TjSiT ". " MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WESDESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 10.1.0. Eagle Point Eaglets - A. C. Hewlett. A. B. Zmunonnnu. one ot our UendinK niorclmnts, is preparing to fouihl a home uear his store for a family residence, ns be needs the (rooms occupied by the family in his mercantile business. Jud Edsall, John Foster, Harry Tcnn and Mr. Farlow, who have been iu the surveying crow working -on tho railrond right of way be tween Butte Falls and Pilican Bay, -came in Wednesday night and spout hc night here, and Thursday morn ing Mr. Farlow went to his home -Jud Edsall went to his father's near Butte Falls, but returned the noxt -day and John Foster went to work for us on a sewer pipo wo are put ling down. The surveying party has been disbanded fer the winter. County School Superintendent Peroy Wills was out Wednesday and visited our school for a short time Our school is growing in interest and numbers and we have a good pros pect for a No. 1 school here agaiii -this winter. The railroad company is making somo changes iu the work iu this section. I understand that they arc ffoing to dispose of the steam shovel they- have been using and put iui another and are adding to their fa- uiltics for handliuf gravel. Your corespondent took a spin over to Sams Valley Friday after a load of peaches, but found that ho crop had been gathered aud sold with tho exception of a few, but I had been there before, aud so wo are not out of that luxury. Friday while Mr. Woodburn was working loading ties for the P. & E. railroad he accidentally fell off ths pile of tics and broke one of his leg. Ho was taken to the hospital .it Medford for treatment. The same day as Harry Smith was holding a heavy sledge against a largo bolt in tho steam shovel that they were taking to pieces to ship to The Dalles, and another man was striking the bolt, a piece of steel from the face of the hummer broke off and punctured Harry Smith's leg just below tho knecn, entering nn artery. lie was immediately placed on a handcar aud brought to town and Dr. Holt removed the piece of steel and now Harry is looking for a soft job while he is uuablo to do heavy work. The men having charge of the steam shovel here have taken it to pieces and it is now on a flatcar at the depot ready to bo shipped to The Dalles. OKAY HAIltS llAXISUKl). Tho old Idea ot using sago tor dark ening tho tnlr Is again coming la vogue. Our grandmothers used toj havo dark, glossy hair at tho ago ot Bovonty-tlvo, while our mothers liavo ' white- hair betoro thoy aro titty. Ouri urandmothora used to mako "sngo' tea" atml apply it to their hair. Tho tea mado their hair soft and glossy and gradually restored tho natural color, Ono objection to using bucIi a preparation was tho trouble of mak ing It, especially ns It hail to ho made ovory two or threo days on ncocunt ot It sourhiu quickly. TMb objection has boon overcome aud by asking almost any first-class druggist for Wyotli's Sago mil Sulphur tho public can got a uuporlor propar.vtlon ot saga with tho admixture or mtlplyir, an other valuable roniody for hnlr and Bovr.lp trouhlofl. Dally uao ot thin preparation will not only quickly re store tho color of tho hair, but will also stop tho hnlr from falling out rnd mako It grow. It la nold by all druggists for COo and $1.00 a bottle, or In Hunt direct by tho Wyeth Choin Ical Company, 71 Cortlandt St., Now York city, upon receipt of prloo. IjKON 11. 1IASIC1N9, Medford, Or, If your advertising In no unimpor tant that It mnUea peoplo Biippoiio your otoro to ho unimportant--work hard to correct tho Inni'Mmlon. Central Point Items I I CORSETS Better than ever. The town council will hold a warm -session tonight. There are mam things coming up which will serv as tinder to head the pitch. SLouH the municipal Pepee have an erup tion, a complete report will appoar in our next letter. There is a rum HjIc deep down iu the bowels of city government and some smoke issuing from the municipal crater and a scattering of the lava of indignutiou is expected, even by the most con servative taxpayers of the town. Our streets are in an extremely 'bad shape for the winter season, full of chuckholes and swales left by the water pipe ditches and wheu the rainy season is. on, our names will be mud. J. C. Morrow, traveling by motor cycle, who has been resting here for a, couple of days, left Monday even ing for Sisson, 'Cal. He wiH cross lac Siskiyous on his machine. The- Free Method's! camp meeting did not result in ninny conversions, but iu a real good Christian time. "Too Much Johnson" was the cause of their failure to save souls. They all joined church at Johnson's re vival. Carpenters and contractors claim that could thoy havo sunshine for eight mouths more they could keep every workman in town busy every I day during that time. The rainy season will stop work on score's of new houses, but every workable day will witness the revival of activity in the building line. The first number of the Britt Ly ceum course will occur at the local opera house Thursday night when Ernest J. Sins will deliver ono of his famed lectures. The Ladies' Civic Improvement club expacts good crowds at each number of the course. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pattijou were in Medford on a business misioa Monday and were accompanied by their little daughter Dorothv. ' BULBS Exclusive Agency for Portland Seed Co. Medford Greenhouse Phone 3741 HAIR WHITE AS SNOW Restored (o Natural Color with One Bottle of WYETH'S SAGE AMD SULPHUR If AM REMEDY The Only True Hair Restorer, Tonic and Rejuvenator ALMOST A MSRACLE My hair was as white ns snow when I commenced using Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. One bottle re stored my hair to its natural dark brown color. A3 1 urn now 70 years old, I consider the result most remarkable. It la en agreeable and refreshing hair dressing, keeping the hair soft and glossy, without being in the least greasy or sticky. , WM. WESTLAKE, 210 Vv w-. .un Street, Rochester, N. Y. 3ssa u(ga I M IUI i! m b AN IDItAt. Hair Tonics Dressing I..J. Wl. l-M l"l rAi.11 M"t m k MICE Mc. AND fl.OO) MA.aMMlM. Jjm onH ciiimical cav MwioKxcm MnS. ED ANDREWS, -r f VOICE CULTURE, ' AT NATATORIUM TUES- DAYS AND FRIDAYS. PHONE NO. 3052. 4- i f 4.. Engineers and Stenographers "Will find complete as sortment of supplies and materials at Medford Book Why hesitate when WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is daily producing just such results? After yearn of study nnd nnnlynin of the hnlr, we hnvc been nble to produce an idonl Hair Tonic and iiostorer, which contains nn actual constituent of hair, combined with ingredients of recognized merit for treatment of liair and scalp diseases. It makes nnd keeps the scalp clean nnd healthy, Rives life, strength nnd lustre to the hair, nnd restores laded and gray hair to natural color. $?' No matter how lone and thick your hair is, WYETH'S -SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REM fclDY will ma!:c it longer and thicker. It will re movo every trace of dandruff in a few days, stop falling in one week, and start a new growth in from one to three months. mese aro xacis that have been proven in scores or cases, WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is guar anteed to do nil that it is claimed to do or the price will be refunded. 50c. AND $1.00 A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS If Your Drutftflitt Do Net Kap It Sand SOo. In Slmpl xnd Wa Will Send You a. Lr Uollla, Expraaa Prepaid 74 CORTLANDT STREET NEW YORK CITY, N. , Southern Dairy Co. Wholesale and Retail Deal- era in Ice Cream Milk, Cream, Butter and Buttermilk. If you havo any sweet or sour cream for sale, call on us at 32 S. Cou tral or phone. MILK ROUTE IN CONNECTION Wyeth Chemical Company, For Sale by LEON B. HASKINS, Medford, Oregon Storo Phono Main 881. Ranch Phono Farmore 7183. Investors Snant. I tun offered proposition in JHi nois vnlloy which I intend to necopt if I diuposo of property. Don't bo Hlowmonoy tnlktt. Now iix-rooin modern bungalow, throe blocks from WnxhiiiKton school, pos Hcstdon if dunircd or n oiihIi tonnnt for ton month)! at !(): toinl iimnnni $100 deducted from price, $3800; toniiR, Will trade intorcflt in four lots for good tcnin, wneon nnd hnrneHn. Addrofla 73. onro Mail Tribttiin. nr call Phono .1201. 1 " W ,4';?: V'T v- -' v. - i. . m- Ik: i i hi- f ft' 4 - THE ESSENTIALS of an Orchard Platting Proposition for a home or an Investment are Good Soil, Good Location And a Price '0 M 4. 1 " 'A WHICH GIVES THE OTHER FELLOWS AJNT OPPOR TUNITY TO MAKE A PROFIT 4s '. hu 1j ? 8' ' '" . ' 't i ' We haye a 200-acre tract between Talent and Ashland, located on the main road, with about 75 acres planted to ? Si!!k and "y g ritil the Place Thc Prico ?cr b about half what othoiB are SSSta TfSSSSjfe can make very easy terms. If you want a platting proposition you should not over look this. It is priced low for a quick turn. If interested let us show you this property W. T. YORK & CO " ( '. ,4. ,V4. t t .';.; f 'V i. - i j '' 'i i