kM1 FRANK, OF MEIER & FRANK PORTLAND, Oct. R. HIkihiiiiiI Frank, proiitduiit or Ilio Moler & Frank company, which oixmilfH ono o, Ilif large-Hi ilnpiM I'lumt hIoioh In I'oi'tipiul, dluil nt IiIh homo ln""i jihorit before- m'(fi Ifjlit. Hiat trciu'i i wan givon .' 1)11? oiim of dint!!-. Fnitilt litul boon In III liixilth for tho IiihI two yearn. I tea I I'nIiiIo TriuiNfoiN. Mary ). O'Ncll to J, W. IIiiiih, flvo lotii In Menlfonl 1400 Ortcur A, BnnnlcliiH to 13. I). Wullutr, 70 ncroi 1200 LoiiIh Lager to F, W. l'lnkor ton, two lot!) In Railroad ad dition to AHhlnml 2250 Ariillo A, I'oloy to John L. HnrKOHH, 100 nuroH , 3000 H. K. Antiunion to Louis La- gor, two lotH In AHliland 1000 William lions to W. II. Stlm non, lot In Uoiih addition to Medford 1 .AgoHm A. UrandonliiirK to II. P. llnrgrnvo, proiiorty In Oullowuy addition 1000 California Markets. f SAN FHANCIHCO, Oct. C Wheat AiiBtrallnn and propo,, ?180 l.S7'5 Honorn, I1.70lffl.8r. Call fornla club, f 1.604? 1.5G; northern wheat, blmitcm, $l,02& 01 1.07 Vt club, fl.GGWl.G7tt; turkoy, fl.G7tt Ql.or.; IliiHMhm red, f 1.60 1.62 tt. Uarley Feed, kooiI to cholco 9 i $!GVic; fancy, D7H RI)89ic; poor to fair, 90fili2'4c: shipping. $1.00 fll.OGtt: Chevalier. fl.301.3G. Ubkb Btundy; Cnllfornln fronh, In cluding ram-i, oxtrns, 16c; flratu, 32c; nocondH and storage, 30c. Butler Higher; California froflh extras, 36 lie; firsts, 31c; seconds, 29c: Btornr.o, SOttc CIiooko Now California flats, fnn cVlCc; flrnta, H'jc; hocohiIh, 12V4c California Young America fancy, lCn; flrfltH, 16iic; Oregon fancy, lCVic; storaco Cnllfornln, 16c. PotntooH Per contnl, river whiten, 70(JTJ0c; SnllniiH Hurhanlto, $1.46 it l.nO; bwooU. $2,00iiJ2,10. OntoiiH Per Back, $1.06 411.10. 6rnuK Pr hur, choice, $1.50 2.50; extra cholco, $2.504T3,25; Va lon'clati, $2.604p3 for cholco, and $3f604J' 1 for fnncy. For County Recorder. I am tho republican nominee for the offico of county recorder for JaokBon county. Election November H. IfllO. FRED h COLVIO Wanted PrcHHor for idothing, $18. Rnnch lmndH. Sawmill men. Laborer.!, Woman cook. Qiri for troncrnl honaj work. For Sale B(ook and 10-yoar lonHO, eloso in. $1000 takuu good btisineas, ciodo in. Dioyclo, nunrl) now. BuBiuoflu netting $0000 yearly. 11-room Iiouho, furuiutro for sale, rout $10. FRUIT LAND. 14 nuroH, 10 in orchard, fine liouso, 2 miloB out, $10,000; terms. 00 noroB creek bottom, ulearcd, $125 aero; will subdivide. 10 aercH, all cleared, cIobo in, $2000. 40 noroB, 3 miloB. $00 per aero. 133 noroB, 12 acres orchard, alfalfa, fino water right, $15,000 tot ma. 80 noroa, buildingH, 00 norea in trees, Y mile out, $300 por uuo; Btibdivido. 120 ncrofl, 10 in orchard, 25 nlfnlfa, under ditoh, tools, Btook, $10,009. 17 ucres, 14 in heavy bearing, 2 miles out, $500 por acre, 1 acre, 4-room house, fruit trees and borrioB, $1450'; no interest. 10 nuroB, Vi milo went Phoenix, $1000, good torniH, 324 noroB noar Talent, fino dairy ranch, $35 por aero, easy tormu. 20 noroB, Eagle Point, 10 noroB NowtowtiB nnd Hnrtlotts, $150 por aero. CITY PROPERTY. Lot 131x124 near N. Oakdale, $1700 for qulok sale. 0-room Iiouho, modorn, 50x120 lot, $100 for quiol; ji.ilo Westmoreland lots $300, oasy torniB. 'South front lot on paving, shado troos, choapoHt buy in city, $1100. 29 lotH nonr oily limilfi, $100 each. 2 oloHo-in lots, cant Bido, $750.( Wont Main lots, 00x240, easy torniH. Walnut Park addition, lota 52x112, $350, your own tonus, HOMESTEADS. 