', city Hall The Big 100-Vote Coupon in the Mail Tribune is Good Saturdry Only. Vote Them Saturday. Medford Mail Tribune V Full Leased Wlro Rciiort. Till! WHATIIKIt. Tho only papor In the worM Cliwii- tonight iiimI Kilday. published In a city tho. size of " Medford having a leased irlr.' MJ3DF0RD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER G, 1910. FIFTH YEAH. No. 171. REVOLUTIONISTS' VICTORY COMPLETE KING MANUEL HAS FLED FROM SHORES OF HIS KINGDOM MBllON, Oct. G. "Tho royal family Iiiih fled from Portugal," was tho announcement toilny of Senor Don AlfonBo Costii, prnvlfllonnl mllniUcr of Justice. Tho stnlomont disposed of tho Htory thnt King Mnnuol was nt Mnfrn, north of Lisbon, rallying hlu forcon. CoHtn nHBortcd thnt the provisionals nro receiving many iiiofburch from udhorontH In tho provlnccn pledging support. King Mnnuul escaped unfoly. Thin was In accordance with tho rove lutlonnry program. Proferrod to Exile Manuel. Tho republlcmiB decided thnt It wiih preferable to cxllo Mnnuol rnthor thnn kill him. Tim lendern know whuro tho deposed kltiK l and liavo purpoNoly nprond conflicting rumoru In order to prevent lita enpturo and place them In tho onihnrrnMMlng position of deciding Manuel's fnto. Tho provliilonnl government Ib firmly repressing disorders. Tho only foar expressed Ik thnt Englnnd may lutorvcno In behalf of tho royalists, A forco of clrcumtitnnccH rnthor thnn any dctnllcd'plnnn precipitated tho coup d'etat of hint Tuesday. Tho plana for revolutionary action had been laid lone ago, hut tho time wu not deemed ripe. Love Affair Started Revolution. Don Manuel's IntrlRtio with Mile. Cnby den Lisa, howovor. started tho revolution. Then followed tho nHsasslnnilon of Deputy Bombards. Finally Inst Saturday tho revolutionists learned thnt tho Portuguese fleet, assembled In Lisbon harbor, wnR to ho ncnttered to distant stations, owing to tho rwpubllrnu sentiment among tho offlcera and men. Tho revolutloulRts decided to act quickly. Following tho death of Dombnrdn, who wns killed by an officer nt tho Instigation, It Is believed, of clerlcnlB, n mob throw a priest Into tho Tnguo river. Tho police charged tho mob and pened to be passing chnrgod upon tho fleet In tho harbor, thinking thnt tho with mutiny. Itoynllat friends woro overpoworcd In tholr quarters aboard tho veeaolH, republican flnRR woro run up and tho Runs of tho warshlpB trained upon tho cltndol, Trained sailors woro sent nshoro by tho boatload to Join with mutln our troops In attacking tho police Polico, Outnumbered, Flee. Tho police, soon outnumbered, broko nnd ran, tho mob pursuing them shooting nnd cutting down tho laggards. Tho soundB of conflict proclpl lated n storm throughout LlBbon nnd republicans ovorywkoro rushed into tho streots currying rifles and grenades which they had concealed in their hoilflCH for WO0KB. Within half an hour Lisbon was In an uproar, tho republicans hnd rallied behind tl olr lenders nnd presented n united front to tho royalists, who woro oqunlly actlvo In mnsalng tholr forcos. Within tho pr.lnco tho roynl family In torror sought tho bastions. Tho fleet, In tho hands of tho tepubllruuH, beRnn shelling tho palace. Tho palnco commnndor slgnnled to tho harbor fortifications to opon flro on tho fleet. Suddenly tho roynl onBlgns on tho forts fluttered down nnd tho green and red flngs rose In their places, Tho guns of tho forts won) nlso trained upon tho cnatlo. ItoyaJ Family to the Cellar. Sheila from tho wnrshlps began falling In thu vicinity of tho palace. Tho roynl family woro hurriedly escorted to tho collars out of harm's way, while tho lyddlto bomlm hurtled and exploded abovo thorn, Tho fighting continued intormlttontly Wednesday nnd throughout tho night there wns n continuous flro. Tho roar lncronsod toward morning as tho revolutionists stormod tho palnco. Its enpturo wns soon to bo only a matter of tlmo, nnd It Is rumored thnt as soon as this bocamo apparent, tho commandant, tlonornl Georglas, shot himself. With all tho excitement tho republicans succoodod admirably in re taining ordor throughout tho city, Looters