Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 06, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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An ordinnnce doclnrimr the cost of
tho imroomcnt of East Main street
from Bridfifo" to Roosevelt avenue,
arid nsscssincr tho Proortv benefit
ted thereby, and declaring euch ns
Boesnicnt. nnd directing tho entry
thereof in tho docket of city lions.
Tho aitv of Medford doth ordain
as follews:
Section 1. Thnt no nrotests hnv
inir been filed atrainst tho imurove
ment of East Main street duo uotico
of the intention of tho council to
cause said improvement to be made
havintr boon riven, nnd said im
orovement hnvinc been ordorcd made
the council has considered the mat
ter and herewith ascertains the
Drobnblo cost of makine such im
provement to bo the sum of $1G,
039.3G. And said council further finds
thnt the special and peculiar bene
fit accruine uuon each lot or Dart
thereof adjacent to said improve
ment nnd in inst proportion to said
benefits, to be tho respective
amounts hereinafter set opposite the
number or description of each lot
or part thereof, and such amounts
respectively nro hereby declared to
be the proportionate share of each
lot or parcel thereof, of the cost of
such Improvement, and is hereby
declared to be -assessed acninst said
lot or parcels respectively, tho nnme
appenrinc above each description
bcinc tho name of the owner of such
lot or parcel.
Assessment for pavincr of East
Main street from tho bridce to
Roosevelt avenue.
Assessment No. 1 Pacific &
Eastern R.,R. Co. A parcel of land
commencing nt a point 26 chains
and 4W link's west and 22A links
north of . the southeast corner of
donation land claim No. 42. township
37 south, ranee 1 west of the Wil
lamette Meridian, and runninc
thence west 4 chains. S links: thence
north 14V decrees, west 8 chains
and 43 links: thence north 80 de
crees east G chains and 29 links:
thence south 9 chains 25 links to the
place of commencing, containing
4.58 acres. Frontage 269.88 feet on
the north side of East Main street.
and described in vol. 78. pace 2o0.
county recorder's records of Jack
son county. Oretron. This parcel is
marked A on the map of said citv:
57 feet: rate per foot. S4.75:
amount. S270.75.
Assessment No. 2 Pacific &
Eastern R. R.Co. A parcel of land
commencing at a point 24.3 chains
west from the southeast corner of
the Packard donation land claim,
thence rnnnine north 633.5 feet:
thence in a southerly direction
143.5 feet: thence south 619 feet:
thence east 141 feet to the place of
heeinnine. and beincr part of section
3p. township 37. south of ranee 1
west of the "Willamette Meridian, and
marked B on the map of said city:
front ace 141 feet on the uorth side
of East Main street, and described
in Vol. 77. pace 142. county record
er's records of Jackson county. Or Or
eeon: 141 feet : rate per foot,
$4.75: amount. S669.75.
Assessment No. 3-rFacific &
Eastern R. R. Co. A parcel of land
commencing at a point 24 chains and
31 links west and 22M links north
from the southeast corner of dona
tion land claim No. 42. in township
37. south of ranee 1 west of the
Willamette Meridan. nnd running
thence north 9 chains and 86 links,
more or less, to the northwest corner
of the tract of land conveyed by
the deed record at page 565. volume
28. of the deed records of Jackson
county. Oregen: thence north 80 do
jjrees east) 2 chains and 8 link,, more
or less, to tho northeast corner of
the tract of land conveyed by the
deed recorded at page 602 of said
Vol. 28 of said deed records, and
thence south to within 22JA links of
south line of said donation land
claim No. 42: thence west 2 chains
and 4 links, more or less, to the
place of beginning, save and except
therefrom that of said deed record
conveyed to Prank E. Payne by Ru
fus Cox the 17th day of February.
1902. and marked C on the map of
said city; frontage 134.0 feet on the
north side of East Main street, and
described in Vol. 77. pace 142.
county recorder's records of Jack
son countv. Oregon; 134.6 feet: rale
per foot. $175: amount. $039.35.
Assessment No. 4 Joe Brown. A
"parcel of land commencing nt a
point situated 20 chains and 9G links
west and 22V, links north of the
(southeast corner of donation land
claim No. 42' in township 37. range
1 west of the Willamette Meridian,
and .running thence north 10 chains
and 26 links, more or less, to the
north line of tho tract of land de
scribed in deed from I. J. Phiops and
wife to Spencer Childers, Sr and
recorded in .Vol. 28 of tho deed rec
ords of Jncl'pon county. Oregon, at
page 451 thereef: thence south 3
dceroes Avest along said north lino
80 feet, morp or less, to tho north
east coniorof tho tract of land de
scribed in tho deed recorded in said
Volt 28 of said Tecords. at page 002
thereef: thence south on said east
lino 10 chains and 4 links, more or
loss, to within 22J linl' of tho
line of Enid donation land
: thenco Vonst 85.40 feet to tho
place of commencing, containing 131
noros. morerpr less, and marked D
on the maDo said citv; frontnc
85.46 feet on the north side of East
Mnin street, and describod in Vol. . .
