? ' A1 f. V V.' . f. I . IP . MS. f u. HT-i i ".i 'M i "i 'Jri ' W I j,vr t - i TV ' i?1; BLAKELEY BRINGS SUIT IS. KENDALLS I'OKTLANI). Or, (),.( (i (,.. lug hint fiillli on (Iid purt of J. L. nml H, A. Kendall of Poniiflylvnulii In tlm iiiircliiiHu of holitltiKH or tliii Oro gon llooin & Tlmlior i-onumny ami in llio iic(hIioiimiiiL of limber luniln In Douglas county, Fred .1. Illnltoloy or ItoHoburg yoBtonltiy brought two Hiiltii In tlio United HtntOH court mill hhIumI that ho ho awarded Jiidgumtitn nHKi-ngnllng 10,801, mi woll an other tollof, Iliukoloy (uIvIhoh tlio court (hut tho I'uiiiiHylvaiiliitin agreed to pur oIiumo a majority of tlm Htock of tlio Oregon Doom & Tlmlior company for fSOOO, tlio plaintiff bolng lit Hint tlmo tlio owi.cr or nil tlio stock with tlio oxcoptlon of n row nlinri'H. Aftor delivering rour-rirtliH of tlio ontlro onpltnlliitlon, lllulioloy iiMoges that tlio KoiuIiiIIh niiHiunoil pohiiuhhIoii of tlio proporty without paylnic for tlio stock, nml ho alMO chargou that thoy linvu not only iniulo two of "tlio prop orty, but havo romovoil part of tho vqiillimout. It In further cburgd that tlio IComlalln hnvo fr.llod to build a mill at Wluchcntor hh provlilod In their contract, and havo fallod to In corporate a company to cloar opt tho ohMmctlomi In tho Wmpqun rlvor so an to iiiiilio tlio Htronm doHlrahlo for driving Iokh, lu tho hocouiI caso Mr. Hlalcoloy charges that In 1007 ho wan employ ed by tho KondallH to purclinno do alrnhlo tlmlior laudH for thorn, nml that thoy agreed to iniiko a iiultnblo romuiioratlou for hucIi norvlco. Aftor purchasing n unmoor of datum, at a coHt of 125,000, nialtoloy thinks ho nIioiiIi) hnvo a couiiiiIhuIoii of $2801, but tho defendants rofimo to llqul dato. "WET" COUNCILMAN ELECTEDINROSEBURG ROSEBURCU Or., Oot. O.Tho 'wot' clement of RoKoburg is jubilant ovor tlio result of tlio city olootiou, wlion ilvo of tlio six "wot" candi dates woro olootod members of tho city council ovor tho so-onlled "dry" champions by majorities ranging from 15 to SO votes. Ah wuh predicted followini; tlio open air nildroHH of H. I. Kddy, on n Htix'ot corn or in tlio biiyiiio.in iI'ih tiicl liiKt ovoniiiKi tlio httifo of tlio olootiou oontorod in tho Fourth ward, whom Walter Hamilton, u be mil driiuumt, who with niioriotl ul niot to a man by tho "dry" voturx, was dofontt'il by Dr. A. V, Sotlior by n majority of 15 votoH. Local M)litioiaiis affiliated with tlio "wot" faction attributo llauul ton'n dofoat to lMdy'ri iuIiIiosh and doclaro that thoy would hnvo .sup ported him had it not boon for tlio ubarcuH of fraud pro fo nod tiKiiiu.it tlio Htocbholdcrri of tbu RoM'Inin; Urowiuu & loo Co., by .Mr. Kddy. Tlio "wet" olomout nouopt tbo vic tory modestly anil contend that it only evidences tbo suntimont in tliH section lias uiidoruono a Rrent climiKo in llio pnt two ycurtt. Thov lirodiet Unit llio county will ' "wot" in November. Out of tlio 12 coiiiicilniPii at pro out rcproHOiitiiiK tlio city, 10 avo Miid In bo olortoly affiliated with tho "wet" element. NOTION. To tho real oatato doalors of Mod ford: I tnlco tblfl moniiH of notifying you Hint for tho pronont I withdraw from tho market lotfl N'oa. 1 nml 2 lu block 7. 173 C. K. KITtK. fiAYINO ICLOOHS MV SI'KCI.WTY T, O. Iowry, tlio tlio and floor innn, la offoring opoclnl prices on 'layliiK rrn! BcrnpliiB of floors until 'October Int. Soo him nt 330 Hast iOUi otr t, or phono Main 2331. .If your advertising la do uulmpor itant that It makou pooplo suppose your atom to ho unimportant work hard to correct tho Im.WRslon. California Markets. --f SAN FHANOISCO, Oct. 0. Whont Australian and propo,, $1.00(1?) 