AHSPPORU MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 61910. - 4 -- --- --- ---- ----4 --.-. .-44( 4 LooKing For Entertainment? Take Your Choice - - --- - -- - ----- --------( j P. J. I.owry will Iny riiuirliiK or tllo work In oxoluuwio for u lilcyulu. tf .1. I. (liinlonor of (lold Hay wiih In Mflilfdi'il Tluirtulny. For Inurmico, jiIioiki .1101. Iliint loyICroinor Co. 1U1 V. II. IlnrrlH loft for llio dlHtrlrt fair ut (liaiitii I'nwi on Tliurmir.y. ' John II. Cnrkln, nttorr.ny-nt-lnw, ovor .TiioHnon County llnnlc. OoorKo nicliinouil wont to Wood vIIIh TliurMilny. Mri J. I). Kny linn feopunud llor lio&rdltiK Iioiiho nt a 10 North IJnrt lott and will lio ploniio-i to fioo old uinl now (MiiitomciM. 19-1 Hurry T. Klnly roturnod on Wed nesday from (ten Frnuclnco. Dr. Htnnhonnon 1h n Rrndimto ontl olr.n. Ovor Allun & Hciiriiii'm 19G IM IMorrii wont to tho fnlr u.t GrnntH Pnna on Thuriiday, " Medford Collodion A;oncy, 10 nor mt ohnrcnd, Ovor Hiirlhurt'n now ntoro. If , li. 1-3. Whlnlor wiih a vlaltor nt tin Grant PnnH fnlr on Thurmlny. .Splendid flp for nalo. Fanners 711C. Jitnioii Cumnholl wont to Gold Hill on bunlnextt Thuradny. IMorco &. Shepherd hnvo inovod tholr ronl ontnto offlco from tho Mllos bulletins to tho poatofflco build InB. Cnll mid rocolvo a copy of our llntln. tf 12. II, JnchMon vlnJU'd UrniitH I'nmi on TlMimdny. Do you know that you can buy any amount, from n half ncro up, In Onk dnlo I'nrk nddttlon on onuy tormi? Onkdnlo Innd Invoittmont Co,, 214 FrultKroworn Dank bldjc. If J. M. McForrion nml wlfo wont to GrnntH I'nm on Thurdny, For rent 2 nowly furturiiod rooinn In prlvnto hemo; all modem convonl qncoK. 203 Oleaon street. Cnll Main 447-1. Ilcmcmlior Unit Hip recilnl of Prof. Tuillnndier will Itcpn ut 8:110 i. in. slinrp nt tho N'lttntorium building, i Until Vnn Dylco pntjHod tliroiiRh Medford on Thurdny mornliiK on' hor wny to tho fnlr nt GrnntH PnM. J. W. Uonnr of Griffin Creole was ,, n vliiltnr nt tho GrnntH I'niw fnlr on fhuriidny. V. 8. Wctitoii loft for n sovornl dnyH' visit nt Grnnta PnH on Tlinrn day. ' O, W. Ilnrnum & Co., contractors and bullriora. Country work n spec laity. Ordorn nollcltod. Inqulro nt Tho ToKKory. T. M. Sworn nml IiIh hoii nnd family havo arrived In Medford to llvo per manently. ,Rnv. Mr. Ori'limdisl, the leave nro falling from your trees, tho iitmon phoro In now clear: you hnvo only n fow dayn loft to hnvo thono pano rnmas nnd orchard vIowh talcon. Dot ter Kt nt It nt qnco, GroRory, pho tographer. l I). Frnnlor roturnod to his or chard, near Tnlont after an oxtond od sojourn In Portlnnd nnd San Fran cisco, If tho person who lout n mnnll purao will rail nt 20 North Front Htroot nnd Identify snmo nnd pay for thin ud, It will ho roturnod. 173 F. I). Frnilor ban roturnod to his, orchard noar Tnlont nftor an oxtond od visit In San Francisco nnd Port land, , Flno younit calf for snlo chonp. Addross Hobt. Button, Orchard, Stanton Orlffln was In Medford from his ranch nonr Contrnl Point on Thursday. Gooro JCromor roturnod Thursday rrotn n hunting trip on Llttlo Applo Rato. Hugh Elliott and wlfo wont to Grnnta Parh Thursday for tho day. Mr; nnd Mrs. L, 0. GoorKO of Sis kiyou county, who hnvo boon visiting Jalco Wlso, loft for Grants Push on Thursday. D. Dradshaw, formorly of tho Llt tlo Dutto district, hns purchasod tho West 8ldo Ilvory stabloa, formorly conducted by ThomnH Knrlow, and has talcon formal possosslon. Tlio, now miimiKomont will conduct u strictly first-class Btablo nnd will on doavor to oxcol In tho class of Kb turnouts, Wo nro Kind