nngo ,.., county recorder's records
of Jnokson (Sgountv., Oregen: 85,40
feet; rttq ner foot. $4.75: amount,
,AssGiiinienj;wNo, 5 Prue M. An
uria. ' A parcel of land beginning at
the southeast corner of Joe Brown's
lot in East Medford. and running
thence north 130 feet', thence- east
78 foet: thonco south 130 feet:
thence west 78 foot to the place of
beginning, being a part of the resi
dence property of tho grantor's in
the citv of Medferd: frontage 78
feet on the north side of East Main
street, nnd described in Vol. 60.
pneo 418. eouutv recorder's records
of Jackson cohntv. Oregen: 78 feet:
mto per foot. $4.75; amount.
Assessment No. G-r-Mnrv S. An
gle. A parcel of land commencing
17 chains nnd 95 links west and 45
links north of tho southonst comer
of the Packard donation land claim
No. 42. in section 30. township 37.
south ranee 1. "wet of tho Willam
ctte Meridian, and running thence
west 2 chains nnd 50 links: thonco
north 10 chains : thence cast 2 chains
and 50 links: thenco south 10 chains
to tho place of beginning, and con
taining 2V acres, and marked G on
the map of said citv: frontage 66.02
feet on the north side of East Main
street, and described in Vol. 25.
page 400. countv recorder's records
of Jackson countv. Oregen: 66.02
feet: rate per foot. $4.75: amount.
Assessment No. 7 Knte A. Gad-
dis. A parcel of land beginning at
tho southeast corner of Mrs. L. G,
Porter's residence lot in East Med
ford. and running thenco west 54
feet: thenco north 94 feet: thenco
east 12 feet: thence north 66 feet:
thence east 42 feet: thenco south
160 feet to tho place of beginning.
being a part of the residence prop
erty of the said grantors in tho citv
of Medford. and marked H on tho
map of said citv: frontage 54 feet
on the north' side of East Mam
street, and described in Vol. 60. page
417. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregen: 54 feet:
rate per foot. $4.75: amount.
Assessment No. 8 Mrs. Ada Por
ter. A parcel of land commencing
12 chains nnd 95 links west 45 links
north of the southeast corner of
Packard donation land clnim in sec
tion 30 township 37. south of ranee
1. west of the Willamette Meridian,
and running thenco west 5 chains:
thence north 10 chains: thence east
5 chains: thence south 10 chains lo
the place of beginning: containing 5
acres, in Jackson countv. Oregon,
and marked I on the map of the citv
of Medferd: frontage 90 feet on the
north side of East 3fain street, and
described in Vol. 24. page 543. coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregen: 90 feet: rate uer
foot. $4.75: amount. $427.50.
Assessment No. 9 Mrs. Enola
Nichols. A parcel of land com
mencing 15 chains and 52.6 llinks
west and 45 links north o f tho
southeast comer of tho Packard
donation land claim in section 30.
township 37. south of rango 1 west
of the Willamette Meridian, and run
nine thence north 247 feet and 6
inches: thence west 70 feet: thence
south 247 feet 6 inches: thenco ea3t
70 feet to the place of beginning.
and marked J on the map of said
citv: frontage 70 feet on the north
side of East Main street, and de
scribed in Vol. 48. page 317. countv
recorders records of Jackson coun
tv. Oregen: 70 feet: rate per foot.
$4.75: amount. $332.50.
Assessment No. 10 M. E. Woods.
A parcel of. land commencing
12.95 chains west and 45 links north
of tho southeast comer of the Pack
ard donation land claim in section
30. in township 37, south range 1
west, of the Willamette Meridian,
and running thence north 247V feet:
thence west 130 feet: thence south
247V, feet: thenco east 130 feet to
the place of beginning: it being un
derstood that the grantees are to
have a ietual right of wav for
road purposes to a strip of land 40
feet wide and 247V feet long lv
ing west of and bordering onto the
west side of the above described
premises, which aro marked 0 on
the map of said city; frontage 130
feet on the north side of East Main
street, and described an Vol. 45.
page 258. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson countv, Oreeon; 130
feet: rate per foot. $4.75: amount.
Assesment No. 11 Cora L.
