n taTTff 'TT3 aLEPFORD MAIL TBIBUNE, aLEDFOftP, OKECION, T.1UI.KSPAT, OCTOBER C, 39.10. I h : lA' I ' ' H N r 1 V i. Uf' . K" i. f- M' k jVC' ----------- ---- - 4 ---- --- - J54" J WITH OUR CORRESPONDENTS .-- --------- --.- - --4-- Butte Falls Items Mrs. Umnm James, nn nunt of Mrs.long bridge near Cameron and will .'. 1). anils, of Omnhn, Nob., is us- ning Iho family of Mr. and Mrs. Mills, and may spend tho winter here, as she likes the conntry very mucli. JkSilor and family of Oklahoma .andf brother-in-law, X. E. Buclier, hnvo' taken n residence in Butte . Falls and arc living in tho David Day thomo. Mrs. Morris will move her bakery to the Poole store room from hor vrcsidcnco, where she will have more room and be more conveniently lo catod for hor increasing trado. Engineer Beveridgo before breaking-camp, gave n parting supper to tho boys comprising his crow of as sistants, which was very much en joyed by all present. Dr. Stowart is paying a business Tjsit to the valley and, will be gono sifome.dnys. j i JRaybum; haa tho misfortune SL.1 ! IS ! !. 'II . I WU1IC woriaiig "l IU3 UllU IU UUU u large tie fall upon his foot and suf fered a very painful jnjuryiir tire , toes and instep. 0. Adams has sold his residence- property to Mr. Carson, the barber, who will occupy it in tho spriug. In the meantime Mr. Acre will live in ' the home. Tho primary election passed off very quietly and a small vote was ' polled, as the voters apparently did not take much interest. The demo crats were hardly in evidence and bat for the slight friction in local matters Sjinany thought they were electing ifficers, thero would have been but J ittlo excitement It seems as we lave some assembly voters here and mite a number who do not under stand ,the issues before the people. Frank Neil took the returns of election to Jacksonville, as it wa so late when the count was finished -that noj telephone communication could bo bad with Medford and Sun fday we. could not get a message .through. , ' Tho D. M. Ferry seed man, of De troit, Mich., has been here gathering up the leftover seeds from our mer chants, preparatory to sending them 'a fresh stock for 1011. Tho railroad is now working on the soon have it completed, and ns thero nro four small bridges yet tot built, it will require but a short time to bring tho road into Butte Falls. ' Tho woods are full of bears and several havo been slain near here and on the uusurvcyed lauds. Bill Benle has been hauling shakes to Brownsboro and bringing back supplies for his family. A man supposed to be Frank Wnde was seen in our neighborhood lately, nud he is said to bo heavily armed and to have evil intent upon somo of the citizens in and around Eagle Point and Lake Creek. Eagle Point Eaglets 11, A. C. Ilowlett. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Sin gleton, on their place near Englo Point, September I2S, 19 10, n daugh ter. Wannsley & Smith have taken tho contract to finish to upper story of tho schoolhouso and get it ready for another teacher as our school is as suming such proportions that wo wnl require of if not two" more tenehcrs this winter. Wninslcy & Smith arc also build ing a grocery for S. II. Hnruish on his homo place. Thev nro about through with their job on tho T. E. Nichols bnm, but have their work It is said that application for a planned ahead for this fall. revenue stamp liccuso will bo made and a near beer saloon may bo open ed' up in Butte Falls, and the women ns well ns many of the men nro not pleased, to hear of it. A large consignment of paints nud oils wore purchased by Paluter Erio while in tho valley and he will now have a plentiful supply on hand for his rapidly growing business. J. P. Hughes reports thnt busi ness nt his storo has so increased that ho has to employ additional hell) to assist him and this week he has had Miss Blossom Morris and his son James Hughes attending tho store, and yet business increases right along. Aaron Beck has been improving Vallew Mew hotel, which he owns, and has Mrs. Marcy as lessee, who is doing a good business nud serving meals as well as accommodating the traveling public with nice, clean, sleeping apartments. J. Thomas has vacated the Fred enburgh home, and will move into the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Morris, the lntter having moved into tho Poole storeroom. Quito a large crop of apples was gathered b.v Mr. Chambers from the old Dunlnp orchard near town and which orchard is about fifty years old. yet bearing fruit that s not affected with the codlin moth or scale. Mrs. Hnndshy, the mother of Mrs. Bnrritt tho primary teacher, is mak ing her home for the school year with Mrs. Barritt. Mr. Spilte has put up n neat littlo house on the.