; f W. , f i . utr. nRmF&xwg$ty&& jMfonF OM) MATL TJtTBLTNJS, MISDFOftD, OREGON, FRfDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1910. 'K 5 Jin. rnir;Arr,ifa wiijyai7a ItegliP JT H. II. Mllloi nnil wlfi went to AmIi IiiiiiI Krlilny morning. P. .1. I.iiwry will luy Mooring or tllu wnrlc In vxohniiKO for i liJoyolo. tf .Mr. Court Hull vUlU'il filomla In ChiuniI T'olnt on Krldny. For Inurnticw. phono 3101. Hunt loy-ICroinor Co. 101 Mid. Yoinu; wont to hoo frlotulH In Gold IIII1 on Krl.lny. John II. Cnrkln, utton.py.nt-law, ovor Jnclimm County Ilnnlt. I. McInnlH of BnRlo l'olut wni In Mail ford Friday on buolncHH. Going flint, tliono trimmed Imtn at 'tlio Now Home Mllllnory. 171 ' K. Vlirlor vlHltod Aroilfcird Krl day on ImihI'iohh. J. C. Oonovan of Albany Irt In Mod ford liolclnjt ovor tho vnlloy. nil ollior roHpoctM alio la a vory u porlor ChrlHtlnn woniari. 172 C. 1 UrlRSH of Utitto FnllK wan In Medford 'I'hurnday on himliicnn John Under wiih In Medford from KnMo Point Tliurailiy, ' Joo Ilauir. of Portland la vIsltliiB frlondii In Medford. Dr. Btophotmoti I" a nrnilnnto opu clr.11. Ovor Allon & JtonRan'ii. IOC .Mm, UUDIUIl liril " vi' Friday mornlni? to vUll lior (laugh tor, Mm. Arthur IlurKowi. Medford Collection AKnoy, 10 per cont chanjod. Ovor Hurlburt'B now Btotv. U Mayor V. 11. Canon and Vorno Carcon loft riMirmlay to lnupoct a bolt of tlmhor In tlio SlBklyouH. Nlco lino of trlmmod hatH at Mm. fialtor'H homo r.hop, 1021 West N'luth ntroot. 174 N Huntley- nnd bin hrothor Dll lard loft for tholr old homo In Mis souri Friday morning. A. Throckmorton of Uuch was In Medford on Thursday buying sup plies. Como out tnd boo tho Now Home Mllllnory shop, 1021 West Ninth Htrcct. 174 Lclnnd DovorldRO has roturncd to Mcdford from a hinting trip In tho Hod Hlanket country. Frodorlck Polouto of Kaclo Point was a Medford visitor Thursday and Friday. Mm. J. D. Fay haB rooponod hor board In k houso at 310 North Bart lott and will ho plonuol to 000 old nnd now cuBtmnorn. 134 Amos McICco drovo In on Friday from IiIh ranch on tho Llttlo Applo g.ito with a load of brow J benim. Supervisor Hall of tho Alamo na tional forest In Montana Ir. spending his vacation In Medford. I. D. Hanna wna In Medford Friday nftcr auppllot from IiIb ranch near tho forry ya tho upper Uojjuo. Mrs. M. Y. Itobortu, moihor of W. J. Rohorts, arrlvod In Mcdford Fri day morning from Portland to visit her lion. Do you know that you can buy any nmount, from n half aero up, In Oak dalo Park addition on oasy tonus? Oakdale Land Investment Co., 214 Frultgroworn Bnnk bldg. tf Dr. O. M. Mooro of York, Nob., who purchncod ono of tho tracts In tho Burroll orchard, liao boon vlalt Ing Medford for tho past wook. Ho loavos tills 700k, but will roturu In tho spring to mako his homo horo. O. W. Barnum & Co., contractors und bulldorB. Country work n spec ialty. Ordora solicited. Inquire at Tho Toggory. Mr. and Mrs. I.owla UJrlch, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bnrnum nnd M. M. Taylor, all of JackBonvlllo, wore In Medford Wediiosday night to boo "A Stubborn Clndorolln." Rnv, Mr. OrchunliHl, tlio loaves are falling from your trooa, tho ntmos phoro Ih now clear; you havo only a faw dayH loft to havo thoso pano ramas nnd orchard vIowh taken. Hot tor got at It at onco. Gregory, pho tographor. W, V, Hlilrtlo nccompinlod hla mottor, Mrs. W. 11. Blddlo, as fai ns Ashland on hor way to San Frnn clsco. Mrs. Blddlo In company with Mra. Jorry 1 l?ck nnd MUo Fitzgerald hnH boon touring tho country In their npoclnl enr nnd for tho past woou havo boon at Medford. District Foroator Cocll and Super visor Erlokson loft Thuruday for n caroful lnopoctlnu of tho burnt dla trlcta of tho Crator Lnlto nntlonnl foroat. Thoy