M13DF0KD MAIL T.IUBUNE. MTJDFOft,P, OREOON, FRIDAY, OCTOUtiR. 7, ti)10. 8 i r h fi k- it. fi to. f: I . s A? WIDEDECENDENTSiMANY MEDFORD LARS Invcstlfiation Made by Officials In Phlllpplncsc in Order to Determine Why Soldiers Arc Not Re-enlisting In tho Service. MANILA, Oct. ". Brismdier Gen eral Ramsay D. Potts, commander of the department of Luzon, today con eluded an invcstiRation of grown);; discontent among, tho enlisted mou of tho Philippine- division of the rtnnv which has resulted in tho determina tion v hundreds of solders n ttie casual camp not to re-enlist. A considerable amount of dissat isfaction among the men has been brought to light by the unusually large numbers of soldiers returning to the United States upon the expira tion of their enlistments in ndvanco of their regiments. The seventh infantry will return home in June next and the twelfth in August. At least 10 per cent of the men in these regiments have com pleted their three years enlistment and arc returning to the United StateS( leaving their companies great ly depleted. Some companies hae as few as twenty men each. General Potts' investigation show ed that the men arc dissatisfied because of tho long marches they have been forced to take under the .tropical sun nnd because most of them have had their health under mined by drinking bad water on these journeys. TEMFERANCELECTURER TO BE HERE SATURDAY Miss Mary Harvis Armor will speak Sunday night at the opera house at a union meeting of the Med ford churches on the subject of tem perance. The following is taken from a two column article in the Philadelphia North American of March 25, 1908, describing Mrs. Armor's last meeting in Philadelphia: "At a mass meeting which filled the Acndemv of Music last nicht from pit to dome, nnd overflowed out iuto Brond street, Mary Harris Armor, the Jean of Arc of the tem perance movement throughout the fonth, bade farewell to Philadelphia nnd in parting raised a storm of sen timent for local option the equnl ol which Jms never been witnessed in Pennsylvania. Pleading, praying and singing, tho evangel of tho new cru sade awakened the multitude to a pitch of enthusiasm, which not once, but a dozen times, brolught the en tire house to its feet. "By nnd by tho word was passed along that Mrs. Armor had promised to leave the meeting inside and come out to speak to the crowd on tho out side; with this announcement the crowd became denser nnd the people packed close to the steps. Broad street resounded with cheers in her honor, and a sea of upturned face? greeted her. Brond street' presented n scene during' her address rarely if over witnessed in this city. Theater goer? on (heir wny home, cnb driver. parties in automobiles, people of all descriptions,, stopped for a moment out of curiosity, and ended by sur rendering to tho spell of the speaker's 'enthusiasm and reason." NOTICE. Notice Is horoby gtvon that the un dersigned will-apply to the city coun cil of tho city of Medford, Oregon, at the next regular mooting thereof, to be held on October 18, 1010, for a li cense to eqlj splrltous, vinous and malt Manors for n period of six months at his place of business, nt No. 22 Fro i. Btreet, North, In said cityr . V, 181, , JOHN HARRINGTON, . Dated Octjgjr 7, lilt. M0MIE6D N 1 - - ' - - i i - ii PEOPLE AI FAIR High School Students Leave En Masse to Attend First Football Game of Season New Rules Are Favored. Fully three hundred Medford peo ple nre visitors at the Grants Pass district fair today, which is Med ford day. Among tho visitors nro a hundred high school students who left on the morning trnin with ban ners flying. Their team plays the Grants Pass high school eleven and Superintendent Collins excused for the day all who desired to go to rants Pass. Ihe new football rules will ho blessing to the plnyers as they havei divided the game into quarters in- stead of halve?. The teams have' , . , . ... . , i ngreeu 10 piny ien nunuio quarter which will be long enough on the Kutibnked ground of the "Granite City" this early in the season's train ing. CLIMATE IDEAL HERE FOR CHICKS So States Professor Dryden of 0. A. C. in Letter to. Manager Malbouef of Commercial Club Every Natu ral Advantage Found. Manager Malbouef