jr t '!H f ".-.'' t , MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER C, 19.10. 4 J M A r. i I V i Medford Mail Tribune AH XHSSPBITDBNT KSWBPAPER tmiCISKED DAJXY EXCEPT SAT UK' BAT BY THE MEDrOBD rarrrrrNO oo. A consolidation of the Medford Mall ettaltllnlieil 18S9; tho Southern Oregon Ian, caUt)Ilihetl 1002: tho Democratic Time, established 1872: tho Ashland Tribune, cstnbllnlicd 1S9C nnd tho Med ford Tribune, eBtnbUahcd 1908. QKOnai! PUTNAM. Hdltor and .MannRor JAY BOWERMAN HARMONIZER. Cirst make govern- Bntorcd nn Rccoml-clkss matter. No emter 1. 1909. at tho post offlbe nt Medford, Oregon, under the act of March 3. mis, officfhl Paper of tho City of Medford SUBSCRIPTION BATES. On,ycar by mall , ,..5.00 -One month by msJl .60 JPer month delivered by carrier In Medford, Ashland, Jacksonville and Central Point SO Sunday, only, by mall, per year. . . . 3.00 Weekly, per year 1.60 Tall X.easa Wire United Press DU p (itches. " The Malt Tribune Is on sale at tho Ferry Nowa Stand, San Francisco, Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland. Bowman News Co, Portland, Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. Hotel Spokane Xews Stnnd. Spokane. a Postal Kates. 2 to li-paire paper, lo IS to 24-pago paper So 14 to 36-page paper.. 3c BWOtUT CIBCUHATIOW. , Average dally for November, 190? ...... December. 1909 January. 191i February. 1910 March. 1910 April, 1910 Mar, 1910 .....i June. 1910 . July. 1910 . . AumiL 1910 September Circulation. 0x. ......... .iiu 12..4 2475 4 a simi.'.'i 11 14 15 !6!5 2475 2475 2475 2475 2475 2500 2475 2475 2460 2525 16. IS. 19. 20. .Xi . . . i 23 26 26...... 27...... 29ltI!I! 30 1.700 1.S43 1.V1K 2.122 2,203 3,301 2.450 3,503 2.524 2.527 2525 2575 2575 2575 2575 2S76 2575 2650 2650 2675 2700 2710 2710 Total., 66.245 .Average dally 2,551 STATE OP OREGON, County of Jack son, ss.: On the 1st day of September, 1910, personally appeared before me, George Putnam, manager of the Medford Mall Tribune, who upon oath, acknowledges that the above figures are true and cor rect. H. N. YOCKEY. CSeal) Notary Public for Oregon. nsoroBs, o&saoir. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the fastest crowing city In Oregon. Population, 1910, 9.000. Bank deposits $2,750,000. 9600,000 Gravity Water System com pleted In July. 1910, giving finest sup ply pure mountain water. Sixteen miles of street being paved ' at a cost exceeding $1,000. making a total of twenty ininues of pavement. Postofflce receipts for year ending I June 30, 1910, snow a gam or 36 per i cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogue River apples won sweepstakes prize and title of "Apple XlBjr of the World" at the National Apple Show, Spokane, 1109. Rogue River pears brought high cat prices In all markets of the world during the past five years. Write Commercial Club, enclosing 6 cents for postage cf the finest .com munity pamphlet ever written. ay. uFifty Years Ago. Today, Oct. 6. Notable rescue nt sea In the "old days." The American steamship Couuaught. water logged ami aflre 300 miles off Boston, signaled her plight, and a little brig of less than COO tons burdeu responded. The passen gers and crew, numbering D91 souls, were safely aboard the brig Just as the ship sank. Twenty-five Years Ago Today. Sir Charles Dllke In a speech at Chelsea criticized the govern ment's Irish policy and advo cated self government for Ireland. Attractive Listings For Careful Buyers 30 Acres Near Central Point; all planted to 2-year-old apples and pears. Good buildings and pump ing plant for irrigating. Price, $16,000, easy terms. (20 Acres Bearing pears, close in. Will divide into two ten-acre tracts. Ask -to see this fine property. 10 Acres Four miles from Medford. Eeady to .plant. Price, $175 per acre, Before you build, let us show you Oakdale Park .Addition. HUNTUEY-KKEMER COMPANY , 214 Fruitgrowers' Bank . Building. T IIOJU the gods would destroy they TY mad." Jay Bowernian. assembly candidate for or, is out with a two-column denunciation of republican I Senator Jonathan Bourne in which he severally grills the 'republican president's administration and its acts, denounces the republican tariff, and heaps invective and abuse upon those who voted, for it. "What a plea for party harmony, for party unity! - Jonathan Bourne is not aii issue in this campaign. The coming legislature has nothing to do with the election of a ( senator, but the assembly is an issue, and so is its contem plated attack upon the direct primary md Statement One. Acting Governor Bowernian seeks to blind the people to the real issue by attacking Senator Bourne. Nominat ed himself by the assembly, of which he was ringleader and bell Avether, whose plain purpose was to "put the knife into each and all who declared for Statement One,'' Mr. Bowernian now asserts he will do nothing if elected to undo the statement. A candidate's future career must be judged by his past acts. Mj Bowernian as acting governor lent the prestige of his office and the strength of his support to the cre ating of the assembly and its attack upon Statement One. As senator, he championed the Marriner bill, that would have legalized the assembly and restored tho convention system. If elected governor, there is no reason to believe that the influence and power of the governor's office woul( not again be used against popular government. 