Knieht. A parcel of land commenc-inp-
10 chains and 45 links west and
45 links north of tho southeast cor
ner of the Packard donation land
claim. No. 42, in section 30. town
ship 37, south ranee 1 west of the
Willamette Monuinn. and -une
thenco west 2.5 chains; thenco north
10 chains: thenco cast 2.5 chains:
thenco south 10 c''ns lo tho nlnco
of beginning: containing 2V- acres,
and marked R on the map of said
citv: frontage 155.6 feet on the
north side of East Main street, and
describpd in Vol. 81. page 555.
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregen: 1755 fent: rate per
foot $4.75; amount $736.25.
Assessment No, 12 Hcnrv Hum
phrey. A narcpl of land commencing
nt a point situated 032.9 feet west
and 29.7 feet north of the southeast
corner of donation lnnd claim No.
42, township 37 south of range 1
west of the Willamette meridian,
and running thenco north 37 feet
north 200 feet: thence west 50.8
feet: thenco south 290 feet; thenco
east 56.8 feet to tho nlaco of be
ginning; containing .377 acres and
marked S on tho map of said citv;
also a strip 10 feet in width. 290
feet in loneth off tho east side of
tho parcel of land marked R on the
map of said citv: frontage 00.8 feet
on the north of E. Main street and
described in Vol. 80, pago 225, coun-
tv recorder's records of Jackson!
countv. Oregen: 60.8 feet: rate nor
foot. $4.75: amount. $317.30.
Assessment No. 13 ITunvv
Humphrov. A parcel of land com
mencing, at .a point situ
ated 632.9 foot west ami 20.7 foot
north of the southeast corner of
donation land clnim No. 42. (owne-luo
37 south of range 1 west of tho Wil
laeoteo Meridian, runutine thence
north 290 foet: thenco west 5G.8
feet: thonco north 370 feet: thonco
oast 134.64 foet: thence south 660
feet: thence west 77.S1 feet to tho
place of commencing, containing
1.663 acres, and marked T on tho
map of the citv of Medford. Oregon :
frontngo 77.8 feet on tho north side
of East Mnin street, and describod
in Vol. 74, pngo 51S. countv re
corder's records of Jackson countv.
Oregen: 77.8 feet: rato per foot.
$4.75: amount. $369.55.
Assessment No. 14 C. W. Mo
Donald. The W. SO feet of tho fol
lowing described tract: Beginning
nt a Point 5 chnins nnd 30V? links
west nnd 45 links north t of the
southonst cornor of donation land
claim No. 42. in towiibliin 37 south
of range 1 west of the Wltam.
Meridian: running thenco west 3
chains and 10 links: thenco north 3
chains and 6S links: east 3 chains
nnd 10 links: thonco south 3 chains
and 68 links to the place of begin
ning, nnd marked Y on the map or
the citv of Medford. Oregen: front
ngo 80 feet on tho north side of E
Mnin street, nnd described in Vol.
72. page 225. countv recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Oregen:
80 feet: rate nor foot. $4.75:
amount. $380.
Assessment No. 15 Anna E. Nvo.
A parcel of land beginning nt a
point 5 chains 30 V links west and
45 links north of the southeast cor
ner of donntion land claim No. 42.
in township 37. south of range 1
west of the Willamette Meridian:
running thence west 3 chains nnd
10 links: thence north 3 chnins nnd
68 links: thenco enst 3 chains nnd
10 links: thence south 3 chnins and
GS links to the place of beginning:
excepting the west 80 feet of the
abqve described. tract, and marked Z
no the map of said citv: frontage
124.6 feet of the north side of E.
Mnin street, and described, in Vol.
69. page 3. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson county, Oregon;
124.6 feet; rate per foot. 34.75:
amount. $591.S5.
Assessment No. 16 Stella J.
Merrick. A parcel of land com
mencing nt a point 3.17 chnins west
nnd 45 links north of the southeast
comer of donation land claim No.
42. in township 37. south of ranee
1 west of tho Willamette Meridian:
running west 2.13 chnins: thenco
north 3.68 chains: thenco enst
2.13V4 chains: thenco south 3.68
chains to the place of beginning,
containing .79 acres, and mnrked AA
on the map of said citv: .frontngo
140.6 feet on the north sjdo of E.
Main street, nnd described in Vol.
63. page 167. countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon;
140.6 feet: rate per foot. $4.75:
amount. $667.85.
Assessment No. 17 John G. Tay
lor. A parcel of land commencing
at a point situated 30 feet north and
30 feet west of the southeast comer
of donation land claim No. 42. in
township 37. south of ranee 1 west
of the Willamette Meridian, and
from said point running thence west
2 chains and 72 links: thence north
3 chains nnd 68 links: thence east 2
chains and 72 links: thenco south
3 chains and 68 links to the place of
beginning: containing 1 acre, more
or less, and marked AB on the map
of said citv: frontage 180.2 feet on
the north side of Enst Mnin street,
and described in Vol. 42. pnge 28,
countv recorder's records of Jnckson
countv. Oregen: 180.2 feet: rate
per foot. $4.75: amount. $855.94.
