TV "Wwl7 T?WV -i ' v. .n.i i...ii.,.wi- --' Tfc I i i r h: MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1910. 6 Natures Gift from the Sunny South , t Cu jr PM fjk "'fwwnBBI jB' ...iK.J5ttr. WM' J8 ft.1 .!? x iii. lUKkV k H I i l( j Shortens your food-lengthens your life Physicians today are recommending Cottolene for dyspeptics, and others in a "run-down" condition. Never heard of them recommending lard for such a purpose, did you?, Cottolene is a product of Nature, clean in source, maJring and manner of marketing. It makes food which the most delicate stomach can digest. Cottolene is far superior to lard or cooking butter for all frying and shortening purposes. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBAISTK COMPANY DRY FARMERS THROUGH TODAY lany Helpful Informal Talks and Discussions Held During Session Meeting Place for Next Year to ".Bo Chosen. Butte Falls Items ! I ) "SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. . Tlus S " afternoon's session probably will bo the last of the fifth annual dry farming congress ns an attempt will fce made to close tho business before tke convention without resorting to - an evening sitting. This i sail ths ' sore possible as there has been sev- - ral -disappointments, speakers - -scheduled to address the congress --trafortunatcly finding it impossible to attend. After the conclusion ot the ad- - dresses, the reports of the executive committee will be considered and the place of meeting for the next congress formally settled upon. A feature of the congress has been the daily sessions of the insti tute at which informal talks and discussions have ttaken place rela r iive tot tho details of farming the potting of theory into practice, and the modifications arising therefrom, Prof W. G. Shaw of tho University uf California was one of the pnn cipal speakers of the Wednesday .evening session. His topic was HuinuB ns a Vital Factor in Dry Panning." Tho paper of Thomas P. Cooper - of the Minnesota Agricultural col $ lege on "farm management" was an - other feature which held the atten tion of the delegates closely. Among other speakers were Dr. J. M. Hamiltton, president of the Montana Agricultural college, and John S. Cole of the United States .department of agriculture. CATARRH GERMS Koto Out When Hyomel Moves In. No stomach dosing. HYOMEI (pronounce It Hlgh-o-mo) Is made from the highest grade ot eucalyptus, taken from the eucalyptus forests ot Inland Australia, and combined with the excellent antiseptics employed In the Llsterlan system. In Inland Australia the atmosphoro ta so impregnated with balsam thrown out by the eucalyptus trees that germs cannot lire, and in con sequence catarrh and consumption are unknown. Breathe HYOMEI and get the Tery aame, pleasant, healing, germ-klll-t lag ulr as you would get In the eu - ealyptus forests and kill the germs, HYOMEI 1b sold by Cbas. Strang &nd druggists everywhere, at $1.00 complete outfit. An outfit consists of a bottle of .HYOMEI, a hard rubber pocket in aaler and simple Instructions for use, 'The Inhaler will last for a lifetime, but bear in mind If you need another bottle of HYOMEI you can get It at druggists tor only 60 conts. Guar anteed to cure catarrh, croup and throat troubles, or money back, Trial ample of Hyomel free to readers of -the Mall Tribune. Address Booth's yomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y. John Winningham is working on the right of waj with several others and cutting the wood that was felled by the railroad into stovewood, and it is being rapidly bought by our townsmen for winter use. The Esdnll family is supplying tho Dupray hotel daily with fine freah milk. Mrs. Downs of Willow Creek sec tion has been in town during the week and- interviewing our mer chants. Mrs. Downs has been quite Downs has been quite sick, but is now so as to be about and her many friends are pleased to sec her and to know her health is improving. It seems to some of your .readers that Miss Donna Rader and Mas Jackson, of Eagle Point, who are most excellent young Indies, ought to, be two of the deserving ns well as popular young women who should win at least one o fthe grand prizes offered in your voting contest, and the young men of Eagle Point should rally to tho support of these worthy young women and see that the country outside of Medford gathers in a prize. Boost for them, boys, and take a local prided in having it said that Misses Rader and Jackson who it is hoped will be successful, are both meritorious aspirants and whoso beauty and grace entitle them to the most energetic offort upon the part of the gallants of Engie Point. It is quite warm hereabouts, but the days are beautifully clear and the nights refreshingly cool. Parties desiring a finely located, inside residence lot, with all strreet work, soworage, etc., done can se cure such by addressing Judge Pentz, with stamp, Butte Falls, Or. J. Percy Wells, county school su perintendent of Jackson county, has been in Butte Falls visiting the pub lic school, and others in the neigh borhood. John Allen drove a fine lot of beef cattle to the valley on Wednesday, which ho has sold at good figures. Ranger Hoist has hoved his fam ily to his ranch in Sams valley and he will camp around hero druing th? winter attending to his duties. Jeff Fredonburgh has been haul ing severral loads of fine shnkes to the valley, which he has contracted. N. S. Erie, tho