7 fine hotnostoudH. E. F. A, WTTNER .noom 266 Taylor & Phfpps Bldg. ' Phone 4141 Main, WOMEN'E WOES. Medford Women Aro Fliidlnu Rollof At Last. 11 dooH Huum thai women Iiiivj mot u (linn a J'uir share of tliu adieu mill puliiH thai afiliol liiimanily; limy iniiHt "keep up," iiiiihI iitloiid to dittioH in Hpllo oi' coiiHtiiiiily nulling huulcH, or liouducliUH, dizzy npulln, buiiring-down puliiH; thoy must Htoop ovur, when to Hluop moaiiH torture. Tlioy muni walk nnd bond mid work wllli ra:l:lnK puiiiH unit uiiitiy nulius from kiiluuy h, Kidunyn cause iiioiu Buffering lliiiu any olhor or gan of llio hotly, ICuup (ho kidney woll mill houllli Ih easily maiiikuiiicd. Rend of u rumudy for kidtiuyrt only tliul helps nnil onion thu Kidneys and ii untlorfiuil hy puoplu you know, Mrn. Grace KkeulciM, 0- W. Jnck hoii atroot, Medford, Oro., says: "I oitii ruooimiiuiid Doiiii'm Kidnuy Fills highly for pniu and BtiffiioHS in the Imok mid other symptoms of kidney trouble. Thifl rumudy tnliovod mo when I uklmI it and I have hecu woll over bIiico." For hiiIo by all deolora. I'rico 50 oontf. FoHtnr-.Milhiirn Co., Duffitl'i, Now York, nolo agent for the Unit ed StntoH. Remember the mimo Donn's and tnku no other, LM'lSa KIX)OIIH MV HPKCIAIrV T. 0. lyowry, tho tllo ami floor man, U offorlnc special prlccn on Inylnir t tut Hcrnplni; of floor n until October lflt, Soo him nt 330 Hast flth ntt it, or phono Main 2321. Ilanklnft for Health. Weeks & McGowan Co. CO. 1TND1DIW'A1CERS DAY PHONE 2271 Nitfht 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT Air Light Sunshine Cleanliness iu our f nctory, Coatly Mater ials and Skill in Making oro tho conditions and ingre dients that combine to make Modern Sweets ho perfect a Candy "Patrontst th Hoitrn Dtattr" lUJtn CllUf C. Hire., TtiU4. Ont- FOR REHT. FuriiiNlivd Itoouui. FOR RENT --Nicely furnished Bleeping rooms. Inquire at 315 N. Riverside. tf FOR RENT IMcliBimt rooms, with table board, at 410 Evergreen s., cor. 12th. 172 FOR RENT Ouo largo pleasant room mny be. used for light housekeep ing; no children. 327 S. Oakdale. 100 WANTED Bids for cement &ido walk entire length Quoen Anno av enue. For particulars boo Waltor McCallum. Hotel Nash. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished room iu modorn homo, best residence dis trict, oloso in; also private- garage for rent. Phone M. 3501. FOR RENT Modorn furnished rooms with bnth. 004 W. 10th or 124 King at. 170 FOR HI3NT FurnlBhod rooms for transients, No. 10 North Qrapo fltroot, noxt to Farmers and Frult Rrowora' bank. tt Farms. FOR RENT Snlo or trade, 40 acres of hill land and timbor, pnrtly cleared, 7 miloB from Mod ford, 2 lhilos from Talent. Address A. P. Harrow, Medford, Or. FOR RENT linnofc, good buildings, for ono year, with privilege- of fivo. Tnauiro 11 N. Central avo. 108 FOR KBNT Panns from 40 a,oros to 400 acros, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, gonornl farming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 WeBt Main. tf POll RENT 5 aero tract on North Rivoraido, just outside city limits; 7-room Iioupo, barn, bearing fruit, under ditoh; driving maro, light wagon, tniloh cow, couple dojion ehinkons will bo Hold with plaoo, Immediato possossion. Inquire for KioKur pltwie. 172 Housekeeping Xlooma, FOR RENT Puntishod housokoop- ing rooms, at 23 RoobovoU avo. tf uStmk m MlflDJOBD MAIL 'JJUBUNE, MEDFOJID, ORggN, WESPESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1910. FOR RENT. Kurnlnlicd Itoomn. KOIl KKNT Two plouHUiil rooinH eloo In, Hiillablo for parlor urn; bedrooms or mj HleopitiK rooms with or wilhoul board. J'liono '1974 17fi FOR HUNT Two nicely fimiinhi'd roouiHj bath 'n' connection. Ufl Laurel hI. PIioii-m :..)fl2 or 1WA f KOIl HKNT In privitto homo, dean front bedroom, with.cloHOl and bath, cIokij in. f32L V. Ilnmillon. Phone 2465. 