-fr -ftwTWlnr'!!!rT?xfr!'Wffl '-T ' THE GREAT SPECIAL OFFER CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT. HAVE YOU HELPED HER ? Medford Mail Tribune Till WKATIIKIt, Full Leaned Wire Report. Clem tonight '' The only pnpor In the worU publlsboa la a city tho slxe o! I Medford having a lonncd wlr. B JbUbvJ.Ul SfEAll. MEDFORU. ORIWON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1910. No. 172. rhfi . uuurtol ,wny'5' REPUBLIC OF PORTUGAL IS RECOGNIZED BY DIPLOMATS BUSINESS ONCE AGAIN BECOMES NEARLY NORMAL Klnit Manuel nt First Wanted to Stay In Lisbon and Fluht But His Ad visers Forced Him to Flee Is Now Safely at Gibraltar. MSIION', Oct. 7. Tlio republic of Portugal wiih virtually recognlr.cd to tiny. Iiy the foreign diplomatic corps (stationed liuro. Tliu various minis torn, bonded by Kir Francis Villiorn of Groat llritnin, called upon (hi provisional foreign miuiMor. Dr. Mn cbudo. (endured llicir rchpucts and re ceived iiHsuruucus from the minimis- tration that tbu treaty rights of for eign K)'wor in oPrtutml would b'i protected. It wn announced Unit (lie deposed Kink Munuul, Quoou Aiiicliu. Dowager Queen Marin Pin and Mmutul'ti un cle, tlio Duko of Oporto, would bu exiled, but that their personal prop erty rights would bu rebpoctvd. Thin is an unexpected coucchtioii by the republicans. King Wanted (i Fight. The Uiiitcd Press today obtained tko first connected account of tbu movomontn of Ibo royal family from tbu beginning of tbu revolution. King Manuel at firnt wanted to stay in Lisbon nud fight, but bid ndvisors forced hi into Uec. When tlio Necoflsidndos palace began to crumble under the bIicIIh of tbu ro-publicau-uiauiiod warships and forts, Manuel loft tlio building by means of n fcccrct exit and went to Mafra, north of Lisbon. Queen Atneliu uud tbu dowager (iieon, Maria Pin, tbeu at Ciutro, joinod Manuel at Mufrn Tlio Duko of Oporto remained in hid ing until Thursday when bu boarded tbu royal yacht Aincliu uud nailed to Kricoira, noar Mafra. - Manuel nnd tbu others, guarded by tbu students of Mnfrn military school, went to Sriccirn. On tbo wny tlio young king wopt bitterly and threatened constantly to rotnrn. Ho wiih diBHiindod In his purposo by his motbor and tlio party boarded tlio roayl yacht. Tlio little craft Bailed 'at 4 o'clock Thuraday afternoon and 'ronchod Gibraltar at 11 o'clock lust night. Today tboy weer tbu guests of Sir Francis Forostor-Wulker, gov-' omor of Gibraltar. DEITZ HOLDS 50 OFFICERS AT BAY If Truco Called Comes to Naurjht General Assault on Cabin Will Bo Made Says Ho Will Surrender to Governor Only. WINTER, Wis., Out. 7. If tba truce which bus been declared at tlio Doitz cabin at Cameron Dam, to nrrangu for tbo surrender of John Doitz, its owner, who for nearly a week bus bold ifty sheriff's depu ties at bay, cornea to naught, an us Bault will bo ordered, on tlio cabin today. Doita' wifo and younger children, who nro witli him in the cabin, will bo protected, according to Sboriff Madden, who is in charge of tho bofjicgorp. Doitliis' oldost son, Loslio, will bo ordored either cap tured or slain, Tbu truco was doclured to pormit Atornoy Gouoral Gilbert and tlio gov ernor' BBooretary to confer with Doitz ovor tbo tonus of his Hiirronder. Doitz lum nnuouuood bo will surron dor only to tho governor in person nud nndor tho condition that ho bo givon u trial in another county. W N Hi WASHINGTON CHINA. SAYS WOULD-BE SLAYER HAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 7. Wlioth cr George Pong, would-bo assassin of Prlnco Teal Hhiiii, will bo prosccut cd by tlio federal authorities or bo turned over to tlio pollco of Oakland ban not yet boon decldod. Fong Ib hold nu a federal prlnonor In tlio lo cal Jail. "I wanted to bo tbo George Wash ington of China," said Fong today. "I nin sorry my attempt to kill tlio prlnco failed, I wanted to kill lilm two weeks ago when bo wan here, but I couldn't got a chance. I want to itot Chlnr. frco from tbo