painter, has1 gone to the valley to securer a supply of paints and paper for Frank Neth erland's new home, which Mr. Erie is finishing up in excellent style. Rev. W. W. McHoury and Rev. W. F. Shields wero here during the week in tho intorest of the constitu tional amendment for phobittou and addressed a largo audience in the assembly room of tho school bouse. Their remarks wore well re ceived and Butte Falls is expected to vote "dry" at tho coming election. R. S. Rhines of Minnesota came in by pony express on Wednesday and continued on towards Klamath. He savs he is looking over ke coun try with a view of investing and lo eating. The Rev. Mr. Jones, the new Presbyterian minister, preached two very excellent discources on Sunday to our people. We hope to have regu lar religious services here, as .'.e need the moral and spiritual upliit ing influences attendant upon Chris tian work. It seems as if there has never been an intellegont effort made among our people to introduce a form of Christianity that develops the moral and naturally tho spiritual side of life. Not any kind of minis ter or any character or religious teaching advances tho moral tone or develops the higher cast of character. Mr. Mills, tho plant mnnnger, is laid up with nn ailment of the an kle and foot and is confined to his home. Work is being rushed on the rail road bridges along tho right of way and it is expected that the coming month will seo them all finished so that trains can bo run over them and into Butte Falls, and tho ques tion of how wo aro going to get ou' and como in during tho winter will bo settled. We nro glad to congratulate Mr Von der Hellen on his nomination and hope when elected to the sen ato he will carry into it and with him tho gentlemanly mnnnor and th strict integrity which wo ha.'t? known of him for so mnny yenrrf. As ho hns well snid, "A never forgets tho high teachings o' a good mother and never tells a lie." Would that all wero governed bv such conduct. For Sale 6-ROOM nOUSE; two screened in poarches; elect ric lights; bath room, hns hot and cold water, both city and well water; nice lawn; large barn for six head of horses and two large sheds; lot 75x220 feet; 5 bearing apple trees; water and sewer in street; this is a very desirable location overlooking Medford. Prices right, with terms, for a quick sale. 1 LOT, 75x220 feet; city water and sewer; 13 bear ing apple trees; 10 8-year-old apple trees; good well and pumping plant; you can have a bargain in this lot if you act quickly. 5-ROOM HOUSE (NEW); well finished; lot 50x 12G; high and dry; good location; city wator; elec tric light; this is a snap for investment. 40 ACRES HEAVY PINE AND SAW TBLBER; 7 inites from Medford; No. 1 fruit land, apple and pear; $1000 buys, this for next 10 days. For fur ther information, call on the owner, N. L. TOWNSEND 721 BENNETT AVE. PHONE 4232. I Prices TalK " 500 lb. Lots or More. Fancy Steamed Rolled Barley$1.55 Per 100 Fancy White Oats (seed) .... 1.7S per 100 Fancy Gray Oats (seed) .... 1.75 per 100 Fancy Seed or Feed Wheat., 2.00 per 100. Heavy Millfeed 1.00 por 300 Middlings 1.70 por 100 Bran 150 per 100 Bluesteam (Hard Wheat flour) 3.00 per 100 Pride of Washington Flour. 2.70 paor 100 Davis' Best Flour ". . 2.70 peor 100 Graham and Gorina 3.00 por 100 . Sack 100 lb. $1.25 1.90 1.U0 2.00 0 ..... 1.70 .... 1.00 1.75 1.50 .,co .... .35 L Medford Flour Mills i m Im&ML Make the I WjHome Bright, SHBWorn, shabby floors, marred, scratched f m woodwork, dingy, scuffed furniture can all f be r cfinished and made to look like new. You can do it f yourself at a trifling cost. f ACME QUALITY VARNO-LAC s. at onsoperation, impart- ra&flB ine to all kinds of surfaces the elegant fvP effect and durable, lustrous surface of f t-mr beautifully finished oak, mahogany, f twiM. walnut, or other expensive woods, f j rl if Mi If ll'a surface to be painted, f S Mr WJ?UV l rnamelc(J,iUlned,varnfalictlor f s .r JHfli v linlalied in any way tlicro'a M r'Z TB m ! an Acme Quality Kind to M (OLr I ItSZ' mi fit Ue purpose. M iff I fWw 0LMSTEAD& fV l HIBBARD X F.-i Jh (7 1 f i 1 A Mi- I i!aKV mk I f I If&V'rftH I VSvy r For Sale Pine home ranch in Orchard Home, half mile from two paved streots of Medford, consisting of 8 acres in mostly full bearing commercial fruit, first class; nearly all new buildings; 200 head of poultry. Team and tools go with the place if desired. H ini cr ested cotne out aud seo my big turkeys, and prize winner, Spitzenburgs growiug on tho trees. No cfti mission to agont. SOBT. DUTTON, MEDFORD, ORE. SPLENDID LOT Ea&t Front in Walnut Park, 60x125 under price for quick sale Bittner 4m R. F. GUERIN . CO. 4 Medford National Bank Bldfl. Make Real Estate Loans Quick Action Bring Abstract With You Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop, FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents hi So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & OO. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables and will conduct a general feed and boarding establishment. Horses boarded by the day, woek or month. I guarantee a , square deal to all. R. CUANYAW UNION LIVERY BlRN. . RIVERSIDE AVENUE. Fisher & Whitmore man qbade tjjvestmbnts Mining and Fruit Land Orchard and City Property Insurance 52 South Central Ayo. Medford I Hasklas for Health, H'!tttf hi ffaj71W-wyn71ffiftH'ffiy -WfvyfciTOa-t"i. wwwtw1wwm HpgggmjHHUKnn