I r $ rA MliJDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1910. 8 ONLY TWO MORE DAYS OF EXTRA VOTES I A Little Payment on Your Subscription Before Saturday Night Means Many Extra Votes--This is Positively The Last Opportunity The CAPITAL PRIZE ONE FlVI-M'ASBHXaHH TOVIUNO AUTOMOMM3 ON DISPLAY IN KKONT OF THIS MAIL TltlUUMS OKFICJ! GRAND PRIZES TWO $100 PIANOS. TWO 100 DIAMOND HINOB. TWO HUBINKSB SCHOLARSHIPS. TWO HEAUTIKUL LADIES' QOU) WATCHES. Ih your friend in the xiuno for tlio nntoinoh'ilu? Ono inoro ttuliHariptiun to lior nnmo inny mean u jcootl deal. From tlio Lyrics of tlio Contest Editor. 4H44 SPECIAL OFFER NOTICE. The Mnll Tribune io trivhiR i uHicinl offer to tlifir old " Hulmoriborti. AH renewed HiibHorip'tlous Hint nro piild boforSn(nrd"v evening, Oct. 8, will roceho the same nrnn "" bor of votes im new sub "t. HoriborH. Hcsldos racliiiK double rotes n bonus of 60,000 extrn votoH will bo given for every 00 months of ronownl Hubsoriptioim turned into tlio Mnll Tribune nffii.i Ki ilimilnv ml. , Only two mor dnys of Dili wk r maln In which old ubcrlWf. may talto mU'nntiiKO of tho icliil offer niw1 ty tho Mnll Trlbuno by which they may bo of inntorlnl assistance to thalr frltnds In tho treat contrst now being conduct ed by thin paper JiidelnK .from the nlncrity with which old subscribers linyo eUrtl thin opportunity to nld their fa vorites In tho contest. It Is sro to pre dict Hint thenn offorts will bo directly reponlble fur tho wlnntntc of some of the uplandld prlic. . ,, Thli Mtep In tho mniit uriusiinl ni well n rnncnnnlmoun I" the history of now pnper contest. Ily Its provision old subscribers nre Jiist n mtcnt an Infill s f i ' ', , . ''; ' ' . i i ., i - ., ; , r, . v.. .y ., vr-"?; r H'-' W:; W ( a vtmi jdWudU W.iJt ,5' ,',"'r S -u'l ,v Prizes HcrlliorH. It 1" Hltl wonder thornforo Unit It linn been taken ndviiutntco of In such innrki.-d decree. Tho offer will not bo repented during tho contoxt, no It be hoove nil who would tend a helping blind lo their young women friends find who Im them that linn not from one to n ficorn of fnvorlten In thin irn-nt met- to got bun) it tut glvo them r nownlH to tho fnvorlto dully of Med- Till offer consists of the nwnrdlng of extrn vote for nny enndtdnto In tho ruco for renewnl of old subscriptions. Tim only condition I thnl tho payment therefor bo for cunlt In ndvnnco. Tho scnl I inoNt liberal Just tho snmo n for new subscribers. Tho ncnlo ranees from 700 vote for ono month to 10,000 for ono yenr. nnd 40,000 for two year. Just two dny remain In which you mny nsslst tlio young women, nnd In reality It costs you nothing, for tho juijht you would not bo without under nny cfrcumatnncea. Ho cnll up your fnvorlto nnd glvo her your cnownl. or remit direct to tho Mnll Tribune office. Indicating to whom tho vote hnll bo given, nnd they will bo placed to her credit on the poll book, It mny menn nn nutomoblle. plnno. diamond ring, Bcholarnhlp or n gold wntch. Ho not wait until the Ut moment, but glvo your extension lo your fnvor lto cnndldato NOW. Thoro nro only four dny more remaining nnd he will be working overtime tho lnt dny, nnywny, getting, those who iiavo tho rUTTINO IT Or!