-lot he purchased of Y Ulrich, and ns soon as the nmterinl can bo procured Charley Cinyoade and Boy Ashpolo nrc going to put up n confeotionory store on a lot on the Ulrich addition and thorc is now quite a number of touts already on the ground and familes living in them. The railroad company has men digging n well at the depot, or rather where the depot will be built, as the place now is but n littlo house erected in a hurry nud has been used thus far as a depot building, but I nm told tho company expects to pnt up a nice comfortable building nt the present site. The company has taken the steam shovel to pieces and ship ped it to tho Deschut63 country and is fitting up a smaller one that Craig & Fnullcr used last winter on tho big cut. Thev are opening up n new gravel pit near Derby station nud if tho gravel proves to be good they will establish a camp there. Mr. MaeDonald. the boss bridge builder, short time. was hero Sunday night and reports that they are getting along very fine with tho bridge work nud everything is going with hueh n ruh that it makes us old hayseed;) stand nud take notice. Sunday night in addition to having Mr. "MaoDoimld hoiv we nlso had Mr. Bovcrodgo and Mr. Hammer of tho civil engineer railroad corps and Mr. Frnser, engineer of tho steam shovel; alo we had Mr. Paino of Roguo river and Mr. Willetts of l!lk Creek and Mr. Young of Medford, tho latter three brought over n bunch of beef cattle for Wortmnn & Sou. Mr. Paine is tho man who bought tho Alfred Gordon place on Rogue river and m conversation with him 1 happened to mention about the petition being circulated for a road ; from Derby station to Rogue river via tho Crowfoot route, nud Mr. Paino seemed to bo grently intcro-di'd in tho move nud said that he would j like to meet the civil engineer who done tho platting of tho proposod road, and just ns it happened Mr.' Hauunon, the civil cugiuoor referred to, wnij iu the adjoining room, .o they met and had quite a tnlk over1 tho matter. Mr. Hammuu said that ( it was about seven miles from t.ie Derby station to lloguc rivor by that ; route, and that ho had found u good easy grade for the road and in his opinion that was the most feasible route for a wagon road thnt ho know of nnd he had been over a largo part of that country for the P. & E. railroad. Mr Paino is firmly uf thcopinion thnt thero will be an "elec tric railroad up lloguc river nlong the north bank iu the course of n For Sale Initio homo ranch iu Orchard Home, halt' mile from two paved streets of Medford, consisting of SVii acres in, mostly full bonring coinmeroial fruit, first class; uoarly all now "buildings; 20.0 head of poultry. Team and tools go with tho place if desired. 1C iul""- estod como out and suo my big turkeys, and priso- ' wiimar, pt7otbm'p?i rvowii)f on the trees. No cr JiOBT. BUTTON, MEDFORD, OilK. , WHJxaujiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tmwn iniii i.nwaaiutArxMu: 41 4-HtfVt f MRS. ED ANDREWS,. VOICE CULTURE, AT NATAT0RIUM TUES DAYS AND FRIDAYS. PHONE NO. 3052. f f f f f SPLENDID LOT s Eat Front in Walnut Park, 60x125 under price for quick sale Bittner 4T4T Central Point Items Table Rock Items The rain Monday will enable the Pendleton's 50th anniversary. fanners to commence plowing for! fall grain. Saturday W. J. Fickes and famil7 Ieft for Newberg, where he has bought a small tract of land and expects to make his home there. Mr. Fickes has been foreman for Mr. Wyckoff for nearly two j'ears and lias made a good many friends here. Mr. Sumner has purchased a don- ey engine for clearing laud at tho Bedford Orchard. Mr. Samuels, the "oreman, has just moved it up from Sugene. ' ' One of tho leading social events of this season nt Table Rock was a surprise party Saturday evening iu honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pendle