Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 05, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Sick and Meno in Cabin in South
east Corner of Jackson County,
Joseph Brown Takes His Own
Sick and nlono In tho cabin of a
homesteader, named Oliver, threo
miles from Pokegama, In llio vory
southeast corner of Jackson county,
a, week ago yesterday, Joseph Brown,
a young man of about 30 years,, with
no known relatives," sat on a bed, ad
justed tho muzzle of a shotgun at
his left breast, and attached a string
to tho trigger, which ho pulled with
his foot Tho charged bored a fright
ful hole In his body and death must
have been Instantaneous. The tragedy
occurred while Oliver had gono to
Pokegama to get relief for tho sick
man, who had been suffering from
hemorrhages of tho lungs.
Tho coroner of Jackson county wns
notified and went as far as Trail,
telephoning Instructions from thoro
ns to the burial of tho body In that
vicinity nt county expense.
Brown had worked for Iho Algo
mah Lumber company, operating tho
Pokegama mills, and otter which he
went to stay with Oliver on his claim
for a while. He left no papers or In
formation as to his history or rela
tives, tho only word ho dropped
among his associates being that ho
had not heard from his folks for fif
teen years.
(Continued from Pnito 1.)
who kept stoadliv on their course,
passing under tho draw. Martin had
no way of stopring thorn, but ho
mno a noto of tho occurrence In his
(Continued from Page 1.)
BERLIN, Oct. 5. Tho downfall
of King Manuel and the loss of tho
Porta gueso throne was caused' by a
-woman, Mile. Caby des Lisa, a French
dansouse, accordlngotq a story told by
high government officials hero to
day, r
Advices from the German embassy
at Lisbon are to the effect tint King
Manuel flaunted tho woman in tho
faces of his followers nnd heaped
Jewels and money upon her so lav
ishly as to almost drain the Portu
guese treasury. Manuel Is alleged to
have given her nearly a million dol
lars in jewels alone.
According to tho story, he made
no pretenso at concealing his rela
tions with his mistress. He lodged
her at tho anad Bho accom
panied him everywhere
A Reveler by Night.
King Manuel frequently visited
Paris, and it ie reported that excur
sions to tho under-world were fea
tures of these visits. Gaiety mark
ed the excursions, according to the
officials telling the story here.
It was on one of these jaunts, It is
said, that ho met Mile. De3 Lisa.
Since then he has spent most of his
time with hor, neglecting tho king
dom's affairs and disregarding the
growing discontent of his subjects.
Tho king's personal extravagance
and tho extravagance of his mother
and grandmotLer also added to the
discontent, t is alleged.
Spain Ready for "War.
SAN SEBASTION, Oct. 5. The.of
flccrs of the northern army corps aro
reported today to have received tele
grams from Madrid ordering them to
prepare for active service. The or
ders are taken as an Indication that
Madrid officials have advanco Infor
mation of tho Portuguese revolution
and aro preparing to put down a
similar rebellion in Spain by the
most drastic measures.
Activity is noted in army circles
throughout Spain and royalists are
fenrful that an uprising Is Imminent.
Couriers from Portugal assert that
bloody fighting Is In progress and
that the revolutionists everywhere
aro attacking the royalists. The fight
ing which started In Lisbon has
spread to other Portuguese cities.
Closing on Fiends.
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 5. Finding ,
tho launch In Alameda crook la which
500 pounds of giant golatlno wns
carried from tho powder works at.
Giant, Septembor 23, tho sc;irch for
tho threo men who manned tho craft ,
was continued hero today with add-i
cd energy. Tho police bollovo thoy
aro closing In on tho tracks of tho,
men who may bo responsible for tho i
explosion which caused tho destruc
tlor. of tho L6"B Angeles Times. j
Tho nature of tho clues furnished
by Earl Rogers and Detective Burns,
who aro conducting tho search about
San Francisco bay, wero not revealed
by tho authorities.
Tho police do not bollovo that tho
men who might havo caused tho ex
ploalon remained In Los Angoles aft
er tho charge was placed. They aro
of tho opinion, howovor, that they
wero hero for at least two days be
fore the catastrophe.
Two mbn arrested yesterday as
suspects are being detained.
Monument to Dead.