to wolcomo Mr. Drndshnw anions us. Tho Medford flro dopartmont was callod to quoll a flro In an outbuild liif? at tho corner of Eighth uid Mis tletoe stroots boloiiKlng to Mrs, En ynrt, Tho flro had boon started pur posoly by tho owner and nn unin formed neighbor turnod In tho alarm. Tho iiottor of tho flro Is llablo to a $30 flno, as tho law forbids tho burn ins of any building with n roof jjpon it.; Mr. and Mrs. Stownrt A Ikon, vlro pronldont of tho First Natlonnl bank at EiiBono, nro vIsltliiK In Medford In pursuit of rollof from asthma. Mr, Alkon Is vory much plonsod with Medford and tho brightness of Its future, , Nat" Orchestra To-Night THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 MUSICAL PROGRAM I- -March, "The Slura and Stripes Forever" ..Sousa 2- Concert Walt', "Aesklepias" Leliar 3--Popular Soi "Every Little Movement" (from "Madam Sherry") Ilaselina '1 Selection, "The Gingerbread Man" Sloane T) Piano Solo (selected) Herman Lahaun 0 Idyl, "rrhe Glow "Worm" Paul Lincke 7 Overture, "Hungarian Lustspicl".. KelorBela 8 Quartet, Jiigoletto" Verdi 9 Grand Selection, "Les Contcs d'JIoffman" Offenbach 10 Pinale, "Wild Cherries Rag" ..Snyder "Nat" Theatre Changes its program every SUNDAY, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. "SPECIAL MAT INEE SATURDAY and SUNDAY afternoon at 2:30 JSeliool children under 12 years, admission 5c to matinee. ; 7 . tflllustratedsongs by Miss Davis. -CJWc want amateur actors to put on a 15-minute act once a week; no experience needed. Now is the chance for all ambitious youngsters who wish to take up the stage career. ,0all at ticket office. WccRs & McGowan Co. CO. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT This Means You f Throw off the tyranny of aching, burning eyes. t J 1 sell eye glasses for sun shine or storm. CJ The kind that stay on. CJ For your eyes save, lend mo your cars. DR. RICKERT, Over Kentner.'s I Qffer Thompson's Ashland Nursery Stock llonie-Grown 1 (nigh-Grade Thrifty Trees lOl West Main vStreet Remember the Number L. W. ZIMMER A C Dl ITU STATE SENATOR Jm ImU III OF WASHINGTON One of the most brilliant orators on ttie Pacific Coast, will speak in this city at The Medford Theatre Thursday evening October 6th on THE WRONGS OF PROHIBITION ... Senator Ruth is a very forcible speaker. It is not necessary to tell who and what he is, the mere mention of his name being sufficient to attract hun dreds of willing listeners. Don't miss (b. ADMISSION FREE Attractive The moment you step into this store you note the array of "ATTRAC TIVE" articles for use in office, store and home. WALL PLAQUES MOTTO CARDS GIFT BOOKS ART AND CRAFT JEWELRY and all the little OFFICE SUPPLIES, ARCHI TECTS' SUPPLIES, etc. Merrivold vShop 134 West Main Street" HOME RULE CAMPAIGN Senator A. S. nulh, President of tin Stato Scnato of Wasliinuton, Spoaks Tonlnht at Medford The ater on "Wronjjs pf Prohibition." A. S. Huth, for tho pnst six youra president of tho stnto eonnto of Wash ington, and a brilliant orator, will npon tho campaign of tho Home Rulo association of Orogon at tho Med ford thoator tonight In an nddross ontltlod "Tho Wrongs of Prohibi tion." Admission Is froo. Senator Huth spolco nt Jaulcson vlllo lust night to u good'Slzml null onco, and his nddrosu was pronounced oxcoodlngly Intorostlng nnd witty. Othor spa'iUors that will bo hoard Inter In bolmlf of homo rulo Inuludo ox-Mayor Itoso of Mllwaultoo and llov. Warren of Urooklyn, California Lands Excellent olimato; land id first oIiihs in qnhlitj', idpal for alfalfa nml fruit of nil