ton, tho rrcasion '-!ng their 25th wedding anniversary, Those present were Mr. and Mr3. Washburn, Mrs. Dr. Jones and Miss Caldwell of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Paxon and Mr. Palmer and son of Central Point, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. O. Bissell of Med ford, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Adams, "Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lydiard; Mr. and Mrs. Short, Fred Hauptman. The presents consisting of silverware were numerous and beautiful. Re freshments consisting of ices, slier- Sunday whiJe out for a walk along tho river Stanley Lydiard was struck by a bullet of .22 caliber and felled to tho ground. The bullet struck him just above the forehead and pene trated the skin and followed between the skin and skull for nearly three inches. After recovering ho made h'u way home and was taken to Dr. An derson and had tho wound dressed and is not suffering any inconven ience from it at this time. But had the bullet been a quarter of an inch lower it would have killed him in- stantly. Also Mr. Spencer, who was picking apples in tho Wnshbum orchard, was hit in the face by shot fired by a local hunter shooting nt birds, nnd a man who works at tho Pendleton ranch had a narrow es cape from being struck by n bullet while fishing in the river. This shows that people are criminally cnreless with guns, and when people are in danger of beink killed whilo nt work or near their homes it is time for such sports to be kept off of our farms and arrested and fined for trespass if found hunting on private property. The npplo pneking is in full blnst A donkcj- engine was unloaded nt the local station last week nnd taken to the Modoc orchards on Hoguo river to be used ni clearing land and in building a mile-long dyko which will protect the property from high water. This fine property, which belongs to the Potter Palmer estate, is being rapidly improved and when complete will be one of the very finest orchard tracts in tho west. The tract comprises 1500 acres and will all be set to pears. E. P. Hathaway oi' Corvnllis, was here Tuesday visiting his brother, S. P. Unthnway. Mr. Hathaway was formerly a resident of Grants Pass and before removing, from thnt city he was subppoened as a juror in tho federal court iu session this week at Medford. The jury was dis charged Tuesday morning nnd Mr. Hathaway continued his journey home Tuesday night. Mrs. E. P. Jones nnd Miss Culd- well of Portlnnd, who hnvo been vis iting nt the Washburn homo nt Table Park since last Thursdny, returned to Portlnnd Tuesday night. Arthur Guthrie, one of tho owners of the famous Tronson-Guthrio prize winning orchnrd at Englo Point, re turned from nn extended European trip Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Guthno was married during the early sum mer nt Victoria, 13. C., and since that time himself and his bride hnvo been traveling iu England nnd on the continent. in Cnlifornin, nro here for u few dny.s, the guests of Dr. nnd Mrs. E. Davis. A meeting of the stockholders of tho Central Point State Imnk was ncici inesilay evening nt which the affairs of tho bank wore found to be in most excellent condition. Exnrn inntion of the notes hold by tho bank hows thnt every one is gilt-edKcd. n splendid recommendation for the management of the institution. Mr. Burscll has sold hor 20-ncrc tract jast north of town to George Mnyficld, n recent arrival from East ern Oregon, tho consideration being $10,000. Mr. Mnyfiold is a sou of William Mnyfiold of this city. H. C. Stoddard recently purchased tho E. Evnnson ranch, on Dry creel;, the plice boing 0500. The farm con sists of 380 ncres. A. P. Gillett nnd John Alhort closed a dcnl yesterday whereby .Mr. Gillett exchanged -18 ncres of fine land near Cnnyonville, iu Douglas county for tho fine corner lot nt Fifth nnd Pine streets upon whh-h n now brick building hns just been completed. The valuation of each piece of property was placed nt $1000 in making tho deal. Mr. Gil lotto nlo purchased from Mr. Almoit the Inttcr's rosidcnco property in tho Pnttison addition, the consideration being $800. The property consists of two lots, nnd n small house. Mr. Albert rxpocts to go to Conyonville R. F. GUERIN & CO. 4 Medford