1 wmie iur. xjowcniiiiu iiiiu uiu opponents 01 muuuiui government arc willing to promise almost anything to se cure the votes, their election will be claimed as a triumph of the assembly idea. In order to get the votes they are willing to postpone the attack during the coming legis lature because there is not a senator to elect, but they would be preparing the way, silently and secretly, for the real attack to be made in the legislature two years hence. Charges that Mr. Bowernian makes against Senator Bourne and this paper is not defending Bourne are attacks upon President Taft and more particularly upon Congressman Hawley. Prom Mr. Bowernian we secure the following enumeration of betrayals of the people made by Congressman llawiey: "Sixty million dollars a year is wrung from the people of this country and given to the sugar trust. "You have outraged the people of Oregon and of this country by assisting in placing a dutv of 15 per cent ad valorem on iron ore. Of course you knew the steel trust 1 owned the iron ore in the United States, and that by your vote you were taking this money from the people and from your own cons tituents, and giving it to the many million aires' who control this, the greatest trust in the world. No doubt you expect the householder, when he purchases a cook stove and pays tills unnecessary tribute to your col leagues, to be blinded to your neglect of duty by the plati tudes you indulge in. "You voted to admit to this country raw silk free, and to place a duty of 52 per cent upon manufactured articles. At the same time you voted to place a duty of 135 per cent average on woolen and worsted cloth valued at not more than 40 -cents per pound. "Was this act on your part in duced by your friendship for the people ? "You voted to place a duty of 12i cents a square yard on cotton goods. (318 Schedule I.) "When the mechanic, farmer or other citizen is compelled to purchase this class of goods and pay tribute to you and your plutocratic in timates and associates on account of the official position given to you by the people of Oregon, they can calm their outraged feelings by the happy thought that you secured by this position an opportunity to plunder them and hope to continue in your present office by the use of resound ing platitudes and windy commonplaces, and the assertion that you are a friend of the people. "Instances, almost without end, can be cited in which you voted to place low duties on articles which are worn by men of your aristocratic class, or placed upon your tables, while you voted to place a higher duty on similar articles used by people in poor or moderate circum stances. " t Here we have an instance of the harmony, beautiful. As a harmonizer and peacemaker, as a unifier of party, Jay Bowernian is not shiningly successful, but if he can delude the people into voting for him, he will succeed in fastening the illegal assembly as an accepted institution upon Oregon, and clearing the decks for the promised knif ing of Statement One, the beginning of the end of popular rule. Prizes to be Awarded for Best Display of Apples Cah urUos will bo paid of ton (lollnrH for tho best two-box display df Spltxtiiihcrg itpnlca; ton dollars for tho beat two-box display ot tho Yollow Nowtown Pippins. Ton dollars for best two-box dis play of nuy other variety ot apples. Flvo dollars for tho boat flvo-plnte display consisting ot tour nppk'B to tho pla,to of any vniioty of apploa- wlll bo imtil In casli. All applet) tmiBt ho on display nt Exhibit Dulldlng by Monday, October 10th, at 12 o'clock, and roiiniln for 0110 woolc. Compotunt Judgoa will bo soloctod 1 to pass on tho tmnio. ; JOHN n. OMVKi.n, ICxhlblt Uullillti't, Modfonl, Oregon. I JW B if ' A'prrhS. vm n I if IKSt nf V X. Mi m VWH For Sale (J-ROOM ILOUSIS; I wo screened in poarcliea; elect ric lights; bath room, has hot and cold water, both city and well walcr; nice lawn; large barn for six head of horses and two largo nheds; lot 75x220 feet; fi bearing apple trees; water and sower in street; this is a very desirable location overlooking jM'edl'ord. Prices right, with terms, for a quick sale. 1 LOT, 75x220 feot; oily water and sewer; l) bear ing apple trees; 10 H-yoar-old apple trees; good well and pumping plant; you can have a bargain in this lot if you act quickly. 