mwmmmmmmmmm MEDFQRD MIL "TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OMOON, KUffDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1910. - - i- - . .-- .-- W yvi-r i miBiupmi i n'.ii'i.iii I'v.'iV'm'.rvrm 13 New Men's Wear Section Now Our men'ri wear sections liave allied their strength -m givinff thia f0i-cille demonstration of su perior styles. Our line possesses many distinguishing marks a thoughtful feature adding to tho utility, perhaps, or some novel style idea that gives a touch of individuality and costing no more than commonplace merchandise. Every man has a special invitation to visit this storo on Opening day and learn of the many good things gathered here for their special benefit. i Visit Our Annual Fall Opening Thursday, October 1 3 This Store With its Conveniences is Always at Your - Service You'll enjoy a visit (o this store. Our merchandise is dependable, our conven iences null facilities are many. Make yourself right at home here you'll find well appointed, waiting rooms, retiring rooms, plenty of free stationery for letter writ ing, bureau of information, parcel and checking rooms hairdrcssing and beauty parlors. Come and visit every section remember that we are here to please you and will do our best to makoyou feel athome. i New Autumn Season as Opened Most Auspiciously heavy consignments by freight and express. Incomparably better assortments of rv department than over before. Our improved service is abundantly adequate to ijicds. c "the things of the moment" in "the city of the hour" visit the big store. B AND GARMENT SECTIONS SURPASSES ALL OUR PREVIOUS EFFORTS, crtion but readily provable. lick models presented, and in a great variety, but to them is joined the highest pcr uid a jealous regard for the prestige already fairly earned. m3NOMENALAi;VANOW IN QUALITIES, STYLES AND VALUES. SEE THE NEW FA LL SUIT STYLES in Excellent Selection of Misses and Girls Apparel LL SORTS OF OTIARMJNa STYLES AT PRTOES EXCEEDINGLY REASON ABLE. fisses' long coats, misses' fall school dresses, misses' dancing frocks, mise tailored s its, girls' dresses, all sizes and a great variety of styles. Oome and let us show you hat wo havo in these lines and allow us to explain the merits of each garment. You ll find that wo can not only save you money on tho ready to use garments for the ilsses and small girls, but wc can save you a lot of time, See The New Waist Styles i ho new waists are hero and thoy are beauties, too. You will wish to seo our suporb Election and chances aro that you will solect a few before you leavo the building. M1WlWiiWVi i ,m wining i m i iimiiini'i i MWIIIIIilllMMMlllW HHWIMWHi i . ' m . & yST V I 1 Kj Hart, Schaffner and Marx Chothes Do you want the best suit of clothes that a man ever wore? If you want your money to go a little farther and get you a little more style you should come here and see the new Hart, Schaff ner and .Marx styles and allow us to show you that they are the best. Every suit is guaranteed to wear two seasons is absolutely all wool, and is as sure to please you as the sun is sure to shine Ask any man who has -worn these celebrated clothes and he is sure to say that he got full value and a little more for his money. "(MSRI From $18.00 to $35.00 the Suit M Men's Cravats Shirts and Hats Our men's department is only a part of this great institution and bears only a part of the small expense of maintenance, therefore we can afford to sell for less money than the special men's stores. Come and see the new cravats, shirts an d hats and learn that you can dress on less money and look just as well. You will find the newest and swellest styles to be found anywhere and assortments that are amply large to admit of s atisfactory choosing. Durable Underwear That Men Want Winter knit garments made by makers who, through, years of experience, understand just what a man requires most in underwear. You'll find "Munsing" quality undergarments measuring up to, in every way, your fullest expectations. Keep these thoughts in mind and call here to see t.he line we have selected for you for the coming season. Remember that right now is the best time to choose for the sizes are all here, and the assortments are all intact and you are sure to get just what you want. Boys School Shoes That Will Wear If you are looking for hoys' shoes that will give the most wear fpr tlie money this is the place to come for them. Our shoe buyer is one of the best known in this city and you are sure to get the proper fit and shoes of lasting qual ities. Bring the boys in and'let us fit them out with the shoes that will keep their feet -warm and dry. You will not have to pay any more than you have been paying for the ordinary kind either. Misses School Shoes Neat and Durable It 'is sometimes a very hard matter to find shoes for misses that just exactly suit. You may be able to get the right amount of beauty but at the sacrifice of quality. The shoes we are showing for misses this season have not only beauty and style, but you can get wearing qualities too with every pair bought at thip store.. Bring the little toddlers here and let us fit them with easy, comfortable footwear. Shoes for Men and Women People who are in the habit of buying shoes in a regular exclusive shoe store should stop and consider that the exclusive dealer has to ask more money for his shoes than the department store. If you don't believe that we can save you money on your shoes just come and give us a trial. Buv-your next pair of shoes here and see if they don't wear a little longer than any shoes you ever owned at the price. We are giving exceptional values in shoes this week and you won't regret a trial order. Everything is new this season and the styles are up to the minute. Gloves Our new glove lines for men, women and children will please you. By the way, now is a good time to choose your gloves. Tho sizes aro here, tho colors too, and then if you choose now you , havo so much of your holiday troubles ended. Notions You can come here for your notions and fancy goods such as shell goods, bags, belts, laces and all of the thousand and one little needfuls so es sential to the welfare of every woman. You will find the right prices too on every thing you buy at this store. Boys Suits We are headquarters for boys' clothing and can show you the most complete as sortments to be found outside of Portland in Oregon. Boys' long and knee pants suits in the now styles, hard twisted woolens aud suitings that will stand the hard tests. KENTNER'S Fastest Growing Store in Oregon South of Portland i . HI vT J j m 1 J I VI ! M mjmih 1 1 mnmwi-inrTwiw tt. m k MMfc 1.1. J0B K'tVft :US- V. -V tRTT!! 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