National Bank Bltlj. Make Real Estate Loans Quick Action Bring Abstract With You --- - - -4- Southern Dairy Co. (Wholesale and TColuil Donl- ore iu Ice Cream Mill:, Crenin, Butter nud Buttermilk. If you hnvo any sweet or sour cream for sale, call ou us at 32 S. Con tnrl or phone. MILK ROUvrE IN CONNECTION Storo Phono Main 881. Ranch Phono Farmers 7183. Medford Iron Worhs E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents hi So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Investors' Snapt. I nm offered proposition in Illi noiu vnlloy which I intend to nocopt if I diftpoMo of property. Don't ho hIow money tnlkn. New nix-room modern hungnlow, throo Mocks from WaHhington achool, pos c88ion if desired or n ciinIi tenant for ten montliH at $-10; total amount fJOO deducted from price, $.'1800; tonus. Will trade intoroat in four Iota for good team, wngon nnd hnrnexs. Addrot8 7.'t onro Mail Tribune call I'hoiut -ll!01. or Edward Charles Root TBACIIEIt OP MANDOLIN, BANJO, GUITAR, VIOLIN AND CLARINET. STUDIO AT RESIDENTS. 112 NORTH IVY STREET. oui mm cane were served. All nart.at the Washburn orchnrd. Mr. u lino uuif uuu ie ai a mie noiir, Wnshliurn has a crew of 30 neonlo now. hoping to be present at Mr. and Mrs. CENRTAL POINT COO BROWS Report of Professor Cooper Shows a .t Healthy Increase In Number of '.School Children In Neighboring . CENTRAL POINT, Oct. O.JFrom -.a roport made by Prof. P. P. Cooper .at tho close of the first month of school it ia learned that U'o attend ance shows a healthy increase .over the numbor hi attendance at tho sam6 time last year. Tho totaj num Iher now in attendance is 274, whilo Fat' tho' close of the first month last lyear but 244 were enrolled. Tho ro- port shows the fnllowinjj attendance Sin the different grades: ITiKh pchool (Prof. Cooper, Mrs, Woolvorton) 39 Eighth grade (Miss Whelpley). 2d Seventh Grade (Miss Harr) . . . . 22 Sixth grade (Miss. Buelnh Cald-' well) 37 Fifth grade, Miss Surah Wright) i Fourth grude (Mibrf Good) .... 2o Third grade (Miss Eva Nor- cross) .13 Second grade (Mrs. Ross,) : First grade. (Mrs. Purkoypile). . ; "M" .! IT..- T T TT .. I. ",--. iur. uuu aim. i. o. nanson, iorm3rto take chnigo of his nowly nonuircd residents of this valley, now retiring farm. ROUTINE ONLY ISfCONSIDERED City Dads of Contral Point Talk ot Street Paving, Sewers, and the Like, But When It Comes to Tak ing Action They Balk. Total .274 MOTORCYCLE RACER HAS REACHED PORTLAND PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 0. "Dn,-.,. devil" Christ Leonidas, Greek mo torcycle racer who, along with 39 other rucers, left Atlanta, Ga on August 7 for a 2000-milo race from Atlanta to San Francisco for a purjo of $7500, arrived in Portland yestor riny, Ho will leave Thursday for Sun Prancisco, ojtpooting to nrriyo eithor Saturday night or Suiiday to tuuuivu iue-pnzo. ins noarest com potUor is 200 miles behind him. CENTRAL POINT. Oct. (J. Council met in regulur 'session Mon day evening with a full board pres ent. After adopting tho minutes of the Inst meeting the following bills woro allewed: R. It. Electric Co., lights.... $ Easloy & Messner, blnck- smithing Lynn Purdin, printing .... Town of Contral Point, to water fund, water rent. 108.00 J. W. Jacobs, recordor. . . . 25.00 J. Pi. Holmes, marshal , . . . 50.00 I. J. Purkoypile, water sup., 00.00 Crane & Co., fixtures , . . . 128.8v Jncobson-Bndo Co., fixtures 310.2J i'ho bill of the Roguo Rivor Elec- 4.U0 .50 5.75 was laid on table. The report of tho recorder for tho month of September wns road and approved. Tho roport follews: Received from fines $10.50 Rocoivetl from slow license 5,00 Received from water- rent . . 