'"lBWiri'if-fitT7...'. T"' , .. . H l M15DJ7D1W MAI 1j TIHHUN13, M13DI?0RD, OlllSOOy, WldgfePAY. OCTOBER 5, 1910. THE DAYS ARE FLYING AND YOU M T Y Do Not Allow Some Other Contestant to Got Your Friends Plcrifictl Their Support Doforo You Awake to Your Last 'Opportu nity Sec Them First. to I The Prizes CAPITAL PRIZE ONE FIVE-PASBENQKU TOURING AUTOMOBILE (WILL HE ON I)18I'LAY IN A FEW DAYS). GRAND PRIZES w.'. , TWO -IOO PIANOS. TWO $100 DIAMOND KINGS. TWO BUSINESS SCHOLARSHIPS. TWO BEAUTIFUL LADIES' GOLD WATCHES. Ih your friend in tlio game fur (ho automobile? Out) inoro subscription to her mono may menu a good dual. From tlio Lyricfi of tlio ContoHt Editor. CITY NOTICES. f-f-f"f-f-f -f -f-f-f4-f-f f f .4 f f f 4 SPECIAL OFFER NOTICE. Tlio Mnil Tribune la riving uH)oinl offer to tlacsr old Hiilmuribont. All renewed HiibHoripUona that are paid before Sntur'Irv ovening, Oot. 8, will rocaha tho natno num ber of votcH ns now Biib Koriburo. HcsiduH tcceiviiig doublo votes a bonus of 50,000 extra votes" will bo given for every 00 tnontliH of ronownl HtihucriptioiiH tumed into tlio .Mail Tribune office. Se display ad. f f 4 4 4 4 4 4 444444 4 44 4 4 4444444 Do not wnlt until Urn lnt moment, tmt kIvo your extmlon to your favor ite cnmtlitnln NOW. Tliara nro only four tiny morn n'tiinlnlitK ntnl h)io will to vrorkliiK ovnrllmo tlio nt tiny, nnywny, cnttlnt! ttioso who mvo tlio I'UTTINO IT OFI1" hntilt born Into Micm when thero la no kooiI rrnaon for It. Thn uprclnl Imllot to which tho con tratnntn who qualify nrn rntltll wilt bo inndfl out n.iid Kitnl to thrm at tho mil of thn ftpcclnl offtir. Tim rcptllnr linllota to which limy nro entitled for nil aub crlptlona are limtifd nt oucn. Nevnr In tho hlntory of audi n content linn ao llhnrnl an offer been mmta. It la an opportunity lo islva aotun younc lnily frlontl a "lift that may mean for ono of thn crowning nmbltlona of her II fo ld e winning of one of the grrnt iirltea effnreil by thla paper. Of courae, you have been anvlni; your coupon for aoinoone. Mow that arilu oua Inak limy be arcomilahel In tho caaicm manner imaKinuuie, wiwi a rcauu which ao fur tin voted nrn concerned la doubled, tripled or inaKUlfled In nlmoat any doRren tmaelnabln The proceaa la altnple, and conta you nhaolutnly nothing. Atreud)', you nrn a nubncrlbor to tho Mall Tribune Tho auppoaltlon la only reaaonnblo that you purpoao Ita con tlnuniicn. Blmply call In or notify your choice In the Krvnt racn and kIvo her your renewal for ono month. Mix montha. ono year, two yeara or flv yeara, whatever tho en no may tin, and alio upon dopoaltlmr wiwi me conical u Muybnllw JoneH. UiiMfty'a atora 133,420 Jnnnlfl Uorti;. 010 H. Onkdnla ,.132,940 Aitnen McMnhoii, 107 8, Ivy .,.,129,810 Myrtln Calhoun. 8 H, Central. , 12,470 Mi(lu Dli.ll, 28 N. Court 127.XS0 Trnncea Uiirlmin, 110 8. Molly. ,124,820 Alnnn Hnoduraaa, 344 H, Contrnl,llN,G40 Itul.y liurkn, 3d and N. Hnrtlxtt, 11B,7S0 Nellln ICvnna, I'aolflo Tel. Co,. 11 11,4 B0 llnxollu llniiNdnln, H, Ittveraldn,, 108,940 j:va Jann Outturn, SIS Oakilala. 108.(60 Anna Kmlth, 20 H, Ivy 97,420 )no Humphrey, Keiitimr'a atora,. 9C,:&0 Ktllil Jncolitr, 113 H. Central,... 93,180 Anna I'eteraon, 8, Holly 89,280 i:imim wiinoii, Hiinllit I'nrlora 77,480 Harriett Paul, 825 V 9th 78,420 Mnry 1'nyne, 136 N llartlett.... 62,870 Mary Klllrldirn, 204 8 anipo, . . 80,170 Jeaalc Cole, 706 X Cenlnil .... 69.860 vlda Tlioriibiirir. 8 Holly 45,610 Mra, U UreKory. 232 II Main.. 42.610 llattlo Allen. 313 AV 10th 4C.1S0 Clnro-8plnKiitle. 204 Central .... 38.910 Nina Ilakarman, 21 W Tenth.... 38,190 (lladya Heard, eant end . Main 36,420 I.uolfn Campbell, 714 W 8th.... 35,820 i:nld Hnmlllnn, N Central ..... 