17.1 HllXlllt'MH ItooniN KOIl HKNT IJuHineHB room on V. Main Bt 24x140, Hiiitnblo for rcH tauraut or billiard room or other hiiBiiiuflH, Htoum boat. Gold Hay Koaltv Co.. 210 V. Main t. tf FOIl KBNT Offico roomB in Elec tric buildlnt,', modorn equipment, Htiuim bent, electric lit;lit, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Ray Kontty Co., 210 W. Main bI. tf FOR SALE. IoOt. FOR HALK-Beauliful view lots in tho Siskiyou HcightH addition, 70x FOR SAL1-J Hro jb an opportunity for the man with a Htuull income to buy a building lot cheap, and tennH to eu'jt your income. No better lots in WchI Medford for the money; ont front, noar water, pavement, iMfci ond li'uht; must ko quick to su ouro tonus. AddroHU E. care nMil Tribune offico. t FOR SALE Lot. east front, 50k 140, fruit tree: a snap at $335. Addri'HB Hox 10. Mail Tribune. 170 FOR SALE In Talent, Or., tots No. 7, 8, 0. 10, of block II; lots Nro. 0, 10, 00x130 feet, with a good dwelling house mid fine well, .fSOO, Lot Nos. 7, 8, 00x100 feet, dwel ling Iiouko and fine well, f 100. In quire of L. N. Judd, Roberts build ing. Talent. Or. 171 Acreage. FOR SALE 2 miles from Talent, Or., 17 acres, a bearing orchard, apples, 150 Spitzctibcrgs, 100 New towns, 100 R. C. Pippins, 200 Grn votistcins, 200 1). D., 18 Astrachun, 18 20-yoar IMippius, 50 pear trees, mostly winter Xelis, 30 peach trees, chorics, prunes, plums and grapes; price $10,000, $5000 down if possible. Como and let me shov ou thu property. L. X. Juddn, Roberts buildintr. Talent. Or. 173 ,FOR SALE S acres, bearing orch ! ard, 1 mile from Medford. This is a bargain; email house and bam; finest fruit bind in county; $3500. ,Vluto & Trobridge. tr "FOR SAL1-101. acres, 4 milcB from Medford; benring apples nnd pears; some improvements can bo i bouuht right from owner. Address I Ij. 10. care of JIail Tribune office. FOR SALE Snnp. 80 acres Wood ville fruit land; partly "itnpVovou; running water. Stone, 303 Eaut Main. 175 FOR SALE A, choice fruit farm of 34 ucros, 1 milo from Talent, Or., can bo irrigated, pumping apparat us, machinery, etc.; young fniit of all kinds, including 10 acres of Newtown npplos and othor va ties; also pears, prunes, plums, ap ricots, cherries, etc.; a good dwell ing houso, 12 noros in alfalfa; near Hoar crook; price $12,500, cash down $5500, the balance on lime; como to Talent on cars and I will show you tho property. L. N. Judd, Roberts bldg.. Talent. Or. 100 FOR SALE 20 noros, city limits, bet to apples, pears nnd poachos; 3 years old; will sell 10 if desired; also othor desirable property. K, H. O'Hair. Woodville. Ore. 172 FOR SALE SO acres iu all. ' 10 acres in 4-yoar-olds. 0 acres irrigatod alfalfa. 15 acres oloarod land. 5 miles from Medford. SOLE WATER RIGHT ON CREEK; PART OF WELL-KNOWN RANCH. Price $14,000 $175 an aero; smaller suction if desired. Address A. McComaok, oaro Mai) Tribuno offico. tf FOR SALE 10 noros of best gar den laud 141 Jackson county, lo cated ii Hoar crook bottom; will take houso and lot as part pay ment. For full particulars address P. O. Hox 747. 177 IluBlHoaa Property. FOR SALE OR RBNTQc zon ing for gonornl merchant "toro in now town with $15,000 Mhly payroll, on rnilroud, 12 miivw from Medford. Gold Rny Realty Co., 210 W. Main. tf FOR SALE CfibloQ buninosB prop erty at a bargain, on long timn; onBy terruB. Atldresn Condor Wa ter Power Co. FOR BALE Only hotel in Hntte Falls, now nnfl doing good busi nosfl, Addnwa G. W, H. Alltort, Butte Fallw. Or. 174 FOR SALE TTnlf interest in ono of finest small bualncnBOB in Medford, and nao proooods of nalo of snlo to iuoronso stock, Addross Box 441, oaro of Mail Tribuno, tf -f-f- 4-f i4-f Uncalled for Answers to Classified Advcrtlicmen 13. Hox 200. A U C,2. r ,, 4- f f f 4- 4- 4- 4-4- 4 4 4 4-. 