1.07 J Bnnorn, $1.70 1,75; Cali fornia club, $1,50(0)1.55; northorn whont, bliistom, $1,02 Vi 1.07 Vj -dub, $1.55 1,57: turltoy, $1.57 01.05; Russian rod, $1.501.52. Darloy Food, good to cholco 04 COtfc; fancy, 0798e: poor to fair, 0002c; shlppl'ig, $1.00 ' 1.05; Ohovnllor, $1,301.35, Kbrb Stoady; California frosh, In cluding cases, oxtrnB 45o; firsts, 42o; socondB and storngo, 30c. nuttor Lower; California frosh oxtrns, 34o; firsts, 31o; soconds, 20c; fltorngo, 30o. ChooBO Now California flats, fan . cy, 16o; flrBta, 14c; socondo, 12 c California Young America fancy, 10c; finds, 15 'do; Wisconsin dal hIoh, iHpj Oi'okoii fanny, KPoi Potatoes l'or contn), rlvor whiten, 70?Ml0e; HallnaH llurlmnltn, $1.45 1.05! hwooIm, $2.00(3'2.10. bnloiiM l'or sack, $1,051. 10. Oranges Por box, cholco, $I.003 2.50; Oxtra choice,' $2.50 .1.25; Vn- louulnii, $2,50. 'I for oholco, and $3.50 4 for fnticy. MIJIH'OHI) .MAUICirrH, (l'rlcen paid by Medford morchnjitn.) l'olatoon Now, $1.15 1.25 por ewt. Cnbl:nt;o 2c. , Siiuaah $5c$1.00. CnutaloupoH 20fl lOo a dozon, Tomatoes 1 . Carroto lc. Hoots l'ic. Onlotis 1 c. l'linipklnn 8jfl2c. Apples 2c. Io:irRl Vt 2 c. TTuiioh Dried, Ic. Under, ICggH and Poultry, (l'rlcen paid by Medford morchnnts.) Huttor FroHh ranch, 30c; croam ory, 35c. KgKrt Frcfh ranch, 40c. Poultry Mixed, 10 14c; spring chickens, 14 10c; turkoys, 17c. (Prlceii paid prodticors.) liny Timothy, $l'c; alfalfa, $14; grans, $14; grain hay, $10. Oraiu Wheat, $1.15 bushel; onts, $30 toil; barley, $32 ton. Hoof Cows, 44c; nieors, 5 BiSc Pork 9c. Mutton 05c; lambs, Gc. Veal Drosuod, 8c. (Soiling prlcos.) Hnllod barley, $1.75 cwt, $32 ton; bran, tl.75; middlings, $1.85 1.00; shorts, $1.80 1.85. Hnaklns for Health. FOR RENT. Kurulhlicd KoitnN. FUR KKST -- Nicely furniHlied Hleeping rooniH. Iiupiiro nt U15 N. Itiversido. tf FOI5 HUNT--I'lcnannt rooms, with tnble board, at -110 Evorgrecn st. cor. 12th. 172 WANTED Bids for cement side wnlk entire length Queen Anne nv ouuo. For particulars nee Waller MfiCnllum. Hotel Nnsb. tf - FOU IU:.NT--Ftirnlhod room for,' translontn, No. 10 North Orapo stroot, noxt to Farmers and Fruit growers bank. tf Fnrnm. FOIl KKNT Sitla or trade, 40 nere.s of hill laud and timber, partly cleared, 7 miles from Med ford, 1! mile from Talent. Addresi A. P. Harrow, Medford. Or. FOK KENT Farms from '1ft acre to -100 acros, alfalfa land, fruit ninchoB, minion lands, con oral fanning ranches. Gold Hay Realty Co.. 21(1 Went Mhin. tf FOR RENT 5 ncro tract on Noiin Riverside, just outside city limits; 7-room house, barn, bearing fruit, undor ditch; driving mare, light wagon, milch cow, couple dozen chickens will ho sold with place. Immcdiuto possession. Inquire for Kicxur nluce. 172 llotiNckociiii Tlooms. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep inir rooms, nt 23 Roosevelt nvo. tf FOR RENT. Pumbiliod Hoohih. FOR RENT Nicely furnished now stooping rooms; hot and cold wntc, bath; nil modern. 203 Oleson st., cornor West Hamilton nnd Oleson streets, 2 blocks from end N. Onk dnlo paving. Cull Mnin 4174. tf FOR RENT Two plensant rooms, closo in, suitnblo for pnrlor nnd bedrooms or ns stooping rooms, with or without bonvd. Phono 4074. 175 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms; bath mi connection. 113 Laurel st. Phonos 3132 or 2I!)2 tf FOR RENT In privnto homo, clean front bodroom, with closot nnd bath, closo in. 521 W. Hamilton. Phono 2455; 173 HubIih'hm ltoonut FOR RENT Business room on W, Main st., 24x140, suitnblo for res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam boat. Gold Ray Roalty Co.. 210 W. Main st. tf FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec tric building, modorn oquipmont, steam boat, oleotrio light, baths, toilot, hot nnd cold wntor. Gold Ray Ronlty Co., 210 W. Main st. tf House. YOU RENT 8-room dwelling corner Grape nnd Sixth stroot, $10; close in, for hoarding houso. Moor Ehui, 1313 Fruitgrowors Bang bldg. 170 Lots. FOR SALE In Talent, Or., iota No. 7, 8, 0, 10, of block II; lots No. 0, 10, 00x130 foot, with a good dwolllug houso and fino woll, $800. Lots Nob. 7, 8, 00x100 foot, dwol ling