Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 05, 1910, Image 1

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-t Mill
-In '
nill Leased Wlro Itoport. '
Tho only pnpor In the worl
published In a city tho sise of
Medford having a leaned wlr.
t'luar tonight jukI TIihm-
No. 170.
i gai ' ,r ;,,y " ,; ,- ;i - ,v jfltoy jjflp fotiJF fy jPjW ti vj; p!f iSMWT"' J ' '"
Diplomats Believe That Etiflland Will
Interfere In Behalf of Manuel
Spain Looks for Trouble Within
Her Boundaries.
LONDON, Oct. C Civil war, ac
companied by terror ami anarchy,
Jjweoplng Portugal today. Un
checked by nrniod forces, bands of
riotorH dotilgnntod an revolutionary
mobii by the loyalists, cacked tho
lioincH of Kovernment offlclnlH and
lending royalUUi. slaughtering tho In
mates and firing dwelling, accord
ing to illapntchoR received horo thin
ClerlcnlB mid loynlliits nro fleeing
from tho city nnd abandoning their
property. Tho most sovora fighting
is reported around tho government
building. Tho mnjorlty of tho rov
olutionUtn nro armed with, rifles, in
titrating thru tho uprlnlng hnd long
been plnnnod.
fttotvti Ilnlricd.
Government tttoros have boon raid
ed nnd their nrniH nnd aininunltlon
Tho loynllBtB, behind bnrrlcndos In
tho principal stroots of Lisbon nnd
along tho paiaco platas, aro firing on
tho rioters. TlovolutlonlHts nro guard
ing tho water front to provont tho
escape of King Manuel If ho bo found
In tho city,
. Ilnrbor CUmcd.
Tho roynl pnlnco Ib partly wreck
ed, -'"y?
Trains nro unablo to reach nenror
to Lisbon thnn Santnrom, and tho
Portuguciio wnrahlps liavo closod tho
harbor, preventing tho ontrnnro nnd
exit of forolgn vosboIb.
It 1b reported that King Mnnuol
Bought rofugo at ono of tho foreign
logntlouH before boarding tl)o Ilrn
zlllan warship.
Tho UrltlBh cruiBor Newcastle- la
roportod to hr.vo arrived tit Lisbon.
" ((.inTlnumT (in I'iTkii fi )
Owner of Los Annclos Times Is Ar
rested But Allowed to Go on His
Own Recognizance -A Similar
Charno Filed Against Chandler.
LOS ANGELES, Cnl.. Oct. C- -General
Harrison Gray Otis must ap
pear in court to answer to com
plaints sworn to by A. J, Gnlliiglioi
a San Francisco labor loader, charg
ing lihol.
Otis was nrreslod last ovouiug on
warrants issuort by Judgo Shortnll
of San Franoisoo. A writ of haboas
comps roturnnblo nt '2 o'clock today
was issuod iy Judgo Willis, noting
presiding judge of tho Los Angeles
county superior court.
Otis was ponnittod to go froo on
his own roeogniznnco. ITo promised
to appear in court nt any hour.
Tho complaint against Otis is al
most identical with that roeontly
filed against Manager Harry Chan
dler of the Times. ITo is chnrgod with
lihol for having doolarcd in tho
Timofl, aoenrding (o tho allegation,
that certain San Franoisco labor
loadors onmo to Los Angeles to promote-
City's Health, Wclfaro and Finances
Considered Mayor Tenders Mes
sage Urnlnrj Creation of Water
Commission To Light Streets
The meeting of the city father
liiNt night wilt undoubtedly he pro
ductive of much good to tho city an
many vital mutters were considered.
First in importance, n it conceniH
tlte lienlth of the people, war was de
clared on filth. After a stimulating
Kpeccli by tho city health officer, Dr.
J. K. Shearer, tho council doclnnd
its intention of fit riot enforcement of
sanitary regulations. Butchers who
have been bringing meat through the
city streets unprotected frour- tho
ravages of tho "typhoid" fly must be
more careful iu tiie future Milk from
tho different dairies is to be sent by
jho city phy&iciun totho Unto offi
cials for examination lor tuberou
Ionic. Owners of old vaults must do
awny with them or buffer heavy
Another important matter was the
consideration of the mayor's message
advising the placing of the water de
partment of tiie City under u water
eoimnisMon composed of business
men of the city.
Mayor Canon urged Hint as Med
ford now had water system costing
$.r)00,000, which is too lnrgo mi in
terest to be linndled by tho council
witli other routine business, the
water system should have the indi-
(Coiitfpupil on 'Pnfo"IT
Young Business Man of. Medford
Claims Miss Lottlo Little as Bride
Romance Dates From Time Thry
Were In Grammar School Together.