35,750 Minn Andrnwa, 95 Itnoaevelt nvo,. 34,260 Julia C Helder, 710 11 Main,... 33,890 Hnselte Welch. 8. Ivy 31,620 tlrnce McCoy. 510 N Central 28,170 Mabel Mickey, 330 8. Kir 25 010 Katlier Murphy, 511 N. Plr 24,810 .euio nartioy. 6 K. 3d nt ..... 23,760 (Irnee Offut, 140 N. Orapo 22,620 Vlnltn Hamilton. N, Central ave.. 17,840 Kthelyn Ilewea. 361 W 11th.... 12,190 Jeaale 1'undy, H, Holly ll.SUO Mlllcent I'otter. 146 N Oakdale. 7.260 (Iracn Drown, 1221 W Main.... 4,960 Itebeccn Clinton. 104 8. Newtown 230 Mary Fltaler, MontKomcry Co.. 310 Durrmzor ho. a. Zooludta Ml territory outalde city of Medfora. thla the conteat department, la Klven an extra vote rnnKlni: from 700 votea ror hid rirni meniioneti period, to 40.000 votea for two yeara and In that proportion for an Indefinite period. TIiohii votea mnv ifiean an automobile, an uprlftht Kimball piano, n diamond rlnir. a acholarahtp In thn Anhland com mercial college, or a Kold wntch. Hut notion muat bo Prompt. Thla offer ex pire Hnturday, October 7, 11 p. m., and poNltlvnly in will not bo repented durlnir ho conteat Only ono condition In lm- :hn renownl lie for cnali. ou cannot afford to Hlluht thla golden iioaod that thn renownl lie for cnah You cannot afford to Hllulit thla colder opportunity, which aa In tho enno In life knnckn nt one'a doom nono too friuently. MedforO'n Knllnntry nover hail a better opportunity lo oxprcan It nnlf, and that your effort will lm ap preciated by tho cnndldaten cannot bo Kit I una Id, Why not boo! for Medford by aend Intr tfm Mull Tribune: to your out-of-town frlenda, thereby allowing them whnt a romnrkablo country w hnve. and nt tho anmo tlmo help nnmn of your lady frlcmln In the content? Your nub Horuiitlon may bo the iiioanN of wlunliiK nomo yoiintr lady ono of tho valunblo prizes offered by tho Mall Tribune Baok Bubicrtptloua. in nnawer lo mo many inauirlea. wo Mlna Uentrlcn Moore, Ashland. .118,920 Klanor I'owera. Talent ,..,,., ..116,940 Witinlfred Dnvla. Aahlund 115,680 Ida lleera. Woodvlllo 116,670 I.eoua Ulrich, Jackaonvllln 114,740 UhnltA Kobblna, Woclvlllo 114,620 Mra. AV. 11 Whltealde, Cuntral I'olnt 113,870 Oladya Miller, Woodvlllo 113,070 Oclola Carnlhan, Talent 112.460 Mnybelln I'enrt. Central Point ..111,670 Ollllo Hull. Ilrownaboro 111.420 Mary Olnon, Central Point .....110,(70 ICvn Norcrona, Central Point ...109,880 Harnll llobb. Central Point .....109,460 Clnra llhodea. Anhlnnd ,, 108,620 llnxel Crownon, Aahlniid 108,480 llnxello Welch. Jackaonvlllo... .117,820 Krancea Hamilton, Aahlnnd ...,107,140 Uertrudn Norton, Jackaonvlllo ..106,250 Mnxlo .Moore. O runt a Pnan ...,,104,520 lMnu Nell, Aahlaud 98,470 Huhy Pulmer, Aahlnnd' 96,810 Ornco Colby, llrownavlllo 93,420 Olvn Scott, Woodvlllo 92,470 l.ucy Harmon, Ornnt Pnaacmf:n576d Orennel Jncknon. KarIo Point ,. 84,170 Murlo OnKo, IloaRlo 79,450 Pearl Ilona, Central Point 77,480 iiariiia nmiin, iiuncom ........ 7&M2U llnxolln Warner. Trail 71,410 Mary Potent, Jackaonvllln 66,970 .Mnrojrln Duly, Hnulu Point .., 65,270 Nettle Hartley, Wellcn 64,890 Mlna Holly, Aaliland 64,570 Kittle Olbnon. Aahlnnd 60,860 Amy Davln. Iiuncom 69,840 My in Anknw, IlenKlo 67,410 Donna Under, Kaelo Point 46,970 Irouu Wilson, Cenlral Point ..... 65,920 IMim Hnvra, Oobl Hill 49,220 Mian 13. Peel.: uutt lulla ..... 