woro shot down on sight. Tho provisional government obtnlnod comploto control of tho t olo graph Into Wednesday and no nowa from tho provinces Is glvon out, Eusblo Loo, provisional civil govornor of Llnbon, began tho organiza tion of a polico forco todny and will rollovo tho republican troops of civil duty. Relieving Troops of Duty. President Drngni MInlstor of Justico Costa, Minister of Forolgn Affnlrs Bernardino Mnchndn woro In conferenco todny, nnd it Is bollovod thoy discussod tho possibility of Intervention by Groat Britain, Tho ropub llcnns nro olatod thnt tho French minister to Portugal callod to pny his rospocta todny. Thoy ongorly sook recognition by Franco nnd tho United Statos nB tho ropubllo'of Portugal. Tho minister of flnnnco, Brnzlllo Tollas, today conforrod with loading Lisbon hankers regarding tho monotnry situation, urging them to do every thing possible to protect Portuguese securities. To this fact Is attributed tho light loss sustalnod by tho republicans. Ilnndlcnppod by tho long ran go guns of tho boslogors, tho dofondors wero unublo to fight nt closo qunrtors and thoroforo could not uso tholr sldo arms. New Flag Thrown to Breeze. At 0 o'clock tho republican flag flow from n now flagstaff on n dis mantled section of tho palace, tho old stuff having booff shot away. Tho nowB of tho full of tho palnco caused grent Joy nmong tho popu Inco, who gnthorod In tho plaza Don Podro, snug tho Portuguosp Mar solllaiso, cheered tho republic nnd tho downfall of tho king. It was nt first supposed thnt tho roynl family hnd boon enpturod when tho palnco foil, but It wiih announced nt noon thnt thoy had oscapod and it is imposslblo nt this writing to ascoraln how thoy mnnagod to ovndo tho republicans, j Tho most likely version is thnt tho king, disguised ns a pollcoman, wns convoyed through n subtorrnuonn passago of tho palaco to safety, and that tho quoon mother nnd tho downgor quoon, Maria Pin, dtsgulsod ns ponnnnts, woro hurrlod to somo forolgn logntlon nnd lntor romovod to snfty, Estimates of tho cnBunltlos nro still Innccurnto, Unofficial estimates nro that not loss thnn GO nor mora than 75 woro klllod, and probably GOO or 000 wounded, a regiment of Infantry which hap police. Doth sides shot to kill. Tho revolution had begun, bocamo alive DEFEAT IN NOVEMBER IS FEARED Republican State Central Committee Hysterically Mentllnfl Fences De clare for Statement One and Direct Primary Law, Covcrlnp; Assembly. PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 0. The ileelarattion of the republieun btntc central committee for thu direct pri mary law nnd statement No. 1 at itK mcctintr in Portland yesterday nfternoon is believed to indicate thnt tho regulars fear defeat in the November elections nnd nro mending fences. This viow of tho Tittmtion is beiuir taken by tho politicians who declare that there was no need of the com imtteo declaring its stand ut nil. C. W. Nottingham wiih selected ns chuirmnn of tho committee. Frank Bollmnn of Multnomah county placed tho committee in nn embarrassing position when he intro duced n resolution disclaiming against tho holding of state nsscm biles for tho purpose of endorsing candidates. This is nun of tlie is- buck of tho campaign and tho nsse.ni-, my men is noing ncm un ny uie eo- cnlled mnchino candidates. The committee, howovor, succeed ed in sidestepping tho Bollmnn res olution by referring it tot n spccinl committee which reported thnt it considered nny dcclnrntion of pnrtv not within thro power of the central committee. A few minutes Inter the commit too dcclnrcd itself strongly for strict enforcement of tho direct primnry Inw nnd statement No. 1, despite the fnet thnt it hnd n few moments be fore nssorted thnt its powers- were merely administrative. Lnylnn Out Depot Grounds. CSoorgo W. Bobchko, nsslsfant mnn agor of the O. It, & N accompanied by C. A. Chase, a Inndscnpo nrtlst, nro laying out tho grounds nbout tho now Southorn -Pacific depot today. Tho building Is to bo dedicated Oc tober 15. HEARST BY HIS OWN CHILD Independence Lcarjuo Disregards His Instructions nnd