Plans nr,e "being considered today
for tho burial of nearly all tho vic
tims of the Times disaster in one
large plot at Hollywood cemetery
and to erect over their bodies a mam
moth granite shaft upon which will
bo carved a record of tho catastrophe
In which they lost their lives, to
gether with their names, constitut
ing a Times "honor roll." Tho plan
was suggested by General H. G. Otis,
owner of the Times. He has offered
to defray all expenses Incident to tho
funerals and has asked tho relatives
of the victims for permission to erect
tho shaft.
Night Editor Churchill Harvoy
Elder and J. Wesley Reaves already
have been burled. The other victims
will bo laid away as fast as the work
of Identification can proceed.
More Bodies Found.
Another body, making a total of
16, was removed from tho ruins this
morning. It was identified as that
of Grant Moore, a machinist.
Moore's body was the first recov
ered that waa not charred beyond
facial recognition. It was found near
the north wall of the building. ,A
handkerchief, clasped in both hands,
was over the face. It is believed that
he smothered before the flames
reached htm.
Four bodies were recovered dur
ing the night. Two of them were
partially identified as .W. G. Tun
stall, a linotype operator, and Charles
All He at the morgue awaiting
Tho commission of dynamite ex
perts"appoInted by Mayor Alexander
to examine the ruins in behalf of
the city probably will be able to pass
upoa the explosion today.
The excavators have almost reach
ed the ground In the alley where the
explosion is believed to have occur
red. The experts then probably will
bo ablo to determine the nature of
tho explosion, giving tho detectives
further material to work with.
J life H'tlM
All tho loading
weaves of foreign and
domestic manufacture
nt prices that aro ex
tremely moderate.
Rough homespuns,
Scotch tweeds, loose
basket weaVcs, cam
el's hair, Kibolinoj all
wool suiting, Paisley
designs, all-wool bro
caded suiting, hop
sacking, cheviots and
The items enumer
ated below represent
very special values at
tractively priced for
this sale.
36-inch fancy, on'
sale 25c, 35c
44-inch Serges, blue
and black 75c
a new Russian costume 50-inch Zibeline $1.25
McCall Pattern No. 3171
Pay Less
Dress Better
28 South Central Avenue
Fall and Winter Bedding. Hundrods of pairs
of blankets at prices that average lower than
any other time of tho year. A great varioty of
styles in qualities and sizes to suit every need
of the home. Hotels and ohor institutions will
find tho values of Cored of economical interest.
Wo invito inspection and comparison of qual
ity and x)i'ice.
65c, 75c, 85c, 95c, $1.00, $1.50, $3.50, $3.85.
.iSrov styles that express the correct
vojjuo in hand-bags and in this offer
ing wc aro ablo to feature values groatly
under tho usual prices.
$1.00 to $7.50
A salo combining superiority in quality
and stylo with lownoss in prico.
''ho first hint; of cold weather revives
interest in sweater coats. Wo are in read
iness for tho demand with moro now
styles than ever before shown and prices
allow only a narrow margin of profit.
Russian Blouses $1.00 and $1.50
Children's Sweaters $1.00 and $1.50
The Best Buy in Rogue River
IVo acres, three and one-half miles from Medford; 57
acres in 2-year-old trees, consisting of Newtowns, Bart
letts, d'Anjous and Bosc; good black soil; no waste land. A
Price $235 per acre. See us at once. GOOD TERMS.
VanDyke Realty Company
Do you want to seo the best and strongest dressing
comb made? We havo it. Tt is not rubber, celluloid
or horn. You can saw wood with it. You can't break
it, and it won't burn, and it only costs, each 25c
(Continued from Pag. 1.)
idual attention of a commission.
This system is tho ono in use in
Portland and in all of tho large cit
ies, Boforo such a change in man
agement takes place in Medford,
however, an amendment to the char
ter must he passed hy the electorate
of tho town. Tho matter is still un
der advisement.
Tho Southern Pacific through
thoir Medford representative, A. S.
nosenhaum, asked tho mayor and
recorder to enter into a ono-year
contract for water. Tho engines
which refresh themselves with Fish
lake water at Medford drink $00 a
month. The council ordored the
drawing of such a contract.
Tho Natatorium company, ropre-.