Assessment No. 18 George A.
Jackson. W. GO feet ofr iot 1. block
3. Jackson's addition to the citv of
Medford, Oregon; frontngo 60 feet
on tho south side of E. Main streot,
and described in Vol. ... page .,.,
countv recorder's records of Jnckson
countv. Oregen: 00 feet: rate por
foot. $4.75: amount. $285.
Assessment No. 19 George A.
Jnckson. Lot 2, block 3. Jackson's
nddition to tho citv of Medford. Or
egon; frontngo 77.5 feet on the
south side of E. Mnin street, nnd
described in Vol. . .t pnee .... coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
countv . Oregon; 77,5 feet: rato per
foot. $4.75: amount. $308.13.
Assessment No. 20 W. B. Jack1
son. Lot 1. block 1. Jackson's ad
dition to the city of Medford. Ore;
gen: frontage. 82.5 feet on the south
side of E. Mnin street, and de
scribed in Vol, ... paeo .... coun
tv recorder's records bt Jackson
countv. Oregen: 82,5 feet: rate per
foot. .4.7i: Ainniin. .ft.'lOl.fin.
w .- --- - .----"- k'J'-"'.V
Assessment no. z w. is.
son. Lot 2, block 1, JaclcEon's addi
tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontago 82,5 feet on tho south sldo
of East Main street, and described in
Vol. ., page. ., county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 82,5
feet; rato per foot 4,75; amount
Assessment No. 22 H, G. Shearer,
Lot 3, block 1, Jackso's addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 76 feet on tho south side of East
Main streot. and described In Vol...
page, ., county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Orogon; 76 feot;
rate per foot $4.75; amount $361,
Assessment No. 23- J, W. Ling,
Lot 4, block 1, Jackson's nddition to
tho city of Medford, Orogon; front
ago 75 foot on tho south sldo of East
Mala stroot, and described In Vol, ,,
page,., county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Orogon; 75 feot;
rato por foot $4.75; amount $350,25,
AssesBmont No, 24 L. B, Kent.
Lot 1, Mock , Cottntto Home ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontngo S6 feet on tho south
sldo of East Main streot, and dca
crlbcd In Vol. 55, pago 20D, county
recorder's recordo of Jneltnon county,
Orogon; SC foot; rnto per foot $-1.75;
amount $408.50.
Assessment No. 25 L. B, Kent.
Lot 2, block , Cottage Home ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontage SC feet on tho south
sldo of East Mnin street, and des
cribed In Vol. 55, pigo 2 CO, county
recorder's rocordB of JncUoon county,
Orogon; 86 foot; rnto por foot $4.75;
amount $405.50.
Assossmont No. 26 L. B. Kent.
Lot 5, block , CSoltage Home addi
tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontngo SC foot ou tho south sldo of
East Mnin streot, rnd doacflbed In
Vol. 55, pngo 2C9, county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Oregon;
SC fcot; rato per foot $4.75; amount
Assessment No. 27 Cora Lyon.
North 137 fcot of lot 1, nnd tho north
137 feot of n strip tf Inm' S fcot In
wldt! off tho oast stdo of lot 2, block
2. Cottage Home nildltlon to tho city
of Medford, Oregou; frontage 100
root o.. tno south slue of East Main
"; ."."t.W ,n.V?lB8
Oregon; 100 feet: rato per foot
$4.75; amount $475.
Assessment No. 2S Ma.y E. Flold
er. A parcel of lnnd ocmmonclng rtt
tho northeast corner of lot 2, block
2. Cottngo Home addition to Mod
ford, and from said point running
thenco west on tho north lino and
sldo thereof 72 feet: thenco south
137 feot; thonco east 72 foot to tho
tnst lino of snM lot 2; thonco north
137 feet to the place of bolnnIng,
b.ivo nud excepting - strip S feet In
width off of t'-o east sldo of tho
above described property, and mark
ed HD on tho map of Medford, Oro
gon; frontngo 64 fcot on tho south
sldo of East Main streot, nnd do
crlbcd In Vol. 50, pago 556, county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 64 feet; rato per foot $1.75;
amount $304.
Assessment No. 29 Maria L.
Tripp. The north 245 feet of lot 3.
rnd tho north 245 Ket of a strip of
land 20 feot In width off tho west
sldo of lot 2, block 2, Cottago Home
ndditlo to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontage S7 feet on tho ttouth
sldo of East Main sreot, nnd des
cribed In Vol. 42, pago 621, county
recorder's records of Ja kson county,
Oregon; 87 feet; rate per foot $4.75;
amount $413.25.