"I hnvo done it."
Tlieso four words clicked out over
a spluttering telegraph wire this
morning eompriso tho announcement
that Edward Van Dyke, senior mem
ber of tho uVn Dyko Hoalty company
of this city, lias nt last surrendered
to the onslaughts of Cupid and hut
taken to wife Miss Lottio Little of
this city, the daughter of It. P. Llt
tlo of Medford. Tho couplo wofQ
mnrriod Tuosday in Portland and
hnvo loft for British Columbia on a
wedding tour. Thoy will rot urn to
Medford in two weeks and make
thoir homo horo.
Tho marriage is tho culmination of
n lovo affair dating back to
"School days, school days,
Doar old goldorrulo days.
Itodiu1 nnd wrilin' ami 'ritlimetic,
Taught to tho swish of a hiokory
You wore my quoon in calico,
I was your barefoot, bashful boau.
You wroto, on your slato, 'I lovo you
Whon wo were a couplo of kids."
And has continuod to grow with
tho passing of tho yonrs.
Mrs, Van Dyko is ono of tho most
populnr momhors of the vonnger so
oiul sot of Medfordv while Mr. Vnn
Dyko is a rising young business man.
Scoros of friends wish thorn contin
uod happiness nnd prosperity.
United States Court Will Close Its
Session Hero This Afternoon De
cision in Nunan Case Will Be
Handed Down at Later Date.
An important ruling was made bv
Judge Wolverton in the federal court
this morning against tho cotnplniu
auts in the cases between the heirs
of Jnmcs A. Citrdwcil nnd Jcriminh
Xunnn, concerning ownership of 300
neres of lnnd cast of Jacksonville.
Tiie court ruled out all evidence n3
tto tho intent of the will in question
ns was to ho judged by what James
A. Cardwoll said. Tho judgo held
that n will could not bo impeached
by anything snid before or after it
was drawn. This decision of the
court destroyed n largo portion of
the evidence upon which the com
plninnnts have been bnsing their ensj.
The ruling lenves the intent of tho
will to be decided entirely from tho
writing itself. Tho lawyers spent
most of the morning rending pre
cedents bearing upon tho case. They
were summing up their cases wolmn
the morning session closed.
The court will closo this nfternoon.
Judge Wolverton will not render n
decision here, however, but will tnko
tiie case under advisement. ITo will
leave for Portland tonicht.
Frnhois Fitch, .formerly n well
known attorney of Medford, diud
Snturdnv nt his homo in Now York
City. Mr. Fitch practiced law horo
in" tho latter QO's and wns widely
known throughout Southern Oregon.
He wns a brothor-iii-lnw of Win
Cardwoll, having nmrrjori ono of the
Cnrdwell sisters of Jacksonville
Stubborn Fire Partially Destroys
Three-Story Buildlnn In Portland
Two Newspaper Men Overcome
by Smoke.
PORTLAND, Or.', Oct. 5. Two
men are dead from suffocation nnd
one fireman is in a hospital today .iu
n result of n stubborn firo which
partially destroyed n throo-story
frame building on Washington stroot,
near Tenth, shortly hoforo nudniKht.
Tho two top floors was used ns u
lodging houso, while tho first floor
contained a saloon and n paint store,
Tho loss is. estimated ut $20,00.
Tho fire started nt tho roar of tho
paint store, whoro a quantity of oils
and paints were storod.
Ono of tho firo victims is boliovod
to bo J. Ilurko of Dee, Orogon, Tho
nnmo of tho other has not boon ns
cortinod. Thoy ocoupiod room No.
18 on tho top floor. Tho men had re
tired a fow minutes provious to the
discovery of tho firo.
Seven firomun and two nowspiipor
mon wore 'overcome bv iho MUi
nil smoke while making dospornto ef
forts to reseuo tho mon. Fireman
McDonald wns so far ovoroomo that
it was necessary to tako him to a
More Bodies Are Found in Debris
'Police Believe They Are Closing in
on Men Who Wrecked Times
Launch is Found in Which Powder
Was Transported to Alviso.
SAN JOSE, Cal., Oct. 5. That the
"powder launch" in which it Is be
lieved part of tho giant gelaine was
shipped to Los Angeles landed a por
tion at least of its cargo at Alviso
at the oxtromlty of lower San Fran
cisco bay was borno out jtodi7 by ad
ditional data obtained by Shorlff W.
A. Hammlll of Los Angeles.
Hnmmlll worked & Prt of yester
day on the lower bay with United
Press correspondents, following a
duo that led to tracing tho move
ments of tho men handling tho ex
plosive as far as Alviso.