-' hnblt born Into them when there la no good renson for It. Tho Hpeclnl bnllnt to which tho con ! tosinnt who qualify ara entitled will bo i mndo out nnd sent to thorn nt tho end of the speclnl offer. Tho regular ballot to which they nro entitled for all sub scriptions nro Is mini nt once. Opn Evening. ' Tor the benefit of thoo who nro not , able to get to this office during busi ness hours, the Contest Department will Jw open every evening until 0 o'clock. ,?' r ,' v . 4 .ji '- -e(i- 1. - viJ 1 ' &$& 1 ' i-.M1.' .1 li Jfr '-. l DIBTKIOT HO. 1. Xnclr, its all tho territory n tho city of Msdford. Miss Crawford, pianist, Nash drill 1S0.60 I'llu Cliiunyiuv. 107 N. Central ...140,7O lluxello Tlco, SOX N. Central.... 110,270 Mary A. Ilaswull, a O. I'roduco.,148,920 Mny llucluinan. 06 I. Taylor , .,1,S0 Mnrlo Ulfort, N. Kront t 147.920 llvrnlco Carder, 310 W. Jnckson..H7,20 May llallny. C10 H. Central 140,980 Mnudo H. OnlneH, a drape. 148,330 lone Klynn. 906 W. Tenth ,,.,14K,970 Kittle nurgesK, 33& urnngo ,.145.220 ll.-rllin Dnllev. 20K a Ivy ...144,870 ...144.170 Mary Oore, 429 B. Central jvitnin Hiorm. zis1 h. central , ,.iia,z70 Mnbel liny, 1104 W. Mnln 142,570 llerdlnn Jlencome, Tenth t ..,.142,620 Mr, V. M. Kord. I'ortlnnd nve.,142,470 Mnildit 1,1 ng. ICjisI Main 142,330 Jennlo Dodge, 010 fl. Oakdnlo ..141,280 Mnybelln Jonen, Hunsey' ntora..l40,980 Agne McMahon, 107 H. Iyy ...140,170 Ituu. Van Dyke, 9 V. 12lh ......137,290 .Myrtle Calhoun. 8 a Contra! ...130,340 .M.-.la tllsh, 28 N. Court 134,840 I'ratice Durham, 119 a Holly.. 133,270 Alonn KiiodgrnsR, 344 a Central. .120,380 Ituby Ilurke, 3d nnd N. I)arttett..l24,740 N'elllo KvaiiH.' I'aclflo Tel. Co ..123,210 Hiix.-II.i Itngsdnle, R Itlvorsldo, .116.260 i:vii June Ostium, 612 Oakdnlo, ,112,650 Killil Jacob, IIS a Central.,. .111,860 Anna I'vlerson, H. Holly 107,940 Ono Humphrey, Kentnor' utorc. .106,970 Anna Kmlth, 20 a Ivy 104,220 Harriett I'nul, 826 V 911 86,460 Mnry I'nyno, 136 N. Unrtlott .... 78,920 I'lmira Wilson. Kplrelln I'arlora 77.480 Jessie Cole, 706 N. Central 67,650 Mary Klttrldgc, 204 a Orapo.... 60,170 Untile Allen, 313 W. 10th 62.170 Vldn Thornburg, B. Holly 46,610 Mr. K. Gregory; 232 B. Mnln.. 42.B10 Olndyfv Heard, enst end II Main 41,250 flnrn rtplngntie. 204 Central .... 38,910 Mis Andrews, 96 Iloosovelt ave,. 38,440 Nlnn Bakermnn. 21 XV. Tenth.... 38,190 I.uolln Campbell. 714 W. 8th.... 36,820 Knld iramllton, N. Central 35,760 Julia C. Fielder, 710 li Main.... 33,890 Mnrello Welch, a Ivy 31,520 Mnbel Mickey, 330 H. llr 29,870 Oraco McCoy, 619 N'. Central 28,170 Ksther Murphy, 611 U. I'lr 24.720 Nettle Ilnrtloy. 6 C 3d at 23,760 Ornro Offut, 140 N. Orapo 22,820 Vlnlta Hamilton, N. Central ave.. 17,840 Kthelyn Howe. 361 W. 11th.... 12,190 Jessie I'undy, a Holly 11,330 Mlllcent Potior. 146 N. Onkdnle. 7,260 Ornco Ilrown. 1221 W. Main.... 4.960 Hebeecn Clinton. 