Refuses to En dorso Republican Ticket Hearst Due Home Tonlrjht. NEW YORK. Oot. . Disregnrd- ing the wiroloss mossngo from Wil- linm It. Honrst suggesting thnt tho Tiidonondonco leneruu endorse tho re publican ttiokot in Now Lork, tlie leaL'iiors. nt their convention hero todnv. ronudintod tho romiblioniiH and proccejlod to nominnto a tlcuct of their own. J. J. Hopper wns nnmed for govornor nnd Ilourst for lioutennnt-govornor. Honrst will ho permit led to fill tho remaining pianos. Tho vote repudiated tho re publican tiokot 214 to 01. Honrst' will nvrivo tonight or to morrow on tho stoninor Mnuuotnnin. It is possible thnt ho will ho nblo to forco the endorsement of tho repub lican tiokot us hu hnd planned. Acrnrdinc to tho wishos ho ex pressed in the mossnges to tho con vention lenders, llouvst desired tho full ropublionn tiokot ondorsod with tho execution of lioutonnnt -gover nor, for which plnco bo was tot vo ceivq tho nominnttion. SCORNED ' -' MEDFORD DAY AT FAIR TOMORROW. Tomorrow Jh Medford Day nt the Fourth Annual District Fair now in session in Ornnts Pass. A; tyilendid time is promised visitors nnd ns many as.cuiU Miould go. , . I't f f MISTRESS Of ES IN HER ACTIONS Mile. Gaby Des Lys, WJiose Rela tions With Manuel Brought on Revolution in Portugal. Grants In terview Telling of Htr Loye (Copyright, 1010, by Uhc United Press Association.) VIENNA, Oct. C Mile. Gaby des Lys, in nn interview, cranted the United Press todny, glorified her relations with Dotn Manuel, deposed king of Portugnl. The youuj; woman who set tho heart of the boy ish king -uflnme is nppcaring ns n dancer nt tho Apollo theater bote. Lust night the theater was packed to tbo doors with' persons desiring to sco tho French woman who woro a sunburst of .dinmoatUlKiyen her by "Yes, I wns Dom Manuel's mis tress," said she. "I know no dis grace in being n king's mistress, but I consider it nn everlasting disgrace to advertise thnt relationship, glor ified ns it wns, which oven court conventionality could notthrottle. She Kept Quiet. "I did nott make nny capital of my relations with Manuel. I kept quiet nnd reserved. Kccontly a va riety thenter in Paris offered mo a huge salary to appear billed ns Mnnhcl's mistress, but 1 refused. Tho same theater produced a sketch in which 1 and tlio king wuro tho chief figures, but there wns nothing blnmublo in that. "I never nsked tho papers to call me tho 'uncrowned queen of Portu gal.' I first mot tho king 35 months ngo in Paris, whoro lie wns dining. Ho hnd been introduced to mo nftor n performance nnd it wns lovo nt (Continued on rngo 8.) BRIGHT AND AIRY WASJDERELLA "A Stubborn Clndorella," at tho opera houso lhst night, was ono of thoso bright, airy musical comedies that still maintain tholr popularity with tho avorigo thcatergoor, Tho capering of protty chorus girls to tho "lascivious ploaslngs of a Into" has a charm to sootho tho tired nerves of an ordinary business man, and that is porhaps why tho hoavlor prob lom plnyB mnko slower headway. Tho man with business likes to rolax after tho stronuoua "chnso of tho ntmblo nlppto." Tho lending comedy parts played by Dan Moylos, Lawronco Drlnghnm nul Mr. Albortson, wero woll done and furnished morrlmont all through tho play. Tho hoft of tho comody work foil to tho lot of Lawronco Drlnghnm, who assumed tho roll of tho sculptor. Ho is a tlnolooklng young man and plays his part vory artistically. Miss Hazel Kirko is a very protty llttlo lady with a good volco, Sho actod tho part of Lady Losllo In a fascinating manner. Lil lian Goldsmith Is a cute llttlo sou hretto, who danced and sang hor way Into tho hearts of tho audlonco early In tho ovonlng, Medford always turns out a crowd od houso to ovorytnlng. good or hnd, but wo nro glad to sny that Mr. Ha zolrlgg furnishes us with a class of attractions thnt nro equal In ovory respoct to tho host thnt Portland and San Francisco got. N GLORI SEARCH EOR I DYNAMITERS ? NARROWING Another Gasoline Launch Figures in Case Merchants and Manufac turers Have "Protection" Fund of $35,000 Work in the Ruins Is Continuing. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 0. -Detectives of the Los Angeles police force were detailed today to search tho various Southern California hnrbors for traces of the gasoline schooner Kutc, which has been drawn into the police thcoi-y regard ing the Times disaster. The officials believe that the dyn amite taken from tho Giant Powder compact September 23 may havo been transferred to tbo Knto and brought to Los Angeles. Tho Knto lay for several days near Visitncion, on Snu Franicffco Buy, and according to Captain Burns of the stnte launch Governor Gillett, tho launch Pastime, believed to havo been disguised as tho Peer less, was seen junking several trips to Visitncion September 24. The Kate cleared from San Francisco September 25 for the Galapagos is lands. She has not been reported since. Detctcivcs today are investigating at San Pedro, Redondo nnd Point Lomn. The authorities of Long Bench, Alnmitos Bay nnd Balboa also have been nsked to nssist. Officers wero sent hurriedly to Long Beach lnte Inst night upon tb.2 receipt of n message from tho police stating thnt a man had been arrest ed on the municipal pier ns ho at tempted to bonrd a gasoline launch thnt slipped intot tho hnrbor in tho direction of Snn Pedro under cover of darkness. The mnn wns released nfter being questioned. Tho launch disnppenred from tho wharf when tho mnn was seized by the police. Secretary Zcehnndnlnnr of tthe Merchants nnd Mnnufncturors' as sociation announced ttodny that but 15,000 of tthe ?.")0,000 reward voted by tho association will he used for thnt purpose. Tho remaining 35,000 will bo used ns a "defense fund." He did not stnte the exact use tot which the money will boput. HUNDREDS FROM ASHLAND TO FAIR Fourth Annual District Fair Is Now on and Splendid Time Is Being Had Tomorrow Is Medford Day at tho Big Show. Over 1000 Ashland peoplo passed through Medford this morning on their way to Grants Pass to attond tho fourth annual district fnlr of southorn Orogon, which Is now on. It Is tho greatest oxhlibtion of tho products of southorn Orogon over hold. Tho weather promises to bo all that could bo asked for and largo crowds aro oxpoctod all through the fair and oven on tho first day of tho fair tho crowd was far abovo what was oxpected. In tho Calvert and Paddock build ings is tho display of products, and such a display was noYor seen before Thoro nro apples, ponchos, plums, pears, and in fact overyth'nj in tho fruit, lino and thoy nro dlsplnyod In tho most ar.lBtlo way. Thoro aro all kinds of farm products, melons, pea nuts, ginseng, and woll, it Is fmpos slblo to toll what Is in thie building, it must bo seen to bo appreciated. .Across tho streot in tho Claus (Continued on Page 3.) SPAIN ON VERGE OF GREAT CIVIL WAR; MONARCHYTOTTERS BARCELONA, Oct. 0. Constant flushes between police and republi cans are occurring today. Tho sit uation is rapidly getting beyond control nnd ns a last resort Madrid has been asked to send reinforce ments. Similnr conditions prevail in other cities. The republican1? have hoisted their flags everywhere and the police ore busily engaged in tearing them down. Enthusiasm over the success of the Portuguese revolutionists is very great. Troops Ordered Out. MADRID (via Mcndn3'e, France), Oct. 6. The flower of the Spanish army has been ordered to the Por tuguese fsontier. Madrid is seething with excite ment over the news from Portugal and the republicans assert that it foreshadows an attempt on the part of King Alfonso's minister tto aid Don Manuel against re republicans of Portugal. Republicans here predict that if this is attempted civil war in, Spain will be precipitated- On the other hand, Alfonso fears that the sncces of the republican armies in Portngal win menu mo ovcriurow ol jus power, nnd it. is asserted that he has been counseled by his ministers to fight to the Inst ditch. Alfonso Will Fight. Thnt Alfouso will pursue this course is not doubted and it is therefore understood thnt he will nssist Manuel witba strong Spanish force in order to frighten the Span ish republicans into inntcivity. Tho republicnns