173.7C Received from poll tax .... (1.00 Iinlnnces remaining iu tho differ ent funds nre: General fund $882.8(5 Rond fund 410.80 Water fund 00. H On motion u loan of $100 for four months wns made from tho general fund to tho wntor fund. On motion the recorder was in structed to correspond with deal ers iu engines, mnchinory, etc, with a view to securing cstinmtos on tho o(jt of installing steam power nt the pumping plant. Tho usual Informal talk wni in dulged iu regarding street paving, sowoin, etc., but whon it onmo to taking any notion townrds starting a inniomont for Hocurlng those much needed improvements thero was nothing stirring. Councilman Myers mnrio n motion or two nlong pro gressive lines but could secure no second. Mr. Myers wanted to em ploy n competent lawyer to draft nn mnonrimont' to thp ohurtor making it nossihlo to issuo bonds for needed improvements, but whon ho mndo t MIGHTY HUNTERS BAG BUCK OF GREAT SIZE trie company for powor for motor at pumping station for ono month of motion to that effect his oollongues -pi. i, or hi uir raio or a.ou per n. p., wore mum ns oysters CENTRAL POINT. Oct. fl. Jim Shields, Ron Pcnrt and L. Hatfield u hunting wont Inst week nnd if over there was a hunting trip planned out nnd thai "panned out just right to writo about it was that particular trip. The Evans creek mountains was tho scene of their depredations and to iiinku tho story start off right Hen caught a fine specimen of tho deer fiunily napping the first evening out, while tho other two wowo making camp, and thoro was venison for supper, broiled on u stick, that night. XSoxt morning Hatfield look tho bit in his teeth nnd sullied forth to miiko n record for tho party. Ho wasn't si bitwrong iu his plans cither, for long before tho shades of ovening begun to gather Mr. Hatfield came in to camp lugging a fino, fnt specimen of the genus Corvus, tho size nnd nntlorp of which proclaimed maneulino gen der and compliance, with tho game laws nt 200 paces. Then later Shields, not to bo outdono oven by his nenrost friends, went forth nnd bagged u buck of such startling pro- portions that tho othor follows had to ride ou the camp outfit coming homo nnd lot Jim havo iho spring scat nl by his lonoly. It woighed ho close to 500 pounds IJint it took both tho others ti help Mr. Shields shouldor it, but after getting tho bunion saunroly ou his back ho lug- gou it into camp .pist tho snmo us though it didn't weigh a qunrtor of a ton, Tho story circulated on tha BULBS KkcIunIvo Agency for Portland Ncod Co. Medford Greenhouse Phone 3741 deer of his Iifiu has not been proven, nnd while Mr. Ilntficla will noithor affirm nor deny the report, he in sists thnt it will not bo the lust time if he over finds tho conditions nnd surrounding oircuumtnuces uh solutely tho snbmo. Mr. Hatfield says- ho did not lose his bond whe-i he saw and killed this deer, but lie uriimts thnt ho did lose his (deer) head uf tor reaching homo. He lelt tho trophy ou the porch of his resi dence ovor night and in tho morning discovered that somo student of imt ural history had appropriated u, presumably to send to the Suiilh Boninn instittuo at Washington. And such Is life nud luck amid Oregon Janitors. STOMACH FEELS FINE. Two Mi-o-na Tablets Drlvo Away Distress From Stomach, Got n 50-cont box of Mio-nu tab lots at Chas. Strang's today and learn for voursolf how easy it is to put your outtof-orrior stomach iu perfect condition. Mi-o-nn atomneh tablets give iiw stunt relief and do moro. Tltoy build up tho stomach so nuiukly that iu a low days belching, sourness, heartburn, heaviness, bil iousness, heudncho and dizziness will disappear. Mi-o-na stoinifth tabids nro guar anteed by Chas; Strong to euro in digestion and all stomach ills, or money back. "I havo had troublo with my stom Engineers and Stenographers Will find complete ns sorlment of .supplies and materials at Medford Book Store AUTOMOBILES 3ssrfvax87M?Jxrtr " O. W. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. O. M. Murphy. AUTO LIVERY. 1010 Chulmors Dotroits. Phono 1801, Vnlloy Auto Company, Medford, Or. Quick Sorvico. Easy RldiuR. Pricoa Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PnONE MAIN 3141. Agonoy for tho Purry Cars. Roguo Rivor Auto Co., Frank H. Hull, Prop., modroni. ur. noli for two years. 1 tried every- . ATTEND OOLUCQB, thing I hourri of. Ml-o-na stomach . ArrnB l0 ftnd tno Bugono Du- inoHB uouogo, ana lot ub got you a good poDltlon wkon you graduate Dn- tablets riiri mo moro than $25 worth of good. They are tho host iu tho world." Donnia Slophon, Condors- port, Pa., February 1, Fifty contB for n lnrcro box of Mi. streets that this was Mr. Hatfinld's o-na at Chne. Strang's and druggists first offense iu depriving a buck ovory whore tor now, Bend tor our now cata logue, 14 Mi West Soyontu atroot, Bugono, Orofon. tf Hasktna for health, X. f. a