Assossmont No. 30 J. E. Wllloko.
Lot 1, block 1, WIlIoko'B ad iMon to
the city of Medford. Oreeen: front
ngo 50 feet on tho south sldo of
East Main stroot, aad described In
Vol. .., pago .., cojnty recorder's
-ccords of Jnckson county, Oregen:
50 fcet: rate por foot $4.75; amount
Assessment No. 31 J. E. VUIoko.
Lot 2. block 1', Willcko's addition to
tho city of Medford. O-okou: front
ngo 50 feet on tho souil. sldo of
East Main street, it ml rtMiv ih,i in
iVol. .. , pngo ... county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Orogon;
60 feet; rnto per foot $4.75; amount
Assossmont No. 32 George Por
ter. Lot 3, block 1, Wllloko's ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon; frontago 50 fcot on tho south
side of .East Main ctroet, nnd des
cribed In Vo!. 69, pago 224, county
recorder s records of Jacksoa county,
Oregon; 50 feot; rato por foot $4.75:
nmount $237.50.
Assessment No. 33 George Por
ter. East 35 feet of lot 4, block 1,
WIlIoko'B addltloa to the city of Med
ford. Oregon; frontago 35 fcot on tho
south side of East Majn streot, and
describod in Vol. 69, pnge 224, coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon; 35 feet; rato por foot
$4.75; amount 11CG.25.
Assessment No. 34 Thomas P.
Kahler. Lot 5, and west 15 fcot of
lot 4, block 1, Wllleko'8 nddition to
tho city of Medford, Orogon; front
ago 65.7 feot on the south sldo of
East Main streot, and described in
Vol. 52, pago 488, county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Oregon;
65.7 foot; rate per foot $4.75;
amount $312.08.
Assessment No. 35 L. O. Portor.
A parcel of land commencing at a
point on tho north boundnry lino of
donation land claim No. 44, in town
sh p 37 south of rango 1 west of tho
Willamette merhliai, situated 21
chnins and 84.5 links west of tho
southeast corner of donation land
ciaim wo. 42, In said townohlp nnd
rango, and from said point -unnlng
uiuuco souin zuo feet; thenco west
100 feot; thonco north 200 foot;
thonco cast 100 feot to tho plnco of
boginnlng, and marked BG on tho
map of tho city of Medford, Orogon;
frontago 100 feet on tho south Bldo
of East Main streot, nnd described In
Vol. 59, page 310, county rofiordor's
records of Jackson county, Orogon;
100 feet; rate por foot $4.75;
amount $475.
Assessment No. 36 Anna Jordan.
A parcol of lnnd commencing at a
point -n tho north boundary lino of
donitlon land claim No. 44, in town
ship 37 south of rango 1 wo&t of tho
Willamette meridian, situated 23
chains and 29 links west of tho south
east cornor of donation Irnd claim
No. 42, In said township nnd rango,
nnd running tlonro south 330 feot;
thonco west 100 feet; thonco north
330 feot; thonco east 100 feot to tho
place of boginnlng, and markod BH
on tho map of said city; frontngo 100
fcot on tho south sldo of East Main
stroot, and described In Vol, 31, pago
167, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 100 foot;
nuo per loot $4.75; amount $470,
Assessment No. 37 Hallo Hoyt
Johnson, A parcol of land commenc
ing at a point sltuatod 28 chnins and
10 & links west and 30 foot eouth of
the southeast corner of delation land
claim No, 42, in township 37 south
of rango 1 wost of tho' Willamette
morldlan, and mnnlntr thonco onst
217,82 feot; thonco south 300 foot;
thonco west 175 foet; thonco north
10 dogrees 30 minutes west to tho
piaco or boginnlng, and marked BI
on tho map of said city; frontago
150 foot on tie south sldo of East
Main street, and doscribod Jn Vol, 55,
pago 143, county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Orogon; 156 foot;
rato per foot $4,75; amount $741,
Scrtlo . Tho veco'dor of tho
city of , .li'ord In ht'ioby dlroctod
to outer statement jf tho iimsomi
monts In. oj mado In tho doekot of
city Hone, tnd to glvo notice by pub
lication us roqulrod by tho charter
nnd ordlnnueo No. 250 of nr.ld city,
In tho IVvlly Mall Trlbuno, a nowa
papor published and of gonornl circu
lation In said city.
Tho forogolng ordlnanco wna pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 20tL day of
September, 1910, by tho following
Welch nyo, Morrlck aye, Emorlck
aye, Wortmnn nyo. Elfort nyo, and
Uemmor ayo.