104 8. Newtown 230 Mary ricater, Montgomory Co.. 310 BXSTBXOT HO. 8. Xnoludca all territory oatsldt city of Modfora. ... ..i ..." ... ;; --. ;----:'.. itaxello Welch. Jncksonvlllo ...123.470 Maybelle Peart. Central Point. . .,128.420 Mis Beatrice Moore, Aahlnnd. ,126,840 Jila Heors. Woodvllle 125 480 windy Miller. Woodvllle 126,260 Mrs U K Whlteslite. Central THE ESSENTIALS of an Orchard Platting Proposition for a home or an Investment are Goo& Soil, Good And a Price . Wo have a 200-acro tract between Talent and Ashland, located on tho main road, with about 75 acres planted to pears with peach find's. Stock and machinery go with the place. Tho price per acre is about half what others are asking for similar tracts, and wo can make very easy terms. If you want a platting proposition you should not over look this. It is priced low for a quick turn. If interested let us show vow this property. W. T YORK & CO. .- JlJfcWt: ,...,' ,.M. Winnlfreil DjtvlH, Ashland .. 123,470 iJlnnor Power. Tnlenl, ...... .122,660 llhettii Itobbln, Woodvl o .... m.m I.eotia Ulrlch, Jncksonvlllo ,,,.,121,830 Dllllo Hall, lirownsboro 121,270 oscloln nrnlhnn. Talent ... .,.,120,8(0 Mnry OlKOn, Centrnl l'olnt ...119,670 Hnrnh Ilcbb. Cetilrnl l'olnt .....U8.330 'vfi Norcros. Central l'olnt ...117.360 Krnnce Hamilton, Aahlnnd .,,,116,650 Oertrudo Norton, Jacksonville. 116,070 Ila7.l Crowaon, ANhland ...... .116,860 Oraco Colby, Ilrownsvlllo 114,430 Kdnn Nell, Aslilnnd 113,660 Clam llhode. Aahlnnd 112,810 Mnzlo Moore, Orant !' ...112,580 Olvn Hcott. Woodvlllo 109,780 l.ucy Harmon, Oront rann. . ,iug,240' Iluby I'oltncr, Ashland... 103,240 Orennol Jackson, Kaglo l'olnt.,,, 66,820 Marin Oage, lieaglo ....,..,,., 90,640 Hnzelllo Wurner, Troll... 89,820 Mary I'oter, JackHonvlllo ..... 82,370 I'earl Itos, Central l'olnt 79,480 Mnrjorlo Dnly. Kaglo l'olnt ,.., 78,240 Nettlu Hartley, Wollen ........ 76,40 Ilerthn Kmlth, Iluncom ....... 76,420, .Myiu Askew, nenglo 67,660 MIhn Holly, Ashland 66,440 Amy Unvin, lluncotn . . 64.270 W. C. T. U. LECTURER HERE NEXT SUHDAV Mr, Mnry Armcr.qf Gcorpa, tlie, woman temperance orator who fills the plnce upon the platform so Iouk left vncnnt nfter Miss Frances Wil Inrd's dentil, (nnd cn&Uy the best speaker in tho temperance world, :? to be in Oregon for the Jnst month of the Orctron enmpnign. Iironeht NOMINATION BLANK Write plainly. It is advisablo to use this blank, but nominations can bd written on nny paper. Coupon is printed for convenience only. I Nominate '' "eB ..- ict No. Ih tho snout popular candidate in the Mail Tribune Contest. Signed , . . , DrlJ Address Each nomination sent in will county twenty votes if sent to the Mail Tribuno Contest Department. The Mail Tribune reserves the right to reject any objcctionnblo nominations. Cut out this blank and send it to the Mail Tribune with your name or the name and address of your favorite candidate. A subscription with it is not necessary, but a good start means much. This blank can be used as often as desired for the some candidate, and each and every one counts twenty. The nnmo of the party making the nomina tion, will not bo divulged if so desired. In case of a tie, prizes of equal vnlno will be given. mA .. $ WHICH GIVES THE OTHER FELLOWS AN OPPOR TUNITY TO MAKE A PROFIT L-.- iuASSt: & tr vwy- fcuw s. Ktltlo OII.Hon, Ashland 60,860 Ireno Wilson, Centrnl Point ..... 