Rented hy II. C. Kentnor, gained tho
promise of the city dads to furnish
olectricity for cluster lights on Riv
eisido avenue from tho Natutorium
m m- l mi T 11 I
i.:ii!...,o .i iiina ok t ri,n. to Main street, me nat, js to stana
gtra ' w ' the initial oxpenso of furnishing tho
) v England May Interfere.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5. Diplo
mats hero boliavo that England Is
preparing to Intervene In Portugal
on behalf of King Manuel. King Ed
ward was an ardent supportor of the
Portugueso king, and It Is believed
that King George will (follow his
father's policy.
. European royalty Is fighting re
publicanism at ovory turn, and it Ib
likely tho monarchies will stand to
gether, foreseeing that tho effect of
republican success In Portugal would
be far-reaching throughout Europe.
Kills a Murderer.
A moroiloBs murderer is appends
citis with many victtims. But Dr.
King's Now Lifo Pills, kills it hy pro
ventionTliov gently stimulnto ho
stomach, liver and howols, prevent
ing that clogging that invites appen
dicitis,' curing constipation, liendacho
When Parlsiain Sago Is Guaranteed
to Stop Falling Ilalr, or
Money Back?
Parisian Sago Is the most delight
ful hair dressing In the world; it Is
pleasant. Invlcoratlntr and refresh
ing. It makes tho hair soft, beau-f
fiful and luxuriant. Wherever Paris
Ian Sago Is known, it Is the ladies'
favorlto hair dressing.
If, after using one bottle, you do
not say It Is the most. delightful hair
dressing you ever used, you can havo
your monoy back. Tho price is only
50 cents a largo bottlo at Cbas.
Strang's. It Is guaranteed to cure
dandruff and falling hair, or money
back. Tho girl with the Auburn hair
Is on every bottle.
One of the most brilliant orators on the Pacific Const, will speak in this city at
the Medford Theater, on '
Thursday evening October 6th on
Senator Ruth is a very forcible speaker. It is not necessary to tell who and
what he is, the mere mention of his name being sufficient to attract hun
dreds of willing listeners. Don't miss it. ADIMISSION JREE
lights and the city will pay the light
At the petition of J;. A. Oregon
the city dads instructed the city at
torney to draw up an ordinanco re
quiring a license for traveling pho
tographers operating in Medford.
Tho routine business transacted
wns as follews: A petition that a
permit ho given to place nn oil tank
nnd a steam pipo across the alloy
hack of tho Hotel Nash botweon
Sixth and boventh streets was
A permit wns granted to It. Oat
mnn to build an addition to his resi
dence. A permit wns granted to Dr. P. C.
Page to build a five-story hotel.
. A deed for an alloy in Queen Anno
addition wns accepted.
A liquor license wns granted to
Baps & Halo,
Finnncial reports wero referred to
finnnco commitee.
Bills which had been ondorsed hy
tho finance committee wero ordered
A hid for $20,750 of bonds was
C. V. Townsend's petition to re
move a building from alley in Ed
ward's Plnco nddition wns referred
to street and road committee.
Tho petition hy L. L. Jacdbs, city
treasurer, that his salary of $30 ho
raised, was referred to tho finnnco
Plat of Ituby addition to city of
Medford was approved and accepted.
Ordinances were passed declaring
the cost of assessment for paving
tho following streets:
North Bnrtlctt street from Main to
Sixth street.
North Fir street from Main to
Sixth street.
Douin nr street from Alain vo
south city limits.
South Holly street from Main to
south city limits.
Bnrtlott street from Main street to
Eighteenth street.
North Riverside avenuo from Main
strcot to Jackson street.
South Laurel from West Main to
West Eleventh street.
Alloy between Main nnd Sixth
streots from Central avenue to Riv
erside avenue.
L. O. Porter nnd E. J. Runynrd
woro appointed to rcviow tho assess
ment roll,
An ordinnnco authorizing tho issu
ance of $0250 of improvement bonds
was passed.
An ordinnnce declaring tho cost of
assessment for tho construction of
sower on West Thirteenth street,
from Newtown to Pencil streets, wns
A resolution ordering tho pnvc
ment of Roosovelt nvenuo was
A plank sidownlk was ordored
built on Portland avenuo.