Approved aoptomnor 21t. 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
To tho ownor, or reputed ownor, of
wch pnrcol of proporty describod In
tho foregoing ordlnanco, tin named
thoroln, nnd In the lien declared by
said ordlnanco ns recorded In the
doekot of city IIoub;
You nro hereby notified thnt tho
noacssmont doclarod by tho forego
ing nrdlnnnco hni boon nuido nnd tho
lien thorefor ontored In tho city Hon
docket, nnd that tho samo la duo nnd
you nro horoby requlrod to pay tho
samu to tho city recordor within ton
dnya from tha uorvlco of this notice,
which sorvlco Is mado by publication
of tho foregoing ordlnanco and this
notice thrco tlmoa In the Medford
Mall Trlbuno, pursuant to an order
of tho city council of said city.
City Rocordor.
An ordlnanco declaring tho cost of
the improvement of North Poach from
Woet Mnin to West Fonith Mroot.
nnd asscssl'i'; tho proporty bonofltod
t horoby, nud Soclnrlug such nstiosH
mor.i, t ml directing tho entry thereof
In the docket of city lions.
Tho city of Mcdf.rd doth ordnln
as follews:
Seot'on 1. Thnt no protests hnvlni;
been tiled ngilnst tho lmprovem6nt of
North Pojich streot, duo Motlco of tha
Intontlon of tho council to causo said
Improvement to bo mado hnvlng boon
given, nnd aald Improvement having
boon ordered made, tho council hns
considered tho matter nud herewith
nsccrtaliiB tho probable coat of mnk
Ing such Improvement to be tho Bum
of $5091.20.
And nald council furthor flmlH thnt
the special and peculiar benefit ac
cruing upon each lot or part thereof
adjacent to Bald Improvement and In
Just proportion to bonoflts, to bo the
respective nmountn hereinafter set
opposlto tho number or description of
each lot or part thereof, and such
amounts respectively nro horoby de
clared to ho tho proportionate shnro
of onch lot or parcol thereof, of tho
cost of such Improvement, and la
horoby declared to bo assessed against
Bald lot or parcels roapoctlvoly, tho
name r.pponrlng abovo onch descrip
tion being tho nnmo of tho owner of
such lot or pnrcol.
Assessmont No. 1 J. E. Toft. Lot
1, block 4, Crowoll's addition to tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo
50 fcot on tho west sldo of North
Poach streot, and described In Vol.
73, pngo 89, county rccordor'o rec
ords of Jnckson county, Orogon; 50
feot; rnto por foot $3.44; amount
Assossmont No. 2 J. E. Toft. Lot
2, block 4, Crowoll's nddition to tho
city of Medford; Oregon; frontngo
50 feot on tho weHt sldo of North
Peach streot, and describod In Vol.
73, pngo 89, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50
root; rate per foot $3,44; amount
Assessment No. 3 n. II. Rumsoy.
Lot 3, block 4, Crowoll'8 ndi'itlon to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ngo 50 fcot on tho west sldo of North
Peach street, and describod In Vol
80, pago 319, county rocordor's rec
ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50
foot; rnto por foot $3.44; amount
Assossmont No. 4 Dolroy Gotcholl.
Lot 4, block 4, Crowoll's addition to
thoclty of Medford, Orogen: front
ago 50 feot on tho wost side of North
Pencil street, nnd described In Vol.
78, pngo 312, county recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50
fcot; rato por font $3.44; amount
AswHsmont No. 5 R. II. Toft. Lot
5, block 4, Crowoll'ii addition to tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50
fcot on tho wost sldo of North Poach
Btrcot, and doccrlbod in Vol, 70, pngo
201, county rocordor's records of
Jnckson ,ounty, Oregon; 50 feet; rato
por foot $3,44; amount $172.
Assossmont No. 6 II, O. Harvoy,
Lot C, block 4, Crowoll's addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ngo 50 fcot o'i tho west sldo of North
Poach street, and described in Vol.
67, pngo 277, county rocordor's rec
ords of Jnckson county, Orogon; 50
foot; rato por foot $3,44; amount
Assessment No. 7 D. M, Witt. Lot
7, block 4, Crowoll's addition to tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo
DO feot on tho west sldo of North
Poach streot, and describod In Vol.
73, pngo 328, county recorder's roc
orda of Jnckson county, Orogon; 50
foot; rate per foot $3.44; amount
Assessment No, 8 Chns. J. Mlz
ney. Lot 8, block 4, Crowoll's addi
tion to tho city (if Medford, Oiogon;
frontago 50 foot on tho wost uldo of
North Poach street, and doscribod in
Vol, 72, pngo 25, county rocordor's
rccorus or Jacuson county, Oregon;
50 foot; rato por foot $3.44; amount
Assossmont No. 9 ChnB, J, Mlz
nor. Lot 9, block 4, Crowoll's addi
tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 50 foot on tho west sldo of
North Peach stroot, and describod in
Vol. 72, pngo 25, county rocordor's
rocordB of Jackson county, Oregon;
50 foot; rato por foot $3,44; nmount
Assessmont No. 10 Ida Sllsby.