will probably bo gone two wooks. Tho Spot roBtaurant Ih so woll pro parod to Borvo UstchIokon (llnnors and tuikoy dlimorfl on Sun-lays that you can ont lator thnn tho niB'i hour nnd bo euro of r.n oxcollont dlnnor. Dln nor lflsorvod from 12 to 7 p. in. 172 ' Mrs. Armor Is a woman of Intonso oarnostnoBB, vlth a bright mind that worka Uko lightning, a command of Inngungo Unit is as romnrkablo as It Ih unuBtinl, and an Impotuoua olo quonco that 8001110 to como from tho vory dopthngjf hor hohI, Sho Is a 'woman of rnro convlctlona nnd of rnro mentality, nnd .with tho faculty Weeks & McGowan Co. 00. ITNDIOKTA KICKS DAY PHONE 2271 Niglil 'Phones: P. W. Wookn, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3092. LADY ASSISTANT RUTH SPEAKS Gloves Women's Kid (JJoves in oddHisccs and colors; worth up to fiQf $2.00; special, a pair VtJt MANN'S Neckwear A new line of Jabots and Collars just arrived; 9 e&aa each MEDFORD'vS POPULAR PRICE vSTORE Offers Special Inducements to Saturday Shoppers ON PROHIBITION I'loriitlcnt of Wnshlniiton Senate, Claims Prohibition Docs Hot Pro-1 lilhll ami Has a Fllty Year Record j of Failure in New Eniilaml States. jSonntor A. S. ltutli ot WitnIiiiiKtou luliliCHflod it Reed Kizcd iilitlloiico U', tho MiMlI'onl thuiitor lat ovoiiIiik on thu homo rulo for Oroiron nv lull. Tlio WnflliiiiKton sonntor Iiamllod tlio Ktibjcct in 1111 uhlo nml forcoful iiiittinur, ilovotiiiK-tlio creator portion of Ilis urKtimotit to prohibition nnd its record. The puiikor ;ortilioa IiIh nrKiiinont by 11 Btnrtliuj: nrrny of HtntiHtioH, showing n mnrkoil iucronso in tlio Kovoriiinotit liconsoH wlmroxer proliiliilory lnw have been onnotod. QitotutioiiH from promitii-nt clorjiy inon, fitatuKinon, jiolilionl oconomlHth and oilitoriulH from lundinu mapa wno8, inclitiliiiK tlio Liulioh' Honi" Joiirnnl, made up a lronu' iudiot iiiout ntyiiiiHL prohibition. Jfr. Until olinrccd Hint prohibition 1I008 not prohibit; that it inercmuH tho coiiBiitnption of tho honvior o hpiritiiouH linuor nnd ilourenxoH onl tho liKhtor.or mult iiud vinous bet oruiroB; that it drives tho business uiKlurrouiiil whoro it omuiot bo ici; ulittcd nud whoro tho iimniituru i" yenru find rcnily neci'HS to its ti; that it inakos hyiKioritce, iwrjuror 11111I Hurt ami promotes 11 disregard of law; that it incronses taxation nnd puts in office n lickspittle, hypo ciitical, pamlorini; typo of politician. Thono Htntoments were supported Inhioly by tho record of tho New Kiiu'latnl Btntcs, wlioro ho stntcd pm hihitiou Iiiih 11 fifty yonr record of failure and final repeal of forcllilo oxpresloi dovolopod to a wondorful extent. Tho Columbus,. (Oa.) Knqi'l-or Sun, Kovombor 19, 1008. 172 AmonR t' 0 Medford peoplo who woro vlsltoin at tho Grants Pass fair today wore: OoorRo H, Morrlmau and his daiiBhtor Vorn, J. A. Westorlund nnd wlfo, Sam nonnott, L. D. Kent, L. S. Wallro, R. Schulor and wlfo, S. n. Hall, P. Hubbard, Amos McKee, It. Layton, L. A. Grogory, Ruth Woodford, J. C. Mooro, GoorRO W. Simmons, Fanny Hnslclns, Miss Piatt, Mr.4. Horaco Howard, Mrs. I. W. Gray, llornlco Cnmoron nud L. Plorco. Mncon, Ga., March 10, 190S. Mrs. Armor Is an exceedingly forcoful nnd nntortilnlnK apenUor; Indeod I nm of tho opinion that alio pohsosscs natural oratory. Sho Iiiib had much practlco na a npealcor In tho advocacy of dif ferent forma of prohibition In Goor j?la, and baa boon oxtromoly offoctlvo In hor work. Hor zoal Is cortnlnly vory abundant, hor loyilty unquo3 tlonnblo. I only havo to add that In .Too Itauni of whom It may bo truthfully Bald that ho Is vrlthout a poor In popularity In travollng mon circles In Oregon has roturncd for a fow daya to Medford aftor novoral months nbsonco. Mr. Daum Is now roproHontlnit a. St. Paul