Mancbus and mnko II a republic. Revolt Ib my rollglon." t Fong In woll known In Chlnetc- IF NECESSARY TO WILLPROSECUTE State Game Warden Says Deputy District Attorney Johnson Must Not Fall to Prosecute Violation" ol Fish Law, Even If His View ol Law Is Faulty. SALKM, Ore, Oct. 7. In his de termination to enforce the Inws of the stnto providing for the protec tion of trout, and other game fish inhabiting the streams of the state, Stale Gamo and Forestry Warden It. 0. Stevenson declares that if ne cessary ho will go to tho extreme of prosecuting District Atorney It. F. Mulkcy and Deputy District Attorney Johnson of Joscphiuo county, tho latter-of whom it is alleged has de clared that a trout is not a migra tory fish within the meaning of the Oregon gamo protective Mutates mil that he will not p rot-cento violation of tho act prohibiting the catching of trout within thu 000 foot limit below dams. It has been reported that Deputy District Atorney Johnson, for Josc phiuo county, has declared that . trout is not a migratory fisli and is not- protected under tho laws of ho state and that ho will decline to prosecute cases of catching trout within tho 000 foot prohibitory lim it, but Gamo Warden Stovonson has given strict orers to his deputies to nrost any nnd all violators of that provision of the gamo laws and if Deputy oJhnson or District-Attorney Mul key refuse to proseouto tho enso ho will prosecute them for malfeas nnco. FIVE CONVICTS MAKE ESCAPE For First Time In Many Yoars Pris oners Get Away From Sinn Sinn; (Pursuers Prepared for Dcsperato Fight. OSSININO, N. Y Oct. 7. Flvo Slug Sing convicts, hoavlly armod, oscapod from tho ponltontlary hero today nftor binding two Jatlora, snw Ing the bars off a clmpul window rind Bovorlng tho tolopbono wires. Tholr nrottiutlons dolnyod purault for a tlmo and thoy hnd a good start of tho otflcors, who followod as Boon na tho alaim was gtvon. Tho ponltontlary gunrda aro armod and proparod for a dosporato tight. ' It thore's nothing want ad can holp you to accomplish you're load lug too qulot a llfol OF Amerlcan Hoclety hero, having attend cd tbo Chlncso iiiIkhIou schoolc for several years. .Local Chinese who nro loynl to the emperor nro greatly worrlod lest a repetition of tbo attempted assnssln atlon of Prlnco Tsal Hsun bo attempt ed on board tbo atcamor Clilyo Maru. It was rumored about Chinatown that four men were on bonfd tbo liner for thr.t purpose. Offlclala of tbo steam ship company woro notified shortly before tbo Chiyo Maru sailed nnd precautions ngalnst any such at tempt nro being taken on board. Fong Is a niomber of tlio Young China socloty. ENFORCE LAW DISTRICT ATTORNEY DEDICATE DEPOT ON OCTOBER 18 i Southern Pacific Bulldinn In This City Will Bo Center of Attraction Week From Saturday Finishing Touches Being Put On. The dedication of Medforrt's $oQ, 000 Southern Pacific depot will take placo a week from this Snturday on October 18. Th'o electric fixtures which have delayed tho completion of tho dopot by their non-arrival havo come and aro now being' in stalled in tlio building. The benches for tbu patrons nro being installed also, nnd nil will bo in roiidiuoss for the dedication. All tho prominent coast officinls of the railroad will bo in Medford for tho occasion. PITCHED BATTLE III GOTHAM CAFE Over 100 Shots Fired, Women Faint and Panic Ensues Conflicting Stories of Fight Aro Told by Spec tators. NEW YORK, Oct. 7. Frank Mack a clerk, and Phil Cnsoy, n racotrnck follower, woro klllod and tvo othora fatally wounded In a pltchoJ bnttlo with revolvers In a crowdod upper room of King's cafo, In tho tondor loln, early today. More than n scpro of mon woro Involvod In tho fight nnd 100 shots woro tlrod. Womon falntod and woro carrlod out tho placo whllo tho battlo was In : prosroas. Tio cafo was completely I wrecked, and tbnt moro casualties' woro not rocordod la cousldorod ml-i rnculoua. Varying stoj-Ioa of tho affair aro , told by thoso who