of the Medford Commercial club is in receipt of a let ter from James Dryden, professor ot chicken husbandry at O. A. C, in which the professor lauds the climate and soil of the Rogue il'ver valley from the chicken raisinc uoint of new, and urges that more enter this field of production. The letter in part reads as follows : '1 know of no place in the United States that is more favored in a climatic way for the raising of poul try than the Roeue River avlley. You have no extremes of tempera ture, a omderate rainfall, a little snow nnd abundant sunshine. You hnve all the natural advantages of soil and climate. Poultry may be successfully kept in orchards, and there are advantages of such a com bination, but 3on have large tracts outside of your orchard lands that nrc bringing in little or no revenue now, that might be devoted to poul try raising. I have in mind a farm of 120 acres, too poor for crop grow ing, that is producing over $10,000 n year in poultry nnd eegs, nnd tha same thing could be done on waste land in Southern Oregon that has practically no market value .nt the present time. "I prepared n book for the Port nlnd Commercial club on poultry raising in Oregon, which I believe is now being printed. Ln this I re fer to conditons in southern Oregon, and you may get some point from it thnt.you can nee to advantage -a your community." "JOY WHEEL" LATEST THING IN"JOYRIDES"!?o! The Natntorium is now nearim completion and ln a very short time every amusement feature will bo run ning ln first class shape. At tho present time there are many attractions 'running and tho public can be euro of a good time any eve ning that thoy Beo fit to visit this gre-.t amusemont emporium. Tho promoters are busy complet ing tho latoBt attraction, "the Joy wheel," tho original wheel from tho Seattlo exposition. If you have nov er seen a Joy wheel you should go at the first opportunity, for this Is one of tho greatest amuBemonts of tho age. Tho swimming, bowling, pool and billiards are as fine as you could expect to flrd In any city. Tho "Nat" theater Is running ev ery night nnd playing to largo crowds All tho latent moving pictures and Illustrated songs are hero, and it Is well worth the price. Children are admitted for hnlf price 5 cents. Tho "Nat" orcheBtra plays every night except Wednesday and Satur day, and then it will bo engagod to play for tho regular dances. If you wish to hear tho finest orchestra that oVor played ln Medford, bo Buro to hear this one soon. Sovo.n.l othor businesses will have tholr homes ln this building and of those you will know later; SENATOR LORIMER MAY BE CALLED Investigating Committee Meets in Ex-Ecutive-Session to Discuss Advisa bility of Calling Senator Lorimer to the Stand. CHICAGO, Oct. 7. The Lorimer senatorial .investigating committee met today in executive session nnd it , was reported that they discussed the advisability of summoning Senator William Lorimer to testify regarding the alleged bribery in connection with his election to the United States senate. Some of the members of the com mittee arc said to have opposed such a move and there was no indication that tho committee had reached a decision when the executive meeting ndionrned. State Senator Lee O'Kcil Browne was on tha stand today and reiter ntod his deninl that he had bribed am-one in the interests of Lorimur j or anyone else. I DUNLAP NOW TALENTS MAYOR Little City oVtes for Incorporation and Elects City Officials Close Race for City Recordership and Other offices. Talent, the prosperous metropolis of tho Wagner valley has taken an other step toward incorporaion as n municipality, an election being held confirming the proceedings hereto fore had, and choosing the first offi cers for the town. Seventy votes were cast. . The formal vote for incorporation was 4G for and 24 against. V. A. Dunlap was elected mayor, with u total of 58 votes to his cred it, the highest cast for any cauddi- ' date. For recorder there was a close contest between C. W. S'lerman nnd Ager, Sherman winning, with otes to 28 i'or Ager. J. 31. Manning wns elected mar shal with 5G votes, and G. A. Gard ner treasurer with 55 votes. Tho voto for aldermen was: M. 