4-4-4- 4 4- i'j. lr. A. ,: 4 G. C. J I. Uox 20. $" Hox 444, 2. h: n. A..F..O. hox 170. t S Hox 40. ,: ir ci JJOX IV'J, , n . Hox 35. m C-12. vfe J. V., 2. fl - n" ; m E. S. F v Hox 50, 3. h Vox 500. &k Hox 15, 3m Box 12, 2.'R Hox 25, 2.V E. L. T.,5'., Hox 4, 2. A. 'A. H. S. S 2. Box 18. J. F. 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4 -t- 4-44-4 -H 4-f FOrhSALE. Houses. FOR SALE Several bouses and lots also fino farm. D. T. Lawton, Owner. t" FOR SALE Snap. 0-room house, modem, furnished; lot 50x100; east front; rents for $3L50 per month; price $2300; terms. 11 N. Central nve. 172 room modern house in Seattle, Wash., 22x30 concrete basement; lot 08x100; all improvements in and paid; 1 block frm car Iin: for acreage near Medford. Inquire 37 S. Central avo. 172 FOR SALE I Ijuvo three modern bungalows on cast front lots; they aro conveniently planned, well built, artistically designed; have com plete plumbing,' including lnundry trn'B, screen, shados. fireplaces, both wood nnd electric; built-in buffets and bookcases. Call on owner; Chns. D. Colby, 010 W. 10th street. ' tf FOR SALE East front bungalow, modorn; well situated; trees; owner lives ouf of city and can't meet payment duo in about 30 days. I'rico is cut for quick sale. Call cl fllO N. 10th. st to tf FOR SALE 0-room bungalow on East side, $2500. Address P. O. Box 11. tf FOR SALE Two-stor house and lot 50x250, East front, 10 minutes out $1200; Terms. John Reter, 0 S. Central Ave. FOR SALE 5-:xom modern bunga low and furniture, $3100. Address II. B.caro Mail Tribune office. 170 FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow nnd two lots, one oorner; south and oast front; fino neighborhood, near paving; best buy in Medford; cash or terms. Address "Owner," care Mnil Tribune. tf FOR SALE 5 and 10-aore tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE 8-room- house with bath and 90 feet of screened porch, $3500. 000 9th st. West., W. H. Evorhnrd. tf FOR SALE--Ten houses for snlo. 420 North Bartlctt st., for light housekeeping 172 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE CHEAP If takon at once, good riding horse, saddle nnd bridle. 000 Wo-t 9th st. 175 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fivo pnssengor 4-oylindor touring auto mobile. Addross Box 200, caro Mail Tribune offico. tf FOR SALE Grapos, fresh from tho vinos. No. 507 Clark st. 180 FOR SALE 70 Angora goats. J. A. Wostorlund. Modford.d Or. tf FOR SALE A 5 octavo Cottngo or gan, 12 stops; or will trade for a horso or anything of value. E. E. Oman, third houso north of depot, Jacksonville. Orr. 179 FOR SALE Span 3 year old maro tiiuloa, about S00 pounds, porfcoMy gontlo, broke to work; good lifo, Write mo; I will bring tho mules to Mod fa rd for inspection. R. A. Knipp. Porduo. Oro. FOR SALE Furniture for n 4-room oottago, oloso in; cheap rent for tho house. Address 911, care Mail Trib unojiffioo. 178 FOR SALE Legal 6YIHK bTlfll kinds trespass and other notices, at Mat! Tribune office. Farms or Orchards. FOR SALE Or exobango, by owner, some good runch property; also somo town lota. Address P, O, box 083, ModforuVOro. tf POR 8Ar7l3 13 Mires, Bvana Cred fruit; tmprovomouta; buy o owner. Write S, F. Pi.tter, R. F D Wood Tlllo, Or. tf FOR SALE, JtiiMfii-ftH Property. FOR BALE Any ono contemplating change to Oakland, Cal.; 1 have ono lot with two houses in East Oak land, actual cost to owner $3800; $1300 still to pay, nt $30 per month, income $20 monthly, rented; will exchange oquity for Btnalt ranch nonr Phoenix or property in Mod ford or Ashland. Address Box 10, caro of Mail Tribune office. 