Crgo Transferred.
Tho launch Peerless,; now identi
fied aB tho Pastime, arVWed at Al
viso on tho afternoon af September
25. Tho cargo, now believed to have
been destined for Loa 'Anjcles, was
transferred to an autosjobilo during
tho nighty Tho jaunQk'aboached
on IndlscMtlat, ncaVMoaatain'ViewC
whero it Is now believed by Hammlll
that a part of tho explosive was bid
den. It is thought that this was done
before tho landing nt Alv'so was
On tho ifternoon of September 2G
about 4:30 o'clock a launch with
tho peculiar lines of tho "powder
boat" wns hailed going northward at
tho Daumbarion drawbridge by Keep
er Tom Martin, who asked tho name
of tho craft. No reply was glvon by
any of tho thrco men lu tho boat,
(Continued on faga 8.)
Committee of Seven Delegates Going
Carefully Over Ruins of Times
Bulldlnfl Preparatory to Fillnn.
Report of Disaster.
LOS ANGELES, Cnl.. ..Oct, 5. A
committco of soven delegates to the
convention of tho California Federa
tion of Labor nro going carefully
ovor the ruins of tho Tiiuos building
today preparatory to filing a roport
of tho disaster with tho stato board.
Tho committeo was named yester
day and instructed to probe tho af
fair thoroughly bocauso of tho
charge mado by tho Timou that un
ionism was responsible for tho cnt
nstropho. Tho committco oxpqocts to
roport to tho convention today.
Ashland Man Accepts Democratic
Nomination Tendered Him at Pri
mariesWill Contest With H. Von
tier Hellcn of Welleii.
R. 1 Noil of Ashland lias filed his
acceptance of tho nomination for tho
stnto sonnto given him bv tho domo
orntio party at tho primnrios.IIo will
contest with II, Von dor Ilellen of
Wollen for tho olootion in November.
Water Commission Proposed
Mayor Canon
"To the City Council of the City of Medferd:
"Gentlemen After giving the matter considerable thought nnd nftor
consultation with some of tho prominent business men of the city, t have
decided to recommend to the council that the management of the water
system of the city be pluced iu churgo of a commission of business men.
"When the contractor has finished his present contract for laying
distributing mains, it may fairly be said that Medford has a completed
water works system. Further extensions in the distributing system will
be constantly required, but this is always true in every growing city. This
plant has cost the city more than half n million dollars, and it is abso
lutely essential to tho prosperity nnd well being, of the city that it bo
managed i nn careful, yet progressive manner, mid with business judge
ment nnd insight. Above all, politics should be kept out. No employe of
this department should ever be under nny obligation to any party or
clique, or have cause to fear that his position or promotion depends upon
its success or defeat.
"It seems to be that there urc three principal objections to contin
uing the management of the water works system with tho ceuncil: '
"J. The large amount of other public business that members of tho
council nrc called upon to look after makes it impossible for them to
(Ave to the management of the water works system as much time and at
tention ns is required.
"2. There is always danger where the management is retained m
the hands of the council thnt the department will be dragged into party
politics, p to this time party politics lias played no part in the govern
ment of Medford, but there are always those in every community who
seek to advance their pcrsonnl interests by injecting partisanship into
tho local affairs. Tho record nnd history of American cities demonstrates
conclusively that .thiss. destructivc-of-good.govcniment,.but.thorais al
woys nn element thnt thinks more of party nnd personal welfare than of
the welfare of the community.
"3. In tho management of tho water system it will sometimes oc
cur that business requirements will render necessary rules, regulations
and courses of notion which mny not meet with popular approval for the
time being. Experience has demonstrated that n commission of busipss
men are more likely to meet such situations fearlessly thnn a body of
elected officials.
"In my judgment the council, as the administrative body of the city,
should retain a supervisory power over the general administration of
th ewntcr system, but the conduct of the business should bo placed abso
lutely in tho hnnds of the commission.
"To b.ring nbont this change will probably require nn nmondment of
tho charter of the city.
"If my suggestions meet your npprovnl, you should direct tho nec
ossary amendments to bo prepared.
"I would suggest thnt this matter be placed in the hnnds of n com
mittee of nttornovs nnd business men, nud thnt thej' be also authorized
to go over the chnrtcr and the amendments thnt have been pnsstu during
the last four years, suggesting any minor changes which mnv be neces
sary, nnd eliminating nnv conflicting provisions that may have crept iu,
and perhaps simplifying somo of the mnehiner' for mnking improve
ments, assessments nnd other mnttors of detail; and when this has been
npproved bv the people that on edition of tho ehnrter bo printed. At tho
present time thcro nro no copies of the charter to bo had and the
amendments are scattered through the records of tho last four years.