Iiouho nnd fino woll, $400. In quire of L. N, Judd, Roborta build ing, Talent, Or. 171 MISIWORD MAIL TJtlBUNJfl, FOR SALE. ltiitn. FOR HALE-iionulifiil vlow lots in ho hiwhiyoii 1 1 o i jjhlfl. addition, 70x KOIt 8ALK Woro h tin ofiporlmiity lor the man with a Hinall income to buy a buildiiifT lot chenp, and tortnH to Hiiit your iiicomo. No butler lot in WeBt Arodford for tbo niuiiuy; oiiHt front, nour water, pavement, gaH and lifclit; miiHl go rpiiek to m oiuo terniH. AddreBH 11 care nMil Tiibuno office. t . Acr'R. FOIl SALK 100 noroH timber, oruiHo 2,000,000 feet betiideH the wood; 7 inilos out; .$8.50 por nere. I). II. .JnekHon & Co,, llS'Jj W. Jirnin. If FOK SALE Los MJinos irrigated laiidn; a 20-aore tiact of thifr rich laud, with (ho abundant water sup ply will innUo J'ou indopendont; on wider those eHHcntials: A chnraiirg Califoniia valley, ".jiiHt over tlio uiouiitniiiH from Medford ;" on abundant wntor sunplv, novcv fail iug; dark, loamy soil, 15 to 30 feel in depth; perfect drniwi'j'.', climatic conditions ideal; cheap tr.iUHport.'. tion by water, rail and electric line; cash markets and highest prices for everything produced; good school; diversity of crops; every kind of fruit you can mention; citrus ns well ns deciduous; two crops of most nil kinds of garden truck and berries can bo grown bore; and nl fnlfn, this is its natural home, cut six times por year and yields from 30 to 12 tons por acre. It is im possible to find a region where the returns nro moro generous. These lauds soil, with porpotilaj water right included, for $150 to $200 por ncrc, 1-5 cash and bnlnnce in -1 ciiuiU annual payments. Call nt the office and Iqt mo explain the pro ject in dctnil, or write for free booklet nml literature. Samples of cotton, tobneo and pomegranates grown on those lands on exhibition nt tho office. Frank O. Andrews, No. 0 South Fir street, Mcdford, Or., irosidont agent, Los. Molinos Lnnd Co., Tchnmn Co., Cnlifor- tua. 175 FOR SALE 2 miles from Talent, Or., 17 acres, a bearing orchard, upples, 150 Spitzcnbcrgs, 10,0 New towns, 100 R. C. Pippins, 200 Grn vensteins, 200 B. D., 18 Astrnchan, IS 20-year PJippius, 50 pear trees, mostly winter Nolis, 30 peach trees, cheries, prunes, plums nnd grapes; price $10,000, $5000 down if possible. Come and let me show you tho proporty. L. N. Judds, Roberts building. Talent. Or. 173' FOR SALE 8 acres, bearing orch nrd, 1 mile from Mcdford. This is a bargain; small house and bam; finest fruit laud in county; $3500. White & Trobridge. tr FOR SALE 10 Vi acres, 4 -miles from Medford; bearing apples and pears; some improvements enn bo bought right from owner. Address L. 10. euro of Mail Tribuno office. FOR SALE A choico fruit farm of 31 acres, 1 milo from Talent, Or., can be irrigated, pumping apparat us, machinery, etc.; young fruit of all kinds, including 10 ncres of Nowtowu applos und other c tios; also -pears, prunes, plums, ap ricots, chorries, etc.; a good duell ing houso, 12 acres in alfalfa; uonr Bear crook; prico $12,500, cash down $5500, tho balance on time; como to Talent on cars nnd I will show you the property. L. N. Judd, Roberts bldg.. Talent, Or. 100 FOR SALE 20 acres, city limits, sot to npplos, pears nnd peaches; 3 years old; will sell 10 if desired; nlso other desirable proporty. E. B. O'Hair. Woodvillo. Ore. 172 FOR SALE 80 acres in all. 10 aeroa in 4-year-olds. 0 acres irrigated alfnlfu. 15 acres oloarod laud. 5 miles from Mcdford. SOLE WATER RIGHT ON CREEK; PART OF WELL-KNOWN RANX3II. Prico $14,000 $175 an noro; smaller suction if desired. Address A. MoComnok, caro Mail Tribuno office tf FOR SALE 10 acros of best gar den lan'd in Jnokson county, lo cntod ip Boor creok bottom; will take houso and lot ns part 'pay ment, For full particulars address P. O. Box 747. 