witnessod it. Flftoon men ontorod tho cafo, two of whom wont upatnlra, tho remain der waiting holow In tho shadows, j Tho two oponod tiro na soon na thoy ronchod tho top. Tho room wua flll od with mon nnd womon and ahota, woro rotumod. Still firing tho two ; mon backod down tho atnlrB. Tho upaalra gang followod, firing, Whon tho two roaohod tho bottom of tho' stairs thoy atoppod asldo and whllo! tholr comrados and thoao nbovo woro , oxehnngtng shots thoy plckod off tho leadora of tho upstairs gang, IfflEOfWS DYNAMfTING FOLLOWED Out of Mass of Theories and Clews Threo Leads Are Chosen by Offi cersUnions Request Mayor to Keep Times From Relleratlnn ' Charges Against Them. LOS ANGKLKS, Oct. 7. Out of the mass of clues that nilght Iecd to the solution of tho Times dynamit ing the police havo selected three leads which appear to thorn to bo tho most promising. For tho last -48 hours detectives have kept closo watch at the homo of a man whom tboy 'say frequently hns been under survelllanco for east ern authorities. His actions since tho explosion, they say, havo warranted tho guard placed about his home, which Is in the southwestern sec tion of tho city. Mysterious Visit. Last night, ohortly before midnight two men were seen to enter the build ing through a rear door. When they reappeared half an hour later they wero followed by two of the officers who woro watching tho house. Tho police refuEo to mako public tho sourco of their suspicions against the man. Tho second lend which they re gard ns promising is the statement of Albort Hoffman, who was arrested (Continue.! on 1'agn WAR CLOUDS ARE SUNNY SPAIN Constant Clashes Between Civil Guard and Revolutionists Report edConditions in Barcelona Arc General Over Kingdom, fi HAKCELONA, Oct. 7. Constant clashes between thu civil guard and the revolutionists have been occur ring during the last 'ks hours. The injured number more than n scon. Conditions hero arc similar to those reported elsewhere, fho fact that tbu civil guard has been called out confirms the seriousness of the sit uation. Cortes Ainincsblos. MADFID (via. Hend.ive), Oct. 7. -The Spaniel iortc n-cmbled this afternoon after several postpone ments owing to tho state of tho pub lic mind following the exciting ro ports from Portugal. Premier Cnnnlcjas was besought by (ho monarchists to again postpone tbo assembling of tho cortes, but ho refused to do so, sayim ho feared tbo coot of such action on the peo plo and tho possiblo consequences to tljo penco of tho rcnlm. , Routine business was transacted by tho national body and no refer ence was mndo to the Portuguese situation, according to official dis patches. Queen Mother Moves, Marie Christina, motherMof King Alfonso, is preparing to give up her residenco in tlio Oriento palace, where tlio kink lives, and take up an abode In nnothor pnrt of thocapital. It is unofficially asserted that tho queen mother decided upon this plan in nu offort to convince tho Spanish pooplo that sho really is not exerting a ronctionnry influenco upon his nin jesty, It is not considored probable, out sido of court circlos, that tho queen nipthor is tnking no part in political affairs. Tlioro was talk for a tinic of tlio quoou inotlioi-'s departuro for Austria, her girlhood home, nnd such a niovo might havo impressod the country ns a" stop in tho right direq- ti0"' . LOWERING OVER BOWERMAN LEAD, OFFICIAL COUNT, IS 2934; WEST'S 2740 CAMP FIRE. SAID OF SAN" FRANCISCO, Oct. 7. Re mains of a camp flro nnd a cache . of provlslonc discovered on Red Rock, an Island t; at rises precipitately In tho channel off San Quentln prison polr'. Is believed by tho police to havo an important bearing on tho dy namiting of the Los Angelcc Times building. It Ic said that the camp effects wero left by tho men who secured the dynamite at Giant in tho launch Peerlecs. i Detectives McXainara and -Brown of Los Angeles and Sergeant James McGowan of the San Francisco force mndo the discovery