Lot 10, block 4, Crowoll's pddltlon to
tho city of Medford, Orogon; front
ago 50 foot on tho west side of North
Poach stroot, and doscribod in Vol, '
71, pngo 215, county roeor.Jor'tt reo
ordu of Jm'knon county, Oregon; 50
foet; rate per foot $11,14; nmount
Assessment No, 11- ldi Hllnby.
Lot 11, block I, Crowoll'ii addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; fi out
age 50 feot ou tho went sldo of Ncffth
Peach atroot, and donrrlhed In Vol.
71, pngo 215, county roeonlor'a ioc
ordB of Jackson county, Oregon; 50
foot; rate por foot $3.41; amount
Assessment No. 12 Dolroy Get
chell. Lot 12, block 4, CroweH's ad
dition to tho city of Medfoid, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on tho west
ldo of North Ponch street, and des
cribed In Vol. 72, pngo 246, county
rocordor's records of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 50 foet; rato per foot $3 1 1;
amount $172.
Assessment No. 1.1 John M. Root.
Lot 1. block 1, Crowoll'ii addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ngo 140 feet on the west side of
North Pench utreet, and described In
Vol. 70, pngo 293, county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Oregon;
140 feot; rnto por foot $3.4 I; nmount
AHsessmont No. 1 1 -William LowIh
et ux. Lot 1, Uiwls nddition to tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50
feot on tho east sldo of North I'oaoli
streot, and described In Vol . . , page
.., county recorder's recordu of
Jackson county, Orogon; 50 feot; rnto
per foot $3.44; amount $172.
Assessment No. 15 William Lewis
ot ux. Lot 2, Low In pddltlon to tho
city of Medford, Orogon; frontngo 50
fcot on tho enst sldo of Nortl- Ponch
street, and describod In Vol ... pngo
.., county recorder's recordu of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feot;
rnto per foot $3.44; amount $f72,
AfcHcsHtnont No. 1G -William Lowht
et ux. Lot 2, Lowln nddition to the
city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo
50 fcot on tho enst side of North
Pench streot, nud doscrlled In Vol
.., page ,., county recorder'o rec
ords of Jnckoon county, Oregon; 50
feot; rnto per foot $3.44; amount
AB80Bmoi.t No. 17 William Lew
Is ot ux. Lot '4, LowIh addition to
tho city of Mo.'ford, Oregon; front
ago. 50 feot on tho east side of North
Peach Ntreet, and doscribod In Vol.
... pngo ... county recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50
foet: rnto por foot $3.44; amount
Assessment No. 18 Wllllnm Low
Is et ux. Lot 5, LowIh addition to the
city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo
50 feet on the enst side of North
Pench stroot, and described In Vol.
... pngo .., county roconkr'H rec
ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50
foot; rnto per foot $3.44; nmount
Assessmont No. 19 Wllllnm Low
Is ot ux. Lot 6, Lewis addition to
ngo 50 feet on tho cast uldo of North
tho city of Medford. Oretren: front-
Pench streot, and described In Vol.
... pngo .., county recordor'n rec
ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50
foot; rnto por foot $3,44; amount
Assessmont No, 20 Wllllnm Low
la ot ux. Lot 7, Lewis addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ngo 50 root ou the enst side of North
Pench stroot, nnd described In Vol.
... pngo .., county recorder's rec
ordfl of Jnckson county. Orogon; 50
foot; rnto por foot $3.44; nmount
Assessment No. 21, William Low
is ot ux. Lot 8, Lowls addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ngo 50 foot on tho east sldo of North
Poach streot, nnd describod In Vol.
.., pngo ... county recorder's rec
ord" of Jnckson county, Orogon; 50
feot; rnto por foot $3.14; nmount
AasoBsinent No. 22 Wllllnm Low
Is ot ux. Lot 9, Lowls nddition to
tho city of Medford, Orogon; front
ngo oO fcot on tho onst side of North
Ponch Htroot, nnd describod In Vol,
.., pago .., county rocordor's rec
ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50
feot; rato por foot $3.44; amount
AsMOHsmont No. 23 Wllllnm Low
Is ot ux. Lot 10, Lowls nddition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ngo 60 fcot on tho cast sldo of North
Pench streot, and describod In Vol.