177 IiuslnoAs Property. FOR SALE OU RENT Go zon ing for gonornl mqrohnnt toro in now town with $15,030 tthly payroll, on railroad, 12 mi,,, from Medford, Gold Ray Ronlty Co., 210 W Main. tf FOR SALE Cholco business prop orty nt a bargain, on long timo; easy torms. Address Condor Wn tor Powor Co. FOU SALE Only liotol in Butte Falls, now nnd doing good busi ness. Address G. W. II. Albort, Butte Falls. Or. 174 FOR 8ALE Half interest iu ono of fluent small businossos in Medford, and uso nrooeods of salo of salo.to iuoreasa stock. Address Box 441, oaro of Mail Tribuuo. tf MBDJRD, OREGON, THUUSDAY, OCTOBER G, 1910. fff -f H 4- f 4- 4-4- Uncalled for Answers to Classified AtlvertlEctreiifs. Uox liop. A it C, 2. E. F. A. a. a iL in. on . t 4 4- 4 f -f 4-4- 4- 4-4-4-4--f 4-4-4-4 liox. 144p. 6. IL AV A. P QA f-1 ox XO.;; Uox 40; II. S. fif$ 4- 4-4-4-4-4--f 4 liox 10D. JOX XVV. t Jox A M2. " Uox C 4- 4 4 J. V., 2. O. It., 2. e. s. pr- Uox 5Q, 3. liox 500.' Btfc 15J3. Box 12," 2. Uox 25, 2. K, L. Ty;5. Jiox 4, 2. A. 'A. B. S. S., 2. 'Box 18. J. F. 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4- 4- t-4- 4- f 4-4-4- 4-4-4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4 4- 4 4- 4- 4 4- 4-4-4- 4-4- FOR SALE. Hotucn. FOR SALIC Boveral houses and lots also fiuo farm. D. T. Lawton, Owner. tf FOR SALE Snap. C-room house, modern, furnished; lot SOxlCO; onst front;'"rents for $31.50 per month; price $2300; terms. 11 N. Central nvc. 172 room modern house in Seattle, Wash., 22x30 concrete bnBementJ lot 08x100; all improvements in and paid; 1 block from car line; for nor"! .;e neat Mt-Ifnn! Inquire 37 S. Central ave. 172 FOR SALE I have three modorn bungalows on east front lots; they nre conveniently planned, well built, artistically designed; have com plete plumbing, including Maundry trays, screen, shades, fireplaces, both wood nnd electric; built-in buffets and bookcases. Call on ownerdins J). Colby, 01G W. 10lh street. tf FOR SALE East front bungalow, modem; well situated; trees; owner lives ou of city and can't meet payment duo iu about 30 days. Prico is cut for quick sale. Call nt 010 N. 10th st. tf FOR SALE 0-room bungalow on East sido, $2500. Address P.0. Box 11. .. tf FOR SALE Two -stor house and lot 50x250, East front, 10 minutes out $1200; Terms. John Reter, 0 S. Central Ave ' FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow and two lots, one corner; south nnd cast front; fino neighborhood, near paving; be-t buy in Mcdford; cash or terms. Address "Owner," care Mail Tribune-, tf FOR SALE 5$ and 10-ncro tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay y ments. Address Condor Water Power Co FOR SALE 8-room houso with bath nnd 00 feot of screened porch, $3500. 909 0th st. West., W. H. Everhard. tf FOR SALE -Ten houses for sale. 420 North Bartlett st., for light Housekeeping. lil! .HIsfollunoouN, FOR SALE Team of horses, weight 1000 pounds," well matched, black team. 4 Years old; can bo seen at Woodlnwn Orchard, Central Point, or nddre-i A. C. Fiero. 170 FOR SALE Chickens. Call up (Mnin 411. tr' FOR SALE CHEAP If taken at once, good riding horse, saddlo nnd bridle. HOP West Pth st. 175 FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-oylindor touring auto mobile. Addrqss Box 200, care Mail Tribuno offico. tf FOR SALE Grapes, fresh from the vinos. No. 507 Clark st. ISO FOR SALE Span 3 yoar old mare mules, about 800 pounds, porfoctly gontlo, broke to work; good life. Writo mo; I will bring tho mulos to Mcdford for inspection. R. A. Knipp. Perdue. Ore. FOR SALE Furniture for a 4-room cottage, closo in; cheap rout for tho house. Address 911, oaro Mail Trib uno office. 