today whllo try ing to follow tho trail of tho launch after it left Glabt. They bellovc that the three men who took tho powder from Giant went DINAH NEXT WEEK IS BIG BILL ELK WEEK IN ASHLAND; TO DEDICATE TEMPLE OF FANATICS DIE Religious Celebrants in the Ganges Are Overwhelmed by Overflow Worshippers Were Camped on Riv er Bank When Drowned. LONDON. Oct. 7. Hundreds of re ligious celebrants at Agra, India, were drowned by an overflow of the river Ganges, according to dispatch to Rou ter's today. Tho worshlppe-B wero camped near the river bank when the water suddenly rose In tho form of tIJal wuvo and overwhelmed hun dieds. APPLE HARVEST ON IN EARNEST Scarcity of Snooks Has Delayed Game Somewhat But Several Cars of Boxes Arc On the Way Prices Received Are Good. Spitzcnberg and Yellow Newtown apples are being picked in all Ui orchards of tho valley, A scarcity of shooks has dolayed tho packing of tho fruit, but this will end with to day as tho nssociutum has several oars of box lumber ordored, ouo car load of vhie,h arrived in Medford Friday. Carloads of apples aro leaving Medford at the rate of two cars n day. Only, two or threo of tho cars havo ronchod their destination, how- over, so little N known tus to tho I prices. Secretary Miller, of tho as sociation, howover, states that there is a heavy demand for l?oguo River apples and that good prices will bo recoivor. Tho orders received Tor Spitzonborgs nnd other red apples aro more numerous than thoso fo tho yellow apples. 'If favorable prices aro not offered in early sales, tho fruit of tho association will ho iced and held until tho market opens uj) Inter in the year. If you've failed to read all tho real estate r.ds of recont date-, you'ro not qualified to wisely decide upon a roal estato Investment for a rpal oatato deal should bo basod upon tknowlodgo. . ,, , HUNDREDS TO BE W IS 00N0 to Red Rock,, where they took off the false name "Peerless" from the launch, waited a day and a night and theu went to Martinez, where the dynnmito was put on board a train for Los Angeles. The launch that landed at Martinez was seen by fish ermen as It passel the Selby Smelt ing works. It bore the name Pastime at that time. The detectives believe the name Peerless which was on tho boat when It left Giant was remov ed at Red Rock. Sheriff Vallle of Contra Costa county believes the dis covery important, as it accounts for tho tlmo lost in which a launch might reasonably bo expected to make the trip from Giant to Martinez, and the time when the Pastime arrived there. Nothing Will Be left Undone in Neighborinn City Which Will Add to Enjoyment of the Occasion- Special Display of Electric Lights v t to Be Given. ASHLAND, Oct. 7. Next week wil lbo Elks week in Ashland. Tba occasion is the dedication of their new temple by Ashland louco No. 994. Tbo exercises and celebration in connection with the dedication will extend over a period of three dnys, October 13, 14 nnd 15. Thursday, October 13, tho Elks will hold "open house" to nil their friends, and the public is invited to inspect the hand some new buildiug. The 14th will be "ladies' day" nnd tbo mothers, wives and sweethearts of tho Elks. will havo charge of the parlors nnd club rooms for their own enjoyment. The grand dedication ball will take place on Friday evening, the 14th, nnd a ban quet will bo served in the basement banquet hall during the evening. Tho lviuinet hall hi's u -oating capacity for over 300 guests. Ilnzelrigg' superb orchestra will furnish music during tho ball and banquet ns woll as nt other times during tho festivi ties. This splendid musical organi zation will no doubt attract many of tho "antlored" ones from Medforl ns well ns their friends nnd visithu Elks. On Saturday, tho loth, the corner stono laying will take place at the templo nt 2 p. m.. nt which grand lodco officers will participate, no:.. U, H. Uutler of Condon. Oregon, will deliver an nddress in front of the templo during these