rm. Max Moars of Tablo Roclc, was it visitor In Mcdford Friday. AR. C. Rutlor or Grant's Pass, was a visitor In Medford Friday. V, T. Grlovo, county nssosaor, waa a business visitor Friday. Ho Is get ting this year's nsBOSsmont roll In shnpo lor tho board of oqinlfzntlon which will moot In tho near future Joshua Pattorson, county com missioner, was In Medford Friday on bunlucHU. Tho flro dopartmont was called out Friday morning by a false alarm. Sninlto from u forgo on South Fir strcot frlghtonod n nolghbor Into turning In nn alarm, George Tumor, who Is working on tho Howard bulldln, foil nnd broko hla nrm Friday nftornoon. W, S. RIchnrds, socialist nomlnpo for govornor In this atnto, will ad dross tho votors of Medford Satur day ovonlnc. All should hoar him, Mra. A, O. Councilman of Mlnnoap oils, Minn., addlvor on No. 13 yos torday nnd spout tho night with hor brothor, A. E. Powoll, This morning Mrs. Councilman was tnkon for a short rldo around tho city and part of tho orohardB and oxprosaod hor Holf as highly pleaaod with tho vnl loy, and snld whon sho rotlroJ from hor profession sho lntoudod to como back horo to stay, Mrs, Councilman wont on to Snu Frnnolsco at 10:35 this morning. v . j .t. v 0 Children's Winter Coats at low prices. EVERYTHING NEW IN OUR SUIT DEPT. "LA VOGUE" SUITS ARE RIGHT 100 of these beautiful Suits made of this season's choicest fabrics; style, fit nnd workmanship guar anteed; on sale Saturday at, each, " tffQ $45,00, $35.00, $25.00 and V-IO "La Vogue" Coats are Best 100 women's and misses' stylish, up-to-date Coats, made of mannish suitings, in all colors and sb.es; on sale ?fl CA Saturday, at, each $35,00, $25,00, $18.00 andnAU.t)V PETTICOATS Women's near silk Petticoats, made extra wide, with deep flounce; very special; Satur day, Cft each 0t GOWNS Women's Out ing Flannel Gowns; good, heavy quality; all sizes; fast colors; very special, OQ each vl CORSETS Warner's Cor sets, in all styles and sizes, at, a pair, $2.50, $2.00, Inl!... $1.00 . DRESS GOODS SALE ALL THE LATEST WEAVES 38-inch all wool serge, in all colors, special AQ Saturday, yard,. tcOC 54-inch all wool broadcloth, in all colors, per (P-J OQ yard .. v-lv NEW PERSIANS at, per yard $1.00 and., S1.25 2000 yards fine flannelette for wrappers; 4 Aj special Saturday, yard JLVC Best quality Apron Ginghams ; special Satur- n day, yard C Best quality Dress and Shirting Prints; on C sale Saturday, yard C BLANKETS Cotton and wool blankets; fine new as sortment, at, a pair, $5.98, $4.98, $3.98, $2.50, $1.48 and 98c. COMP'RTERS Full size Com forters, filled with pure white cotton, at $2.50, $2.00, $1.65 and $1.50 UNION SUITS Women's fl'cd lined Union Suits; all sizes; very special, Saturdav, CQ a suit . L.OtJC Visit the NAT Saturday October 8th HEAR. Fletcher Fish Med ford's Popular Tenor Sing "What's the Matter With Father?'' Regular Dance Saturday 8:30 p. m. HOW 'rO"STOlr DRINKING. It wa8 formorly customary for tho hnultunl drinker to talco tho plodgo regularly, aoniotlmoa onco a yoar, and Bomotlmoa In oyory tit of romorso that followed his dobauchoB, and thon broalc It. Wilt now It la Brndually dawning on tlio world that plodgos do not stop drunkonnosB. Tho norvoua ays- Clearance We are determined to clean odt on dishes ask that you call and in spect the exceptional specials. 