66,920 Miss K, I'oelor, Uutto Kail 65,460 l!f-rnlco KilrnondHOn. Uutto I'nll. 64,920 Kdnn Hayes, Gold Hill 49,220 Donna Itnrirr, Kaglo l'olnt 46,970 I'thelyn IJntli-, Orant I'asa,.. 40,960 Molllu Hay, Ituch 44,920 Olllo Hoguo, Oold Hill , 42,970 Miss Ilowman, Ashland .,,,,..,, 41,810 Viola Kmlth, Uutto Kails 29,620 l.-lln Morelock, Oold Hill 38,760 flnru Hkyrman, Trail ..,......,, 27,910 Kttn Williams, Central Point .... 26,890 Clnrlco Wilcox, Woodvllle 26,670 Maybella Parsons, Ashland ,,,. 25,980 Klora Shofer, Hummervlllo 24,620 Knye Durchell, Woodvllle 21,930 Kmnm Wandt, Jacksonville 20,06'.) Mario Carnlhan, Troll 19,460 Mnggln Jones, I'eagtc 14,820 Vera Hkeen, Ashland ...,..,,,, 14,560 Delia Milter. Trail 10,660 Mny Hashi Ashland ,. 10,240 Mny Howe, Trail 4.920 Inez Wlllots, Persist 3,169 I Mlddlcbushel, Trail 3,170 Kiln Htoles, Woodvllle 319 ClatouMo McCredle, Central Point 30 Oertrudo Nichols. Putto Knlla... 20 here by the W. C. T. U., to whone work nlic devotee her life. Xo other temperance orntor drn" .such audiences or holds and sways tho masses n does this platform orator, enthusiastic, with her heart on fire with love for humnnity. -When she held scries of meetings in the large cities in the cast no hall was large cnouch to hold the crowds that flocked to hear her. . , Location s A. : ,.-' .'!'' Farm Land and Orchards q 296 ACRES near Brownsljoro, subject to Fish Lake- f Ditcli, $30,000. fv J 240 ACRES, all bottom land, good water right, 12 ! miles from Medford, 3i miles from railroad sta- ' tiori; $80.00 per acre. ) q 625 ACRES, 3y2 miles from Medford, 125 acres in I i ana d-year-oia trees, all tine sou, a iirst class set of buildings, teams and tools go in; the best value in Jackson county for the price; $181 per acre. q 53 ACRES Bear creek bottom, subject to irrigation; well located; $250.00 per acre. q 10 ACRES in full bearing orchard,) 1 3-4 miles from Medford; seven-room house, fine team and tools go in; $14,000. "We have other propositions as good. Come and see us. CITY LOTS AND RESIDENCES J 1 ACRE, with two 5-room cottages and barn; West Side; $3500.00. q 4 LOTS 50x106, with five-room cottage, almost new; West Side; $2500. f 6-ROOM cottage, lot 60x100, close in and a beauty, for $4500.00. q 1 CORNER LOT, 50x118, on West Main, north and east front, sidewalk in and paid for; $1000. TJUKMS ON ALL ABOVE LISTED. q For particulars, call at office or phone 3722. D. H. Jackson & Comp'y II814 WEST MAIN STREET Not Good After October 14, 1910 The Mail Tribune Popular Voting Conest This Ballot Counts for TEN Votes For , mtm District No Address Sood for ten votes when filled ont and sent to the Contest Depart ment by mail or otherwise on or before expiration date. No ballot will be altered in any way or tranaferred niter being received by the Mail JVibune. In'case of a tie, piiies a equal iitestants tied. il Have You Entered the Contest? -if. Jp. . v S"'' --,iT 'v ! "- '' ' - - ;: ' ts ' :. ji: i'-'Sw'--1' ' ' f r vs. . .ii Li civw. '.w t ot ....i; ' v .. m ;V' t,5- - ; ') 4'.' V f '; $ - K' 1 '. 'lift W fi', I' I isssffl i-it rfsTTlli si 4 'l, I H re ,i. a . 'M v tH . -i f J V J? x ; .- ft".- - i , 9