchnrd of Colonol It. O. Washburn nonr Tahlo Rock. Thoao orclir.nl a nil hoar undonlnblo ovldonco In favor of Irrigation and tholr rocord-broaking ylolda ehow what wator will do when placod tippn tho land during tho dry niontliH of July and August, when tho rainfall la not Hufftclont for propor produc tion and dovolopmont. This past soa son Bhowa coucluolvoly that Irriga tion la noodod In tho Rouo Illvor vnlloy, for during tho porlod botwoon Juno 13 and Soptombor 13 thoro waH no rah) In tl-o Medford dlotrlct. Bvory orchard which has nmdo a record of any Importanco In tho rais ing of tho standard vnrlotlos of wlntor apples has boon an Irrigated orchard. Tho aplohdld rocorda mado by tho non-lrrlgatoi nartlott poar oroharda has boon from tho fact that thoso orchnrda havo reached tho picking soason boforo tho dry aoaaon had moro than begun. It ia tho bollof of tho majority of orchnrdlste In tho dletrjot that wator Is an Important nsaot to nn rrchard, ft i CSMa r&fian J k . . i r.,'V. tAi " Fra ."wi'l 'Jfe! .fr, - l S2I&S i:.tl . .. J-. YMTMWM TW .... ....... .JJJJ. jp Irritated trees cnu produco heavier crops of uniformly sized frrlt thnn can tho uhlrrlcntod. Dry fnnnors must thin tholr fruit moro to gain hIzo than must the grower who hns a stroam of water running through his orchnrd. Water Iossoub tho chancoB of :v crop fntluro, as It iu HtircB onough molsturo not only to mature tho fruit, but to devolop tho fruit budB for tho following year. Tho fact that laud In western Oro gon needs Irrigation was first brought to tho attention of Orogonlaus by tho nnnouncomont of the result of ox porlmonta mado by A, P. Stover In tho Wlllnmotto and Uinpqun valloys, an govornmont Irrigation engineer for Orocon, In 1000. Ho roported as a roaiilt of his Investigation that wator lucroascd tho production of tho land In thoso districts from CO to 300 por cont. n, W. ltees and S. 11. Hall, graduates of tho Oregon agricultural collego, who havo boon Investigating tho resultB of Irrigation In the frult ralBlni; Industry of southern Oregon this Btimmor. stato thoro Is no doubt that wntor Is noodod to .gain the host rusultri In this district as woll. Many of tho orchards of tho Iloguo Itlvor valley aro now being Irrigat ed and if tho projoota planned nro cnrrlod out practically tho whole val ley will bo undor wator within tho next two years. Tho Cummlnga projoot la by far tho largest and most comprehonslvo Irrigation Bohomo In southorn Oro gou, Tho dltoh which Is In opera tion nt prosont contains water onough to lrrlgato 37.000 aproa, Throo thou- sand acres of this nroa aro nowun - c"J !f tfTVTOrfir,fe. ?STO tt J" 1lk n l j- uSi.'i.j',. .HiS4E5i-. liMWBH iffTi4rffjrt.r k 41' l"s CJK ntWR rASy ' ii mm ii !rmmmMmm m T .'. ,. ..v ' 1 0 Waf .j,T5Vi ' ' -." :i 'WAVtM K5,. . V " itrJSX-.5T!' : "X3 XULlA- "'rZ tmVfJ r " Aw der water. Tho plans which tho Cuminlugs project ombraces include tho oxpoudituro of $2,000,000 and will put under Irrlgnt'on 55,000 acres of land, or prnctlcally tho whole val- tho Roguo River Vnlloy Canal cora loy, with Re 400 mites of proposod ca- pany, as It will not begin construc ting and latorals. tlon work vntll there Is a cortnlnty Tho Spokano capitalists, Mr. Pat-. that tho undertaking will provo a rick Welch, tho railroad contractor, success flnarclnlly. and Mr. R. K. Nolll, ono of tho most Tho Hopkins' lateral and tho prominent mining mon in tho north- '. . ,. . i . i hi i n i xt "ranch that 'uns across tho desert west, associated with Mr. Fred N. , Cummlngs of this city, bought tholr norUl ,f Medford has alroady dono wator rights, Including practically all j wosidors to incroaso Jho productlve ot tho wator j.t tho baso of Mt. Mc-jness of tho region. Tho dosort land I.aughlln, 30 miles oast of Medford, , which was 4000 ncroa In oxtont until and tholr Irrigation canal systom, (the Rogue Rlvor Vnlloy Canal Corn known as tho Hopkins latoral, from i pnny placed part of It undor Irrlga tho Fish I-ko company for $425,- j tlon, has been considered worthless 000 on tho first day of July Inst. ror agricultural purposos. Tho bar Tho Fish I.ako company was rorm- ronness of tho dosort has boon duo od eovon yours ago by Oallfornlnns to the' lack of moisture, but with ir who saw that there wau nood of lrrl-, rlgutlon, thoro Is Httlo doubt that gation In iho Roguo Rlvor vnlloy. this area wilt bo ono of tho most pro- ThlB company obtalnod all tho wator ; rights at tho foot of Mount McLaugh- , lin, Including Ho natural roaorvolrs , of PiHlr Lake and Four-Mllo Lake. It , was una company inai sum Aiouioru Ita splondld wator supply prior to ro-' teasing us wator iniorosts to tuo Spokano pooplo, Tho buyers of tho Fish Lake wa- j million dollars In tho ostablishmot tor rights and canal Bystom havo In-, of a power plant on tho Roguo rlvor corporatod Into tho Roguo Rlvor Val- at Gold Ray, 10 miles to tho north of loy Cnnnl Company and plan to con-j Medford, Horo tho oloctrlclty sup Btruot two main canals, ono tormod nly for soutl orn Oregon Is gonorntod. tho Intormodiuto and tho othor tho wires carry electricity from Gold Ray high lino. Tho lattor will run from to Medford, Central Point, Ashland, Llttlo Ilutto creek along tho low ,Tnlont, Phoonlx, JnckBonvlllo, Grants rango of tho mountains oast of Mod- j Pnss and WoctlyJUo, and numorous lorn, circling south botwoon rnoo- ,,lz nnd Talent to Jacksonville. Tho M i-ZTfc iHM mk l'.-iJS- L0 VSy'l'. ?"'''&'i ''' ' t. tt f' EI w Q 0J . v. U3 st - - 'i rapidity with which these additional canals arc constructed dopends upon tho' rnto with which applicants for water are tuned Into the offlco of ductlvo In the valley, Tho Iloguo RIvor Vn Eloctrlc 1owo7 conuway ,inB nn ,rr,satIon ro. Joct whch nls0 ia cni,abl0 of unmlt. 0(j oxpnnslon. jy tjunnc0,i i,y Tho company, Main Colonel Frank Rny, ' of Now York, and his brotl or Dr. Ray who rosldos In Medford. has spoilt a mines in this district. In connection with tholr power plant thoy run a J Wi r&i x sir N &?I&JBK ""2SttS '.. INS P J vM,??-''.,, r. K.rX.V'i&'ll -? sZlF.M.'IX'SZiylS! XL 4, &&. ?if 't: '- '(&iS"Wv nr?1 V & x 33ES f! : 90GVS&nceJtTAY ! OAX ItTSJPE Tf WArEK ' PUMPED DM TO THE. AHD 8Y EECTIKITYA r. .iv1 K6Z&Z '..- ri vvzp '". 'iT. - ' 5a, .!'." &i J9 - JlMV ftJ" ywrnwt TO .' WT centrifugal pump, which lifts the wat or from below tho falls Into a plpo lluo which carles the fluid to tho farms miles away. It Is staled by tho company's offlcors that tho pre sent oqulpmout is sufficient to Irri- I gate aooo acres, only 300 acres, l which is owned by tho company, Is at procont undor irrigation. Thoro is plenty of vntor in tho Roguo river to irrigate thousands of acres of or chards whon It is noodod. Thoro Is coutiidorablo oxponso connected to tho lnying of stool rlvlted plpo, and in hooping up tho pump plant, which Is tho only disadvantage the company has to contend with. Tho company dollvors tho wator to tho usoi'a at the prlco of $5 n acre for tho year's uso. Bosldos tho wator furnished by thoso two largo enterprises, much ir rigation is carried on from other sour cos. Bear creek furnishes a water supply for n numbor of orchards, as do smaller streams In tho valley, J, G. Gore, who has tho hoavloxt pro- Ti ?rV r:- r. W- V' "-..1 .,& ; vr. 