48.270 Ilernlro Kdmoudaon, Ilutto Tnlla 42,960 Mix Itowmnn. Anhlaud 41.810 Leila Moroloek, UOld Hill 38,760 wlnh to atato that bnck ntibierlptloug count tho anmo nn mlvnnco Paid ilurInK thin offer, For example. If your nub acrlpllon la In nrrenrn alx montha nml you pny twelve montha, your tlmo In extended nix montha, or twolvo montha from explrntlon, nnd votea Issued nc cordluitly, Opon Evnlnffa, For tho benefit of thoao who nro not nblo to Kt to thla office during bunl nean liourw, tho Content Deportment will bo opon every ovonlnir until 9 o'clock, DISTRICT NO. 1, Xnolr. lea nil tho territory in tho city of Medford. .Mol lie ltny. Ituch Ktholyn Hciintte. Oranta Pans ... Ollln llORlln, Oold Hill Viola Hinltli, Ilutto I'iiIIn Cliiru Kkyrinnn, Trail l.lf.t Willi...... .K....I llHl, .. ,, in. wiMi.lIt I'llllli ,,., Clnrlco 'Wilcox, Woodvlllo Flora Hhnfer, 8tlmmerv)ln ..... Maybello Paraona, Aahlnnd Fnyo llurchell, Woodvlllo Kminn "Wendt, Jneknouvllu , . . , Murlo Carnlhnn, Trail ., Vera Hkecu, AHhlnnd , , , MiiUKln Jiiuea, lU'iiu-lo Delia Miller, Trnir May Ilnnh, Anhlund ., fnt. tin.,.,. Tn1 IlH'2 Wllleta. Peralat I.en Mlddlebuahel. Trnll Kiln 8tolea. AVoodvtlln Clntouno McCredle, Control Point ilortrudo Nloholn. Ilutto Fulln... I f t t t t 36,960 36,910 36,260 29,620 -J7.UIU 26,890 26,670 24,620 24,460 21,930 20,0611 10,460 14,661 10,820 10,660 10,240 4,920 3,160 3,170 J10 30 20 Uiuolln Tlco, 208 N. Control ..144,861 Mnrlo Klfort, N. Front at 143.8K Mnbol ltny, 1101 W, Mnln , 143,R7( ,860 10 RIO Kiln Oanuynw, 107 N. Centrnl, .142,380 Allan i.niwiorii, pinuiai, iNnnn Orlll 141,840 Mny ntiohnnnn, 806 R Taylor ...140,620 llnrnlao Carder, 310 W, Jnckon..l40,300 Mny llnlloy, 510 H. Centrnl 140,270 Klttlo IlurROflH. 335 Ornnun ,...130,010 Mnry A. HiihwoII. 8. O. Produco..130,S80 Touo Flynn. 005 W. Tenth 138.040 llerdlun Ilenoomo, Tenth nt , .... 138,660 Mm. W. M. Ford, Porllund nvo.,137,980 Nclllo Slorm, 210 8. Cenlral ...137.460 Mnry floro, 420 8. Centrnl ..,,130 890 Until Vun Dyke. 9 V. 12lh .,,,120,460 Mnudn 8. Onlnon, 8. Ornpo ..136,420 Xt(.ll,l T.l.i,. tPnut Krl.. .OR D4A llertha Dnlloy. 208 8. Ivy'.'.'.'.'.'iaS.'SEO lit ClinB. StriUlirfi' Rceclicil tho Top. in any callinj; of lifo deuiniids a vi enroiiB.lioily and a keen brain Without lioalth tltoro is no buccctm, Rut Electric Hittors is tlio Kroatost lioalth buildor that tho woVld lma ovor lenown. Tt ooniolls jorfoot action of tho stomach, ltvor, kidnovs liowols and purifioB and inviRorat'irt tho wholo system, and enables you to Htnud tho wear and tear of your daily work. "After months of mif forinjr from Kidney trouble," writos W. B. Shoraian, of CushiuK Mo., "Ihreo bottlos of Elootrio Bittovs mado mo fool like a now man." f0o m Not Good After October 14 1910 The Mail Tribune Popular Voting Conest This Ballot Counts for TEN Votes For District No Addross . , flood for ton votos whon filled out and Bent to tho Contest Depart twint by mail or othorwiBo on or boforo tutpiintion dnto. No ballot will he iiltoroil in any way pir tranoforrod ofv JieitiR VYictnved by tlio Mail tlMriuno. In oaso of a tie, p'.iM3 of quul vr- .... '-v . u- ii 2 J.3 C'OiitfiHtnnts tiod. T-i-mi niM","",r . OIIIUNANCK NO. HHI. An onlliituico donlnrliitf tho cont of tlio nprovoinont'of Nortli Holly from Main iitroct U Hocond Htrcot and n hckIiu the property hoiicfltcd tlioro by, and iIosla.'hiK ' cb (Uih'.BBmtr.t, tnd illrocthif; tho oniry tborcof In tlio dockot of :lty llotiH. Tlio city of Medford doth ordoln IIH fOlIOWfll Hectlon 1. That no pro(etH bavlrig been fllod ncilniit tho Impiovomciit of Nortli Holly, duo notice of tlo Intotitlot of tho'cotincll to cntiHo nald improvement to bo nvuln liavinf Ix'on Klvon, and nald Improvement havliiK been oidored made, the coun cil hurt coimldurcd tlio matter and borowlth .iBco'LilnB tlio nro'iiLlo cont of making oucl' Improvement lo bo tlio on in of S And said council further finds that Hlio special and pocullnr bonoflt nc- crulng upon avili lot or part tuoreoi adjacent to said Improvement and In Junt