TH-Utt iE:3mm " ,-p.-- MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR 1 WON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1910. We Carry a Complete Stock of - BUILDING MATERIAL and Can Fill Your Orders on Short Notice Wrf WWWWMiMllWMiaWMMWWWiWl"l ' ' ' r ' ' "MIMHHHMMiHHHBHHMMUHHMi '- ""IM Lumber Moulding Lath Shingles '4 Doors Windows Building Paper Roofing A BETTER BUILDING AT LESS COST PROMPT DELIVERY . Plaster Cement Paints & Oils Wall Tints YARDS 9th and FIR WOODS LUMBER COMPANY DANSEUSE STILL STMDSJY KING Will Not Desert In Time of Trouble Hopes to Meet Him In Paris In 0c- .. tohcr Will De Kinder to Him Than Ever, She Says. VI13NNA, Oct. 8. That Mllo. Gaby Ioa Lya will tot dosort Don Manuol now thnt lio linn fallen on ovll days wan tho declaration mado by tlio French dancor to tho United Press to lay. "I had ii appointment to moot tho king In Paris Octobor 16 and I certainly liopo to soo him thoro," oho Mid. "I will uot leave my king In mlsfortpno. On tho contrary, I will bo kinder t'.r.n ovor to him who was no kind to mo. "I will roraaln nt tho Apollo tlio ator horo vatll tho ICth nud then will tako U.o first train for Purls. I bollovo ovo. now, that tho king will bo vl'cro. Afterwards I hnvo to till otigagomonla l Berlin, London and other capitals." GREAT VIOLINIST E Ilnrolili, tho famoua Polish violin ist, who i to ho lioanl in concert at tho new Nntiitoriiiin auditorium Mo day ovoiiiiiKi Ootobor 10, bus n mini her of fine old violins, but the ono lie lovou moHt ami wliieh lie uses al most constantly is u Stnidivariiu, mndu yi tho your 17H5. It ia an in Htniinunt remarkable for its groat dopth nnl moliownoss of tone. As tho performer wills, it Rives forth volume equal to that of a 'collo or shiRA ns Hoftly as the liulitont zephyr, Not all artists aro fortunivto onout;h to possoss n perfect instru ment. Thoro aro thousands upon thousands of violins hut fow that aro flawloss. Tho modern workmen cannot approach thu art of the old masters. And of tho latter thoro woro vory fow. It is generally con codod that Antonio SlrndivarhiH was tho greatest builder of violins that tho world has ovor known. His sue 0088 rested) not so much with tho manlier in which ho fashioned the box nud nook of his iustnimoutH, an it did with tho poottliar kind of var ush which ho used, and in tho way in which ho apijliod t. There h a hoautful transparency evident in tho ooatinj,' of a Stradivarius which other makers have never duplicated' i NOTIOH. To tho roal ostato doalora of Mod ford t I tako this moans of notifying you that for tho prosont I withdraw from tho market lots Nos. 1 and '2 In block 7, 173 0. E. KIRK. , CHICAGO BOYS BEAT TOKIO, Oct. 8. Iloforo a crowd of 00,000 and with Amorlcan Am bassador J. O'Urlcu and Mrs. O'llrlon as tho guests of honor, tho Unlvcr ulty of Chicago baseball toam again defeated Kolo unlvorslty today In ono of tho best gnmcp ever playod In Ja pan, 'lhu scoro wan 3 to 2, and In tho last Inning Kolo, who batted last, came within an aco of crowding ovor the tlolng run. Novor before has so much Intorost boon shown In nnv athletic ovont In tho orient. Long boforo tho plnyors, arrlvod tho diamond was surround- ed on all sides. Tho unlvorslty! grounds wcro alive with people Kolo presented a toam of votor aim. Sugaso pitched and was of fectlvo throughout tho nlno Innings. Chicago won tho ganto by clover baso running and opportuno hitting. Weeks & McGowan Co. CO. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: P. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT mm SCALPING TICKETS FOR BIG GAMES STARTS CHICAGO, Oct. 8. In splto of tho promise of tho national commission that tho fans will bo given an ovon break on tho tickets for tho world's basoKtll series, scalping already has begun. Speculators have bought up largo lots and today aro proparlng to soil tli em nt regular scalpors' prices, "Four bits more and walk right lu," It lc expected, will bo a familiar cry when tho gatos aro swing open. Prcsldont Ban Johnson Is taking stops to nunlah tho scalped If they can bo caught. Raskins for Honltb WALKING SHOES JThe cool dfu's of autumn often suggest a brisk, en joyable walk. The walk, however, to be enjoyable must be made in a sensi bly made, well-fitting pair of shoes and that's just tho kind we offer in our Weber Shoe for men. IIt's of good style and of sturdily strong construc tion and leathers and is certain to give long, sat isfactory wear. $3.50 THE PAIR Ue Wardrobe THEnOMEOFGOOD SHOES WEST SIDE GOOD BUYS 'IB NO. 44 Six acres, two blocks from city limits; house, barn; 5 acres creek bottom; 1 acre bench land; a bargain at $4250, terms. NO. 149 5-room bungalow, closo in, east front, ce ment walk, electric lights; good location; $3150 terms. NO. 147 4-room cottago on West 10th; lot 90x100; a snap at $1250; part cash. NO. 137 9 rooms, modern, not far out, mission fin ish, oloctric lights, ccmont walks; a fine home; $1000 will handle this now. NO. 7 910 acres, mostly bearing Spit, and Newtown aiwfes; just outside tfp city; good house, barn and well; best of black soil; all in fino condition; $8950; part cash, balance easy. McArthur Alexander POSTOFFJCE BLOCK Phone 3681 For Sale 6-ROOM HOUSE; two screened in poarches; elect ric lights; bath room, has hot and cold water, both city and well water: nice lawn; large barn for six head of horses and two large sheds; lot 75x220 feet; 5 bearing apple trees; water and sewer in street; this is a very desirable location overlooking Medford. Prices right, with terms, for a quick sale. 1 LOT, 75x220 feet; city water and sewer; 13 bear ing apple trees; 10 3-year-old apple trees; good well and punvping plant; you can have a bargain in this lot if you act quickly. 5-ROOM HOUSE (NEW); well finished; lot 50x 126; high and dry; good location; city water: elec tric light; this is a snap for investment. 40 ACRES ILEAYY PINE AND SAW TIMBER; 7 miles from Medford; No. 1 fruit land, apple and pear; $1000 buys this for next 10 days. For fur ther information, call on the owner, N. L. TOWNSEND 721 BENNETT AVE. PHONE 4232. Farm Land and Orchards Cf 296 ACRES near Brownsboro, subject to Fish Lake Ditch, $30,000. I 240 ACRES, all bottom land, good water right, 12 'miles from Mcdford, 3ao miles from railroad sta tion; $80.00 per acre. q 625 ACRES 3 miles from Medford, 125 acres in 1 and 3-y ear-old trees, all fine soil; a first class sot of buildings, teams and tools go in; the best value in Jackson county for the price; $181 per acre. J 53 ACRES Bear creek bottom, subject to irrigation; well located; $250.00 per acre. C 10 ACRES in full bearing orchard, 1 3-4 miles from Medford; seven-room house, fine team and tools go in; $14,000. Wo have other propositions as good. Come and see us. CITY LOTS AND RESIDENCES I 1 ACRE, with two 5-room cottages and barn; West Side; $3500.00. I 4 LOTS 50x106, with five-room cottage, almost new; West Side; $2500. I 6-ROOM cottage, lot 60x100, closo in and a beautv, for $4500.00. CI 1 CORNER LOT, 50x118, on West Main, north and east front, sidewalk in and paid for; $1000. TERMS ON ALL ABOVE LISTED. Jf For particulars, call at office or phone 2722. D. H. Jackson & Comp'y 11812 WEST MAIN STREET R. F. Guerin & Co. 4 Medford National Bank Building have Two thousand dollars to loan at ten per cent. " Ten thousand dollars to loan at eight per cent and othor amounts at similar rates. First mortgage real estato security only. SPLENDID LOT Ea& t Front in Walnut Park, 60x125 under price for quick sale !" Bittner TiT HAR.OLDI SEATS f Notwithstanding the fact that Haroldi is playing in San Francisco and Portland at $2.50, the Nata torium management, in accordance with their policy C8 . of first class attractions at popular prices, have de cided to make the price of best seats $1.00. Sale be dded to make the price of best seats $1.00. Seats now on sale at Haskins'. ' 4 ' t REDUCED I H Hasklns for Hoalth. J