"Respect f nil v. W. II. CANON. Mayor."
Cars Will Enter Race Unrestricted
and Faster Time Is Expected Than
That Made for Vanderbllt Cup
Additional Entries Are Made.
NEW YORK, Oct. 5. Drivors of
racing cars ontored in tho Grand Prix
raco bogan tuning up their machines
today on tho Vanderbllt course. Sov
oral racors went over tho course this
Tho cars will ontor tho Grand Prix
unrestricted and it is expected that
faotor tlmo will bo mado tbnn was
mado In tho Vanderbllt raco. Addi
tional ontroes woro received today, a
Ford driven by Frank Kulick nnd n
Shap-Harrow, drlvon unannounced.
William K. Vnndorbllt today an
nounced that bocnuso of criticism at
tributed to tho Bonz company as to
tho way tho Vanderbllt raco was con
ducted, Uonz cars will bo barred from
tho Grand Prix. This moans that
barnoy Oldfiold George Robertson
and II, E. Meyer will not bo contest
Outlines Views
Regardless That He is About to Be
Tried on Charge of Bribery, Sena
torial Committee Summons State
Senator in Illinois.
CHICAGO, Oct. 5. Ignoring tho
plon thnt Stato Senator Broderiok is
about to bo tried on a charge of bri
bery, tho senatorial committee inves
tigating tho election of William Lor-
imor' to tho Unitod States sonnto to
day ordored Brodoriok to appear and
testify completely concerning his al
leged connection with legislative bri-
Brodoriok is undor indictment at
Springfield on a churgo of having
given $1000 to Stnto Sonntor Ilolt
slnw for his vote for Lorimor. Ho "s
about to bo tried nt Springfield, no
cording tot tho prosooution.
Holtslnw has already been boforo
tho committee nud testifed that
Brodoriok gnvo him tho money with
tlin umlnrKtnndinf Hint bin vntn irae
to bo enst for Lorimer. . I
(Continued on rage 6.)
SHARE 73,000
146,394,000 Feet of Timber Offerei
and Bids Received Timber
Stands in Pelican Bay Region on
Watershed of Four Mile Creek.
In compliance with a request from
California lumber men, the forest
service has offered tor sale 146,394,
000 feet of timber in tho Crater na
tional forest, nnd bids have beea
received on tho same. Tho timber to
offered on a basis of $3.15 a thou
sand for pine end 11.50 a thousand
for fir. Bids will be opened In about
30 days. .
The sale will amount to $365,316,
as 90,000,000 feet of the timber la
pine. Jackson county's share of ths .
receipts will be $73,000. As tho tim
ber must be cut In five years, the an
nual recelypta of tho county will be
approximately $14,600.
The timber stands on tho water
shed of Four-Mile creek In tho -Pell- -can
Bay region. All trees under 20
Inches In diameter will bo loft stand
ing and all brush must bo piled and4
Jackson county derives its share
from the provision by the federal
government that tho counties receive .
25 per cent of all timber sales in
their boundaries. As 80 per cent of
the Crr.ter national forest -is in Jack- ',
son county, this county receives 80 j
per cent of the 25 per cent of the
sales. Klamath county will receive '.
tho other 20 per cent or about $18,- t
000. As bids have been received by
tho forestry officials for tho timber, -a
sale has practically been made, as ,
the timber will go to tho highest bid- t,,
der. '
Each Twenty-four Hours Sees Moro
Bottles Added to the Stock
.......... r --.,... r- f
ncauy cvciy oumi luuicb rruui a
Pint Bottle Up. ,;1
Mil M
What will tho city do with itsi
booze? ? ?
That is a question which confronts !
tho city dads. Tho city hall Is ah
ready assumlne the nppoaranco of al
well stocked, respectable family!
llnuor store nnd lf tho nnltco con.
tintio to rellovo hoboes and drunks k
of their Intoxicants largor store'1
rooms must soot bo engaged.
Thoro Is not a 24-hour period that I
doos not add a bottlo or two to the
city's assortment. It is thought that
if the city dads aro wldo awako and
Duviiib iuvy win UltipoHU oi (lit) liquor
In somo rotnil manner so on to get '
tho boneflt of tho high IIcoiibo which ,
regular wlno merchants must pay.
Therel s prospect, howovor, lf such
action Is taken by tho city that local i
saloon men will protest on tho ground
of unfair competition.
PABIS, Oct. 5,Loon Moranf?,
who recently broko tho world's alti-
tudo record nt Issy, und his brother j
Robort were sovoroly injured today i
by a fall from an aeroplane naarf
Boissy, fhe aviators droppbr.v.
a great height.
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