proportion to bonofits, to bo tho nmpoctlvo (mountfl liorelni'.ttor sot oppoHlto tho numbor or description of each lot or p?rt thereof, and such amounts respectively nro horobv de clared to bo tho proportionate iihnro of each lot or part tborcof of tho cont of cuch Improvement, and Ih horoby doclarod to bo assessed against said lot or pircols respec tively, tho namo appearing nbevo each doHcrlptlon being tho unmo of tho ownor of such lot or pnrcel. ASSKSSMKNT FOIl TUB PAVINO OP NOHTII HOLLY STREET PUOM MAIN 8TREET TO SEC OND BTHEBn . Assensmojt No. 1 Episcopal Pro lostnnt Church. Iot 10, block 55, orlgh al townslto of tho city of Mod ford, Oronon; frontno 140 feet on the east aldo of North Hjlly street, nnd described In Vol. 78, pngo 410, county recorlor b rocords of Jackson county, Oregon; HO fcot; rato por f':ot 15,87; 'mount $821. SO. Assessment No. 2 Andoreon-Grccn Co. Tho so'itL 50 foot pt lot 9, block or,, orlglnnl townslto of uio city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 50 feet on tho oast sldo of North Holly street, and dcscrlbod In Vol 75, pn:o 370, county recorder's records o Jarkeon inly, Oroios; CO fcot; into por foot $5.87; amount $293 50. Assessment No. 3 Anderson Green Co. Tho nortli 90 foot of lot 9, block 55, oilglr.nl townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontrgo 90 feet on tho cast sldo of North Holly street, nud described In Vol. 75, pago 372, county recordor's rocords of Jackson county, Orogon; 90 foot; rnto par foot$5.87; amount $528,30, Assessment No. 4 Emll Mohr. Lot 12, block 50, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front age 50 foot on tho cast sldo cf North Holly street, und described In Vol. 77. pngo 317, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet; rato por foot $5.87; amount $293.50. Asscssmont No. 5 Emll Mohr. Lot 11, block 50, orlglnnl townslto of the city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 50 feet on tho oast sldo of Nortli Holly Btroot, and described In Vol. 77. pago .117, county rccordo-n records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 foot; rnto per foot $5.S7; amount $293.50. Assessmo-1 No. C Emll Mohr. Lot 10, block CC. original townslto of tho c'ty of Medford, Orogoa; frontngo 50 fcot on tho oast u!do of North Holly stroot. nnd described In Vol. 77, pngo 317, county recordor's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oro.on; 50 foet: rnto por foot $5.87; amount Z"3.IjO. Assessment No. 7 Mlnnlo E. Bol linger. Lot 9, blook 6G. original townslto of tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontaRO 50 foot on tho eant sldo of North Holly street, and des cribed In Vol. 42, pngo 123, county rocordor's records of Jnclcion county, Oregon; 50 foot; rato por foot $5.87; amount $293.50. Assossmont No. 8 A. Z. Sears. Lot 8. block 5(5, orlglnnl townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 50 fcot on tho east sldo of North Holly stroot, .mi described In Vol. 10, pago 57, county rocordor's roc ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 foot; rnto por foot $5.87; amount $293.50. Assossmont No. 9 A. Z. Sonrs. Lot 7, block 50, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ngo 50 foot on tho cast sldo of North Holly stroot. and dosorlbod In Vol. iu, pngo 167, county rocordor's roc ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 foot; rnto per foot $5.87; amount Assessment No. 10 Ella M. Vnw tor. Lot 18, block C, orlRinnl town slto of tho city of Medfoid, Oregon; frontngo 110 foot on tho west sldo of North Holly Btroot, and doscrlbed In Vol. 27, pngo 345, county rocord or'B rocords of Jackson county, Oro gon; 140 foot; rnto por foot $5.87; UUlUllIlt