25 per cent and Over 25 percent and over Allin b Allin 132 West Main Street. Phone Main 2691 ThelFair Oaks OrchardjTracts Close to Medford. Good splendid soil. Sub-irrigated nnd above frost line 70 acres now planted to pears nud ap ples. Prices right nnd tonus easy. Let mo show von a good roiil estate itiostmont. Earl C. Sabin Room 202 Fruitgrowers Bnnk Building. fijin ottho "luvultutil drlnkor 18 dls oasod and ho must havo troatmont that will euro this condition. Orrlno la sold uudor n poatUyo guarantee to euro tho drlult habit or tho monoy will bo rofunilod. Cau bo given so crotly. Wrlto for froo booklet en tho Ouro of AlcQihollsm to tho Orrlno Co,, G32 Orrlno building, Washington, D. O. Mailed soalod. Orrlno costs but l per box, Sold In this city by Loon U. Ilaaklns, 314 I3.Maln at. Land Agency at Talent Oregon L N. Judd Roberts Building 7 Delivery 1 roubles ; Are to be lessened and if possible eliminated altogether. CJPlione us your orders for fine staple and fane1 Groceries and we'll guarantee to get them to you in good order. DELIVERIES S A2TD 10 A. M. 2 Am) 4 P. M. Olmstead & Hibbard Phone Main 571 i West Side. 0C JkT' 1 w I WALKINGr SHOES The cool days of autumn often suggest a brisk, en joyable walk. The walk, however, to be enjoyable must be made in a sensi bly made, well-fitting pair of shoes and that's just the kind we offer in our Weber Shoe for men. Cflt's of good style and of sturdily strong construc tion and leathers and is certain to give long, sat isfactorv wear. $3.50THE PAIR &e Wardrobe THE HOLE OP GOOD SHOES WEST SIDE P. S. L. JOHNSON V. K M. Noted Bible Exegete (Converted Hebrew) IS THE HOPE OF A Resurrection a Reasonable Hope IfThis important but much, misunderstood question, gen erally avoided by theologi ans, will be fully and fairly answered. COIME AND HEAR The Bible Harmonized With Reason FREE. NO COLLECTION AT THE Natatorium Hall ERIDAY,-7:30 P. M., OCT. 7 i Wanted Apple Pickers. Kanch bands. Carpenters. Laborers. Woman cook. , Qirl for central honsj work. For Sale KEISER CRAVATS For Early Full ilv'A H . B. V. O. X. Medford Lodge, No. 1111. Meota Thursdays In K. P. Hall. W. W. Klfrt. . R.J Robert Telfr, 8crtry: John Wllklna. Traurr. NOTICK TO AGI3NTS. All roil estate mon aro hereby no tified that my property has boon tnkon off tho market and Is not for snlo nt tho'prlcos namod boforo this dato, 172 H. D. COULIES. MARROW FOLDED FOUR-IN-HANDS Craoalt tllp easily under fold collars Silk iptclallg woven Ktuer-Btralhiu ll-briKt,3l.!o oyci uxlr P&a colon, itiioo qiuStiet 3ranJ Prise, SI. Loala tVorld'a Fair, tor Quality, kVorkuiauablu and Styla HEWVORK cuuvMiorr. B.ar ihU tbI LARGEST-MEN'S STORE IN SOUTHERN OREGON DANIELS For Duds Store doinsr, $70 daily at invoice, lease. " toak and 10-year loaso, close in. $1600 takes good business, cioe in. Business netting $6000 yearly. 11-room house, furniture for sale, rent $40. FRUIT LAND. 80 acres, 7 acres bearing orchard, 5 miles to town, $6500; terms. 00 acres creek bottom, cleared, $125 acre; will subdivide. 40 acres, 3 miles, $60 por acre. 133 acres, 12 acres orchard, alfalfa, fine water right, $15,000 terms. SO acres, buildings, 60 acres in trees, y mile outt $300 por acre; subdivide. 120 acres, 10 in orchard, 25 alfalfa, under ditch, tools, stock, $13,500. 17 acres, 14 in heavy bearing, 2 miles out, $500 "por acre. 1 acre, 4-room house, fruit trees and berries, $1450; no interest. 324 acres near Tnlent, fine dairy ranch, $35 por aero, easy terms. 20 acres, Eagle Point, 10 acres Kewtowns nnd Bnrtletts, $3000. 80 ncres, 5 miles out, 27 in orchard, 14 in bearing, $10,000. Good terms. IS acres 2 1-2 miles station; good buildings; 15 acres bearing and young orchard, $6500. CITY PROPERTY. 5 room modern furnished bungalow, close in, $2100. Lot 111x124 near N. Oakdole, $1700 for quick snlo. 3 closo-in lots for $1500, terms. ' 14 lots for 2000, inside city limits. 2 closo-in lots, east side, $750. Walnut Park addition, lots 52x112, $350, your own terms. HOMESTEADS. 7 fine homesteads. E. F. A. BITTNER Room 206 Taylor & Phlpps Bld. Phone 4141 M-in. COfiETS Model A67 is a new on. I fi r M ,,-' ru: ' a, ife.j i- - ,m4mfr i A. &