. . , pngo . . , county rocordor's rec
ords of Jnckson county, Ortfgon; 50
foot; rnto por foot $3.41; amount
Assessment No, 24 Wllllnm Low
Ih ot ux. Lot 11, Lowls nddition to
tho cltj of Medford, Orogon; front
ngo 50 feot on tho oust sldo of North
Ponch stroot, and doscribod In Vol.
... page ... county recorder's roc-
orda of Jnckson county, Oregou; 50
foot; rnto por foot $3.44; amount
AsHcasmont No. 25 William Low
Ih ot ux. Lot 12, Lowls addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ngo 50 foot on .tlio cast sldo of North
Poach street, and describod In Vol.
.., pngo .., county rocordor's rec
ords of Jnckoon county, Orogon; 50
fcet: rnto por foot $3.44; amount
Assossmont No. 26 Wllllnm Lew
is ot ux. Lot 15, LowIh nddition to
tho city of Medford, Orogon; front
ngo 140 fcot on tho onst sldo of North
Tench stroot, nnd described In Vol.
. . , pngo . , , county rocordcr'H rec
ordu of Jnckson county, Orogon; 140
fcot; mto per foot $3,44; amount
Section 2, Tho rocordor of tho city
of Medford Is horoby dlrecto.l to on
tor a statomont of tho nsnoKsmontH
horoby mado In tho docket of city
lions, and to g'vo notlco by publica
tion as required by tho chartor and
ordlnanco No. 250 of said city, In tho Mnu Trlbuno, a novnpapor pun
iimum anu oi guuurui circulation in
said citv
The forogolng ordlnanco was pnss-
od by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Orogon, on tho 20th dny of
Soptombor, 1D10, by tho following
Wolch ayo, Morrlck ayo, ISmorJck
nyo, Wortman ayo, Klfoit nyo anij
Ilommor nyo,
Approved Hoptombor 21hI, 1010.
W. H. CANON, Mayor,
City Rocordor.
To tho ownor, or roputod ownor, of
each pnrcol of propprty escribed In
tho foiegolig ordinance, hh named
thitroln, and In tho lloti declared by
mld onllnunce iih recorded In tho
doukot of city lluiitt:
You nto lun-tdiy notified that the
nmiemiinont doulurod by tho forego
ing oidliiuuco hiiii been muilo and tho
Hon therefor ontored In the city Hon
docket, and that tho saiiio In duo and
you mo hereby required to pay the
Maine to tho city recordor within ten
dnyH from tho nervlco of thin notice,
which Horvlce Ih mado by publication
ot tho foregoing ordlnanco and this
notice threo Union In the Medford
Mall Trlbuno, piirnuiuit to an order
of tho city council of nald city,
City Rocordor.
By Arthur W. North
(Tho hnriioRHlng of Western Rivora)
By Clnytou M. Jones
Now on ante on all ri'iwa stands.
Haaklns for Health,
are horo, nnd all we ask
is a trial order, and wo
will prove to you that
this is n good plnco to
Aro you a patron of
.our Bakery? Then you
know that wo turn out
the kind of bakery
good that please and
that all anyone needs to
do is to get in the habit
of ordering here.
BVo guarantee satis
faction by stating that
we will positively make
good anything that may
prove wrong. Just call
us up and report tho
trouble and we will do
the rest.
Allen &
Main and Central,
Phono Main 2711
What have you to trade
In Medford city proporty or oloao-in
country property for Iho follewing:
200 ncrct) of lnnd, about 110
noroH in cultivation nud uudor irri
gation; private water ditch covering
it nnd 1-3 interest in ditch belong
ing to tho rnnch; tho soil ia a deop
rich Handy loom; good fl-room
house, with large Horoun porch in
H'ur; largo bnrn and plonty of other
outbuildinga; good foncoHj 00 to 0f
bond of cattle, loam of ood work
horsoB with harnoHH nud wagon, all
fnrming tooln, 7 or 6 bond of hogn,
About $1000 worth of hay; a nice
family orchard, bearing plonty of
borrios. Tho cnah price of tho plnco
is $10,000, and a trndo if otitortninod
must bo on thia basiu. Innuiro
White & Trowbridge
i, 011 . t,i..i
'""" wi milium iv .rrinigroworp
Hank Building.
Oak, Jjiiurol, Fir and Pine. Day your
winter supply now; roiiHonnblu
1C Almond at,, or Room 31, J. C,
Bank bide.
Phono Main 470!. C. T. MoW, Prop,
i!V$irh :jm'h'"iim0'' n
h m On ir ritiniiaiiMMiiiiHimrWTiim-r
tt rtWws &-
Upjyyii.,WWW'.i,uwwiMai Bfa m T"rYi&j mi iiiiiiniiiiHMBififc aaBtfiWT,.