374 FOR SALE Furniture of 10-rooom houflo, centrally located; first-class for 'rooming nnd boarding Iiouho. AddresH P. O. Box 751. 182 FOR SALE Ono Kentucky saddle horse, 8 years; safe and sound. Ono eight-quart cow. Address O. It., care Mnil Tribune. 170 FOR SALE I am prepared to furn-, ish winter supplies of fire wood in oak, fir and pine; stovewood and four-foot lengths. F. Oscnbrugge, phono 1041. 401 Riverside avenue South. GOOD WORK or driving tcum, me dium weight, cheap as dirt. En quire 1021 W. Tenth Bt. 172 HELP WANTED. Help WrniteO rtofBJAe. WANTED Girl for general house work; good wages to the right party. Address Box 29, caro Mail Tribuno office. WANTED Nurse wanted at the Ahhland hospital for training. tf WANTED Call or phono Main 32 for all kinds of dressmaking. Mrs. J. S. Carroll, 329 N. Riverside ave nue. 100 WANTED Competent woman for, general housework, two in family, j wages $39. Address Box 00, care' Mail Tribune office. tf 1 WANTED Salesmen in eyery local ity of the northwest;. mony ad vanced weekly; many make over $1000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penlsb, Wash. WANTED Sewing girls in altera tion dept. Apply at once nt Mann's N. Central ave. tf WANTED A capable general house work maid; one used to service. Apply Mrs. C. H. Glnize, 313 S. Grape street. 175 WANTED Lady to do pressing nnd repairing. One who has had some experience preferred. Apply Panti torium Dye Works. 172 Help Wanted Male. WANTED Comptetcnt carpenter foremnn. Apply at once, 418 West Fourth st. l'O WANTED Lathers. Apply to Med ford Bnck Co. at the Davis bldg., Monday morning; will pay $3 per 1000. 177 Situations Wanted. WANTED Situation as foremnn, orchard or nursery; 18 years' prac tical experience; first class refer ences. M.. Mail Tribune office. 174 WANTED Position by man nnd wife on fruit farm. Call or address C. L. Lotman, 200 Sixth st., Ash land. 179 MlscollAneoBB. WANTED Equity in lot or house nnd lot. Phono 1103 or address 514 South Grapo st. 170 WANTED Shingling and roof re pairing dono by Fred Jerry. Phone No. 2S51. Work dono promptly and neatlv. All work guaranteed. 17S WANTED To borrow $500 for one year, good security; will pay 7 per cent. Address W. C. M., Tribuno office. 175 WANTED Ono pair wagon springs, must bo at lent 3000 lbs., not to exceed 5000. Address O. J. Bell, Brownsboro. Or. 174 WANTED To borrow $500 for one year; good security; will pay 10 per cont. Address W. C. if., caro of Tribuno office 177 Easiness Opportunities. 150. Will ninko tho right price to any ono interested enough to inves tigate. Geo. C, Conations, 110 E. Main st. 173 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Medford and suburban property, rnnchos, timbor lands, for othor property. Address Box 190. care Mnil Trihuno. tf LOST. LOST Scotch collio dog with whito neck, breast and foot. Liberal ro ward for return.' D. T. Lawton. tf LOST Between Buroll orchard and Medford, throo koys. Plenso roturn to Tribuno offico nnd got reward. 172 FOR LEASE FOR LEASE FUHy efttHped gold mine; ten-stamp mill and conoon trator, all operated liy electric pow ei. Owner will famish free elec tric power for aharo in proceeds. 8ee Smith, at Condor Water & Power Co. FOR LEASE Fishing, hunting, bonling an'd bathing resort, lfi square wile body of water, on railroad, within 12 miles of Med ford. AtMr6B Box 301, eare Mail Tribune. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hill Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All ordora promptly filled. Room 20, Jackson County Bank building, Medford, Or. I mi 11 (I dries SING LEE has sold h'm laundry to Wnh Leo Co., and hereafter it will bo conducted by Wah Lee. Ho is an experienced man in the busi ness. Cement Sidewalks. CEMENT SIDEWALKS, brickmason, stone mason, plastering and all kinds of stucco work. Export work manship at, reasonable charges by the day or contract. Address Ma BOnfl. 511 E. Main at.. Medford. Or. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job office in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central avenue. Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building.' A nice, cool place to spend the hot after noons. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st., Medford, Or. E. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hos pital P. & E. R. R Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees arc butted, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office removed to 110 E. Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO.,, inc. Growers, of high grade nursery stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. 5000 YELLOW NEWTOWN apple trees for sale, also other varieties of trees, by Wagner Creek Nursery & Orchard Co., Beeson & Lester, Talent. Or. Brick Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers in pressed brick and lime. Office in Postoffice block, room 5. Phono No. 3181. Tin Shops. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G st. Read Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse- Dealers in tobacco, cigar and smoreks' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Meritt and El Palencia. 212 West Mam street. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mackey and die with joy." Over Allen & Reagan's store; entrance on Seventh street. Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Meets at Smith's hall, 128 North Grape street, every Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'clock. AH journeymen carpenters, as woll ns local members, urged to be pres ent. Business of vital interest to all carpenters transacted at these meetings. J. J. Soal, business agt. Attorneys. WI1TIIINTON & KELLY Yawyers, Palm buihlincr. A. E. REAMS Lawyer, over post office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attomoys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. lteames. Lawyors. Of fico Medford Nationnl Bank build ing. second floor. NOTARY PUBLIC Room 207, Phipps bldg. NOTARY PUBLIC Mail Tribune offico. Stenographers. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Block. Stenographic work done quicklx nnd woll. Grouito Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Main st., manufuoturors and deal ers in gmonumentnl and' build in grnnito, crushed grnnUfc, common brick and prossod brick, coarse and fino washed rivor sand. PAUL & WOLFF sell snnd and foun dation gravel; all ordors promptly delivered. Phono 4721 and 1213 Main. fMtatorn d t'rrhjir. L- H G. DEAN. O. P. M'MUTJiEN- Phone 3732. Dean & MoMnllen contracting painters, paintiqr. pa per hanging nnd tintinr. Estimat on all kinds of painting work Medford. Or. Tailors T. D, MORGAN, JR., 710 E, Taylor, st. Up-to-date paper hnngon 10 years' experience in tho east, 173 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Architect. NORMAN WINDER, arokitootural draftsman and' buildor Soo me about your new homo. loan save you money by planning "to your own idong and figuring with yon right. Writo Box 37, P. 0 Med ford. JOHNS & TURNER, Architect and Buildors. Offico 7-8, 325 Main. Phone Main 3471. Residence phone 744. Ileal VMntc. THE MOOR-EHNI CO. Fino ranch properties. City lots and dwellings. Fire insurance. 