178 FOiraLELogal blanfca ot "all kinds trespass and other uoMcoa, nt Mall Tribune otftco. Farms or Orchards, FOR SALE Or exchange, by owner, somo good ranch property; also somo town lots. Address P. O. box 683, Medford, Ore. tf FOn 8ALI3 iao acros, Brans Creole fruit; ImnroYomonta; buy ot owner. Write S. F. Potior, R. F. D., Wood-. Ylllo, Or. tf FOR SALE Snap. 80 noros Wood villo fruit laud; partly improved; running watp'r. Stone, 303 East Mniu. "" 175 imSS" FOR SALE. IIiifiincBH IVojicrty. FOK SALE Any ono contemplating filmngo to Oakland, Cnl.: I hnvo ono lot with two houses in East Oak land, actual cost to owner $3800; $1300 still to pay, at $30 per month, incoino $20 monthly, rented: will exchange equity for small ranch nenr Phoenix or proporty in Med ford or Ashland. Address Uox 16, care of Mail Tribuno office. f74 FOK SALE Furniture of 10-rooom house, centrally located; first-class for rooming nnd boarding house. Address P. O. Box 751. 182 FOK SALJ I am prepared to furn ish winter supplies of fire wood in oak, fir and pine; stovewood and four-foot lengths. F. Oscnbrnggc, phono 10-11. 401 Riverside avcniio South. GOOD WORK or driving team, me dium weight, cheap as dirt. En rpiirc 1021 W. Tenth st. ' 172 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Ftomalc. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply ut 018 West Main street nt once. 178 WANTED Girl for general house work; good wages to the right party. Address Box 29, care Mail Tribuno office. WANTED Nurse wanted at the Aahland hospital for training. tf WANTED Call or ohone Main 32 for all kinds of dressmaking. Mrs J. S. Carroll, 329 N. Riverside ave nue ISO WANTED Competent woman for general housework, two in family, wages $30. Address Box 60, caro Mail Tribune office. tf WANTED Salesmen In erory local ity of the northwest; money ad' vanced weekly: many make over $1000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top- ponlsh, Wash. WANTED Sewing girls in altera tion dept. Apply at once at Mann's N. Centrnl ave. tf WANTED A capable general house work maid; one used to service, Apply Mrs. C. H. Glaizc, 313 S. Grape street. 175 WANTED Lady to do pressing and repairing. One who has had somo experience preferred. Apply Panti torium Dye Works. 172 Help Wanted Male, WANTED A man with a good team with steady work. 325 South Ivy. 172 WANTED Lathers. Apply to Mcd ford Brick Co. at the Davis bldg., Monday morning; wi pay $3 per 1000. 177 SltoAttOBS Wanted. WANTED Situation as foreman orchard or nursery; 18 years' prac tical experience; first class refer ences. M., Mad Tribune office. 174 WANTED Position by man and wife on fruit farm. Call or address. C. L. Lotman, 260 Sixth st., Ash land. 179 Miscellaneous. WANTED Everyone interested in the purchase of land in the Rogue River valley to see our list. See our ad, page 3. D. H. Jackson & Co.. II8V2 W. Main st. tf WANTED 3 or 4 room house, un furnished or furnished, with stnl to. Address Box 2, caro Mail Tribuuo. 173 WANTED Shingling and roof, re pairing done by Fred Jerry. Phono No. 2S51. Work dono promptly nnd neatlv. All work guaranteed. 178 WANTED To borrow $500 for one year, good security; will pay 7 per cent. Address W. C. M., Tribune office. 175 WANTED One pair wagon springs, must be at least 3000 lbs., not to exceed 5000. Address O. J. Bell, Brownsboro, Or. 174 WANTED To borrow $300 for one year; good security; will pay 10 per cent. Address W. C. M core of Tribuno office. 177 rustnos8 Opportunities. 130. Will mnko the right price to any ono intorosted onough to inves tigate, God. C. Cotnitions, 110 E. Main st. U3 FOR LEASE P'OR LEASE Fully equipped gold mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all crorated by eloctrlo pow ot. Owner will furnish free eloc trlo power for share In proceeds. Soe Smith, at Condor "Water & Powor Co. FOR LEASE Pishing, hunting, boating and bathing resort, 1V& square miles body of water, on railroad, within 12 miles of Med ford. AddroBO Box 201, care Mail Tribune. tf FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Medford and Buburbnn proporty, ranches, timber Inndp, for othor proporty. Addross Box 100. care Mail Tribune. tf FOR EXCHANGE noavy horso, 2 wagons nnd good lots for equity in improved proporty, Address II 10, caro Mail Tribuno offico. 