aro overjoyed at tho snepess of their Portuguese brethren. A radical club where tho Marseillaise was sung wns raided LOOKS LIKE VICTORY TO ILLINOIS WOMEN CHICAGO, Oct. C. Mrs. Kather Ino McCulloch, executive superintend ent of tho Illinois Equal Suffrage as sociation, declared today that pros pects for tho passago of equal suf frage legislation in the Illinois house and scnato looks brighter thnn at any tlmo previous. According to Mrs. McCulloch nino republican nnd flvo democratic nom inees for tho state sonnto and 22 republicans and 18 democratic nom inees for tho stnto houso havo mado favornblo replica to appeals sent out by tho association for support of the enfranchisement movomont. Of 25 holdover senators, Mrs. McCulloch assorted fiat 11 are for equal suf frage. Are you going to win? 90 months of renewal subscriptions you will receive a bonus of 75,000 oxtra votos, oto. Thoro r.ro n largo numbor of peoplo in Medford and surrounding towns that take tho Moll Trlbuno by tho month people tl-at, an, w lllng to pay for tho papor for a year In adv.' ? co whon tho?' learn that thoy will not only save $1,00 on k yoar's subscrlptjon, but also gtvo to tholr favorlto candidate a greater numbor of v6tos thnn-fct any other time c'urlng tho contest. It Ib up U you to ask them for tholr subscriptions right now. Every fclnglo month of rooowal subscriptions you tun In novr will count up ovon faster than you Imnolne. It Is cortaln tvi t tho winners of thin contest will bocomo wins ore Blmi'ly by their efforts and the awiltit auce and loyalty of their frlonds. " MtE YOU QOINQ TO WINT? last night by the police and a small riot followed. Afterward the radi cals gathered in the streets, choer ing the success of the revolutionists. Formidable military preparation! have been made throughout Span for a grent uprising of tho revolu tionists, supported by the clerical- fnction that is bitterly opposed to- the king nnd his cabinet. Tronblo Sure to Break. Plnns for a great demonstration by the anti-roynlists havo beert dis covered by tthe government spies nnd should they be carried out there is bound tto be the utmost difficulty in handling the trtonble makers. There is no concealment of th- fact that the demonstrations are to be of an antti-dynastic character nnd, tot make matters worse, coun ter demonstrations arc planned by anti-clericals and a clash of the- factions would provide opportunity for the precipitation of a revolu tion. Word comes from Barcelona that the republicans havo become ex tremely restive and there is a grow ing suspicion nmong the clericals -there that King Alfonso plansfot. indefinitely postpone the settlement' of affairs between the church an" the state. J The law does not require the cor tes to sit more than one day in . year. The impression prevails that after the cortcs has transacted the busi ness of tho king adjournment will' be tnken before the church question" enn bo brought tip. Tho cortcs Con venes todny, but owing to the dis turbed conditions in the capital,' it is probable the convening will ngnin ho postponed. BODIES OF TWO (MWFWlW f - SAILORS RECOVERED NEW YORK, Oct. 6. Two bodies of sailors from the battleship New Hampshire drowned when tho whale boat In which they wero returning to tholr ship overturned Saturday night wero recovored from tho Hudson riv er today. Through tags on their unl- -forms they wero identified as R. Karl, fireman, and J. White, Bea man. . PLAGUE SHIP IS DETAINED IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, Oct. 6. Rudolph Sellitch, n conl passer on tho steamer Von Moltke, which nrrivod in port todny, wns stricken with eholqrn and tho liner is detained. iu -quarantine is a result. This is Just a timely question to tho contestrnts of tho Mal Tribune's great contest. Only two moro days of tho spoclal offor for renewal oubscrlptlons re mnlu. Don't forgot that all ronowl subscriptions turned In boforo Sat urday ovonlug not only got doublo votes, but : bonus, as woll, of'GO, 000 extra votes for every 00 month? or fraction thoreof. If you turn In if i ' 4 H I V JS1T" -! 4 ,.-""