kinds. Centrally loented between Siiornmento nml Snn Francisco on main lipo S. P. R. H. Write us for list of Medford people who hnvo bought land liero, then you can jet infor mation direct from your old uoililior. DIXON ALFALFA LAND CO., tj Dixon, California. ISIS THEATRE THE HOME OF VAUDEVILLE TO-NIGHT . MATINE SATURDAY AFTER NOON, 2:30 P. M. "NEVER A DULL MOMENT" The Wade listers Character Song and Dance Artists 3-REELS-3 LATEST MOTION PICTURES HTJALAN IIEVRTS THE DEATH OF ailCHAEL GRVDY MAJSTOIST CATCHING- LOBSTERS -song- STOCK MARKET WEAK NEW YORK, Oct. G.Canadlan Pacific roso 1 1-2 at tho opening to day, American Sugar 1-4, Amorlcan Smelting 1 and Union Pacific, North orn Pnclflo, Chosaponko & Ohio and Utah Cpppor oach substantial frac tions, As tho marUot advancod tho opou lng prices failed to hold. Ohosapoalto & Ohio lost ovor a point and Rock Island preferred and American Smolt lug proferrod each a polin. THE SOUTHERN ROSE By HARRY BLANOHARD. Doers Open at 7 p. m. CHILDREN, 10 CENTS ADULTS 20 CENTS TO-NIGHT . Piano Lecture Recital By GERARD TAILLANDIER AT THE NATATORIUM HALL Tickets, 75c. HAROLD! SEATS 1 T A ( Notwithstanding the fact that Haroldi is playing in San Francisco and Portland at $2.50, the Nata torium management, in accordance with their policy of first class attractions at popular prices, have de cided to make the price of best seats $1.00. Sale be gins tomorrow at Haskins'. " T REDUCED Fisher & Whitmore HIGH GRADE INVESTMENTS Mining and Fruit Land Orchard and City Property Insurance 32 South Central Avo. Medford Wanted Presser for clothing, $18. Knnch hands. Carpenters. Laborers. Woman cook. Giri for coneral hou3j work. For Sale tock and 10-year leaso, close in. $1G00 takes good business, close in. Bicycle, nonrly now. Business nottinjj $6000 yearly. 11-room Jiouse, furniture for sale, rent $40. FRUIT LAND. SO acres, 7 acres bearinsr orchard, 5 miles to town, $0500; terms. SO acres, 27 in orchard, 4 in bear ing, $10,000; terms. 14 acres, 10 in orchard, fino houso, 2 miles out, $10,500; terms. 90 acres creek bottom, cleared, $125 acre; will subdivide 40 acres, 3 miles, $00 por aoro. 133 acres, 12 acrtis orchard, alfalfa, fino water right, $15,000 terms. 80 ncros, buildings, GO acres m trees, V mile out, $300 por ucio; subdivide 120 ncrcs, 10 in orchard, 25 alfalfa. under ditch, tools, stock, $13,500. 17 ncros, 14 in heavy bearing, 2 mile out, $500 por acre. 1 acre, 4-roora houso, fruit .trees am' borrios, $1450; no interest. 10 acres, mile wet Phoenix. $1000, good terms. 324 noros near Tnlont, fino dairy ranch, $35 por ncro, oasy terms. 20 acres, Eagle Point, 10 ncros Nowtowns nud Bnrtlotts, $150 per acre. CITY PROPERTY. Lot 111x124 near N. Oakdale, $1700 for nniok sale. 3 closo-in lots for $1500, torms. 14 lots for 2000, iusido city limits. Westmoreland lots $300, easy terms. 2 oloso-in lots, oast sido, $750. West Main lots, 00x240, easy terms. Walnut Park addition, lota 52x112, $350, your own torms. HOMESTEADS. 7 fino homesteads. E. F. A. BITTNER Ream 206 Taylor & Phlpps Bldg. Phono 4141 Main. P. S. L. JOHNSON V. D. M. Noted Bible Exegete (Converted Hebrew) IS THE HOPE OF A Resurrection a Reasonable Hope QThis important but much misunderstood question, gen erally avoided by theologi ans, will be fully and fairly answered. COME AND HEAR The Bible Harmonized With Reason FREE. NO COLLECTION AT THE Natatorium Hall FRIDAY, 7;30 P. M., OCT. 7 yp b. r. . x. Medford Lo4. M 11H, Meets Thurateya la K. P. Hall. W. W. Mttt, WL .( Robert Teller, John Wilted rt . 0 I. lit UiMV "M-