5-ttOOM 1IOUS1Q (N10W); well finished; lot fiOx 12G; high and dry; good location; city wator; elec tric light; this is a simp for investment. 10 ACRES TTI5AVY PINIS AND SAW '.1TM1BER; 7 miles from Medford; No. I Fruit land, apple and pear; $1000 buys this for next 10 days. l'or fur ther information, call on the owner, N. L. TOWNS13ND 721 BJ3NNETT AVE. PJ10NI3 -1232. SELL THE SCHOOL SITE. 5, For County Recorder. I am the republican nominee for vtU offion of county rocorder for Jackson county. Election Nbyember sMioio. FRED h' coLvra, TT IS to be hoped that an offer will be made for the pur-- chase of the Washington school site that will justify the school board in selling it. At any rate it is to be hoped that the school board will decide upon erecting another school on the "West Side ratti er than attempt to remodel or build additions to the, pres ent structure. Tho West Side is growing very rapidly and more school accommodations arc imperative. For the convenience of the pupils a building should be erected further south and eventually another further north. There is no question but that public opinion favors the sale of the school and the erection of two ward school houses in its place, and will sustain the board of education in such action. It is generally regarded as a mistake to increase the facilities of the present building when within a short time another structure more conveniently located will be necessary. Even if the present school is retained the construction of a separate building in another location is justified. Three-quarters-mile circle around the Masonic Hall in Kerby, Oregon. Kerb' is the key to the Illinois Valley; is on two railroad surveys to Crescent City; depot grounds have been asked for on this tract; land in black is for 'sale; 3G9 acres, including 700 shares in Kerby irrigating ditch; all west of the ditch is under the ditch. APPLY POR PRICES AND TERMS TO H. B. REED 748 NORTH SIXTH ST., GRANTS PASS, OR. THE TIME IS HERE H. B. PATTERSON THE QUAKER NURSERYMAN is booking orders now for early fall plant ing. Don't delay in placing your ordor. all stock guaranteed. Office 116 Main Street ASHLAND Ashland, Oregon Swedenburg Block This is the school that will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and Help you to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, AND ENGLISH Secure your Business Education at home at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, we will secure you a position in any of the large commercial centers. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. RITNER. A. M., President. Cho finest Sample Rooms in tho city. Single rooms or en suito also rooms with bath Hotel Moore 'lYloplioiiu In Kvory Itooin Rou-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan SCCII raertr PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Pmcob Reasonable COFFEEN (SL PRICE 11 NoitliDSuMulfoid Ore. Tho i)f 309 MMMMHH Z J. E. ENYART, President. J A. PERRY, Vico-Prosidont. I JOHN S. ORTn, Cashier, W B. JACKSON. Ana't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 ;: SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKINQ ; :: business transacted we solicit yqur patronage. : NHM 9T- Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry if , ' . Sterling Tableware. ' All goods guaranteed, and rices lower than the lowest J. W. Diamond 115 Cast Mtn Medford, Ore. In writhiR an ad about that Hi. ished room you have to rent hiiv. a convincing way, juat whnt you d what U was like, "and all about t." For Sheriff WILIIUK A, JONES Candldato for ro-olnctloa. (Paid ndvortlsetasit) jz? EVERYMAN'S j? Ufye Brush ( A 11 " Runabout VTLlV Tho car that inado tho trip from San Francisco to Medford and averaged twonty-glvo mlloa to tho Bnllon of gaaollno ovor tho moun tains from Uoddlng to Ashland. ASIC FOR DEMONSTRATION P. O. nox 37 TIIKO. W. MARSH Medford, 112 S, King Stroot . i vv ' " 1 " 'to"-. ('ffiK; esir J RESOLVED Tho best resolution for you to mnlco is to com'o to nn for your no.xt unit, if you want Homothiiifr out of the ordinary. Wu do tho befit work nnd charge tho lowcal prices. W. W. EIFEFT, THE PROGRESSIVE TAILOR FOR RENT Only hotel in town of 1000 inhabitants on Southorn Pacific- rail road, Rogue Rivor valley. Nowly rofurnishod, paporod, pain tod; equipment modorn; hatliH, toilotn, oloctrio lichto, hot aud cold run niiu; wutor. Now doing businosa. CALL ON fALDENHAGCN ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY, 210 West Main St., Medford, Or, n ', ' ((fc- wfl, f ' ' 'W" '' 'u "i ' iitrmit 5V ,'WJ - rtwTOnTrtirrririr pAjfii, , :..H ny in ,'K'iy I'i'jc T'fWiMWfWW i nww mi iiufcrf $m m