213 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. Phono 2502. EARLE C. SABIN Orchard tracto, city property. List your holdings with me. Only desirable property handled. Room 202, Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. W. WICK Homeopathic physician. Residence 203 Olesoa st. Phone Main 4474. Will opon offices in St. Marks block about October 10. DR. AKTEMAS W. DEANE in Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gus administered for extraction of teeth. Telophono Main 08L Night phone 4432. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 2-93-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of the tracks. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tice limited to diseases of the eye, - cai, noso and throat. Office 216 E. Main st., over Medford Hard ware Co. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor nnd Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 0 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS OARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Mission block. Phone 292. Medford. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CDJES Will cure rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These remedies may bo procured at house, N. 241 D and 10th sts., Medford, Or., where they will bo sold by tho proprietor, Chow Young. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral severe cases with his remedies since coming to Ashland, and has for references some of the best known and most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him. This i9 to certify that Dr. Chow Young, the bearer, attended me, my trouble being lung troablo and asthma. I am better than I have been for twelve years. I saw the lotter written by Judgo Banna and as he recommended tho doctor so well, thought I would try him also. Mrs. St. Louis, Ashland, Or. "I was afflicted with heart and stomach trouble for many years, and at last ending in a stroke of paralysis, from which no ono ex pected my recovery, and no one knows how I suffered, bat at last I got a little better and I heard of one Dr. Chow Youug. I took treat ment nnd am well now nnd can reo ommend him to any ono who may be sick or afflicted with any of these complaints. I assuro you D. am woll pleased and thankful that I am alivo at this time. Mrs. Mary Ni day. Grants Pass. On R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Niht calls promptly answered. Office aac1 residence phone Main 3482. DR. STEPHENSON fits rfasses to correct any defeot of the eye. Of fico over Allen & Reagan's. Phouo Main 1851. Furniture. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS James A. MoKenzio, dealer in new and second-hand furniture, hardware, clothing, boots and shoes. Highest cash prices paid for good cast-off clothing. Call and see me when you have something to sell. 103 South Central. II. P. WILSON & CO.. dealers in now and socond-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for House hold stoves and ranges. 16 South Fir Btroot. Phono Mnin 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th und Holly Btrwts., eMd ford. Mission furniture made to ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds, A trial order soliictcd. MORDOFF &WOLFF Cookstove and ranges. Now nnd second-hand funiituro. Eads' old stand, 18 W F st., South, Phono 91, Medford, Ore. Undortokerfl. MEDFORD FURNITURB CO,-r-Ua-dertakers. Day phone 911. Night phones, C, W. Coaklin 3M, J. H. Butler 3571. WEEKS & McGOWAlf CO. UNDERTAKERS, Day phone 2271. Night phones; P. W. Weeks, 271, . . A, E. Orr, 3G0B. . ,,r' , Lady assistant, ," . fril k I .H A it ; t. - if r H - f i f It M " ''-rM-ffl Tr"- 4jl. .. Jfw-r jam?. ah&. Jti&fettK-.W. iiiiiMr