proceedings. Fo' lowing tho corner stono ceremonies a monster Elk parade will start from the Southern Pacifio depot- "about 4:30 p. ,n. Tito lino of march, will be through the principal streets nud end nt Elks temple. A number of bands will join in this parade and there will ho many astonishing fea tures in the procession. Saturday, the loth, will ho Elks' dav . At tho temple dedicatory will be hold and in the evening n bnnquot for Elks onlv. Manv hunddreds of electric lights will lino tho streets during tlio threo dnys celebration and tlio whito and purple decorations of tho Elks will bo largely in evidence everywhere. Special electrical dis plays nro boiug arranged by tho light and decoration committees, Tbo S P. company will issue tickets from all stations in Oregon nnd northern Cal ifornia at one and one third fare fo tbo event with rotnrn limit good un til October 17th. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 7. Danlol O'Lea ry, pedestrian," Is arranging n walk ing mitch r.t tho St, Louja Collsoum In March. O'Lonry wllf rallonRO a)l comora to a 4 8;hourNtegt,t - te HAWLEY DEAT MLILKEY 2094 ' IN PRIMARIES Benson eLads Wlngate 13,414 oVtes Opponent Carries Only One County Hoyt Beaten for State. Treasurer by 3556 Vote PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 7. Officii returns of the recent state-wide"' pr mary from all counties save Morrow" and Harney today give Jay Bower man, republican, gubernatorial nom inee, a plurality of 2934' over his -nearest opponent. Grant DImlck. Bowerman received a total of 16; 735 votes, Grant DImlck 13,751, "E. Hofer CCC5 and Alebrt Abraham 61S4. On the democratic ticket Oswald West Is shown to have a majority of 2740 over Jefferson Meyers;for the gumbernatorlal nomination, the to tals standing: West, 6693; Meyers oft olilo. From Harney county tho returns aro complete with the exception of ' tho figures of nine precincts, the to tal vote in which will not aggregate more than 50. Morrow ounty !- complete hut for one small precinct polling halt a dozen votes. In the Second congressional dls-. trlct A. W. Lafferty'a plurality la 2576 and lis total vote 9902. The voto cast for Congressman Ellis w 7326, for C. J. Reed 5064 and f G. S. Shepherd 3062. Representative Hawloy's majorl over B. F. Mulkey In tho First dl trlct Is 2094. Mulkey carried the counties of Curry, Jackson, Polk and Tillamook. Ho received a total "or 7234 to Hawley's 9328. For tho nom ination for secretary of state F. W Benson has a majority of 13,414. G Wlugate carried only his home coun ty of Clatsop, where his vote wa3 nearly doublo that given Benton. The voto stands: Benson 28,075, Wlngate 14,661. R. W. Hoyt Is beaten for tho nom ination for ctate treasurer by 3556. Thomas B. Kay carried all tho coun ties but Clatsop, Grant, Malheur, Multnomah, Polk, Tillamoog, Wasco and Wheeler. Tho vote was: Kay , -33.Q75, Hoyt 19,519. FOREST FIRES CLAIM LIVES Five Towns Wiped Out In Minnesota Fires Have Been Raging for Sev eral Weeks and High Winds Give Them Added Fury. WINNIPEG, Man., Oct. 7. A" school teacher and a child at Wil liams aro reported dead, throe per sons nio missing and tho towns of Swift, Wllli'jriB, Cedar Springs. Pitt and Grncoton aro destroyod as a r suit of forest tires In Minnesota, a cording to dispatches reaching hen All tho towns burnod are locatot along tho Canadian Northorn rail, way. Tho fires havo boon burning for5." Bovornl weeks pnd, owing to tho high wind that hno provatlod recontly flrp tlghtera have been upnablo to4 bring r tho fires undor control. Moat of tho fires nro In loggod-off timber Innde, so tho loss outside pf iho towns will not bo heavy. . Tho threo porsona reportod miss ing woro resldonta of Gracoton. NEW YORK, Oct. 7, 'Because Evelyn Thaw, wlfo of Harry K, f hay, la wfthqut funds to prosecute her suit against James D.. Koagan of tbo Knickerbocker hotel for $50,000 dam- ,.gee, tho .ctton Ijas been, dlsptlweoL ' ' ' J wv 3 .,iwv':