'I . siijsyisSat. - .,-,fi. .:- r.r!isiXSirriSS . Ci? iSSKXt?- ?iVV3v lr...a.: -'. t Xi.fcT' , - ' I i i-ijiM a a5-. vrv . ? i $!S tesc iT; LsVA. mm & SSSI SbtT'1 V)i-J ; RV. fo ducting Bartlett penr orchard In tho Roguo River vnlloy, pumps water wator from Boar creek onto tho land. Wells furnloh another supply of wat er for. tho orchards. Tho Judy ton-acre tract of Yellow Newtown Pippin trees Is supplied with water by this monns. Tho Bon net orchnrd is undor tho ditch of tho Roguo River Valley Caual company as so Is Snowy Butto orchard, tho Fiero orchard, tho Norcross orchard, tho orchard which producod tho Spltzonborge which won tho swoop stako prize nt tho Spokano National Apple show, is IrrignCod by Llttlo Butto crook. Undoubtedly tho bulletin which the Oregon Agricultural collogo Is plan ning to publish upon uso of Irrigation In horticulture, with statistics glean ed from observations of Reos and Hall in tholr summer experiment work In southorn Oregon, will bo of much valuo to tho Roguo Rlvor valley fruitgrowers. ft ft.i'jW! ifrjaa BiA! A f .t - -" r - ?' --- KHoiti COMPLETED iSECTOTf Or XPoauseivs? VAiiEYCAfMtX COV WKIGATlOrfZXTAL 'TWELVE fftu:j- EAJT OF nc&r wia. :- ?h i ,X!? Irrigation In tho Rogue River val ley has already demonstrated the cer tainty of Increased profits. It has re moved the possibility of crop fail ure, it has added to tho value of ev ery acre of land that will come under the canal c mpany's system, It will reclaim larco unproductive areas and best of all, It will bo tho means of great expansion in tho orchard In dustry, adding vastly to tho resour ces and gurantcelng Medford that she will be tho contqr of tho greatest of all tho orchard districts. SEVENTY PEAR TREES YIELD TWO CARLOADS A rcniarkablo ne crop of Wintor Nellis pears is now beinp harvested at tho Snowy Butte, orchard, 'the first car having been shopped last Thurs day evening, says tho Herald. In sizo nd quality tho crop is hotter than last year, tho first oar shipped being mndo up of pears grading 105 and 180 to tho box. Tho first car shipped Inst year ran 100. Many travelers over the Southern Pnoifio lhavo admired tho crop on this won derful pear grovo latoly, tho trees being literally loaded with fruit. Sup ports wore necessary under many of tho trees to snvo thorn from ruin. Seventy trees next to the railroad track, which woro gathered last week, yielded almost two full car loads of first class fruit, and Superintendent Brook, who is in charge of tho Snowy Butto proporty, oxpeots to ship not Jess than 12 cars of poars from tho grove this season. The crop has boon sold to Rao & Hntfiold of Now York tho prico being $1.87 1-2 por box f. o. b. Central Point, WEALTHY WOMAN FINED FOR SMUGGLING GOODS NEW YORK, Oot. 8. "Tho richer people are tho moro inclined they soom to bo to defraud tho govorn mont," remarked Federal 'Judge Hand, as ho handed out a fine -of $5,000 to Mrs. Asa Adrianco today, Mrs. Adrianco plended guilty 'to smuggling. fcr. Si ; MitAk4'.-,ifeilu4 JL