172, LOST. LOST Scotch collio dog with white neck, breast and feet, Liberal re ward for return. D. T. Lawton. If LOST Between Unroll orchard and Medford, thrco keys. Please return to Tribune office nnd get rownrd. 172" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dili Potters. VERNE T. CANON Bill poster nnd Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson County Bank buildintr. Medford. Or. Innnddrics STNG LEE has sold bis laundry to Wnh Lee Co., and hereafter it will bo conducted by Walt Leo. lie is an experienced man in tho busi ness. Cement Sidewalks. CEMENT SIDEWALKS, brickmason, stono mason, plastering nnd all kinds of stucco work. Export work manship at reasonable charges by the day or contract. Address Ma sons. 511 E. Main St.. Medford, Or. I'rintcn and I'cbllglicrB. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. hon the best equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central avenue. IiillJard I'arlors. S. T-. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place to spend the hot after noons. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st., Medford, Or. E, Wr. Hisoy, Matron. Official hos pital P. & E. R. R. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees arc budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev erything put out. Wo are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office removed to 116 E.Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR . SERY CO., inc. Growers of high grade nursery stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. 5000 YELLOW NEWTOWN apple trees for sale, also other varieties of trees, by Wagner Creek Nursery & Orchard Co., Beeso'n & Lester, Talent. Or. Tin Shops. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and shcot iron ware on hand and madei to order. 128 North. G st. ilea a , Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smoroks' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Meritt and El Palcncia. 212 West Mam street. Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Moots at Smith's hall, 128 North Grape street, every Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'clock. All journeymen carpenters, as well as local members, urged to be pres ent. Business of vital interest to all carpontcrs transacted at these meetings. J. J. Seal, business agt. Attorneys. WIITHINTON & KELLY Yawyers, Palm build in e. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over post- offico. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attomoys-nt-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Renmes. Lawyers. Of fico Mcdford National Bank build ing. second floor. NOTARY PUBLIC Room 207, Phipps bldg. NOTARY PUBLIC Mail Tribune offico. Stenographers. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm. Block Stenographic work done qnieklr and woll. G runl to Wprks. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Mnin st., manufacturers and deal ors in gmonumental and buildin granite, crushed granite, common brick and prossed brick, coarso and fino washed river sand. PAUL & WOLFF soil sand and foun dation gravel; all orders promptly delivered. Phono 4721 nnd 1213 Main. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. .Priddy, O. D. Nnglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; doalors in prossed brick and lime. Offico in Postoffico blook, room 5. Phono No. 3181. Painters d Paper)tKff!a. r H. O. DEAN. O. P. M'MTTTJ.EV Phono 3732. Dean & MoMulto" oontraoting painters, painting. p per hanging and tiptinor. EnHmBt' on n kinds of paintinp wnrV Medford Or Tailors T. D. MORGAN. JR.. 719 E. Tavlor st. Up-to-date paper hanger; 10 years' experienco in the east. 173 Vi BUSINESS DIRECTORY. .,. , Photonraphtn. MACKEY'S 3TUDIO-"F090 with Mockcy nnd dio with joy." OVor Allen & nougan's store, entrance JUL Seventh n troot.. . Architect. NORMAN WINDER, architectural draftsman and builder Soo ms about your now home. I can save you monoy by planning to your own idons and figuring with you right. Writo Box 37, P. O., Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Residence phono 744. Ileal Kstate. THE MOOR-EHNI CO. Fino ranch properties. City lots and dwellings. Firo insurance. 