tHill.CiU, Assossmont No. 11 Ella M. Vaw tor. Tho oast ono-hnlf of tho vn. cnted alloy In block 07. orltrlnnl town slto of tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontngo 20 foot on tho west sldo of North Holly stroot; 20 foot; n.to por foot $5.87; amount $114.40. Assossmont No. 12 Ella M. Vaw tor. Lot 1, block 07, original town slto of tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontage 140 foot on tho wost sldo or North Holly Btroot, and doocrlbod In Vol. 31, pngo 93, county rocord or's recordB of Jackson county. Oro gon; W0 foot; rnto por foot $5.87; amount $821.80. Assessment No. 13 Cnrollno Dol llngor. Lot 1, block 00, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Oro gon; frontngo 50 foot on tho wost sldo of North Holly etroot, nnd dos crlbod la Vol. 02, pago 108, county rocordor'B rocords of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 foot; rato nor foot $5.87: amount $293,50, Assossmont No. 14 Cnrollno Dol llngor. Lot 2, block 00, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Oro goa; frontngq 50 foot on tho wost sldo of North Holly stroot, and des cribed In Vol, 02, pago 108, county rocordor'B rocorda of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 foot; rata por 'oot $5.87; amount $293.50. Assossmont No. 15 Cnrollno nol llngor. Lot 3, blook 00, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontngo 50 foot on tho wost sldo of North Holly Btroot, and des cribed In Vol, 02, pago 108, county rocordor'B rocords of Jackson county, CITY NOTICES. Orogon; 50 feet; rnto por foot $5.87; amount 293.GC. AsscHsmont No. 1C-- Frank Hil lings. Lot 4, block Cfi, original town slto of tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontngo 50 fcot dn tho west sldo of North Holly nlrcot, tmd described In Vol, 41, pngo 4(17, county rccordcr'n records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rnto por foot $5.87; amount $203.50. AsHczflnicnt No. 17 Cnrollno Bol Ilngor. Lot 5, block 00, original townslto of tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontngo 50 fcot on tho west sldo of North Holly street, and des cribed In R-120; 00 feet; rato por foot $5,87; amount $203.50. Assessment No. 18 Carollno Bel linger. Lot C, block CC, original townslto of tho city of Mo 'ford, Ore gon; frontngo 50 feet on tho went sldo of North Holly street, nnd des cribed In R120; 50 feet; rato per foot $5.87; nmount $293.50. Assossmont No. 19 Luclnda 8Io vor. Lot 1, block CG, original town slto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 50 fcot on tho west sldo of North Holly Htrcot, and described in Vol, 73, pago 77, county recordor's records of Jnckson county, Orogon; 50 foot; rato per foot $5.29; amount $204.50. Assessment No. 20 W. M. Smith. Lot 2, block 05. original townslto of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ngo 50 feet on tho went sldo of North Holly strcot, and dtocrlbed In Vol. 73, pngo 270, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot $5.29; amount $2G4.50. Assessment No. 21 L. K Schmnlhauscn. Lot 3. block 05. or iirinnl town Kite of the eitv of Med ford. Oregen: frontnce 50 feet on tho west side of N. Hollv street, and described in Vol. 74. pago 033. coun ty recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregen: 50 feet: rnto ner foot. $5.2!) : nmount. $204.50. Assessment No. 22 L. R. SchrnnlhnuKCii. Lot -1. block G5. or iginal townnito of the citv of Med ford. Oregen: frontage 50 feet on tho west Bido of N. Hollv street, and described in Vol. 74. nape 033. coun tv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregen: 50 feet: rate per foot. $5.20: amount. $204.50. Assessment No. 23 IJ. n. Toft. Lot 5. block 05, original townsitc of the citv of Medford. Oregen: frontngc 50 feet ou tho west side of N. Hollv street, and described in Vol. -19. Dago 225. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregen: 50 feet: rate por foot. $5.29; amount. $201.50. Assessment No, 24 R. H. Toft. Lot 0. block 05. originnl townsitc of tho citv of Medford. Oregen: front age 50 feet on tho west side of .S. Hollv street, nnd described in Vol. 19. page 225. countv recorder's rcc-i ords of Jackson countv Oregen: 50' feet: rnto per foot. $5.29: amount.! S204.50.' ' ..w. Assessment No. 25 Clara I). Drisco. Lot 1. block 04. original townsitc of the eitv of Medford. Or Or eeon: frontage 50 feet on the west sido of N. Hollv strcot. and de scribed in Vol. -17, page 5S4. coun tv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregen: 50 feet: rate per foot. $5.29: amount. $204.50. sscssmont No. 20 Clnra 8. Driscoc. S. 2o feet lot 2. block 04. original townsitc of the citv of Med ford. Oregen: frontage 25 feet on the west side of N. Jlollv strcot. and described in Vol. 47. pngo 5S4. coun tv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregen: 25 feet: rate per foot. $5.20: amount. $132.25. Assessment No. 27 Jackson Co. Bide. & Lonn Assn. N. 25 feet lot 2. S. 25 feet lot 3. block 04. orig innl townsitc of tho citv of Medford, Oregen: frontngo 50 feet on tho west sido of N. nollv street, nnd do- scribed in Vol. 72. pago 022. couu- tv recorders records of Jackson countv. Oregen: 50 foet: rato por foot. $5.29: amount. $204.50. Assessment No. 28 M. Elwood et u.. N. 25 feet lot 3 nnd lot 1. block 04. original townsito of tho citv of Medford, Oregen: frontngo 75 feet on the wost sido of N. Hollv strcot. nnd described iu Vol. 73. page 413. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregen: 75 feet: rnto por- foot. $5.29: amount, $390.75. Assessment No. 29 Oregon & California Land Co. Lot 5. block 04. original townsito of tho citv of .Medford, Oregon; frontngo 50 feet on tho wost sido of N. Hollv stroot. and described m Vol. 51. pago 348, countv recorder's rocords of Jack son countv. Oregon; 50 feet: rato por loot, $5.20: amount, $204.50. Assessment No. 30 Oregon & California Lund Co. Lot 0, block 04. original townsito of tho citv of Medford. Oregen: frontngo 50 fcot on tho west sido of N. Hollv stroot, and described in Vol. 51. page 34S. countv recordor's rocords of Jack son countv. Oregon; 5Q foot; rnto nor foot. $5.29: nmount. $204.50. ABBOssmont No, 31 A, B. Jonos. Lot 1. blook 03. originnl townsito of tho citv of Medford. Oregen: front- ago 50 feet on tho wost sido of N. Hollv stroot. nnd desoribod in Vol. 81, pngo 593,esountv recordor's rec ords of Jackson oountv, Oregon; 50 loot; rnto per loot. $5.29: nmount. $204.50. Assossmont No, 32 Sociotv -of tho Sisters of tho IIolv Names of Jesus and Mnry, Lot 3, block 03. original townsito of tho ojtv of Mod- loru, uregon; irontago 50 loot on tho west sido of N. IIollv stroot. and dosoribod iu Vol. , pngo , coun tv recordor's rocords of Jackson countv, Oregen: 50 footi rnto ner foot, $5.20; nmount. $204.50. Assossmont Wo. 33 L. J, Quigloy, Lot 3, blook 03. original townsito of tho citv of Medford, Orogen: front- Fine Grccerie s arc here, and all we ask is a trial order, and we will prove to you that this is a good place to trade. SUPERIOR BAKERY PRODUCTS JAre you a patron of our Bakery? Then you know that we turn out the kind of bakery good that please and that all anyone needs to do is to get in the habit of ordering here. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. QWe guarantee satis faction by stating that we will positively make good anything that may prove wrong. Just call us up and report the trouble and we will do the rest. Allen & Reagan Main and Central. Phone Main 2711 J What have you to trade In Medford city property or close-in country property for the following;: 200 ncres of land, about 110 acres in cultivation and under irri gation; private water ditch covering, it and 1-3 interest in ditch belong ing to the ranch; tho soil is a deep rich sandy loam; good G-room house, with largo screen porch in renr; Inrgo barn and plenty of other outbuildings; good fences; 00 to 05 head of cattle, team of good work horses with harness and wagou, all farming tools, 7 or 8 head of hogs, About $1000 worth of hay; a nice' family orchard, bearing; plenty of J homes. Tho cash price of tho place J is $10,000, and a trndo if entertnined must bo on this bnsis. Inquire i White & Trowbridge Room 211 Fnrmers & Fruitgrowers Bank Building. (Coiitlnuod on pago C) WOOD Onk, Laurel, Fir and Pine. Buy your wiutor supply new: reasonable pricos. THE SUN STAR WOOD CO.. 15 Almond st., or Room 31. J. C. Bnnk bldg. Phone Main 4751. C. T. Mori. Prop. AUTOMOBILES 0. W. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. 0. M. Murphy. AUTO LIVERY 1910 Chalmers Dotroits. Phono 1801, Valley Auto Company, Medford, Or. Quick Sorvioo. EaBy Riding Pricos Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141, Agenoy for tho Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank n. Hull, Prop.. Medford, Or. ATTEND COLLEGE. Arrange to attond tho Eugene Bus iness Collogo, and let us got you a good position when you graduate. En tor now. Send for our now cata logue, 14 West Seventh street, Eugene, OreLon. tf NOMINATION BLANK Writo plainly. It is advisable to nso this blank, but nominations can bo written on any paper. Coupon is printed for convenionco only. I Nominate '''-'-nfls ... ru ,ict No. in tho most popular candidate in the Mnil Tribnne Contest. Signed , . . . Data Address Each nomination sent in will county twenty votes if sent to tho Mnil Tribune Contest Department. The Mail Tribune reserves tho right to reject any objectionable nominations. Cut out this blank nnd send it to the Mail Tribune with your name or tho name and address of your favorite candidate. A subscription with it is not necessary, bnt a gpod start means much. This blank can be used as often ns desired for the same candidate, nnd each and every one counts twenty. Tho name of the party making tho nomina tion will not be divulged if so desired. In case of a tic, prizes of eqnal value will be givon. SPLENDID LOT Ea& t Front in Walnut Park, 60x125 under price for quick sale Bittner 11 For Sale Fine home ranch in Orchard Home, half mile from two paved streets of Medford, consisting of 8Yo acres in mostly full bearing commercial fruit, first class; nearly all new "buildings; 200 head of poultry. Team and tools go with the place if desired. If inter ested come out and see my big turkeys, and prize winner, Spitzenburgs growing on the trees. No com mission to agent. ROBT. DUTTON, MEDFORD, ORE. MMM R. F. GUE.RIN & CO. 4 Medford National Bank Bldg. Make Real Estate Loans Quick Action Bring Abstract With You I Medford Ircm WorRs E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents hi So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables and will oonduot a general feed and boarding establishment. Horses boarded by the day, wook or mouth. I guarantee a square deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BABN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. Edward Charles Root TEACHER OF MANDOLIN, BANJO, GUITAR, VIOLIN AND CLARINET. STUDIO AT RESBOENOE, 142 N0RTII I.VX STREET, I I , ' $--, : ,. l-HW'"'')'