'fryer, 50; A. Alford, 48; Dr. D. A. Forbes, 47; Tl J. Bell, 40; J. II. La cey,J4; C. W. Walters. 32. Tho incorporation will become- ef fective as soon as the proceedings are finnlly approved by the county court. KILL THE GERMS. That's the Only Wny to Cure Dan druff and Parisian Sage Is the Only Killer. Parisian Sage soaks Into the scalp, and when It reaches tho roots of tho hair it not only kills every dandruff germ, but It supplies tho hair with Just the right kind of ourlshmcnt to put vigor and strength into It and mako It grow. Parisian Sago Is tho most delight ful hair dressing in the world and la not sticky or greasy. Ubo It ono week and you wl ' never glvo It up. Parisian Svgo Is guaranteed by Chas, Strang to stop falling hair; to cure dandruff; keep hair from fall ing; to stOi' itching of the scalp, or money back. Price 50 cents a largo bottle. Tho girl wJth tho Auburn hair Is on every bottle llnskius for ITcrJtb. SUGGESTIONS Just a few hints i'or you to try: BLUE RIBBON FLOUR . CHASE & SANBORN'S TEAS AND COFFEES BURNETT'S EXTRACTS OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT SOllRAM'S SELF-SEALING FRUIT JARS Warner, Wortman & Gore GROCERY PHONE 2S6 MARKET PHONE 281 Fall Footwear of Latest Designs at Attractive Prices J , fe pameaae& vicm Exclusive agents for Dorothy Dodd nnd TJ1 tr for women, nnd Walk-Overs for men. A perfect fit assured or we do not care to sell you, for an ill fitting shoe, we know, means dissatisfied customers. Long experi ence has taught us how to fit any foot. Prizes to be Awarded for Best Display of Apples Cash prizes will bo paid of ton dollars for the bestvtwo-box display i of aiiiiciiuvi& .iyiMi-n, ivu uuuuis for tho best two-box display of tho Yellow Newtown Pippins. Ten dollars for best two-box dis play of any other variety of apples. FIvo dollars for tho best flve-plato display consisting of four apples to THINK CZAR IS TO GRAB LAND Recent Energy Is Ascribed to Under standing Arrived at Between Czar and Kaiser Every Courtesy Ex tended While In Germany. ST. PETEnSBCHO, Oct. 7. The hastening of reseno forces to the Swedish frontier is causing n jjreut deal of speculation here as to tho czar's intentions nnd the belief is Konoral that Nicholas will pruh tho ice free strip of seaboard oIouk tho North Atlontic he has been yearning for. Nicholnb' recent visit to Germany is believed to have had something to" do with his energy along tho Swed ish border. Porne sort of nn under standing with the German kaiser to that effect has been made. Stories of Nicholas' reception in Germany are reaching horo daily. They nro to the effect that tho so cialists, lihernls nnd radicals nlilte did their best to mnke his visit un eomfcrtnhle, although the kaiser nnd his followers extended him every courtesy. THREE CLEWS DYNAMITERS. (Continued from Pagejl.) yesterday In Yuma after, It le allog od, ho stated ho could explain tho dynamiting of tho Tiroes plant. Asked to Join. Hoffman stated that ho had boon asked by two men to Join them In tho dynamiting plan. The proposi tion was made, ho said, in a Los An golcs saloon. Tho gasoline schooner Kate and Its wandoringB nro of unusual lntor- ost to tho officers, who )iavo learned that tho HttTo craft was taken from San Pedro to Snn Francisco early in i September. A mysterious vessel was I sighted off tho Vonlco pier lato on with tho Tlnos and thnt in tho nb tho night cf September 29 by era- sonco of doflnlto proof any ono of nmw tho plato of any variety of apples will bo pajd ln cnah. All apples must uu on uiupiay Ri uxniDii uuiiuing by Monday, Octobor 10th, at 12 o'clock, and remain for ono week. Competent judgoa will bo selected to pass on tho sarao. : JOHN D. OLWELL. ' Exhibit Building, Medford, Oregon. GOMPERS CALLED A Charles M. Post Charges Gompers With Murder In Connection With Los Anccles Times Disaster Gompers Replies. IJATTLE OKEEK, Mich., Oct. C Replaying to tho accusations of Charles M. Po,st, who accused him In a local papor of bolng a murdorer ln connection with tho Los Angolcs TlmoH dynamiting, President Hamuol dampers of tho Amorlcnn Tederatlon of Labor denounced Post at n Inbor meeting hero last night. "Post knowB that tho chargos against mo ln connection with tho Times dlsuntor nro absolutely false. Tho St. Louis papors