213 Fruitgrowors Bank bldg. Phono 2502. EARLE C. SABIN Orchard tracts, city proporty. List your holdings with mo. Only desirable property handled. Koom 202, Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. Physicians and Sargcons. DR. W. W. WICK Homeopathic physician. Rcsidcnco 203 Oleson st. Phono Main 4474. Will open offices in St. Marks block about October 10. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE in Rinlto bldg;, 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Tolcphono Main 081. Night phone 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-304. Farmera' & Fruitgrowers' bank boildinir, -west of the tracks. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tice limited to diseases of the eye, eai, nose and throat Office 210 E. Main st., over Medford Hard ware Co. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor nnd Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phono 501, residence phono 012. Offico hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Mission block. Phono 292, Medford. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatism, a asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These remedies may be procured at house, No. 241 S. Front and 10th sts, Medford, Or., where they will be sold by the pro prietor, Chow Young. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral severe cases 'with his remedies since coming to Ashland, and has for references somo of the best known and most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him. Tliis is to certify that Dr. Chow Young, tho bearer, attended me, my trouble being lung trouble and asthma. I am better than I hnvo been for twelve years. I saw the latter written by Judgo Hanna and as ho recommended tho doctor so woll, thought I would try him also. Mrs. St. Louis, Ashland, Or. "I was afflicted with heart and stomach trouble for many years, and nt last ending in a stroke of parulysis, from which no one ox pected my recovery, and no one knows how I suffered, but at last I go a littlo bettor and I beard of ono Dr. Chow Young. I took treat ment and am well now and can rec ommend him to any ono who may bo sick or afflicted with any of these complaints. I nssuro you II am well pleased and thankful that I am alivo at this timo. Mrs. Mary Ni dny. Grants Pass. Or. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposm Jaokson County bank. N'mht ealla promptly answered. Office aaa residence phone Main 3432. DR. STEPHENSON fits glnssos to correct any defect of the eye. Of fice over Allen & Reagan's. Phoue Main 1851. Furniture. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS James A. McKonzio, dealor in new and second-hand furniture, hardware, clothing, boots and shoes. Highest cash prices paid for good cast-off clothing. Call and soe me when you have somothing to sell. 103 South Central. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agouts for House hold stoves and rangos. 10 South Fir street. Phono Main 3161. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th nnd Holly streets., eMd ford. Mission furnUure made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial nrdor soliioted. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookatovea and ranges, New and second-hand furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 WJ F at., South. Phone 91 Medferd, Pro. Undoi-taJce. MEDFORD 'FURNmWl CO. Un dertakers. Day pfcest ML Wffct phones, C, W. CouUhi Mtl. 3. M. Butler 3571. t 1 ViMBdW,' -j