Resolution ordering cement sidc
wnlk built on West Twelfth street
was passed.
Resolution orderim; cement sido
wnlk on South Jackson streot from
Vermont to Woodstock street was"
JCesolution ordonng cement walk
placed on north side of East Main
strcot from Bridge to Genosseo
street, on tho north side of Dakota
streot, from Oakland avenue to
Pcnch strcot, that a plank walk ho
built on both sides of Alder streot,
from Jackson street to north end of
snid strcot.
Tho recorder and mnyor woro nu
thorized to draw warrant on gonoral
fund for $G00 in payment for ser
vices rendered by rofimders of $30,
000 worth of bonds.
Tho rccordor wns instructed to nd
vorliso for bids on cement sidownlks,
on grades nnd oxenvntinns.
rint oi Humphrey xddition was
Streot committee waB instructed to
construct nil sidownlks which had
neon ordered nut not put in.
4 '. ..
f 4
4- f 44
FOR SALE Los Molinos irrigated
lnnds; a 20-ncro tract of thih rich
land, with tho abundant wntor sup
'ply will make you independent; on
sidor those essentials: A charming
California valloy, "just over the
mountains from Medford;" nn
abundant wator supply, novor fail
Vests, pants and union
suits. Wo have just put in
a new and complete lino
of the above. Come in and
see the money you can
The best wearing TJoso
made, and thoy cost less if
you buy them here; 2nc a
pair and 15c pair, 2 pairs
Cor 25c. '
Special for Thursday only, 15c a box, 2 for 25c
Limited 2 to a person. No tolophone orders.
ing; dark, lonmy tfoil, 15 to 30 foot
in depth; perfect drninngu, cliuiutic
conditions ideal; cheap transports
tiou by wafer, rail and electric line;
cauli murkots uud highost prices for
everything produced; good schools;
diversity of crops; ovory kind of
fruit you can montiou; citrus as
well as deciduous; two crops of
most nil kinds of garden truck nnd
horries can bo grown hero; nnd nl
folfuTthis is its natural homo, cut
six times por year and yields from
10 to 12 tons por acre, It !h im
possible to find n region whom' tho
returns aro moro gonorous. Thorio
lnnds soil, with parpolunl wntor
right included, for $150 to $200 por
acre, 1-5 cash and bnlnnco in !
cqunl nununl pnymonts. Cnll at tho
offico and lot mo oxplain tho pro
ject in dotnil, or write for free
booklet nnd literature. Sninples of
cotton, tobneo nnd pomogrniintos
grown on thdso lands on exhibition
nt tho offico. Frank O, Androwe),
No, 0 South Fir stroot, Medford,
Or., rosidont ngont, Los Moliuos
Land Co., Tehama Co., Califor
nia. 175
WANTED 3 or 1 room houso, un
furnished or furnishod, with Btul.lo.
Address Box 2, caro Mail Tribune.
FOR RUNT 8-rooin dwelling, corner
Clrnpo uud Sixth street, $-10; oloso
in, iiir inmnnug nouso. Moor rJlini,
213 Fruitgrowers Bang hhlg. 170
IVAVH1I.M1 A 111. .. . i .
"" mini whu n goon icnni
with stonily work. 325 South Ivy.
. ' 172
(Main 441.
Call up
WANTED Evoryono intorostod in
tho purohiiHo of land In tho Roguo
River valloy to seo our list. Soo our
nd on jingo r. D. II. Jnoksou iv
Co.. 118VL. W. Main st. tf
FOR SALE 1(10 ngros timbor,
cruise 2,000,000 foot, besides the
wood; 7a miles out; $$8.50 juh
acre. D. n, Juokson & Co,, 118'
Wr Main. tf "
FOR RENT Nicely furnishod now
sleeping rooinHj hot nnd cold wntor,
bath; all modorn. 203 Oloson st.,
corner West Hamilton nnd Oloson
streets, 2 blooks from end N. Oak
dalo paving. Call Main 4474. tf
in in ii iMi'ii nil ' miWimi win"1' " ' " . 'n tfifiriNiii'd&i.iiiMW liiMBfir r'"'" 'T-'TJ'l'Lfn luST-
IS.. ..kanti? 'miMian -.