published my oxprcsslonB of horror. I ropudlato all statomonts connecting labor with tho fatality. Labor had nothing to do with It. Why chnrgo labor with a crlmo boforo It Is known that n crlmo was committed?" ploycs of tho Windward hotel. It had disappeared boforo morning, "but returned on tho night of Soptombor 30. Tho hotel employee nttachod no algnlflcanco to tho crnft'H visit until tho aKto was drawn into tho discus slop of tho disaster. They bollovo It carrlod a gasoline onglno. Want Times Uottled. Mayor Aloxandor and tho city council will bo petitioned by tho mot- nl tradcB council to put n stop to tho Loo AngoloH TlmoB' reiteration of tho chnrgo that union labor vub respon sible for tho explosion that wrecked tho Times building, sending a score of men to tholr death, Tho metal trados council passed resolutions sotting forth tho claim that many other organizations and porzons hnvo boon at opon onmlty MURDERER Saturday Specials 400 Rolls TOTLTCT PAPER; full .10 ounces in every roll; a straight 10c quality; for Saturday only, 5c a Roll No telephone orders; not over 5 rolls to one person. Underwear Take a few minutes' time when down' town and look over our new line of ladies', misses', ehidlren's and hoys' Fall and Whiter weight Underwear in Vests, Pants and Union Suits. All Popular Priced QUALITY HOSIERY Men's Sox Black or tan; sizes 9Jo, to 11; 15c pair, 2 pairs for 25c. LADIES' HOSE Black and tan; all sizes; 15c pair, 2 pr. 25c l Misses', children's, in fants' and boys' fast col or, black or tan Hose; sizes 5 to 9, 15 pair, 2 pairs for 25c. We give that Doll away Saturday, Octobor 15. HUSSEY'S these might as reasonably bo hold responsible for tho disaster an Inbor. Tho resolution calls upoi tho may or and council to onforco tho Amor lcnn fundamental principle of assum ing all persons gulltloss until provon guilty. AN UI'-TO-DATK DIIUGOIST xnys It is surprising how mnny old fashioned remedies nro bolng usod, wMch goes tc show that It la hard to Improve somo of our grandmothers' old, tlmo-trlod remodles. For In Blanco, for Uooplng tho iar dark, ooft and g!oH3y, nothing equaling our i"!ii!dmotlio'8' ''sago to.-" has ovor buon dlscovorod. Although, by tho addition of sulphur and othor lngro dlonts, this old-fashioned brow hns beon inndo moro offcctlvo bb a scalp tonic and c lor rostoror. Nowadays whon our lulr comes out or goto fad od or gray, instead of golnj? to tho gardon or garret for 1 orbs and mak ing tho "tea" ourBolvos, wo simply go to tho nearest drug storo nnd ask for a bottlo of Wyoth'a Sago and Sul phur. ThlB ; reparation Is sold by all leading drugglsti for CO conts and ?1 a bottlo, oi Is sont direct by tho Wyeth GhomlcU Company, 74 Cort luiult St., Now York City, upon ro colpt of Prlco, LKON D. IIA8KINS, Medford, Or. Gups and Saucers 20 dozen blue and whilo Japanese Cups and Sim-1 eors; regular 2ie quality; handsome patterns; per fect goods (not seconds); special for Saturday, 15c Each G cups and saucers for 75c Compare OUR 25c HOSE with any 35c hose in the pity. The line includes Men's and Ladies' gauze lisle, silk finish lisle, Bursou hose, imported split foot hose, ladies' fine ribbed hose; all in sizes, ladies', 8V to 10; men's 10 toll, 25c a pair AVe also carry tho best lino of ladies' outsize hoso in the city. Black, tan and split foot; sizes 8 to 10, 25c pair. TOO f ATE TU CLASSIFY. KOU TltADli Will trndo vnc-.nt city lots, Howor and water, for houao and lot; or will bo willing to coatraet with rospouiilblo enrpontor to build mo a houao nnd tako somo splondld lots In pnymont. Address P. O. Hox 172. 178 VOU SALE Ono team black draft horacB, ago 0 yoara, weight 1C00 pounds, height 17 hnndo, sound and willing; nlbo ono team sorrel driv ing and modorntoly honvy draft work horees, ngo 7 nnd 8 yonrs, wolght 14G0 pounds, holght 10 1-2 hands, sound nnd willing, Apply Smith & lleckwlth, No. 232 J3. Main street, 178 FOli TtliJNT Furnished rooms. 326 Itlvorsldo nvo., S. 175 I'Oll SALH--O110 10-ounco duck tout, 12x14, 3G-lnch walls, now; (iIho corn, 00 conta por bush'! (Qrlf flu Creole), H. 13. Morrloon. 177 f-f -t--t- " MOSS & COMPANY. Brokers NMW YOUK HTOCKB GRAIN AND PROVISIONS 4 PRIVATE LHASHD WIRK t ROOM IB P. O. liLOOJC P1IONH isai. V n-